
11 September 2024
Behind the Paper: “Cellular N-Myristoyl Transferases Are Required for Mammarenavirus Multiplication”—a New Weapon against Human Pathogenic Mammarenaviruses: Targeting Host Cell N-myristoyltransferases

Authors: Haydar Witwit, Carlos Alberto Betancourt, Beatrice Cubitt, Roaa Khafaji, Heinrich Kowalski, Nathaniel Jackson, Chengjin Ye, Luis Martinez-Sobrido and Juan C. de la Torre

The Challenge

Several mammarenaviruses, chiefly Lassa virus (LASV) in Western Africa and Junin (JUNV) in the Argentine Pampas cause hemorrhagic fever (HF) diseases associated with high morbidity and mortality, posing important public health problems in their endemic regions. In addition, mounting evidence indicates that the worldwide-distributed mammarenavirus lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) is a neglected human pathogen of clinical significance in paediatric and transplantation medicine [1–3]. Current anti-mammarenavirus therapy is limited to an off-label use of ribavirin for which efficacy remains controversial [4]. Hence, the importance of developing novel therapeutics to combat human pathogenic mammarenaviruses.

Our Discovery: A New Way to Fight Mammarenavirus Infections

Instead of targeting directly the activity of a viral protein, we focused on targeting N-myristoylation directed by the host cell N-myristoyltransferases (NMT1 and NMT2), a process that the virus relies on to complete both its cell entry and budding exiting processes [5,6]. We found that treatment with specific NMT inhibitors, DDD85646 or IMP-1088, effectively stop propagation of LCMV, as well as the HF causing mammarenaviruses LASV and JUNV [7].

Why This Matters

Our findings support the use of NMT inhibitors as a novel antiviral strategy to combat LASV and other human pathogenic mammarenaviruses. Targeting a host cell process can pose a much higher genetic barrier for the selection of drug-resistant variants, a common problem with direct antiviral drugs. NMT inhibitors can be also incorporated into combination therapy protocols.

A Deep Dive into NMT Inhibition in Mammarenavirus Life Cycle

Mammarenaviruses are enveloped viruses with a bi-segmented negative-stranded (NS) RNA genome [8]. Each genome RNA segment, L (ca 7.3 kb) and S (ca 3.5 kb), uses an ambisense coding strategy to direct the synthesis of two polypeptides in opposite orientation, separated by a non-coding intergenic region (IGR). The L genome segment encodes the viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase (L), and Z matrix protein, whereas the S genome segment encodes the viral glycoprotein precursor (GPC) and the viral nucleoprotein (NP). GPC is co-and post-translationally processed to produce a stable signal peptide (SSP), and the mature GP1 and GP2 subunits that together with the SSP form the spikes that decorate the virus surface and mediate cell entry via receptor-mediated endocytosis [9–11]. GP1 mediates binding to the cellular receptor and GP2 the pH-dependent fusion event in the late endosome required for release of the virus ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) complexes into the cell cytoplasm where they direct the replication and transcription of the viral genome [12,13].

Early studies have shown that N-myristoylation is required for the role of the mammarenavirus matrix Z protein in assembly and budding [5,6], and for the role of the SSP in the GP2-mediate fusion event [12]. These findings were based on the use of 2-hydroxy-myristic acid (2-HMA) and 2-HMA analogs as inhibitors of N-myristoyltransferases (NMT1 and NMT2) responsible for catalyzing N-myristoylation in mammalian cells [5,14]. However, recent studies have demonstrated that 2-HMA acts off-target and does not inhibit N-myristoylation in a concentration range consistent with activity on NMT [15]. Therefore, we have revisited the contribution of N-myristoylation in mammarenavirus infection using the validated on-target specific NMT1/2 inhibitor DDD85646 [16]. We found that DDD85646 exhibits a very potent antiviral activity against LCMV in cultured cells. Cell-based assays probing different steps of the LCMV life cycle revealed that DDD85646 exerted its anti-LCMV activity by interfering  with Z budding activity and GP2 mediated fusion between viral and cellular membranes, a process that requires the participation of myristoylated SSP [7] (Fig. 1).

Figure 1: Proposed model of the effect of the NMT inhibitor DDD85646 on mammarenavirus cell entry and budding

NMT isozymes facilitate the addition of myristic acid to glycine (2) of SSP and Z protein, which protect them from proteasome mediated degradation. Myristoylated SSP interacts with GP2 to facilitate the fusion event in the late endosome required to complete the virus cell entry process, whereas myristoylated Z directs the virus assembly and budding process. Inhibition of SSP and Z myristoylation by DDD85646 results in proteasome mediated degradation of SSP and Z which results in inhibition of virus multiplication. Z myr and SSP myr indicate myristoylated Z and SSP respectively.

During our studies, we observed only a minimal increase in Z protein levels in the presence of an NMT inhibitor, an unexpected finding as inhibition of Z myristoylation would interfere with the Z mediated budding process, thus resulting in accumulation of intracellular Z protein. This unexpected result led us to consider that non-myristoylated Z might be targeted for degradation. We found that treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 rescued Z protein expression in the presence of an NMT inhibitor.

Experimental Validation

The Z proteins have been shown to inhibit in a dose-dependent manner the activity of the mammarenavirus vRNP, responsible for directing replication and transcription of the viral genome, in cell-based minigenome (MG) assays. We therefore predicted that Z inhibitory effect on the MG activity would be diminished in the presence of the pan-NMT inhibitor IMP-1088, and that treatment with MG132 would restore, in the presence of IMP-1088, the Z inhibitory effect on the MG activity (Fig. 2). 

Figure 2: Proposed model of the effect of the NMT (IMP-1088) and proteosome (MG132) inhibitors on the activity of the LCMV MG

NMT isozymes facilitate the addition of myristic acid to glycine (2) of Z protein, which protects the latter from degradation, thus allowing for the Z dose-dependent inhibitory effect on viral RNA synthesis mediated by the vRNP and the consequent inhibition of the activity of the LCMV MG.  Inhibition of Z myristoylation by IMP-1088 results in proteasome mediated degradation of Z, which will relief the Z inhibitory effect on the activity of the LCMV MG (right side of the graph). Treatment with the proteasome inhibitor MG132 prevents IMP-1088 induced Z protein degradation, thus resulting in LCMV MG inhibition. L polymerase (green), NP (red) and RNA (purple) are indicated. Red X indicates cessation activity, black angled arrow indicates RNA synthesis.

Treatment with IMP-1088 resulted in the expected reduced levels of Z expression, which correlated with increased levels of MG activity (Fig. 3). Treatment with MG132 restored expression levels of Z to those observed in the absence of IMP-1088, which resulted in the corresponding inhibitory effect on the activity of the LCMV MG (Fig. 3). 

Figure 3: Effect of treatments with the NMT (IMP-1088) and proteasome (MG132) inhibitors on the activity of the LCMV MG

HEK293T cells were seeded at 2x105 per well in ploy-L-lysine treated M12 plate. Next day, cells were transfected with plasmids expressing LCMV L and NP proteins, required for the formation of a functional vRNP, and a plasmid directing intracellular synthesis of an LCMV MG directing expression of GFP (MG-GFP), together with incremental amounts of LCMV-Z tagged with HA (Z-WT-HA). At 18 h post-transfection, cells were treated with the indicated compounds. At 24 h post-treatment, cells were fixed with 4% PFA, and stained with anti-HA, followed by secondary fluorescence antibody to identify cells expressing the Z protein. The activity of the LCMV MG-GFP was assessed based on expression levels of GFP. Images were acquired at 4X magnification (BZ-X710 Keyence).

Future Directions

Our findings open the door to a new class of broad-spectrum anti-mammarenavirus therapy targeting host-cell lipidation processes. NMT inhibitors could be also incorporated into combination therapy strategies with direct acting antivirals, an approach expected to pose a high genetic barrier to the emergence of drug-resistant viruses, and to facilitate drug formulations with reduced toxicity. Notably, the small molecule NMT inhibitor PCLX-001 has been shown to be safe and well tolerated in humans [17,18], supporting the interest of exploring the repurposing of NMT inhibitors to treat infections by human pathogenic mammarenaviruses. NMT inhibitors have been shown to inhibit other viruses with myristoylated proteins, including picornaviruses [16] and vaccinia virus [19]. The use of specific pan-NMT inhibitors as a broad-spectrum antiviral strategy against viruses with myristoylated proteins warrants further investigation. 

For more details on the experiments and results, please refer to our paper, which can be found at


  1. Yadav, K.; Mathur, G.; Ford, B.; Miller, R.; Group, C.W. A Case Cluster of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Transmitted Via Organ Transplantation.: Abstract# D2381. Transplantation 2014, 98, 768.
  2. MacNeil, A.; Ströher, U.; Farnon, E.; Campbell, S.; Cannon, D.; Paddock, C.D.; Drew, C.P.; Kuehnert, M.; Knust, B.; Gruenenfelder, R.; et al. Solid Organ Transplant–Associated Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis, United States, 2011. Emerg Infect Dis 2012, 18, 1256–1262.
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  4. Carrillo-Bustamante, P.; Nguyen, T.H.T.; Oestereich, L.; Günther, S.; Guedj, J.; Graw, F. Determining Ribavirin’s Mechanism of Action against Lassa Virus Infection. Sci Rep 2017, 7, 11693.
  5. Perez, M.; Greenwald, D.L.; de La Torre, J.C. Myristoylation of the RING Finger Z Protein Is Essential for Arenavirus Budding. J Virol 2004, 78, 11443–11448.
  6. Capul, A.A.; Perez, M.; Burke, E.; Kunz, S.; Buchmeier, M.J.; de la Torre, J.C. Arenavirus Z-Glycoprotein Association Requires Z Myristoylation but Not Functional RING or Late Domains. J Virol 2007, 81, 9451–9460.
  7. Witwit, H.; Betancourt, C.A.; Cubitt, B.; Khafaji, R.; Kowalski, H.; Jackson, N.; Ye, C.; Martinez-Sobrido, L.; de la Torre, J.C. Cellular N-Myristoyl Transferases Are Required for Mammarenavirus Multiplication. Viruses 2024, 16, 1362.
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  9. Kunz, S.; Edelmann, K.H.; de la Torre, J.-C.; Gorney, R.; Oldstone, M.B.A. Mechanisms for Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus Glycoprotein Cleavage, Transport, and Incorporation into Virions. Virology 2003, 314, 168–178.
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  11. Fedeli, C.; Moreno, H.; Kunz, S. Novel Insights into Cell Entry of Emerging Human Pathogenic Arenaviruses. J Mol Biol 2018, 430, 1839–1852.
  12. York, J.; Nunberg, J.H. Role of the Stable Signal Peptide of Junín Arenavirus Envelope Glycoprotein in pH-Dependent Membrane Fusion. J Virol 2006, 80, 7775–7780.
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  14. Cordo, S.M.; Candurra, N.A.; Damonte, E.B. Myristic Acid Analogs Are Inhibitors of Junin Virus Replication. Microbes and Infection 1999, 1, 609–614.
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  16. Ramljak, I.C.; Stanger, J.; Real-Hohn, A.; Dreier, D.; Wimmer, L.; Redlberger-Fritz, M.; Fischl, W.; Klingel, K.; Mihovilovic, M.D.; Blaas, D.; et al. Cellular N-Myristoyltransferases Play a Crucial Picornavirus Genus-Specific Role in Viral Assembly, Virion Maturation, and Infectivity. PLOS Pathogens 2018, 14, e1007203.
  17. Sangha, R.S.; Jamal, R.; Spratlin, J.L.; Kuruvilla, J.; Sehn, L.H.; Weickert, M.; Berthiaume, L.G.; Mackey, J.R. A First-in-Human, Open-Label, Phase I Trial of Daily Oral PCLX-001, an NMT Inhibitor, in Patients with Relapsed/Refractory B-Cell Lymphomas and Advanced Solid Tumors. JCO 2023, 41, e15094–e15094.
  18. Sangha, R.; Davies, N.M.; Namdar, A.; Chu, M.; Spratlin, J.; Beauchamp, E.; Berthiaume, L.G.; Mackey, J.R. Novel, First-in-Human, Oral PCLX-001 Treatment in a Patient with Relapsed Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Curr Oncol 2022, 29, 1939–1946.
  19. Priyamvada, L.; Kallemeijn, W.W.; Faronato, M.; Wilkins, K.; Goldsmith, C.S.; Cotter, C.A.; Ojeda, S.; Solari, R.; Moss, B.; Tate, E.W.; et al. Inhibition of Vaccinia Virus L1 N-Myristoylation by the Host N-Myristoyltransferase Inhibitor IMP-1088 Generates Non-Infectious Virions Defective in Cell Entry. PLoS Pathog 2022, 18, e1010662.

11 September 2024
Meet Us at the Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology (APCMV), 19–21 November 2024, Singapore

We look forward to seeing you at the Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology, taking place in Singapore, from 19 to 21 November 2024.

The Asia-Pacific Congress of Medical Virology (APCMV) is a triennial international meeting that focuses on diagnostic, public health, research and clinical virology, with emphasis on the Asia Pacific region. The aim of this congress is to foster collaboration and information sharing of the latest research in the field of virology pertaining to medically important viruses and treatments against them. Including the most recent COVID-19 pandemic, many emerging virus infections have been centered in the Asia Pacific region, and the breaking down of boundaries between civilization and wildlife only serves to accelerate the spread of such viruses. Therefore, it is vital for the countries in this region to develop a strong public health, diagnostic and research base to address these problems. Hence, the APCMV congress series was started to enable the review, sharing and discussion of information concerning each of these areas in order to form a strong foundation for the management of medically important viruses.

We invite you to participate in this congress. More information can be found at the following link:

6 September 2024
Viruses | Editor’s Choice Articles from 2022 to 2023 Related to Coronaviruses

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Viruses 2022, 14(5), 882;
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“Structure of Vibrio Phage XM1, a Simple Contractile DNA Injection Machine”
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3 September 2024
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“SARS CoV-2 (Delta Variant) Infection Kinetics and Immunopathogenesis in Domestic Cats”
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“Experimental Infections of Pigs with African Swine Fever Virus (Genotype II); Studies in Young Animals and Pregnant Sows”
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Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2251;
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19 August 2024
MDPI’s 2023 Young Investigator Awards—Winners Announced

MDPI’s Young Investigator Awards recognize promising early career scientists, acknowledge their contributions, and foster collaboration within the scientific community. We are proud to announce the recipients for 2023, who were carefully selected by the journals’ esteemed Award Evaluation Committee.

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2 August 2024
MDPI Romania Author Training Sessions in May

In May, MDPI Romania held three author training sessions – one endorsing an external event and two stand-alone sessions.

The National Session of Scientific Student Communications took place at Technical University Cluj on 17 and 18 May 2024. MDPI Romania sponsored this event and contributed an author training session on the production of research papers and case study analyses. JRS Norbert Kiss gave a presentation called The World of Open Access to explain different open access publishing models and the benefits of open access publishing. His presentation highlighted the impact of open access publishing on scientific progress and innovation.

On 29 May 2024, MDPI Romania hosted an author training session for Ph.D. students, early career researchers, and professors at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy. In collaboration with Prof. Andreea Arsene, JRS Ioana Paunescu prepared two presentations: The Steps of the Publishing Process and Elaboration of a Peer Review Report. In her first presentation, she delved into MDPI’s history and mission, MDPI’s editorial process, and MDPI journals of various scopes that are accepting submissions. Her second presentation outlined the types of peer review, the contents of a peer review report by an MDPI reviewer, and the responsibilities of an MDPI reviewer.

MDPI Romania also hosted an author training session at the Iasi University of Life Sciences on 29 May 2024. JRSs Laurentiu Preda and Cosmin Artan gave four presentations: Efficient Writing of an ISI-Indexed Scientific Article, Benefits of Publishing in the Open Access Model, Various Methods of Open Access Publishing, and MDPI Guide for the Article Review Process. The first three presentations offered guidance on how to improve academic writing, the fourth focused on how to write peer review reports. A highly interactive discussion followed the presentations, during which the JRSs provided extensive answers to attendees’ questions.

MDPI is grateful for all the attendees, speakers, and organizers involved in these events. Through their enthusiasm and dedication, these events were great successes.

1 August 2024
Behind the Paper: “The Full-Genome Analysis and Generation of an Infectious cDNA Clone of a Genotype 6 Hepatitis E Virus Variant Obtained from a Japanese Wild Boar: In Vitro Cultivation in Human Cell Lines”

Authors: Putu Prathiwi Primadharsini, Masaharu Takahashi, Tsutomu Nishizawa, Yukihiro Sato, Shigeo Nagashima, Kazumoto Murata and Hiroaki Okamoto

Published in the Special Issue “Hepatitis E: Molecular Virology, Pathogenesis, and Treatment” of Viruses on 24 May 2024

Hepatitis E virus (HEV), the causative agent of hepatitis E, represents a significant but largely understudied human pathogen. According to the 2023 World Health Organization report, HEV accounts for approximately 20 million infections worldwide annually, resulting in around 44,000 hepatitis E-related deaths in 2015. HEV primarily spreads through the fecal–oral route, typically via contaminated drinking water in developing countries and through the consumption of undercooked or raw animal meat in industrialized nations (1). HEV belongs to the family Hepeviridae, whereby genotypes 1 and 2 (HEV-1 and HEV-2) within the Paslahepevirus balayani species exclusively infect humans (, while HEV-3 and HEV-4 infect humans as well as several other animal species. HEV-5 and HEV-6 are found in wild boars, while HEV-7 and HEV-8 infect camels. HEV-5, HEV-7, and HEV-8 are reported to infect humans or have the potential to do so (2-4). However, such data are unavailable for HEV-6, and cell culture and reverse genetics systems have not been established for HEV-6 thus far due to the low viral load of two previously identified HEV-6 strains (GenBank accession numbers AB602441 and AB858243).

The primary aim of this study was to identify a new HEV-6 strain with a high viral load from wild boars in Japan, characterize its genetic makeup, and determine whether it could infect human-derived cells to investigate the zoonotic potential of HEV-6. The secondary goal was to construct a full-length cDNA clone and evaluate the effectiveness of ribavirin as a treatment.

This study involved collecting serum and liver specimens from eight wild boars captured in Hyogo Prefecture, Japan, in 2023 and analyzing them for anti-HEV IgG antibodies and HEV RNA. A liver homogenate from an HEV-positive boar (wbJHG_23) was used as an inoculum for human-derived cancer cell lines (PLC/PRF/5 and A549 1-1H8, a subclone of A549). The ability of the virus to infect and propagate in these cells was monitored by measuring HEV RNA titers over time. RNA was extracted from culture supernatants, and a full-length infectious cDNA clone was constructed using reverse genetics. The genetic diversity of the wbJHG_23 strain was analyzed by sequencing and comparing it with known HEV genotypes (HEV-1 to HEV-8). The effectiveness of ribavirin in inhibiting HEV-6 replication was assessed by treating infected cell cultures with various concentrations of the drug and monitoring viral RNA levels. The infectivity of the virus and the expression of HEV ORF2 (capsid) and ORF3 (a multifunctional protein involved in virion assembly and release) proteins were confirmed through Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays.

This study revealed that out of the eight wild boars tested, only one (wbJHG_23) was positive for anti-HEV IgG antibodies and HEV RNA, indicating an active HEV infection. The wbJHG_23 strain was identified as HEV-6, sharing 82.5%­83.0% of nucleotide sequence identity with known HEV-6 strains and a lower similarity to other HEV genotypes. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that wbJHG_23 clustered closely with two previously reported HEV-6 strains. The wbJHG_23 strain successfully infected and replicated in both PLC/PRF/5 and A549 1-1H8 cell lines, with viral RNA titers reaching over 10^8 copies/ml. In addition, Western blotting and immunofluorescence assays confirmed the expression of HEV ORF2 and ORF3 proteins in infected cells, suggesting that HEV-6 has the potential for zoonotic infection. Ribavirin treatment effectively inhibited HEV-6 replication in a dose-dependent manner in both cell lines. The viral RNA titers were significantly reduced in treated cultures compared to untreated controls. A full-length infectious cDNA clone of the wbJHG_23 strain was successfully constructed. RNA transcripts from this clone were transfected into PLC/PRF/5 cells, resulting in the production of infectious virus progeny, demonstrating the functionality of the cDNA clone (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Comprehensive workflow for the generation and analysis of HEV-6 (wbJHG_23) in PLC/PRF/5 cells.

In conclusion, this study successfully identified and characterized a new strain of HEV-6 (wbJHG_23) from a wild boar in Japan, demonstrating its ability to infect human-derived cell lines with high replication efficiency and suggesting the zoonotic potential of HEV-6. This study also demonstrated its susceptibility to ribavirin treatment. The construction of an infectious cDNA clone provides a valuable tool for future research on HEV-6, particularly in studying its zoonotic potential and developing antiviral strategies. The confirmation of the suggested zoonotic transmission of HEV-6 necessitates further investigation through infection experiments involving non-human primates. This study updates previous reports (5-7) on the establishment of cell culture and reverse genetics systems, as well as the zoonotic potential of eight genotypes of HEVs (HEV-1 to HEV-8) within the species Paslahepevirus balayani (Table 1).

Table 1. Establishment of cell culture and reverse genetics systems, and cross-species transmission of Hepatitis E virus within the species Paslahepevirus balayani.



Cell culture system

Reverse genetics system

Experimental infection

Zoonotic potential





Non-human primate, Mongolian gerbil









Human, pig, wild boar, deer, rabbit, mongoose, goat, sheep



Non-human primate, pig, rabbit



Human, pig, wild boar, deer, goat, sheep



Non-human primate, pig, rabbit, Mongolian gerbil



Wild boar



Non-human primate, Mongolian gerbil



Wild boar






Dromedary camel



Non-human primate



Bactrian camel



Non-human primate, rabbit, Mongolian gerbil


For more details on the experiments and results, please refer to our paper, which can be found at


  1. Wang B, Meng XJ. Hepatitis E virus: host tropism and zoonotic infection. Curr Opin Microbiol. 2021 Feb;59:8-15. doi: 10.1016/j.mib.2020.07.004.PMID: 32810801.
  2. Lee GH, Tan BH, Teo EC, Lim SG, Dan YY, Wee A, Aw PP, Zhu Y, Hibberd ML, Tan CK, Purdy MA, Teo CG. Chronic Infection With Camelid Hepatitis E Virus in a Liver Transplant Recipient Who Regularly Consumes Camel Meat and Milk. Gastroenterology. 2016 Feb;150(2):355-7.e3. doi: 10.1053/j.gastro.2015.10.048. PMID: 26551551.
  3. Wang L, Teng JLL, Lau SKP, Sridhar S, Fu H, Gong W, Li M, Xu Q, He Y, Zhuang H, Woo PCY, Wang L. Transmission of a Novel Genotype of Hepatitis E Virus from Bactrian Camels to Cynomolgus Macaques. J Virol. 2019 Mar 21;93(7):e02014-18. doi: 10.1128/JVI.02014-18. PMID: 30700602.
  4. Li TC, Bai H, Yoshizaki S, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Doan YH, Takahashi K, Mishiro S, Takeda N, Wakita T. Genotype 5 Hepatitis E Virus Produced by a Reverse Genetics System Has the Potential for Zoonotic Infection. Hepatol Commun. 2018 Nov 30;3(1):160-172. doi: 10.1002/hep4.1288. PMID: 30620002.
  5. Primadharsini PP, Nagashima S, Okamoto H. Mechanism of Cross-Species Transmission, Adaptive Evolution and Pathogenesis of Hepatitis E Virus. Viruses. 2021 May 14;13(5):909. doi: 10.3390/v13050909. PMID: 34069006.
  6. Zhang W, Ami Y, Suzaki Y, Doan YH, Takeda N, Muramatsu M, Li TC. Generation of a Bactrian camel hepatitis E virus by a reverse genetics system. J Gen Virol. 2021 Jul;102(7). doi: 10.1099/jgv.0.001618. PMID: 34242156.
  7. Scholz J, Falkenhagen A, Bock CT, Johne R. Reverse genetics approaches for hepatitis E virus and related viruses. Curr Opin Virol. 2020 Oct;44:121-128. doi: 10.1016/j.coviro.2020.07.004. PMID: 32818718.

30 July 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Antivirals”

1. “The Inhibition of Gag-Pol Expression by the Restriction Factor Shiftless Is Dispensable for the Restriction of HIV-1 Infection”
by Niklas Jäger, Shreya Ahana Ayyub, Frank Peske, David Liedtke, Jens Bohne, Markus Hoffmann, Marina V. Rodnina and Stefan Pöhlmann
Viruses 2024, 16(4), 583;
Available online:

2. “Profiling the Interaction between Human Serum Albumin and Clinically Relevant HIV Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors”
by Andreia Costa-Tuna, Otávio A. Chaves, Zaida L. Almeida, Rita S. Cunha, João Pina and Carlos Serpa
Viruses 2024, 16(4), 491;
Available online:

3. “Gene-Editing and RNA Interference in Treating Hepatitis B: A Review”
by Nadiia Kasianchuk, Krystyna Dobrowolska, Sofiia Harkava, Andreea Bretcan, Dorota Zarębska-Michaluk, Jerzy Jaroszewicz, Robert Flisiak and Piotr Rzymski
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2395;
Available online:

4. “G-Quadruplexes in the Viral Genome: Unlocking Targets for Therapeutic Interventions and Antiviral Strategies”
by Rajiv Pathak
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2216;
Available online:

5. “Cheminformatics Strategies Unlock Marburg Virus VP35 Inhibitors from Natural Compound Library”
by Isra M. Alsaady, Leena H. Bajrai, Thamir A. Alandijany, Hattan S. Gattan, Mai M. El-Daly, Sarah A. Altwaim, Rahaf T. Alqawas, Vivek Dhar Dwivedi and Esam I. Azhar
Viruses 2023, 15(8), 1739;
Available online:

6. “Antiviral Activity of an Indole-Type Compound Derived from Natural Products, Identified by Virtual Screening by Interaction on Dengue Virus NS5 Protein”
by Leidy Lorena García-Ariza, Natalia González-Rivillas, Cindy Johanna Díaz-Aguirre, Cristian Rocha-Roa, Leonardo Padilla-Sanabria and Jhon Carlos Castaño-Osorio
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1563;
Available online:

7. “Investigating the Mechanism of Action of Anti-Dengue Compounds as Potential Binders of Zika Virus RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase”
by Thamir A. Alandijany, Mai M. El-Daly, Ahmed M. Tolah, Leena H. Bajrai, Aiah M. Khateb, Isra M. Alsaady, Sarah A. Altwaim, Amit Dubey, Vivek Dhar Dwivedi and Esam I. Azhar
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1501;
Available online:

8. “SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Is Capable of Inducing Cell–Cell Fusions Independent from Its Receptor ACE2 and This Activity Can Be Impaired by Furin Inhibitors or a Subset of Monoclonal Antibodies”
by Nina Reuter, Xiaohan Chen, Barbara Kropff, Antonia Sophia Peter, William J. Britt, Michael Mach, Klaus Überla and Marco Thomas
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1500;
Available online:



26 July 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers for World Hepatitis Day

World Hepatitis Day is an important day to raise awareness about hepatitis viruses and the diseases they cause. Hepatitis is a global health problem, with millions of people affected by hepatitis B and C. It is crucial to educate people about the risks of hepatitis and encourage its prevention, testing, and treatment. By promoting World Hepatitis Day, we can work towards eliminating hepatitis as a public health threat and improving the lives of those affected by these viruses. Join us in spreading the word and taking action to combat hepatitis.

“Current Trend in Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B”
by Rong-Nan Chien and Yun-Fan Liaw
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 434;
Available online:

“Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma”
by Giacomo Emanuele Maria Rizzo, Giuseppe Cabibbo and Antonio Craxì
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 986;
Available online:

“HBsAg Loss as a Treatment Endpoint for Chronic HBV Infection: HBV Cure”
by Maryam Moini and Scott Fung
Viruses 2022, 14(4), 657;
Available online:

“Innate Immunity, Inflammation, and Intervention in HBV Infection”
by Ge Yang, Pin Wan, Yaru Zhang, Qiaoru Tan, Muhammad Suhaib Qudus, Zhaoyang Yue, Wei Luo, Wen Zhang, Jianhua Ouyang, Yongkui Li and Jianguo Wu
Viruses 2022, 14(10), 2275;
Available online:

“A Review of HDV Infection”
by Gian Paolo Caviglia, Alessia Ciancio and Mario Rizzetto
Viruses 2022, 14(8), 1749;
Available online:

“Chirohepevirus from Bats: Insights into Hepatitis E Virus Diversity and Evolution”
by Bo Wang and Xing-Lou Yang
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 905;
Available online:

“Direct-Acting Antiviral Agents for Hepatitis C Virus Infection—From Drug Discovery to Successful Implementation in Clinical Practice”
by Christopher Dietz and Benjamin Maasoumy
Viruses 2022, 14(6), 1325;
Available online:

“Experimental Cross-Species Transmission of Rat Hepatitis E Virus to Rhesus and Cynomolgus Monkeys”
by Fengmei Yang, Yanyan Li, Yongjie Li, Weihua Jin, Suqin Duan, Hongjie Xu, Yuan Zhao, Zhanlong He, Yasushi Ami, Yuriko Suzaki et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 293;
Available online:

“Hepatitis B Vaccination: A Historical Overview with a Focus on the Italian Achievements”
by Luisa Romano and Alessandro R. Zanetti
Viruses 2022, 14(7), 1515;
Available online:

“Gene Editing Technologies to Target HBV cccDNA”
by Maria Guadalupe Martinez, Elena Smekalova, Emmanuel Combe, Francine Gregoire, Fabien Zoulim and Barbara Testoni
Viruses 2022, 14(12), 2654;
Available online:

19 July 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Coronaviruses”

1. “SARS-CoV-2 Accessory Protein ORF8 Targets the Dimeric IgA Receptor pIgR”
by Frederique Laprise, Ariana Arduini, Mathew Duguay, Qinghua Pan and Chen Liang
Viruses 2024, 16(7), 1008;
Available online:

2. “Mutations in the Receptor Binding Domain of Severe Acute Respiratory Coronavirus-2 Omicron Variant Spike Protein Significantly Stabilizes Its Conformation”
by Michael H. Peters
Viruses 2024, 16(6), 912;
Available online:

3. “SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza Co-Infection: Fair Competition or Sinister Combination?”
by Narasaraju Teluguakula, Vincent T. K. Chow, Mirazkar Dasharatharao Pandareesh, Venkatesha Dasegowda, Vidyasagar Kurrapotula, Shivaramu M. Gopegowda and Marko Radic
Viruses 2024, 16(5), 793;
Available online:

4. “Mechanisms by Which SARS-CoV-2 Invades and Damages the Central Nervous System: Apart from the Immune Response and Inflammatory Storm, What Else Do We Know?”
by Zihan Sun, Chunying Shi and Lixin Jin
Viruses 2024, 16(5), 663;
Available online:

5. “Visualization of Early RNA Replication Kinetics of SARS-CoV-2 by Using Single Molecule RNA-FISH Combined with Immunofluorescence”
by Rajiv Pathak, Carolina Eliscovich, Ignacio Men, Anastasija Cupic, Magdalena Rutkowska, Kartik Chandran, Rohit K. Jangra, Adolfo García-Sastre, Robert H. Singer and Ganjam V. Kalpana
Viruses 2024, 16(2), 262;
Available online:

6. “SARS-CoV-2 ORF8 as a Modulator of Cytokine Induction: Evidence and Search for Molecular Mechanisms”
by Marília Inês Móvio, Giovana Waner Carneiro de Almeida, Isabella das Graças Lopes Martines, Gilmara Barros de Lima, Sergio Daishi Sasaki, Alexandre Hiroaki Kihara, Emma Poole, Michael Nevels and Maria Cristina Carlan da Silva
Viruses 2024, 16(1), 161;
Available online:

7. “Enhancement of SARS-CoV-2 Infection via Crosslinking of Adjacent Spike Proteins by N-Terminal Domain-Targeting Antibodies”
by Tina Lusiany, Tohru Terada, Jun-ichi Kishikawa, Mika Hirose, David Virya Chen, Fuminori Sugihara, Hendra Saputra Ismanto, Floris J. van Eerden, Songling Li, Takayuki Kato et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2421;
Available online:

8. “The Ubiquitin-Proteasome System Facilitates Membrane Fusion and Uncoating during Coronavirus Entry”
by Xiao Yuan, Xiaoman Zhang, Huan Wang, Xiang Mao, Yingjie Sun, Lei Tan, Cuiping Song, Xusheng Qiu, Chan Ding and Ying Liao
Viruses 2023, 15(10), 2001;
Available online:

10 July 2024
MDPI's Newly Launched Journals in June 2024

Five new journals covering multiple subjects have launched their inaugural issue in June 2024. We are excited to be able to share with you the newest research rooted in the value of open access.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all the Editorial Board Members and each journal will ensure its high-quality output using excellent editorial and rigorous peer review processes, to ensure that the articles achieve high impact and visibility.

Please feel free to browse and discover more about the new journals below.


Founding Editor-in-Chief

Journal Topics (Selected)

Anesthesia Research Logo

Prof. Dr. Marco Ranucci, IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, Italy
| Editorial | view inaugural issue

anaesthetic medications; blood and fluid management; pain management; critical care; critical illness | view journal scope | submit an article

Complications Logo

Dr. Giovanni E. Cacciamani, University of Southern California, USA
| Editorial | view inaugural issue

surgical/procedural complications; complications; perioperative adverse events; postoperative adverse events | view journal scope | submit an article

Laboratories Logo

Prof. Dr.  Gassan Hodaifa, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Spain
| Editorial | view inaugural issue

laboratory management; laboratory safety; protective equipment; laboratory problems and challenges; laboratory Innovation | view journal scope | submit an article

Pets Logo

Prof. Dr. Jan S. Suchodolski, Texas A&M University, USA
| Editorial | view inaugural issue

companion animals health and disease; veterinary care and nutrition; genetics and genomics; behavior and welfare; human-animal relations | view journal scope | submit an article

Real Estate Logo

Prof. Dr. Pierfrancesco De Paola, University of Naples Federico II, Italy
| Editorial | view inaugural issue

real estate appraisal; economic and financial valuation of real estate projects; sustainable real estate; housing and urban economics | view journal scope | submit an article

We wish to thank everyone who has supported the development of open access publishing. You are welcome to send an application here, or contact the New Journal Committee ([email protected]) if you would like to create more new journals.

8 July 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Bacterial Viruses”

1. “Partial Atomic Model of the Tailed Lactococcal Phage TP901-1 as Predicted by AlphaFold2: Revelations and Limitations”
by Jennifer Mahony, Adeline Goulet, Douwe van Sinderen and Christian Cambillau
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2440;
Available online:

2. “Structural Studies of Bacteriophage Φ6 and its Transformations During its Life Cycle”
by J. Bernard Heymann
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2404;
Available online:

3. “Phage vs. Phage: Direct Selections of Sandwich Binding Pairs”
by Emily C. Sanders, Alicia M. Santos, Eugene K. Nguyen, Aidan A. Gelston, Sudipta Majumdar and Gregory A. Weiss
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 807;
Available online:

4. “Four Novel Caudoviricetes Bacteriophages Isolated from Baltic Sea Water Infect Colonizers of Aurelia aurita
by Melissa Stante, Nancy Weiland-Bräuer, Urska Repnik, Almut Werner, Marc Bramkamp, Cynthia M. Chibani and Ruth A. Schmitz
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1525;
Available online:

5. “Structure and Function of Hoc—A Novel Environment Sensing Device Encoded by T4 and Other Bacteriophages”
by Andrei Fokine, Mohammad Zahidul Islam, Qianglin Fang, Zhenguo Chen, Lei Sun and Venigalla B. Rao
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1517;
Available online:

6. “Inference of the Life Cycle of Environmental Phages from Genomic Signature Distances to Their Hosts”
by Vicente Arnau, Wladimiro Díaz-Villanueva, Jorge Mifsut Benet, Paula Villasante, Beatriz Beamud, Paula Mompó, Rafael Sanjuan, Fernando González-Candelas, Pilar Domingo-Calap and Mária Džunková
Viruses 2023, 15(5), 1196;
Available online:

7. “Recent Advances in Structural Studies of Single-Stranded RNA Bacteriophages”
by Jirapat Thongchol, Zachary Lill, Zachary Hoover and Junjie Zhang
Viruses 2023, 15(10), 1985;
Available online:

8. “The Novel Yersinia enterocolitica Telomere Phage vB_YenS_P840 Is Closely Related to PY54, but Reveals Some Striking Differences”
by Julia Anabell Bräuer, Jens Andre Hammerl, Sabrin El-Mustapha, Julius Fuhrmann, Andrea Barac and Stefan Hertwig
Viruses 2023, 15(10), 2019;
Available online:

9. “Characterisation of the Novel Filamentous Phage PMBT54 Infecting the Milk Spoilage Bacteria Pseudomonas carnis and Pseudomonas lactis
by Frank Hille
Viruses 2023, 15(9), 1781;
Available online:

10. “Evolutionary Qβ Phage Displayed Nanotag Library and Peptides for Biosensing”
by Augustin Ntemafack, Aristide Dzelamonyuy, Godwin Nchinda and Alain Bopda Waffo
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1414;
Available online:

5 July 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Insect Viruses”

1. “A Perspective on Current Flavivirus Vaccine Development: A Brief Review”
by Sudip Kumar Dutta and Thomas Langenburg
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 860;
Available online:

2. “A Systematic Review of Mathematical Models of Dengue Transmission and Vector Control: 2010–2020”      
by Samson T. Ogunlade, Michael T. Meehan, Adeshina I. Adekunle and Emma S. McBryde               
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 254;
Available online:

3. “Culex Y Virus: A Native Virus of Culex Species Characterized In Vivo”        
by Mareike Heinig-Hartberger, Fanny Hellhammer, David D. J. A. Zöller, Susann Dornbusch, Stella Bergmann, Katerina Vocadlova, Sandra Junglen, Michael Stern, Kwang-Zin Lee and Stefanie C. Becker
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 235;
Available online:

4. “Microbiome as an Influence on Arbovirus Vector Competence: A Review” 
by Qesya Rodrigues Ferreira, Fabian Fellipe Bueno Lemos, Matheus Nascimento Moura, Jéssica Oliveira de Souza Nascimento, Ana Flávia Novaes, Isadora Souza Barcelos, Larissa Alves Fernandes, Liliany Souza de Brito Amaral, Fernanda Khouri Barreto and Fabrício Freire de Melo
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 779;
Available online:

5. “Co-Circulation of Dengue Virus Serotypes 1, 2, and 3 During the 2022 Dengue Outbreak in Nepal: A Cross-Sectional Study”       
by Sandesh Rimal, Sabin Shrestha, Kishor Pandey, Thanh Vu Nguyen, Parmananda Bhandari, Yogendra Shah, Dhiraj Acharya, Nabaraj Adhikari, Komal Raj Rijal, Prakash Ghimire et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 507;
Available online:

6. “The Viromes of Six Ecosystem Service Provider Parasitoid Wasps”  
by Gabriela B. Caldas-Garcia, Vinícius Castro Santos, Paula Luize Camargos Fonseca, João Paulo Pereira de Almeida, Marco Antônio Costa and Eric Roberto Guimarães Rocha Aguiar
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2448;
Available online:

7. “Baculovirus Interactions in Biological Control: A Comprehensive Historical and Technical Analysis”
by María Leticia Ferrelli and Ricardo Salvador
Viruses 2023, 15(9), 1838;
Available online:

8. “Advances in the Development of Small Molecule Antivirals Against Equine Encephalitic Viruses”
by Yahya Al Naggar, Hassan Shafiey and Robert J. Paxton
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 413;
Available Online:

9. “California Serogroup Viruses in a Changing Canadian Arctic: A Review”
by Jumari Snyman, Louwrens P. Snyman, Kayla J. Buhler, Carol-Anne Villeneuve, Patrick A. Leighton, Emily J. Jenkins and Anil Kumar
Viruses 2023, 15(6), 1242;
Available Online:

5 July 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Viruses of Plants, Fungi and Protozoa”

1. “Hop Latent Viroid: A Hidden Threat to the Cannabis Industry”
by Charith Raj Adkar-Purushothama, Teruo Sano and Jean-Pierre Perreault
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 681;
Available online:

2. “Investigating the Interactions of the Cucumber Mosaic Virus 2b Protein with the Viral 1a Replicase Component and the Cellular RNA Silencing Factor Argonaute 1”
by Sam Crawshaw, Alex M. Murphy, Pamela J. E. Rowling, Daniel Nietlispach, Laura S. Itzhaki and John P. Carr
Viruses 2024, 16(5), 676;
Available Online:

3. “RNAi-Based Antiviral Innate Immunity in Plants” 
by Liying Jin, Mengna Chen, Meiqin Xiang and Zhongxin Guo
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 432;
Available Online:

4. “New Insights into Hop Latent Viroid Detection, Infectivity, Host Range, and Transmission”
by Osama O. Atallah, Sherin M. Yassin and Jeanmarie Verchot
Viruses 2024, 16(1), 30;
Available Online:

5. “Efficient Purification of Cowpea Chlorotic Mottle Virus by a Novel Peptide Aptamer”
by Georg Tscheuschner, Marco Ponader, Christopher Raab, Prisca S. Weider, Reni Hartfiel, Jan Ole Kaufmann, Jule L. Völzke, Gaby Bosc-Bierne, Carsten Prinz, Timm Schwaar et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 697;
Available Online:

6. “Plant Defense and Viral Counter-Defense during Plant–Geminivirus Interactions”
by Jianhang Zhang, Mengyuan Ma, Yule Liu and Asigul Ismayil
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 510;
Available Online:

7. “A Capsid Protein Fragment of a Fusagra-like Virus Found in Carica papaya Latex Interacts with the 50S Ribosomal Protein L17.”
by Marlonni Maurastoni, Tathiana F. Sá Antunes, Emanuel F. M. Abreu, Simone G. Ribeiro, Angela Mehta, Marcio M. Sanches, Wagner Fontes, Elliot W. Kitajima, Fabiano T. Cruz, Alexandre M. C. Santos et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 541;
Available Online:

3 July 2024
Viruses Receives an Updated Impact Factor of 3.8

After achieving a new CiteScore of 7.3, placing Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) in Q1 in the “Infectious Diseases” category, we would like to share that Viruses also received a new impact factor of 3.8, placing it in Q2 in the “Virology” category according to Journal Citation Reports 2023. Despite a slight drop, likely due to the COVID-19 impact over the previous years, among other factors (in the context of the overall WoS journals), we are steadily improving.

At MDPI, our mission is simple yet powerful: we strive every day to make scientific research freely accessible to everyone, everywhere. With over 3.5 million authors choosing MDPI, we have established ourselves as a key player driving the open access initiative.

Our journals have received over 13 million citations in the Web of Science, making us the most cited open access publisher. With over 800 institutional partners, MDPI continues to demonstrate its dedication to providing reliable and collaborative publishing services.

Viruses Editorial Office

25 June 2024
Interview with Dr. Shuofeng Yuan—Winner of the 2024 Early Career Investigator Award

Dr. Shuofeng Yuan trained as a veterinarian before pursuing his Ph.D. in virology and immunology. He now works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Microbiology at the University of Hong Kong, China. By focusing on small-molecule and broad-spectrum antivirals that are essential for pandemic preparedness, his career goal is to reveal new targets, strategies, and lead compounds against infectious viral diseases through basic and applied research in the broad field of molecular virology. Dr. Yuan has filed more than 30 patents with novel antivirals for emerging infectious diseases including influenza, Zika, and COVID-19. He has been consistently recognized by Clarivate Analytics’ Essential Science Indicators as a top 1% scholar and global “Highly Cited Researcher” for three consecutive years since 2021. He has published more than 50 first/co-first/corresponding-authored original research articles in leading journals including Nature, Science, and The Lancet. He has received several prestigious research awards, including the Dalton Horizon Prize (The Royal Society of Chemistry, UK) and MIT Technology Review Innovators Under 35 (Asia Pacific).

We would like to congratulate Dr. Shuofeng Yuan on winning the Viruses 2024 Early Career Investigator Award!

The following is a short interview with Dr. Shuofeng Yuan:

  1. Could you briefly introduce yourself to our readers? What are you currently researching, and why did you choose this research field?
    I was enrolled in a veterinary medicine program to study zoonotic diseases while receiving my undergraduate education. I then trained as a virologist with tremendous interaction with clinicians and scientists, shaping my way of thinking from bedside to bench and back. I am now an Assistant Professor at the University of Hong Kong and conduct antiviral research with broad relevance to different virus families. I believe that this is important for pandemic preparedness.
  1. Which research topics do you think will be of particular interest to the research community in the coming years?
    Broad-spectrum antiviral development with the aid of artificial intelligence. This group of therapeutics may have a role in controlling emerging and remerging infectious viral diseases, which is particularly useful during the initial stage of a pandemic when vaccines, therapeutics, and even diagnostics are barely available. 
  1. As a young researcher, what is the biggest challenge you have encountered in your research journey? How did you solve it?
    The biggest challenge is to identify an experienced technician and a good lab manager who can help set up a new lab. Seeking mentorship from senior professors is important when coping with such challenges.
  1. Could you briefly describe the key to a happy laboratory life? Which qualities do you think young researchers need?
    The freedom to pursue research topics of interest without too much of a burden on obtaining funding and dealing with human resources. An important quality is to think outside the box and interdisciplinary collaboration.
  1. As the winner of this award, is there something you would like to express or someone you would like to thank the most?
    I would like to thank my mentors and family members for their continuous support and guidance when climbing the ladder.
  1. Do you have any suggestions for improving the awards?
    More promotional activities at international conferences such as ASV, ICAR, etc.
  1. Do you have any suggestions for the journal Viruses?
    (1) Reach out for high-quality research articles.
    (2) Increase the number of review articles in each issue.

20 June 2024
2023 Impact Factors for MDPI Journals Released

MDPI is pleased to announce the inclusion of 237 journals in the 2024 release of the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and share the key results (see above).

This year, journals covered in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) received category ranks together with journals in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI). Overall, 139 MDPI journals indexed in ESCI are included in the new unified rankings for the first time.

Enhanced Comparability of Data

According to Clarivate, "the creation of unified category rankings [provides] a simpler and more complete category view for the evaluation of journal performance. [...] The category-first approach simplifies journal performance assessment with a holistic view of all journals in each subject category."

We are thrilled to announce that 72% of our ranked MDPI journals (171 of 237) are above average, in Q1 or Q2. Twenty-nine of our journals received their first Impact Factor this year, accounting for more than 5% of the journals accepted into the Web of Science last year.

MDPI Journals Ranked in JCR

The following data includes all MDPI journals indexed in SCIE, SSCI, ESCI and AHCI.


Impact Factor

Rank Quartile









Engineering, Mechanical


Instruments & Instrumentation

Administrative Sciences




Advances in Respiratory Medicine



Respiratory System




Engineering, Aerospace








Agricultural Engineering






Plant Sciences




Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications




Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science, Theory & Methods




Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science


Veterinary Sciences




Infectious Diseases


Pharmacology & Pharmacy








Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Chemistry, Medicinal


Food Science & Technology

Applied Sciences



Chemistry, Multidisciplinary


Engineering, Multidisciplinary


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary


Physics, Applied

Applied System Innovation



Computer Science, Information Systems


Engineering, Electrical & Electronic






Humanities, Multidisciplinary




Environmental Sciences


Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences




Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical

Audiology Research



Audiology & Speech-language Pathology




Mathematics, Applied






Energy & Fuels


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Behavioral Sciences



Psychology, Multidisciplinary




Food Science & Technology

Big Data and Cognitive Computing



Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science, Information Systems


Computer Science, Theory & Methods




Engineering, Biomedical








Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Medicine, Research & Experimental


Pharmacology & Pharmacy




Engineering, Multidisciplinary


Materials Science, Biomaterials




Biochemistry & Molecular Biology




Chemistry, Analytical


Instruments & Instrumentation


Nanoscience & Nanotechnology




Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology





Brain Sciences







Construction & Building Technology


Engineering, Civil

C-Journal of Carbon Research



Materials Science, Multidisciplinary








Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems




Chemistry, Physical




Cell Biology




Materials Science, Ceramics


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary




Engineering, Chemical




Chemistry, Multidisciplinary




Chemistry, Analytical




Instruments & Instrumentation





Clean Technologies



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Environmental Sciences


Green & Sustainable Science & Technology




Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences

Clinics and Practice



Medicine, General & Internal

Clocks & Sleep



Clinical Neurology






Materials Science, Coatings & Films


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary


Physics, Applied

Colloids and Interfaces



Chemistry, Physical




Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications




Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications

Condensed Matter



Physics, Condensed Matter




Biochemistry & Molecular Biology






Computer Science, Information Systems


Computer Science, Theory & Methods






Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Current Issues in Molecular Biology



Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Current Oncology







Computer Science, Information Systems


Multidisciplinary Sciences

Dentistry Journal



Dentistry, Oral Surgery & Medicine








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Medicine, General & Internal




Medicine, Research & Experimental




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Environmental Sciences


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Education Sciences



Education & Educational Research




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Physics, Applied




Energy & Fuels




Physics, Multidisciplinary




Environmental Sciences




Genetics & Heredity

European Burn Journal



Critical Care Medicine



European Journal of Investigation in Health Psychology and Education



Psychology, Clinical




Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology




Materials Science, Multidisciplinary












Marine & Freshwater Biology






Physics, Fluids & Plasmas




Food Science & Technology




Multidisciplinary Sciences





Fractal and Fractional



Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications




Energy & Fuels


Engineering, Chemical

Future Internet



Computer Science, Information Systems




Astronomy & Astrophysics






Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications


Social Sciences, Mathematical Methods

Gastroenterology Insights



Gastroenterology & Hepatology

Gastrointestinal Disorders



Gastroenterology & Hepatology




Polymer Science




Ethnic Studies


Family Studies






Genetics & Heredity




Geosciences, Multidisciplinary




Geriatrics & Gerontology




Health Care Sciences & Services


Health Policy & Services





Hematology Reports







Humanities, Multidisciplinary


Multidisciplinary Sciences








Humanities, Multidisciplinary




Water Resources





Infectious Disease Reports



Infectious Diseases




Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications




Computer Science, Information Systems




Construction & Building Technology


Engineering, Civil


Transportation Science & Technology




Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear





International Journal of Financial Studies



Business, Finance

International Journal of Molecular Sciences



Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

International Journal of Neonatal Screening



Genetics & Heredity



International Journal of Turbomachinery Propulsion and Power



Engineering, Aerospace


Engineering, Mechanical




Engineering, Multidisciplinary

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information



Computer Science, Information Systems


Geography, Physical


Remote Sensing

Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease



Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems

Journal of Clinical Medicine



Medicine, General & Internal

Journal of Composites Science



Materials Science, Composites

Journal of Developmental Biology



Developmental Biology

Journal of Functional Biomaterials



Engineering, Biomedical


Materials Science, Biomaterials

Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology



Sport Sciences

Journal of Fungi






Journal of Imaging



Imaging Science & Photographic Technology

Journal of Intelligence



Psychology, Multidisciplinary

Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications



Engineering, Electrical & Electronic

Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing



Engineering, Manufacturing


Engineering, Mechanical


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Journal of Marine Science and Engineering



Engineering, Marine


Engineering, Ocean



Journal of Personalized Medicine



Health Care Sciences & Services


Medicine, General & Internal

Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks



Computer Science, Information Systems



Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research




Journal of Xenobiotics




Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens



Biodiversity Conservation

Journalism and Media







Environmental Studies




Language & Linguistics
















Operations Research & Management Science




Engineering, Mechanical

Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction



Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications


Engineering, Electrical & Electronic




Engineering, Electrical & Electronic


Engineering, Mechanical




Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear


Chemistry, Physical


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Marine Drugs



Chemistry, Medicinal


Pharmacology & Pharmacy




Chemistry, Physical


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary


Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering


Physics, Applied


Physics, Condensed Matter

Mathematical and Computational Applications



Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications








Medicine, General & Internal




Chemistry, Physical


Engineering, Chemical


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary


Polymer Science




Biochemistry & Molecular Biology




Materials Science, Multidisciplinary


Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering

Methods and Protocols



Biochemical Research Methods

Microbiology Research







Chemistry, Analytical


Instruments & Instrumentation


Nanoscience & Nanotechnology


Physics, Applied








Geochemistry & Geophysics




Mining & Mineral Processing




Engineering, Multidisciplinary




Chemistry, Organic




Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Chemistry, Multidisciplinary

Multimodal Technologies and Interaction



Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence


Computer Science, Cybernetics


Computer Science, Information Systems




Chemistry, Multidisciplinary


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary


Nanoscience & Nanotechnology


Physics, Applied

Neurology International



Clinical Neurology




Clinical Neurology






Environmental Sciences

Non-Coding RNA



Biochemistry & Molecular Biology


Genetics & Heredity

Nursing Reports







Nutrition & Dietetics




Marine & Freshwater Biology










Chemistry, Organic




Astronomy & Astrophysics


Physics, Nuclear


Physics, Particles & Fields









Pediatric Reports







Chemistry, Medicinal


Pharmacology & Pharmacy




Pharmacology & Pharmacy




Pharmacology & Pharmacy




History & Philosophy of Science










Physics, Multidisciplinary




Plant Sciences




Physics, Fluids & Plasmas




Polymer Science




Polymer Science




Engineering, Chemical




Materials Science, Biomaterials




Biochemistry & Molecular Biology

Psychiatry International







Information Science & Library Science

Quantum Beam Science



Instruments & Instrumentation


Materials Science, Characterization & Testing


Quantum Science & Technology




Geosciences, Multidisciplinary




Chemistry, Multidisciplinary




Green & Sustainable Science & Technology





Remote Sensing



Environmental Sciences


Geosciences, Multidisciplinary


Imaging Science & Photographic Technology


Remote Sensing




Medicine, General & Internal

Reproductive Medicine



Obstetrics & Gynecology


Reproductive Biology




Environmental Sciences


Green & Sustainable Science & Technology




Business, Finance








Public, Environmental & Occupational Health

Scientia Pharmaceutica



Pharmacology & Pharmacy




Chemistry, Analytical


Engineering, Electrical & Electronic


Instruments & Instrumentation




Chemistry, Analytical




Medicine, General & Internal


Psychology, Multidisciplinary


Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary


Womens Studies

Smart Cities



Engineering, Electrical & Electronic


Urban Studies

Social Sciences



Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary





Soil Systems



Soil Science




Chemistry, Physical


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary




Sport Sciences




Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications


Statistics & Probability




Chemistry, Physical


Materials Science, Multidisciplinary

Surgical Techniques Development







Environmental Sciences


Environmental Studies


Green & Sustainable Science & Technology




Multidisciplinary Sciences




Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary




Engineering, Multidisciplinary





Thalassemia Reports







Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging




Environmental Sciences






Food Science & Technology



Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease



Infectious Diseases




Tropical Medicine




Astronomy & Astrophysics


Physics, Particles & Fields

Urban Science



Environmental Sciences


Environmental Studies




Regional & Urban Planning


Urban Studies






Medicine, Research & Experimental




Engineering, Mechanical


Transportation Science & Technology

Veterinary Sciences



Veterinary Sciences




Engineering, Mechanical










Environmental Sciences


Water Resources






Political Science


Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary

World Electric Vehicle Journal



Engineering, Electrical & Electronic


Transportation Science & Technology

Source: 2023 Journal Impact Factors, Journal Citation Reports TM (Clarivate, 2024)

About MDPI

A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. MDPI is leading the transition to open science by making more research free and accessible to everyone. Over 3.5 million researchers have entrusted MDPI with publishing their scientific discoveries. MDPI’s editorial process is bolstered by a network of dedicated reviewers, a team of 6000 professional, well-trained staff members, and an in-house article submission platform that was designed to ensure efficient processes within its 440 fully open access titles.

17 June 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Human Virology and Viral Diseases”

1. “Evolving Horizons: Adenovirus Vectors’ Timeless Influence on Cancer, Gene Therapy and Vaccines”
by Prasad D. Trivedi, Barry J. Byrne and Manuela Corti
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2378;
Available online:

2. “An Inducible ESCRT-III Inhibition Tool to Control HIV-1 Budding”
by Haiyan Wang, Benoit Gallet, Christine Moriscot, Mylène Pezet, Christine Chatellard, Jean-Philippe Kleman, Heinrich Göttlinger, Winfried Weissenhorn and Cécile Boscheron
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2289;
Available online:

3. “The Circulating miRNA Profile of Chronic Hepatitis D and B Patients Is Comparable but Differs from That of Individuals with HBeAg-Negative HBV Infection”
by Daniela Cavallone, Eric David B. Ornos, Gabriele Ricco, Filippo Oliveri, Barbara Coco, Piero Colombatto, Laura De Rosa, Leslie Michelle M. Dalmacio, Ferruccio Bonino and Maurizia Rossana Brunetto
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2257;
Available online:

4. “SIV Infection Regulates Compartmentalization of Circulating Blood Plasma miRNAs within Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) and Extracellular Condensates (ECs) and Decreases EV-Associated miRNA-128”
by Steven Kopcho, Marina McDew-White, Wasifa Naushad, Mahesh Mohan and Chioma M. Okeoma
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 622;
Available online:

5. “SARS-CoV-2 Causes Lung Inflammation through Metabolic Reprogramming and RAGE”
by Charles N. S. Allen, Maryline Santerre, Sterling P. Arjona, Lea J. Ghaleb, Muna Herzi, Megan D. Llewellyn, Natalia Shcherbik and Bassel E. Sawaya
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 983;
Available online:

14 June 2024
Viruses | Selected Papers in the Section “Animal Viruses”

1. “Identification of Host Factors for Rift Valley Fever Phlebovirus”
by Velmurugan Balaraman, Sabarish V. Indran, Yonghai Li, David A. Meekins, Laxmi U. M. R. Jakkula, Heidi Liu, Micheal P. Hays, Jayme A. Souza-Neto, Natasha N. Gaudreault, Philip R. Hardwidge et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2251;
Available online: 

2. “A Triple Gene-Deleted Pseudorabies Virus-Vectored Subunit PCV2b and CSFV Vaccine Protect Pigs against a Virulent CSFV Challenge”
by Ediane Silva, Elizabeth Medina-Ramirez, Selvaraj Pavulraj, Douglas P. Gladue, Manuel Borca and Shafiqul I. Chowdhury
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2143;
Available online:

3. “A Candidate Antigen of the Recombinant Membrane Protein Derived from the Porcine Deltacoronavirus Synthetic Gene to Detect Seropositive Pigs”
by Francisco Jesus Castañeda-Montes, José Luis Cerriteño-Sánchez, María Azucena Castañeda-Montes, Julieta Sandra Cuevas-Romero and Susana Mendoza-Elvira
Viruses 2023, 15(5), 1049;
Available online: 

4. “Development of a Pan-Filoviridae SYBR Green qPCR Assay for Biosurveillance Studies in Bats”
by Jessica Coertse, Marinda Mortlock, Antoinette Grobbelaar, Naazneen Moolla, Wanda Markotter and Jacqueline Weyer
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 987;
Available online: 

5. “Associations between NK Cells in Different Immune Organs and Cellular SIV DNA and RNA in Regional HLADR− CD4+ T Cells in Chronically SIVmac239-Infected, Treatment-Naïve Rhesus Macaques”
by Xinjie Li, Liyan Zhu, Yue Yin, Xueying Fan, Linting Lv, Yuqi Zhang, Yijin Pan, Yangxuanyu Yan, Hua Liang, Jing Xue and Tao Shen
Viruses 2022, 14(11), 2513;
Available online: 

13 June 2024
Viruses Receives an Increased CiteScore of 7.3

We are thrilled to announce that the 2023 CiteScore of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915), reflecting the journal’s scientific influence in the 2020–2023 period, has increased to 7.3, surpassing our 2022 score of 7.1.

CiteScore is a standard citation metric, alongside SNIP and SJR, providing transparent metrics that provide an up-to-date view of a journal’s impact and enable well-informed publishing strategies, library collection development, and the benchmarking of journal performance.

This achievement is, therefore, a testament to the excellent performance, support, and dedication of all our journal’s editors, reviewers, authors, and readers.

Viruses’ CiteScore ranks Q1 in the “Infectious Diseases” category and Q2 in the “Virology” category.

For more journal statistics, please visit

We extend our gratitude to everyone who played a role in Viruses reaching this milestone.

Viruses Editorial Office

11 June 2024
Editor-in-Chief Dr. Eric O. Freed Attends the Cold Spring Harbor 2024 Retroviruses Meeting

The esteemed Editor-in-Chief of our journal Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915), Dr. Eric O. Freed, recently attended the Cold Spring Harbor 2024 Retroviruses meeting. During the event, he delivered the keynote address, entitled “Uncovering the mysteries of HIV replication (or trying to)”.

You can find the complete lecture at the following link:

7 June 2024
MDPI Calls for Greater Open Access to Science for Ocean Protection

On UNESCO’s 2024 Oceans Day, MDPI encourages the scientific community to increase the accessibility of ocean research to accelerate ocean conservation.

Basel, Switzerland, June 7, 2024: MDPI, a leading open access (OA) publisher, is proud to announce its active support for World Oceans Day 2024, celebrated under UNESCO’s Ocean Decade framework. MDPI’s CEO, Stefan Tochev hopes that “the latest ocean research can be made freely accessible to help empower scientists and communities at large to save our oceans,” under UNESCO’s Ocean Decade until 2030.

Open Access: A Catalyst for Ocean Action

MDPI’s presence at the UNESCO Ocean Decade Conference 2024 highlights our unwavering commitment to using OA to advance ocean science, support research communities, and promote sustainable ocean management.

"Our involvement in the UNESCO Ocean Decade Conference underscores MDPI's commitment to the underfunded Ocean SDG. By promoting OA to scientific articles and books on SDGs, we aim to inspire critical actions," said Tochev. "Our initiatives, like the World Sustainability Award and Emerging Sustainability Award, further demonstrate our dedication to advancing sustainability.”

Showcasing MDPI’s Contributions to Ocean Research

Over the past three years, MDPI has published 30,000 papers focused on ocean research and related topics. Key MDPI journals contributing to this body of work include:

  • Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (4.9k papers)
  • Remote Sensing (2.6k papers)
  • Sustainability (2k papers)
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) (1.7k papers)
  • Marine Drugs (1.5k papers)
  • Water (1.5k papers)

These publications highlight MDPI’s contributions to ocean science, reinforcing our role in the broader sustainability agenda by promoting blue innovation and economy.

Additionally, MDPI has launched Oceans, an international, peer-reviewed forum specifically aimed at publishing studies related to all branches of oceanography with an emphasis on the functioning of the ocean and the sustainable use of its resources and ecosystem services.

Affirming MDPI’s Commitment to Ocean Science

MDPI’s commitment to OA is pivotal in addressing critical global challenges, from climate change to ocean sustainability. Our efforts resonate with Outcome 4 of the UNESCO Ocean Decade action roadmap: an accessible ocean with open and equitable access to data, information, technology, and innovation. By aligning with UNESCO’s goals, MDPI continues to contribute to shaping a sustainable future for our oceans, reinforcing our position as a forward-thinking publisher dedicated to environmental stewardship and scientific excellence.

For more information, contact Rui Duarte at [email protected] or +41764313242.

About MDPI

A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. MDPI is leading the transition to open science by making more research free and accessible to everyone. Over 3.5 million researchers have entrusted MDPI with publishing their scientific discoveries. MDPI’s editorial process is bolstered by a network of dedicated reviewers, a team of over 6000 professional, well-trained staff members, and an in-house article submission platform that was designed to ensure efficient processes within its 430 fully open access titles.


5 June 2024
MDPI Sets a New Benchmark for Publishing Excellence

95% of authors rate MDPI’s publication process as excellent or good, setting a new benchmark in scientific publishing – reveals 2023 Annual Report. 

Basel, Switzerland, June 4, 2024: MDPI, the leading open access (OA) publisher, proudly announces the release of its 2023 Annual Report, detailing remarkable achievements and reaffirming its leadership in advancing OA publishing. In 2023, MDPI received 655,065 submissions, of which 285,244 articles were published. The company now commands a 17% market share in gold open access articles, with a median publication time of six weeks.

Stefan Tochev, MDPI's CEO, stated, "As a pioneer in open access publishing, MDPI has long been a game-changer in the scholarly community, serving millions of authors around the world to ensure the latest research is freely available. Reflecting on our incredible journey at MDPI, 2023 has been marked by growth in paper submissions, ambitious projects and initiatives aimed at improving our internal processes and delivering top-notch services to our scientists."

MDPI's 2023 Annual Report highlights several key achievements:

  • 17% market share in gold open access articles across all disciplines.
  • Record satisfaction rates: 95% of authors, 82% of reviewers, and 85% of guest editors.
  • Enhanced editorial standards and feedback processes.
  • Increased reach and impact with 54 new MDPI journal inclusions in Scopus, 29 in Web of Science, and 77 in DOAJ.

MDPI’s unwavering commitment to advancing OA has transformed the landscape of scholarly publishing, making high-quality research freely accessible to the global scientific community. The continuous improvement in our editorial standards and feedback processes underscores MDPI’s dedication to ensuring academic integrity and excellence.

Global Reach and Collaboration

MDPI’s global footprint continues to expand, with authors from diverse regions: 37% from Asia/Pacific, 36% from Europe, 15% from the Americas, and 12% from other parts of the world. The company’s fully OA platform attracted nearly 14 million monthly visitors in 2023, reflecting its widespread influence in the scientific community.

Commitment to Partnerships

With over 800 institutional partners, MDPI continues to demonstrate its dedication to providing reliable and collaborative publishing services. The introduction of a transparent flat-fee model highlights MDPI's ongoing efforts to enhance affordability and support to the academic community. For more details read our 2023 Annual Report.

For more information, contact Rui Duarte at [email protected] or +41764313242.

About MDPI

A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. MDPI is leading the transition to open science by making more research free and accessible to everyone. Over 3.5 million researchers have entrusted MDPI with publishing their scientific discoveries. MDPI’s editorial process is bolstered by a network of dedicated reviewers, a team of over 6000 professional, well-trained staff members, and an in-house article submission platform that was designed to ensure efficient processes within its 430 fully open access titles.


4 June 2024
MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #12 - First Term as CEO, Tu Youyou Award, Books Report

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Renewed Term as CEO of MDPI

I released the first CEO Letter at the end of June 2023, reflecting on my first month as CEO. Looking back at the first release, I’m pleased to see a marked consistency of content – from talking about open access (OA) and highlighting the great work being done at MDPI, to bringing together the science community with our conferences and building relations with our editorial board members and our industry as a whole.

For example, in the first letter, I highlighted our meeting with Dr. Eric O. Freed, the founding and current Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of our journal Viruses. Meeting with Eric is a pleasure, as he has a strong commitment and clear vision for the journal. 

On 21 May, 2024 we met with EiC Prof. Dr. Antonino Carbone, and Section EiC Prof. Dr. Alberto Signore (pictured on the left), of our journal Hemato (tracked for Impact Factor, and indexed in Scopus), showing our continued and active collaboration with our chief editors to develop the visions for the journal. Over the course of the day, we gathered feedback and gained an understanding of the journal's expectations and focus on strategic growth.

Reflections on my first year as CEO: achievements and initiatives

During my first year as CEO, there have been many remarkable moments, including a strong focus on bringing people together, focusing on company communications and performance.

According to a recent study of 3,400 people across 10 countries, “Managers impact employees’ mental health (69%) more than doctors (51%) or therapists (41%) — and even the same as a partner (69%).” This is an important topic for me, and perhaps that’s why I place a high value on management culture due to its tangible impact on people’s lives.

When I joined MDPI, I created a weekly meet-up for the Corporate Marketing department and their team leads. On the final Thursday of every month, we hold a Global Marketing meet-up to present projects, share knowledge, and conduct training. For years, I’ve maintained the tradition of ending each of our monthly global calls with a group photo to boost morale, motivation, and productivity, and to finish on a positive note.

In keeping with this, when I stepped into the role of CEO, I launched a bi-weekly management meeting, chairing over 20 MDPI Management Team meetings in my first year. These sessions provide an opportunity for managers to present their team’s work, focusing on their achievements and the challenges they face, while at the same time creating space for sharing knowledge.

“I firmly believe that OA is the future of publishing”

I co-organized and co-led the 2023 MDPI Strategy Management meeting this past October, from which we established an Executive Task Force that meets monthly to prioritize projects aimed at building MDPI into the world’s most trusted publisher. To achieve our goals, we as managers need to maintain collaborative communication and connect to the bigger picture.

As CEO, I focused on leadership communication by publishing 12 CEO Letters, one for each month of my tenure, to share more about MDPI news and achievements. I also produced ten videos to help further communicate our message.

I was happy to attend eight publishing and conference events, including STM in Frankfurt and Washington, APE, and R2R, and facilitate critical company meetings with Elsevier, Web of Science, ResearchGate, DOAJ, and others. It was a pleasure to meet and have discussions with key organizations and governing bodies such as CAS in China and ANVUR in Italy.

The best part was the opportunity to visit seven MDPI offices across Europe and Asia-Pacific, meeting with local managers and colleagues and supporting them in person. As part of this, I conducted training sessions while continuing to lead the Corporate Marketing department.

Looking ahead

My goal for my second year as CEO is to continue building on the initiatives from the past, including leadership communications, public relations, educational marketing, and company culture, while representing MDPI to the best of my ability. Additionally, I have a few new projects I hope to launch that I believe will be valuable to MDPI and the industry at large.

I firmly believe that OA is the future of publishing, and I am grateful to be in a position to advocate for this belief as part of MDPI, the world's leading open access publisher.

Thank you to our staff and industry friends for your genuine support in this role.

Impactful Research

Nominations Open for the Prestigious Tu Youyou Award 2024

I am pleased to share that MDPI has opened nominations for the 2024 Tu Youyou Award, a prestigious recognition established in honour of Professor Tu Youyou, Nobel Laureate, whose work has significantly transformed the global fight against malaria.

The Tu Youyou Award offers CHF 100,000

In 2015, Professor Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her discovery of artemisinin, significantly reducing mortality rates from malaria and shaping global health policies. Artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs) are now the standard treatment endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO), saving countless lives, especially in regions heavily burdened by malaria.

MDPI Special Issue

To mark Professor Tu’s 80th birthday in 2009, MDPI’s journal Molecules issued a Special Issue focusing on her contributions to medical research. Recognizing her continuous contribution, MDPI created the Tu Youyou Award in 2016 to honour outstanding achievements in natural products and medicinal chemistry.

The deadline for nominations is 31 December 2024

Nominations are open to scientists excelling in natural products and medicinal chemistry. Eligible nominators include academic institutes, universities, and societies. The deadline for nominations is 31 December 2024, with the winners to be announced on 30 April 2025. The Tu Youyou Award offers CHF 100,000, split equally among the winners.

MDPI encourages the academic community to nominate individuals who have demonstrated excellence and innovation in line with Professor Tu’s legacy. This award not only honours individual achievement but also encourages further scientific exploration and discovery in critical areas of medicine.

This award embodies our deep commitment to groundbreaking research that drives societal progress and celebrates the legacy of one of the greatest medical innovators of our time.

Inside MDPI

2023 MDPI Books Report

In past CEO letters, I have highlighted our publishing process and the impactful peer-reviewed articles that represent the core output of scholarly publishing. However, scholarly books are another pillar of publishing that MDPI also services, which our core audience may not be fully aware of. In this section, I highlight the 2023 MDPI Books report, released by our MDPI Books team in May 2024.

Download the 2023 MDPI Books Report

In the report, you will find a summary of MDPI Books’ 10th anniversary, the books indexed in the Web of Science Book Citation Index, our market outreach, and our outlook for 2024.

MDPI Books celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2023

MDPI Books published its first OA Reprint, “From the Renaissance to the Modern World,” in 2013. Over the past ten years, MDPI Books has seen a significant increase in both the volume and nature of published Reprints. As of December 2023, our catalogue includes a total of 7,369 Reprints, with 1,811 of them added in 2023 alone. MDPI Books includes monographs, book series, edited books and reprints of special issues and topical collections, among other book types.

We’re also celebrating the 10-year MDPI anniversary of Laura Wagner, Head of MDPI Books.

Laura Wagner (Head of Books Division)

Laura holds a Bachelor’s degree in Art History and History from the University of Basel. After her studies, she started her career at an art gallery in Basel.

Since joining MDPI in 2014, Laura has held several roles within the company. This included editorial work, development of reprint and book services, and the temporary management of the journal Arts.

Currently Laura holds the role of Head of Books Division and is in charge of the development and strategic direction of MDPI Books.

MDPI Books indexed in Web of Science Book Citation Index

Another milestone in 2023 was the indexing of four book titles in the Web of Science Book Citation Index. The indexing of our open access books is crucial for their reach and accessibility, ensuring higher visibility within the open science community.

  1. Self-Representation in an Expanded Field: From Self-Portraiture to Selfie, Contemporary Art in the Social Media Age by editor Ace Lehner
  2. Towards Socially Integrative Cities: Perspectives on Urban Sustainability in Europe and China by editors Bernhard Müller, Jian Liu, Jianming Cai, Paulina Schiappacasse, Hans-Martin Neumann, and Baojun Yang
  3. Transitioning to Gender Equality by editors Christa Binswanger and Andrea Zimmermann
  4. Under Construction: Performing Critical Identity by editor Marie-Anne Kohl

If you would like to learn more about MDPI Books, please visit:

If you are thinking of writing or editing a book, you can submit your proposal at, or email us at [email protected].

Coming Together for Science

Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future

Our conference team successfully managed the Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future international conference which took place from 28–31 May 2024 in Athens, Greece. The conference was chaired by Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Bikiaris and Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Triantafyllidis from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and Dr. Ioanna Deligkiozi from AXIA Innovation, Germany. In total, the conference had 259 accepted abstracts and over 300 attendees from 22 different countries.

The conference featured three keynote speakers and 12 invited speakers, including esteemed scholars from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Canada. It included 60 selected talks and 189 posters, chosen by the 24 members of the Scientific Committee along with the three Conference Chairs. The event explored the latest scientific advancements and innovations in polymer science, focusing on creating safe, sustainable, and environmentally friendly materials. Emphasizing green polymer chemistry and the use of bioresources, the conference promoted the synthesis of biobased and biodegradable polymers.

The conference featured esteemed scholars from Europe, Asia, Africa, and Canada

Conference awards

The conference also presented three awards: two sponsored by the journal Polymers – The Best Poster Award (€500) and the Best Oral Presentation Award (€600) – and one sponsored by Ossila, the Best Student Poster Award (€500).

Thank you to our 16 sponsors, three partnering societies (Hellenic Polymer Society, European Polymer Federation, and North American Thermal Analysis Society [NATAS]) and eight media partners.

Upcoming in-person event

1–4 August, 2024
The 1st International Conference on AI Sensors & The 10th International Symposium on Sensor Science
Location: Singapore

The AI Sensors 2024 Conference will unite innovators and experts in the realms of sensors, sensing technology, and artificial intelligence.

Find more upcoming MDPI events here.

Closing Thoughts

3rd World Forum Principles of Scientific Publications

I’m pleased to share that MDPI sponsored and attended the 3rd World Forum on Principles of Scientific Publications, which took place from 22–24 May in Malaga, Spain. The event brought together academic professionals and leading researchers to discuss critical topics in the realm of publishing and research. Presentation topics included Open Science, AI in Publishing, Predatory Journals, Fake Publications, Challenges for Non-native English Speakers, and more.

“It was great to see strong support from MDPI authors in the audience”

MDPI presentations

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) presenting at the 3rd World Forum Principles of Scientific Publications

I had the privilege of attending and presenting at the event, along with my colleague Dr. Enric Sayas (Business Analyst, MDPI) from our Barcelona office, who explored the ethical concerns and opportunities brought by AI in publishing.

I took the opportunity to present on Open Science, the benefits of Open Access, and MDPI’s performance, operations, and investment in ethics. Special thanks to Evan Escamilla (Project Manager, MDPI Books) and Facundo Santomé (Sr. Marketing Manager, MDPI) who also joined the conference.

It was great to see strong support from MDPI authors in the audience who shared their positive experiences publishing with us. Their story reflects the experience of the vast majority of authors who choose to work with MDPI.

We also encountered some conservative views on OA, which created an opportunity for open discussion aimed at addressing concerns about OA and MDPI. Engaging in such discussions is important, as scepticism sometimes arises from misinformation or from a misunderstanding of who we are and how we operate. When we engage in open and honest discussion, we tend to see people getting a better understanding of MDPI, which helps address any misconceptions they may have had.

Left to right: Dr. Enric Sayas (Business Analyst, MDPI), Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), Facundo Santomé (Sr. Marketing Manager, MDPI), and Evan Escamilla (Project Manager, MDPI Books) at 3rd World Forum Principles of Scientific Publications

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

23 May 2024
Transfer Service in MDPI

We are pleased to announce MDPI’s Transfer Service.

This service provides a convenient method of transferring your manuscript file, along with any reviewer comments, to another journal within our publishing portfolio.

We are committed to helping authors find the right home for their research, and we will provide authors with guidance and technical support through all stages of the transfer process. Authors will be able to choose to transfer in the following two situations:

1. Select alternative journals on submission.

2. Authors are encouraged to transfer manuscripts to other MDPI journals.

More details about the Transfer Service can be found at the following link:

17 May 2024
Tu Youyou Award—Open for Nominations

In acknowledgment of the groundbreaking achievements of Professor Tu Youyou, the Nobel laureate credited with the discovery of artemisinin, MDPI is proud to announce the Tu Youyou Award. This award, inaugurated in 2016, seeks to honor scholars who excel in the fields of natural products chemistry and medicinal chemistry.


  • CHF 100,000 in total (If there is more than one winner, the prize will be divided equally amongst the winners);
  • An award medal for each winner.

Who should be nominated?

  • Scientists with outstanding achievements and contributions in the fields of natural products chemistry and medicinal chemistry.

Who can submit a nomination?

  • Academic research institutes
  • Universities
  • Academic societies

Any personal nominations are not accepted.

How do I submit a nomination?
Candidates’ institutional affiliations need to submit their nominations for final candidates to the Tu Youyou Award Team directly by email after internal screening, and each institution can only nominate a maximum of two candidates for each edition of the Tu Youyou Award. Please note that the nominations cannot be modified once they are submitted and confirmed by the Tu Youyou Award Team.

Required nomination materials:
Nomination Form (Download)

Nomination deadline: 31 December 2024;
Winner announcement: 30 April 2025.

Tu Youyou Award Team ([email protected])

More information can be found on the Tu Youyou Award official website. For any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact the Tu Youyou Award Team.

16 May 2024
MDPI Romania Author Training Academic Events in April

MDPI Romania sponsored four events over the month of April, contributing author training sessions to each event.

The NutriSciLabs 2024 conference was held at the Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy on 12 April 2024. Organized by the Association of Students from the Faculty of Pharmacy Studies, the conference aimed to enhance students’ academic writing and research skills, and bolster their confidence in participating in the academic world. Ioana Paunescu, journal relations specialist for MDPI Romania, led the training session. Paunescu first outlined MDPI’s history and core values, then explained academic writing techniques, ethics, and similarity percentages. The presentation covered the entire editorial process, highlighting the amount of attention paid to details throughout manuscript processing. Paunescu also discussed common errors that authors make while writing, and how to avoid such errors.

On 13 April 2024, the NextGEN 2.0 Student Conference took place at the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca. NextGen Healthcare organized this event with the university’s European Students’ Society to discuss European and international current affairs. MDPI Romania contributed an author training session called Steps of the Publication Process. Irina Codruta Zaharia, journal relations specialist, began the session with a general introduction of MDPI before diving into different article types, different layout formats, possible journals to submit to, the MDPI submission checklist, and the MDPI editorial process. By explaining the fundamentals of writing and publishing academic papers, Zaharia imparted valuable industry knowledge to the curious minds present. Participants were eager to engage with Zaharia in the subsequent Q&A session.

Celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, the International Conference “Students for Students” has long been a gathering place for undergraduate and postgraduate students of all nationalities to present their work and exchange ideas with each other. This year’s conference was held on 18 April 2024, with MDPI Romania contributing an author training session called The World of Open Access. Key speakers included Dr. Norbert Kiss from MDPI Romania and Prof. Dragos Horvath from Strasbourg University. Dr. Kiss discussed the history of open access, differences between open access publishing and traditional publishing, and implications for open access in the future. Attendees expressed keen interest in the subject, approaching Dr. Kiss with questions about academic publishing as well as his career trajectory.

Most recently, on 26 April 2024, MDPI Romania sponsored the National Symposium of Students from Geology and Geophysics Faculties. The AAPG Students Chapter at the Babes-Bolyai University organized this event as an opportunity for geology students from all Romanian universities to present their work and confer with other researchers. Dr. Kiss gave his lecture The World of Open Access at this event as well.

MDPI is thankful to all the participants, speakers, and organizers who attended these events. Through their enthusiasm and dedication, these events were great successes.

13 May 2024
Viruses | Collection of Papers by Chinese Editorial Board Members

1. “Identification and Characterization of a New Type of Holin-Endolysin Lysis Cassette in Acidovorax oryzae Phage AP1”
by Muchen Zhang, Yanli Wang, Jie Chen, Xianxian Hong, Xinyan Xu, Zhifeng Wu, Temoor Ahmed, Belinda Loh, Sebastian Leptihn, Sabry Hassan et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 167;
Available Online:

2. “Effect of Different Adjuvants on Immune Responses Elicited by Protein-Based Subunit Vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 and Its Delta Variant”
by Naru Zhang, Qianting Ji, Zezhong Liu, Kaiming Tang, Yubin Xie, Kangchen Li, Jie Zhou, Sisi Li, Haotian Shang, Zecan Shi et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 501;
Available Online:

3. “Strategies to Develop a Mucosa-Targeting Vaccine against Emerging Infectious Diseases”
by Fengling Feng, Ziyu Wen, Jiaoshan Chen, Yue Yuan, Congcong Wang and Caijun Sun
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 520;
Available Online:

4. “A Five-Helix-Based SARS-CoV-2 Fusion Inhibitor Targeting Heptad Repeat 2 Domain against SARS-CoV-2 and Its Variants of Concern”
by Lixiao Xing, Xinfeng Xu, Wei Xu, Zezhong Liu, Xin Shen, Jie Zhou, Ling Xu, Jing Pu, Chan Yang, Yuan Huang et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 597;
Available Online:

5. “A Single Amino Acid Residue R144 of SNX16 Affects Its Ability to Inhibit the Replication of Influenza A Virus”
by Wenjun Shi, Li Jiang, Miaomiao Ye, Bo Wang, Yu Chang, Zhibo Shan, Xuyuan Wang, Yuzhen Hu, Hualan Chen and Chengjun Li
Viruses 2022, 14(4), 825;
Available Online:

6. “A Broad Antiviral Strategy: Inhibitors of Human DHODH Pave the Way for Host-Targeting Antivirals against Emerging and Re-Emerging Viruses”
by Yucheng Zheng, Shiliang Li, Kun Song, Jiajie Ye, Wenkang Li, Yifan Zhong, Ziyan Feng, Simeng Liang, Zeng Cai and Ke Xu
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 928;
Available Online:

7. “Histamine Is Responsible for the Neuropathic Itch Induced by the Pseudorabies Virus Variant in a Mouse Model”
by Bing Wang, Hongxia Wu, Hansong Qi, Hanglin Li, Li Pan, Lianfeng Li, Kehui Zhang, Mengqi Yuan, Yimin Wang, Hua-Ji Qiu et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 1067;
Available Online:

8. “Sacbrood Virus: A Growing Threat to Honeybees and Wild Pollinators”
by Ruike Wei, Lianfei Cao, Ye Feng, Yanping Chen, Gongwen Chen and Huoqing Zheng
Viruses 2022, 14(9), 1871;
Available Online:

9. “New Insights into the Crosstalk among the Interferon and Inflammatory Signaling Pathways in Response to Viral Infections: Defense or Homeostasis”
by Jingwen Dai, Pingping Zhou, Su Li and Hua-Ji Qiu
Viruses 2022, 14(12), 2798;
Available Online:

10. “Resistance of Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae to Lytic Phage X2 by Spontaneous Mutation of Lipopolysaccharide Synthesis-Related Glycosyltransferase”
by Muchen Zhang, Jiahui Qian, Xinyan Xu, Temoor Ahmed, Yong Yang, Chenqi Yan, Mohsen Mohamed Elsharkawy, Mohamed M. Hassan, Jamal A. Alorabi, Jianping Chen et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 1088;
Available Online:

8 May 2024
Viruses | Highly Cited Reviews in 2023

1. “Risk Factors of Severe COVID-19: A Review of Host, Viral and Environmental Factors”
by Levente Zsichla and Viktor Müller
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 175;
Available Online:

2. “Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Infection, EBV, HHV-6 and Other Factors May Contribute to Inflammation and Autoimmunity in Long COVID”
by Aristo Vojdani, Elroy Vojdani, Evan Saidara and Michael Maes
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 400;
Available Online:

3. “The Role of Viral Infections in the Onset of Autoimmune Diseases”
by Bhargavi Sundaresan, Fatemeh Shirafkan, Kevin Ripperger and Kristin Rattay
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 782;
Available Online:

4. “Hyperinflammatory Response in COVID-19: A Systematic Review”
by Marcos Jessé Abrahão Silva, Layana Rufino Ribeiro, Maria Isabel Montoril Gouveia, Beatriz dos Reis Marcelino, Carolynne Silva dos Santos, Karla Valéria Batista Lima and Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa Lima
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 553;
Available Online:

5. “Viral Vectors in Gene Therapy: Where Do We Stand in 2023?”
by Kenneth Lundstrom
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 698;
Available Online:

6. “Cardiac Arrhythmias in Post-COVID Syndrome: Prevalence, Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment”
by Aydin Huseynov, Ibrahim Akin, Daniel Duerschmied and Rüdiger E. Scharf
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 389;
Available Online:

7. “Current Clinical Landscape and Global Potential of Bacteriophage Therapy”
by Nicole Marie Hitchcock, Danielle Devequi Gomes Nunes, Job Shiach, Katharine Valeria Saraiva Hodel, Josiane Dantas Viana Barbosa, Leticia Alencar Pereira Rodrigues, Brahm Seymour Coler, Milena Botelho Pereira Soares and Roberto Badaró
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 1020;
Available Online:

8. “Impact of COVID-19 on Cardiovascular Disease”
by Ivan Vosko, Andreas Zirlik and Heiko Bugger
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 508;
Available Online:

9. “Zoonotic Animal Influenza Virus and Potential Mixing Vessel Hosts”
by Elsayed M. Abdelwhab and Thomas C. Mettenleiter
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 980;
Available Online:

10. “Phage Adsorption to Gram-Positive Bacteria”
by Audrey Leprince and Jacques Mahillon
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 196;
Available Online:

2 May 2024
MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #11 – 2023 Annual Report, MDPI Awards, STM

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

2023 Annual Report

This is an exciting time of year at MDPI, as we have just released our annual report 2023, recapping the past year and sharing the progress and changes that took place during it.

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI)

Reflecting on 2023, I can't help but think of the changes that have occurred not only at MDPI but also within our industry as a whole. In light of this, I’m reminded that change is the only constant, and that for a publishing enterprise that has experienced rapid growth, adapting to change becomes not only a necessity but also a catalyst for sustained success.

Looking back on the significant ground we covered in 2023, I am pleased to report that the year was marked by a rise in paper submissions, along with a range of initiatives aimed at improving our internal processes and delivering top services to our scientists.

2023 Top-line MDPI Numbers

An important priority for 2023 was to strengthen our editorial policies. Despite a notable increase in the number of papers submitted from 603,000 to 655,000 (+8.6%), there was a decrease in the number of papers published from 303,000 to 285,000 (-5.9%), consistent with the overall trend in the scholarly publishing market. MDPI’s market share in gold open access articles published reached 17% in 2023 (according to Dimensions data).

2023 Open Access Numbers

For over two decades, MDPI has been at the forefront of reshaping the academic publishing landscape, with OA surpassing subscription-based publishing in 2020. This trajectory is deeply rooted in our history and reflects our unwavering commitment to, and vision for, an open future. This momentum continued in 2023, with 39% of the 4.16 million articles and reviews published as gold full-OA, 15% as gold hybrid-OA, 8% as bronze-OA, and 3% as green-OA, relative to 35% behind a paywall. In terms of gold OA (full or hybrid) articles and reviews published, MDPI leads the way in terms of total articles published in 2023.

MDPI is the trusted and preferred OA publisher for the scholarly community

However, in 2023, we saw a downward trend in publication numbers compared to 2022. This trend was also seen in total OA publications. While the number of submissions increased, the decline in MDPI publications can be attributed to several factors, such as improved scrutiny in our peer-review process, including the evaluation of content scope and higher rejection rates, and a post-pandemic decrease in research related to COVID-19 papers.

Download 2023 MDPI Annual Report.
Access 2023 Digital Report.

Impactful Research

Recognizing Scholars – MDPI Awards

MDPI is committed to empowering young researchers as they embark on their careers. In 2023, our journals hosted a total of 400 awards, receiving 8,839 applications and nominations. The evaluation committees selected 959 winners, with the total budget for these awards amounting to CHF 546,500.

For more information about MDPI awards, applications, and winners, please click here

The following awards recognize scholars and the impact of their research, including Young Investigator Awards, Best PhD Thesis Awards, and Travel Awards for junior researchers.

MDPI Awards – The following awards require an application or a nomination.

Young Investigator Award (CHF 1000–2000 for each winner)
This award acknowledges the achievements of young investigators in research areas relevant to the journal’s scope. Candidates must have received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to the award announcement date and must be nominated.

Best PhD Thesis Award (CHF 500–800 for each winner)
This award recognizes young scholars who have completed outstanding PhD theses in research areas relevant to the journal’s scope. It aims to encourage them to continue their excellent work and make further contributions to their field.

Travel Award (CHF 500–800 for each winner)
This award encourages junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences relevant to the journal’s scope, thereby increasing their impact.

Distinguished Scholars
Additionally, 220 awards were granted to the most distinguished authors and reviewers in our journals through Best Paper Awards and Outstanding Reviewer Awards. The following awards are selected by the editorial staff of the journal and do not require an application or a nomination. They exemplify the excellent contributions made by our authors, reviewers, and editors.

These awards exemplify the excellent contributions made by our authors, reviewers, and editors

Best Paper Award (CHF 200–500 for each winner)
This award is granted annually to highlight publications of high quality, scientific significance, and extensive influence.

Outstanding Reviewer Award (CHF 500 for partial winners)
This award is given annually to recognize reviewers who generously contribute their time to reviewing papers and demonstrate thoroughness, professionalism, and timeliness in their reviews.

MDPI also offers awards for specific topics in various research fields:

Carbon Neutrality Award (CHF 500–800 for each winner)
Sponsored by MDPI journal Sustainability, this award recognizes applicants who have made exceptional academic or societal contributions to carbon neutrality, either in general or in relation to a specific carbon-neutrality-related issue.

Intelligent Manufacturing Award (CHF 500–800 for each winner)
Administered by MDPI journal Machines, this award is presented to an individual who has made outstanding academic or societal contributions to the field of intelligent manufacturing.

Granted: World Sustainability Awards

Inside MDPI

MDPI Opens Office in Seoul, Korea and Appoints Claude Seo as Office Manager

As CEO of the world’s leading OA publisher, I am pleased to announce the official opening of our Korean branch office. With this addition, MDPI now operates 21 offices in 12 countries worldwide, improving on our position as a truly global publisher. This expansion represents more than just an increase in our physical footprint; it is a pivotal step in our ongoing commitment to making scientific knowledge more accessible across the globe.

MDPI now operates 21 offices in 12 countries worldwide, improving on our position as a truly global publisher

Claude Seo (MDPI Korea Office Manager, Seoul)

Claude Seo, who has over 15 years of experience in the academic publishing industry, has been appointed as the Office Manager of the Seoul office. The launch of our Seoul office allows us to better support the Korean scientific community and to further promote the publication of OA journals in the region.

Reflecting on his role, Claude shared that he is:

“Delighted to have been entrusted with this position within MDPI, the no. 1 scholarly OA publisher. As we establish our presence in Korea, we are dedicated to integrating ourselves into the local community and contributing to its vibrant culture. Our commitment goes beyond business growth; it is about creating a more informed and innovative society by embracing and promoting diversity within the scientific community.”

Sungkyunkwan University Joins MDPI’s Institutional Open Access Program

Additionally, I am pleased to share that Sungkyunkwan University has joined MDPI’s Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP). This program offers free access to MDP’s online submission system for institutions and provides APC discounts to affiliated authors. Thirteen major Korean universities, including Sungkyunkwan University, Kyunghee University, Chung-Ang University, and the Catholic University of Korea, have adopted IOAP in Korea.

Learn more about MDPI’s collaboration in Korea in my previous CEO Letter, in which I recap our visit to Seoul, South Korea.

Coming Together for Science

4th MMCS: Harnessing the Power of New Drug Modalities

Our conference team successfully managed the 4th Molecules Medicinal Chemistry Symposium, held from 24–26 April in Barcelona, Spain. It was chaired by Prof. Dr. Diego Muñoz-Torrero from the Institute of Biomedicine (IBUB), University of Barcelona, Spain, and Prof. Dr. Simona Collina from the University of Pavia, Italy. In total, there were 84 accepted abstracts and 102 conference attendees from 22 different countries.

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Rino Ragno (Scientific Committee), Dr. Maria Emilia Sousa (Scientific Committee), Prof. Dr. Claudio Viegas Jr. (Scientific Committee), Prof. Dr. Simona Collina (Chair), Prof. Dr. Diego Muñoz-Torrero (Chair), Alvina Wu (Managing Editor, MDPI), Prof. Dr. Roman Dembinski (Scientific Committee), Prof. Dr. Mariana Spetea (Scientific Committee).

The event comprised 12 Invited Speakers, 35 Selected Talks, 10 Flash Poster Presentations, and 39 Posters. The overarching topic of the conference was the impact of the emergence of new drug modalities on drug discovery, with thematic sessions covering topics such as photoactivatable drugs, candidates targeting RNA and epigenetic targets, covalent modifiers, and the development of new anti-cancer agents, among other medicinal chemistry projects.

We are pleased to have received feedback from attendees highlighting the professional approach of the conference chairs and participants, the high quality of the talks, and the overall outstanding organization on the part of the MDPI conference team.

Thank you to the conference sponsors, Fluorochem and IBUB, and to our partnering societies, The Spanish Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (SEBBM), and the Spanish Society of Medicinal Chemistry (SEQT).

Upcoming In-Person Event

28–31 May, 2024
Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future
Athens, Greece
Conference Chairs: Prof. Dr. Dimitrios Bikiaris, Prof. Dr. Konstantinos Triantafyllidis, Dr. Ioanna Deligkiozi
We look forward to welcoming experts Prof. Damià Barceló, Prof. Minna Hakkareinen, and Prof. Armando J. D. Silvestre to this event.

Find more upcoming MDPI events here.

Organize Your Event with MDPI’s Sciforum

Sciforum is MDPI’s platform dedicated to the organization of scientific events. In line with our mission to promote science, Sciforum supports scholars, societies, research networks, and universities at all stages of organizing in-person events, virtual events and webinars. Our platforms are efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective. We handle all steps related to event management. Contact us for details.

Closing Thoughts

A Report from the Future – STM US Annual Conference 2024

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), Dr. Giulia Stefenelli and Dr. Ioana Craciun from MDPI’s Scientific Office Board.

MDPI has for a long time been a sponsor of the STM Annual Conferences, held yearly in the US and Frankfurt, and is a trusted partner and supporter of the STM organization. While I have attended the Frankfurt conference for the past three years, this was my first time visiting the Washington, DC session, and I am glad I did.

Although it was a brief trip, I greatly appreciated the opportunity to attend in the company of my colleagues Dr. Giulia Stefenelli and Dr. Ioana Craciun from MDPI’s Scientific Office Board. They always help map some of the new industry trends against MDPI’s operational framework and guidelines. It’s a great group for kicking ideas back and forth on what we can apply at MDPI.

In my experience, STM never fails to deliver. It’s always a great conference for reconnecting with fellow publishers, industry friends, and vendors. As usual, STM this year curated a diverse range of speakers and panels, who proferred valuable knowledge and insights from outside our industry, delivering thought-provoking insights into our field. An example of this was the ‘Trust Panel’ session, which included Alan Schiffres (Managing Director, InfoLinx), who shared a number of the learnings about fraud and risk management from his 40 years in financial services, to help address some of the challenges we are currently facing in the area of publishing integrity.

Launch of STM Trends 2028 Panel

I particularly enjoyed the ‘Launch of STM Trends 2028 Panel’, which presented a report focused on the integration of humans and machines in scholarly publishing. The session highlighted themes such as AI, digitization, and the evolving research ecosystem. The report envisions a future where technology blurs the lines between human and machine involvement in research processes, with significant implications for trust, reputation, and equity. While this presents opportunities for connectivity and knowledge dissemination, it also poses challenges such as disinformation, fragmentation, and geopolitical tensions. We must rely on a wise combination of technology and human agency to navigate this complex landscape and will have to carefully examine its potential impacts on communication and scholarly publishing.

MDPI has joined the STM Integrity Hub. Click here to learn more.

While every presenter brought their own knowledge and personal touch, I was particularly pleased to encounter new speakers such as Heather Whitney (Research Assistant Professor, Radiology, University of Chicago) and Igor Grossmann (Professor of Psychology, University of Waterloo, Canada). Having studied Sociology at the University of Guelph, I have a soft spot for fellow social scientists from Canada, and I was very impressed by Igor’s presentation on ‘The Social Scientist: A View from the Future’ and his participation in the panel session ‘The Future Beyond the Article,’ which was one of my favourites from the conference, given the diversity of perspectives from the panel speakers.

Memorial Park in Washington, DC

On a personal note, this was my first-time visiting Washington, DC, and I’m glad we took an afternoon to visit the Memorial Park, with its incredible monuments to figures ranging from Martin Luther King, Jr. to Abraham Lincoln. The magnitude of the monuments is deeply impressive. I particularly appreciated the Thomas Jefferson memorial and the following quote, which I think speaks to the importance of change and adaptation. It’s something we can apply not only in our industry but also in our personal lives.

"I am not an advocate for frequent changes in laws and constitutions, but laws and institutions must go hand in hand with the progress of the human mind. As that becomes more developed, more enlightened, as new discoveries are made, new truths discovered and manners and opinions change, with the change of circumstances, institutions must advance also to keep pace with the times. We might as well require a man to wear still the coat which fitted him when a boy as a civilized society to remain ever under the regimen of their barbarous ancestors."

– Excerpted from a letter to Samuel Kercheval, July 12, 1816.

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

30 April 2024
MDPI Opens Office in Seoul, Korea and Appoints Claude Seo as Office Manager

MDPI, the leading Open Access (OA) publisher, announced on Monday that it opened its Korean branch office on 29th April 2024. With this addition, MDPI now operates 21 offices in 12 countries worldwide. Claude Seo, with over 20 years of experience in the academic journal publishing industry, including Nature Publishing Group (NPG), has been appointed as the Office Manager of the Seoul office.

With the establishment of a Seoul office, MDPI aims to actively support Korea scientific communities to further promote the publication of OA journals in the region. As of the end of 2023, Korea ranked sixth worldwide in both submissions and publications of MDPI research papers. MDPI is the number one OA publisher in Korea.

Sungkyunkwan University Joins MDPI’s Institutional Open Access Program

In addition, MDPI announced that Sungkyunkwan University joined MDPI’s Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP). This program offers free access to MDPI online submission system for the institutions and APC discounts to affiliated authors. Thirteen major Korean universities, including Sungkyunkwan University, Kyung Hee University, Chung-Ang University and Catholic University of Korea, have adopted IOAP in Korea.

OA aims to break down barriers that have traditionally restricted access to science, ensuring that knowledge is available to all, regardless of financial situation or institutional affiliations. Authors, academia, and scientific communities are rapidly moving toward OA. MDPI has been at the forefront of reshaping the academic publishing landscape, with OA surpassing subscription-based publishing in 2020.

MDPI CEO Visits Seoul, Korea

In March, Stefan Tochev, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of MDPI, visited Korea and met with various stakeholders including government agencies, research and academic institutions, universities. During his visit, Stefan highlighted that MDPI continues to pave the way for a world where science is accessible to all, supporting a global community of inclusive innovation and collaborative solutions.

Stefan expressed excitement about the new venture, stating, "Today marks a significant milestone for MDPI as we celebrate the opening of our new office in Seoul, Korea. This expansion is more than just an increase in our physical footprint, it is a pivotal step in our ongoing commitment to making scientific knowledge more accessible, participatory, and inclusive across the globe."

Claude Seo, reflecting on his new role, commented, "I am delighted to have been offered this position of trust within MDPI, the no. 1 scholarly OA publisher. As we establish our presence in Korea, we are dedicated to integrating into the local community and contributing to its vibrant culture. Our commitment goes beyond business growth; it is about creating a more informed and innovative society by embracing and promoting diversity within the scientific community.”

For further inquiries, please contact our Seoul office directly.

About MDPI

A pioneer in scholarly, open access publishing, MDPI has supported academic communities since 1996. MDPI is leading the transition to open science by making more research free and accessible to everyone. Over 3.3 million researchers have entrusted MDPI with publishing their scientific discoveries. MDPI’s editorial process is bolstered by a network of dedicated reviewers, a team of 6000 diligent, well-trained staff members, and an in-house article submission platform that was designed to ensure efficient processes within its 430 fully OA titles.

2 April 2024
MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #10 - South Korea, IWD, U2A, Japan

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Left to right: Dr. Jisuk Kang (Scientific Officer, MDPI), Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), and Dr. Giulia Stefenelli (Chair of Scientific Office Board, MDPI), during media meetings at Prain Agency office in Seoul, South Korea.

Visit to Seoul, South Korea

During my recent visit to South Korea, I had the privilege of meeting various stakeholders, including representatives of government, research institutions, and academia, to understand their needs and communicate MDPI’s commitment to accessible science. Accompanied by my colleagues Dr. Giulia Stefenelli and Dr. Jisuk Kang, I engaged with the Korean scientific community, which is increasingly embracing open access (OA).

As the leading OA publisher in South Korea, MDPI is trusted by local authors and in 2023 enjoyed an approximately 30% share of the OA market. South Korea ranks sixth globally for MDPI in terms of research papers submitted and published.

MDPI and South Korea by Numbers

As at 30 March, over 76,000 MDPI articles have been authored by individuals affiliated with Korean institutions. We have over 1,800 active editorial board members (EBMs) from South Korea, with more than 880 EBMs having an H-index between 26 and 50, including 10 serving as Chief Editors.

“South Korea is the sixth-largest contributor to our total publications”

Over the past five years (2019–2023), nearly 120,000 authors affiliated with South Korean institutes have published with MDPI. Specifically in 2023, we received approximately 25,000 submissions from South Korean authors, publishing close to 13,000 articles, resulting in a rejection rate of 47.4%, which is not far below MDPI’s overall rejection rate of 56.4% in 2023.

Institutional Partnerships with South Korea

I am pleased to share that MDPI has more than 825 institutional partnerships worldwide, with 12 in South Korea, including Kyunghee University, Chung-Ang University, and Inha University, among others.

Left to right: Dr. Jisuk Kang (Scientific Officer, MDPI), Dr. Giulia Stefenelli (Chair of Scientific Office Board, MDPI), and Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) fielding media questions at Prain PR Agency office in Seoul, South Korea.

Over the past three years (2021–2023), we have had some of the most prestigious academic universities ranked among the top 10 Korean institutions publishing with MDPI. Seoul National University had the highest number of publications with MDPI during those three years, publishing nearly 6,000 papers. Universities such as Korea University and Yonsei University also rank among the top 10 Korean institutions publishing with MDPI.

MDPI Hosts Seminar for Academia and Media

As the world’s leading OA publisher, MDPI is actively democratizing science. This is reflected in the seminars we hosted on 21 March to address questions about our editorial processes and ethical standards. The visit garnered media coverage, reflecting our mission to providing high-quality services and fostering open dialogue in the community.

“MDPI is actively democratizing science”

MDPI in the News

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) leading a seminar on OA and MDPI at Prain PR Agency office in Seoul, South Korea.

Media coverage generated by our visit to Seoul included the following stories:

“Open access is an unstoppable trend…it will lead the development of the knowledge ecosystem.”

“Papers that the public needs, anyone can use quickly… low-quality publishing is a misunderstanding.”

I greatly appreciate the contributions of everyone who took the time to meet with us, share their stories, and hold us accountable for continuing to provide high-quality publishing services while identifying areas for improvement. I am also excited to announce that we have opened an MDPI office in Seoul and will release a press release on, with details, by the end April 2024. The purpose of the office is to establish a local presence to connect with and support the South Korean academic community through institutional partnerships, conferences, author workshops, stakeholder communications, and more.

Impactful Research

Featured Articles on Women’s Leadership and Healthcare

In celebration of International Women’s Day (8 March 2024), MDPI curated a collection of research articles on various topics, including women’s leadership, reproductive health, preventive healthcare, and a selection of articles from our journal Women.

Women’s Leadership

Women’s Reproductive Health

Women’s Preventive Healthcare

Featured Articles in MDPI Journal Women

Below are a few articles from Women, our journal focused on women’s health, the social determinants of health, and the healthcare system that serves women. The aim of Women is to encourage academics to publish their experimental and theoretical results in detail, to aid reproducibility, and in an engaging style, to aid comprehensibility.

Inside MDPI


Championing Women’s Healthcare and Access to Healthcare Information

MDPI colleagues from our offices joined in celebrating #IWD2024. In doing so, we emphasized key missions that encompass:

  • Empowering women to assume leadership and decision-making roles in both business and science.
  • Helping women and girls make informed decisions about their health.
  • Recruiting and developing female talent and fostering inclusive workplace environments.

“We are thrilled to recognize the accomplishments of women scientists”

I am proud to see our colleagues enthusiastically supporting the International Women’s Day call to ‘Inspire Inclusion!’ The heart-hands in the collage below symbolize our appreciation of the achievements of women researchers and the recognition of the trailblazers who have courageously made a mark on societies past and present.

We are thrilled to recognize the accomplishments of women scientists through our many MDPI awards and by highlighting success stories. As inspirational figures, female scientists are paving the way for the next generation of women aspiring to pursue careers in engineering, life sciences, computing, and various other STEM fields.

“I consider myself lucky because I work with incredibly talented women who inspire me every day.”
– Dr. Alessandra Pasut, Winner of MDPI's ‘Biology 2023 Young Investigator Award’

“It’s really important to find a supportive and enabling environment in which to do your science; it would have a big impact on you as a person and on your scientific outputs.”
– Dr. Rhea Longley, Winner of the ‘Pathogens 2023 Young Investigator Award’

Open-access publishing, in particular, allows early-career women researchers to share their work more widely, potentially attracting mentorship opportunities and collaborations. This support is crucial for career development and advancement.

Coming Together for Science

MDPI Joins United2Act in Collective Fight to Stop Paper Mills

In my February 2024 CEO Letter, I highlighted some of our recent initiatives aimed at bolstering our commitment to research integrity, including joining the STM Integrity Hub and expanding our Research Integrity and Publication Ethics team (RIPE). Continuing our efforts in coming together for science, I am pleased to share our participation in the United2Act initiative.

The text below is taken from our official announcement:

United2Act represents an international group of stakeholders in the publishing industry committed to addressing the collective challenge posed to research integrity by paper mills.

Scientists and academic publishers have increasingly noted the alarming proliferation of paper mills, recognized as fraudulent entities seeking to manipulate the publication process for financial profit. These entities engage in fraudulent practices such as falsifying or fabricating data, selling co-authorship of fake papers, manipulating peer review, and including inappropriate citations. These actions pose a significant threat to the integrity of the scholarly record, prompting widespread concern among those involved in the academic community.

MDPI has been actively contributing to combat the undermining of the scientific record. Our editors employ a set of tools to detect potential ethical breaches within a manuscript and to tackle the issue of fake papers.

United2Act’s consensus statement is the outcome of a virtual summit held in May 2023. It involved the participation of research bodies, publishers, researchers/sleuths, universities, and publishing infrastructure from 15 countries and resulted in a Consensus Statement outlining five key areas of action for all stakeholders:

  • Education and awareness
  • Improve post-publication corrections
  • Facilitate and organise research on paper mills
  • Enable the development of trust markers
  • Facilitate dialogue between stakeholders

MDPI is committed to promoting transparency and integrity in scholarly publishing and is continuing to work closely with the scientific community toward this goal.

Closing Thoughts

Left to right: Ryo Hirayama (Marketing Specialist, MDPI), Takashi Sasabe (Marketing Specialist, MDPI), Dr. Giulia Stefenelli (Chair of Scientific Office Board, MDPI), Dr. Izumi Yamamoto (Marketing Manager, MDPI), and Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), at MDPI’s office in Tokyo, Japan.

Visit to Tokyo and Kyoto, Japan

In March, I had the opportunity to visit our Tokyo office and engage with stakeholders in Tokyo and Kyoto. During the visit, I also recorded a video message to welcome Japanese scholars working with MDPI and to highlight our operations in Japan.

We held meetings with Editors-in-Chief, librarians, scholars, and external consultants to gather feedback on our efforts to enhance our reputation and explore additional steps we can take in that direction. Japan's rich cultural heritage, characterized by tradition, respect, and formality, provided valuable insights into meeting the publishing needs specific to Japan.

Japan’s Open Access statistics

Over the years, we have seen a shift from subscription-only to gold OA publishing in Japan, despite the lack of an official mandate. Here are some statistics:

  • 2012: 68% of articles were subscription-only, 6% were green Open Access, and 8% were gold Open Access.
  • 2016: 55% of articles were subscription-only, 6% were green Open Access, and 20% were gold Open Access.
  • 2022: 43% of articles were subscription-only, 7% were green Open Access, and 39% were gold Open Access.

To learn more about the history of OA in Japan as well as about future trends, please read this blog post.

“Japan is the ninth-largest contributor to our total publications”

Left to right: Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), Dr. Izumi Yamamoto (Marketing Manager, MDPI), and Dr. Giulia Stefenelli (Chair of Scientific Office Board, MDPI) visiting Kyoto University in Kyoto, Japan.

MDPI and Japan by Numbers

As at 1 April, over 50,000 MDPI articles have been authored by scholars affiliated with Japanese institutions, making the country the ninth-largest contributor to our total publications. Over the past three years (2020–2023), nearly 90,000 authors affiliated with Japanese institutes have published with MDPI, and we have collaborated with over 4,600 Guest Editors from Japan.

In 2023, we published over 8,200 papers from authors associated with Japanese institutions. MDPI collaborates with 41 institutional partnerships in Japan, including the University of Tokyo, Hokkaido University, and Nagoya University. We have over 2,100 active EBMs from Japan, more than 1,050 EBMs having an H-index between 26 and 50, including 13 serving as Editors-in-Chief.

General Feedback – a side note

A general takeaway from our discussions with stakeholders from around the world is that negative perceptions of MDPI often stem from misinformation, misconceptions, or misunderstandings about MDPI and our practices. While we acknowledge our mistakes and work diligently to address them, maintaining a strong editorial procedure and robust peer-review process, I find that educating stakeholders about our how we do what we do and our ongoing improvements tends to help shift opinions.

That said, we recognize the importance of addressing individual concerns. We take feedback seriously and are continuously working to get better while not compromising the core principles that millions of authors appreciate about MDPI.

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

28 March 2024
Viruses | “Viruses 2024—A World of Viruses” Conference Held Successfully

Viruses pose a continuous threat to global health, making their study an ongoing imperative in scientific research. 

Following the successful MDPI Viruses conferences held in Basel (2016), Barcelona (2018 and 2020), and online (2022), the 2024 edition recently convened in Barcelona, Spain from 14 to 16 February. Entitled “Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses”, this conference served as a platform for international expert scientists and researchers to disseminate their latest discoveries in viral pathogenesis and immune response. 

Covering a wide array of topics including molecular and cellular biology, immunology, epidemiology, and public health, this conference facilitated meaningful discussions on the most pertinent issues in current virology.

The Auditorium and Convention Center—AXA

The event was jointly organized by MDPI and the journal Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915), with support from the American Society for Virology, the Spanish Society of Virology, the Australasian Virology Society, and the World Society for Virology as collaborating societies. 

With 241 attendees from 40 different countries and 190 abstracts received, the congress achieved remarkable participation. Led by Dr. Eric Freed (Editor-in-Chief of Viruses from the National Cancer Institute, NIH—Frederick, MD, USA) and Dr. Albert Bosch (University of Barcelona, Spain), the scientific committee organized sessions covering a diverse range of topics in virology research:

  • General topics in virology;
  • Antiviral therapies, vaccines, and host defenses;
  • Antiviral innate immunity;
  • The structure and mechanisms of viral replication;
  • Virus–host interactions;
  • Pathogenesis and viral evolution. 

Participants during the conference 

In this post, we will provide you with the highlights of the three days of the “Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses” conference. 

Opening Presentations
The conference began with one of the most anticipated talks by all participants and the one that brought together the largest number of attendees in the auditorium: the presentation of Dr. Charles M. Rice (Rockefeller University, New York, USA) as a guest speaker.  

Dr. Charles M. Rice during his presentation 

Dr. Rice is a leading figure in Flaviviridae research, particularly in hepatitis C virus (HCV) studies. His extensive career has contributed significantly to our understanding of HCV protein biogenesis and structure. His research group developed the first infectious molecular clone of HCV, along with essential cell culture systems and animal models for studying virus replication and antiviral treatments. 

With over 500 published articles, Dr. Rice's pivotal role in HCV discovery and hepatitis treatment earned him the 2020 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (shared with Harvey James Alter and Michael Houghton). 

In his opening presentation, Dr. Rice provided a captivating overview of HCV identification history and the quest for a global cure. He also discussed recent advancements in hepatitis B virus (HBV) research, addressing its significant impact on global health. 

Dr. Luis Enjuanes during his presentation 

The second keynote was delivered by Dr. Luis Enjuanes (National Center for Biotechnology, CNB-CSIC, Madrid, Spain), a highly experienced researcher with over 35 years of expertise in coronavirus studies. His current focus lies in investigating the replication mechanisms, transcription, virulence, and virus–host interactions of coronaviruses. 

In his engaging presentation, Dr. Enjuanes provided insights into the origin and spread of the virus responsible for the recent COVID-19 pandemic. He highlighted the latest scientific evidence, indicating a zoonotic origin of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 

Impressions of Attendees

Dr. Eric Freed

Dr. Eric Freed, Editor-in-Chief of the Viruses journal, delivered an enlightening presentation on the ongoing challenges in controlling the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Reflecting on the congress, he expressed his satisfaction with the diverse array of oral presentations:

“We have had a fantastic group of speakers, Nobel Prize laureate (Dr. Rice) and Dr. Enjuanes, along with an excellent variety of guest speakers and some outstanding Ph.D. and postdoc students who have presented excellent work, oral presentations, and posters on their research.” 

Professor Mikael Skurnik, associate editor of the journal Viruses, presented his work on the enigmatic Jumbo YerA41 bacteriophage from Yersinia YerA41 to open the session on the structure and mechanisms of viral replication. During his interview, he humorously remarked, “Since most of my colleagues work with plant or animal viruses, and I work with bacterial viruses and bacteriophages, I sometimes feel a little lonely here.” He further added, “This conference provides an excellent opportunity to witness the progress in virology research, which is truly inspiring.”  

Professor Mikael Skurnik during his presentation 

Nefer Candance Dossou 

Nefer Candance Dossou was the last speaker of the conference, closing the session on viral pathogenesis and evolution. “The best thing for me is the quality of the guest speakers. The presentation by Dr. Charles M. Rice, who received the Nobel Prize in 2020, has been one of the best moments of this congress.” 

Poster Sessions
The two poster sessions took place on the second and third days of the conference. During the lunch break and afternoon, many attendees took the chance to familiarize themselves with the poster presentations. It was a perfect occasion for Ph.D. students and young researchers to engage in discussions regarding their projects in the fascinating world of virology in an inspiring environment. 

Poster session 

Awards Ceremony
Another highlight of the conference was the Viruses awards ceremony. Dr. Carolien van de Sandt was presented with the commemorative plaque of the Viruses 2022 Early Career Investigator award, along with CHF 1000, by the Editor-in-Chief of Viruses, in recognition of her exceptional achievements as a young researcher. Dr van de Sandt is interested in the mechanisms underlying the gain and loss of virus-specific CD8+ T-cell function across the human lifespan and in high-risk groups. Her research is of great importance for the development of broadly protective vaccine strategies that aim to harness CD8+ T-cells. 

Dr. Carolien van de Sandt receiving the plaque commemorating the Viruses 2022 Early Career Investigator award 

Additionally, the winners for Best Poster and Best Oral Presentation were announced to recognize the most outstanding works presented during the three days of the conference. Matty Allan received the Best Poster award for his work entitled “Long-Range RNA:RNA Base Pairing Regulates Active Conformations of Frameshift Stimulating Elements in Coronaviruses” (awarded EUR 300). Rebekah Gullberg was awarded the Best Oral Presentation for her talk on “SARS-CoV-2 Virus-Like Particles Reveal Chaperones of Viral Assembly” (endowed with EUR 500). These awards not only celebrate the achievements of the winners but also serve as inspiration and motivation for the rest of the attendees toward scientific excellence. 

Matty Allan receiving the award for Best Poster  

Rebekah Gullberg receiving the Best Oral Presentation certificate 

Special Issue: “Viruses 2024—A World of Viruses”

We would like to highlight that the participants of this conference can submit their work to the collection “Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses” edited by Dr. Freed in the Viruses journal. 

Symposium participants, as well as all researchers working in the field, are cordially invited to contribute original research papers or reviews to this Special Issue of Viruses. You can find more information here

The Viruses journal is indexed in the main databases: Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), and PubMed, among others. Its current Impact Factor is 4.7 (2022) and it has a Citescore of 7.1 (2022). 

The MDPI conference team that participated in the event 

You can also explore the vibrant atmosphere of the conference through our video recap by clicking here

The Viruses conference has established itself as a leading event in the field of virology for researchers worldwide. We look forward to the next edition of Viruses 2026!

27 March 2024
Viruses | Highly Cited Reviews in 2022

1. “Current Trend in Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B”
by Rong-Nan Chien and Yun-Fan Liaw
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 434;
Available online:

2. “Viral Shrimp Diseases Listed by the OIE: A Review”
by Dain Lee, Young-Bin Yu, Jae-Ho Choi, A-Hyun Jo, Su-Min Hong, Ju-Chan Kang and Jun-Hwan Kim
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 585;
Available online:

3. “COVID-19 at a Glance: An Up-to-Date Overview on Variants, Drug Design and Therapies”
by Domenico Iacopetta, Jessica Ceramella, Alessia Catalano, Carmela Saturnino, Michele Pellegrino, Annaluisa Mariconda, Pasquale Longo, Maria Stefania Sinicropi and Stefano Aquaro
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 573;
Available online:

4. “Antiviral Drug Discovery for the Treatment of COVID-19 Infections”
by Teresa I. Ng, Ivan Correia, Jane Seagal, David A. DeGoey, Michael R. Schrimpf, David J. Hardee, Elizabeth L. Noey and Warren M. Kati
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 961;
Available online:

5. “Monkeypox, a Literature Review: What Is New and Where Does This concerning Virus Come From?”
by Giorgio Tiecco, Melania Degli Antoni, Samuele Storti, Lina Rachele Tomasoni, Francesco Castelli and Eugenia Quiros-Roldan
Viruses 2022, 14(9), 1894;
Available online:

6. “SARS-CoV-2: Evolution and Emergence of New Viral Variants”
by Verónica Roxana Flores-Vega, Jessica Viridiana Monroy-Molina, Luis Enrique Jiménez-Hernández, Alfredo G. Torres, José Ignacio Santos-Preciado and Roberto Rosales-Reyes
Viruses 2022, 14(4), 653;
Available online:

7. “Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma”
by Giacomo Emanuele Maria Rizzo, Giuseppe Cabibbo and Antonio Craxì
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 986;
Available online:

8. “ACE2-Independent Alternative Receptors for SARS-CoV-2”
by Suhyeon Lim, Monica Zhang and Theresa L. Chang
Viruses 2022, 14(11), 2535;
Available online:

9. “An Updated Review on SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Animals”
by Shujuan Cui, Yimeng Liu, Jiachen Zhao, Xiaomin Peng, Guilan Lu, Weixian Shi, Yang Pan, Daitao Zhang, Peng Yang and Quanyi Wang
Viruses 2022, 14(7), 1527;
Available online:

10. “In Vitro Techniques and Measurements of Phage Characteristics That Are Important for Phage Therapy Success”
by Tea Glonti and Jean-Paul Pirnay
Viruses 2022, 14(7), 1490;
Available online:

4 March 2024
MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #9 - Romania, Research Integrity, Viruses

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Reka Kovacs (Deputy Office Manager, MDPI), Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), and Sandra Ana Spatariu (Office Manager, MDPI) at the MDPI office in Cluj, Romania.

MDPI’s Impact on Romania

In February, I visited our office in Cluj, Romania. I worked closely with our senior office managers and various teams, including the departments of training, marketing and conferences, as well as our journal relationship specialists, reviewing our service to the local scholarly community. During the visit, I also met with representatives from Babes-Bolyai University and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Our multifunctional Romanian office plays an important role in supporting our collaborations with the local market as well as helping to meet MDPI’s overall business needs.

Feedback and strategy meeting with a group of MDPI’s Journal Relationship Specialists at the MDPI office in Cluj, Romania.

With 22,436 articles, Romania ranks as a top 20 contributing country to MDPI’s total number of papers published as at 28 February 2024. This highlights the importance of our collaboration with Romanian-affiliated authors and the growing opportunity to support their publishing needs. MDPI is one of the few academic publishers with a significant presence in Romania, boasting over 360 colleagues across our offices in Bucharest and Cluj. We are also proud to hire colleagues from local institutions to launch their careers within publishing.

Romania ranks as a top 20 contributing country.

The Numbers: 2019–2023

MDPI has seen a healthy increase in submissions from Romanian authors over the past three years, from 8,439 in 2021 to 11,866 by end of 2023, with most submissions going to journals such as Sustainability, Medicina, Diagnostics, IJMS, Applied Sciences, and JCM. From 2019 to 2023, MDPI published articles from 32,145 authors affiliated with Romanian institutions. Over those years, we have worked with Romanian Guest Editors on nearly 3,000 occasions to support their Special Issue and Topical collections.

With more than 300 Editorial Board Members from Romania, 34 appear on the board of Mathematics, 27 on Materials, 19 on Polymers, 18 on Coatings, and 16 on Molecules, while three serve as Section Editors-in-Chief (SEiC) on our journals Coatings (3.4 IF, 4.6 Citescore), Magnetochemistry (2.7 IF, 3.5 Citescore), and Chemosensors (4.2 IF, 3.9 Citescore).

Institutional Open Access Programs

Our commitment to working with institutions is evident in Romania, where we have established eight Institutional Open Access Programs (IOAP) with esteemed institutions such as the University of Bucharest, the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, and most recently the National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics.

Our growth and presence in Romania are a true testament.

We also have IOAP agreements with Babes-Bolyai University and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, where I had the opportunity to meet senior stakeholders during my visit. Below are a few photos capturing our meeting with Prof. Radu Silaghi-Dumitrescu (Head of Faculty of Chemistry, Babes-Bolyai University) at the MDPI office in Cluj, Romania, along with a photo from our meeting with Vice Deans Nicoleta Cobarzan, Nicoleta Ilies, and Hoda Gavril, from the faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Cluj, Romania.

Our growth and presence in Romania are a true testament to the service we provide to the scholarly community and the relationships we foster in that region. We look forward to continuing to support Romanian scholars and institutions by providing a valuable and trusted experience with MDPI, the leader in open access publishing.

Impactful Research

MDPI Joins the STM Integrity Hub

MDPI has long been a supporter and partner of STM, with our involvement ranging from sponsoring and attending events to helping organize event programs. By joining the STM Integrity Hub, we aim to further our commitment to STM initiatives aimed at safeguarding the integrity of science.

“We are pleased to welcome MDPI as the 35th organisation participating in the Hub. This expansion is critical, as every new member enhances our capacity to prevent fraudulent submissions from entering the academic record.”

Joris van Rossum, Director of Research Integrity, STM

MDPI operates in full alignment with STM Integrity Hub's values of shared data and experiences. We strongly believe in collaboration and open exchange for the purposes of creating a holistic approach to support research integrity at MDPI itself and across the entire academic publishing industry. The Integrity Hub is an excellent example of how publishers can come together to jointly address industry-wide challenges related to research integrity, such as manuscripts that breach research integrity standards and paper-mills.

I look forward to our Research Integrity and Publication Ethics Team (RIPE) team immersing themselves in this initiative, exchanging information, best practices, and tools for the benefit of the entire scholarly ecosystem. We believe that ethical publishing standards should be implemented across the board, and we aim to be rigorous in our approach, addressing research integrity issues and improving the impact of published research.

Inside MDPI

MDPI Expands Research Integrity and Publication Ethics Team (RIPE)

In addition to external collaborations and joint initiatives aimed at further strengthening our commitment to research integrity, we are also enhancing our internal efforts. This includes improving our processes and guidelines and expanding our teams and departments to ensure quality assurance throughout our publishing process.

We are pleased to announce the expansion of our Research Integrity and Publication Ethics Team (RIPE) at MDPI. The RIPE team has recently welcomed new colleagues, each bringing unique skills and a personal commitment to prioritize ethical considerations in all our work.

The demand for research integrity and high ethical standards in academic publishing is steadily rising across our industry. Our expanded RIPE team will work to enhance and align our practices with industry best practices, ensuring excellence in research integrity and publication ethics.

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) introduces Dr. Tim Tait-Jamieson (Research Integrity Lead, MDPI) for his presentation on MDPI’s Retraction and Approval Process to a group of Journal Relationship Specialists at the MDPI office in Cluj, Romania: “The demand for research integrity and publication ethics is steadily rising across our industry.”

Introducing our Research Integrity and Publication Ethics Team

Led by Dr. Tim Tait-Jamieson (Research Integrity Lead), the RIPE team comprises Dr. Ivana Resanovic (Research Integrity Manager), Dr. Lavinia Rogojina (Research Integrity Manager), Ms. Diana Apodaritei (Research Integrity Specialist), Dr. Zoltan Mihaly (Research Integrity Specialist), Mr. Aleksandar Đukić (Research Integrity Specialist), Ms. Ana Stankovic (Research Integrity Specialist), and Ms. Anna Pena (Publication Ethics Assistant).

Please click here to access everything that you need to know about MDPI’s Research and Publication Ethics.

With this span of complementary roles, the RIPE team collaborates directly with journal editorial teams and works closely with various departments, including our Scientific Office Board and our Journal Relationship Specialists. The team’s primary objectives are to help prevent issues regarding research integrity and publication ethics during peer review, uphold MDPI’s ethics policies, adhere to industry standards, and resolve publication ethics and research integrity issues and complaints.

Quality Updates to Special Issues Oversight

At MDPI, we are committed to reviewing policies pertaining to the quality of research. In this blog post, Shaheena Patel (Communications Associate, MDPI), outlines two recent updates to MDPI journal processes. These updates pertain to Special Issue (SI) quality guidelines, in line with criteria provided by COPE and DOAJ. Alongside the SI updates, details regarding the new minor corrections policy introduced in 2024 are provided in the blog.

The two updates we implemented include greater oversight and the verification of Guest Editor credentials. These guidelines require that Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) and Editorial Board Members (EBMs) take responsibility for overseeing SIs.

PS. Thank you, James Butcher, for featuring this up in your 67th issue of the Journalogy newsletter.

Read more:

Coming Together for Science

Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses

I am pleased to share the success of our MDPI conference Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses, held 14-16 February, in Barcelona. With 240 registrations, this event brought together top scientists, researchers, and industry experts from 40 countries to share their findings on the latest developments in viral pathogenesis and immune responses.

Attendees gathered for the 5th edition of the Viruses’ conference, where we hosted influential keynote speeches from Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Charles M. Rice and ‘Distinguished Senior Virologist’ Prof. Luis Enjuanes, along with 14 invited speakers, 47 selected speakers, and nine flash poster presenters, to discuss the most significant issues in virology today.

Recap on the #Viruses2024 Conference

Take a look at the key moments from MDPI’s Viruses event and please join us in commemorating a gathering for global knowledge and cooperation. A heartfelt thank-you to all attendees; their passion and engagement played a crucial role in making this event an engaging success!

Below are calls to action from the keynote speakers encouraging collaboration and communication:

“There’s never been a better time than now to really take the power that we have both in terms of basic research and also in biotech and pharma to develop antiviral agents.” - Dr. Charles M. Rice, The Rockefeller University, New York, USA

“The collaboration between labs is absolutely essential. Improving initial detection and improving communication is a must for all of us working in science.” - Prof. Dr. Luis Enjuanes, National Center of Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC), Madrid, Spain

Our thanks go to our sponsors and partnering societies, our Viruses journal and editorial team, our Barcelona colleagues, and the social media, conference and other MDPI teams for making this event a memorable occasion. View the event gallery here.

Upcoming In-Person Event

24–26 April, 2024
4th MMCS – Harnessing the Power of New Drug Modalities
Location: Barcelona, Spain

Esteemed speakers at MMCS 2024 include Prof. Arun K. Ghosh, the mind behind the Darunavir molecule, and Prof. Paul Brennan, CSO of Alzheimer's Research UK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute.

Find more upcoming MDPI events here.

Organize Your Event with MDPI’s Sciforum

Sciforum is MDPI’s platform dedicated to the organization of scientific events. In line with our mission to promote science, Sciforum supports scholars, societies, research networks, and universities at all stages of organizing in-person events, virtual events and webinars. Our platforms are efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective. We handle all steps related to event management. Contact us for details.

Closing Thoughts

Researcher to Reader (R2R) Conference

From 20–21 February 2024, I had the pleasure of attending the Researcher to Reader (R2R) conference in London, which MDPI has proudly sponsored over the years. The conference programme offered a variety of session formats, including workshops, panel discussions, debates, interviews, presentations, and lightning talks, with opportunities to discuss relevant topics.

We take pride in supporting the scientific community, bringing researchers across the world together to network, exchange ideas and share the latest in science and publishing. In 2023, MDPI invested close to 2 million CHF in sponsoring over 2,000 scientific and publishing-related conferences worldwide.

R2R Peer Review Innovations Workshop

I found the R2R conference to be engaging, with the workshops being particularly enjoyable. My colleague Giulia Stefenelli (Chair of Scientific Office Board) and I participated in the “Peer Review Innovations” workshop, which spanned four sessions over the two days. These sessions explored the future of peer review and how we can improve the peer review process for everyone involved. Notably, the large majority of attendees expressed their opinion that peer review, as currently practiced, requires significant improvement. Together, we collaborated on potential immediate and long-term improvements and innovative processes, aiming to create an ecosystem beneficial to all stakeholders by strengthening submission systems with the aim of reducing threats and making authors more responsible for their work. We also discussed the opportunity for academic institutions to better scrutinize the quality of the work produced and submitted to journals.

Our group comprised publishers, software providers, librarians, and more, bringing diverse perspectives to the discussions. These interactions were relevant to MDPI’s ongoing conversations, providing insights to our efforts. The session also made me appreciate that MDPI is doing well, as the group discussions included the subject of various quality checks that we have already embedded in our processes, ensuring that we keep abreast of industry standards.

The need for an optimized system to incentivize the activities of editors and reviewers was also a focus of discussion, as well as the support that reviewers need from publishers via the provision of strong reports through fixed forms, questionnaires and training.

At MDPI, we are currently auditing our reviewer program to improve reviewer recognition, guidelines, and methods for identifying suitable reviewers, while maintaining our commitment to quality and timeliness.

Congratulations to Mark Carden, Conference Director, and the R2R team for organizing a productive and successful event. PS: The break times were greatly appreciated as well!

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

28 February 2024
Prof. Dr. Alexander Gorbalenya Appointed Associate Editor of Section “General Virology” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Alexander Gorbalenya has been appointed Associate Editor of the “General Virology” Section of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915).

Name: Prof. Dr. Alexander Gorbalenya
Affiliation: Department of Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands
Interests: comparative virus genomics; virus discovery; virus evolution; virus taxonomy; proteolytic processing in viruses; structure and function of nidovirus enzymes

Prof. Dr. Alexander Gorbalenya is Professor Emeritus of medical microbiology, particularly virus bioinformatics, and the former Head of the Virus Evolution and Bioinformatics lab in the Research Section. He held the Leiden University Fund Chair in Applied Bioinformatics in Virology (2009–2017) and was Vice President of the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy (2011–2017).

We are honored that we have the opportunity to introduce Prof. Dr. Alexander Gorbalenya to our editorial team, and we are confident that, with the guidance of our new Associate Editor, we will continue to improve the reputation and quality of Viruses.

For more information about the “General Virology” Section, please visit the following link:

31 January 2024
MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #8 - Altmetric and Flat Fee Agreement

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

MDPI and Digital Science Meeting

At MDPI, we are committed to providing our authors with the essential tools to publish, promote, and track their research. In line with this commitment, we have established a longstanding collaboration with Digital Science, a company specializing in research data and analytical insights for the research community. Our collaboration integrates their Altmetric tool, offering us and our authors the ability to track a variety of sources that monitor and report attention surrounding publications.

As part of our collaboration, we recently hosted Cathy Holland, Director of Global Publisher Business Development, and Helen Cooke, Managing Director of Publisher Sales, from Digital Science, at our MDPI headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.

Left to right: Facundo Santomé (Senior Marketing Manager, MDPI), Constanze Shelhorn (Indexing Manager, MDPI), Cathy Holland (Director of Global Publisher Business Development, Digital Science), Helen Cooke (Managing Director of Publisher Sales, Digital Science), and Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) in front of MDPI headquarters in Basel, Switzerland.

During our meeting, we discussed MDPI’s publishing philosophy and explored further avenues for collaboration. We look forward to continuing our partnership with Digital Science, aiming to improve our services yet further and meet the needs of our authors more closely than ever.

What is Altmetric?

You will notice that MDPI articles feature an Altmetric score, a colourful doughnut capturing the score in the upper right corner of the article page. This score represents ‘alternative metrics,’ as distinct from traditional metrics such as Impact Factor, CiteScore, and Scimago Journal Rank.

Altmetrics complement traditional citation-based metrics by capturing online discussions related to a specific research topic. By analyzing both sets of data, we can obtain a comprehensive understanding of the attention a particular research output receives and the sources in which it is mentioned.

“Almetric provides visual insights into where research is being discussed”

Sources Tracked by Altmetric

Altmetric badge showing the Altmetric score and colour-coded mention sources.

Altmetric monitors various sources, categorizing them into segments such as policy documents, peer reviews, Wikipedia, news and blogs, and social media, among other sources. Each category is identifiable by a specific colour.

The Altmetric badge provides visual insights into where the research is being discussed. A more colourful badge indicates broader mentions across multiple platforms. Such tracking enables us to gauge the extent of an article’s online dissemination, noting that increased visibility may correlate with higher citation rates.

Read more:

Impactful Research

Ten High-Altmetric Articles Published by MDPI

As at 30 January 2024, Altmetric has tracked 670,500 MDPI research outputs from MDPI, resulting in over 4.3 million mentions. This includes over 71,894 mentions in policy and patents and 294,714 mentions in news and blogs, with some achieving an Altmetric score as high as 28,754.

So, what is a good Altmetric score? There are various ways to put this score into context. You can find out more about the score in context and how to evaluate your work by this means.

Here are ten MDPI papers ranking in the top 5% of all research outputs scored by Altmetric.

“Accuracy in Wrist-Worn, Sensor-Based Measurements of Heart Rate and Energy Expenditure in a Diverse Cohort”

J. Pers. Med. 2017, 7(2), 3;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 253 news stories from 209 outlets including Forbes, BBC, and Fox News.

“Daylight Saving Time and Acute Myocardial Infarction: A Meta-Analysis”

J. Clin. Med. 2019, 8(3), 404;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 295 news stories from 207 outlets including Forbes, The Atlantic, and New York Times.

“The Preliminary Analysis of Cave Lion Cubs Panthera spelaea (Goldfuss, 1810) from the Permafrost of Siberia”

Quaternary 2021, 4(3), 24;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 182 news stories from 134 outlets including CBC News, CNN, and National Geographic.

“Not the Cat’s Meow? The Impact of Posing with Cats on Female Perceptions of Male Dateability”

Animals 2020, 10(6), 1007;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 124 news stories from 98 outlets including VICE, CNN and The Guardian.

“Behaviour and Welfare Impacts of Releasing Elephants from Overnight Tethers: A Zimbabwean Case Study”

Animals 2022, 12(15), 1933;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 192 news stories from 186 outlets.

How do I use altmetrics?

Altmetric Explorer provides a detailed step-by-step guide and instruction video for first-time users of the tool. The guide includes useful diagrams that make it easy to get started.

Sharing Research Online

For research to be tracked across different sources, Altmetric needs a research output with a persistent identifier: a DOI, ISBN, PubMed ID, handle ID, etc. When sharing research, it is important to include a link to the original research output.

“An Update on Eukaryotic Viruses Revived from Ancient Permafrost”

Viruses 2023, 15(2), 564;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 250 news stories from 180 outlets including CTV, Fox News, and CNN.

“The Global Problem of Insufficient Sleep and Its Serious Public Health Implications”

Healthcare 2019, 7(1), 1;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 252 news stories from 168 outlets including BBC, Harvard Business Review, and Forbes.

“A Detailed Review Study on Potential Effects of Microplastics and Additives of Concern on Human Health”

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2020, 17(4), 1212;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 197 news stories from 150 outlets including BBC, The Tribune, and World Economic Forum.

“An Empirical Study of Chronic Diseases in the United States: A Visual Analytics Approach to Public Health”

Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2018, 15(3), 431;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 232 news stories from 149 outlets including Forbes, New York Times, and Harvard Business Review.

“Garden Scraps: Agonistic Interactions between Hedgehogs and Sympatric Mammals in Urban Gardens”

Animals 2023, 13(4), 590;

Altmetric page:

Altmetric shows that this article appeared in 172 news stories from 168 outlets including BBC.

Inside MDPI

MDPI Annual Meeting Celebrations in China

On Thursday 25 January, over 1,300 MDPI colleagues from our two offices in Beijing gathered to kick off MDPI’s traditional ‘Annual Meetings.’ These celebrations take place in MDPI’s offices across China, including Dalian, Tianjin, Wuhan, and Nanjing.

The evenings include performances, informative talks and presentations, awards, and entertainment, providing an ideal platform to recognize our colleagues, celebrate their achievements, and set our sights on the future.

“It is essential that we stay connected and share best practices”

I sent a video congratulating everyone on their work and sharing our vision of building MDPI into the most trusted OA publisher, highlighting the roles each of us has to play in achieving that goal.

Unfortunately I could not join in person, but you may recall my recent trip, when I visited our offices in Beijing and Wuhan, which I look forward to visiting again this year.

Although our headquarters are in Basel, Switzerland, and we are expanding throughout Europe and North America, the majority of MDPI’s workforce is in China and throughout the Asia-Pacific region, including offices in Singapore, Thailand, Japan, and newly opened office in South Korea. It is essential that as a global organization, we stay connected and share best practices in order to grow collectively and continue providing the exceptional service to our authors.

The Annual Meeting is a moment to reflect and enjoy the year’s hard work and dedication.

I extend our best wishes to all for the Chinese New Year (Xīnnián kuàilè)!

Coming Together for Science

MDPI and TU Delft Adopt Flat Fee Model in Extended Partnership

We are excited to announce a renewed three-year partnership with Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) in the Netherlands. This collaboration introduces a fixed lump-sum fee, covering publishing costs from 2024 to 2026.

“This initiative reflects our dedication to transparent and inclusive publishing”

TU Delft-affiliated authors will enjoy cost-free publishing in any MDPI journal during this period, aligning with our commitment to removing barriers for open access publishing. The agreement supports Plan S compliance and facilitates a seamless publishing process for TU Delft corresponding authors. This initiative reflects our dedication to transparent and inclusive publishing, providing stability and predictability both for authors and for institutions.

For further details on our Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP), please contact us.

Benefits to MDPI’s IOAP

At MDPI we have a long tradition of partnerships, including our Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP). IOAP supports institutions through simplification, access, transparency, APC discounts, and institutional repository deposits. The program simplifies administrative processes, offers central payment, and allows easy opting in and out. Participants gain free access to Susy, MDPI’s online submission system, with extensive article metadata and exportable data. APC discounts and Book Processing Charge discounts are available for affiliated authors. Automated deposits to institutional repositories and streamlined matching of papers to IOAP participants enhance the overall experience.

For further information, see our IOAP FAQ.

Closing Thoughts

Reflections on the 2024 APE Conference

MDPI was proud to co-sponsor the Academic Publishing in Europe (APE) 2024 Conference that took place in Berlin, Germany, from 9–10 January 2024.

The conference theme, ‘Keep the Conversation Going!’, explored the evolving landscape of scholarly communication. APE is one of the key conferences I make a point to attend each year. January offers a valuable opportunity to engage with new contacts, reconnect with familiar faces, and participate in impactful discussions and presentations among professionals, scholars, and practitioners in the field.

“It's fascinating to see how other publishers are leveraging AI”


Some of the standout panels for me include: the role of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within the publishing industry. It was encouraging to hear the current status quo, though I was eager also to learn about the exciting projects planned for 2024 and beyond. These will allow us to track progress in subsequent years. At MDPI, we remain committed to promoting Open–Access (OA) content on SDGs through scientific articles and books. Furthermore, we extend our commitment to sustainability by financially supporting researchers through initiatives such as the World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, as well as waiving the APC for feature papers on each SDG.

In recent years, discussions on AI have become increasingly prominent at such conferences. It’s fascinating to see how other publishers are leveraging AI to meet the evolving needs of their audiences while at the same time using it to safeguard the scientific process. Other engaging panels that I enjoyed included updates on transformation beyond transformative agreements, the principles of lean change, incentive structures related to research integrity, and the panel on reviewer incentives.

“We can share best practices and lessons learned”

Incorporating MDPI’s Insights into Conferences

I must confess that I sometimes feel overlooked when MDPI is not invited to participate in crucial industry discussions. As the leading open access publisher and the third-largest publisher overall, we possess extensive experience in many of these areas and can offer valuable contributions to these discussions. We can share best practices, lessons learned, and our thinking about future trajectories. For instance, in panels discussing reviewer incentives, at MDPI we offer a discount voucher to reviewers for future submissions, reflecting our commitment to fostering a robust peer review process. In 2022 alone, MDPI collected over 1.4 million peer review reports, informing the decision-making processes of our editors. Given our expertise in these areas, it would be natural to include MDPI in such discussions. I therefore extend an invitation to future conference organizers to consider MDPI for speaking engagements and collaborative opportunities.

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

30 January 2024
Acknowledgment of the Reviewers of Viruses in 2023

In recognizing the exceptional efforts of our reviewers in 2023, we express our sincere gratitude for upholding the high standards of Viruses. Their commitment ensured the rigorous peer review that is integral to quality academic publishing.

In 2023, Viruses received 7922 review reports, from 4904 reviewers. This past year, we worked with reviewers from 99 countries and regions, reflecting the diversity in our collaboration with research communities. Their dedication shapes scholarly discourse and advances global research. The editorial team expresses gratitude for the vital role played by each reviewer in the Viruses family throughout 2023, and we look forward to their continued support in 2024.

The following are the reviewers who have consented to show their names:

A. Abdul Kader Jailani Kalhari Goonewardene
Abdulqadir Nashwan Kaliannan Durairaj
AbdulRahman Saied Kalichamy Alagarasu
Abhinay Gontu Kamaleldin B. Said
Abhishek Anant Kulkarni Karel Kostev
Abiola Adepoju Karel Petrzik
Abraham Pouliakis Karen Bohmwald
Ad De Groof Karen Kopciuk
Adalbert Schiller Karen Kyuregyan
Adam Brufsky Karim Benabdellah
Adam Oberstein Karl Boehme
Adam Whisnant Karoly Toth
Adarsh K. Gupta Katarina Resman Rus
Adetoun Asala Katarzyna Otulak
Adhikarimayum Lakhikumar Sharma Katherine Brown
Aditya Sharma Katie Ardipradja
Adrian Lita Katsunori Okazaki
Adriana Patricia Corredor-Figueroa Kazumoto Murata
Adriano Murrone Kazuo Itabashi
Adrien Breiman Keisuke Ishizawa
Afonso Almeida Ken Rosenthal
Agnieszka Bojarska-Junak Kennio Ferreira-Paim
Agostino Ognibene Kevin Bohannon
Ahmed Ali Kevin Danastas
Ahmed Elbestawy Khaled Alkharsah
Ahmed Mekkawy Ki Hyun Nam
Aiken Dao Kielan McAlinden
Ajay Akhade Kifayatullah Kakar
Akira Aoki Kim Van Vliet
Akira Nakanishi Kin Kui Lai
Akshaya Bhagavathula Klaus Hedman
Alain Le Faou Kok Hian Tan
Alda Natale Koki Taniguchi
Aldemir Branco Oliveira-Filho Konstantinos Protopapas
Alejandra García-Gasca Kouacou Konan
Alejandro Vallejo Krista Delviks-Frankenberry
Aleksander Mendyk Kristen Ogden
Alessandra Lamarca Kun Wen
Alessandra Oliva Kun Zhang
Alessandra Pierangeli Lalit Batra
Alessandro Strumia Lanjing Wei
Alessandro Tavelli Larry Croft
Alexander Alekseev László Hazai
Alexander Bolshoy Laura L. Gibson
Alexander Filatov Laura Medina-Puche
Alexander Ivanov Laura V. Sánchez-Orozco
Alexander Pasternak Laurent Bigarré
Alexander Sprygin Laurie Silva
Alexander Timoshenko Lauro Velazquez-Salinas
Alexander Zakhartchouk Lei Zhang
Alexandra Targovnik Leny Jose
Alfredo J. Lucendo Leonardo Velasco
Ali Abdallah Leszek Tylicki
Alice Monzani Lia Van Der Hoek
Aline Maria Da Silva Líbia Zé-Zé
Alison Talis Lima Lídia Gonçalves
Alkiviadis Vatopoulos Lidija Savić
Altijana Hromic-Jahjefendic Lidija Truncaite
Alvydas Malakauskas Lifeng Zhai
Amanda Seekings Lijuan Yuan
Amelina Albornoz Lin Xu
Amir Ghorbani Linbo Zhao
Amit Goel Linda J. Saif
Amit Kumar Lionel Frangeul
Amrita Saha Vadher Liv Bode
Amy MacNeill Logan Banadyga
Ana Belen Blazquez Martin Lorenzo Casalino
Ana Belen Ruiz-Garcia Lori Rice
Ana Carolina Ewbank Louie Mar Gangcuangco
Ana Cecília Ribeiro Cruz Luana Soares
Ana Cláudia Coelho Lubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb
Ana Espino Luc Swevers
Ana Vasić Luca Bertzbach
Anamika Pandey Luca Scapoli
Anand Kumar Pandey Luca Toti
Ananda Ayyappan Jaguva Vasudevan Lucia Stanciakova
Ananda Tiwari Luciana Costa
Anandi Rajan Luciane Amorim Santos
Anastasia Kotanidou Luigi Pistelli
Anatoly Zherdev Luis Adrián De Jesús González
Andi Krumbholz Luisa De Sordi
Andrea Cara Luisa Rubino
Andrea Fabbri Łukasz Grabowski
Andrea Guarino Łukasz Szeleszczuk
Andrea K. Thoma-Kress Maarit Suomalainen
Andrea Lipińska Maciej Zieliński
Andrea Tinelli Magdalena Dunowska
Andrea V. Peralta Magdalena Mizerska-Kowalska
Andreas Brodehl Magdalena Mroczek
Andreas Jekle Mahamud-Ur Rashid
Andreas Kuhn Mahdi Mahdipour
Andrej Cokan Mahmoud Ibrahim
Andreu Comas-Garcia Mahmoud Khalifa
Andrew Broadbent Mahmoud Singer
Andrew Freedman Maite Freitas Silva Vaslin
Andrew Omame Maksim Filipenko
Andrew Rice Małgorzata Kęsik-Brodacka
Andrew Vaillant Malgorzata Lobocka
Andrey Letarov Mandy Muller
Andrey Sgibnev Manfred Marschall
Angela Pearson Manfred Weidmann
Angus Oli Manish Dhawan
Aniello Maiese Manish Kumar
Anna Costagliola Manoj K. Sekhwal
Anna Dolgova Manoj Kumar
Anna Heitmann Manu Anantpadma
Anna Luganini Manuel Gomez Del Moral
Anna Matczuk Manuela Donalisio
Anna Rosa Garbuglia Marc Fuchs
Anna Shtro Marc Vasse
Anna Speranskaya Marcela Lizano
Anna Szakiel Marcelo Brigido
Anna Taglienti Marco Ciotti
Anna Timofeeva Marco Goeijenbier
Anna Vittoria Carluccio Marco Grodzki
Annalisa Chianese Marco Thomas
Annamaria Pratelli Marcos Romário Matos De Souza
Anne Hosmalin Maria Agallou
Annette Audigé Maria Angelica Guimarães
Antoinette C. Van Der Kuyl María Belén Álvarez Ortega
Antonella Olivero María Carmen Puertas
Antonieta Guerrero-Plata Maria Eugenia Gonzalez
Antonino Catara Maria Isaguliants
Antonio Bertoletti Maria King
Antonio Caputi Maria Lavilla
Antonio Mastino Maria Loureiro
Antonio Tiberini Maria Pia Ferraz
Antonio Toniolo Maria Plummer
Anu Paul Maria Tempesta
Anupam Mukherjee Maria Teresa Bruno
Apostolos Zaravinos Maria Vega Pittao
Aravinthkumar Jayabalan Maria Vittoria Mauro
Arianna Calistri Mariacristina Poliseno
Arianna De Mori Marianna Domán
Arianna M. Hurtado-Monzón Mariano Belaich
Armando Arias Mariarosaria Campise
Arrigo Cicero Marie Pizzorno
Artem Metlin Marija Pljesa-Ercegovac
Arthur Gruber Marilena Gregorini
Artur Słomka Marina Bobkova
Arturo Medrano-Soto Marina Ibragimova
Arun Srivastava Marina Strakhovskaya
Ashley Brown Marine Wasniewski
Atanu Khatua Marino Paroli
Athanasios A. Panagiotopoulos Marion Vermeulen
Athanasios Papakyriakou Marius Masiulis
Athina Geronikaki Mariza Morgado
Atsushi Kato Mark Calcott
Aurobind Vidyarthi Mark Krystal
Avinash Premraj Marko Noerenberg
Ayisa Rodrigues De Oliveira Markus Keller
Azat Gabdulkhakov Marshall Williams
Badr Alshomrani Marta Canuti
Bahaa Jawad Marta Szachniuk
Baicus Anda Marta Vascellari
Baik Lin Seong Martha Brown
Bambang Sugiharto Martijn D. B. Van De Garde
Banhi Biswas Martin Richter
Barbara Klupp Martin Svoboda
Barbara Ruaro Martina Smolic
Barbara Schnierle Martina Torricelli
Barbara Weck Marzia Pucci
Barry Alto Masaaki Miyazawa
Bart Tarbet Masahiro Niikura
Bas B. Oude Munnink Masahiro Yasuda
Basudev Paudyal Masakazu Tanaka
Beatrice Macchi Masayuki Ishikawa
Bela Balint Masfique Mehedi
Benhur Lee Mateusz Babicki
Benjamin Cull Mathieu Dubé
Benjamin Lamp Matias Castells
Benjamin Nilsson-Payant Matt Asare
Benoit Barbeau Matteo Riccò
Bernadett Papp Mauricio Comas-Garcia
Bernardo Bañuelos-Hernández Mauro Giacomelli
Bert Ely Mauro Viganò
Beth Thielen Mayo Yasugi
Betsy C. Herold Md. Abdus Sobur
Biao He Md. Nazmul Islam
Bidisha Mitra Md. Tanvir Rahman
Bihua Nie Meiling Yu
Bin Li Melinda Brindley
Binfeng Yin Melissa Barker-Haliski
Biswas Avik Mengmeng Zhao
Bo Wang Meredith Frazier
Bo Zhou Meret Ricklin
Bobo Mok Michael Amoa-Bosompem
Boguslawa Luzak Michael Bette
Boris Chernyak Michael Bukrinsky
Boris Kantor Michael Chapman
Boris Yakobson Michael Eller
Bradley Groveman Michael Liebman
Bratko Filipic Michael Perch
Brenda S. Konigheim Michael Rahe
Brendan Bell Michael Roggendorf
Brian Crook Michael Schreiber
Brian Lee Michael Winkler
Brian Salmons Michaela Gack
Brigitta Marcella Laksono Michal A. Rahat
Brigitte Hantusch Michele Tonelli
Bruna Ramos Mick Mulders
Byung-Hoon Jeong Mihaela Hostiuc
Cameron Tebbi Mihaela Kavran
Carla Masala Mihaela Luca
Carla Miranda Mihnea Bostina
Carla Zannella Min Guo
Carlos Cerdán Santacruz Minetaro Arita
Carlos Sandoval-Jaime Minghang Wang
Carlos São-José Mingsong Kang
Carmen Jerry Minsook Hwang
Carmina Gallardo Frontaura Mirjana Jerkic
Carmine Izzo Miroslav Glasa
Carol Chitko-McKown Modra Murovska
Carolina Pacca Mohamad S. Hakim
Carolyn Teschke Mohamed Hassan
Catherine Alex Mohamed Mahdi
Catherine Brown Mohammad Sadraeian
Catherine Eichwald Mohammed Noushad
Catherine Loc-Carrillo Mohammed Rohaim
Cécile-Marie Aliouat-Denis Mohd Imran
Celia Fernandez-Ortega Mohd Zulkifli Salleh
Chandrabose Selvaraj Moises Leon Juarez
Changjun Huang Mona Sadat Larijani
Changming Bai Monika Olech
Charles Foster Monika Rinder
Charlotte Preston Morgan Brisse
Cheng Chi Mubarak S. Karsany
Cheng Guo Mudan Zhang
Cheng Huang Muhammad Iqhrammullah
Cheng Yan Muhammad N. Zahid
Chengwu Zou Muhammad Naveed Anwar
Chiara Agostinis Muhammad Nawaz
Chih-Ching Chung Münir Aktaş
Chitra Upadhyay Myriam Ermonval
Christian Barbato Nadia Storm
Christian Laboisse Nadine Krüger
Christina L. Gardner Najim Alshahrani
Christine Blattner Nasim Izadi
Christophe Guillon Natalia Cheshenko
Christophe Vanpouille Natalia Kovalskaya
Christopher Bellas Natalia Lomakina
Christopher Denes Natália Marques
Chukwunonso Onyilagha Natalia Mazur-Panasiuk
Chung-Hsin Wu Natalia Soriano-Sarabia
Chutchai Piewbang Naveen Kumar
Claire Muslin Nemat Sokhandan-Bashir
Claudia Wylezich Neven Papić
Clinton Jones Nicholas Bradshaw
Côme Thieulent Nicholas Eyre
Concetta Castilletti Nick Juleff
Congyue Peng Nicolas Ruggli
Conxita Mestres Nicole Vidal
Corrado Pelaia Nicolò Brandi
Craig Brunetti Nicolò Fabbri
Cristian Baicus Nidia Arechiga-Ceballos
Cristian-Mihail Niculae Nikolai Nikitin
Cristina Mambet Nikolaos Giormezis
Crystall Swarbrick Nikolaos V. Sipsas
Dan Heller Nina Tikunova
Dana Sabir Nina Wolfrum
Daniel Cisterna Nirajkumar Makadiya
Daniel Gonzalez-Dunia Nityanand Jain
Daniel Pérez-Núñez Nobuhiru Suzuki
Daniel Potaczek Noelia Nuñez-Ortiz
Daniel Salamango Norbert J. Roberts Jr.
Daniel Scott Noula Shembade
Daniela Elena Serban Noura Dosoky
Daniele Focosi Noureddine Issaoui
Danijela Černe Nourolah Soltani
Danijela Miljanovic Nuno Taveira
Danillo Lucas Alves Esposito Nuria Torner
Danuta Januszkiewicz-Lewandowska Olga Ivanova
Dapeng Wang Olga Krestinina
Daria Danilenko Olga Matveeva
David Baum Oliver Planz
David Burke Oliver Van Oekelen
David Davido Olivier Escaffre
David Martin Ombretta Turriziani
David Ornelles Omid Rezahosseini
David Scheim Osama Atallah
David Scott McVey Osman Aktaş
Dawei Zhou Otávio Augusto Chaves
De Gaulle I. Chigbu Otávio Espíndola
Debashis Dutta Owais Khan
Deemah Dabbagh Pakieli H. Kaufusi
Demetrios Arvanitis Pamuk Bilsel
Denise Hemmings Panagiotis Katsoulos
Dennis Bideshi Panagiotis Tassis
Der-Shan Sun Paola Dall’Ara
Désirée Caselli Paola Sinibaldi
Dewald Schoeman Paolo Monini
Diane Addie Paolo Pozzi
Dianjun Cao Parikshit Bagchi
Dilber Ipek Kurtboke Partha Chandra
Dimitri Kakabadse Partha Ray
Dimitrios Skliros Pasquale Marrazzo
Dimitris Tsakogiannis Pasquale Saldarelli
Dinesh Devadoss Patrick Gérardin
Dinesh Gawande Patrizia Danesi
Djamal Brahim Belhaouari Paul Azzinaro
Dmitry Kireev Paul Hyman
Dmitry S. Karpov Paul Kupke
Dmytro Chumachenko Paul Rösch
Domenico Galante Paula Rozo-Lopez
Domenico Marson Paulo Zaini
Dominic Paquin Proulx Pavel Alexyuk
Dominik Radzki Pavel Nazarov
Donald E. Spratt Pavel Solopov
Donald M. Coen Pavle Banovic
Dongbo Jiang Paweł Bęczkowski
Dong-Yan Jin Paweł Wańkowicz
Douwe Sinderen Pawel Zmora
Dulani Meedeniya Pedro Ramos-González
Duomeng Yang Pedro Serra
Edgar Simulundu Peli Foka
Edmund Kozieł Pengfei Ding
Eduardo Gomez-Casado Pero Lučin
Eduardo Gutiérrez-Abejón Perumal Renukadevi
Efstathios S. Giotis Peter Evseev
Eileen Roulis Peter Gaskill
Elcio Leal Peter Nagy
Elena Criscuolo Petr Zeman
Elena Frolova Philip Serwer
Elena Ryabchikova Phillip Tai
Eleonora Cimini Phuong Thi Hoang
Elisa Cairrao Pietro Hiram Guzzi
Elizaveta Starodubova Piyush Baindara
Elliott Chiu Pradeep Uchil
Elrashdy Redwan Pragya Yadav
Elsa Damonte Prashant Sharma
Elton Vasconcelos Qiang Liu
Elvan Üstün Qibin Geng
Elvina Viennet Qin Xiang Ng
Elzbieta Kierzek Rafael Rivera-Bustamante
Emad Beshir Ata Rafaela Fernandes
Emily Edwards Rafaella Ioshino
Emma Mohr Raffaele Serra
Emmanouil Magiorkinis Raghunadharao Digumarti
Emmanuelle Muller Rahima Benhabbour
Engy Elekhnawy Rajiv Pathak
Enrique Domínguez-Álvarez Ramanjaneyulu Rayala
Erez Bar-Haim Ramin Raul Ossami Saidy
Eric Huet Randal N. Johnston
Eric Lau Raphaël Duval
Eric Romanowski Raphael Tze Chuen Lee
Eric S. Pringle Rashad El-Hind
Eric Schott Raul Machado
Erich Mackow Ravendra Chauhan
Ernesto Quesada Ravinder Kumar
Esperanza Gomez-Lucia Rebecca Creamer
Esteban Finol Rebecca DuBois
Estela Paz-Artal Rebecca Rose
Eugene Ryabov Rebecca Sumner
Eui Tae Kim Regragui Taki
Eunsil Park Reiner Ulrich
Éva Áy Reka Varnai
Eva Varallyay Renata Oliveira
Evandro Watanabe Rendi Jiang
Evangelia Antoniou René Huber
Evgenii Rubalskii Renu Khasa
Evgeny Ermakov Reza Khayat
Ewa Tomaszewska Rhitajit Sarkar 
Ewoud B. Compeer Ricardo Lucena
Ezequiel Fuentes-Pananá Ricardo Parreira
Fabian Giolitti Riccardo Moretti
Fábio Abade Dos Santos Riccardo Nevola
Fabio Fiorino Richard Williams
Fabio Possebon Rik De Swart
Fabio Romerio Rita Ribeiro
Fabrício S. Campos Ritthideach Yorsaeng
Fabrizio Angius Rob Hoeben
Faez Amokrane Nait Mohamed Robert Flisiak
Fanfan Zhang  Robert Nastasa
Fangfang Sun Robert Yung Liang Wang
Fangfeng Yuan Roberta Antonia Diotti
Fareeha Saadi Roberta Battistini
Fátima Amaro Roberto De Masi
Fatma Eldemery Rodrigo Rodrigues
Fayna Diaz-San Segundo Roger Grand
Federica Fogacci Roland Marquet
Federico Armando Roland Zell
Federico Marchesi Rollie Clem
Felicia Grasso Ronan Murphy
Fernando Ferreira Ronghong Hua
Filipe Abreu Ronit Sarid
Filomena Fonseca Rosa Suades
Filomena Napolitano Rosamaria Pennisi
Flor Helene Pujol Roseli Nomura
Florence Abravanel Rosilainy Fernandes
Florence Fouque Ross Larue
Florence Larrous Rossella Cacciola
Florence Nicot Rozeta Sokou
Florencia Cancela Ruben Cloete
Floris Breman Rudian Zhang
Francesco Maria Fusco Rudolf Valenta
Francesco Messina Ruining Wang
Francesco Mira Ruisong Yu
Francesco Sessa Rupy Matharu
Francisco Guillen-Grima Ryan Troyer
Francisco José Nunes Antunes Ryo Okada
Francisco Reynaldi Saeid Ghavami
Franco Mutinelli Saito Akatsuki
Franz-Georg Hanisch Sakshi Arora
Fusheng Si Salim Manoharadas
Gábor Kökény Samar Tharwat
Gábor Nagy Samer Al Ghour
Gabriela Condezo Samir Casseb
Gabriela Goujgoulova Samrat Kumar Dey
Gabriela Mellado-Sanchez Samrita Dogra
Gabriela Popa Samuel Campos
Gabriela Toomer Sanchita Das
Gaetan Ligat Sandip Chavan
Gang Ye Sandra Adams
Gautier Moroy Sandra Högler
Geoffrey Holm Sandrama Nadan
Georges Herbein Santa Rasa-Dzelzkaleja
Georgios Pappas Santiago Garcia-Vallve
Gergana Zahmanova Santiago Mirazo
Gerhard Steger Santosh Dhakal
German Botto Nuñez Santosh George
German Gornalusse Sara Louise Cosby
Gert Venter Sara Morón-López
Gervais Habarugira Sara Querido
Ghassan Ghssein Sarah Jackson
Gianluca Spiteri Sarah Kempster
Gianpiero Zamperin Satoru Watanabe
Gilbert Holyoak Saumya Anang
Gilbert Nchongboh Chofong Sayanta Bera
Gill Diamond Sayed Abdelwahab
Giorgio Gallinella Sayed Sartaj Sohrab
Giorgio Mangino Schuyler Van Engelenburg
Giovanni Battista Gaeta Sebastiano Cicco
Giulia Tarquini Sek-Man Wong
Giuseppe Bruno Semer Maksoud
Giuseppe Di Martino Sergei Chirkov
Gloria Ramirez-Nieto Sergei Nikolaevich Shchelkunov
Gonzalo Izaguirre Sergei Raev
Gordana Wozniak Knopp Sergey Iordanskiy
Graham Belsham Sergey Kapranov
Graham Burgess Sergey Morozov
Grazia Pavia Sergey Sedykh
Greg Brennan Sergey Tkachev
Grissell Tirado Seri Jeong
Grzegorz Grześk Shabana Bibi
Grzegorz Jakubiak Shagufta Perveen
Guanghui Wu Shalini Dogra
Guanglin Zhang Shangrong Fan
Guido Vanham Shaoquan Zheng
Gulce Sari Sharat Chandra
Gun Temeeyasen Sharon Andreason
Gustavo Caetano-Anollés Sheng Qin
Gustavo Silva Shengqun Deng
Guy Lemay Shengren Sun
Gwladys Gernoux Shengxi Chen
Hafez M. Hafez Shiba Dandpat
Hagen Frickmann Shifali Shishodia
Haidi Ramadan Shih-Chieh Shao
Haiyan Yang Shivalee Duduskar
Halilibrahim Ciftci Shu Yuan
Han Siong Toh Shuchen Feng
Hana Dobrovolny Shukho Kim
Hang Su Shuntai Zhou
Hanns Moshammer Shuya Yang
Hans-Gerhard Burgert Silvia Faccini
Hansjörg Lehnherr Silvia González
Hao Wang Simone König
Haolong Dong Singh Avishek
Hardik Dineshbhai Desai Slavica Kvolik
Harriet C. Groom Sohrab Ahmadivand
Haruka Abe Sonia Lozano Sepulveda
Hassanein Abozeid Sonia Moretti
Hayley Yaglom Sonsoles Salto-Alejandre
Hazem Elkady Sotirios N. Kiokias
He Sun Sowmyalakshmi Subramanian
He Zhang Sreekumar Othumpangat
Heba Zaghloul Srinivasa Reddy Bonam
Hector Rangel Srinivasan Palani
Hedvig Bölcskei Stefan Oliver
Heinzpeter Schwermer Stefan Vilcek
Hélène Sanfaçon Stefania Lauzi
Heliana Dundarova Stefano Pascarella
Helle Bielefeldt-Ohmann Stefano Rusconi
Hengchang Chen Stephan Pleschka
Henry Sutanto Stephen A. Rice
Herbert Treutlein Stephen Morris
Hidekazu Hiroaki Steven Baker
Hideo Wada Steven Van Borm
Hideto Fukushi Steven Zink
Hi-Eun Jung Stuart Dowall
Hiroaki Okamoto Subbiah Thamotharan
Hiroyasu Sakai Subha Das
Hisayoshi Kawahara Suchitra Mohanty
Ho-Jong Ju Sudhir Morla
Hon S. Ip Suman Alishetty
Hongbo Zhou Suman Lata Wattal
Hongzhuan Wu Suresh Varsani
Hua Wang Sutonuka Bhar
Hua-Ji Qiu Sveinung Sorbye
Hugo Ramírez Álvarez Sylvain De Breyne
Hye Kwon Kim Tae-Jin Choi
Hye Ryoung Kim Tahir Farooq
Hye-Ra Lee Takahiro Kawagishi
Hyun Jin Kwun Takahiro Sanada
Hyun-Ouk Kim Takashi Onodera
Hyun-Woo Park Takashi Yoshiyama
Ian Barr Takayuki Nitta
Ibrahim Sayed Takeshi Kawaguchi
Ida Steinberger-Levy Takuya Tada
Igor Andrade Santos Tal Noy Porat
Igor Babkin Talia Swartz
Igor Jurak Talita Resende
Igor Maksimov Tamás Letoha
Igor Oscorbin Tanel Punga
Ikbal Agah Ince Tanushree Dangi
Ilya M. Terenin Tao Wang
Ilze Strumfa Tao Zhu
Imaan Benmerzouga Tara M. Strutt
Iman Tavassoly Taro Urase
Ines Aguinaga-Ontoso Tatiana Komarova
Inês Bártolo Tatjana Vilibic-Cavlek
Ingo Drexler Tatsunori Nakano
Ingrid Friesema Tatsuo Kanda
Inna Solyanikova Tatsuya Yamazaki
Ioannis G. Kyriakoulis Tatyana Ilyicheva
Ioannis Giantsis Tea Glonti
Irena Ilic Teddy Lazebnik
Irena Tabain Terence Scott
Irene Görzer Terenzio Cosio
Irene Ramos Teruhime Ootoguro
Irene Righetto Tetsuro Ikegami
Irina Isakova-Sivak Thiago Murari
Irina Kiseleva Thomas Dandekar
Isabel Muñoz-Barroso Tianjie Pu
Italo Tempera Tim Mahony
Itzel López-Rosas Tim Sit
Ivan Gladwyn-Ng Tiziana Bachetti
Ivan Sabol Todd Smith
Ivana Lazarevic Tom Gallagher
Ivanildo Sousa Tomasz Krzysztof Oszako
Ivo Sirakov Tomozumi Imamichi
Iwao Kukimoto Tong Wang
J. Stephen Lodmell Tongjun Guo
Jacques Robert Toru Takimoto
Jacques Scheres Trevor Williams
Jaggi Ujjaldeep Triantafyllos Didangelos
Jaime Sancho Trudy G Morrison
James Chung-Wai Cheung Tsung-Chi Chen
James Gillespie Tuba Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu
James Harris Tudor Borza
James Van Etten Tudor Lucian Pop
Jana Sopkova De Oliveira Santos  Tutku Beduk
Janet Mans Tze-Kiong Er
Janet Nale Umberto Palatini
Janis Müller Umberto Rosani
Janja Trček Urmi Roy
Jaquelin Dudley Usama Abdelmohsen
Jarosław Walory Usama Ashraf
Jasminka Peršec Valerio Giaccone
Jay R. Radke Valerio Leoni
Jayeshbhai Chaudhari Vanessa Meier-Stephenson
Jean Bettoni Vangelis Daskalakis
Jean Daugrois Vanja Kaliterna
Jean Vanderpas Velmurugan Balaraman
Jean-Pierre Frossard Venkatesan Jayaprakash
Jean-Pierre Gagner Venkatraman Siddharthan
Jelena Prpić Verónica Truniger
Jennifer Corcoran Véronique Ziegler-Graff
Jennifer Moffat Vesna Milicevic
Jens Andre Hammerl Vicente Notario
Jeong Yoon Lee Vicente Pallás
Jeová Colares Victor M. Petrone-Garcia
Jerel A. Fields Vida Van Staden
Jeremy Camp Vikram Dalal
Jesse Arbuckle Vinay Shivanna
Jesse Deere Violetta Macioszek
Jessica Kevill Virginia Lotti
Jessy Vibin Virginie Doceul
Jesús Hernández Vishal Singh Negi
Jesús Zepeda-Cervantes Vishi Reddy
Ji Bao Vishma Pratap Sur
Jiafen Hu Vivaldo Gomes Da Costa
Jian Zhang Vivian De Oliveira
Jianchao Zhang Vivian O'Donnell
Jianing Chen Viviana Parreño
Jianjun Zhao Vladimir I. Timofeev
Jianpiao Cai Vladimir Savic
Jianzhu Liu Vladimir Yeremeev
Jiarong Jheng Volker Schmidt
Jiazhang Wei Volodymyr Oberemok
Jienyu Ding Vrinda Gote
Jieshi Yu Vyacheslav Yurchenko
Jiexiong Xie Waldemar Wagner
Jillian Myers Wanbiao Ma
Jimmy T. Efird Wei Ye
Jin Il Kim Wei-Fan Hsu
Jinlong Han Weiheng Su
Jinming Han Wei-June Chen
Jinyan Zhang Weiren Luo
Jinyang Zhang Wen Deng
Jiwei Ding Wenchao Sun
Joan L. Kenney Wenjun Zhu
Joana Vitallé Wojciech Rozek
Joanna Maj-Paluch Wolfram Gerlich
Joanne Hiebert Won Kyong Cho
Joe Mymryk Xiangjie Sun
Joel Ellwanger Xiaochun Peng
John Sinclair Xiaodong Xu
Joice Ruggeri Xiaofan Li
Jonathan Griffiths Xiaoming Lyu
Jonathan LeCureux Xiaoying Yu
Jonathan Rayner Xin Li
Joon Kee Lee Xinhong Chen
Jorge Padrão Xinran Liu
Jorlan Fernandes Xizhou Zhu
José A. Carrión Xudong Fan
Jose A. Garrote Xuefei Tan
José Affranchino Xuehong Wu
José Cuevas Xulin Chen
José Leopoldo Aguilar-Faisal Y. B. Basavaraj
Jose Ramos-Vivas Yahya Al Naggar
Josep Quer Yahya Gaafar
Joseph Westrich Yanal Murad
Josko Markic Yanan Liu
Joydip Sengupta Yihong Xiao
Jozef Bujarski Yinzhong Shen
Jozsef Dudas Yiwen Zhao
Juan Bárcena Yolande Thérèse Rose Proroga
Juan Degiuseppe Yong Gao Peng
Juan E. Ludert Yong Shao
Juan Fidel Osuna-Ramos Yong Teng
Juan Hernandez-Garcia Yongduo Sun
Juanita Van Heerden Yonggang Pei
Juhee Ahn Yoshiaki Yura
Julia Davydova Yousong Peng
Julian Freen-van Heeren Yu-Chung Chang
Julián Ruiz-Sáenz Yuefan Song
Julián Solís García del Pozo Yung-Cheng Lin
Julie Fox Yusra Habib Khan
Julio Plaza Díaz Yusuke Matsumoto
Jumari Snyman Yutaka Tagaya
Jun Arii Zbigniew Heleniak
Jun Chen Zhanying Hu
Jun Luo Zhaoxi Sun
Junfa Yuan Zhen Li
Junfeng Gao Zheng Chen
Jung-Eun Park Zhenlu Chong
Junichi Inaba Zhenyu Zhang
Junping Hong Zhijun Yu
Junqing Guo Zhonglei Wang
Juris Jansons Zifu He
Jutta Pikalo Zisis Kozlakidis
Kai Xu Zoltan Peterfi
Kai Zheng Zoltan Vajo
Kaichuang Shi Zoran Todorovic
Kaili Ma Zsolt Toth
Kai-Shu Ling Zulqurnain Khan

23 January 2024
Prof. Dr. Svetlana Y. Folimonova Appointed Associate Editor of Section “Viruses of Plants, Fungi and Protozoa” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Svetlana Y. Folimonova has been appointed Associate Editor of the Section “Viruses of Plants, Fungi and Protozoa” of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915).

Name: Prof. Dr. Svetlana Y. Folimonova
Affiliation: Department of Plant Pathology, Plant Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA
Interests: RNA viruses; long noncoding RNAs; plant viruses; virus–host interactions; viral and bacterial diseases of citrus; citrus tristeza virus

Prof. Dr. Folimonova is a Professor at the University of Florida, USA. Her research program focuses on viral diseases of plants, in particular, diseases caused by the largest nonsegmented plant RNA virus, citrus tristeza virus. Prof. Dr. Folimonova’s primary research effort is concentrated on understanding the mechanisms of the infection process, host responses to viruses, improving methods of detection, and developing management strategies for viral diseases.

We are honored that we have the opportunity to introduce Prof. Dr. Svetlana Y. Folimonova to our editorial team, and we are confident that, with the guidance of our new Associate Editor, we will continue to improve the reputation and quality of Viruses.

For more information about the “Viruses of Plants, Fungi and Protozoa” Section, please visit the following link:

Viruses Editorial Office

18 January 2024
Viruses | Editor’s Choice Articles in 2023 (I)

“Evolving Horizons: Adenovirus Vectors’ Timeless Influence on Cancer, Gene Therapy and Vaccines”
by Prasad D. Trivedi, Barry J. Byrne and Manuela Corti
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2378;
Available online:

“Enhanced Susceptibility to Tomato Chlorosis Virus (ToCV) in Hsp90- and Sgt1-Silenced Plants: Insights from Gene Expression Dynamics”
by Irene Ontiveros, Noé Fernández-Pozo, Anna Esteve-Codina, Juan José López-Moya and Juan Antonio Díaz-Pendón
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2370;
Available online:

“The Functional Implications of Broad Spectrum Bioactive Compounds Targeting RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase (RdRp) in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic”
by Brittany A. Comunale, Robin J. Larson, Erin Jackson-Ward, Aditi Singh, Frances L. Koback and Lilly D. Engineer
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2316;
Available online:

“An Inducible ESCRT-III Inhibition Tool to Control HIV-1 Budding”
by Haiyan Wang, Benoit Gallet, Christine Moriscot, Mylène Pezet, Christine Chatellard, Jean-Philippe Kleman, Heinrich Göttlinger, Winfried Weissenhorn and Cécile Boscheron
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2289;
Available online:

“Identification of Host Factors for Rift Valley Fever Phlebovirus”
by Velmurugan Balaraman, Sabarish V. Indran, Yonghai Li, David A. Meekins, Laxmi U. M. R. Jakkula, Heidi Liu, Micheal P. Hays, Jayme A. Souza-Neto, Natasha N. Gaudreault, Philip R. Hardwidge et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2251;
Available online:

“Nanoluciferase Reporter Zika Viruses as Tools for Assessing Infection Kinetics and Antibody Potency”
by Yanqun Xu, Devin Vertrees, Yong He, Sanaz Momben-Abolfath, Xiaohong Li, Yambasu A. Brewah, Dorothy E. Scott, Krishnamurthy Konduru, Maria Rios and Evi B. Struble
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2190;
Available online:

Pteropus vampyrus TRIM40 Is an Interferon-Stimulated Gene That Antagonizes RIG-I-like Receptors”
by Sarah van Tol, Adam Hage, Ricardo Rajsbaum and Alexander N. Freiberg
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2147;
Available online:

“Diversity and Current Classification of dsRNA Bacteriophages”
by Sari Mäntynen, Meri M. Salomaa and Minna M. Poranen
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2154;
Available online:

“A Triple Gene-Deleted Pseudorabies Virus-Vectored Subunit PCV2b and CSFV Vaccine Protect Pigs against a Virulent CSFV Challenge”
by Ediane Silva, Elizabeth Medina-Ramirez, Selvaraj Pavulraj, Douglas P. Gladue, Manuel Borca and Shafiqul I. Chowdhury
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2143;
Available online:

“Polyomavirus Wakes Up and Chooses Neurovirulence”
by Arrienne B. Butic, Samantha A. Spencer, Shareef K. Shaheen and Aron E. Lukacher
Viruses 2023, 15(10), 2112;
Available online:

“Small Heat Shock Protein (sHsp22.98) from Trialeurodes vaporariorum Plays Important Role in Apple Scar Skin Viroid Transmission”
by Savita Chaudhary, Vijayanandraj Selvaraj, Preshika Awasthi, Swati Bhuria, Rituraj Purohit, Surender Kumar and Vipin Hallan
Viruses 2023, 15(10), 2069;
Available online:

10 January 2024
Viruses Papers Released in 2023 Receive “Highly Cited Papers” Distinction in Web of Science

As of July/August 2023, 16 papers from Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) released in 2023 received enough citations to place them in the top 1% of the academic field of microbiology based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.

The Viruses Editorial Office sincerely congratulates all the authors and hopes that they continue to have an academically productive relationship with the journal.

Decreased Clinical Severity of Pediatric Acute COVID-19 and MIS-C and Increase of Incidental Cases during the Omicron Wave in Comparison to the Delta Wave
by Patrick O. Kenney, Arthur J. Chang, Lorna Krabill and Mark D. Hicar
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 180;

Molnupiravir and Nirmatrelvir/Ritonavir: Tolerability, Safety, and Adherence in a Retrospective Cohort Study
by Maria Mazzitelli, Daniele Mengato, Lolita Sasset, Anna Ferrari, Samuele Gardin, Vincenzo Scaglione, Nicola Bonadiman, Lucrezia Calandrino, Silvia Cavinato, Sabrina Trivellato et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 384;

Impact of Early SARS-CoV-2 Antiviral Therapy on Disease Progression
by Andrea De Vito, Agnese Colpani, Laura Saderi, Mariangela Puci, Beatrice Zauli, Vito Fiore, Marco Fois, Maria Chiara Meloni, Alessandra Bitti, Cosimo Di Castri et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 71;

Tixagevimab/Cilgavimab in SARS-CoV-2 Prophylaxis and Therapy: A Comprehensive Review of Clinical Experience
by Karolina Akinosoglou, Emmanouil-Angelos Rigopoulos, Georgia Kaiafa, Stylianos Daios, Eleni Karlafti, Eleftheria Ztriva, Georgios Polychronopoulos, Charalambos Gogos and Christos Savopoulos
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 118;

TMPRSS2 Is Essential for SARS-CoV-2 Beta and Omicron Infection
by Kristin Metzdorf, Henning Jacobsen, Marina C. Greweling-Pils, Markus Hoffmann, Tatjana Lüddecke, Felicitas Miller, Lars Melcher, Amy M. Kempf, Inga Nehlmeier, Dunja Bruder et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 271;

Cardiac Arrhythmias in Post-COVID Syndrome: Prevalence, Pathology, Diagnosis, and Treatment
by Aydin Huseynov, Ibrahim Akin, Daniel Duerschmied and Rüdiger E. Scharf
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 389;

Variability in the Clinical Course of COVID-19 in a Retrospective Analysis of a Large Real-World Database
by Robert Flisiak, Piotr Rzymski, Dorota Zarębska-Michaluk, Przemysław Ciechanowski, Krystyna Dobrowolska, Magdalena Rogalska, Jerzy Jaroszewicz, Anna Szymanek-Pasternak, Marta Rorat, Dorota Kozielewicz et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 149;

Omicron Waves in Argentina: Dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 Lineages BA.1, BA.2 and the Emerging BA.2.12.1 and BA.4/BA.5
by Carolina Torres, Mercedes Nabaes Jodar, Dolores Acuña, Romina Micaela Zambrana Montaño, Andrés Carlos Alberto Culasso, Ariel Fernando Amadio, Paula Aulicino, Santiago Ceballos, Marco Cacciabue, Humberto Debat et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 312;

Hyperinflammatory Response in COVID-19: A Systematic Review
by Marcos Jessé Abrahão Silva, Layana Rufino Ribeiro, Maria Isabel Montoril Gouveia, Beatriz dos Reis Marcelino, Carolynne Silva dos Santos, Karla Valéria Batista Lima and Luana Nepomuceno Gondim Costa Lima
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 553;

The Role of Viral Infections in the Onset of Autoimmune Diseases
by Bhargavi Sundaresan, Fatemeh Shirafkan, Kevin Ripperger and Kristin Rattay
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 782;

Persistent SARS-CoV-2 Infection, EBV, HHV-6 and Other Factors May Contribute to Inflammation and Autoimmunity in Long COVID
by Aristo Vojdani, Elroy Vojdani, Evan Saidara and Michael Maes
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 400;

A Detailed Overview of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron: Its Sub-Variants, Mutations and Pathophysiology, Clinical Characteristics, Immunological Landscape, Immune Escape, and Therapies
by Srijan Chatterjee, Manojit Bhattacharya, Sagnik Nag, Kuldeep Dhama and Chiranjib Chakraborty
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 167;

Epizootic Haemorrhagic Disease Virus Serotype 8 in Tunisia, 2021
by Soufien Sghaier, Corinne Sailleau, Maurilia Marcacci, Sarah Thabet, Valentina Curini, Thameur Ben Hassine, Liana Teodori, Ottavio Portanti, Salah Hammami, Lucija Jurisic et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 16;

Risk Factors of Severe COVID-19: A Review of Host, Viral and Environmental Factors
by Levente Zsichla and Viktor Müller
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 175;

Pediatric Systemic Lupus Erythematous in COVID-19 Era
by Ancuta Lupu, Ingrith Crenguta Miron, Cristina Gavrilovici, Anca Adam Raileanu, Iuliana Magdalena Starcea, Ileana Ioniuc, Alice Azoicai, Adriana Mocanu, Lacramioara Ionela Butnariu, Felicia Dragan et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 272;

Fragment-Based Approaches Identified Tecovirimat-Competitive Novel Drug Candidate for Targeting the F13 Protein of the Monkeypox Virus
by Yasir Ali, Hina Imtiaz, Muhammad Mutaal Tahir, Fouzia Gul, Umair Ali Khan Saddozai, Ashfaq ur Rehman, Zhi-Guang Ren, Saadullah Khattak and Xin-Ying Ji
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 570;

2 January 2024
MDPI Insights: The CEO’s Letter #7 - Nobel Laureates Entrust MDPI with Their Research

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Nobel Prize Laureates Entrust MDPI with Their Research

The Nobel Prize stands as a hallmark of distinction, honouring ground-breaking research across disciplines. Annually, the Nobel Prizes are awarded in six categories: Physics, Chemistry, Medicine or Physiology, Literature, Peace, and Economic Sciences.

Through the years, renowned scholars have entrusted MDPI with their work. As at December 2023, 26 Nobel laureates have contributed to more than 75 articles across 25 MDPI journals, including: Antibiotics, Applied Sciences, Biology, Biomedicines, Cancers, Catalysts, Cells, Crystals, Entropy, Games, IJMS, Life, Materials, Micromachines, Molecules, Pharmaceuticals, PharmaceuticsPhotonics, Quantum Beam Science, Remote Sensing, Sensors, Solids, Universe, Vaccines, and Viruses.

The best of the best trust us with their work.

Nobel Prize Laureates Who Have Published with MDPI

We are proud to list the names of Pierre Agostini, Hiroshi Amano, Werner Arber, Aaron Ciechanover, Robert H. Grubbs, Oliver Hart, Gerard ‘t Hooft, Michael Houghton, Harald zur Hausen, Katalin Karikó, Jean-Marie Lehn, Gérard Mourou, Ferid Murad, Shuji Nakamura, William Nordhaus, Kostya S. Novoselov, Giorgio Parisi, Charles M. Rice, Alvin E. Roth, Donna Strickland, K. Barry Sharpless, George F. Smoot, Anne L’Huillier, Drew Weissman, Kurt Wüthrich, Ada Yonath.

The privilege of hosting such contributors resonates deeply with our editorial teams. For instance, in this interview, the Editor-in-Chief (EiC) of Universe speaks on the significance of publishing a paper by Nobel laureate Gerard ’t Hooft within the journal.

2023 Nobel Prize Winners Published by MDPI

Nobel Prize Winners, 2023: Katalin Karikó, Drew Weissman, Anne L’Huillier (Ill. Niklas Elmehed © Nobel Prize Outreach)

Three laureates from the 2023 Nobel Prize cohort have trusted MDPI as their publishing platform. Notably, in a 2022 Pharmaceutics paper, molecular biologist Katalin Karikó and her team presented a methodology for evaluating mRNA capping efficiency, pivotal for therapeutic applications. Pharmaceutics had previously dedicated a Special Issue to “mRNA Therapeutics: A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Katalin Karikó”, spotlighting ten articles from August 2021 to February 2022.

In the journal Vaccines, Professor Drew Weissman, collaborating with scholars from Pennsylvania University and George Mason University, contributed an influential review titled “Nanomaterial Delivery Systems for mRNA Vaccines”. His collaborative efforts spanned five papers across MDPI journals between 2021 and 2023.

Furthermore, Anne L'Huillier of Lund University, only the fifth female recipient of the Physics Prize, co-authored an article in Applied Sciences focusing on "Advanced EUV and X-Ray Optics". Similarly, Pierre Agostini, an Emeritus Professor from Ohio State University, co-authored an article featured in the special issue "Attosecond Science and Technology: Principles and Applications".

We extend heartfelt congratulations to all Nobel Prize laureates and express sincere gratitude for their confidence in MDPI as a platform for their scholarly contributions.

Read more:

Impactful Research

MDPI Journals Newly Indexed in 2023

The aim of indexing is to enhance the quality and credibility of published research, ensuring that researchers access the most credible resources available. While the principle behind citation indexing is straightforward, it remains one of the most dependable methods for tracking an idea's evolution across various scientific disciplines.

Throughout the year, MDPI works to expand the reach of our publications across premier multidisciplinary databases like Web of Science, Scopus, EBSCO, and ProQuest. This initiative is spearheaded by MDPI's Indexing team, under the leadership of Dr. Constanze Schelhorn.

In 2023, MDPI achieved 54 new acceptances in Scopus, 29 in Web of Science, 52 in EBSCO, and 83 in DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals.

The team prioritizes ensuring that our journals feature in numerous specialized databases, including PMC, PubMed, MEDLINE, Inspec, CAS, and FSTA, among others. Currently, MDPI collaborates with over 65 renowned international databases, consistently enhancing our database affiliations annually.

MDPI’s journals are indexed in all major global databases.

Furthermore, we collaborate with universities and government organizations to list our journals in country-specific ranking lists and relevant institutional repositories. This ensures compliance with requirements often set by funders or institutions for authors to publish in specific journals.

Web of Science Adds 24 MDPI Journals to Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)

Clarivate recently analysed MDPI’s new journals, resulting in 24 journals, mainly established in 2020, being added to the ESCI in November and December 2023. Additionally, five journals passed this assessment earlier in the year. For a complete list of our journals in Web of Science, refer here. Journals in the ESCI meet 24 quality criteria, ensuring editorial rigor. They may be considered for inclusion in broader indices like the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), or the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), based on four impact criteria.

Read more:

Inside MDPI

MDPI Appoints New Chief Operating Officer (COO)

Alistair Freeland returned to MDPI and assumed the role of Chief Operating Officer in November 2023, a position he previously held from 2013 to 2019. He succeeds Dr. Yu Lin, who will remain a member of MDPI’s Board of Directors, overseeing significant financial decisions for the company. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Dr. Yu Lin for his service as COO.

Alistair brings extensive experience not only in scholarly publishing but also in technology and business management. Prior to rejoining MDPI, he was associated with SIX Group, the entity responsible for Switzerland's financial market infrastructure. There, he played a pivotal role in developing the blockchain-based platform SDX (SIX Digital Exchange), which has gained traction among major Swiss banks and the Swiss National Bank.

As COO, Alistair will collaborate with the MDPI management team to improve the practices and services we offer to scholarly communities. I am pleased to welcome Alistair back to MDPI and look forward to his contributions going forward.

Coming Together for Science

MDPI’s 2024 In-Person Academic Events Schedule

MDPI's Conference Team is dedicated to organizing and hosting in-person academic events across Europe, Asia-Pacific, and North America. We recognize conferences as invaluable platforms for scientific collaboration, scholarly exchange, discussions on contemporary topics, networking, and forging collaborations.

Here's a glimpse of the notable events we currently have scheduled for 2024:

14–16 February, 2024
Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses
Location: Barcelona, Spain
We are honoured to feature Nobel Prize laureate Dr. Charles M. Rice and ‘Distinguished Senior Virologist’ Prof. Luis Enjuanes as keynote speakers for this 5th edition.
Event details

24–26 April, 2024
4th MMCS – Harnessing the Power of New Drug Modalities 
Location: Barcelona, Spain
Esteemed speakers include Prof. Arun K. Ghosh, the mind behind the Darunavir molecule, and Prof. Paul Brennan, CSO of Alzheimer's Research UK Oxford Drug Discovery Institute.
Event details

28–31 May, 2024
Polymers 2024 – Polymers for a Safe and Sustainable Future
Athens, Greece
We look forward to welcoming renowned experts like Prof. Damià Barceló, Prof. Minna Hakkareinen, and Prof. Armando J. D. Silvestre to this event.
Event details

1–4 August, 2024
The 1st International Conference on AI Sensors & The 10th International Symposium on Sensor Science
Location: Singapore
The AI Sensors 2024 Conference will unite innovators and experts in the realms of sensors, sensing technology, and artificial intelligence.
Event details

Upcoming events with details to be announced:

  • September 2024, Materials 2024 – Basel, Switzerland
  • 1921 September 2024, International Conference on Nanomaterials Sciences 2024 – Beijing, China
  • October 2024, ncRNA 2024 – Basel, Switzerland
  • November 2024, Pharmaceuticals 2024 – Barcelona, Spain
  • 2226 November 2024, International Conference on Science of Electronics – Wuhan, China
  • Stay tuned for more details on the Sustainable Publishing Forum 2024.

Click here for all upcoming MDPI events.

Organize Your Event with MDPI’s Sciforum

Sciforum is MDPI’s platform dedicated to the organization of scientific events. In line with our mission to promote science, Sciforum supports scholars, societies, research networks, and universities at all stages of organizing in-person events, virtual events and webinars. Our platforms are efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective. We handle all steps related to event management. Contact us for details.

Closing Thoughts

Reflecting on 2023 and Looking Ahead to 2024

As we approach 2024, I reflect on the incredible journey we’ve had together at MDPI this year. The past 12 months have been marked by ambitious projects and initiatives to improve our internal processes, and a commitment to continue delivering top-notch services to our stakeholders. I’d like to thank each and every one of our staff members for contributing to the positive experiences our stakeholders have reported in our surveys. Your dedication to speed, efficiency, and effective communication with our stakeholders is very much recognized and appreciated.

Becoming a stronger organisation

While we have encountered challenges in 2023, it’s important to understand that these are a part of our growth process. Difficulties provide us with opportunities to reflect, address problems at their roots, and ultimately evolve into a stronger organization. Our stakeholders expect us to overcome tough times, and it’s an expectation that we have for ourselves.

I extend my sincere appreciation to every MDPI employee, from our editorial office and IT department to marketing, indexing, IOAP, societies, Scientific Office board, products, production, conferences, finance, operations, admin, and beyond. To our newest team members, a warm welcome; to our longstanding colleagues, your dedication is invaluable.

“I am committed to taking MDPI to a new level of excellence.”

Interacting with many of you during my visits to our offices and representing MDPI at external events has been a personal highlight. I am deeply grateful to Dr. Lin for entrusting me with the role of CEO of MDPI. Looking forward, I am committed to working closely with our management team to lead MDPI and take it to a new level of excellence, aiming to establish it as the most trusted publisher in open access worldwide. This is a collective endeavour, with each of us shaping MDPI’s reputation. I therefore encourage us to take pride in our work, as it represents not only our craft but also MDPI as a whole.

Accountability and communication

As we look forward to 2024, there’s a lot to be excited about. Together, we’ll navigate challenges, seize growth opportunities, and refine our practices. To solidify MDPI’s position as the premier open access publisher globally, we must bolster accountability, improve stakeholder communication, share MDPI’s best practices, champion the open access philosophy, and educate stakeholders about our mission, methodologies, and motivations.

Thank you for engaging with the CEO Letter over the past six months of 2023. I will continue to release this newsletter as a method of sharing the great work being done at MDPI. Please feel free to connect directly with any insights or questions.

Here’s to a joyous and prosperous 2024!

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

7 December 2023
Viruses | Collection of Papers by Chinese Academicians

“Role of Small Envelope Protein in Sustaining the Intracellular and Extracellular Levels of Hepatitis B Virus Large and Middle Envelope Proteins”
by Jing Zhang, Yongxiang Wang, Shuwen Fu, Quan Yuan, Qianru Wang, Ningshao Xia, Yumei Wen, Jisu Li and Shuping Tong
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 613;
Available online:

“Antibody Generation and Immunogenicity Analysis of EBV gp42 N-Terminal Region”
by Junping Hong, Dongmei Wei, Qian Wu, Ling Zhong, Kaiyun Chen, Yang Huang, Wanlin Zhang, Junyu Chen, Ningshao Xia, Xiao Zhang et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2380;
Available online:

“A Hemagglutinin Stem Vaccine Designed Rationally by AlphaFold2 Confers Broad Protection against Influenza B Infection”
by Dian Zeng, Jiabao Xin, Kunyu Yang, Shuxin Guo, Qian Wang, Ying Gao, Huiqing Chen, Jiaqi Ge, Zhen Lu, Limin Zhang et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(6), 1305;
Avaliable online:

“Baculovirus Display of Varicella–Zoster Virus Glycoprotein E Induces Robust Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses in Mice”
by Wenhui Xue, Tingting Li, Sibo Zhang, Yingbin Wang, Minqing Hong, Lingyan Cui, Hong Wang, Yuyun Zhang, Tingting Chen, Rui Zhu et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(8), 1785;
Available online:

“An Optimized FI-RSV Vaccine Effectively Protects Cotton Rats and BALB/c Mice without Causing Enhanced Respiratory Disease”
by Min Lin, Wei Zhang, Yi-Fan Yin, Jun-Yu Si, Lu-Jing Zhang, Li Chen, Xue Lin, Ying-Bin Wang, Jun Zhang, Zi-Zheng Zheng et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(10), 2085;
Available online:

“A Secreted Form of the Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 Protein: Design Strategy, Antigenicity and Immunogenicity”
by Zihao Chen, Shaoqi Guo, Guanghui Li, Dong Ying, Guiping Wen, Mujin Fang, Yingbin Wang, Zimin Tang, Zizheng Zheng and Ningshao Xia
Viruses 2022, 14(10), 2122;
Available online:

“Hepatitis B Core Antibody Level: A Surrogate Marker for Host Antiviral Immunity in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infections”
by Yang Shi, Zihan Wang, Shengxiang Ge, Ningshao Xia and Quan Yuan
Viruses 2023, 15(5), 1111;
Available online:

“3-Indoleacetonitrile Is Highly Effective in Treating Influenza A Virus Infection In Vitro and In Vivo”
by Xuejin Zhao, Lianzhong Zhao, Ya Zhao, Kun Huang, Wenxiao Gong, Ying Yang, Li Zhao, Xiaohan Xia, Zaiyun Li, Feng Sheng et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1433;
Available online:

“Progression and Trends in Virus from Influenza A to COVID-19: An Overview of Recent Studies”
by Hakimeh Baghaei Daemi, Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar, Xinlin He, Chengfei Li, Morteza Karimpour, Xiaomei Sun, Zhong Zou and Meilin Jin
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 1145;
Available online:

“A Palmitic Acid-Conjugated, Peptide-Based pan-CoV Fusion Inhibitor Potently Inhibits Infection of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron and Other Variants of Concern”
by Qiaoshuai Lan, Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, Wei Xu, Lijue Wang, Fanke Jiao, Guangxu Zhang, Jing Pu, Jie Zhou, Shuai Xia, Lu Lu et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 549;
Available online:

“Characterization of the Novel Phage vB_VpaP_FE11 and Its Potential Role in Controlling Vibrio parahaemolyticus Biofilms”
by Meiyan Yang, Hanfang Chen, Qiaolan Huang, Zhuanbei Xie, Zekun Liu, Jumei Zhang, Yu Ding, Moutong Chen, Liang Xue, Qingping Wu et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 264;
Available online:

“The Epidemiology and Variation in Pseudorabies Virus: A Continuing Challenge to Pigs and Humans”
by Qingyun Liu, Yan Kuang, Yafei Li, Huihui Guo, Chuyue Zhou, Shibang Guo, Chen Tan, Bin Wu, Huanchun Chen and Xiangru Wang
Viruses 2022, 14(7), 1463;
Available online:


6 December 2023
Editorial Board Members from Viruses Featured in the 2023 Highly Cited Researchers List Published by Clarivate

Recently, Clarivate™ revealed its 2023 list of Highly Cited Researchers™—individuals at universities, research institutes, and commercial organizations.

The scientists who were selected for this year’s list of Highly Cited Researchers published highly cited papers in the 11-year period from January 2012 to December 2022, with citation frequency in the top 1% of academic subjects and the same year of publication in the Web of Science™ database. This year, 7125 Highly Cited Researcher 2023 designations were issued to 6849 individuals, representing just 1 in 1000 researchers worldwide. This means that these researchers have demonstrated an incredible level of significant and broad influence in their chosen field or fields over the last decade. The list is truly global, spanning 67 countries or regions and spread across a diverse range of research sciences and social sciences.

According to our statistics, six members of the Editorial Board of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) were selected for the list of Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate™ in 2023. They are being recognized for their high-quality scientific research achievements and outstanding contributions to their professional fields. Viruses Editorial Office sincerely congratulates all elected editorial members and hopes that they continue to have an academically productive relationship with the journal.




Kuhn, Jens H.


National Institutes of Health (NIH)-USA, United States

Lan, Ke


Wuhan University, China

Jiang, Shibo


Fudan University, China

Perlman, Stanley


University of Iowa, United States

Pöhlmann, Stefan

Molecular Biology and Genetics

Deutsches Primatenzentrum (DPZ), Germany

Chen, Yu


Wuhan University, China

30 November 2023
MDPI Insights: The CEO’s Letter #6 - MDPI Spain Summit and ResearchGate

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

MDPI Spain Summit

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) gives the opening speech at the MDPI Spain Summit.

On Friday 10 November 2023 I was in Barcelona, Spain, to deliver the opening presentation and participate in a panel at MDPI’s Spain Summit, a two-day event, inspired by our salon events in China.

With 16 Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) and 20 Editorial Board Members (EBMs) in attendance, the event, organized by our conference team and Barcelona office, featured presentations on open access (OA), MDPI, and publishing market trends in Spain.

The event provided a great opportunity to engage with stakeholders from various MDPI journals, including Nutrients, Vaccines, Buildings, IJMS, and others. We were able to gather feedback and have open conversations around manuscript quality, the peer-review process, and journal development, as well as accreditation agencies.

The main objective of this Summit was to bring together Editors representing MDPI journals across various disciplines within Spanish universities and research centers, primarily from the Barcelona area. The aim was to facilitate an open and fruitful discussion regarding the development of their journals, the future of OA in Spain, and to provide meaningful interactions and networking opportunities.

Connecting with Editorial Board Members

Stefan Tochev in conversation with Summit participants: "Our EBMs are passionate about the journals they serve."

Interacting with our EBMs in person provides a valuable opportunity to show how important it is to us to connect with them, hear their perspectives on their journals and learn more about their own experience collaborating with MDPI.

From my conversations, it was clear that our EBMs are passionate about the journals they serve. I know the advice they provide may sometimes involve just small tweaks, but these can lead to important improvements. As the saying goes, small hinges swing open big doors.

As at November 2023, MDPI has over 6,300 EBMs affiliated with Spanish institutions, with more than 30 of them serving as EiCs or section EiCs. Furthermore, over 68,000 Spanish scholars have contributed as reviewers in MDPI journals.

Open Access in Spain

In 2023, Spain implemented legislation mandating immediate OA for all publicly funded research, aligning with the EU’s Plan S initiative to expedite the transition to OA. The Spanish government also approved a four-year, €23.8 million annual budget for the first national OA strategy, aiming to make publicly funded research freely accessible upon publication. This strategy aims to strengthen the quality and transparency of research in Spain, and to help promote movement towards a digital, low-carbon economy.

For further details of Spain's OA policy and the history of government mandates, click here.

Spain has already seen a notable decline in subscription-only articles, decreasing by 62% over a 10-year period, while gold OA increased by 42%. Green OA slightly decreased, suggesting a shift towards publishing in gold OA journals rather than traditional subscription-based ones. Here are some statistics from Scopus. 

A big thank-you to the various MDPI teams, including our conference team and the Barcelona office, for organizing this very successful event!

MDPI colleagues from various offices gathered to host and support the first MDPI Spain Summit, in Barcelona, Spain.

I think this type of gathering has the potential to become an annual event in various locations. For example, Manchester could be an option, as we have over 30 EiCs and over 3,000 EBMs in the UK, a top market for MDPI that publishes high-quality research.

Impactful Research

769 Editorial Board Members of MDPI Journals Recognized as Highly Cited Researchers in 2023

Congratulations to our 769 Editorial Board Members from 40 countries/territories who have been awarded Highly Cited Researcher status for 2023 by Clarivate. This recognition is based on their outstanding scientific research contributions and significant influence in various fields, as evidenced by Web of Science data.

Click here to view the full list of 769 Editorial Board Members.

Clarivate's Highly Cited ResearchersTM list identifies individuals with exceptional impact in scientific and social science domains over the past decade. Their papers rank in the top 1% of citations in 21 fields analysed in ‘Essential Science Indicators,’ showcasing their substantial influence.

This year, 7,125 Highly Cited Researcher 2023 designations were issued to 6,849 individuals from 67 countries, representing just 1 in 1,000 researchers worldwide.

These researchers demonstrate exceptional influence, representing a small fraction of contributors pushing the boundaries of knowledge, contributing to global well-being, sustainability, and security.

Congratulations to these scholars for their remarkable achievement: we are honoured to have them on board with our journals!

Inside MDPI

Corporate Marketing and Communications Strategy Session

Members of MDPI’s Corporate Marketing & Communications team.

For the past few years, I have led the Corporate Marketing & Communications department in our annual strategy session.

This typically involves 2–3 days of focused sessions covering key topics including budgeting, hiring targets, campaign reviews, and planning for the upcoming year, department strategy, and structure.

We are constantly exploring ways to optimize the Corporate Marketing & Communications department to support MDPI’s primary objectives and better convey the MDPI story while serving the scholarly community.

The strategy session also serves as a team-building activity, during which the team voted on bowling!

Strategy Session

In this strategy session, we looked at how to align our teams in order to better streamline our content with our campaigns, build a dedicated marketing team to strategically support our core MDPI products, expand our communications teams and functionalities to focus on company-critical campaigns and press releases, align our new brand design system with our marketing initiatives, set up a community and engagement team to support various teams with their outreach and communication efforts, and increase our use of data in the evaluation of campaign performance.

To grow in these areas, we will be hiring for various positions, including those of Public Relations Manager, Communications Manager, Internal Communications Manager, Campaign Manager, Marketing Associate, and Editorial Engagement Manager.

I am grateful for the way our Corporate Marketing & Communications department has grown and gelled over the years, and I look forward to supporting the department teams and their ideas for the future.

Coming Together for Science

ResearchGate and MDPI Partner to Boost the Visibility of Open Access Content through Journal Home

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) and Sören Hofmayer (Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer, ResearchGate) meet in Berlin, Germany to take their ongoing discussion further.

When I assumed the role of CEO at MDPI, my primary focus was to initiate the building of essential partnerships and collaborations within our industry. After all, I am a firm believer in achieving our goals by helping others achieve theirs and focusing on co-opetition wherever there is an opportunity. I first touched on the notion of co-opetition in MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #3, particularly when discussing collaborations with Elsevier.

In light of this, Sören Hofmayer (Co-Founder and Chief Strategy Officer at ResearchGate) and I connected recently to continue a discussion that had been ongoing for months. I was quickly brought up to speed and felt there was an opportunity for MDPI journals to pilot the Journal Home service that ResearchGate had launched. This would provide a new way for MDPI to engage with authors and readers and amplify the visibility of our journals.

While I receive many offers and opportunities for discussions with vendors, I am a firm believer that timing is everything, and in this case, the time for us is now. Sören and I met in person during my recent visit to Berlin and decided to proceed with piloting ten MDPI journals with the Journal Home service.

The press release below provides further details.

Press Release: Berlin (Germany) and Basel (Switzerland), 15 November 2023

ResearchGate, the professional network for researchers, and MDPI, the largest open access publisher in the world and a pioneer in open access publishing, today announced a partnership that will see ten of MDPI’s open access journals benefit from an enhanced presence on ResearchGate through its innovative Journal Home offering.  

This new partnership will expand the reach and visibility of MDPI’s participating flagship journals with ResearchGate’s highly relevant community of more than 25 million researchers globally.

Around 210,000 version-of-record articles from these 10 titles will be readily available on ResearchGate, including the full archive material and all new articles as they are published. These journals also benefit from enhanced brand visibility, with dedicated journal profiles, prominent representation on all associated article pages and all relevant touchpoints across the ResearchGate network – keeping the journals top-of-mind with their reader and author audiences. All articles covered by the new partnership will automatically be added to the authors’ publication records in ResearchGate. This not only reduces MDPI authors’ needs for direct management but also offers them valuable insights into the impact of their work, including data about readership and citations.

Closing Thoughts

November is Men’s Health Awareness Month

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) listening to music as he writes at a coffee shop in Basel, Switzerland.

November is dedicated to raising awareness of various men’s health issues. I have been fortunate to have positive male role models in my life, and I strive to share my experiences with others.

I used to take part in Movember, growing my moustache throughout November to raise awareness and funds and to help “change the face of men’s health.” With male family and friends impacted by physical and mental health issues, I have recently become more interested in men’s overall well-being.

Men often face stigma involving the perceived need always to be strong and have things figured out. Recently, I’ve had meaningful conversations with male friends and colleagues about issues we rarely discuss, and it was a positive experience.

Various factors impact men’s health and well-being, all too easily leading to risky health behaviours including a lack of health awareness, poor health education, and negative, culturally induced, behaviour patterns in our work and personal lives. I hope we can break down these barriers in our work environment.

Healthy men help build healthy families and a healthy society

Men are less likely than women to seek help with their physical and mental health struggles. This is a reminder to prioritize your overall well-being. I hope that as men, we will continue to open up to one another, becoming vulnerable in order to share what we are going through. By sharing and by supporting each other, we can learn and grow together. You are not alone, and when you fall, you can still get up and stand tall.

From one broski to another, you are loved and appreciated. I hope this mindset carries into December and beyond.


Our content team recently released a handful of articles on mindfulness, a practice that I believe provides a good opportunity for stress release and self-reflection:

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

21 November 2023
769 Editorial Board Members of MDPI Journals Achieve Highly Cited Researcher Recognition in 2023

We extend our sincere congratulations to the 769 Editorial Board Members of our journals – from 40 different countries/territories – who have been recognized as Highly Cited Researchers for the year 2023 by Clarivate. They are being recognized for their high-quality scientific research achievements and outstanding contributions to their professional fields, as indicated by Web of Science data.

Clarivate's annual list of Highly Cited ResearchersTM identifies the most highly cited scientists for the past decade who stand out for their significant and broad influence in various scientific and social science domains. Their impactful papers are among the top 1 per cent in the citation distribution of one or more of 21 fields analyzed in the "Essential Science Indicators", distinguishing them as hugely influential among their peers.

This year, 7,125 Highly Cited Researcher 2023 designations were issued to 6,849 individuals from 67 countries, representing just 1 in 1,000 researchers worldwide.

This means that these researchers have demonstrated an incredible level of significant and broad influence in their chosen field or fields over the last decade. They represent a small fraction of the researcher population whose contributions disproportionately push the boundaries of knowledge, enhancing global well-being, sustainability, and security.

Congratulations to the scholars for their noteworthy achievement – we are honored to have them on board with our journals!

Abate, Antonio
Aguilera, Ruth V.
Ahmed, Warish
Ahn, Myung-Ju
An, Qiaoshi
Anasori, Babak
Andersson, Dan I.
Angeletti, Silvia
Annabi, Nasim
Antinori, Spinello
Ariga, Katsuhiko
Asa, Sylvia L.
Astruc, Didier
Atala, Anthony
Atanasov, Atanas G.
Balsamo, Gianpaolo
Bandodkar, Amay J.
Banks, William A.
Bao, Yan-Ping
Barba, Francisco J.
Barnes, Peter J.
Barnholtz-Sloan, Jill S.
Barrow, Colin J.
Bashir, Ali Kashif
Basit, Abdul W.
Bassetti, Matteo
Batley, Jacqueline
Battino, Maurizio
Behnood, Ali
Benediktsson, Jon Atli
Biondi, Antonio
Bjarnsholt, Thomas
Blaschke, Thomas
Blay, Jean-Yves
Blumwald, Eduardo
Blunt, John W.
Boczkaj, Grzegorz
Bogers, Marcel
Bonomo, Robert A.
Boyd, Robert W.
Boyer, Cyrille
Braeckmans, Kevin
Bragazzi, Nicola Luigi
Bu, Wenbo
Bursać Kovačević, Danijela
Bush, Ashley I.
Byrd, John C.
Cabeza, Luisa F.
Cai, Xingjuan
Cambria, Erik
Cao, Guozhong
Cao, Xingzhong
Capasso, Raffaele
Carvalho, Andre F.
Casper, Jonathan
Castellanos-Gomez, Andres
Cavalli, Giacomo
Chai, Siang-Piao
Chan, Jasper Fuk-Woo
Chan, Timothy A.
Chang, Chih-Hao
Chang, Guoqing
Chao, Dongliang
Chen, Bo
Chen, Chaoji
Chen, Fahu
Chen, Gang
Chen, Jianmin
Chen, Jun
Chen, Jun
Chen, Jun
Chen, Lidong
Chen, Lingxin
Chen, Min
Chen, Mou
Chen, Peng
Chen, Qian
Chen, Qianwang
Chen, Shaowei
Chen, Shuangming
Chen, Wei
Chen, Xiaobo
Chen, Yimin
Chen, Yu
Chen, Yulin
Chen, Zhong
Chen, Zonghai
Cheng, Gong
Cheng, Huanyu
Cheng, Laifei
Cheng, Qiang
Chew, Kit Wayne
Chiclana, Francisco
Choi, Wonyong
Choi, Young Hae
Chowdhary, Anuradha
Cichocki, Andrzej
Clevers, Hans
Coops, Nicholas C.
Cortes, Javier
Cortes, Jorge
Costanza, Robert
Creutzig, Felix
Crommie, Michael F.
Cuadrado, Antonio
Cui, Haiying
Cui, Yi
Curigliano, Giuseppe
Dai, Sheng
Dai, Shifeng
Daiber, Andreas
Davies, Michael J.
Davis, Thomas P.
Dawson, Ted M.
de la Fuente-Nunez, Cesar
Delord, Jean-Pierre
Demaria, Marco
Deng, Xiangzheng
Desneux, Nicolas
Dikic, Ivan
Dimopoulos, Meletios-Athanasios
Ding, Aijun
Ding, Jianxun
Dokmeci, Mehmet Remzi
Dolgui, Alexandre
Dong, Chung-Li
Dou, Shi Xue
Dragicevic, Tomislav
Du, Bo
Du, Qian
Du, Yonghua
Duan, Xidong
Dufresne, Alain
Dummer, Reinhard
Edwards, David
Elaissari, Abdelhamid
ElMasry, Gamal
Enjuanes, Luis
Fabbro, Doriano
Facchetti, Antonio
Fan, Junliang
Fan, Kelong
Fan, Xiulin
Fan, Zhanxi
Fang, Baizeng
Fang, Chuanglin
Fang, Yongjin
Fasano, Alessio
Feng, Liangzhu
Feng, Xuning
Fensholt, Rasmus
Ferdinandy, Péter
Fernandez-Lafuente, Roberto
Filippi, Massimo
Flavian, Carlos
Fortino, Giancarlo
Fowler, Michael
Franceschi, Claudio
Frattini, Federico
Friston, Karl J.
Fu, Gengtao
Gai, Francesco
Gaisford, Simon
Galanakis, Charis M.
Galluzzi, Lorenzo
Galvano, Fabio
Gan, Ren-You
Gao, Feng
Gao, Huijun
Gao, Huile
Gao, Peng
Gao, Wei
Garbe, Claus
Garg, Abhishek D.
Gasbarrini, Antonio
Gastaldelli, Amalia
Gautier, Emmanuel L.
Genevet, Patrice
Geng, Yong
Gerdts, Gunnar
Geschwind, Daniel H.
Ghaffari, Roozbeh
Ghamisi, Pedram
Giacobbe, Daniele Roberto
Giampieri, Francesca
Gillies, Robert J.
Godos, Justyna
Gogotsi, Yury
Golding, Nick
Gong, Jinlong
Gong, Peng
Gong, Yongji
Govindan, Kannan
Gozal, David
Grancini, Giulia
Grant, William B.
Graus, Francesc
Green, Douglas R.
Grosso, Giuseppe
Gu, Meng
Gu, Zhanjun
Guan, Cao
Gueimonde, Miguel
Gui, Guan
Guigo, Roderic
Guo, Hengyu
Guo, Jianping
Guo, Lin
Guo, Song
Guo, Yan
Guo, Zaiping
Gupta, Rangan
Gutzmer, Ralf
Haase, Dagmar
Hagger, Martin S.
Hall, C. Michael
Han, Fudong
Han, Heesup
Hanes, Justin
Hartung, Hans-Peter
He, Bao-Jie  
He, Debiao
He, Hongwen
He, Jiaqing
He, Jie
He, Jr-Hau
He, Qiong
He, Xiangming
He, Xijun
He, Zhili
Heneka, Michael T.
Herrera, Francisco
Herrera-Estrella, Luis
Herrera-Viedma, Enrique
Hetz, Claudio
Holick, Michael F.
Hong, Danfeng
Hong, Xuechuan
Hsueh, Po-Ren
Hu, Bin
Hu, Enyuan
Hu, Jin-Song
Hu, Weida
Hu, Wenbin
Hu, Xiaosong
Huang, Baibiao
Huang, Hongwei
Huang, Jianliang
Huang, Jianping
Huang, Peng
Huang, Xin
Hubacek, Klaus
Hussain, Saddam
Italiano, Antoine
Iwata, Hiroji
Jaeschke, Hartmut
Jain, Atul

Jaiswal, Amit K.
Jankovic, Joseph
Janssens, Ivan A.
Jelezko, Fedor
Jeon, Byong-Hun
Ji, Guangbin
Ji, Qiang
Ji, Wei
Ji, Xiaobo
Ji, Xiaoyuan
Jiang, Bin
Jiang, Hong
Jiang, Junjun
Jiang, Lianzhou
Jiang, Qing
Jiang, Shibo
Jiang, Yuyan
Jiang, Zhongyi
Jiao, Licheng
Jin, Shi
Jin, Zhong
Kalantar-zadeh, Kourosh
Kamal, Mohammad Amjad
Kaner, Richard B.
Kaneti, Yusuf Valentino
Kang, Zhenhui
Karagiannidis, George K.
Karniadakis, George Em
Karp, Peter D.
Kataoka, Kazunori
Katritch, Vsevolod
Kawi, Sibudjing
Kepp, Oliver
Khademhosseini, Ali
Khan, Nafees A.
Kiessling, Fabian
Kildishev, Alexander V.
Kim, Haegyeom
Kim, Jeonghun
Kim, Jin-Hoi
Kim, Jong Seung
Kim, Ki-Hyun
Kirkwood, John M.
Kivshar, Yuri
Klenk, Hans-Peter
Ko, Wen-Chien
Kong, Baohua
Kontoyiannis, Dimitrios P.
Koonin, Eugene V.
Kroemer, Guido
Kuang, Dai-Bin
Kudo, Masatoshi
Kuhn, Jens H.
Kumar, Prashant
Kumar, Sudhir
Kurths, Juergen
Kurzrock, Razelle
Kuzyakov, Yakov
Kyrpides, Nikos C.
La Vecchia, Carlo
Lai, Yuekun
Lan, Ke
Lancellotti, Patrizio
Landi, Francesco
Lavie, Carl J.
Laxminarayan, Ramanan
Lee, Chengkuo
Lee, Jechan
Lee, Jin-Wook
Lee, Pooi See
Lee, Sang Soo
Lehmann, Johannes
Lei, Yaguo
Li, Bin
Li, Chunzhong
Li, Dongsheng
Li, Feng
Li, Hai
Li, Heng
Li, Hongyi
Li, Hui
Li, Jinghong
Li, Jun
Li, Li
Li, Linlin
Li, Neng
Li, Ning
Li, Shuai
Li, Shutao
Li, Wei
Li, Wentao
Li, Xiang
Li, Xuecao
Li, Xuelong
Li, Yat
Li, Yurui
Li, Zhijun
Liang, Chao
Liang, Shuquan
Liaw, Peter K.
Lin, Jun
Lin, Yuehe
Lippi, Giuseppe
Lister, Ryan
Liu, Chengmei
Liu, Gang
Liu, Hong
Liu, Hui
Liu, Jian
Liu, Jinyan
Liu, Jun
Liu, Meilin
Liu, Pan
Liu, Wei
Liu, Xianhu
Liu, Xiaoping
Liu, Xuejun
Liu, Yang
Liu, Yu
Liu, Yuan
Lonardo, Amedeo
Long, Hualou
Long, Ying
Lu, Bingan
Lu, Junling
Lu, Lu
Lu, Nanshu
Lu, Rongxing
Lucey, Brian
Lucieer, Arko
Lugato, Emanuele
Lund, Henrik
Luo, Yangchao
Luo, Yi
Luo, Zisheng
Lv, Wei
Lyons, Timothy W.
Ma, Haile
Ma, Jianmin
Ma, Jun
Ma, Tianyi
Ma, Wei
Ma, Yanming
Madabhushi, Anant
Mahmoudi, Morteza
Mai, Liqiang
Mai, Wenjie
Makridakis, Spyros
Mandala, Mario
Mantovani, Alberto
Mao, Jianfeng
Mao, Like
Mardani, Abbas
Mathivanan, Suresh
Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
McCabe, Matthew F.
McCauley, Darren
McClements, David Julian
Mei, Lin
Melenhorst, Jan Joseph
Melero, Ignacio
Meyerholz, David K.
Van Mierlo, Joeri
Miroshnichenko, Andrey E.
Mittler, Ron
Mu, Shichun
Mubarak, Mohammad S.
Mueller, Lukas A.
Muhammad, Khan
Mumtaz, Shahid
Munekata, Paulo Eduardo Sichetti
Nakagawa, Shinichi
Nauen, Ralf
Newman, David J.
Niaura, Raymond S.
Nidheesh, P. V.
Niu, Ben
Nussinov, Ruth
O'Connor, David
Odintsov, Sergei D.
Omri, Anis
Orsini, Nicola
Ostrikov, Kostya (Ken)
Oswald, Isabelle P.
Oudard, Stephane
Ouyang, Minggao
Ozcan, Aydogan
Pan, Anlian
Pan, Anqiang
Pan, Caofeng
Pan, Genxing
Pan, Likun
Pan, Quan-Ke
Pan, Xiaoqing
Pandolfi, Pier Paolo
Parati, Gianfranco
Pateiro, Mirian
Peng, Qiang
Peng, Qing
Peng, Shushi
Perc, Matjaz
Perlin, David S.
Perlman, Stanley
Petruzzelli, Antonio Messeni
Pitt, Bertram
Pöhlmann, Stefan
Polasky, Stephen
Pommier, Yves
Poor, H. Vincent
Potenza, Marc N.
Preat, Veronique
Prinsep, Michele R.
Pu, Kanyi
Putnik, Predrag
Qin, Yuanwei
Qiu, Jieshan
Qu, Xiaogang
Ragauskas, Arthur J.
Ramakrishna, Seeram
Ramkissoon, Haywantee
Ran, Jingrun
Rao, Zhonghao
Recio, Isidra
Ren, Jinsong
Rengel, Zed
Rho, Junsuk
Riahi, Keywan
Ribeiro-Soriano, Domingo
Richardson, Paul G.
Robert, Caroline
Rocca, Maria A.
Rodriguez-Manas, Leocadio
Rojas, Orlando J.
Rojo, Teofilo
Roubaud, David
Saad, Fred
Saad, Walid
Sadorsky, Perry
Saliba, Michael
Sander, Chris
Sangaiah, Arun Kumar
Santamouris, Mattheos
Santoro, Gabriele
Scaldaferri, Franco
Schatzberg, Alan F.
Schwab, Matthias
Schweizer, Frank
Scolyer, Richard A.
Scott, Daniel
Serruys, Patrick W.
Setzer, William N.
Shahzad, Babar
Shao, Shuai
Shao, Zongping
Shen, Guozhen
Shen, Liyin

Shen, Zexiang
Shi, Peng
Shi, Yi
Siano, Pierluigi
Simões, Manuel
Sing, Swee Leong
Singh, Vijay P.
Smagghe, Guy
Smith, Lee
Soffietti, Riccardo
Song, Houbing
Song, Jibin
Song, Yu
Sood, Anil K.
Souto, Eliana B.
Stadler, Marc
Stanley, H. Eugene
Stephanopoulos, Gregory
Sternberg, Cora N.
Stoumpos, Constantinos C.
Stunnenberg, Hendrik G.
Su, Shiliang
Sun, Baoguo
Sun, Cuixia
Sun, Fengchun
Sun, Hongqi
Sun, Jie
Sun, Lijun
Sun, Litao
Sun, Runcang
Sun, Yanjuan
Sun, Zaicheng
Sun, Zhipei
Sureda, Antoni
Svenning, Jens-Christian
Tan, Chaoliang
Tan, Weihong
Tang, Chuan-He
Tang, Chuyang
Tang, Dianping
Tang, Yongbing
Tanzi, Rudolph E.
Terpos, Evangelos
Teschendorff, Andrew E.
Tian, He
Timsit, Jean-Francois
Tiwari, Aviral Kumar
Tohge, Takayuki
Tousoulis, Dimitris
Tran, Lam-Son Phan
Tress, Wolfgang
Trivedi, Pankaj
Tsao, Rong
Tully, Mark A.
Tung, Chen-Ho
Van der Bruggen, Bart
Vandenbroucke, Roosmarijn E.
Vangronsveld, Jaco
Varsani, Arvind
Vatanen, Tommi
Verbeke, Kristin
Vermote, Eric
Verpoorte, Robert
Vieta, Eduard
Vincent, Jean-Louis
Vita, Antonio
Wan, Jiafu
Wan, Shaohua
Wanek, Wolfgang
Wang, Bin
Wang, Bo
Wang, Chao
Wang, Chuanyi
Wang, Chunsheng
Wang, Dan
Wang, Feng
Wang, Gongming
Wang, Guoxiu
Wang, Haihui
Wang, Hao
Wang, Huanqing
Wang, Huanting
Wang, Hui
Wang, Jian
Wang, Jie
Wang, Jing
Wang, John
Wang, Joseph
Wang, Lianzhou
Wang, Lihui
Wang, Meng
Wang, Peng
Wang, Pengfei
Wang, Qi
Wang, Qi
Wang, Qiang
Wang, Qilin
Wang, Qin
Wang, Qing
Wang, Shaojian
Wang, Sibo
Wang, Tao
Wang, Ying
Wang, Yong
Wang, Zhen
Wang, Zhong Lin
Wang, Zhongrui
Wang, Zifa
Wang, Zuankai
Wei, Haotong
Wei, Leyi
Wei, Zhixiang
Wei, Zhongbao
Weissleder, Ralph
Weitschies, Werner
Wen, Guanghui
Wesemael, Bas van
Willerslev, Eske
Witlox, Frank
Wu, Haijun
Wu, Hao Bin
Wu, Hui
Wu, Jun
Wu, Qinglin
Wu, Shuilin
Wu, Xiaojun
Wu, Yongzhen
Wu, Yuping
Wu, Zheng-Guang
Wu, Zhong-Shuai
Xia, Jianguo (Jeff)
Xia, Meimei
Xia, Xinhui
Xia, Yongyao
Xia, Zhiguo
Xiang, Quanjun
Xiao, Fuyuan
Xiao, Jie
Xin, Sen
Xing, Baoshan
Xing, Wei
Xiong, Rui
Xu, Hui
Xu, Li Da
Xu, Ping
Xu, Yi-Jun
Xu, Zhenjiang Zech
Yan, Chong
Yan, He
Yan, Huaicheng
Yan, Kai
Yan, Ruqiang
Yang, Bing
Yang, Chenguang
Yang, Hongshun
Yang, Hui
Yang, Jian
Yang, Jianping
Yang, Jie
Yang, Jun
Yang, Kai
Yang, Shihe
Yang, Xiaofeng
Yang, Xinsong
Yang, Yun-Gui
Yao, Yonggang
Yigitcanlar, Tan
Yin, Shen
Yin, Shou-Wei
Yin, Yulong
Yin, Zongyou
Yokoya, Naoto
Young, Allan H.
Yu, Guihua
Yu, Jun
Yu, Le
Yu, Minghao
Yu, Shu-Hong
Yu, Wei
Yu, Wenwu
Yuan, Qiangqiang
Yuan, Yifei
Yuan, Yuan
Yuen, Chau
Zeadally, Sherali
Zhai, Tianyou
Zhang, Bing
Zhang, Dengsong
Zhang, Fan
Zhang, Fusuo
Zhang, Guangyu
Zhang, Guowen
Zhang, Hengjie
Zhang, Hongjie
Zhang, Hui
Zhang, Lai-Chang
Zhang, Lefei
Zhang, Lei
Zhang, Liangpei
Zhang, Lijun
Zhang, Min
Zhang, Peng
Zhang, Qiang
Zhang, Qiaobao
Zhang, Qichun
Zhang, Shicheng
Zhang, Shujun
Zhang, Tierui
Zhang, Wei
Zhang, Weili
Zhang, Xian-Ming
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Xiaogang
Zhang, Xiaoling
Zhang, Yang
Zhang, Yaobin
Zhang, Yi
Zhang, Yi-Zhou
Zhang, Yong
Zhang, Yu Shrike
Zhang, Yue-Jun
Zhang, Yuelin
Zhang, Zheng
Zhang, Zhicheng
Zhang, Zhien
Zhao, Guochun
Zhao, Jie
Zhao, Li-Dong
Zhao, Qing
Zhao, Yi
Zheng, Hao
Zheng, Weitao
Zheng, Yufeng
Zhong, Cheng
Zhou, Jie
Zhou, Jizhong
Zhou, Kun
Zhou, Liang
Zhou, Peng
Zhou, Qi
Zhou, Wei
Zhou, Weiqi
Zhu, Chengzhou
Zhu, Hongwei
Zhu, Junfa
Zhu, Jun-Jie
Zhu, Lei
Zhu, Mingshan
Zhu, Quanxin
Zhu, Yi
Zhu, Yongfa
Zhu, Zhe
Zhuang, Xiaodong
Zou, Quan
Zou, Ruqiang
Zuo, Chao

16 November 2023
Advancing Our Understanding of Viruses: Essential High-Impact Articles by Leading Experts

We are thrilled to showcase a collection of high-impact articles recently published in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). These articles, authored by renowned experts in the field, offer profound insights into various aspects of virology, contributing significantly to our understanding of viruses and their implications. Explore these groundbreaking contributions below:

“Comparative Sensitivity of Rapid Antigen Tests for the Delta Variant (B.1.617.2) of SARS-CoV-2”
by Yuko Sakai-Tagawa, Seiya Yamayoshi, Peter J. Halfmann and Yoshihiro Kawaoka
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2183;
Available online:

“Jumbo Phages: A Comparative Genomic Overview of Core Functions and Adaptions for Biological Conflicts”
by Lakshminarayan M. Iyer, Vivek Anantharaman, Arunkumar Krishnan, A. Maxwell Burroughs and L. Aravind
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 63;
Available online:

“The Advantages and Challenges of Using Endolysins in a Clinical Setting”
by Ellen Murray, Lorraine A. Draper, R. Paul Ross and Colin Hill
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 680;
Available online:

“Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitors Are Effective Anti-HIV Drugs”
by Steven J. Smith, Xue Zhi Zhao, Dario Oliveira Passos, Dmitry Lyumkis, Terrence R. Burke and Stephen H. Hughes
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 205;
Available online:

“The Combination of Bromelain and Acetylcysteine (BromAc) Synergistically Inactivates SARS-CoV-2”
by Javed Akhter, Grégory Quéromès, Krishna Pillai, Vahan Kepenekian, Samina Badar, Ahmed H. Mekkawy, Emilie Frobert, Sarah J. Valle and David L. Morris
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 425;
Available online:

“HIV Capsid and Integration Targeting”
by Alan N. Engelman
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 125;
Available online:

“HIV-1: To Splice or Not to Splice, That Is the Question”
by Ann Emery and Ronald Swanstrom
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 181;
Available online:

“Safety and Outcomes Associated with the Pharmacological Inhibition of the Kinin–Kallikrein System in Severe COVID-19”
by Eli Mansour, Andre C. Palma, Raisa G. Ulaf, Luciana C. Ribeiro, Ana Flavia Bernardes, Thyago A. Nunes, Marcus V. Agrela, Bruna Bombassaro, Milena Monfort-Pires, Rafael L. Camargo et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 309;
Available online:

“Target Product Profile Analysis of COVID-19 Vaccines in Phase III Clinical Trials and Beyond: An Early 2021 Perspective”
by Colin D. Funk, Craig Laferrière and Ali Ardakani
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 418;
Available online:

These articles represent significant contributions to the field of virology, providing valuable insights for researchers and enthusiasts alike. Stay updated with the latest developments in virology by exploring these publications.

Thank you for your continued support of Viruses. We anticipate sharing more groundbreaking research with you in the future.

1 November 2023
MDPI Insights: The CEO’s Letter #5 - OA Week, UK, and Strategy

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Open Access Week 2023 – the Global Drive to Open Continues

As the world's largest open-access (OA) publisher, we believe that unrestricted access to research findings is the cornerstone of transparency, efficiency, and quality control across scientific disciplines. At MDPI, we provide free, immediate access to scientific papers, empowering scientists to examine, validate, replicate, and build upon existing results. This minimizes redundancy, optimizes resources, and fosters innovative approaches.

International OA Week, held from 23 to 29 October 2023, provided a unique opportunity to link the global movement toward open sharing and open science with the progress of policy changes at the local level. Our mission, during OA Week and all the year round, is to offer educational resources highlighting the benefits of open-access publishing. The MDPI Blog is a valuable resource for information on open access and open science.

Core principles of OA publishing

Accessibility, transparency, and collaboration are core principles of OA publishing. OA aims to break down barriers that have traditionally restricted research access, ensuring that knowledge is available to all, regardless of financial situation or institutional affiliations. Our commitment to diverse pathways for OA publishing worldwide includes discounts for researchers. You can learn more about how MDPI supports scientific communities here.

One of the key strengths of OA publishing is its ability to facilitate interdisciplinary research. By removing paywalls and promoting knowledge-sharing across disciplines, OA encourages collaboration and innovation. Researchers from various fields can access and build upon each others’ work, fostering a holistic approach to addressing complex global challenges.

OA holds the potential to democratize knowledge, advance science, and drive positive societal change.

Policy driving change

Governments, institutions, and funding agencies have recognized the transformative potential of OA and have implemented policies to promote it. These policies often require publicly funded research to be made openly accessible, accelerating the growth of OA repositories and journals. Check out our spotlights on OA policies in the USEU and China

OA publishing is continuously evolving, with community-driven models and technologies shaping its future. Initiatives such as “Plan S” and “cOAlition S” promote OA publishing from the perspective of national funders, requiring grantees to publish their research openly. A new policy announced by the US administration last year mandates that, with effect from January 2026, all US federally funded research should be freely and immediately available after publication.

Additionally, preprint servers such as MDPI's, which allow researchers to share their findings before formal peer review, have gained popularity, enhancing the speed at which new knowledge is disseminated. The rise of blockchain technology is also being explored to ensure transparency and authenticity in scholarly publishing.

For more than two decades, OA publishing has been revolutionizing academic publishing by promoting accessibility, transparency, and collaboration. Its support for interdisciplinary research, evolving policies, and innovative practices all contribute to its growing influence in the global research community. As OA continues to expand, it holds the potential to democratize knowledge, advance science, and drive positive societal change.

MDPI is proud to lead the transition to open access.

Read more:

Impactful Research

Spotlight on Smart Cities

Smart cities will serve as a cornerstone for future human development. Their implementation will help us tackle many of the significant challenges we are facing – climate change, ageing populations, waste management, public safety, travel, and so on. Recognising the importance of this multifaceted field, MDPI launched the inaugural issue of Smart Cities in 2018 to provide an advanced forum for research into smart technology and society. Here we take a look at how this journal has developed, and its impact in this exciting field.

As at 30 October, 2023, Smart Cities has published 421 papers and has an Impact Factor of 6.4. It also has a CiteScore of 8.5, and more than one quarter of its published papers – 124 – have been cited 10 times or more.

Highly cited papers in Smart Cities

Below are several highly cited papers recently published in Smart Cities. Citation metrics are current as at 31 October 2023.

1. “Introducing the “15-Minute City”: Sustainability, Resilience and Place Identity in Future Post-Pandemic Cities
Authors: Carlos Moreno, Zaheer Allam, Didier Chabaud, Catherine Gall and Florent Pratlong
Smart Cities 2021, 4(1), 93-111;
Citations: Crossref (338), Scopus (366), Web of Science (270), Google Scholar (710)
The paper discusses the socio-economic impacts of the COVID-19 on cities, including increasing inequalities and rising unemployment. It introduces the concept of the "15-Minute City," a form of "chrono-urbanism," as a response to the challenges posed by the pandemic.

2. “A Review on Electric Vehicles: Technologies and Challenges
Authors: Julio A. Sanguesa, Vicente Torres-Sanz, Piedad Garrido, Francisco J. Martinez and Johann M. Marquez-Barja
Smart Cities 2021, 4(1), 372-404;
Citations: Crossref (359), Scopus (363), Web of Science (268), Google Scholar (558)
This paper provides an overview of the progress in Electric Vehicles (EVs), focusing on battery technology, charging methods, and emerging research challenges. It also analyzes the global EV market and its future outlook.

3. “IoT in Smart Cities: A Survey of Technologies, Practices and Challenges
Authors: Abbas Shah Syed, Daniel Sierra-Sosa, Anup Kumar and Adel Elmaghraby
Smart Cities 2021, 4(2), 429-475;
Citations: Crossref (121), Scopus (151), Web of Science (91), Google Scholar (215)
This paper gives an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the context of Smart Cities, discussing the fundamental components, technologies, architectures, networking technologies, and artificial algorithms that underpin IoT-based Smart City systems.

4. “Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Smart Grid: A Survey
Authors: Olufemi A. Omitaomu and Haoran Niu
Smart Cities 2021, 4(2), 548-568;
Citations: Crossref (76), Scopus (94), Web of Science (57), Google Scholar (120)
This survey paper reviews the utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques in the context of the smart grid. It covers various applications of AI in load forecasting, power grid stability assessment, fault detection, and security issues in the smart grid and power systems.

5. “The Metaverse as a Virtual Form of Smart Cities: Opportunities and Challenges for Environmental, Economic, and Social Sustainability in Urban Futures
Authors: Zaheer Allam, Ayyoob Sharifi, Simon Elias Bibri, David Sydney Jones and John Krogstie
Smart Cities 2022, 5(3), 771-801;
Citations: Crossref (72), Scopus (75), Web of Science (43), Google Scholar (176)
This paper discusses the concept of the Metaverse, a virtual world introduced by Meta (formerly Facebook), and its potential impact on urban life. It explores how emerging technologies such as AI, Big Data, IoT, and Digital Twins could reshape urban design and services in the context of the Metaverse.


“It was indeed a great and pleasant experience with MDPI regarding our recent publication. The submission process was very straightforward and less time-consuming than the norm. The review process was very fast compared to many other open access journals, which is praiseworthy. The support from the Editorial Office during the revision process was highly useful as well. We look forward to publishing with MDPI in the future, and I will most definitely recommend MDPI to my colleagues and collaborators. – Dr. Luís Rosa, University of Minho

Article in Smart Cities: Mobile Networks and Internet of Things Infrastructures to Characterize Smart Human Mobility

Inside MDPI

MDPI Manchester office, UK Visit

Allie Shi (Editorial Director, MDPI), Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), Jamie Anderson (Manchester Office Manager, MDPI), Michael O’Sullivan (Senior Scientific Officer, MDPI), Hushneara Akhtar, and Becky Castellon (IOAP Team Lead, MDPI), dining out in Manchester, UK.

In October, I visited MDPI’s new office in Manchester. During the visit, I connected with our English Editing (EE) managers, Scientific Officer, members of the Editorial team, the Marketing team, and IOAP Team Lead.

Our Manchester office focuses primarily on EE services and provides local support for the UK market. Additionally, we regularly visit Editorial Board members and participate in local conferences.

I would like to thank Jamie Anderson, Manchester Office Manager, and her team, for their deep commitment to our Manchester staff and to MDPI’s impact on the UK market.

The UK by numbers

The UK is a hub for the world’s top universities, making it a key market for MDPI and the publishing world in general. It is home to two of the top-five-ranked universities globally, 11 in the top 100, and 15 in the top 200.

As a result, the UK plays a key role in MDPI’s global market. As at October 2023, it ranks as the seventh-largest contributor to the total number of papers published by MDPI. We have 3,500 Editorial Board members affiliated with UK institutions, including 34 serving as Editors-in-Chief (EiCs). Our commitment to collaboration with institutions is evident in the UK, where we have successfully established some 60 Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) agreements with esteemed institutions, such as the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge, Imperial College London, the University of Edinburgh, and more.

According to InCites Dataset + ESCI for the period 2018–2022, as at October 2023, nearly 65% of UK papers are now published as OA. Just over 10% of total OA publications are by UK authors. UK papers are known for their high quality, with an average of 11 citations per paper. Furthermore, 2.16% of UK papers are in the top 1% of cited papers, and 14.61% are in the top 10% of cited papers, showcasing their impact.

We are currently hiring EEs in various locations worldwide.

English Editing at MDPI

Our English Editing (EE) department consists of two main branches, Quality Control and Learning and Development, reflecting our priorities. We are continuously enhancing the quality of our English Editing services and have raised the relevant standards, which now extend to company-wide communications. English editors participate in international interviews, conduct English assessments, and provide colleagues with presentations on ways to improve their use of written and spoken English.

While expanding, the EE department has proactively refocused its efforts on the quality of our work and how the English Editing department can benefit the company more broadly. We currently have approximately 140 full-time English Editors based across five offices worldwide, supplemented by over 700 freelance English editors.

Our Manchester office serves as the hub for the EE Department, with EE Managers situated there, except for Kurtis Jackson, who serves as the Head of EE and is located in our Basel office. Manchester EEs play a critical role in establishing and developing EE teams in our other offices, overseeing management and recruitment. The EE department plays a vital role in MDPI’s operations, as it is the department that touches every published paper. If this work interests you, I encourage you to explore our available EE positions, whether you are seeking full-time or freelance opportunities.


“MDPI provides an excellent service compared to any other previously used services. It delivers fast and high-quality results but at an affordable price.” – Ardha Apriyanto, University of Potsdam

“In my role as a professor, I consider that MDPI Author Services offer an excellent quality in the editing of Western academic writing while maintaining the required standards of clarity, precision and rigor. Additionally, delivery times are fast compared to other available services.” – Jesus Insuasti, University of Nariño

Read more:

Coming Together for Science

STM and Frankfurt Book Fair

Attending STM

MDPI has been a proud sponsor of the STM Conference for several years. The STM Conference is a dynamic event featuring interactive sessions, expert panellists, idea-sharing, and ample networking opportunities. On 16 October, the event kicked off with arrival drinks, sponsored by MDPI, followed by a welcoming dinner, providing a great chance to connect and network with industry professionals. The following day was filled with speakers, sessions, and further opportunities to connect. STM exemplifies the collaborative spirit of the scientific community, with session topics including achieving open, visible, and impactful research at scale; maintaining research integrity in a rapidly changing world; and exploring the impact of ever-evolving technology in the scholarly community.

Meeting with Web of Science

On a personal note, one of the highlights of STM was a candid and productive conversation with Nandita Quaderi, Editor-in-Chief and SVP at Web of Science. During our discussion, we talked about MDPI, Web of Science, the IJERPH delisting, and ways of moving forward. This open conversation aimed at fostering better collaboration for the future.

“We discussed ways to improve our communication and collaboration.”

I appreciated our frank discussion and felt that Nandita wholeheartedly supports open access. She also expressed her appreciation for the monthly CEO Letter, which she sees as a way to add personality to the MDPI brand and provide insight into the great work we do at MDPI. While we highlighted the positives, we also discussed ways to improve our communication and collaboration moving forward. This meeting alone made the trip worthwhile, and I hope Nandita doesn’t mind my sharing that she found our chat to be “the most honest and constructive discussion” she’s had with someone from MDPI in recent years.

75th Frankfurt Book Fair

Jelena Milojevic (Book Editor, MDPI), Jovana Dubajic (Book Editor, MDPI), Evan Escamilla (Project Manager, MDPI), Laura Wagner (Head of Books, MDPI), and Jenny Knowles (Commissioning Editor, MDPI), at the Frankfurt Book Fair in Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

For the 75th time, the Frankfurter Buchmesse opened its doors in October to celebrate exciting stories and their authors. If you haven’t yet had the chance to visit the Frankfurt Book Fair, I highly recommend it. It’s the largest book fair in the world, attracting thousands of visitors from around the globe. This is the place to gain valuable industry insights from top-class publishing professionals, connect with publishers directly, and learn about the latest trends in publishing.

MDPI Books

Our Books team was also present at the Frankfurt Book Fair, networking and learning from various panels. Did you know that our MDPI Books department publishes OA Books?

The book publishing program includes monographs, book series, edited books and reprints of special issues and topical collections, among other book types.

If you have a book proposal you would like to discuss, please feel free to contact our Books team to understand the benefits and methods of publishing your next book with the OA model.

Closing Thoughts

MDPI Strategy Meeting

As the newly appointed CEO, this is my first year leading the MDPI Senior Management Strategy session. I saw it as an opportunity to explore what MDPI has the potential to become in the next five years. Guided by the vision of its founder and President, Dr. Shu-kun Lin, the company has accomplished remarkable feats over the past 27 years and currently holds the position as the world’s third-largest academic publisher, following Springer Nature and Elsevier.

Our primary objective is to build upon the milestones of the past decades and consolidate MDPI’s position as well-established publishing brand. The two-day meeting emphasized the importance of communicating MDPI’s values more actively via its brand and adopting a straightforward yet impactful approach to managing MDPI as a mature academic publisher.

“Our primary objective is to consolidate MDPI’s position as well-established publishing brand”

As the world’s number one open-access publisher, MDPI has long been a game-changer in the scholarly community, serving millions of authors. The challenge in being a trailblazer is the need to continuously improve and at the same time explore the next blue-ocean strategy, while also maintaining the smooth operation of the business. Our collection model, featuring guest-curated thematic topics in the form of Special Issues, has disrupted the industry. Other publishers closely study us and attempt to replicate our models. The future of this collection model is something we are actively addressing – while, of course, looking ahead to what comes next!

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

19 October 2023
Open Access Week 2023 – the Global Drive to Open Continues

MDPI has been a strong proponent of the open access publishing model right from the beginning. As one of the pioneering fully open access publishers, we firmly believe that unrestricted access to research findings forms the foundation for better transparency, efficiency, and quality control across all scientific disciplines.

In December 2022, we reached a significant milestone by surpassing one million articles published. That is one million articles freely available to all, to circulate and build upon!

Offering free and immediate access to scientific papers empowers scientists to examine, validate, replicate, and expand upon existing results. This not only helps prevent redundancy and optimizes how resources are used but also paves the way for innovative new approaches.

The International Open Access Week takes place from 23 to 29 October 2023, providing a unique opportunity to connect the global movement towards open sharing and open science with the progress of policy transformations at the local level.

Our goal, during Open Access Week as well as throughout the year, is to offer resources for educating people about the benefits of open access publishing. The MDPI Blog offers a wealth of information around open access and open science.

Promoting the values of accessibility, transparency, and collaboration

Open access publishing embodies the fundamental values of democratizing knowledge and fostering global accessibility. It aims to break down barriers that have traditionally limited access to scholarly work, ensuring that knowledge is available to all, regardless of their financial or institutional affiliations. 

Discounts are part of our commitment to ensuring there are diverse pathways to Open Access publishing for researchers worldwide. MDPI supports scientific communities in several different ways. 

One of the key strengths of open access publishing lies in its ability to facilitate interdisciplinary research. By removing paywalls and promoting the sharing of knowledge across disciplines, OA encourages collaboration and innovation. Researchers from diverse fields can access and build upon each other's work, fostering a holistic approach to addressing complex global challenges. 

Funders' policies are getting aligned with open science

Governments, institutions, and funding agencies have recognized the transformative potential of open access and have implemented policies to promote it. These policies often mandate that publicly funded research should be made openly accessible. Such initiatives have accelerated the growth of open access repositories and journals, reinforcing the commitment to open access principles. Check our spotlights on OA policies in the USEU and China

Open access publishing is continually evolving, with innovative and community-driven models and technologies shaping its future. Initiatives like "Plan S" and "cOAlition S" promote the adoption of OA publishing from the national funders’ perspective by requiring grantees to publish their research openly. A new policy announced by the US administration last year requires that, as of January 2026, all US federally funded research be made freely and immediately available after publication. 

Additionally, preprint servers such as MDPI's, which allow researchers to share their findings before formal peer review, have gained popularity, enhancing the speed at which new knowledge is disseminated. The rise of blockchain technology is also being explored to ensure transparency and authenticity in scholarly publishing. 

For more than twenty years, open access scholarly publishing has been revolutionizing academia by promoting the values of accessibility, transparency, and collaboration. Its support for interdisciplinary research, evolving policies, and innovative practices all contribute to its growing influence in the global research community. As open access continues to expand, it holds the potential to democratize knowledge, advance science, and drive positive societal change. 

MDPI is proud to be a leader in the transition to open access.

18 October 2023
Viruses | Spotlight on the “Human Virology and Viral Diseases” Section

“Noroviruses—The State of the Art, Nearly Fifty Years after Their Initial Discovery”
by Louisa F. Ludwig-Begall, Axel Mauroy and Etienne Thiry
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1541;
Available online:


“Porcine Endogenous Retroviruses and Xenotransplantation, 2021”
by Joachim Denner
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2156;
Available online:


“Pandemics of the 21st Century: The Risk Factor for Obese People”
by Miriam Hancková and Tatiana Betáková
Viruses 2022, 14(1), 25;
Available online:


“Norovirus: Facts and Reflections from Past, Present, and Future”
by Yalda Lucero, David O. Matson, Shai Ashkenazi, Sergio George and Miguel O’Ryan
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2399;
Available online:


“Therapeutic DNA Vaccines against HPV-Related Malignancies: Promising Leads from Clinical Trials”
by Jianming Tang, Mingzhu Li, Chao Zhao, Danhua Shen, Lei Liu, Xiujun Zhang and Lihui Wei
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 239;
Available online:


“Viruses in the Heart: Direct and Indirect Routes to Myocarditis and Heart Failure”
by Colton R. Martens and Federica Accornero
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1924;
Available online:


“Tumors and Cytomegalovirus: An Intimate Interplay”
by Georges Herbein
Viruses 2022, 14(4), 812;
Available online:


“Hepatitis E Outbreak in the Central Part of Italy Sustained by Multiple HEV Genotype 3 Strains, June–December 2019”
by Anna Rosa Garbuglia, Roberto Bruni, Umbertina Villano, Francesco Vairo, Daniele Lapa, Elisabetta Madonna, Giovanna Picchi, Barbara Binda, Rinalda Mariani, Francesca De Paulis et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 1159;
Available online:


“Host Non-Coding RNA Regulates Influenza A Virus Replication”
by Yuejiao Liao, Shouqing Guo, Geng Liu, Zhenyu Qiu, Jiamin Wang, Di Yang, Xiaojing Tian, Ziling Qiao, Zhongren Ma and Zhenbin Liu
Viruses 2022, 14(1), 51;
Available online:


“Immunosuppressive Tumor Microenvironment and Immunotherapy of Epstein–Barr Virus-Associated Malignancies”
by Xueyi Zheng, Yuhua Huang, Kai Li, Rongzhen Luo, Muyan Cai and Jingping Yun
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 1017;
Available online:

2 October 2023
MDPI Insights: The CEO’s Letter #4 - MDPI Presence in China

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Open Access in China

It is Saturday, 23 September, and I have just returned from an unforgettable 12-day trip to China, visiting our main offices in Beijing and Wuhan. In the wake of a packed and very enjoyable agenda of internal and external meetings, I would like to use this edition of the CEO Letter to showcase how MDPI supports the scholarly community in China.

Coincidentally, Jack McKenna, Communications Associate from MDPI’s corporate content team, has just released a blog article discussing China’s open access (OA) policy. It is a timely read, providing a concise overview of the development of the OA movement in China and reflecting on its future. I shall draw some content from Jack’s piece and use this edition of the CEO Letter to highlight the various ways in which MDPI is involved in this market. And it would be remiss of me not to include some pictures and highlights from my travels!

Open Access Policy in China

As per Jack’s post, in 2020, China became the world’s leading producer of research articles. Today, China is experiencing a “substantial growth rate in OA [Open Access] publication”. This growth is supported by the State’s commitment to research & development and its policy “requiring the promotion of open science”.

Over the past two decades, there have been gradual developments in China’s OA framework, with repositories and platforms being developed in a consistent manner. Currently, key institutions across China – including the National Science Library, the National Science and Technology Library, and the Natural Science Foundation of China – support OA. The State aims to establish consistent policies across government agencies – a framework for a more encompassing embrace of OA across institutions.

In China, the number of subscription-only articles decreased by nearly 30% over the 10-year period of 2011–2021, while gold OA increased by 22%. Between 2017 and 2020 alone, China published 800,921 academic papers in an OA format.

In 2023, as the leading publisher of academic research, China is pursuing “self-reliance”. Therefore, the State will be establishing consistent policies across government agencies, including those related to OA. Additionally, it will want to ensure that Chinese people can access the research that is supported by Chinese funding and produced by Chinese academics. For this reason, “Open Access is a matter of priority in China”.

MDPI Offices in China

 While the history of MDPI begins in Basel, Switzerland, the story of MDPI’s founder is very much rooted in China. Dr. Shu-kun Lin, Founder and President of MDPI, graduated with a BSc from Wuhan University in 1982. He also studied physical chemistry at the Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1982–1986; MSc in 1985), and at the University of Louisville, USA (1987–1989). Dr. Lin completed his doctorate in organic chemistry at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH-Zürich) in 1992.

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) at MDPI’s Wuhan office.

In 2002, MDPI’s Basel headquarters moved to Matthäusstrasse 11, 4052 Basel, and Dr. Lin opened an editorial office in Qingdao, China, which launched the journal Marine Drugs in the following year. Below is a list of MDPI’s current offices in China and their respective dates of inauguration:

  • 2008: Beijing (Tongzhou, Haidian)
  • 2013: Wuhan (Hankou, Guanggu)
  • 2019: Tianjin
  • 2021: Dalian
  • 2021: Nanjing

Our Strength is in Our People

With over 6,000 MDPI staff, across 20 offices in 11 countries, MDPI is able to offer authors responsive and efficient round-the-clock support, enabling a rapid publication process.

In my experience, stakeholders are genuinely surprised when they realize the extent of our global operations. My response is to reiterate that our people are our strength. This is why we have fast and efficient processes and top-notch responsiveness. Our global presence ensures that your manuscript is constantly attended to, rather than sitting on someone’s desk. We prioritize our authors’ needs and act quickly to move things through the various stages of publication. MDPI is built on speed, convenience, and competence, which I believe are core pillars for success in any industry. We continually strive to improve our systems and processes on the basis of these core strengths. We literally have over 6,000 staff worldwide dedicated to serving your needs. It’s not magic: it’s people; it’s real.

Impactful Research

MDPI Awards

To support the academic community, and especially young researchers, and also to enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals offer various awards in specific fields. We serve the scientific community by funding research to facilitate the development of sustainable global solutions through our annual World Sustainability Award and Emerging Sustainability Leader Award.

In 2022, MDPI made awards totalling over US$1 million in recognition and support of researchers worldwide.

Across our journal catalogue, we have granted over 2,000 awards to recognize and support researchers from all disciplines. Since 2016, these awards have served as a source of recognition, acknowledging the impact of research by heightening the influence of talented individuals. The award types mainly include the Young Investigator Award, the Best PhD Thesis Award, the Best Paper Award, and the Outstanding Reviewer Award.

To learn more about MDPI Awards and to find out which are currently available, please click here.

MDPI Awards to Scholars from China

Since 2021, there have been 23 Best Paper Awards granted to authors affiliated with Chinese institutions, identifying their papers as having high-quality scientific impact. A total of 45 Chinese scholars have received awards such as the Young Investigator Award, the Best PhD Thesis Award, the Outstanding Reviewer Award, and the Tu Youyou Award, among others. Prizes for these awards include MDPI grants for paid publications, totalling over CHF 70,000 for scholars affiliated with Chinese institutions.

MDPI’s Tu Youyou Award

Prof. Tu Youyou (left), Dr. Shu-Kun Lin (President, MDPI).

In 2015, Professor Tu Youyou was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine “for her discoveries concerning a novel therapy against Malaria.” In order to commemorate Professor Tu’s contributions to human health and to promote the passion and spirit conveyed by her experiences, MDPI in 2016 established the ‘Tu Youyou Award’, which runs biennially to recognize outstanding scholars dedicated to the research of natural products and medicinal chemistry.

The 2022 Tu Youyou Award was granted to Prof. Dr. Xiaoguang Lei of Peking University. Click here to access the interview with the winner.

2015 Nobel Prize for Medicine Awarded to Professor Youyou Tu

Professor Tu’s work was celebrated in a Special Issue from Molecules on the occasion of her 80th birthday. The Special Issue: 'Artemisinin (Qinghaosu): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Professor Youyou Tu on the Occasion of her 80th Anniversary” was created five years before she won the Nobel Prize, highlighting the visibility MDPI provides researchers and their work.

Highly Cited Articles by Chinese Scholars Published in MDPI

Click here to access the most cited MDPI papers published by scholars affiliated with Chinese institutions. This list presents the most influential research from the more than 287,000 MDPI papers published by Chinese scholars. With over 9 million total citations, I encourage you to maximize your visibility and impact by publishing with MDPI, the number one most cited open access publisher.

Read more:

Inside MDPI

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) with the Beijing Marketing team.

Marketing Department in China

During my visit to our offices in Beijing and Wuhan, I had the opportunity to meet with, and to present to, our local marketing teams. These teams are responsible for various journal-related and corporate promotional activities, including newsletters, conferences, seminars, author training, journal awards, content creation, digital marketing, and social media.

I was pleased by the ambition and curiosity of our marketing colleagues. They showed a strong desire to collaborate and acquire knowledge and tactics to effectively market and promote MDPI-journal-related activities. I presented some of the principles and objectives that we apply in the Corporate Marketing and Communications department, and used the opportunity to strengthen our collaborative communications across offices.

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI) with the Wuhan Marketing team.

Coming Together for Science

Collaborations, Scholarships and Meetings

MDPI maintains partnerships with nearly 190 learned societies and over 800 institutions and consortia, helping to facilitate the transition to OA publishing. Our commitment to working with institutions is evident in China, where we have successfully established over 35 Institutional Open Access Programs (IOAP) with esteemed institutions such as the Tsinghua University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Our institutional partnerships, waiver programs, and article processing cost discounts create diverse pathways to OA publishing for researchers worldwide.

Scholarships in China

Since 2021, several MDPI journals (Sensors, Photonics, Coatings, Materials, Energies, and Journal of Fungi) have funded full scholarships for four Master’s and five Ph.D. projects in China. These scholarships align with Tianjin University, Wuhan University of Technology, Central South University, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the China University of Petroleum (Beijing).

Meeting with the Society of Chinese University Journals (CUJS)

Prof. Tieming Zhang (President of CUJS, centre) and MDPI colleagues at CUJS office.

I am pleased to have participated in some highly productive meetings during my visit to China, including one with the Society of Chinese University Journals (CUJS). The meeting involved Prof. Tieming Zhang (President of CUJS), Assoc. Prof. Xin Zhang (Vice President and Secretary General), and Dr. Fei Gao (Executive Member of CUJS). Alongside my colleagues Dr. Guoshi Liu, Dr. Giulia Stefenelli, and Anita Sun, I represented MDPI and held an open discussion to address any questions regarding OA and MDPI.

We discussed several methods for collaboration, including a workshop on the future of peer review, MDPI sponsoring a funding grant for early-career researchers, and transitioning journals from diamond to gold OA. I am thankful for the opportunity to have met our colleagues at CUJS in person and feel very confident about our future collaborations in support of OA publishing in China.

MDPI hosts free academic seminars, author training sessions, and academic conferences as part of its commitment to enrich and support the scholarly community. CUJS often stages academic events (e.g., conferences, editor training, and editor competitions), and I believe there are great opportunities for CUJS and MDPI to collaborate accordingly.

Meeting with National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NSLC)

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), Dr. Giulia Stefenelli (Chair of Scientific Officers, MDPI), Anita Sun (PR Manager, MDPI) and Dr. Guoshi Liu (Managing Director, MDPI) at the National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

We also visited the NSLC Director, Xiwen Liu, and colleagues Ying Jin, Zhesi Shen, and Sichao Tong. Following our introductions, we gave a presentation on the history and editorial process at MDPI, discussing specific details related to MDPI’s business and data. We highlighted the status of our  IOAP collaborations in China and the makeup of our author base, specifically in China, and drew attention to the fact that MDPI has published research by authors from every country in the world. We then discussed the design indicators, calculation methods and implementation purposes of the ‘Early Warning Journal List’ and how we can have open communication to provide any data regarding MDPI journals. I am pleased to report that we reached a consensus on future communications, and am grateful to NSLC for hosting us in their offices.

In-person meetings with stakeholders provide an invaluable opportunity to communicate what MDPI is about and the various ways in which we serve the scholarly community. While digital marketing and online communication are essential, they are no replacement for the understanding and trust that come about through in-person interactions.

The Numbers

As at September 2023, China holds the largest position in MDPI’s global market, ranking as the largest contributor to the total number of papers published by MDPI.

At this point in time, there were more than 847,000 China mainland scholars who have published with MDPI, 51 of whom are Section-Editors-in-Chief (SEiC) of MDPI journals, with seven serving as Editors-in-Chief (EiCs) for journals such as Air, Big Data and Cognitive Computing, Blockchains, Future, Nanoenergy Advances, and Targets.

Our growth and presence in China are a true testament to the service we provide to the scholarly community, and to the relationships we foster through collaborative activities. We look forward to continuing to support the growth of the scholarly community in China, providing a valuable and trusted experience with MDPI.

Closing Thoughts

Final Reflections on our MDPI Offices in Beijing and Wuhan

Stefan Tochev (CEO, MDPI), Dr. Constanze Schelhorn (Indexing Manager, MDPI), Jiale Shang (Admin, Tongzhou, MDPI) at Beijing Capital International Airport, Beijing.

I spent approximately two weeks visiting some of our offices in China, and the first word that comes to mind when describing my experience is ‘hospitality.’ My colleagues and I were met with enthusiasm and delight at the airport by the Tongzhou Admin team (thank you, Jiale Shang, and thank you, Eric Wang, for keeping us organized on this trip!) and were taken care of with great attention. From hotels to transportation, dinners, and meetings, our stay was catered for perfectly.

Perhaps this is where MDPI’s focus on customers and service originates. At our core, we are a service company that provides a publishing platform for its authors. It’s therefore no surprise that authors consistently rate their experience with MDPI very highly.

95% of submitting authors rate their overall experience with the MDPI publication process as Excellent or Good (Springer Nature report 90%).

91% of submitting authors rate their overall experience with the MDPI peer review process as Excellent or Good.

Speed/Efficiency and Editorial Relationship are two key reasons underlying this high satisfaction score. ‘Editorial Relationship’ can be further explored, but in the past month, the most commonly noted aspects were the professionalism, kindness, availability, communicativeness, and personalized assistance provided by our editorial staff throughout the process. These attributes are at the core of our work across all our offices and continents.

Hospitality and Service

Just as our Chinese colleagues strove to keep us engaged by showing us the city sights (thank you, Thea Pan, and Jason Wu from the Wuhan Marketing team!) and sharing a variety of wonderful meals, our editorial staff are committed to serving our authors throughout their publishing journey. Our aim is to place the author at the centre of everything we do, eager to welcome our ‘guests’ and provide them with a pleasant publishing experience.

I asked my colleague Francis Wu (Senior Publisher, Wuhan office) where this hospitality originates. He responded that it is part of Chinese culture. I reflected long and deep on this answer. China is a vast country, and when visitors arrive, hosts want to ensure they feel welcomed and taken care of in order to maximize their time and visit. I can’t think of a better analogy for how I would want our authors to feel when they visit MDPI for their publishing needs. A company culture that prioritizes service, something that goes beyond products and productivity, and focuses on the overall experience. Over 6,000 people, across all MDPI offices, are ready, willing and able to go the extra mile for their colleagues and their customers. This is something I am truly proud of.

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

26 September 2023
Viruses | Spotlight on the “Animal Viruses” Section

”Molecular Insights into the Flavivirus Replication Complex”
by Kaïn van den Elsen, Jun Ping Quek and Dahai Luo
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 956;
Available online:

“Identification of RSV Fusion Protein Interaction Domains on the Virus Receptor, Nucleolin”
by Peter Mastrangelo, Allysia A. Chin, Stephanie Tan, Amy H. Jeon, Cameron A. Ackerley, Karen K. Siu, Jeffrey E. Lee and Richard G. Hegele
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 261;
Available online:

“Spillover of West Caucasian Bat Lyssavirus (WCBV) in a Domestic Cat and Westward Expansion in the Palearctic Region”
by Stefania Leopardi, Ettore Barneschi, Giuseppe Manna, Barbara Zecchin, Pamela Priori, Petra Drzewnioková, Francesca Festa, Andrea Lombardo, Fabio Parca, Dino Scaravelli et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2064;
Available online:

“Seroprevalence of Hepatitis E Virus in Moose (Alces alces), Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), Roe Deer (Capreolus capreolus), and Muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) from Norway”
by Carlos Sacristán, Knut Madslien, Irene Sacristán, Siv Klevar and Carlos G. das Neves
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 224;
Available online:

“Vector Competence of Florida Culicoides insignis (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) for Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease Virus Serotype-2”
by Bethany L. McGregor, Dinesh Erram, Barry W. Alto, John A. Lednicky, Samantha M. Wisely and Nathan D. Burkett-Cadena
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 410;
Available online:

“Structural 3D Domain Reconstruction of the RNA Genome from Viruses with Secondary Structure Models”
by Simón Poblete and Horacio V. Guzman
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1555;
Available online:

“HIV-1 Tat Protein Promotes Neuroendocrine Dysfunction Concurrent with the Potentiation of Oxycodone’s Psychomotor Effects in Female Mice”
by Mohammed F. Salahuddin, Fakhri Mahdi, Suresh P. Sulochana and Jason J. Paris
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 813;
Available online:

“Differential Transcriptomic Response of Rainbow Trout to Infection with Two Strains of IPNV”
by David Tapia, Juan Kuznar, Rodolfo Farlora and José M. Yáñez
Viruses 2022, 14(1), 21;
Available online:

“The Pathobiology of H7N3 Low and High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses from the United States Outbreak in 2020 Differs between Turkeys and Chickens”
by Miriã F. Criado, Christina M. Leyson, Sungsu Youk, Suzanne DeBlois, Tim Olivier, Mary Lea Killian, Mia L. Torchetti, Darren J. Parris, Erica Spackman, Darrell R. Kapczynski et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1851;
Available online:

“West Nile Virus and Tick-Borne Encephalitis Virus Are Endemic in Equids in Eastern Austria”
by Phebe de Heus, Jolanta Kolodziejek, Zdenĕk Hubálek, Katharina Dimmel, Victoria Racher, Norbert Nowotny and Jessika-M. V. Cavalleri
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1873;
Available online:

18 September 2023
Meet Us at the 10th Wuhan International Symposium on Modern Virology, 27–29 October 2023, Wuhan, China

Conference: The 10th Wuhan International Symposium on Modern Virology
Date: 27–29 October 2023
Location: Wuhan, China

MDPI will be attending the 10th Wuhan International Symposium on Modern Virology as an exhibitor, and we welcome researchers from different backgrounds to visit and share their latest ideas with us.

The 10th Wuhan International Symposium on Modern Virology, organized by the State Key Laboratory of Virology (Wuhan University and Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), is scheduled to be held from 27 to 29 October 2023, in Wuhan, China. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the main scientific problems and research hotspots of virology, exchange the latest research results and research ideas, display new methods, technologies, and products for diagnosis and prevention of viral diseases, promote communication and cooperation among scholars in China as well as with international counterparts, and promote the development of virology research in China.

Since 2004, the Wuhan International Symposium on Modern Virology has been successfully held nine times every two years, and it has become a forward-looking, innovative, and influential academic activity in the field of virology in China and an important platform for academic exchange.

The conference will invite well-known experts and scholars in the field of virology to attend and provide reports. The setting of the conference includes communication forms such as congress reports, session reports, and poster presentations, and the working language of the conference is Chinese or English.

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

If you are planning to attend this conference, please do not hesitate to start an online conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person and answering any questions that you may have.

For more information about the conference, please visit the following website:

12 September 2023
Viruses | Spotlights in the “General Virology” Section

“Molecular Basis of Epstein–Barr Virus Latency Establishment and Lytic Reactivation”
by Takayuki Murata, Atsuko Sugimoto, Tomoki Inagaki, Yusuke Yanagi, Takahiro Watanabe, Yoshitaka Sato and Hiroshi Kimura
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2344;
Available online:

“Site-Specific O-Glycosylation Analysis of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Produced in Insect and Human Cells”
by Ieva Bagdonaite, Andrew J. Thompson, Xiaoning Wang, Max Søgaard, Cyrielle Fougeroux, Martin Frank, Jolene K. Diedrich, John R. Yates III, Ali Salanti, Sergey Y. Vakhrushev et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 551;
Available online:

“HIV-1 Entry and Membrane Fusion Inhibitors”
by Tianshu Xiao, Yongfei Cai and Bing Chen
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 735;
Available online:

“Plant Viruses: From Targets to Tools for CRISPR”
by Carla M. R. Varanda, Maria do Rosário Félix, Maria Doroteia Campos, Mariana Patanita and Patrick Materatski
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 141;
Available online:

“Recent Advances in Bunyavirus Glycoprotein Research: Precursor Processing, Receptor Binding and Structure”
by Ruben J. G. Hulswit, Guido C. Paesen, Thomas A. Bowden and Xiaohong Shi
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 353;
Available online:

“Influenza A Virus Hemagglutinin and Other Pathogen Glycoprotein Interactions with NK Cell Natural Cytotoxicity Receptors NKp46, NKp44, and NKp30”
by Jasmina M. Luczo, Sydney L. Ronzulli and Stephen M. Tompkins
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 156;
Available online:

6 September 2023
Recap of Awards Granted to Scholars in 2022

MDPI is committed to supporting the academic community, nurturing talent and advancing science. Awards are an important part of the research landscape and play a vital role in helping academics gain recognition, especially young researchers as they embark on new research avenues.

In 2022, our journals presented a total number of 394 Awards, including Travel Awards, Young Investigator Awards, Best PhD Thesis Awards, Best Paper Awards, and Outstanding Reviewer Awards, with several winners announced for some of the awards. The total prize sum amounted to just under 580,000 Swiss francs (CHF), or approximately 650,000 US dollars. Overall, more than 720 scholars were awarded.

The majority of the awards were dedicated to young researchers in relatively early stages of their careers. This encompassed 66 of the afore-mentioned Travel Awards, 60 Young Investigator Awards, supporting research projects and conference attendance, as well as 51 Best PhD Thesis Awards. Additionally, 113 Best Paper Awards were given by our journals. The selection committees were entrusted with identifying the most impactful and novel research and review articles published in their journal within a given year.

MDPI will continue its support and recognition for the academic community moving forward, sponsoring new awards across disciplines. To learn more about all the awardees and their research projects in your field of study, please visit the following pages:

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here.

4 September 2023
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2021 in the Section “Viruses of Plants, Fungi and Protozoa”

“Illuminating the Plant Rhabdovirus Landscape through Metatranscriptomics Data”
by Nicolás Bejerman, Ralf G. Dietzgen and Humberto Debat
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1304;
Available online:

“ViralRecall—A Flexible Command-Line Tool for the Detection of Giant Virus Signatures in ‘Omic Data”
by Frank O. Aylward and Mohammad Moniruzzaman
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 150;
Available online:

“Probing into the Effects of Grapevine Leafroll-Associated Viruses on the Physiology, Fruit Quality and Gene Expression of Grapes”
by Yashu Song, Robert H. Hanner and Baozhong Meng
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 593;
Available online:

“Metagenomic Studies of Viruses in Weeds and Wild Plants: A Powerful Approach to Characterise Variable Virus Communities”
by Beata Hasiów-Jaroszewska, Dieke Boezen and Mark P. Zwart
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1939;
Available online:

“High-Throughput Sequencing Indicates Novel Varicosavirus, Emaravirus, and Deltapartitivirus Infections in Vitis coignetiae
by Tomoyuki Nabeshima and Junya Abe
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 827;
Available online:

“Quality Assessment and Validation of High-Throughput Sequencing for Grapevine Virus Diagnostics”
by Nourolah Soltani, Kristian A. Stevens, Vicki Klaassen, Min-Sook Hwang, Deborah A. Golino and Maher Al Rwahnih
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 1130;
Available online:

“Metagenomics Analysis of the Wheat Virome Identifies Novel Plant and Fungal-Associated Viral Sequences”
by Carla Dizon Redila, Ved Prakash and Shahideh Nouri
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2457;
Available online:

“Factors Determining Transmission of Persistent Viruses by Bemisia tabaci and Emergence of New Virus–Vector Relationships”
by Saptarshi Ghosh and Murad Ghanim
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1808;
Available online:

“Integrating High throughput Sequencing into Survey Design Reveals Turnip Yellows Virus and Soybean Dwarf Virus in Pea (Pisum Sativum) in the United Kingdom”
by Aimee R. Fowkes, Sam McGreig, Hollie Pufal, Shona Duffy, Becky Howard, Ian P. Adams, Roy Macarthur, Rebecca Weekes and Adrian Fox
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2530;
Available online:

“Multiple Viral Infections Detected in Phytophthora condilina by Total and Small RNA Sequencing”
by Leticia Botella and Thomas Jung
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 620;
Available online:

30 August 2023
MDPI Insights: The CEO’s Letter #3 - Sustainability and Co-opetition

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Our Commitment to Sustainability

As a pioneer in academic open access publishing since 1996, MDPI has always been dedicated to facilitating scientific exchange across all disciplines. Our approach to open science is guided by principles such as Open Access (OA), Timeliness and Efficiency, Simplicity, High-Quality Service, Flexibility, and a commitment to Sustainability. This commitment involves preserving published papers for the long term and supporting the future of science through partnerships, sponsorships, and awards.

In this edition of the CEO Letter, I will delve into MDPI’s various sustainability initiatives. As a leader in OA publishing, we are able to provide the public with a significant amount of environment-related content at no cost.

MDPI and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

In 2020, the SDG Publishers Compact was launched to accelerate implementation of the SDGs by promoting content that informs, develops, and inspires action. MDPI joined this initiative in 2021 and subsequently launched the MDPI SDG Hub in 2022, offering free access to recent research within the scope of each of the 17 SDGs. We also support authors from underrepresented communities by waiving publication charges for selected SDG-related papers. Detailed sustainability practices and supported publications are available in the report under each Goal page.

“More than 80% of MDPI articles and reviews published in 2022 relate to the Sustainable Development Goals.” [source: InCites, Accessed on 21.08.2023]

As at August 2023, MDPI boasts 14 journals dedicated to sustainability-related topics. Our first journal in this area, Sustainability, has published over 29,000 articles on the SDGs, accumulating over 240,000 citations (source: InCites, as at 1 January 2023). These journals serve as vital platforms for researchers to share insights and address environmental challenges. In addition:

MDPI journals specializing in sustainability-related topics:

  • 2009: Sustainability
  • 2012: Resources
  • 2013: Climate
  • 2014: Environments
  • 2016: Recycling
  • 2019: Clean Technologies
  • 2020: Sustainable Chemistry
  • 2021: Wind, Biomass, Conservation, Pollutants, Solar
  • 2022: Waste, Microplastics

Read more:

Impactful Research

Highly Cited Articles in Sustainability

In 2022, content published in Sustainability and indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR) received nearly 190,000 citations. This highlights the fact that Sustainability publishes highly cited research articles related to environmental sciences and SDG-related topics such as climate action.

We are pleased to share that Sustainability received a 2022 CiteScore of 5.8, marking a 16% increase from the 2021 metric. Specifically, the CiteScore positions Sustainability as follows: Q1 (27 out of 163) in the “Environmental Science (miscellaneous)” category, and Q1 (101 out of 779) in the “Geography Planning and Development” category. For additional journal statistics, please visit here.

“Sustainability received a 2022 CiteScore of 5.8”

While MDPI journals such as Climate and Atmosphere have a distinct focus on atmosphere pollution and its impact on climate processes, journals like Sustainability, Environments, Water, Remote Sensing, and IJERPH publish content related to climate change. These journals have published over 32,300 articles related to SDG 13: Climate Action.

Highly Cited Papers in Sustainability

Below are several highly cited papers published in Sustainability over the past three years. Citation metrics are current as at 15 August 2023.

1. “A Global Assessment: Can Renewable Energy Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050?
Authors: Jerry L. Holechek, Hatim M. E. Geli, Mohammed N. Sawalhah, and Raul Valdez
Sustainability 2022, 14(8), 4792;
Citations: Crossref (97), Scopus (91), Web of Science (82), Google Scholar (125)

This paper addresses one of the most significant challenges of climate change – achieving Net Zero Carbon by 2050. The meta-analysis suggests that while difficult, this transition is possible through the concerted application of pathways, lifestyle changes, and global cooperation.

2. “Anxiety and the Ecological Crisis: An Analysis of Eco-Anxiety and Climate Anxiety
Author: Panu Pihkala
Sustainability 2020, 12(19), 7836;
Citations: Crossref (144), Scopus (121), Web of Science (159), Google Scholar (382)

This paper has received substantial media attention, including coverage by The Guardian, BBC, Vice, and CNBC. An interview with Dr. Panu Pihkala, a leading interdisciplinary researcher on the topic, can be found on MDPI’s podcast: Insight Faster, Episode 1.

3. “Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Its Mitigation Strategies: A Review
Authors: Gurdeep Singh Malhi, Manpreet Kaur, and Prashant Kaushik
Sustainability 2021, 13(3), 1318;
Citations: Crossref (207), Scopus (221), Web of Science (186), Google Scholar (355)

This paper reviews literature on climate change, addressing its causes, future projections, impact on agriculture, including plant physiology, growth, productivity, pest infestation, and the economic implications of mitigation strategies.

4. Impacts of Plastic Pollution on Ecosystem Services, Sustainable Development Goals, and Need to Focus on Circular Economy and Policy Interventions
Authors: Rakesh Kumar, Anurag Verma, Arkajyoti Shome, Rama Sinha, Srishti Sinha, Prakash Kumar Jha, Ritesh Kumar, Pawan Kumar, Shubham, Shreyas Das, Prabhakar Sharma, and P. V. Vara Prasad
Sustainability 2021, 13(17), 9963;
Citations: Crossref (134), Scopus (136), Web of Science (113), Google Scholar (184)

This review aims to assess the adverse effects of plastic pollution on ecosystems, link the management of plastic with the SDGs, and propose policy measures using transdisciplinary approaches. Empowering communities to reduce plastic use is crucial. Addressing global plastic pollution is a priority.

Sustainability is an international, cross-disciplinary, open access journal that explores environmental, cultural, economic, and social sustainability of human beings. It provides a forward-looking platform for research on sustainability and sustainable development, and is published semi-monthly online by MDPI. Sustainability is affiliated with The Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) and The International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction (CIB).

Read more:

Inside MDPI

President of Ireland Authors Editorial in MDPI Journal Sustainability

It’s a very special occasion when the president of a country takes the initiative to write an editorial for a journal. Michael D. Higgins, President of the Republic of Ireland, has contributed his insights to a forthcoming Special Issue in Sustainability:

This Special Issue, focusing on “making sustainable development happen” at grassroots levels, allows for perspectives from, and on, the major world faiths, exploring how challenges have been conceptualised and addressed, in addition to case studies of faith-based sustainability initiatives in practice.

The experience of faith institutions and communities in translating theological and moral commitments to sustainable development into action is now a topic we must examine with urgency; one on which I am so glad this Special Issue focuses.

As President of Ireland, I very much support this Special Issue of Sustainability. It is my great hope that the contents of the papers contained herein will assist in making sustainable development happen at grassroots levels across the world so that we can cooperate together, people of faith and of none, to ensure a just, inclusive and sustainable future for all on our fragile planet.

Read the completed editorial here:

Special Issue “Faith and Sustainable Development: Exploring Practice, Progress and Challenges among Faith Communities and Institutions”: Foreword by the President of Ireland
Author: Michael D. Higgins
Sustainability 2023, 15(12), 9683;

Coming Together for Science

The World Sustainability Forum 2023

The World Sustainability Forum (WSF) is a biennial MDPI event focused on sustainability. WSF 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the conference series, taking place on 14 September. For the first time, the event will be hosted as a 24-hour conference across three locations – Singapore, Basel in Switzerland, and Toronto in Canada – alongside virtual streaming.

This unique format allows us to span three time zones, providing live coverage of critical sustainability-related topics throughout the day:

  • The Singapore Hub, chaired by Professor Horn Mun Cheah and Associate Professor Renee Tan, will explore “Sustainability for Social and Community Impact”.
  • The Basel Hub, chaired by Prof. Dr. Anet Režek Jambrak and Dr. Lela Mélon, will delve into “Sustainability in the industry, and at university and corporate settings”.
  • The Toronto Hub, led by Dr. Umberto Berardi, will discuss “The Sustainable Built Environment”.

MDPI Sustainability Foundation: Recognizing Excellence in Sustainability Research

The MDPI Sustainability Foundation supports researchers through two sustainability-focused awards:

  1. The World Sustainability Award, amounting to USD 100,000, is given to senior researchers.
  2. The Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, valued at USD 20,000, sponsored by the journal Sustainability, is presented to early-career researchers.

The winners of the Sustainability Foundation will be formally awarded during the WSF2023 on 14 September. Interviews with the award winners and finalists are available below.

2023 World Sustainability Award Winners

  1. Professor Michael R. Templeton
  2. Professor Tom Lyon
  3. Dr Krithi K. Karanth

Interviews with 2023 Emerging Sustainability Leader Award Finalists

  • Dr. Bahareh Kamranzad
  • Dr. Youjin Kim
  • Dr. Julia Lohmann

As a hybrid event, WSF23 provides scholars with the option to attend in person at one of the conference sites or, for a more sustainable approach, virtually. All sessions will be recorded and archived for future access. Registration is open until 3 September 2023, with in-person and virtual tickets available here.

Read more:

Closing Thoughts

“Co-opetition”: Collaboration Plus Healthy Competition – A Visit to Elsevier

I firmly believe in fostering collaboration and at the same time promoting healthy competition within the academic publishing industry. The market offers ample room for publishers and related companies to provide valuable services and products that enrich the academic community. While MDPI is recognized for its efficient and streamlined processes –thanks to our over 6,000 colleagues, in-house tools, and initiatives that support the author journey – our ethos has always involved learning from and collaborating with other organizations.

MDPI’s Interaction with Elsevier

In January 2023, I had a brief conversation with Judy Verses, President of Global Academic and Government Markets at Elsevier, following her participation in a panel discussion at the Academic Publishers Europe event in Berlin. One of the highlights for me was Judy’s insight into the impact of research, particularly her emphasis on the role of collaboration, including policy and showing the impact of research to influence on funding decisions.

“Such collaborations drive forward-looking strategies to elevate our support for the scholarly community”

Judy and I resumed our discussion in August, when I visited Elsevier's office to review current projects, such as our recent agreement with Science Direct and the continued indexing of MDPI journals in Scopus (indexing database owned by Elsevier). We also explored possible opportunities for the future, including a potential collaboration to expand MDPI’s Scilit data infrastructure. This endeavour aims to aggregate and provide access to scholarly metadata encompassing journal articles, conference papers, books, preprints, and more. While these discussions are ongoing, the underlying principle remains that such collaborations drive forward-looking strategies to elevate our services and support for the scholarly community.

It was great that Judy and I acknowledged the merits of 'co-opetition,' a concept based of the belief that fostering cooperation alongside healthy competition can lead to shared advancements for both individual companies and the industry at large.

‘Fully OA’ Organizations Dedicated to Open Access

MDPI proudly aligns with the ‘Fully OA’ group, a collaborative initiative comprising nine organizations dedicated to Open Access. Our monthly meetings, including an OASPA representative, serve as platforms to share non-confidential information, resources, and projects. These gatherings also facilitate discussions on topics relevant to fully OA organizations. Occasionally, joint actions spring from these interactions, such as collaborative blog posts on pertinent subjects and joint statements, such as a recent response to the House Appropriations Committee.

This display of cooperation among competing entities forms a strategic alliance focused on nurturing the best interests of the OA publishing model.

As I wrap up this third edition of the CEO Letter, I encourage you to seize opportunities for collaboration and contribute to advancing our shared academic culture. As the African proverb has it, “If you want to go fast, go alone; if you want to go far, go together.”

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

28 August 2023
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2021–2022 Related to African Swine Fever Virus

“African Swine Fever in Wild Boar in Europe—A Review”
by Carola Sauter-Louis, Franz J. Conraths, Carolina Probst, Ulrike Blohm, Katja Schulz, Julia Sehl, Melina Fischer, Jan Hendrik Forth, Laura Zani, Klaus Depner et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1717;
Available online:

“ASFV-G-∆I177L as an Effective Oral Nasal Vaccine against the Eurasia Strain of Africa Swine Fever”
by Manuel V. Borca, Elizabeth Ramirez-Medina, Ediane Silva, Elizabeth Vuono, Ayushi Rai, Sarah Pruitt, Nallely Espinoza, Lauro Velazquez-Salinas, Cyril G. Gay and Douglas P. Gladue
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 765;
Available online:

“Evaluation of the Safety Profile of the ASFV Vaccine Candidate ASFV-G-ΔI177L”
by Xuan Hanh Tran, Le Thi Thu Phuong, Nguyen Quang Huy, Do Thanh Thuy, Van Dung Nguyen, Pham Hào Quang, Quách Võ Ngôn, Ayushi Rai, Cyril G. Gay, Douglas Paul Gladue et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 896;
Available online:

“Deletion of the L7L-L11L Genes Attenuates ASFV and Induces Protection against Homologous Challenge”
by Jingyuan Zhang, Yanyan Zhang, Teng Chen, Jinjin Yang, Huixian Yue, Lidong Wang, Xintao Zhou, Yu Qi, Xun Han, Junnan Ke et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 255;
Available online:

“African Swine Fever Virus CD2v Protein Induces β-Interferon Expression and Apoptosis in Swine Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells”
by Sabal Chaulagain, Gustavo A. Delhon, Sushil Khatiwada and Daniel L. Rock
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1480;
Available online:

“Structures and Functional Diversities of ASFV Proteins”
by Guoguo Wang, Mengjia Xie, Wei Wu and Zhongzhou Chen
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2124;
Available online:

“African Swine Fever Virus Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme Is an Immunomodulator Targeting NF-κB Activation”
by Lucía Barrado-Gil, Ana del Puerto, Inmaculada Galindo, Miguel Ángel Cuesta-Geijo, Isabel García-Dorival, Carlos Maluquer de Motes and Covadonga Alonso
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 1160;
Available online:

“Prevention and Control Strategies of African Swine Fever and Progress on Pig Farm Repopulation in China”
by Yuanjia Liu, Xinheng Zhang, Wenbao Qi, Yaozhi Yang, Zexin Liu, Tongqing An, Xiuhong Wu and Jianxin Chen
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2552;
Available online:

“African Swine Fever Virus as a Difficult Opponent in the Fight for a Vaccine—Current Data”
by Hanna Turlewicz-Podbielska, Anna Kuriga, Rafał Niemyjski, Grzegorz Tarasiuk and Małgorzata Pomorska-Mól
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1212;
Available online:

“African Swine Fever and Its Epidemiological Course in Lithuanian Wild Boar”
by Katja Schulz, Marius Masiulis, Christoph Staubach, Alvydas Malakauskas, Gediminas Pridotkas, Franz J. Conraths and Carola Sauter-Louis
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1276;
Available online:

21 August 2023
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2021–2022 Related to Hepatitis

“HBV-Integration Studies in the Clinic: Role in the Natural History of Infection”
by Teresa Pollicino and Giuseppe Caminiti
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 368;
Available online:

“Mechanism of Hepatitis B Virus cccDNA Formation”
by Lei Wei and Alexander Ploss
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1463;
Available online:

“Hepatitis A: Epidemiology, High-Risk Groups, Prevention and Research on Antiviral Treatment”
by Marion Migueres, Sébastien Lhomme and Jacques Izopet
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1900;
Available online:

“Current Trend in Antiviral Therapy for Chronic Hepatitis B”
by Rong-Nan Chien and Yun-Fan Liaw
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 434;
Available online:

“Hepatitis B Virus DNA Integration: In Vitro Models for Investigating Viral Pathogenesis and Persistence”
by Thomas Tu, Henrik Zhang and Stephan Urban
Viruses 2021, 13(2), 180;
Available online:

“Animal Models of Hepatitis B Virus Infection–Success, Challenges, and Future Directions”
by Yongzhen Liu, Stephanie Maya and Alexander Ploss
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 777;
Available online:

“Novel Biomarkers of Hepatitis B Virus and Their Use in Chronic Hepatitis B Patient Management”
by Alicia Vachon and Carla Osiowy
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 951;
Available online:

“Ectopic Expression of Genotype 1 Hepatitis E Virus ORF4 Increases Genotype 3 HEV Viral Replication in Cell Culture”
by Kush K. Yadav, Patricia A. Boley, Zachary Fritts and Scott P. Kenney
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 75;
Available online:

“A Review on Extrahepatic Manifestations of Chronic Hepatitis C Virus Infection and the Impact of Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy”
by Cesare Mazzaro, Luca Quartuccio, Luigi Elio Adinolfi, Dario Roccatello, Gabriele Pozzato, Riccardo Nevola, Maurizio Tonizzo, Stefano Gitto, Pietro Andreone and Valter Gattei
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2249;
Available online:

“Hepatitis B Virus-Associated Hepatocellular Carcinoma”
by Giacomo Emanuele Maria Rizzo, Giuseppe Cabibbo and Antonio Craxì
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 986;
Available online:

14 August 2023
MDPI’s 2022 Young Investigator Awards in Biology and Life Sciences—Winners Announced

MDPI’s Young Investigator Awards recognize promising junior researchers, acknowledge their contributions, and enhance communication among scientists. We are proud to present the winners for the year 2022 in biology and life sciences. The winners were selected by the journals’ Award Evaluation Committee.

We warmly congratulate the awarded young investigators for their outstanding contributions. MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community.


  • Thomas Hartinger, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Austria


  • Leontina Lipan, Universidad Miguel Hernández, Spain


  • Daniel Stec, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland

Brain Sciences:

  • Dibyadeep Datta, Yale Medical School, USA
  • Giacomo Valle, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
  • Morgan H. James, Rutgers University, USA


  • Xiaonan Lu, McGill University, Canada


  • Alfredo Iacoangeli, King's College London, UK
  • Elisa De Franco, University of Exeter, UK
  • Riccardo Pecori, German Cancer Research Center, Germany
  • Vanessa Silva, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal


  • Massimiliano Renna, University of Bari Aldo Moro at Bari, Italy


  • Adam G. Dolezal, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States


  • Carla Rodrigues, Institut Pasteur, France
  • Lorena Rodriguez-Rubio, University of Barcelona, Spain
  • Kevin Solomon, University of Delaware, USA


  • Colleen Deane, University of Southampton, UK


  • Paz Otero Fuertes, University of Vigo, Spain


  • Marta Giovanetti, National Reference Laboratory of Flavivirus in the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Brazil
  • Carrie M. Long, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), USA


  • Carina Joe, University of Oxford, UK

About MDPI Awards:

In order to reward the academic community, especially young researchers and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields. These awards, serving as a source of inspiration and recognition, help raise the influence of talented individuals who have been credited with outstanding achievements and are making a significant contribution to the advancement of their fields.

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here.

14 August 2023
MDPI’s 2022 Travel Awards in Biology and Life Sciences—Winners Announced

We are proud to recognize the winners of MDPI’s 2022 Travel Awards in biology and life sciences for their outstanding presentations.

MDPI journals regularly offer travel awards to encourage junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences in specific fields, which helps to increase their influence.

The winners mentioned below were carefully selected by the journal editors based on an outline of their research and the work to be presented at an academic conference.

We would like to warmly congratulate the winners of the 2022 Travel Awards and wish them the greatest success in their future research endeavors. MDPI will continue to enhance communication among scientists.

Brain Sciences:

  • Liloia Donato, University of Turin, Italy
  • Roberta Bettoni, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy


  • Vanessa Silva, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal


  • Carlo Matera, University of Milan, Italy
  • Elisabetta Coppi, University of Florence, Italy
  • Ilaria Tonazzini, Nanoscience Institute—National Research Council (CNR) @ NEST in Pisa, Italy


  • Pere Catala, University Eye Clinic Maastricht, Maastricht University Medical Center, the Netherlands


  • Angela Blasimann, University of Antwerp, Belgium
  • Angelo Sabag, Western Sydney University, Australia

About MDPI Awards:

In order to reward the academic community, especially young researchers and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields. These awards, serving as a source of inspiration and recognition, help raise the influence of talented individuals who have been credited with outstanding achievements and are making a significant contribution to the advancement of their fields.

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here.

14 August 2023
MDPI’s 2022 Outstanding Reviewer Awards in Biology and Life Sciences—Winners Announced

In order to acknowledge our reviewers, who demonstrate diligence, professionalism, and timeliness when generously dedicating their time to reviewing manuscripts, MDPI journals regularly offer outstanding reviewer awards to scholars who participate in the peer review process.

We are proud to recognize the winners for the year 2022 in biology and life sciences for their outstanding contributions, among extensive competition, by presenting them with an Outstanding Reviewer Award.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all of the winners on their achievements. MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community.


  • Ewa Ropelewska, The National Institute of Horticultural Research, Poland
  • Marek Rašovský, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Slovakia
  • Prakash Jha, Kansas State University, USA
  • Vasileios Greveniotis, Institute of Industrial and Forage Crops, Greece


  • Alberto Collareta, University of Pisa, Italy
  • Francisco Curate, University of Coimbra, Portugal
  • Gianpiero Greco, University of Study of Bari, Italy
  • Luca Poli, University of Study of Bari, Italy
  • Shaohua Chen, South China Agricultural University, China

Brain Sciences:

  • Chong Chen, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine, Japan


  • Marco Sapienza, University of Catania, Italy
  • Sabina Barrios-Fernández, University of Extremadura, Spain


  • Corrado Battisti, Torre Flavia LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) Station, Italy
  • Daniel Stec, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  • Emilia Grzędzicka, Institute of Systematics and Evolution of Animals of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  • Igor Zelnik, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


  • Eva S. Liu, 1Harvard Medical School, USA 2Brigham and Women’s Hospital, USA


  • Aleksandra Szydlowska, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS), Poland
  • Mohamed Ali Abdel-Rahman, Al-Azhar University, Egypt


  • Andrew G. Jeffs, University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • Mohamed Samy-Kamal, Universitat d'Alacant, Spain


  • Baskaran Stephen Inbaraj, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
  • Marzena Włodarczyk-Stasiak, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
  • Minaxi Sharma, Haute Ecole Provinciale de Hainaut-Condorcet, Belgium
  • Viviani Ruffo de Oliveira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Brazil


  • Federico Manuel Giorgi, University of Bologna, Italy
  • Jan Bocianowski, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • Magdalena Mroczek, Center for Cardiovascular Genetics and Gene Diagnostics, Switzerland


  • Keigi Fujiwara, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA
  • Tomasz W. Kaminski, University of Pittsburgh, USA
  • Takujiro Homma, Yamagata University, Japan
  • William Bryan Terzaghi, Wilkes University, United States
  • Zong-jie Cui, Beijing Normal University, China


  • Abraão Almeida Santos, University of Florida, USA
  • Agata Kaczmarek, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland
  • Miguel A. García-Martínez, Universidad Veracruzana, Mexico


  • Andrei S. Rodin, Diabetes and Metabolism Research Institute, USA
  • Kazuhiko Kotani, Jichi Medical University, Japan


  • Jianing Mi, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
  • Nguyen Phuoc Long, Inje University College of Medicine, Republic of Korea
  • Xian Luo, University of Alberta, Canada


  • Guillaume Fiches, Ohio State University, USA
  • Jianxuan Wu, Gilead Sciences, USA
  • Tomasz M. Karpiński, Poznań University of Medical Sciences, Poland


  • Alicia Ayerdi Gotor, Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle, France
  • Andrea Mastinu, University of Brescia, Italy
  • Edyta Paczos-Grzeda, University of Life Sciences in Lublin, Poland
  • Narayan Bhusal, Seoul National University, Republic of Korea
  • Mohsen Hesami, University of Guelph, Canada


  • Christian Müller, University of Greifswald, Germany
  • Margarita Fernández-Tejedor, IRTA, Spain


  • Christian Napoli, “Sapienza” University of Rome, Italy
  • Federico Marchesi, University of Parma, Italy
  • Roger E. Thomas, University of Calgary, Canada

Veterinary Sciences:

  • Fun-In Wang, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
  • Valeria Grieco, University of Milan, Italy

About MDPI Awards:

In order to reward the academic community, especially young researchers and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields. These awards, serving as a source of inspiration and recognition, help raise the influence of talented individuals who have been credited with outstanding achievements and are making a significant contribution to the advancement of their fields.

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here.

14 August 2023
MDPI’s 2022 Best PhD Thesis Awards in Biology and Life Sciences—Winners Announced

MDPI’s Best PhD Thesis Awards are presented to recognize the young scholars who are judged to have completed the most outstanding PhD thesis in their field of research and to encourage them to continue their outstanding work and further contributions to their field.

We would like to warmly congratulate the winners of the 2022 Best PhD Thesis Awards and wish them success in their future research endeavors. MDPI will continue to enhance communication among scientists.

Brain Sciences:

  • “CYP2D in the Brain Alters Response to Drugs and Neurotoxins”
    by Marlaina R. Stocco, University of California, USA
  • “Neural Encoding of Prior Experience in Sensorimotor Behavior”
    by Nicolas Meirhaeghe, Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone, France
  • “Perinatal Stem Cell: Epigenetic, Biological and Differentiative Characteristics”
    by Giulia Gaggi, University "G.D'Annunzio" of Chieti-Pescara, Italy


  • “Uncovering the Genetic Variation Involved in Asthma Exacerbations through Multiple Genomic Approaches”
    by Esther Herrera Luis, Universidad de La Laguna, Spain

Veterinary Sciences:

  • “Development of Novel Tools for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance in Complex Microbial Communities and Their Application to Improving Our Stewardship of Antimicrobials in Livestock”
    by Ashenafi Feyisa Beyi, Iowa State University, United States

About MDPI Awards:

In order to reward the academic community, especially young researchers and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields. These awards, serving as a source of inspiration and recognition, help raise the of talented individuals who have been credited with outstanding achievements and are making a significant contribution to the advancement of their fields.

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here.

14 August 2023
MDPI’s Best Paper Awards in Biology and Life Sciences—Winners Announced in 2022

The purpose of our Best Paper Awards is to promote and recognize the most impactful contributions published within MDPI journals.

The editors of each journal carefully selected reviews and research papers through a rigorous judging process based on criteria such as scientific merit, overall impact, and the quality of presentation.

We are honored to present the winners for the year 2022 in biology and life sciences, who were selected amongst extensive competition, and congratulate the authors for their outstanding scientific publications. MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community.



Brain Sciences:












Veterinary Sciences:

About MDPI Awards:

In order to reward the academic community, especially young researchers and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields. These awards, serving as a source of inspiration and recognition, help raise the influence of talented individuals who have been credited with outstanding achievements and are making a significant contribution to the advancement of their fields.

To explore more MDPI awards, please click here.

9 August 2023
MDPI World Hepatitis Day Webinar 2023, Held on 28 July 2023

To commemorate the World Hepatitis Day 2023, MDPI organized a webinar on 28 July 2023 to encourage researchers to come together, take action, and highlight how the exchange of findings facilitates efforts to raise awareness of hepatitis. The low coverage of testing and treatment is the most important gap to be addressed to achieve the global elimination goals of hepatitis B virus (HBV) by 2030.

Session 1:

Prof. Dr. Chia-Yen Dai
Achieving Elimination of Hepatitis C in Taiwan
Dr. Tan Yee Joo
Understanding the Functions of Hepatitis B Viral Proteins and Targeting Them in Antiviral Drug Development
Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Fazle Akbar
Standing at the Half-Way: An Analysis of “Elimination of Hepatitis by 2030” in Developed and Developing Countries
Q&A Session

 You can watch the recorded webinar below:

Session 2:

Prof. Dr. John Tavis
The International Coalition to Eliminate HBV (ICE-HBV): Promoting Global Scientific Collaboration in HBV Cure Research
Prof. Dr. Mark A. Feitelson
Microbial Metabolites that Attenuate the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Autoimmunity
Prof. Dr. Natalia Osna
Hepatitis in HIV Infection
Q&A Session

 You can watch the recorded webinar below:

 Relevant Special Issues:

Research on Hepatitis B Virus: Past, Present, and Future
Edited by: Hyung Joon Yim
Submission deadline: 31 August 2023 

Novel Challenges and Therapeutic Options for Liver Diseases
Edited by: Guido Gerken
Submission deadline: 30 September 2023 

Viral Hepatitis Research: Updates and Challenges
Edited by: Endrit Shahini, Antonio Giovanni Solimando and Antonella Argentiero
Submission deadline: 15 October 2023 

Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Liver Fibrosis: Molecular and Multicellular Control of Evolving Diseased States
Edited by: Jérôme Eeckhoute
Submission deadline: 15 February 2024 

Diagnosis and Management of Liver Diseases—2nd Edition
Edited by: Jeong-Ju Yoo
Submission deadline: 30 September 2023 

Vaccination and Treatments against Viral Hepatitis: Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives
Edited by: Bárbara Vieira Do Lago and Vinicius M. Mello
Submission deadline: 15 October 2023

3 August 2023
Viruses | Invitation to Read Selected Papers from Editor’s Choice Articles

We are excited to present the latest edition of the Editor’s Choice Articles, where we shine a spotlight on exceptional research published in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). As passionate advocates of scientific excellence, our team of scientific editors has carefully curated a selection of high-quality articles covering diverse topics in the virology community.

In this edition, you will find an array of fascinating studies exploring Baculovirus, HIV, Flavivirus, Rodent-Borne Viruses, Avian Influenza Viruses, Phage, Lyssavirus, Coronaviruses, SARS-CoV, Papillomavirus, and much more. To provide you with a glimpse into the essence of each research endeavor, every article is accompanied by a graphical abstract and a succinct summary.

Our Editor's Choice Articles not only celebrate groundbreaking discoveries, but also foster engagement within the scientific community. We look forward to your insights and feedback, as they are paramount to advancing our collective understanding of virology.

Dive into the latest advancements in virology research and join us in exploring the frontiers of science.

Global Metabolic Profiling of Baculovirus Infection in Silkworm Hemolymph Shows the Importance of Amino-Acid Metabolism
by Min Feng, Shigang Fei, Junming Xia, Mengmeng Zhang, Hongyun Wu, Luc Swevers and Jingchen Sun
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 841;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

In this study, global metabolic changes associated with BmNPV infection in silkworm hemolymphs were analyzed to understand the interaction between the host metabolic responses and BmNPV infection. The results revealed a unique amino acid utilization process that was implemented during BmNPV infection, in which amino acid consumption was increased at 24 hours post infection, but its abundance recovered at 72 hours post infection. Furthermore, it was found that glycolysis and glutaminolysis are not essential during BmNPV infection.

Microglial HIV-1 Expression: Role in HIV-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders
by Hailong Li, Kristen A. McLaurin, Jessica M. Illenberger, Charles F. Mactutus and Rosemarie M. Booze
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 924;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

In this study, two complementary studies were conducted to (1) evaluate the HIV-1 mRNA distribution pattern and major cell type expressing HIV-1 mRNA in HIV-1 transgenic (Tg) rats, and (2) validate our findings by developing and critically testing a novel biological system to model active HIV-1 infection in rats. The results showed that microglia were the predominant cell type expressing HIV-1 mRNA in the HIV-1 Tg rats. Within eight weeks of infection, EcoHIV rats exhibited neurocognitive impairments and synaptic dysfunction, which may have resulted from the activation of the NogoA-NgR3/PirB-RhoA signaling pathway and/or neuroinflammation.

An Absolutely Conserved Tryptophan in the Stem of the Envelope Protein E of Flaviviruses Is Essential for the Formation of Stable Particles
by Iris Medits, Franz X. Heinz and Karin Stiasny
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1727;
Available online:

Message from the Editor

Medits, Heinz, and Stiasny (2021) investigated the importance of tryptophan in different stages of the viral life cycle via a mutagenesis-based approach using tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV). The study shows that W421 does not play an important role in viral fusion-related processes, but is essential for virus assembly by establishing interactions that confer stability to infectious mature particles. As revealed by a resuscitating mutation in passaged virus mutants, these stabilizing interactions could also be provided by another large hydrophobic amino acid (leucine) at the same position.

Phylogenomic Characterization of Lopma Virus and Praja Virus, Two Novel Rodent-Borne Arteriviruses
by Bert Vanmechelen, Zafeiro Zisi, Sophie Gryseels, Joëlle Goüy de Bellocq, Bram Vrancken, Philippe Lemey, Piet Maes and Magda Bletsa
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1842;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

The complete genome sequences of four new arterivirus variants belonging to two putative novel species were reported in this study. These new arteriviruses were discovered in African rodents and were given the names Lopma virus and Praja virus. Phylogenetic analysis shows that Lopma virus clusters in the subfamily Variarterivirinae, while Praja virus clusters near members of the subfamily Heroarterivirinae: the yet undescribed forest pouched giant rat arterivirus and hedgehog arterivirus 1.

The Pathobiology of H7N3 Low and High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses from the United States Outbreak in 2020 Differs between Turkeys and Chickens
by Miriã F. Criado, Christina M. Leyson, Sungsu Youk, Suzanne DeBlois, Tim Olivier, Mary Lea Killian, Mia L. Torchetti, Darren J. Parris, Erica Spackman, Darrell R. Kapczynski et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1851;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

In this study, Criado et al. (2021) reported clear differences in the pathobiology of avian influenza viruses (AIVs) in turkeys and chickens. Results showed that the H7N3 2020 low-pathogenicity avian influenza viruses (LPAIVs) and the high-pathogenicity avian influenza virus (HPAIV) were more infectious in turkeys than in chickens and were efficiently transmitted to contact turkeys but not chickens, corroborating the high susceptibility of turkeys to AIV infections. Other than that, the LPAIV with the NA stalk deletion was found to be more infectious in turkeys, but did not have enhanced infectivity in chickens.

Reduced Infection Efficiency of Phage NCTC 12673 on Non-Motile Campylobacter jejuni Strains Is Related to Oxidative Stress
by Jessica C. Sacher, Muhammad Afzal Javed, Clay S. Crippen, James Butcher, Annika Flint, Alain Stintzi and Christine M. Szymanski
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1955;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

This investigation revealed a complex interplay between phage infectivity, oxidative stress, and flagellar motility in C. jejuni. The results indicated that the apparent dependence of phage NCTC 12673 on C. jejuni motility is not related to adsorption to the flagella, but instead can be explained by the phage’s reduced infection efficiency under conditions of oxidative stress. Moreover, evidence has demonstrated that the phage-encoded FlaGrab is phase-variable, and that variable expression of this protein may be linked to a mechanism by which the phage can tune its infectivity according to the oxidative-stress state of the cell.

Spillover of West Caucasian Bat Lyssavirus (WCBV) in a Domestic Cat and Westward Expansion in the Palearctic Region
by Stefania Leopardi, Ettore Barneschi, Giuseppe Manna, Barbara Zecchin, Pamela Priori, Petra Drzewnioková, Francesca Festa, Andrea Lombardo, Fabio Parca, Dino Scaravelli et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2064;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

In June 2020, a cat from Arezzo (Italy) that died from a neurological disease was diagnosed with West Caucasian Bat Lyssavirus (WCBV). People that were exposed to the cat received full post-exposure prophylaxis, while animals underwent six months of quarantine. In a tunnel located near the cat’s house, a group of bent-winged bats that had shown virus-neutralizing antibodies to WCVB across four sampling occasions was identified, but no virus was found in salivary swabs.

Evolution of Anti-RBD IgG Avidity following SARS-CoV-2 Infection
by Alexandra Tauzin, Gabrielle Gendron-Lepage, Manon Nayrac, Sai Priya Anand, Catherine Bourassa, Halima Medjahed, Guillaume Goyette, Mathieu Dubé, Renée Bazin, Daniel E. Kaufmann et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 532;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

Tauzin et al. (2022) developed a simple assay to measure the avidity of anti-receptor-binding domain (RBD) IgG elicited by SARS-CoV-2 infection. It was observed that, while the level of antibodies declined over time, the anti-RBD avidity progressively increased and correlated with the B cell class switch. Additionally, it was observed that anti-RBD avidity increased similarly after SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination and after SARS-CoV-2 infection.

Depo Medroxyprogesterone (DMPA) Promotes Papillomavirus Infections but Does Not Accelerate Disease Progression in the Anogenital Tract of a Mouse Model
by Jiafen Hu, Sarah A. Brendle, Jingwei J. Li, Vonn Walter, Nancy M. Cladel, Timothy Cooper, Debra A. Shearer, Karla K. Balogh and Neil D. Christensen
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 980;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

In this study, a mouse papillomavirus (MmuPV1) anogenital infection model was used to test two hypotheses: (1) contraceptives such as DMPA increase the susceptibility of the anogenital tract to viral infection and (2) long-term contraceptive administration induces more advanced disease at the anogenital tract. From the experiment’s results, DMPA promoted initial papillomavirus infections in the lower genital tract, and the chronic administration of DMPA did not promote cancer development in the infected tissues in our mouse model.

SARS CoV-2 (Delta Variant) Infection Kinetics and Immunopathogenesis in Domestic Cats
by Miruthula Tamil Selvan, Sachithra Gunasekara, Ping Xiao, Kristen Griffin, Shannon R. Cowan, Sai Narayanan, Akhilesh Ramachandran, Darren E. Hagen, Jerry W. Ritchey, Jennifer M. Rudd et al.
Viruses 2022, 14(6), 1207;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

A feline model was established to study COVID-19 disease progression, and this model was utilized to evaluate infection kinetics and immunopathology of the rapidly circulating Delta variant (B.1.617.2) of SARS-CoV-2. From the results, RNA sequencing of infected feline lung tissues identified upregulation of multiple gene pathways associated with cytokine–receptor interactions, chemokine signaling, and viral protein–cytokine interactions during acute infection with SARS-CoV-2. Weighted correlation network analysis (WGCNA) of differentially expressed genes identified several distinct clusters of dysregulated hub genes that are significantly correlated with both clinical signs and lesions during acute infection.

Origins and Evolution of Seasonal Human Coronaviruses
by James R. Otieno, Joshua L. Cherry, David J. Spiro, Martha I. Nelson and Nídia S. Trovão
Viruses 2022, 14(7), 1551;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

In this study, the evolutionary histories of seasonal human coronaviruses (sHCoVs) were found to be highly complex, owing to the frequent recombination of CoVs, including within and between sHCoVs, and uncertain, due to the under sampling of non-human viruses. The recombination rate was highest for 229E and OC43, whereas substitutions per recombination event were highest in NL63 and HKU1. Additionally, OC43 may have ungulate, canine, or rabbit CoV ancestors, while 229E may have origins in bat, camel, or unsampled intermediate hosts, depending on the gene studied.

Increased Polymerase Activity of Zoonotic H7N9 Allows Partial Escape from MxA
by Philipp P. Petric, Jacqueline King, Laura Graf, Anne Pohlmann, Martin Beer and Martin Schwemmle
Viruses 2022, 14(11), 2331;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

The objective of this study was to determine whether the H7N9 can adapt to escape MxA-mediated restriction. From the results, it showed that viral polymerase activity-enhancing mutations can partially overcome the antiviral activity of MxA against zoonotic H7N9. However, in patients and in an experimental infection model, no true MxA escape mutations were detected, suggesting that, fortunately, MxA still seems to pose a high human species barrier for H7N9.

SIV Infection Regulates Compartmentalization of Circulating Blood Plasma miRNAs within Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) and Extracellular Condensates (ECs) and Decreases EV-Associated miRNA-128
by Steven Kopcho, Marina McDew‑White, Wasifa Naushad, Mahesh Mohan and Chioma M. Okeoma
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 622;
Available online:

Message from the Editor:

This study aimed to (i) investigate the abundance and compartmentalization of exmiRNAs in EVs versus ECs in the healthy uninfected state and (ii) evaluate how SIV infection may affect exmiRNA abundance and compartmentalization in these particles. The data showed that SIV infection altered the profile of the miRNAome of EVs and revealed that miR-128-3p may be a potential target of HIV/SIV. The significant decrease in miR-128-3p in HIV-infected humans and in SIV-infected RMs may indicate disease progression.

29 July 2023
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2021–2022 Related to SARS-CoV-2 Host Cell Interactions

“TMPRSS11D and TMPRSS13 Activate the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein”
by Mai Kishimoto, Kentaro Uemura, Takao Sanaki, Akihiko Sato, William W. Hall, Hiroaki Kariwa, Yasuko Orba, Hirofumi Sawa and Michihito Sasaki
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 384;
Available online:

“Quinine Inhibits Infection of Human Cell Lines with SARS-CoV-2”
by Maximilian Große, Natalia Ruetalo, Mirjam Layer, Dan Hu, Ramona Businger, Sascha Rheber, Christian Setz, Pia Rauch, Janina Auth, Maria Fröba et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 647;
Available online:

“mRNA-lncRNA Co-Expression Network Analysis Reveals the Role of lncRNAs in Immune Dysfunction during Severe SARS-CoV-2 Infection”
by Sumit Mukherjee, Bodhisattwa Banerjee, David Karasik and Milana Frenkel-Morgenstern
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 402;
Available online:

“The Pro-Inflammatory Chemokines CXCL9, CXCL10 and CXCL11 Are Upregulated Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection in an AKT-Dependent Manner”
by Victoria Callahan, Seth Hawks, Matthew A. Crawford, Caitlin W. Lehman, Holly A. Morrison, Hannah M. Ivester, Ivan Akhrymuk, Niloufar Boghdeh, Rafaela Flor, Carla V. Finkielstein et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 1062;
Available online:

“Modeling within-Host SARS-CoV-2 Infection Dynamics and Potential Treatments”
by Mehrshad Sadria and Anita T. Layton
Viruses 2021, 13(6), 1141;
Available online:

“Resveratrol and Pterostilbene Inhibit SARS-CoV-2 Replication in Air–Liquid Interface Cultured Human Primary Bronchial Epithelial Cells”
by Bram M. ter Ellen, Nilima Dinesh Kumar, Ellen M. Bouma, Berit Troost, Denise P. I. van de Pol, Heidi H. van der Ende-Metselaar, Leonie Apperloo, Djoke van Gosliga, Maarten van den Berge, Martijn C. Nawijn et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1335;
Available online:

“SARS-CoV-2 N Protein Targets TRIM25-Mediated RIG-I Activation to Suppress Innate Immunity”
by Gianni Gori Savellini, Gabriele Anichini, Claudia Gandolfo and Maria Grazia Cusi
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1439;
Available online:

“Robust Neutralizing Antibody Levels Detected after Either SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination or One Year after Infection”
by Stefan Glöckner, Franziska Hornung, Michael Baier, Sebastian Weis, Mathias W. Pletz, Stefanie Deinhardt-Emmer, Bettina Löffler and the CoNAN Study Group
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2003;
Available online:

“Macrophages and Monocytes: “Trojan Horses” in COVID-19”
by Elena Percivalle, Josè Camilla Sammartino, Irene Cassaniti, Eloisa Arbustini, Mario Urtis, Alexandra Smirnova, Monica Concardi, Cristina Belgiovine, Alessandro Ferrari, Daniele Lilleri et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2178;
Available online:

“SARS-CoV-2 Infects Human ACE2-Negative Endothelial Cells through an αvβ3 Integrin-Mediated Endocytosis Even in the Presence of Vaccine-Elicited Neutralizing Antibodies”
by Antonella Bugatti, Federica Filippini, Marta Bardelli, Alberto Zani, Paola Chiodelli, Serena Messali, Arnaldo Caruso and Francesca Caccuri
Viruses 2022, 14(4), 705;
Available online:

27 July 2023
MDPI Insights: The CEO’s Letter #2 - Open Peer-Review and IJERPH

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

Open Peer Review Reports

Continuing the topic of openness from my inaugural monthly CEO letter, in these Opening Thoughts, I highlight the growth and importance of open peer-review reports at MDPI. Open peer reports align with the principles of open science, making the publishing process more transparent and facilitating rigorous peer review.

MDPI journals operate an open peer-review option by default, allowing authors to publish review reports and author responses (often referred to as open reports) together with the published paper. Publishing the reviewer reports and author responses together with the article provides greater transparency and trust for readers, as this allows them to track the editorial decision-making process. Open peer-review also encourages reviewers and editors to provide high-quality comments, as these will be made public if the article is accepted for publication.

Start and Growth of Open Peer Review at MDPI

The MDPI journal Life was a pioneer in offering this opportunity to its authors in 2014. The first MDPI article with peer-review reports openly published was a review by the Nobel Laureate Werner Arber, in which the review reports were published as supplementary material. By 2018, open peer-review was available across all MDPI journals. As such, MDPI authors have embraced the open peer-review model, providing a steady increase in the number of MDPI articles. As of 2023, approximately one-third (34.0%) of MDPI articles were published with open review reports.

As at July 2023, the percentage of MDPI articles published with open peer review has increased to 36.2% of the total papers published in 2023 so far, indicating ongoing growth in adoption.

Open peer review continues to play a critical role in the assessment of the peer-review process in Life. For further insights, please see the recent editorial by Dr. Pabulo Henrique Rampelotto, the former Editor-in-Chief of Life, who spearheaded the implementation of the open peer-review process.

Benefits of Open Peer Review

The benefits of open peer review include increased transparency, trust and constructive feedback. To promote open communication further and increase the robustness of the peer-review process, we encourage reviewers to sign their reports so that their name appears on the review report (this process is referred to as open identity). The default option is for reviewers to remain anonymous; however, by signing the reports, reviewers receive direct credit for their contribution to the peer-review process and show their commitment towards open science.

As the leading open access publisher, MDPI remains committed to promoting open peer-review and encourages authors to choose this approach. Our goal is to provide a rigorous and transparent peer-review process that benefits the scientific community, and we believe that open peer-review is a vital step in fostering openness and collaboration in scientific communication.

Impactful Research

MDPI Papers Cited in the News – IJERPH edition

Every month, our corporate marketing team compiles data from Altmetrics to create a list of MDPI papers that have been cited in the news. This list continues to grow as renowned news outlets regularly reference research published by MDPI in their articles.

During 2022, a total of 111,965 MDPI research papers were mentioned in prominent news outlets such as National Geographic, The Washington Post, Forbes, The Guardian, the BBC, CNN, Time, and Harvard Business Review.

Highly Cited Journal Publications

IJERPH, known for publishing impactful research, received the most news mentions among all MDPI journals in 2022, based on Altmetrics data:

  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: 3509 mentions
  • Nutrients: 2698 mentions
  • International Journal of Molecular Sciences: 1701 mentions
  • Journal of Clinical Medicine: 1131 mentions
  • Viruses: 1111 mentions

These numbers show the recognition and impact of the articles published in IJERPH. For a more detailed view of the journal’s most cited and viewed papers, you can visit here. In total, IJERPH has garnered over 28,000 mentions in prominent news outlets, and as at July 2023, an impressive count of over 17,000 papers cited 10 times or more. These figures highlight the impactful contribution of IJERPH publications to the scientific community.

Example of Recent Mentions

During May and June 2023, a noteworthy selection of articles from IJERPH was cited in news articles, including:

The Washington Post: “Bringing nature inside can improve your health. Here’s how to do it.”
IJERPH paper:Physiological Benefits of Viewing Nature: A Systematic Review of Indoor Experiments

Harvard Business Review: “How to Take Better Breaks at Work, According to Research
IJERPH paper:Canine-Assisted Therapy Improves Well-Being in Nurses

National Geographic: “Lyme disease is spreading fast—but a vaccine may be on the way
IJERPH paper:Range Expansion of Tick Disease Vectors in North America: Implications for Spread of Tick-Borne Disease

Inside MDPI

MDPI Develops an Artificial Intelligence Tool to Enhance the Peer-Review Process

At MDPI, we believe that rigorous peer-review is the corner-stone of high-quality academic publishing. We are grateful to the scholars who generously dedicate their time to peer-review articles submitted to MDPI journals. Their contributions are invaluable to the advancement of science.

Peer-review is a critical part of the publication process, ensuring that MDPI upholds the highest quality standards for the papers we publish. Every manuscript submitted to our journals undergoes a comprehensive peer-review process conducted by subject-matter experts.

To further enhance our peer-review process, our Data Analytics team has developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool designed to support the selection of reviewers. This proprietary tool utilizes Natural Language Processing (NLP), a specially designed AI language model, to extract information from the title and abstract of submitted papers. It then searches our database for similar manuscripts and suggests potential reviewers based on this analysis. Integrated with MDPI's submission system (SuSy), the AI tool cross-references the suggested candidates with our reviewer database to verify their invitation status and availability.

The goal of this tool is to provide better targeted peer-review invitations, reducing the number of emails sent for each paper and increasing the efficiency of our editorial staff.

In the near future, our Data Analytics team plans to deploy similar AI projects to improve other critical aspects of our services, offering an enhanced experience to our authors and readers.

Click here to learn about MDPI’s review process, including procedures, responsibilities, and benefits.

Read more:

Coming Together for Science

The Future of IJERPH

On 5 July 2023, Prof. Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou, the founding Editor-in-Chief of IJERPH, along with five Section Editors in Chief (Prof. Dr. Germán Vicente-Rodríguez, Prof. Dr. Karl Goodkin, Prof. Dr. William A. Toscano, Prof. Dr. Jimmy T. Efird, and Prof. Dr. William Douglas Evans), gathered in Basel to discuss the future of the journal. The meeting provided an opportunity to address the recent decision by The Web of Science to delist IJERPH due to the journal failing the Content Relevance criterion, and propose best strategies that will ensure high scientific rigor as well as a clear scope and aim of IJERPH, going forward.

While the delisting is disappointing for IJERPH, as well as for our authors, academic editors, and the entire scientific community supporting our journal, we see it as an opportunity to reflect and prepare for the future direction of the journal.

Since its launch in 2004, IJERPH’s vision and mission have evolved to be more complete and comprehensive in engaging scientific communities. In light of this, we will refresh the journal’s aims and scope, ensuring they align with the organic expansion of IJERPH. Additionally, we will restructure the journal sections into broader categories, encouraging collaborative research and transdisciplinary approaches for authors. This is designed to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange among diverse fields, contributing to a holistic understanding of health promotion and disease prevention. We are confident that these next steps will enhance the scientific strength and societal impact of our journal.

Journal Achievements

In addition to the productive discussions, we took the time to celebrate some of the remarkable achievements of IJERPH, which I highlight below:

  • Founded by Prof. Dr. Paul B. Tchounwou in 2004
  • Indexed in PubMed in 2008
  • Received its first Impact Factor in 2012
  • Published its 5000th paper in 2017
  • Over 60,000 papers published as at June 30, 2023
  • 131,628,173 paper views in 2018–2022
  • Over 28,000 mentions in prominent news outlets
  • 17,000 papers cited 10 times or more as at June 30, 2023
  • No.1 journal in the 2022 Google Scholar Metrics in the category of Public Health
  • Awarded several editions of Young Investigator Awards, Travel Awards, and Outstanding Reviewer Awards since 2018.

These achievements showcase the journal’s significant contributions to the field and its impact on global health. We are proud of the exceptional work accomplished by the IJERPH team and look forward to building upon this success in the years to come.

Closing Thoughts

MDPI’s Impact in Spain

During the past month, I had the opportunity to visit our new office building in Barcelona, where I met with our local colleagues to discuss the ways we serve the scholarly community, particularly in Spain. The multi-functional office plays a vital role in supporting various business needs, including editorial, design, conference management, data analytics, journal relationship management, publishing partnerships, and collaborations with societies.

Spain holds a significant position in MDPI’s global market, ranking as the fourth-largest contributor to the total number of papers published by MDPI as at July 2023, ranking next to Italy, the USA, and China, with Germany completing the top five.

The Numbers

Out of the 1,680,000 total MDPI articles published as at 25 July, almost 80,000 articles are contributed by Spanish authors, representing nearly 40,000 unique authors affiliated with Spanish institutions. Remarkably, over 6,300 of these authors hold editorial board member (EBM) positions within MDPI journals, with 30 of them serving as Editors-in-Chief (EiCs).

Our commitment to working with institutions is very evident in Spain, where we have successfully established over 40 Institutional Open Access Programs (IOAP) with esteemed institutions such as the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Pompeu Fabra University, the University of Navarre, and Complutense University of Madrid.

Over the past five years, we have successfully organized eight in-person conferences in Barcelona, attracting over 1,150 registrations, with two forthcoming events scheduled for 2024. Barcelona's excellent connectivity to international airports makes it easily accessible to participants from around the world. Its welcoming atmosphere provides us with the perfect environment for knowledge-sharing, networking, and contributing to the local economy.

Our growth and presence in Spain are a true testament to the incredible service we provide to the scholarly community and the relationships we foster through responsive and collaborative communication. We look forward to continuing to support Spanish scholars, providing them a valuable and trusted experience with MDPI, the leader in open access publishing.


I close this letter as I did in the first edition, by sharing testimonials from our stakeholders. Here are a few IJERPH testimonials from a Spanish guest editor and an author:

Guest Editor
“I want to thank the kindness, attention and professionalism of the MDPI team throughout the editorial process of the Special Issue. I believe that it is a very professional and quality editorial process.”
- Professor Víctor Arufe-Giráldez, University of A Coruña
Special Issue in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Physical Activity in Childhood and Adolescence
Special Issue in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Physical Education: Present and Future
“I want to thank the rigor of the revisions made to the manuscripts to improve their quality, the support to the authors for the editor assignment system they have and the follow-up they carry out, for the speed in answering and in carrying out the entire process of the revision, and for doing all this at an affordable price.”
- Dr. María Paz García-Caro, University of Granada
Article in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health: Factors Associated with Suicide Attempts and Suicides in the General Population of Andalusia (Spain)

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

19 July 2023
Meet Us at the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, 20–25 August 2023, Lyon, France

MDPI will attend the 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. This event will be held from 20 to 25 August 2023 in Lyon, France, and is hosted by the International Society for Plant Pathology.

Plant pathologists and plant health researchers from around the world will meet to discuss their latest research as well as the current and future issues facing plant health experts. The host, the French Phytopathological Society, has set an exciting and challenging theme for the congress: “One Health for all plants, crops and trees”. This topic promises to provide a broad platform for talks, posters, and discussions that consider the integral nature of plant health with human, animal, and environmental health. In addition to an excellent program of keynote talks, concurrent sessions, poster presentations, and networking opportunities, there will be a number of satellite events before the meeting dates to provide opportunities for deeper discussions on a number of topics.

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

If you plan on attending this conference, please feel free to stop by our booth and start a conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person and answering any questions that you may have. For more information about the conference, please visit

18 July 2023
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2021 Related to Phage Therapy

“Phage Therapy Related Microbial Succession Associated with Successful Clinical Outcome for a Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection”
by Austen Terwilliger, Justin Clark, Maile Karris, Haroldo Hernandez-Santos, Sabrina Green, Saima Aslam and Anthony Maresso
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2049;
Available online:

“Bacteriophage Rescue Therapy of a Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococcus faecium Infection in a One-Year-Old Child following a Third Liver Transplantation”
by Kevin Paul, Maya Merabishvili, Ronen Hazan, Martin Christner, Uta Herden, Daniel Gelman, Leron Khalifa, Ortal Yerushalmy, Shunit Coppenhagen-Glazer, Theresa Harbauer et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1785;
Available online:

“The Safety and Toxicity of Phage Therapy: A Review of Animal and Clinical Studies”
by Dan Liu, Jonas D. Van Belleghem, Christiaan R. de Vries, Elizabeth Burgener, Qingquan Chen, Robert Manasherob, Jenny R. Aronson, Derek F. Amanatullah, Pranita D. Tamma and Gina A. Suh
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1268;
Available online:

“A Case of Phage Therapy against Pandrug-Resistant Achromobacter xylosoxidans in a 12-Year-Old Lung-Transplanted Cystic Fibrosis Patient”
by David Lebeaux, Maia Merabishvili, Eric Caudron, Damien Lannoy, Leen Van Simaey, Hans Duyvejonck, Romain Guillemain, Caroline Thumerelle, Isabelle Podglajen, Fabrice Compain et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 60;
Available online:

“A Design of Experiment Approach to Optimize Spray-Dried Powders Containing Pseudomonas aeruginosaPodoviridae and Myoviridae Bacteriophages”
by Emilie Tabare, Tea Glonti, Christel Cochez, Cyrille Ngassam, Jean-Paul Pirnay, Karim Amighi and Jonathan Goole
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1926;
Available online:

“Characterization of Anti-Bacterial Effect of the Two New Phages against Uropathogenic Escherichia coli
by Lívia Slobodníková, Barbora Markusková, Michal Kajsík, Michal Andrezál, Marek Straka, Adriána Liptáková and Hana Drahovská
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1348;
Available online:

“Past and Future of Phage Therapy and Phage-Derived Proteins in Patients with Bone and Joint Infection”
by Tristan Ferry, Camille Kolenda, Thomas Briot, Aubin Souche, Sébastien Lustig, Jérôme Josse, Cécile Batailler, Fabrice Pirot, Mathieu Medina, Gilles Leboucher et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2414;
Available online:

“Phage Therapy Experience at the Eliava Phage Therapy Center: Three Cases of Bacterial Persistence”
by Elisabed Zaldastanishvili, Lika Leshkasheli, Mariam Dadiani, Lia Nadareishvili, Lia Askilashvili, Nino Kvatadze, Marina Goderdzishvili, Mzia Kutateladze and Nana Balarjishvili
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1901;
Available online:

“A Case of In Situ Phage Therapy against Staphylococcus aureus in a Bone Allograft Polymicrobial Biofilm Infection: Outcomes and Phage-Antibiotic Interactions”
by Brieuc Van Nieuwenhuyse, Christine Galant, Bénédicte Brichard, Pierre-Louis Docquier, Sarah Djebara, Jean-Paul Pirnay, Dimitri Van der Linden, Maya Merabishvili and Olga Chatzis
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1898;
Available online:

“Bacteriophage Therapy for Difficult-to-Treat Infections: The Implementation of a Multidisciplinary Phage Task Force (The PHAGEFORCE Study Protocol)”
by Jolien Onsea, Saartje Uyttebroek, Baixing Chen, Jeroen Wagemans, Cédric Lood, Laura Van Gerven, Isabel Spriet, David Devolder, Yves Debaveye, Melissa Depypere et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1543;
Available online:

18 July 2023
Meet Us at the MDPI World Hepatitis Day Webinar 2023, 28 July 2023

The low coverage of testing and treatment is the most important gap to be addressed to achieve the global elimination goals of hepatitis B virus (HBV) by 2030. 

To commemorate the World Hepatitis Day 2023, MDPI is launching a special webinar to encourage researchers to come together, take action, and highlight how the exchange of findings facilitates efforts to raise awareness of hepatitis.

We are looking forward to seeing you at the MDPI World Hepatitis Day Webinar 2023. 

Conference secretariat: Ms. Shun Li
Date and time: 28 July 2023, 7:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m., CEST

This is a free webinar. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information on how to join the webinar. Registrations with academic institutional email addresses will be prioritized. 

Unable to attend? Register anyway and we will let you know when the recording is available to watch. 

Session 1:

Speaker/Presentation Time in CEST
Introduction 7:00 a.m.–7:10 a.m.
Prof. Dr. Chia-Yen Dai
Achieving Elimination of Hepatitis C in Taiwan
7:10 a.m.–7:40 a.m.
Dr. Tan Yee Joo
Understanding the Functions of Hepatitis B Viral Proteins and Targeting Them in Antiviral Drug Development
7:40 a.m.–8:10 a.m.
Dr. Sheikh Mohammad Fazle Akbar
Standing at the Half-Way: An Analysis of “Elimination of Hepatitis by 2030” in Developed and Developing Countries
8:10 a.m.–8:40 a.m.
Q&A Session 8:40 a.m.–9:00 a.m.

Register for Session 1 for free!

Session 2:

Speaker/Presentation Time in CEST
Introduction 3:00 p.m.–3:10 p.m.
Prof. Dr. John Tavis
The International Coalition to Eliminate HBV (ICE-HBV): Promoting Global Scientific Collaboration in HBV Cure Research
3.10 p.m.–3:40 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Mark A. Feitelson
Microbial Metabolites that Attenuate the Pathogenesis of Cancer and Autoimmunity
3:40 p.m.–4:10 p.m.
Prof. Dr. Natalia Osna
Hepatitis in HIV Infection
4:10 p.m.–4:40 p.m.
Q&A Session 4:40 p.m.–5:00 p.m.

Register for Session 2 for free! 

Relevant Special Issues:
"Research on Hepatitis B Virus: Past, Present, and Future"
Edited by: Hyung Joon Yim
Submission deadline: 31 August 2023 

"Novel Challenges and Therapeutic Options for Liver Diseases"
Edited by: Guido Gerken
Submission deadline: 30 September 2023 

"Viral Hepatitis Research: Updates and Challenges"
Edited by: Endrit Shahini, Antonio Giovanni Solimando and Antonella Argentiero
Submission deadline: 15 October 2023 

"Non-alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) and Liver Fibrosis: Molecular and Multicellular Control of Evolving Diseased States"
Edited by: Jérôme Eeckhoute
Submission deadline: 15 February 2024 

"Diagnosis and Management of Liver Diseases—2nd Edition"
Edited by: Jeong-Ju Yoo
Submission deadline: 30 September 2023 

"Vaccination and Treatments against Viral Hepatitis: Achievements, Challenges and Perspectives"
Edited by: Bárbara Vieira Do Lago and Vinicius M. Mello
Submission deadline: 15 October 2023

11 July 2023
MDPI’s Newly Launched Journals in June 2023

With the first issue released in June 2023, five new MDPI journals disseminating multi-disciplinary science are due to launch, which will cover the subjects of medicine & pharmacology, biology and physical sciences.

The newly launched journals will be overseen by professional Editorial Board Members and Editors to ensure an accurate and rapid publication, rigorous peer review and broad visibility.

Please feel free to browse and discover more about the new journals below.

Journal Founding Editor-in-Chief Journal topics (selected)
Prof. Dr. Jun Ma, Peking University, China| Editorial | view inaugural issue growth and development;
diet and nutrients; school health promotion policies and practices; child health and care; adolescent health and wellbeing | view journal scope | submit an article
Prof. Dr. Bernd Rehm, Griffith University, Australia | Editorial | view inaugural issue DNA and gene synthesis; synthetic transcription factors; protein engineering; viral engineering; metabolic engineering | view journal scope | submit an article
Prof. Dr. Varsha Gandhi, University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, USA | Editorial | view inaugural issue lymphatics; cancers associated with lymphocytes and lymphoblasts; lymphatic tissues; lymphoma; lymphoid leukemia | view journal scope | submit an article
Dr. Bradley Turner, University of Melbourne, Australia | Editorial | view inaugural issue multiple sclerosis; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; primary lateral sclerosis; atherosclerosis; systemic sclerosis | view journal scope | submit an article
Prof. Dr. Clemens Burda, Case Western Reserve University, USA | Editorial | view inaugural issue Gamma ray, X-ray, and UV–Vis spectroscopies; NIR/mid-infrared/Raman spectroscopy; microwave and THz spectroscopy; high-resolution gas-phase atomic, molecular, and cluster spectroscopy; MS, NMR, and EPR spectroscopy | view journal scope | submit an article

We wish to thank everyone who has supported the development of open access publishing. You are welcome to submit an application to the New Journal Committee ([email protected]) if you would like to create more new journals.

3 July 2023
Viruses Received an Updated Impact Factor of 4.7, Ranked in Q2

We are pleased to inform you that the Viruses’ 2022 Impact Factor is 4.7. Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) now ranks Q2 (15 among 36 titles) in the “Virology” category. Our journal continues to build momentum in the virology community.

For more journal statistics, please visit  

The Viruses Editorial Office would like to thank all authors, reviewers, and editors who have contributed to the journal.

3 July 2023
MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter #1 - Open Access and Impactful Research

Welcome to the MDPI Insights: The CEO's Letter.

In these monthly letters, I will showcase two key aspects of our work at MDPI: our commitment to empowering researchers and our determination to facilitating open scientific exchange.

Opening Thoughts

The Future is Open, and MDPI is Leading the Way

I strongly believe in a future that embraces openness, where open source, open information, and open access (OA) take center stage. This belief that led me to join MDPI in 2020, and I am honored to have recently been appointed as Chief Executive Officer (CEO). In this capacity, and operating in close liaison with Dr. Lin and MDPI’s senior management, I shall work to build on Dr. Lin’s achievements of the past quarter-century. In this role, I will focus on communication initiatives to promote MDPI's remarkable work and continue to build our company as a trusted leader in OA publishing. For over two decades, MDPI has been at the forefront of reshaping the academic publishing landscape, with OA surpassing subscription-based publishing in 2020. This trajectory is deeply rooted in our history and reflects our unwavering commitment and vision for an open future.

1 Million Published Articles

2023 began with a remarkable achievement for MDPI, as we became the first OA publisher to reach the milestone of 1 million published articles. This represents 2.7 million unique authors who have trusted us with their work, or about a third of all researchers worldwide. As the world's most cited OA publisher, we are proud in sharing these significant milestones.

Our mission remains unchanged: to make science open and accessible to all. We understand the importance of knowledge access, empowering researchers to stay at the forefront of a rapidly changing world. Our diverse range of journals covers a wide spectrum of disciplines, offering cutting-edge insights, trusted tools, and crucial knowledge to address global challenges.

Liberating Science

As the world’s leading OA publisher, MDPI is actively liberating science. We are committed to eliminating the frustrations researchers and the general public face when accessing information, ensuring it is not locked behind paywalls. We firmly believe that everyone has a right to information, and our commitment to open access publishing drives our work.

In this inaugural edition of Insights: The CEO's Letter, I draw inspiration from the upcoming 20th anniversary of the Berlin Declaration on Open Access. Its stated mission reminds us that true impact is achieved when knowledge is widely and readily available to society:

"Our mission of disseminating knowledge is only half complete if the information is not made widely and readily available to society”

Impactful Research

MDPI Publishes Impactful Research: Recognized by Leading Indexing Databases

MDPI journals are indexed in every single top database in the world.

As of June 2023, we have 214 journals indexed within Web of Science, 223 indexed within Scopus, 87 indexed within PubMed and PMC, and 17 indexed within MEDLINE, and these numbers increase every month. We constantly strive to expand the coverage of our journals within leading multi-disciplinary and scope-specific databases, resulting in an incredibly broad range of journals that are indexed within a variety of databases. MDPI has active relationships with approximately 65 well-known databases around the world, and we continue to expand our portfolio every year so that your work can be found, cited, and referenced with ease.

Continued Growth of MDPI Journals

The 2022 Scopus and Web of Science journal citation metrics were officially released in June, and I am pleased to report that 31 MDPI journals received their first CiteScore, taking the total number of journals with a CiteScore to 216. The number of MDPI journals receiving an Impact Factor (IF) also continues to grow with 111 receiving their first, by being covered in the ESCI, bringing our total number of journals with an IF to 208 of which 41 journals received an IF above 4.0. Looking at 2022 CiteScores in the Scopus database, 80% of MDPI journals have a score that ranks them in Q1 or Q2 in at least one subject category.

Publishing impactful science would not be possible without all of our authors, editors and reviewers. Thank you for your contribution and continued support! Together we share the latest scientific insights faster and ensure that your work is accessible to all.

Read more

Interview with Indexing Manager—Constanze Shelhorn

Inside MDPI Clarivate adds the Preprint Citation Index to the Web of Science

At MDPI, we are dedicated to driving the advancement of science. Through our initiative,, researchers can publish their work and gain valuable feedback from the broader research community, ensuring rapid progress in their respective fields. This is particularly crucial during times of health and climate challenges, where timely dissemination of findings is essential.

Increased Visibility for Preprints

I am pleased to share that Clarivate recognizes the significance of preprints and has taken a crucial step to enhance their visibility. Clarivate has added the Preprint Citation Index to the Web of Science, encompassing preprints published not only on but also on other reputable repositories.

Looking ahead, the future of preprints appears promising, bolstered by the recent indexing announcement from the Web of Science. As a result, preprints will receive increased visibility, serving as a valuable resource for staying informed about the latest research developments.

Read more

What are Preprints?
The Pros and Cons of Preprints
Preprints and COVID-19
Preprints—The Future of Open Access Publishing?

Coming Together for Science

The First International Conference on Antioxidants: Sources, Methods, Health Benefits and Industrial Applications

In this edition of ‘Coming Together for Science,’ I am pleased to highlight the First International Conference on Antioxidants organized by our conference team in the beautiful city of Barcelona, Spain. The conference attracted over 130 attendees, who engaged in 42 talks, and 89 poster presentations spread across several sessions.

Working Together

Under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Alessandra Napolitano (Department of Chemical Sciences, University of Naples ‘Federico II’, Naples, Italy) and Prof. Dr. Rosa M. Lamuela Raventos (Department of Nutrition, Food Sciences and Gastronomy, University of Barcelona, Spain) as chairs, and supported by the committee members, 10 invited keynote speakers, poster presenters, and all the attendees, this dedicated group of academics came together to discuss the natural sources, methodologies, health benefits, and industrial applications of antioxidants.

Especially noteworthy is the positive feedback received from attendees, with 94% rating the overall organization of the conference as good or excellent. I particularly love the picture above, capturing the gathering of some of the participants. You can browse through more photos in the event gallery located here.

Managing Events With Sciforum

If you are considering hosting your own academic event, I highly recommend checking out Sciforum, MDPI's event management platform. Sciforum simplifies the entire process, making it easy to host your own event by allowing you to focus on what really matters: Science!

Read more

Sciforum: forthcoming events
Spotlight on Antioxidants

Closing Thoughts

Stefan Tochev, Dr. Shu-Kun Lin, Dr. Eric O. Freed, Peter Roth, Wynne Wang, Allison Yang

Viruses and Editorial Quality: Acknowledging the Dedication of our Viruses Journal Team

During a June meeting with Dr. Eric O. Freed, the founding and current Editor-in-Chief of our journal Viruses, I was reminded of the exceptional dedication of our editorial board. Meeting with Eric is a pleasure, as he has a strong commitment and clear vision for the journal. Over the course of two days, we gained a deep understanding of the journal’s expectations and focus on strategic growth, editorial board representation, and engagement.

I am pleased to share that Viruses holds a CiteScore of 7.1 (an increase of 7.57% versus the 2021 metric) and an Impact Factor of 4.7. You can view the journal statistics here. Viruses publishes highly cited papers, and is indexed in renowned databases such as Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, and others, and maintains affiliations with prestigious societies. Moreover, the Viruses team has recently announced an exciting upcoming event titled ‘Viruses 2024 – A World of Viruses,’ scheduled to take place in Barcelona, Spain, from 14–16 February 2024.


If you notice my enthusiasm regarding our editorial service, it’s because the surveys and testimonials we receive speak volumes about the experiences of our authors, reviewers, and guest editors who collaborate with MDPI. The purpose of these letters is to highlight the exceptional work that we do and the experiences we create for the scholars – thus, let me end with this testimonial from an author:

“It was a great pleasure to publish in Viruses Special Issue [Emerging Viruses in Aquaculture]. The submission process was easy. Guest editors were very helpful and provided all the guidance and support as needed. The handling of the manuscript by the Editorial Team was very fast, efficient, and professional. The reviewer’s comments were insightful, and the publication processes were remarkably rapid.”
Ms. Magdalena Stachnik, Państwowy Instytut Weterynaryjny | PIWet

Article in Viruses: Emerging Viral Pathogens in Sturgeon Aquaculture in Poland: Focus on Herpesviruses and Mimivirus Detection

Stefan Tochev
Chief Executive Officer

28 June 2023
2022 Impact Factors for MDPI Journals

The 2022 citation metrics have been released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), and we’re pleased to announce the following results for MDPI journals:

We are thrilled to announce that 90% of our ranked MDPI journals, specifically 86 out of 96 (captured in the table below), are performing above average in Q1 or Q2. This year, Clarivate has expanded its Impact Factor (IF) awards to include journals in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) and the Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), providing greater transparency for the full set of journals indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection. As a result, 111 of MDPI journals have received their first IF in 2023, with 37 journals surpassing an IF of 3.0. In total, 208 MDPI journals have been honored with an IF.

Clarivate explains that by "expanding the coverage but holding to highly selective standards, the [Impact Factor] is now a reliable indicator of trustworthiness, as well as a measure of scholarly impact, at the journal level."

Please visit our blog post where we discuss the release of the latest citation metrics with our Indexing Manager, Dr. Constanze Schelhorn, to find out what's different this time around and how to make use of different metrics available.

Journal Impact Factor Rank Quartile Category
Vaccines 7.8 Q1 Immunology
Medicine, Research & Experimental
Antioxidants 7.0 Q1 Food Science & Technology
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry, Medicinal
Cells 6.0 Q2 Cell Biology
Nutrients 5.9 Q1 Nutrition & Dietetics
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 5.6 Q1 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Q2 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 5.6 Q2 Business
Biomolecules 5.5 Q1 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biosensors 5.4 Q1 Chemistry, Analytical
Instruments & Instrumentation
Q2 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Fractal and Fractional 5.4 Q1 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications
Marine Drugs 5.4 Q1 Chemistry, Medicinal
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Pharmaceutics 5.4 Q1 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Nanomaterials 5.3 Q1 Physics, Applied
Q2 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Cancers 5.2 Q2 Oncology
Foods 5.2 Q1 Food Science & Technology
Polymers 5.0 Q1 Polymer Science
Remote Sensing 5.0 Q1 Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Q2 Remote Sensing
Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
Environmental Sciences
Antibiotics 4.8 Q1 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Q2 Infectious Diseases
Drones 4.8 Q2 Remote Sensing
Journal of Functional Biomaterials 4.8 Q2 Engineering, Biomedical
Materials Science, Biomaterials
Biomedicines 4.7 Q1 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Q2 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Medicine, Research & Experimental
Journal of Fungi 4.7 Q2 Mycology
Viruses 4.7 Q2 Virology
Bioengineering 4.6 Q2 Engineering, Biomedical
Gels 4.6 Q1 Polymer Science
Molecules 4.6 Q2 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Pharmaceuticals 4.6 Q2 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Chemistry, Medicinal
Toxics 4.6 Q1 Toxicology
Q2 Environmental Sciences
Biomimetics 4.5 Q1 Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Q2 Materials Science, Biomaterials
Microorganisms 4.5 Q2 Microbiology
Plants 4.5 Q1 Plant Sciences
Biology 4.2 Q2 Biology
Chemosensors 4.2 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Chemistry, Analytical
Membranes 4.2 Q2 Engineering, Chemical
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Chemistry, Physical
Polymer Science
Toxins 4.2 Q1 Toxicology
Q2 Food Science & Technology
Metabolites 4.2 Q2 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Batteries 4.0 Q2 Electrochemistry
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Q3 Energy & Fuels
Catalysts 3.9 Q2 Chemistry, Physical
Journal of Clinical Medicine 3.9 Q2 Medicine, General & Internal
Land 3.9 Q2 Environmental Studies
Sensors 3.9 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Chemistry, Analytical
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Sustainability 3.9 Q2 Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
Environmental Studies (SSCI)
Q3 Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SCIE)
Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SSCI)
Buildings 3.8 Q2 Construction & Building Technology
Engineering, Civil
Agronomy 3.7 Q1 Agronomy
Q2 Plant Sciences
Fermentation 3.7 Q2 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Pathogens 3.7 Q2 Microbiology
Agriculture 3.6 Q1 Agronomy
Diagnostics 3.6 Q2 Medicine, General & Internal
Genes 3.5 Q2 Genetics & Heredity
Journal of Intelligence 3.5 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Lubricants 3.5 Q2 Engineering, Mechanical
Processes 3.5 Q2 Engineering, Chemical
Coatings 3.4 Q2 Materials Science, Coatings & Films
Physics, Applied
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3.4 Q2 Geography, Physical
Q3 Computer Science, Information Systems
Remote Sensing
Materials 3.4 Q2 Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Physics, Applied
Physics, Condensed Matter
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Chemistry, Physical
Micromachines 3.4 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Physics, Applied
Chemistry, Analytical
Q3 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Water 3.4 Q2 Water Resources
Environmental Sciences
Brain Sciences 3.3 Q3 Neurosciences
Energies 3.2 Q3 Energy & Fuels
Fire 3.2 Q1 Forestry
Q2 Ecology
Life 3.2 Q2 Biology
Current Issues in Molecular Biology 3.1 Q3 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Horticulturae 3.1 Q1 Horticulture
Animals 3.0 Q1 Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science
Veterinary Sciences
Insects 3.0 Q1 Entomology
Atmosphere 2.9 Q3 Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Electronics 2.9 Q2 Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Physics, Applied
Q3 Computer Science, Information Systems
Forests 2.9 Q1 Forestry
Inorganics 2.9 Q2 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2.9 Q1 Engineering, Marine
Q2 Oceanography
Engineering, Ocean
Metals 2.9 Q2 Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease 2.9 Q2 Tropical Medicine
Q3 Infectious Diseases
Universe 2.9 Q2 Astronomy & Astrophysics
Physics, Particles & Fields
Healthcare 2.8 Q2 Health Policy & Services (SSCI)
Q3 Health Care Sciences & Services (SCIE)
Applied Sciences 2.7 Q2 Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Physics, Applied
Q3 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Crystals 2.7 Q2 Crystallography
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Entropy 2.7 Q2 Physics, Multidisciplinary
Magnetochemistry 2.7 Q2 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
Q3 Chemistry, Physical
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Symmetry 2.7 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences
Actuators 2.6 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Engineering, Mechanical
Aerospace 2.6 Q1 Engineering, Aerospace
Behavioral Sciences 2.6 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Current Oncology 2.6 Q3 Oncology
Machines 2.6 Q2 Engineering, Mechanical
Q3 Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Medicina 2.6 Q3 Medicine, General & Internal
Separations 2.6 Q3 Chemistry, Analytical
Minerals 2.5 Q2 Mining & Mineral Processing
Geochemistry & Geophysics
Children 2.4 Q2 Pediatrics
Diversity 2.4 Q2 Biodiversity Conservation
Q3 Ecology
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 2.4 Q3 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
Mathematics 2.4 Q1 Mathematics
Photonics 2.4 Q3 Optics
Veterinary Sciences 2.4 Q1 Veterinary Sciences
Fishes 2.3 Q2 Marine & Freshwater Biology
Axioms 2.0 Q2 Mathematics, Applied
Systems 1.9 Q2 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Tomography 1.9 Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging

Note: The Journal of Personalized Medicine's Impact Factor was omitted in the original release and will be assigned separately. Please find the data on the journal webpage in due course.

Source: 2022 Journal Impact Factors, Journal Citation Reports TM (Clarivate, 2023)


13 June 2023
Viruses Receives an Increased CiteScore of 7.1

We are pleased to inform you that Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) has received an updated CiteScore of 7.1, an increase of 7.57% compared with the 2021 metric. The 2022 CiteScore™ was released recently, making an assessment of the scientific influence of journals in the 2019 to 2022 period.

Viruses CiteScore ranks as follows:

  • Q1 (74 out of 304 journals) in the “Infectious Diseases” category;
  • Q2 (29 out of 75 journals) in the “Virology” category.

For more journal statistics, please visit

Excellent performance is inseparable from the support and dedication of all journal editors, reviewers, authors, and readers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have contributed to the journal.

5 June 2023
Meet Us at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the American Society for Virology, 24–28 June 2023, Athens, Georgia, USA

MDPI journals will be attending the 42nd annual meeting of the American Society for Virology as an exhibitor. This meeting will be held in Athens, Georgia, USA from 24 to 28 June 2023.

The American Society for Virology (ASV) is a wonderful community that brings together virologists from all areas of the field. As a result, the annual meetings are rich in diverse scientific offerings and they can be quite large (sometimes over 1600 attendees). This conference is hosted by the University of Georgia and held at the Classic Center; the scientific program will include symposia, concurrent workshops, poster sessions, exhibits, and special events. Professional development activities and social events will be interspersed throughout the meeting.

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

If you are attending this conference, please feel free to start a conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person and answering any questions you may have. For more information about the conference and our booth, please visit:

7 April 2023
World Health Day–Health for All

On 7 April 2023—World Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) will observe its 75th anniversary. In 1948, countries of the world came together and founded the WHO to promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable, so that everyone, everywhere, can attain the highest level of health and well-being. The WHO’s 75th anniversary is an opportunity to look back at public health successes that have improved quality of life over the last seven decades. It is also an opportunity to motivate action to tackle the health challenges of today and tomorrow. In order to encourage everyone to understand health and pay attention to health, we have also curated a list of publications on topics related to universal health coverage, healthy diet, and mental health. We also want to remind everyone that all research published in MDPI journals is available in an open access format, allowing practitioners, policy makers, and people around the world to access the latest scientific knowledge to build upon and share. Although we still have a long way to go to achieve universal health, this day also provides an opportunity to celebrate the progress made and inspire further action toward a more just and equitable world. Join us on a journey at MDPI to achieve Health for All.

Journal Recommendation

Section: Nutrition and Public Health

Special Issue: Dietary Antioxidants and Cardiovascular Health

Section: School Health

Topical Collection: Poxviruses

Special Issue: Disruptive Behavior Disorders: Symptoms, Evaluation and Treatment

Special Issue: Organophosphate-Induced Neurotoxicity: Countermeasures, Mechanisms, and Physiology

31 March 2023
Meet Us at the 8th European Congress of Virology 2023, 4–7 May 2023, Gdańsk, Poland

Conference: 8th European Congress of Virology 2023
Date: 4–7 May 2023
Location: Gdańsk, Poland

MDPI will be attending the 8th European Congress of Virology 2023 (ECV 2023) as an exhibitor, and we welcome researchers from different backgrounds to visit and share their latest ideas with us.

This conference is organized by the European Society for Virology. ECV 2023 will be a great opportunity for European virologists representing various fields of research to meet, present their results, and discuss all the developments in virology that have taken place during this unusual time. It will also be a great opportunity to meet friends, renew old acquaintances, and establish new collaborations. Although coronavirus studies will undoubtedly be one of the leading subjects at ECV 2023, it is important to have all research areas represented, including basic, clinical, veterinary, and plant virology. 

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

If you are planning to attend this conference, please do not hesitate to start an online conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person and answering any questions that you may have. For more information about the conference, please visit the following website:

30 March 2023
Meet Us at the 2023 American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting (ASM Microbe 2023), 15–19 June 2023, Houston, USA

The 2023 American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting (ASM Microbe 2023) will be held in Houston, USA, from 15 to 19 June 2023. This annual meeting is the largest gathering of microbiologists in the world, and it is expected that nearly 8,000 professionals from all over the world will attend the meeting. Founded in 1899, the American Society for Microbiology (ASM) is the oldest and largest single life science society in the world, consisting of more than 50,000 scientists and health professionals, of which more than one-third of the members are from countries and regions outside the United States. The mission of the American Society for Microbiology is to promote and advance the science of microbiology.

Topics include:

  • Disaster Microbiology;
  • Emerging Infections – What is the next pandemic? (Focus on Nipah and Marburg);
  • Natural Product Discovery and Synthesis;
  • Combating the Climate Crisis with Critters: Microbial Carbon Capture;
  • Powering the Future: Applied Microbiology in the Energy Industry;
  • Equity and Access in Laboratory Diagnostics;
  • Microbiome Management in a Changing World.

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

  • Microorganisms;
  • Journal of Fungi;
  • Viruses;
  • Applied Biosciences;
  • MPs;
  • IJMS;
  • Vaccines;
  • Fermentation;
  • Diversity;
  • Metabolites;
  • Biomolecules;
  • Antibiotics;
  • Pathogens;
  • Life.

If you are attending this conference, please feel free to start an online conversation with us. Our delegates look forward to meeting you at booth number #2504 in person and answering any questions you may have. For more information about the conference and our virtual booth, please visit the following link:

27 March 2023
Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos de la Torre Appointed Associate Editor of Section “Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Antivirals” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos de la Torre has been appointed Associate Editor of the Section “Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Antivirals” in Viruses (ISSN 1999-4915).

: Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos de la Torre  

Affiliation: Department of Immunology and Microbiology IMM-6, Scripps Research, 10466 North Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA

Interests: molecular, cell biology and pathogenesis of mammarenaviruses; virus-host cell interactions; antivirals; live attenuated vaccines



Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos de la Torre is a Professor at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology at Scripps Research, Las Jolla, CA, USA. He obtained his Ph.D. in molecular biology and virology from the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain, in 1985. After conducting a postdoctoral research training with Dr. John Holland (UCSD) on evolution of RNA viruses, and subsequently with Dr. Michael Oldstone (Scripps Research) on viral pathogenesis, he joined the Scripps Research faculty in 1996. His research focuses on the molecular, cell biology and pathogenesis of mammarenaviruses, as well as the development of strategies, antivirals, and vaccines, to combat human pathogenic mammarenaviruses. Several mammarenaviruses cause hemorrhagic fever (HF) disease in humans and pose important public health problems in their endemic regions. In addition, the worldwide-distributed prototypic mammarenavirus LCMV is a neglected human pathogen. There are no FDA-licensed mammarenavirus vaccines and current anti-mammarenaviral therapy is limited to an off-label use of ribavirin whose efficacy remains controversial. His laboratory pioneered the development of mammarenavirus reverse genetics that has provided investigators with a novel and powerful approach for the investigation of mammarenavirus replication, gene expression, assembly and budding, as well as virus-host cell factor interactions that determine the infection outcome. These advances in mammarenavirus genetics also allow investigators to identify and characterize novel antiviral drugs, as well as implement novel vaccine platforms to combat human pathogenic mammrenaviruses.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Juan Carlos de la Torre, who shared his vision for the journal with us, as well as his views of the research area and Open Access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to take the role as its Associate Editor?

I have been serving as a reviewer for Viruses for some time and the scope of the journal, the overall quality of the papers being submitted there, as well as their review process, fit very well with my scientific interests and views about scientific publication.

2. What is your vision for the journal?

Viruses should focus on providing a publishing space for high-quality publications covering diverse areas of virology, while ensuring reasonable publication expenses for the authors and that the review process is timely.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?

I think the future of virology will involve multidisciplinary collaborations, including large scale collaborative efforts. The combined expertise of different laboratories coordinated into effective collaborations can address complex problems in a timely manner that are beyond the capabilities of any single laboratory. This will pose new challenges for publication in terms of the mechanisms that will be implemented to appropriately recognize the contributions of each group and individuals.

4. What do you think of the development of Open Access in the publishing field?

In short, I am 100% in favor of Open Access in the publishing field.

13 March 2023
MDPI’s Newly Launched Journals in December 2022

As a leading open access publisher, MDPI provides scholars with a high-quality and rich academic exchange platform by continuously expanding into new and exciting research areas.

In December 2022, MDPI launched five new journals, covering multiple subjects such as life sciences, biology, medicine and pharmacology, social sciences and humanities. These new journals are being edited by established scholars across the world.


Founding Editor-in-Chief

Journal Topics (Selected)

Prof. Dr. Fabio Gresta, University of Messina, Italy| Editorial | view inaugural issue

grass/forage/turf production; grassland management; pasture monitoring; grazing and livestock; grass agro-ecosystems| view journal scope | submit an article

Prof. Dr. Christos G. Athanassiou, University of Thessaly, Greece| Editorial | view inaugural issue

pesticides; fungicides; herbicides; fertilizers; soil conditioners| view journal scope | submit an article

Prof. Dr. Stephen H. Safe, Texas A&M University, USA| Editorial | view inaugural issue

receptor structure; receptor function; receptor signaling; receptor expression and regulation; receptor interactions with drugs| view journal scope | submit an article

Dr. Jean Jacques Vanden Eynde, University of Mons-UMONS, Belgium| Editorial | view inaugural issue

drug discovery; medicinal chemistry; preclinical and clinical research; marketed drugs; intellectual property and regulatory affairs| view journal scope | submit an article

Prof. Dr. Heather Kanuka, University of Alberta, Canada| Editorial | view inaugural issue

higher education; tertiary education; policy and practice in higher education; educational leadership in higher education; educational administration and management in higher education| view journal scope | submit an article

If you are interested in creating more open access journals with us to publish cutting-edge research, please send your journal proposal application to [email protected].

7 March 2023
Displaying Co-Authors’ Email Addresses on the Webpage of Published Papers

MDPI is pleased to announce that we now display the co-authors’ email addresses in addition to the corresponding author’s email address on the webpage of published papers, protected by Captcha. For more information about this change, please visit the journal’s instructions for authors page. 

We believe this change will facilitate academic discussions and advance our cause of open science and research. The corresponding authors are responsible for communicating with their co-authors and indicating in our system ( if co-authors would prefer for their email addresses not to be displayed.

2 March 2023
Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano Appointed Associate Editor of Section “Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Antivirals” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano has been appointed as the Associate Editor of the Section “Viral Immunology, Vaccines, and Antivirals” in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915).

Name: Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano

Affiliation: Chair, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Cagliari, Cittadella Universitaria di Monserrato SS554, Monserrato, 09042 Cagliari, Italy

Interests: virology; antiviral drugs; drug development; endogenous retroviruses; viral escape of innate immunity


Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano is a Professor of microbiology and Chair of the Department of Life and Environmental Sciences at the University of Cagliari (Italy), and is currently the Vice-President of the Italian Society for Virology (SIV-ISV). His research activities focus on the i) discovery and development of antiviral agents; ii) understanding the molecular mechanism of innate immunity viral evasion; iii) study of the expression of retroviral sequences stably integrated into human genomes to explore their physiological and pathological role.

The following is a short Q&A with Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano, who shared his vision for the journal with us, as well as his views of the research area and Open Access publishing:

1. What appealed to you about the journal that made you want to take the role as its Associate Editor?

It is a relatively new, well-respected international scientific journal with a dynamic Editor-in-Chief and a strong and diversified Editorial Board. I believe it will be an exciting task.

2. What is your vision for the journal?

The journal should be a platform of excellence for virology research, providing cutting-edge high-quality research papers and accurate review articles focused on prominent topics. In addition, I believe it must also contribute to inspiring a new generation of virologists with a passion for questions and discoveries, as well as the scientific rigor for investigating them.

3. What does the future of this field of research look like?

Viruses are an essential component of our planet. The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us how they may impact our daily life, but their role far exceeds their pathological effects. Virology is a rising field in which new basic knowledge may lead to many novel technological advances, as it has already been proven historically.

4. What do you think of the development of Open Access in the publishing field?

The Open Access policy addresses the need of improving the diffusion of scientific information, speeding up technological innovation and boosting the benefits of public investment in research. Open Access may also improve the impact of science outside the scientific community, reaching a wider audience on relevant topics.

We wish Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano every success in his new position, and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

16 February 2023
Increasing Visibility for – Clarivate adds the Preprint Citation Index to the Web of Science

On 9 February 2023, Clarivate, a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics, added the Preprint Citation Index to the Web of Science platform, streamlining the research process by allowing researchers to locate and link to preprints alongside other trusted content in the database.

The Preprint Citation Index will act as a bridge to connect cutting-edge preprints with peer-reviewed journal articles published within the Web of Science Core Collection. Alerts can be easily set to monitor new research across several repositories and authors will also be able to include preprints on their Web of Science Research Profile to more accurately display their various research outputs.

As of its launch, the Preprint Citation Index will provide nearly two million preprints from various repositories, including MDPI’s own

MDPI's Preprints Platform –

To advance Open Science and the fast dissemination of research, MDPI offers researchers a free multidisciplinary preprint platform. accepts submissions from all research areas and offers authors high visibility, permanent archiving, article-level Metrics and immediately citable content by assigning a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to all preprints.

During submission to any MDPI journal, authors have the option to share their research as a preprint. After an initial screening, the manuscript is available online in 48 hours or less. Once online, preprints can be downloaded, shared, commented on, and cited, providing authors maximum visibility.

We invite you to join the ranks of the over 100k researchers using and share your research.

For more information, please visit

9 January 2023
Prof. Dr. Shibo Jiang Appointed Associate Editor of the “SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19” Section in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Shibo Jiang has been appointed Associate Editor of the “SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19” Section in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). We wish Prof. Dr. Shibo Jiang every success in his new position and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

Name: Prof. Dr. Shibo Jiang
Affiliation: Key Laboratory of Medical Molecular Virology (MOE/NHC/CAMS), School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
Interests: HIV; coronaviruses; viral fusion; viral entry; vaccine development

Research on the following topics is welcome in this Section:

  • COVID-19;
  • SARS-CoV-2;
  • Immunity;
  • Diseases;
  • Epidemiology and evolution;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Bat virus;
  • Vaccine design;
  • Antiviral drug design;
  • Treatment;
  • Diagnosis;
  • Prevention, prognosis and therapeutics;
  • Clinical, medical and medicina;
  • Public health research;
  • Reverse genetics;
  • Innate immunity;
  • Adaptive immunity;
  • Virus-host interactions;
  • Animal models.

For more information about the “SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19” Section, please visit the following link:

9 January 2023
Prof. Dr. Anthony V. Nicola Appointed Associate Editor of Section “Human Virology and Viral Diseases” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Anthony V. Nicola has been appointed Associate Editor of the “Human Virology and Viral Diseases” Section in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). We wish Prof. Dr. Anthony V. Nicola every success in his new position and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

Name: Prof. Dr. Anthony V. Nicola
Affiliation: Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA
Interests: virology; virus–cell interactions; viral entry; herpesviruses; herpes simplex virus; membrane fusion; viral glycoproteins

Viruses have caused some of the most dramatic and deadly disease pandemics and epidemics the world has known. Subsequently, most of these causing agents have become common viruses with different epidemiological trends. The most recent trend has focused on emerging and re-emerging viruses and our related preparedness and responses. However, human virology goes beyond (re)-emerging viral diseases. This Section aims at addressing all aspects of human viruses, medical virology, and virus-induced clinical diseases. All types of manuscripts addressing a broad range of topics including epidemiology, prevention, diagnostics, and treatment will be considered in this Section. Manuscripts must represent original and significant contributions.

Prof. Dr. Anthony V. Nicola has led a Special Issue for Viruses, “Viral Entry Pathways”, in which more than ten feature papers have been published.

For more information about the “Human Virology and Viral Diseases” Section, please visit the following link:

9 January 2023
Prof. Dr. Satya Parida Appointed Associate Editor of Section “Animal Viruses” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Satya Parida has been appointed Associate Editor of the “Animal Viruses” Section in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). We wish Prof. Dr. Satya Parida every success in his new position and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

Name: Prof. Dr. Satya Parida
Affiliation: Laboratory and Vaccine Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy
Interests: peste des petits ruminants virus; PPRV; FMDV; vaccines; pathogenesis of PPRV

This Section concerns viruses infecting animals and mechanistic studies of viral structure, entry, gene expression, and genome replication, assembly, and exit. Studies on virus–host interactions, innate immune responses, viral transformation, viral transmission, population dynamics, and evolution are also considered in this Section.

Prof. Dr. Satya Parida is leading two Special Issues for Viruses, “Global Foot-and-Mouth Disease Control” and “Peste des Petits Ruminants (PPR) Eradication: Improved Understanding of Epidemiology, Diagnostics and Vaccine Efficacy, Volume II”, in which more than twenty feature papers have been published.

For more information about the “Animal Viruses” Section, please visit the following link:

9 January 2023
Prof. Dr. Akira Ono Appointed Associate Editor of Section “Animal Viruses” in Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Akira Ono has been appointed Associate Editor of the “Animal Viruses” Section in Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). We wish Prof. Dr. Akira Ono every success in his new position and we look forward to his contributions to the journal.

Name: Prof. Dr. Akira Ono
Affiliation: Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA
Interests: assembly of enveloped viruses including retroviruses; lipid membrane–protein interactions; RNA–protein interactions; cell contact-mediated virus spread; virion incorporation of host proteins

This Section concerns viruses infecting animals and mechanistic studies of viral structure, entry, gene expression, and genome replication, assembly, and exit. Studies on virus–host interactions, innate immune responses, viral transformation, viral transmission, population dynamics, and evolution are also considered in this Section.

Prof. Dr. Akira Ono has led two Special Issues for Viruses, “Role of Lipids in Virus Replication” and “The 11th International Retroviral Nucleocapsid and Assembly Symposium”, in which more than ten feature papers have been published.

For more information about the “Animal Viruses” Section, please visit the following link:

22 December 2022
Special Issue Mentor Program

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative—the MDPI Special Issue Mentor Program.

This program will enable early career researchers (who must hold a Ph.D. in a related field) to experience editing a Special Issue in MDPI journals, under the mentorship of our experienced Editorial Board Members or other experienced scientists. The mentor program will provide an excellent opportunity for early career scientists to gain editorial experience, and to cultivate their ability to edit scientific research.

The mentee’s responsibilities include:

  • Proposing a Special Issue title and assisting the mentor in preparing a summary (around 200–400 words) and 3–10 keywords describing the background, importance, and goal of the Issue;
  • Writing a brief promotion plan for the Special Issue;
  • Preparing a list of scholars who may be interested in the Issue and personally e-mailing invitations on behalf of Guest Editors;
  • Writing an editorial for the online Special Issue together with the mentor.

The mentor’s responsibilities include:

  • Conducting a final check before the Special Issue is published online;
  • Performing editorial control of the Special Issue and quality control of the publications, both of which must be carried out in a timely manner;
  • Providing suggestions to younger scholars if they have any doubts or concerns regarding submissions;
  • Organizing video calls with young scholars and the Editorial Office regularly to discuss problems and improvement suggestions for the Special Issue;
  • Making and submitting decisions regarding submissions with the assistance of mentees.

Certificates and awards:
After the Special Issue closes, the Editorial Office will provide official certificates for all the mentors and early career researchers.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your Special Issue proposal to the Editorial Office of a journal you choose, and we will discuss the process (i.e., mentor collaboration, Special Issue topic feasibility analysis, etc.) in further detail. The full list of MDPI journals is as follows:

In addition to the new Special Issue Mentor Program, we will continue to welcome all Special Issue proposals focusing on hot research topics.

14 December 2022
"Thanks a Million!" – One Million Articles Published in MDPI Journals

MDPI has just become the first open access (OA) publisher to reach the milestone of one million articles published. That is one million articles freely available to all, to circulate and build upon! We are proud to share this special moment with the global scientific community.

This landmark has been reached thanks to the immeasurable support of more than 600,000 expert reviewers, 66,000 editorial board members and 6700 hard-working colleagues across MDPI’s global offices.

Within more than 25 years of publishing, our journals received 2.1 million manuscripts and generated 4.6 million peer review reports to get to one million papers published.

1 Million Infographic

Reaching the milestone of one million articles published reinforces our mission to remove any existing barriers and to make scientific research accessible to all. Since its inception, MDPI’s goal has been to create reliable processes to make science open. This is a path towards facilitating the dissemination of novel insights in scientific communities.

Regular feedback from authors and reviewers shows that our service is greatly appreciated and needed. At the same time, the feedback helps us identify areas for further improvement.

As it stands, a significant share of published research findings remain closed access. More than half of the content published with the most well-known legacy publishers stays behind a paywall, and that is not including articles published in hybrid OA journals, or made available months or years after publication.

A new policy announced by the US administration in August 2022 requires that, as of January 2026, all US federally funded research be made freely and immediately available after publication. While the new policy does not mandate articles be published under an open access license, it is aligned with the open access movement in removing all barriers to research. Similarly, some of the most advanced research institutions in the world intend to have all funded research articles published in open access by 2025.

MDPI is proud to be the leading agent of the transition to open access.

"Thanks a Million" to all the contributors!

8 December 2022
MDPI Sustainability Foundation: New Look and Nominations for the 2023 Sustainability Awards Now Open

We are pleased to announce that the website of the MDPI Sustainability Foundation has been revamped! For the past couple of months, our UX UI team and front-end developers have been working hard to launch the website in time for the opening of the Sustainability Awards nominations.

The website is not the only thing that has had a remodeling. Indeed, the format of the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award (ESLA) has been updated. ESLA is now a competition open to individual researchers or start-ups founded by researchers under the age of 35. Nominee applications will go through 2 rounds of selection until the final 3 are decided. The finalists will then be invited to give pitch presentations during the Award Ceremony to win either first place (10,000 USD) or runner-up (2 x 5000 USD).

The World Sustainability Award, on the other hand, remains the same: a total prize money of 100,000 USD is up for grabs by senior individual researchers or groups of researchers from the international research community.

Nominations for both the World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader award are now open! Check out our new website for more information on how to nominate.

5 December 2022
Viruses | Seeking Cooperation with Academic Conferences

Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) is an open access journal that provides an advanced forum for studies of viruses. It publishes reviews, regular research papers, communications, conference reports, and short notes. Our aim is to publish papers that have a significant impact on the virology community. We encourage scientists to publish their experimental and theoretical results in as much detail as possible.

The full experimental details must be provided so that the results can be reproduced. There is no restriction on the length of the papers. We also encourage the publication of timely reviews and commentaries on topics of interest to the virology community. Papers are either published in the open journal or in Special Issues devoted to specific topics of interest to the field. We accept proposals for review articles that are not part of Special Issues.

In order to support the scientific community and contribute to the faster distribution of important scientific research, Viruses has cooperated with various academic conferences and is now seeking cooperation with additional academic conferences. The journal is open to a diverse range of collaborations, such as media partnerships, awards, exhibitions, and publications.

The scope of Viruses includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Virus, viruses, virion, virology, virological, viral, viral infections, virologist;
  • Virus classification;
  • Virus-like agents, viroids, prions;
  • Bacteriophage;
  • Vaccines, viral immunology;
  • Antiviral drugs, antiviral therapy, antiviral drug development;
  • Origin of viruses, viral evolution;
  • Virus structures, genomes;
  • Virus dynamics, mathematical and simulation models of virus infections.

We welcome consultations with any conferences related to Viruses. If you are interested in collaborating with Viruses, please contact us at [email protected].

1 December 2022
Editorial Board Members from Viruses Featured in the 2022 Highly Cited Researchers List Published by Clarivate

Recently, ClarivateTM revealed its 2022 list of Highly Cited Researchers™—Individuals at universities, research institutes and commercial organizations.

The scientists who were selected into this year’s list of Highly Cited Researchers have published highly cited papers in the 11-year period from January 2011 to December 2021, with citation frequency in the top 1% of academic subjects and the same year of publication in the Web of ScienceTM database. Based on Web of Science Citation data, 6,938 researchers from across the globe who have demonstrated a disproportionate level of significant and broad influence in their chosen field or fields over the last decade have been awarded Highly Cited Researcher 2022 designations. The list is truly global, spanning 69 countries or regions and spread across a diverse range of research sciences and social sciences.

According to statistics, 8 members of the Editorial Board of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) have been selected into the list of Highly Cited Researchers of Clarivate in 2022. They are being recognized for their high-quality scientific research achievements and outstanding contributions to professional fields. The Viruses journal office sincerely congratulates all elected Editorial Board Members and hopes that they continue to have an academically productive relationship with the journal.



Prof. Dr. Ke Lan

Wuhan University, China

Prof. Dr. Mark J. Mulligan

NYU Langone Vaccine Center, USA

Prof. Dr. Nikos Vasilakis

University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

Prof. Dr. Stanley Perlman

University of Iowa, USA

Prof. Dr. Yu Chen

Wuhan University, China

Prof. Dr. Shibo Jiang

Fudan University, China

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pöhlmann

German Primate Center, Germany

Prof. Dr. Guy Smagghe

Ghent University, Belgium

8 November 2022
Editorial Board Members from Viruses Featured in Stanford’s List of the World’s Top 2% Scientists

Stanford University has recently published an update of the list of the top 2% most widely cited scientists—the World’s Top 2% Scientists.

The time node of the statistical data of this list is from 1960 to 2022, and it is divided into two lists: "Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking" and "2022 Annual Scientific Influence Ranking". The "Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking" counts the comprehensive influence performance of scientists during their careers, and the "2022 Annual Influence Ranking" focuses on highlighting the academic influence of scientists in the previous year. This ranking, considered the most prestigious worldwide, is based on the bibliometric information contained in the Scopus database and includes more than 200,000 researchers from the more than 10 million scientists considered to be active worldwide, with 22 scientific fields and 176 subfields taken into account.

We are pleased to share that 83 Editorial Board Members from MDPI’s journal Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) were featured in Stanford University’s list of World’s Top 2% Scientists in 2022.



Dr. Akira Ono

University of Michigan, USA

Prof. Dr. Alexander Bukreyev

University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

Prof. Dr. Andrew Pekosz

Johns Hopkins University, USA

Prof. Dr. Alexander Ploss

Princeton University, USA

Prof. Dr. Artur Summerfield

Institute of Virology and Immunology (IVI), Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Ayato Takada

Hokkaido University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Barbara Baker

University of California, USA

Dr. Birke Bartosch

Centre de recherche en cancérologie de Lyon, France

Dr. Krisztián Bányai

Veterinary Medical Research Institute, Hungary

Dr. Covadonga Alonso

Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria, Spain

Prof. Dr. Charles Grose

University of Iowa, USA

Prof. Dr. Hualan Chen

Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China

Prof. Dr. Yu Chen

Wuhan University, China

Prof. Dr. Christopher S. Sullivan

The University of Texas at Austin, USA

Prof. Dr. Clinton Jones

Oklahoma State University, USA

Prof. Dr. Craig Meyers

Pennsylvania State College of Medicine, USA

Prof. Dr. Craig E. Cameron

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Dr. Craig McCormick

Dalhousie University, Canada

Prof. Dr. Henryk H. Czosnek

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Dr. Blossom Damania

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Dr. Daniel DiMaio

Yale University, USA

Dr. Daniel L. Rock

the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

Prof. Dr. Terje Dokland

University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA

Dr. Eric O. Freed

National Cancer Institute, USA

Dr. Eugene V. Ryabov

Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, USDA, USA

Prof. Dr. Giorgio Palù

University of Padova, Italy

Prof. Dr. Guangxiang Luo

University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, USA

Prof. Dr. Graciela Andrei

Rega Institute for Medical Research, Belgium

Prof. Dr. Haitao Guo

University of Pittsburgh, USA

Prof. Dr. Guy Smagghe

Ghent University, Belgium

Dr. Helle Bielefeldt-Ohmann

The University of Queensland, Australia

Dr. Hernan Garcia-Ruiz

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, USA

Dr. Jason Kindrachuk

University of Manitoba, Canada

Prof. Dr. Jianming Hu

Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, USA

Prof. Dr. K. Andrew White

York University, Canada

Prof. Dr. Ke Lan

Wuhan University, China

Dr. Koichi Watashi

National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan

Prof. Dr. Lennart Svensson

Linköping University, Sweden

Prof. Dr. Shuwen Liu

Southern Medical University, China

Dr. Luis Martinez-Sobrido

Texas Biomedical Research Institute, San Antonio, USA

Dr. Luis Menéndez-Arias

Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

Dr. Kenneth Lundstrom

PanTherapeutics, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Michael J. Buchmeier

University of California, USA

Prof. Dr. Marc Kvansakul

La Trobe University, Australia

Prof. Dr. Louis M. Mansky

University of Minnesota, USA

Prof. Dr. Mark J. Mulligan

NYU Grossman School of Medicine, USA

Dr. Markus Thali

University of Vermont, USA

Prof. Dr. Matthias J. Schnell

Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University, USA

Dr. Maurizia Rossana Brunetto

University Hospital of Pisa, Italy

Prof. Dr. Mikael Skurnik

Medicum, University of Helsinki, Finland

Prof. Dr. Manuel Ramos-Casals

Department of Autoimmune Diseases, ICMID, Hospital Clinic, Spain

Prof. Dr. Niklas Arnberg

Umeå University, Sweden

Prof. Dr. Nikos Vasilakis

University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

Prof. Dr. Norbert Nowotny

University of Veterinary Medicine, Austria

Prof. Dr. Nancy Raab-Traub

University of North Carolina, USA

Prof. Dr. Nobuhiro Suzuki

Okayama University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Fackler

University Hospital Heidelberg, Germany

Prof. Dr. Peng Zhou

Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

Prof. Dr. Polly Roy

London School of Hygiene, UK

Dr. Rollie J. Clem

Kansas State University, USA

Prof. Dr. Regina Hofmann-Lehmann

University of Zurich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Rob Lavigne

KU Leuven, Belgium

Prof. Dr. Robert Thimme

University Hospital Freiburg, Germany

Dr. Romain Paillot

Writtle University College, UK

Prof. Dr. Satya Parida

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy

Prof. Dr. Shibo Jiang

Fudan University, China

Prof. Dr. Shinji Makino

The University of Texas Medical Branch, USA

Prof. Dr. Shannon C. Kenney

University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA

Prof. Dr. Mark K. Slifka

Oregon Health & Science University, USA

Prof. Dr. Stefan Pöhlmann

Infection Biology Unit, German Primate Center, Germany

Prof. Dr. Stanley Perlman

University of Iowa, USA

Prof. Dr. Akinori Takaoka

Hokkaido University, Japan

Prof. Dr. Hengli Tang

Florida State University, USA

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hohn

University of Basel, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. Tina Dalianis

Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

Prof. Dr. Toshiki Watanabe

St. Marianna University Graduate School, Japan

Prof. Dr. Enzo Tramontano

University of Cagliari, Italy

Prof. Dr. Bin He

University of Illinois, USA

Dr. Ulrich Desselberger

University of Cambridge, UK

Dr. Volker Nickeleit

The University of North Carolina School of Medicine, USA

Prof. Dr. Volker Lohmann

University of Heidelberg, Germany

Dr. Weiyong Liu

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Dr. Zongdi Feng

The Ohio State University College of Medicine, USA

The latest Stanford rankings reflect the significant influence and research excellence of the scientists, who are committed to furthering their knowledge for the benefit of the world.

We would like to congratulate our Editorial Board Members on their excellent achievement and thank them for their immense contribution to the scientific progression and development of Viruses.

1 November 2022
Viruses | Editor’s Choice Articles in 2020–2021

We are pleased to invite you to read the Editor’s Choice Articles of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915). A list of the high-quality and interesting papers that were specifically recommended by our Editorial Board Members can be found at the following link:

The papers list is as follows:

“The Anticoagulant Nafamostat Potently Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 S Protein-Mediated Fusion in a Cell Fusion Assay System and Viral Infection In Vitro in a Cell-Type-Dependent Manner”
by Mizuki Y., Maki K. et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(6), 629;
Available online:

“Semipersistently Transmitted, Phloem Limited Plant Viruses Are Inoculated during the First Subphase of Intracellular Stylet Penetrations in Phloem Cells”
by Jaime J., Aránzazu M. and Alberto F.
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 137;
Available online:

“Global Metabolic Profiling of Baculovirus Infection in Silkworm Hemolymph Shows the Importance of Amino-Acid Metabolism”
by Min F., Shigang F., Junming X., Mengmeng Z., Hongyun W., Luc S. and Jingchen S.
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 841;
Available online:

“Microglial HIV-1 Expression: Role in HIV-1 Associated Neurocognitive Disorders”
by Hailong L., Kristen A. M., Jessica M. I., Charles F. M. and Rosemarie M. B.
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 924;
Available online:

“Tracking HIV-1-Infected Cell Clones Using Integration Site-Specific qPCR”
by Leah D. B., Shuang G. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1235;
Available online:

“Modular Evolution of Coronavirus Genomes”
by Yulia V., Andrei D., Jan F. D. and Alexander L.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1270;
Available online:

“A New Master Donor Virus for the Development of Live-Attenuated Influenza B Virus Vaccines”
by Chantelle L. W., Kevin C., Daniel R. P., Jefferson S., Stivalis C. G., Aitor N. and Luis M. S.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1278;
Available online:

“Molecular Evolution and Epidemiological Characteristics of SARS COV-2 in (Northwestern) Poland”
by Karol S., Andrzej O. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1295;
Available online:

“Effects of Basic Amino Acids and Their Derivatives on SARS-CoV-2 and Influenza-A Virus Infection”
by Ivonne M., Li-Lan K., Yan-Chung L., Po-Wei S., Ni T. and Wen-Chi S.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1301;
Available online:

“A Diverse Viral Community from Predatory Wasps in Their Native and Invaded Range, with a New Virus Infectious to Honey Bees“
by Emily J. R., James W. B., Mariana B., Jana D., Oliver Q., Monica A. M. G. and Philip J. L.
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1431;
Available online:  

“Characterization of the Roles of SGT1/RAR1, EDS1/NDR1, NPR1, and NRC/ADR1/NRG1 in Sw-5b-Mediated Resistance to Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus”
by Zhengqiang C., Qian W., Cong T., Hongyu C., Dan M., Xin Q., Xiaohui Z., Lei J. and Xiaorong T.
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1447;
Available online:

“Understanding the Genetic Diversity of Picobirnavirus: A Classification Update Based on Phylogenetic and Pairwise Sequence Comparison Approaches”

by Lester J. P., Gavin A. C. and Michael G. B.
Viruses 2021, 13(8), 1476;
Available online:

“An Absolutely Conserved Tryptophan in the Stem of the Envelope Protein E of Flaviviruses Is Essential for the Formation of Stable Particles”
by Iris M., Franz X. H. and Karin S.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1727;
Available online:

“Examining the Effects of an Anti-Salmonella Bacteriophage Preparation, BAFASAL®, on Ex-Vivo Human Gut Microbiome Composition and Function Using a Multi-Omics Approach”
by Janice M., Xu Z., James B., Krystal W., Zhibin N., Ewelina W., Jarosław D., Alain S. and Daniel F.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1734;
Available online:

“Structure-Guided Creation of an Anti-HA Stalk Antibody F11 Derivative That Neutralizes Both F11-Sensitive and -Resistant Influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 Viruses“
by Osamu K., Yasushi S. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1733;
Available online:

“Report of One-Year Prospective Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Dogs and Cats in France with Various Exposure Risks: Confirmation of a Low Prevalence of Shedding, Detection and Complete Sequencing of an Alpha Variant in a Cat”
by Emilie K., Solène D. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1759;
Available online:

“Histotype-Dependent Oligodendroglial PrP Pathology in Sporadic CJD: A Frequent Feature of the M2C “Strain”
by Ellen G., Sigrid K., Nuria V. R., Gerda R., Günther R., Thomas S., Ognian K., Marlene L., Herbert B. and Gabor G. K.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1796;
Available online:

“The Isolated in Utero Environment Is Conducive to the Emergence of RNA and DNA Virus Variants”
by Daniel U., Ivan T.,  Henry M., Nathalie B. and Uladzimir K.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1827;
Available online:

“Phylogenomic Characterization of Lopma Virus and Praja Virus, Two Novel Rodent-Borne Arteriviruses”
by Bert V., Zafeiro Z., Sophie G., Joëlle G. B., Bram V., Philippe L., Piet M. and Magda B.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1842;
Available online:

“The Pathobiology of H7N3 Low and High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses from the United States Outbreak in 2020 Differs between Turkeys and Chickens”
by Miriã F. C., Christina M. L. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1851;
Available online:

“VP8, the Major Tegument Protein of Bovine Herpesvirus-1, Is Partially Packaged during Early Tegument Formation in a VP22-Dependent Manner”
by Soumya S., Kuan Z. and Sylvia D. L. H.
Viruses 2021, 13(9), 1854;
Available online:

“Reduced Infection Efficiency of Phage NCTC 12673 on Non-Motile Campylobacter jejuni Strains Is Related to Oxidative Stress”
by Jessica C. S., Muhammad A. J., Clay S. C., James B., Annika F., Alain S. and Christine M. S.
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 1955;
Available online:

“Phage Therapy Related Microbial Succession Associated with Successful Clinical Outcome for a Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection”
by Austen T., Justin C., Maile K., Haroldo H. S., Sabrina G., Saima A. and Anthony M.
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2049;
Available online:

“Spillover of West Caucasian Bat Lyssavirus (WCBV) in a Domestic Cat and Westward Expansion in the Palearctic Region”
by Stefania L., Ettore B. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2064;
Available online:

“Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and 2 Infections during Differentiation of Human Cortical Neurons”
by Petra B., Edward T. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(10), 2072;
Available online:

“Comparison of the Proteomes of Porcine Macrophages and a Stable Porcine Cell Line after Infection with African Swine Fever Virus”
by Elisabeth W., Walter F., Luise H., Ulrike B., Sandra B., Thomas C. M. and Axel K.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2198;
Available online:

“SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein S1-Mediated Endothelial Injury and Pro-Inflammatory State Is Amplified by Dihydrotestosterone and Prevented by Mineralocorticoid Antagonism”
by Nitin K., Yu Z., Srilakshmi Y., Kristina L. H., Jason S. K., Yogendra K., Andrea T. O. and Santhi K. G.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2209;
Available online:

“Downregulation of Cell Surface Major Histocompatibility Complex Class I Expression Is Mediated by the Left-End Transcription Unit of Fowl Adenovirus 9”
by Bryan D. G., Juan C. C., Yanlong P. and Éva N.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2211;
Available online:

“Impact of Phage CDHS-1 on the Transcription, Physiology and Pathogenicity of a Clostridioides difficile Ribotype 027 Strain, R20291”
by Janet Y. N., Thekra S. A-T., Shaun H. and Martha R. J. C.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2262;
Available online:

“Analyses of Leishmania-LRV Co-Phylogenetic Patterns and Evolutionary Variability of Viral Proteins”
by Alexei Y. K., Danyil G., Yulia K., Daniil S. C., Alexander N. L., Evgeny S. G. and Vyacheslav Y.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2305;
Available online:

“Heterogeneity of Early Host Response to Infection with Four Low-Pathogenic H7 Viruses with a Different Evolutionary History in the Field”
by Gianpiero Z., Alice B. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(11), 2323;
Available online:

“Plasma Proteome Fingerprints Reveal Distinctiveness and Clinical Outcome of SARS-CoV-2 Infection”
by Wolfgang B., Marcus W. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2456;
Available online:

“Characterization and Tissue Tropism of Newly Identified Iflavirus and Negeviruses in Glossina morsitans morsitans Tsetse Flies”
by Irene K. M., Hannah-Isadora H. et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(12), 2472;
Available online:


13 October 2022
Viruses 2022 Early Career Investigator Award—Open for Nominations

We are pleased to announce that Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) is now welcoming nominations for the Viruses 2022 Early Career Investigator Award. This prize will be awarded to two early career investigators demonstrating excellence in virology. The nominations will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee chaired by the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, Dr. Eric O. Freed.


  • Prize of CHF 1000;
  • Invitation to publish one paper free of charge in the journal in 2023, following peer review;
  • An invitation to speak at the Viruses international virology conference in 2024, and an engraved plaque.

Award Terms and Conditions:

  • Nominees should be early career researchers with untenured positions who are within 10 years of having completed their most recent degree (Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent);
  • Nominees must have produced ground-breaking research and made a significant contribution to the field of virology.

List of Documents for Nomination:

  • A detailed curriculum vitae, including an updated publication list;
  • Signed nomination letters and letters of recommendation from two established senior scientists.

Find more information about the award and how to nominate here.

To request further information, please contact the Viruses Editorial Office ([email protected]).

28 September 2022
Peer Review Week 2022 – Research Integrity: Creating and Supporting Trust in Research

Peer Review Week began 19 September 2022 under the theme of “Research Integrity: Creating and Supporting Trust in Research”. Through various blog articles, podcast, and webinar, we discussed this crucial subject throughout the week, celebrating the essential role peer review plays in maintaining research quality.

To begin, we held a Webinar on the topic. Professor Peter W. Choate and Dr. Emmanuel Obeng-Gyasi joined Dr. Ioana Craciun, one of MDPI’s scientific officers, for an in-depth discussion.

We invite you to view the event recording:

During the week, the MDPI Blog in a series articles highlighted how good Peer Review safeguards research integrity. The following topics were covered:

In a new edition of Insight Faster, an MDPI podcast, we were delighted to talk to the co-chairs of the Peer Review Week committee, Jayashree Rajagopalan (Senior Manager of Global Community Engagement for CACTUS) and Danielle Padula (Head of Marketing and Community Development at Scholastica) to get their take on this year’s event and its related topics.

You can find the Podcast here.

We hope you enjoy the contents!

14 September 2022
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2021

1. “Impaired Humoral Response in Renal Transplant Recipients to SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination with BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech)”
by Johannes Korth et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(5), 756;
Available online:
Cited by 92 | Viewed by 2845

2. “Domains and Functions of Spike Protein in SARS-Cov-2 in the Context of Vaccine Design”
by Xuhua Xia
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 109;
Available online:
Cited by 91 | Viewed by 16009

3. “Neuroinvasion and Encephalitis Following Intranasal Inoculation of SARS-CoV-2 in K18-hACE2 Mice”
by Pratima Kumari et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(1), 132;
Available online:
Cited by 82 | Viewed by 30382

4. “Antibody Response to the BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine in Subjects with Prior SARS-CoV-2 Infection”
by Federico Gobbi et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 422;
Available online:
Cited by 80 | Viewed by 12495

5. “Immune Evasion of SARS-CoV-2 Emerging Variants: What Have We Learnt So Far?”
by Ivana Lazarevic et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(7), 1192;
Available online:
Cited by 79 | Viewed by 8279

6. “A Roadmap for Genome-Based Phage Taxonomy”
by Dann Turner et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 506;
Available online:
Cited by 75 | Viewed by 5498

7. “Attitudes towards Anti-SARS-CoV2 Vaccination among Healthcare Workers: Results from a National Survey in Italy”
by Francesco Di Gennaro et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 371;
Available online:
Cited by 72 | Viewed by 3020

8. “Long-COVID and Post-COVID Health Complications: An Up-to-Date Review on Clinical Conditions and Their Possible Molecular Mechanisms”
by Bruno Silva Andrade et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 700;
Available online:
Cited by 69 | Viewed by 12025

9. “Structure-Function Analyses of New SARS-CoV-2 Variants B.1.1.7, B.1.351 and B. Clinical, Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Public Health Implications”
by Jasdeep Singh et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(3), 439;
Available online:
Cited by 65 | Viewed by 5564

10. “Glycyrrhizin Effectively Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 Replication by Inhibiting the Viral Main Protease”
by Lukas van de Sand et al.
Viruses 2021, 13(4), 609;
Available online:
Cited by 59 | Viewed by 4984

14 September 2022
Viruses | Top Cited Papers in 2020

1. “Virology, Epidemiology, Pathogenesis, and Control of COVID-19”
by Yuefei Jin et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(4), 372;
Available online:
Cited by 751 | Viewed by 75036

2. “Preliminary Identification of Potential Vaccine Targets for the COVID-19 Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Based on SARS-CoV Immunological Studies”
by Syed Faraz Ahmed et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(3), 254;
Available online:
Cited by 687 | Viewed by 59383

3. “Return of the Coronavirus: 2019-nCoV”
by Lisa E. Gralinski et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(2), 135;
Available online:
Cited by 684 | Viewed by 91557

4. “Potential Maternal and Infant Outcomes from Coronavirus 2019-nCoV (SARS-CoV-2) Infecting Pregnant Women: Lessons from SARS, MERS, and Other Human Coronavirus Infections”
by David A. Schwartz et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(2), 194;
Available online:
Cited by 545 | Viewed by 32959

5. “Systematic Comparison of Two Animal-to-Human Transmitted Human Coronaviruses: SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV”
by Jiabao Xu et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(2), 244;
Available online:
Cited by 399 | Viewed by 37502

6. “Protocol and Reagents for Pseudotyping Lentiviral Particles with SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein for Neutralization Assays”
by Katharine H. D. Crawford et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(5), 513;
Available online:
Cited by 341 | Viewed by 13192

7. “Challenges in Laboratory Diagnosis of the Novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2”
by Nadin Younes et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(6), 582;
Available online:
Cited by 202 | Viewed by 13646

8. “Structural Genomics of SARS-CoV-2 Indicates Evolutionary Conserved Functional Regions of Viral Proteins”
by Suhas Srinivasan et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(4), 360;
Available online:
Cited by 134 | Viewed by 16756

9. “The Anticoagulant Nafamostat Potently Inhibits SARS-CoV-2 S Protein-Mediated Fusion in a Cell Fusion Assay System and Viral Infection In Vitro in a Cell-Type-Dependent Manner”
by Mizuki Yamamoto et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(6), 629;
Available online:
Cited by 133 | Viewed by 4236

10. “SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19: Viral Genomics, Epidemiology, Vaccines, and Therapeutic Interventions”
by Mohammed Uddin et al.
Viruses 2020, 12(5), 526;
Available online:
Cited by 125 | Viewed by 14756

28 June 2022
2021 Impact Factors - Released

The 2021 citation metrics have been released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), and we’re pleased to announce the following results for MDPI journals:

Journal Impact Factor Rank Category
Antioxidants 7.675 Q1 Food Science & Technology
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Chemistry, Medicinal
Cells 7.666 Q2 Cell Biology
Nutrients 6.706 Q1 Nutrition & Dietetics
Cancers 6.575 Q1 Oncology
Pharmaceutics 6.525 Q1 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 6.208 Q1 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Q2 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Marine Drugs 6.085 Q1 Chemistry, Medicinal
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Biomolecules 6.064 Q2 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Batteries * 5.938 Q2 Electrochemistry
Energy & Fuels
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Viruses 5.818 Q2 Virology
Biosensors 5.743 Q1 Chemistry, Analytical
Instruments & Instrumentation
Q2 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Journal of Fungi 5.724 Q1 Mycology
Q2 Microbiology
Nanomaterials 5.719 Q1 Physics, Applied
Q2 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Metabolites 5.581 Q2 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Foods 5.561 Q1 Food Science & Technology
Drones * 5.532 Q2 Remote Sensing
Remote Sensing 5.349 Q1 Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Imaging Science & Photographic Technology
Q2 Remote Sensing
Environmental Sciences
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 5.318 Q2 Business
Antibiotics 5.222 Q1 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Q2 Infectious Diseases
Pharmaceuticals 5.215 Q1 Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Q2 Chemistry, Medicinal
Biology 5.168 Q1 Biology
Fermentation 5.123 Q2 Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Toxins 5.075 Q1 Toxicology
Q2 Food Science & Technology
Bioengineering * 5.046 Q2 Engineering, Biomedical
Polymers 4.967 Q1 Polymer Science
Journal of Clinical Medicine 4.964 Q2 Medicine, General & Internal
Vaccines 4.961 Q2 Immunology
Medicine, Research & Experimental
Molecules 4.927 Q2 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Microorganisms 4.926 Q2 Microbiology
Journal of Functional Biomaterials * 4.901 Q2 Engineering, Biomedical
Materials Science, Biomaterials
Biomedicines 4.757 Q2 Medicine, Research & Experimental
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Plants 4.658 Q1 Plant Sciences
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 4.614 Q1 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI)
Q2 Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SCIE)
Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
Membranes 4.562 Q1 Polymer Science
Q2 Engineering, Chemical
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Chemistry, Physical
Pathogens 4.531 Q2 Microbiology
Catalysts 4.501 Q2 Chemistry, Physical
Toxics 4.472 Q2 Toxicology
Environmental Sciences
Gels 4.432 Q1 Polymer Science
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease 4.415 Q2 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
Chemosensors 4.229 Q1 Instruments & Instrumentation
Q2 Chemistry, Analytical
Q3 Electrochemistry
Genes 4.141 Q2 Genetics & Heredity
Diagnostics 3.992 Q2 Medicine, General & Internal
Agronomy 3.949 Q1 Agronomy
Plant Sciences
Land 3.905 Q2 Environmental Studies
Sustainability 3.889 Q2 Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
Environmental Studies (SSCI)
Q3 Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SCIE)
Q4 Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SSCI)
Sensors 3.847 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Chemistry, Analytical
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Materials 3.748 Q1 Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Q2 Physics, Applied
Physics, Condensed Matter
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Chemistry, Physical
Biomimetics * 3.743 Q2 Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Q3 Materials Science, Biomaterials
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease * 3.711 Q1 Tropical Medicine
Q2 Parasitology
Q3 Infectious Diseases
Lubricants * 3.584 Q2 Engineering, Mechanical
Fractal and Fractional 3.577 Q1 Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications
Water 3.530 Q2 Water Resources
Q3 Environmental Sciences
Micromachines 3.523 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Physics, Applied
Chemistry, Analytical
Q3 Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Journal of Personalized Medicine 3.508 Q2 Medicine, General & Internal
Health Care Sciences & Services
Agriculture 3.408 Q1 Agronomy
Processes 3.352 Q2 Engineering, Chemical
Separations 3.344 Q2 Chemistry, Analytical
Magnetochemistry 3.336 Q2 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
Q3 Chemistry, Physical
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Brain Sciences 3.333 Q3 Neurosciences
Buildings 3.324 Q2 Construction & Building Technology
Engineering, Civil
Forests 3.282 Q1 Forestry
Energies 3.252 Q3 Energy & Fuels
Life 3.251 Q2 Biology
Coatings 3.236 Q2 Materials Science, Coatings & Films
Physics, Applied
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Animals 3.231 Q1 Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science
Veterinary Sciences
Journal of Intelligence * 3.176 Q2 Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Fishes 3.170 Q1 Marine & Freshwater Biology
Q2 Fisheries
Healthcare 3.160 Q2 Health Policy & Services (SSCI)
Health Care Sciences & Services (SCIE)
Inorganics * 3.149 Q2 Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
Insects 3.139 Q1 Entomology
Atmosphere 3.110 Q3 Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
Environmental Sciences
Current Oncology 3.109 Q3 Oncology
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 3.099 Q2 Geography, Physical
Q3 Computer Science, Information Systems
Remote Sensing
Diversity 3.029 Q2 Biodiversity Conservation
Tomography 3.000 Q3 Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
Current Issues in Molecular Biology 2.976 Q3 Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Medicina 2.948 Q3 Medicine, General & Internal
Symmetry 2.940 Q2 Multidisciplinary Sciences
Horticulturae 2.923 Q1 Horticulture
Machines 2.899 Q2 Engineering, Mechanical
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Systems * 2.895 Q2 Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary
Applied Sciences 2.838 Q2 Engineering, Multidisciplinary
Physics, Applied
Q3 Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Children 2.835 Q2 Pediatrics
Minerals 2.818 Q2 Mining & Mineral Processing
Geochemistry & Geophysics
Universe 2.813 Q2 Astronomy & Astrophysics
Q3 Physics, Particles & Fields
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2.744 Q1 Engineering, Marine
Q2 Oceanography
Engineering, Ocean
Entropy 2.738 Q2 Physics, Multidisciplinary
Fire * 2.726 Q2 Forestry
Q3 Ecology
Metals 2.695 Q2 Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Electronics 2.690 Q3 Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Computer Science, Information Systems
Physics, Applied
Crystals 2.670 Q2 Crystallography
Q3 Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Aerospace 2.660 Q1 Engineering, Aerospace
Mathematics 2.592 Q1 Mathematics
Photonics 2.536 Q3 Optics
Actuators 2.523 Q2 Instruments & Instrumentation
Q3 Engineering, Mechanical
Veterinary Sciences 2.518 Q2 Veterinary Sciences
Behavioral Sciences * 2.286 Q3 Psychology, Multidisciplinary
Axioms * 1.824 Q2 Mathematics, Applied

For more information on Impact Factors and what it means to index academic journals, please visit our related blog posts.


* Journals given their first Impact Factor in 2022

Source: 2021 Journal Impact Factors, Journal Citation Reports TM (Clarivate, 2022)


9 June 2022
2021 CiteScores - Released

The 2021 citation metrics have been officially released in Scopus!

We are pleased to announce that 182 MDPI journals are included, of which:

● 21 journals received their first CiteScore.
● 85% of journals increased their CiteScore from 2020.
● 155 journals (85%) ranked above average, in at least one category.

The following 65 MDPI journals (36%) ranked among the top 25% of journals, in at least one category:





Non-coding RNA




Journal of Functional Biomaterials



Biomedical Engineering

Marine Drugs



Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous)




Electrical and Electronic Engineering




Nutrition and Dietetics

Remote Sensing



General Earth and Planetary Sciences




Computer Science Applications

International Journal of Molecular Sciences



Inorganic Chemistry

Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks



Computer Networks and Communications




General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology




General Chemical Engineering




Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis




Infectious Diseases




Food Science




Civil and Structural Engineering




Nature and Landscape Conservation





Big Data and Cognitive Computing



Management Information Systems




Chemistry (miscellaneous)




Polymers and Plastics




Engineering (miscellaneous)




General Environmental Science

Smart Cities



Urban Studies

Future Internet



Computer Networks and Communications




Food Science




Plant Science




Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics




General Engineering

Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity




Colloids and Interfaces



Chemistry (miscellaneous)




Control and Optimization

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information



Geography, Planning and Development




Geography, Planning and Development








Control and Optimization

Soil Systems



Soil Science




General Earth and Planetary Sciences

Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing



Mechanical Engineering

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease



Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health




Geography, Planning and Development

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health



Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health




Physical Therapy, Sports Therapy and Rehabilitation




Mathematical Physics

Journal of Clinical Medicine



General Medicine




General Mathematics








Health Professions (miscellaneous)

Journal of Fungi



Plant Science




General Engineering





Journal of Intelligence







General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics




Applied Mathematics

Behavioral Sciences











Metals and Alloys





Social Sciences



General Social Sciences




General Mathematics

Fractal and Fractional







General Veterinary




Algebra and Number Theory








Religious Studies





Source: 2021 CiteScores™ (Elsevier)

2 June 2022
MDPI’s 2021 Outstanding Reviewer Awards in “Biology & Life Sciences”—Winners Announced

In order to acknowledge our reviewers, who so generously dedicate their time to reviewing papers and demonstrate diligence, professionalism, and timeliness when reviewing manuscripts, MDPI journals regularly offer outstanding reviewer awards to scholars who participate in the peer-review process.

We are proud to recognize winners for the year 2021 in the “Biology & Life Sciences” category for their outstanding contributions among extensive competition by presenting them with an Outstanding Reviewer Award.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the winners on their achievement.

MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community.


  • Enrico Vito Perrino, CIHEAM, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Italy
  • Dhirendra Kumar, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, Research Triangle Park, USA
  • Carlos A. Viegas, Univesity of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
  • Yuri Shavrukov, Flinders University, Australia
  • Bipin Gaihre, Mayo Clinic, USA

Brain Sciences:

  • Craig D. Workman, University of Iowa, USA
  • Vivian Ciaramitaro, University of Massachusetts Boston, USA
  • Yang Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA


  • Bonam Srinivasa Reddy, Université de Paris, France
  • Homma Takujiro, Yamagata University, Japan
  • Hwang, In Koo, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • Kobeissy Firas, University of Florida, USA
  • Rebelo, Sandra, University of Aveiro, Portugal


  • Günter Gollmann, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Stephan Koblmüller, University of Graz, Austria
  • Emiliano Mori, Istituto di Ricerca sugli Ecosistemi Terrestri, Italy


  • Joshua D. Klein, Agricultural Research Organization—The Volcani Center, Israel
  • Ana Cristina S Figueiredo, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal


  • Carmelo Peter Bonsignore, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria, Italy
  • Klaus H. Hoffmann, University of Bayreuth, Germany
  • Ivan Milosavljević, University of California, USA


  • Remigiusz Bachor, University of Wrocław, Poland
  • Nguyen Phuoc Long, Inje University College of Medicine, South Korea
  • Chi Chen, University of Minnesota, USA


  • Jadwiga Hamułka, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Poland
  • Grace Campbell, University of Sydney, Australia
  • Nicholas Norwitz, Harvard Medical School, USA
  • Stefan Kabisch, Charité University Hospital Berlin, Germany
  • Luis Rodrigo, University of Oviedo, Spain

Veterinary Sciences:

  • Carlos Viegas, Univesity of Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
  • Arvind Sharma, The University of Queensland, Australia

2 June 2022
MDPI’s 2021 Young Investigator Awards in “Biology & Life Sciences”—Winners Announced

MDPI’s Young Investigator Awards recognize promising junior researchers, acknowledge their contributions, and enhance communication among scientists. We are proud to present the 2021 winners in the “Biology & Life Sciences” category. The winners were selected by the journals’ editors.

We warmly congratulate the awarded young investigators for their outstanding contributions.

MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community.


  • Carlos Guzmán, University of Cordoba, Spain


  • Katharina Hohlbaum, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany


  • Uri Ben-David, Tel Aviv University, Israel


  • Enrico Lunghi, Institute of Zoology Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing, China


  • Guodong Zhang, University of Massachusetts Amherst, USA


  • Luke Bell, Temperate Horticulture, University of Reading, UK

International Journal of Molecular Sciences:

  • Alessandro D’Urso, University of Catania, Italy.
  • Apostolos Zaravinos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Cesar de la Fuente-Nunez, University of Pennsylvania, USA
  • Maria Teresa Caccamo, Messina University, Italy
  • Tiziana Bonifacino, University of Genoa, Italy

Journal of Fungi:

  • Federico Baltar, University of Vienna, Austria
  • Rebecca Drummond, University of Birmingham, UK
  • Miriam Oses-Ruiz, Public University of Navarre, Spain


  • João Pedro da Silva Machado Lobo, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Vincenzo Russo, University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy


  • Gabriele Rocchetti, Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Italy


  • Fiona Lavelle, Queen's University Belfast, UK
  • Matthew Snelson, Monash University, Australia


  • Si Ming Man, Australian National University, Australia
  • Jasper Fuk-Woo Chan, University of Hong Kong, China


  • Stefania Sut, University of Padova, Italy
  • Mohamed Ahmed El-Esawi, Tanta University, Tanta, Egypt


  • Nicholas M. Provine, University of Oxford, UK


  • Nicholas S. Heaton, Duke University, USA

2 June 2022
MDPI’s 2021 Travel Awards in “Biology & Life Sciences”—Winners Announced

We are proud to recognize the winners of MDPI’s 2021 Travel Awards in the “Biology & Life Sciences” category for their outstanding presentations and to present them with the prize.

MDPI journals regularly offer travel awards to encourage talented junior scientists to present their latest research at academic conferences in specific fields, which helps to increase their influence.

The winners mentioned below were carefully selected by the journal editors based on an outline of their research and the work to be presented at an academic conference.

We would like to warmly congratulate the winners of 2021 Travel Awards and wish them the greatest success with their future research endeavors. MDPI will continue to enhance communication among scientists.


  • Zahra Bitarafan, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO), Norway
  • Nikolaos Tsoulias, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy (ATB), Germany


  • Michela Verni, University of Bari, Italy
  • Philipp Demling, RWTH Aachen University, Germany


  • Jagveer Singh, Punjab Agricultural University, India
  • Ibrar Hussain, State University of Londrina, Brazil


  • Francis Muchaamba, University of Zurich, Switzerland

Methods and Protocols:

  • Tanja Eisemann, SBP Medical Discovery Institute, USA


  • Mrinalini Dey, National Institute for Health Research, UK
  • Ben Kirk, University of Melbourne, Australia
  • Kirrilly Pursey, University of Newcastle, Australia
  • Dieuwertje Kok, Wageningen University, the Netherlands
  • Hanna Huber, University of Bonn, Germany
  • Marlene Lages, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Zohra S. Lassi, University of Adelaide, Australia
  • Rik Olde Engberink, Amsterdam University Medicial Center, the Netherlands
  • Sarah Warkentin, University of Porto (ISPUP), Portugal
  • Álvaro Hernáez, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway
  • Leila Abdelhamid, Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, Virginia Tech, USA
  • Maria Michela Cesare, University of Siena, Italy
  • Kaisa Hiippala, University of Helsinki, Finland


  • Vanessa Silva, University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro, Portugal
  • Hejun Liu, Scripps Research Institute, USA
  • Tomokazu Tamura, Princeton University, USA


  • Cecilie Knudsen, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark
  • Laura Biessy, Cawthron Institute, New Zealand
  • Marcelo Mendes Rabelo, University of Florida, USA


  • Hee Chun Chung, Seoul National University, South Korea
  • Alejandro Marin Lopez, Yale University, USA

2 June 2022
MDPI’s 2021 Best Paper Awards in “Biology & Life Sciences”—Winners Announced

The purpose of our Best Paper Awards is to promote and recognize the most impactful contributions published within MDPI journals.

The editors of each journal carefully selected reviews and research papers through a rigorous judging process based on criteria such as the scientific merit, overall impact, and the quality of presentation of the papers published in the journal last year.

We are honored to present the winners in the subject areas of “Biology & Life Sciences”, who were selected amongst extensive competition, and congratulate the authors for their outstanding scientific publications.

MDPI will continue to provide support and recognition to the academic community.


by Wenchao Liu, Yilin Yuan, Chenyu Sun, Balamuralikrishnan Balasubramanian, Zhihui Zhao and Lilong An

Animals 2019, 9(8), 506, doi 10.3390/ani9080506

by Peter Coals, Dawn Burnham, Andrew Loveridge, David W. Macdonald, Michael ’t Sas-Rolfes, Vivienne L. Williams and John A. Vucetich

Animals 2019, 9(2), 52; doi 10.3390/ani9020052

by Giovanni Sogari, Mario Amato, Ilaria Biasato, Silvana Chiesa and Laura Gasco

Animals 2019, 9(4), 119; doi 10.3390/ani9040119


by Mark L. Chiu; Dennis R. Goulet; Alexey Teplyakov and Gary L. Gilliland

Antibodies 2019, 8(4), 55; doi 10.3390/antib8040055


by Luca Frattaruolo, Gabriele Carullo, Matteo Brindisi, Sarah Mazzotta, Luca Bellissimo, Vittoria Rago, Rosita Curcio, Vincenza Dolce, Francesca Aiello and Anna Rita Cappello

Antioxidants 2019, 8(6), 186; doi 10.3390/antiox8060186

by Chunhe Gu, Kate Howell, Frank R. Dunshea and Hafiz A. R. Suleria

Antioxidants 2019, 8(9), 405; doi 10.3390/antiox8090405

by Spyridon A. Petropoulos, Ângela Fernandes, Maria Inês Dias, Ioannis B. Vasilakoglou, Konstantinos Petrotos, Lillian Barros and Isabel C. F. R. Ferreira

Antioxidants 2019, 8(8), 293; doi 10.3390/antiox8080293

by Rubén Domínguez, Mirian Pateiro, Mohammed Gagaoua, Francisco J. Barba, Wangang Zhang and José M. Lorenzo

Antioxidants 2019, 8(10), 429; doi 10.3390/antiox8100429


by Michael H. Hastings, Elizabeth S. Maywood and Marco Brancaccio

Biology 2019, 8(1), 13; doi 10.3390/biology8010013

by Gail D. Schwieterman, Daniel P. Crear, Brooke N. Anderson, Danielle R. Lavoie, James A. Sulikowski, Peter G. Bushnell and Richard W. Brill

Biology 2019, 8(3), 56; doi 10.3390/biology8030056


by Shuichi Nakamura and Tohru Minamino

Biomolecules 2019, 9(7), 279; doi 10.3390/biom9070279

by Dmitrii Usoltsev, Vera Sitnikovaandrey Kajava and Mayya Uspenskaya

Biomolecules 2019, 9(8), 359; doi 10.3390/biom9080359

by Gerhard Liebisch, Josef Ecker, Sebastian Roth, Sabine Schweizer, Veronika Öttl, Hans-Frieder Schött, Hongsup Yoon, Dirk Haller, Ernst Holler, Ralph Burkhardt and Silke Matysik

Biomolecules 2019, 9(4), 121; doi 10.3390/biom9040121

by Anna Janaszewska, Joanna Lazniewska, Przemysław Trzepiński, Monika Marcinkowska and Barbara Klajnert-Maculewicz

Biomolecules 2019, 9(8), 330; doi 10.3390/biom9080330


by Heng Sheng Sow, Jiang Ren, Marcel Camps, Ferry Ossendorp and Peter ten Dijke

Cells 2019, 8(4), 320; doi 10.3390/cells8040320

by Dinender K. Singla, Taylor A. Johnson and Zahra Tavakoli Dargani

Cells 2019, 8(10), 1224; doi 10.3390/cells8101224

by Laura M. Doyle and Michael Zhuo Wang

Cells 2019, 8(7), 727; doi 10.3390/cells8070727

by Yu Han, Xuezhou Li, Yanbo Zhang, Yuping Han, Fei Chang and Jianxun Ding

Cells 2019, 8(8), 886; doi 10.3390/cells8080886


by Sarah B. Kingan, Haynes Heaton, Juliana Cudini, Christine C. Lambert, Primo Baybayan, Brendan D. Galvin, Richard Durbin, Jonas Korlach and Mara K. N. Lawniczak

Genes 2019, 10(1), 62; doi 10.3390/genes10010062

by Katherine E Bohnsack, Claudia Höbartner and Markus T Bohnsack

Genes 2019, 10(2), 102; doi 10.3390/genes10020102

by Laura M. Boykin, Peter Sseruwagi, Titus Alicai, Elijah Ateka, Ibrahim Umar Mohammed, Jo-Ann L. Stanton, Charles Kayuki, Deogratius Mark, Tarcisius Fute, Joel Erasto, Hilda Bachwenkizi, Brenda Muga, Naomi Mumo, Jenniffer Mwangi, Phillip Abidrabo, Geoffrey Okao-Okuja, Geresemu Omuut, Jacinta Akol, Hellen B. Apio, Francis Osingada, Monica A. Kehoe, David Eccles, Anders Savill, Stephen Lamb, Tonny Kinene, Christopher B. Rawle, Abishek Muralidhar, Kirsty Mayall, Fred Tairo and Joseph Ndunguru

Genes 2019, 10(9), 632; doi 10.3390/genes10090632

by Elamin Hafiz Baillo, Roy Njoroge Kimotho, Zhengbin Zhang and Ping Xu

Genes 2019, 10(10), 771; doi 10.3390/genes10100771


by Lida Fuentes, Carlos R. Figueroa and Monika Valdenegro

Horticulturae 2019, 5(2), 45; doi 10.3390/horticulturae5020045

by Marta Guarise, Gigliola Borgonovo, Angela Bassoli and Antonio Ferrante

Horticulturae 2019, 5(1), 13; doi 10.3390/horticulturae5010013


by Rik Clymans, Vincent Van Kerckvoorde, Eva Bangels, Wannes Akkermans, Ammar Alhmedi, Patrick De Clercq, Tim Beliën and Dany bylemans

Insects 2019, 10(7), 200; doi 10.3390/insects10070200

by Marc Kenis, Hannalene du Plessis, Johnnie Van den Berg, Malick Niango Ba, Georg Goergen, Koffi Eric Kwadjo, Ibrahim Baoua, Tadele Tefera, Alan Buddie, Giovanni Cafà, Lisa Offord, Ivan Rwomushana and Andrew Polaszek

Insects 2019, 10(4), 92; doi 10.3390/insects10040092

by Rafael R. da Costa, Haofu Hu, Hongjie Li and Michael Poulsen

Insects 2019, 10(4), 87; doi 10.3390/insects10040087

International Journal of Molecular Sciences:

by Rüdiger Hardeland

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(5), 1223; doi 10.3390/ijms20051223

by Elise Lévy, Nadine El Banna, Dorothée Baïlle, Amélie Heneman-Masurel, Sandrine Truchet, Human Rezaei, Meng-Er Huang, Vincent Béringue, Davy Martin and Laurence Vernis

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(16), 3896; doi 10.3390/ijms20163896

by Beatriz Herrero-Fernandez, Raquel Gomez-Bris, Beatriz Somovilla-Crespo and Jose Maria Gonzalez-Granado

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(21), 5293; doi 10.3390/ijms20215293

by Claudia Beaurivage, Elena Naumovska, Yee Xiang Chang, Edo D. Elstak, Arnaud Nicolas, Heidi Wouters, Guido van Moolenbroek, Henriëtte L. Lanz, Sebastiaan J. Trietsch, Jos Joore, Paul Vulto, Richard A.J. Janssen, Kai S. Erdmann, Jan Stallen and Dorota Kurek

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(22), 5661; doi 10.3390/ijms20225661

by Maiko Okano, Masanori Oshi, Ali Linsk Butash, Eriko Katsuta, Kazunoshin Tachibana, Katsuharu Saito, Hirokazu Okayama, Xuan Peng, Li Yan, Koji Kono, Toru Ohtake and Kazuaki Takabe

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(17), 4197; doi 10.3390/ijms20174197

by Shaista Afroz, Rieko Arakaki, Takuma Iwasa, Masamitsu Oshima, Maki Hosoki, Miho Inoue, Otto Baba, Yoshihiro Okayama and Yoshizo Matsuka

Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2019, 20(3), 711; doi 10.3390/ijms20030711


by Márió Gajdács, Zoltán Bátori, Marianna Ábrók, Andrea Lázár and Katalin Burián

Life 2020, 10(2), 16; doi 10.3390/life10020016

by Carla Ferreira, Catarina Almeida, Sandra Tenreiro and Alexandre Quintas

Life 2020, 10(6), 86; doi 10.3390/life10060086


by Ronald D. Hills, Benjamin A. Pontefract, Hillary R. Mishcon, Cody A. Black, Steven C. Sutton and Cory R. Theberge

Nutrients 2019, 11(7), 1613; doi 10.3390/nu11071613

by Harri Hemilä and Elizabeth Chalker

Nutrients 2019, 11(4), 708; doi 10.3390/nu11040708

by Humaira Jamshed, Robbie A. Beyl, Deborah L. Della Manna, Eddy S. Yang, Eric Ravussin and Courtney M. Peterson

Nutrients 2019, 11(6), 1234; doi 10.3390/nu11061234


by Israr Kha, Naeem Ullah, Lajia Zha, Yanrui Bai, Ashiq Khan, Tang Zhao, Tuanjie Che and Chunjiang Zhang

Pathogens 2019, 8(3), 126; doi 10.3390/pathogens8030126

by Spyridoula-Angeliki Nikou,Nessim Kichik, Rhys Brown, Nicole O. Ponde, Jemima Ho, Julian R. Naglik and Jonathan P. Richardson

Pathogens 2019, 8(2), 53; doi 10.3390/pathogens8020053

by Steven Batinovic, Flavia Wassef, Sarah A. Knowler, Daniel T.F. Rice, Cassandra R. Stanton, Jayson Rose, Joseph Tucci, Tadashi Nittami, Antony Vinh, Grant R. Drummond, Christopher G. Sobey, Hiu Tat Chan, Robert J. Seviour, Steve Petrovski and Ashley E. Franks

Pathogens 2019, 8(3), 100; doi 10.3390/pathogens8030100


by Muhammad Hammad Saleem, Johan Potgieter and Khalid Mahmood Arif 

Plants 20198(11), 468; doi 10.3390/plants8110468

by Ida Linić, Dunja Šamec, Jiří Grúz, Valerija Vujčić Bok, Miroslav Strnad and Branka Salopek-Sondi

Plants 20198(6), 155; doi 10.3390/plants8060155

by Marie Agatha Mohn, Besarta Thaqi and Katrin Fischer-Schrader

Plants 20198(3), 67; doi 10.3390/plants8030067

by Chiara Biselliandrea Volante, Francesca Desiderio, Alessandro Tondelli, Alberto Gianinetti, Franca Finocchiaro, Federica Taddei, Laura Gazza, Daniela Sgrulletta, Luigi Cattivelli and Giampiero Valè

Plants 20198(8), 292; doi 10.3390/plants8080292

1 April 2022
Welcoming New Editorial Board Members of Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Barry Slobedman, Dr. Carla S. Coffin, Prof. Dr. Charles Grose, Dr. Charles J. Russell, Prof. Dr. Fabien Zoulim, Prof. Dr. HuaJi Qiu, Dr. Koichi Watashi, Prof. Dr. Laurent Gillet, Prof. Dr. Manuel Ramos-Casals, Dr. Manuela Sironi, Dr. Maria Cecilia Garibaldi Marcondes, Prof. Dr. Mark J. Mulligan, Dr. Ruian Ke, Prof. Dr. Shuwen Liu and Prof. Dr. Tina Dalianis have joined the Editorial Board of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915).

11 March 2022
First Virtual Viruses-Sponsored International COVID-19 Workshop Held Successfully

Eric O. Freed, Editor-in-Chief of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915), recently organized a virtual 3-day COVID-19 workshop featuring many of the world’s leaders in coronavirus research (see below). The workshop was held from 1 to 3 March 2022, with technical and logistical support provided by MDPI conference staff. The talks were organized into three sessions: coronavirus biology, pathogenesis and immunity; vaccine development and antivirals; and neutralization and resistance. Time was allocated at the end of each morning and afternoon session for open discussion.

Participants in the workshop included: Drs. Charlie Rice, Dan Barouch, Brenda Hogue, Ralph Baric, Gary Whittaker, Linda Saif, Michael Worobey, Mike Diamond, Barney Graham, Matt Frieman, Angie Rasmussen, Alex Compton, Akiko Iwasaki, Adolfo Garcia-Sastre, Malik Peiris, Kathryn Holmes, Stanley Perlman, Jason McLellan, Yize (Henry) Li, Drew Weissman, Zhengli Shi, Olivier Schwartz, Luis Enjuanes, Pamela Bjorkman, David Veesler, Kizzmekia Corbett, Linfa Wang, Bart Haynes, Britt Glaunsinger, Mark Denison, Vineet Menachery, Kanta Subbarao, Penny Moore, Stefan Pohlmann, Vincent Munster, Shan-Lu Liu, Erica Ollmann-Saphire, Michel Nussenzweig, Pei-Yong Shi, George Gao, Jesse Bloom, Paul Bieniasz, Jeremy Luban, and Susan Weiss.

16 December 2021
Welcoming New Editorial Board Members of Viruses

We are pleased to announce that Prof. Dr. Qiang Ding, Prof. Dr. Gong Cheng, Prof. Dr. Hualan Chen, Prof. Dr. Lianpan Dai, Dr. Eugene V. Ryabov, and Dr. Huoqing Zheng are joining the Editoral Board of Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915).

22 November 2021
722 MDPI Editorial Board Members Receiving "2021 Highly Cited Researchers" Distinction

It is our great honor to congratulate the Editorial Board Members and Editors in MDPI's journals who have been distinguished as 2021 Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate, according to Web of Science data. We herewith express our gratitude for the immense impact the named researchers continue to make on scientific progress and on our journals' development.

Clarivate's annual list of Highly Cited ResearchersTM identifies the most highly cited scientists for the past decade. Their impactful papers are among the top 1 per cent in the citation distribution of one or more of 22 fields analyzed in the "Essential Science Indicators", distinguishing them as hugely influential among their peers.

Abate, Antonio
Abatzoglou, John T.
Abbaszadeh, Mostafa
Acharya, U. Rajendra
Acharya, Viral V.
Agarwal, Ravi P.
Ahn, Myung-Ju
Airoldi, Laura
Ali, Imran
Allakhverdiev, Suleyman I.
Aluko, Rotimi E.
Anasori, Babak
Andersson, Dan I.
Andes, David
Anker, Stefan D.
Apergis, Nicholas
Ariga, Katsuhiko
Arqub, Omar Abu
Aschner, Michael
Assaraf, Yehuda G.
Astruc, Didier
Atala, Anthony
Atanasov, Atanas G.
Atangana, Abdon
Bahram, Mohammad
Bakris, George L.
Balandin, Alexander A.
Baleanu, Dumitru
Balsamo, Gianpaolo
Bando, Yoshio
Banks, William A.
Bansal-Travers, Maansi
Barba, Francisco J.
Barros, Lillian
Basit, Abdul W.
Baskonus, Haci Mehmet
Bassetti, Matteo
Battino, Maurizio
Bell, Jordana T.
Bellomo, Nicola
Benediktsson, Jon Atli
Benelli, Giovanni
Benjakul, Soottawat
Bhatnagar, Amit
Biddle, Stuart J. H.
Biondi, Antonio
Biondi-Zoccai, Giuseppe
Bjarnsholt, Thomas
Blaabjerg, Frede
Blaschke, Thomas
Blay, Jean-Yves
Blumwald, Eduardo
Blunt, John W.
Boffetta, Paolo
Bogers, Marcel
Bonomo, Robert A.
Bowman, David M.J.S.
Boyer, Cyrille
Brestic, Marian
Brevik, Eric C.
Buhalis, Dimitrios
Burdick, Jason A.
Byrd, John C.
Cabeza, Luisa F.
Cai, Xingjuan
Cai, Jianchao
Calhoun, Vince D.
Calin, George
Cao, Jinde
Cao, Guozhong
Carvalho, Andre F.
Castellanos-Gomez, Andres
Cerqueira, Miguel Ângelo Parente Ribeiro
Chang, Jo-Shu
Chang, Chih-Hao
Chastin, Sebastien
Chau, Kwok-wing
Chemat, Farid
Chen, Xiaobo
Chen, YangQuan
Chen, Jianmin
Chen, Chaoji
Chen, Min
Chen, Qi
Chen, Jun
Chen, Xi
Chen, Peng
Chen, Yulin
Chen, Bo
Chen, Chen
Chen, Zhi-Gang
Chen, Wei-Hsin
Chen, Gang
Chen, Yongsheng
Chen, Xiang
Chen, Yimin
Chen, Runsheng
Chen, Lidong
Chen, Shaowei
Chen, Qian
Chen, Yu
Chen, Shuangming
Chiclana, Francisco
Cho, Sun Young
Choi, Wonyong
Chowdhary, Anuradha
Choyke, Peter L.
Cichocki, Andrzej
Corella, Dolores
Corma, Avelino
Cortes, Javier
Cortes, Jorge
Costanza, Robert
Crommie, Michael F.
Cui, Yi
Cui, Haiying
Cui, Qinghua
Cummings, Kenneth Michael
Dai, Shifeng
Dai, Sheng
Daiber, Andreas
Davis, Steven J.
Dawson, Ted M.
de la Fuente-Nunez, Cesar
Decker, Eric Andrew
Dekel, Avishai
Demaria, Marco
Deng, Yong
Deng, Xiangzheng
DePinho, Ronald A.
Desneux, Nicolas
Dimopoulos, Meletios-Athanasios
Ding, Aijun
Dionysiou, Dionysios D.
Dokmeci, Mehmet Remzi
Dolgui, Alexandre
Dong, Fan
Dou, Shi Xue
Dou, Letian
Du, Qian
Du, Bo
Dube, Shanta Rishi
Dufresne, Alain
Dummer, Reinhard
Dupont, Didier
Edwards, David
Elaissari, Abdelhamid
Elhoseny, Mohamed
Ellahi, Rahmat
Ellis, Erle C.
ElMasry, Gamal
Esteller, Manel
Estévez, Mario
Fabbro, Doriano
Facchetti, Antonio
Fan, Zhanxi
Fang, Chuanglin
Fasano, Alessio
Fečkan, Michal
Felser, Claudia
Feng, Liangzhu
Fensholt, Rasmus
Ferdinandy, Péter
Fernandez-Lafuente, Roberto
Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.
Filippi, Massimo
Fisher, Helen
Fortino, Giancarlo
Fosso Wamba, Samuel
Franceschi, Claudio
Fujita, Hamido
Fujita, Masayuki
Gai, Francesco
Gaisford, Simon
Galanakis, Charis M.
Galluzzi, Lorenzo
Galvano, Fabio
Gan, Ren-You
Gan, Lihua
Gandomi, Amir H.
Gao, Bin
Gao, Feng
Gao, Minrui
Gao, Huijun
Gao, Wei
Gao, Huile
Garbe, Claus
Garcia, Hermenegildo
Gasbarrini, Antonio
Gasco, Laura
Gautret, Philippe
Geng, Yong
Gerdts, Gunnar
Geschwind, Daniel H.
Ghadimi, Noradin
Ghaffari, Roozbeh
Ghamisi, Pedram
Giampieri, Francesca
Glick, Bernard R.
Gnant, Michael
Goel, Ajay
Gogotsi, Yury
Goldewijk, Kees Klein
Gong, Jinlong
Gong, Yongji
Govindan, Kannan
Granato, Daniel
Grancini, Giulia
Green, Douglas R.
Grosso, Giuseppe
Gu, Ke
Guan, Cao
Guastella, Adam J.
Guerrero, Josep M.
Gui, Guan
Guizani, Mohsen
Guo, Zaiping
Gupta, Rangan
Gutzmer, Ralf
Haase, Dagmar
Habibi-Yangjeh, Aziz
Hagemann, Stefan
Hagger, Martin
Hamblin, Michael R.
Hammoudeh, Shawkat
Han, Heesup
Hanes, Justin
Harrison, Roy M.
Hartung, Hans-Peter
Hasanuzzaman, Mirza
He, Jr-Hau
He, Hongwen
He, Jiaqing
He, Debiao
Henseler, Jörg
Herrera, Francisco
Herrera-Viedma, Enrique
Hetz, Claudio
Ho Kim, Jung
Holmes, Elaine
Hossain, Ekram
Hsueh, Po-Ren
Hu, Xiaosong
Hu, Wenbin
Huang, Jianping
Huang, Hongwei
Huang, Yu
Huang, Jianying
Huang, Peng
Huang, Baibiao
Huang, Shaoming
Hubacek, Klaus

Iqbal, Hafiz M. N.
Ismail, Ahmad Fauzi
Izzo, Angelo A.
Jacobson, Kenneth A.
Jain, Atul
Jankovic, Joseph
Jelezko, Fedor
Ji, Xiaobo
Ji, Guangbin
Jiang, Hai-Long
Jiang, Lei
Jiang, Junjun
Jiang, Qing
Jiang, Shibo
Jin, Shi
Jones, Peter A.
Kalantar-zadeh, Kourosh
Kaner, Richard B.
Kannan, Kurunthachalam
Kappos, Ludwig
Karagiannidis, George K.
Karimi, Hamid Reza
Karimi-Maleh, Hassan
Karp, Peter D.
Kataoka, Kazunori
Katritch, Vsevolod
Kawi, Sibudjing
Keesstra, Saskia
Kepp, Oliver
Keyzers, Robert A.
Khademhosseini, Ali
Khan, Nafees A.
Kiessling, Fabian
Kim, Ki-Hyun
Kim, Haegyeom
Kim, Jeonghun
Kim, Jong Seung
Kirkwood, John M.
Kisi, Ozgur
Kivshar, Yuri
Klenk, Hans-Peter
Ko, Wen-Chien
Konopleva, Marina Y.
Kontoyiannis, Dimitrios P.
Koonin, Eugene V.
Kou, Gang
Krausmann, Fridolin
Krebs, Frederik C.
Kroemer, Guido
Kuca, Kamil
Kudo, Masatoshi
Kuhn, Jens H.
Kumar, Devendra
Kumar, Alan Prem
Kumar, Sudhir
Kumar Sangaiah, Arun
Kurths, Juergen
Kuznetsov, Nikolay V.
Kuzyakov, Yakov
Kwan, Mei-Po
Kyrpides, Nikos C.
La Vecchia, Carlo
Lai, Yuekun
Lam, James
Lammers, Twan
Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa M.
Lancellotti, Patrizio
Landi, Francesco
Laurent, Sophie
Lavie, Carl J.
Laxminarayan, Ramanan
Lee, Sang Soo
Lee, Jin-Wook
Lee, Pooi See
Lehmann, Johannes
Lei, Yaguo
Lei, Ting
Leng, Lijian
Leung, Dennis Y. C.
Leung, Victor C. M.
Levine, Ross
Li, Wei
Li, Jie
Li, Jinghong
Li, Jun
Li, Heng
Li, Gang
Li, Yat
Li, Peng
Li, Hailong
Li, Changpin
Li, Yan
Li, Yurui
Li, Xiaodi
Li, Hong
Li, Shutao
Li, Hongyi
Li, Zhijun
Li, Peiyue
Lin, Yuehe
Lin, Hongjun
Lin, Lin
Lip, Gregory Y. H.
Liu, Jian
Liu, Meng
Liu, Hong
Liu, Tao
Liu, Lei
Liu, Jianxing
Liu, Wei
Liu, Gang
Liu, Yang
Liu, Peide
Lockhart, Shawn R.
Long, Hualou
Löscher, Wolfgang
Lu, Jun
Lu, Jianquan
Lu, Nanshu
Lucey, Brian
Lund, Henrik
Luo, Jun
Luo, Yi
Luo, Jingshan
Luo, Yangchao
Lupton, Deborah
Luque, Rafael
Lv, Wei
Lvov, Yuri M.
Lyons, Timothy W.
Ma, Tianyi
Ma, Jun
Ma, Jiayi
Ma, Wen-Xiu
Ma, Yanming
Maggioni, Aldo Pietro
Mahmood, Nasir
Mahmoudi, Morteza
Mai, Liqiang
Mallavarapu, Megharaj
Mandala, Mario
Mardani, Abbas
Marengo, Jose
Maria Rossolini, Gian
Martinoia, Enrico
Mathiesen, Brian Vad
Mathivanan, Suresh
Mattick, John S.
Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
McCabe, Matthew E.
McCauley, Darren
McClements, David Julian
Melcher, Karsten
Melenhorst, Jan Joseph
Melero, Ignacio
Mezzetti, Bruno
Mirjalili, Seyedali
Mishchenko, Artem
Mittler, Ron
Moreau, Philippe
Motohashi, Hozumi
Mousavi Khaneghah, Amin
Mu, Shichun
Mueller, Lukas A.
Mueller-Roeber, Bernd
Muenzel, Thomas
Muhammad, Khan
Munger, J. William
Nauen, Ralf
Naushad, Mu.
Negri, Eva
Nemeroff, Charles B.
Newman, David J.
Niaura, Raymond S.
Nie, Feiping
Nieto, Juan J.
Novara, Agata
Nunkoo, Robin
Ogino, Shuji
Olabi, Abdul-Ghani
Ong, Hwai Chyuan
O'Regan, Donal
Orsini, Nicola
Ouyang, Minggao
Ozcan, Aydogan
Pacher, Pal
Pan, Xiaoqing
Pan, Likun
Pan, Quan-Ke
Pang, Huan
Pavela, Roman
Pedrycz, Witold
Pei, Yanzhong
Peng, Shushi
Peng, Qing
Peng, Mugen
Perc, Matjaz
Perez-Alvarez, Jose Angel
Perlin, David S.
Piquero, Alex R.
Polasky, Stephen
Pommier, Yves
Poor, H. Vincent
Postolache, Mihai
Potenza, Marc N.
Poulter, Benjamin
Preat, Veronique
Prinsep, Michele R.
Pu, Hong-Bin
Putnik, Predrag
Qiu, Jieshan
Qu, Xiaogang
Quiles, José L.
Rabczuk, Timon
Ramakrishna, Seeram
Ramkissoon, Haywantee
Ran, Jingrun
Recio, Isidra
Reiter, Russel J.
Remuzzi, Giuseppe
Ren, Jinsong
Ren, Jun
Riahi, Keywan
Richardson, Paul G.
Rignot, Eric
Rimm, David
Rinn, John L.
Robert, Caroline
Rodriguez, Rosa M.
Rojo, Teofilo
Ros, Emilio
Rosen, Marc A.
Roubaud, David
Russo, Alessandro
Russo, Gian Luigi

Saad, Fred
Saad, Walid
Sadorsky, Perry
Sander, Chris
Santamouris, Mattheos
Santoro, Gabriele
Saraiva, Jorge A.
Sarchiapone, Marco
Scalbert, Augustin
Schloter, Michael
Schneider, Gisbert
Schubert, Ulrich S.
Schulz, Rainer
Schwab, Matthias
Schweizer, Frank
Scolyer, Richard A.
Scorrano, Luca
Scott, David
Scott, Stuart A.
Scott, Daniel
Serra-Majem, Lluis
Sethi, Gautam
Shabala, Sergey
Shaheen, Sabry M.
Shao, Zongping
Sharma, Gaurav
Shen, Guozhen
Shen, Hao
Sheremet, Mikhail A.
Shi, Peng
Shi, Yumeng
Shoenfeld, Yehuda
Siano, Pierluigi
Sillanpaa, Mika
Simões, Manuel
Simpson, Richard J.
Singh, Bhupinder Pal
Singh, Vijay P.
Smagghe, Guy
Song, Yu
Song, Houbing
Sood, Anil K.
Srivastava, Hari M.
Stadler, Marc
Stadler, Peter F.
Stanley, H. Eugene
Stoumpos, Constantinos C.
Strano, Michael S.
Stunnenberg, Hendrik G.
Su, [email protected]
Su, Chun-Yi
Subramanian, S. V.
Sun, Zhipei
Sun, Fengchun
Sun, Hongqi
Sunderland, Elsie M.
Suzuki, Nobuhiro
Svenning, Jens-Christian
Szabo, Csaba
Szallasi, Arpad
Szolnoki, Attila
Tacke, Frank
Tan, Weihong
Tan, Chaoliang
Tang, Hua
Tang, Chuyang
Tang, Chuan-He
Tanzi, Rudolph E.
Teichmann, Sarah
Telenti, Amalio
Thakur, Vijay Kumar
Thiele, Holger
Tian, Jie
Tohge, Takayuki
Tran, Lam-Son Phan
Truhlar, Donald G.
Tsao, Rong
Tsuda, Kenichi
Tukker, Arnold
Tung, Chen-Ho
Turskis, Zenonas
Urquhart, Andrew
Valko, Marian
Van Breusegem, Frank
Van de Wiele, Tom
van der Werf, Guido
van Wesemael, Bas
Vangronsveld, Jaco
Varma, Rajender S.
Varsani, Arvind
Varshney, Rajeev K.
Vasilakis, Nikos
Vasilakos, Athanasios V.
Vasquez, Juan C.
Vatanen, Tommi
Ventura, Marco
Vermote, Eric
Veronese, Nicola
Verpoorte, Robert
Vethaak, A. Dick
Vieta, Eduard
Vincent, Jean-Louis
Wagner, Wolfgang
Walton, Vaughn M.
Wan, Jiafu
Wan, Shaohua
Wang, Qi
Wang, Joseph
Wang, Meng
Wang, Tao
Wang, Yuan
Wang, Xin
Wang, Chao
Wang, Yong
Wang, Jun
Wang, Erkang
Wang, Sibo
Wang, Jian
Wang, Ning
Wang, John
Wang, Qin
Wang, Shaojian
Wang, Guoxiu
Wang, Huanting
Wang, Chunsheng
Wang, Gongming
Wang, Zhong Lin
Wang, Lianzhou
Wang, Shaobin
Wang, Yang
Wang, Zifa
Wei, Zhixiang
Wei, Leyi
Weissleder, Ralph
Wen, Guanghui
Wiens, John J.
Wigneron, Jean-Pierre
Willerslev, Eske
Wishart, David S.
Witlox, Frank
Wu, Jun
Wu, Tom
Wu, Hao Bin
Wu, Hui
Wu, Haijun
Wu, Zhongbiao
Wu, Zhong-Shuai
Wu, Zheng-Guang
Xia, Meimei
Xia, Xinhui
Xiang, Quanjun
Xiao, Jianbo
Xiao, Jie
Xie, Jian-Hua
Xin, Sen
Xing, Baoshan
Xiong, Rui
Xu, Bin
Xu, Li Da
Xu, Yi-Jun
Xu, Hui
Xu, Zeshui
Yamauchi, Yusuke
Yan, Huaicheng
Yan, Kai
Yang, Chenguang
Yang, Xiao-Jun
Yang, Bing
Yang, Yun-Gui
Yang, Jie
Yang, Jian
Yang, Xinsong
Yang, Shihe
Yang, Yi
Yang, Yang
Yao, Jen-Chih
Yao, Yonggang
Yazyev, Oleg
Yin, Yulong
Yin, Zongyou
Yin, Shen
Yin, Ya-xia
Yin, Shou-Wei
Ying, Guang-Guo
Young, Allan H.
Yu, Shu-Hong
Yu, Jun
Yu, Guihua
Yu, Wenwu
Yu, Guocan
Yu, Minghao
Zarco-Tejada, Pablo J.
Zavadskas, Edmundas Kazimieras
Zeadally, Sherali
Zhai, Tianyou
Zhang, Wei
Zhang, Binlin
Zhang, Shujun
Zhang, Guoping
Zhang, Zengqiang
Zhang, Yu Shrike
Zhang, Qichun
Zhang, Xian-Ming
Zhang, Guowen
Zhang, Min
Zhang, Yue-Jun
Zhang, Shaoqing
Zhang, Fan
Zhang, Weili
Zhang, Xiaodong
Zhang, Zhien
Zhang, Tierui
Zhang, Hongjie
Zhang, Dengsong
Zhang, Liangpei
Zhang, Dan
Zhang, Yu-Dong
Zhang, Fusuo
Zhao, Yi
Zhao, Guochun
Zhao, Li-Dong
Zheng, Hao
Zheng, Gengfeng
Zhong, Cheng
Zhou, Weiqi
Zhou, Qi
Zhou, Jizhong
Zhu, Hongwei
Zhu, Chengzhou
Zhu, Junfa
Zhu, Zhe
Zhu, Quanxin
Zhuang, Xiaodong
Zhuang, Xiaoying
Zou, Quan

The full list of 2021 Highly Cited Researchers  can be accessed at the following webpage in the Web of ScienceTM

--- Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) is a Clarivate product.

16 November 2021
Topical Advisory Panel Established to Support Editorial Board

Academic editors play a crucial role in leading our journals and ensuring that each article undergoes a robust and timely peer-review. With the launch of Topics this year and addition of Topic Editors to our family of academic editors, we decided it would be a good time to restructure our academic boards, thus providing more clarity and support for each role. MDPI is pleased to announce the launch of a new position—Topical Advisory Panel Member, that will replace the previous position of Topics Board Member. The Topical Advisory Panel will be comprised of early career researchers eager to gain experience in editorial work.

The main responsibility of the new members of the Topical Advisory Panel is to regularly provide support to Guest Editors, Topic Editors, and Section Board Members. The responsibilities of the Topical Advisory Panel are available here:

Each year, the members’ performances are evaluated, and outstanding members are promoted to the Editorial Board by the Editor-in-Chief.

To qualify as a Topical Advisory Panel Member, applicants must:

  • Have expertise and experience in the field related to the journal;
  • Have received a Ph.D. in the last 10 years, approximately;
  • Have at least 6-8 published papers in the last 5 years as first author or corresponding author;
  • Currently hold an independent research position in academia or a government institute.

If you are interested in this role, please contact the editorial office by email.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

25 October 2021
Open Access Week 2021 | It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity, 25–31 October

Founded in 1996, MDPI was one of the first fully Open Access publisher. Over 25 years MDPI has grown to become the largest Open Access publisher globally, publishing over 160,000 articles across more than 350 journals in 2020. At the core, MDPI was founded in response to a pressing need of fast publication and inclusion. The scholar was set at the centre of the publication process for the first time. Acting as a service provider, rather than a product provider, MDPI exists to help scientists achive their objective to disseminate research results. At MDPI, we believe scientists deserve a better service from the publishing world.

The International Open Access Week (Open Access Week), founded by the SPARC (the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition) Alliance and student partners in 2008, has been successfully running for 13 years. As an advocate and pioneer of open access publishing, MDPI actively responds to the call of International Open Access Week. This year’s theme of “It Matters How We Open Knowledge: Building Structural Equity” highlights the Recommendation’s call for equitable participation from all authors and readers.

For the last 25 years, MDPI has been committed to disseminating open research. Here is a video showing MDPI’s Commitment to Equity, Inclusion and Diversity for More than 25 Years.

International Open Access Week is an important opportunity to catalyze new conversations, create connections across and between communities that can facilitate this co-design, and advance progress in the building of more equitable foundations for opening knowledge—discussions and actions that need to be continued, year in and year out. MDPI has always aimed to provide professional and efficient publishing services to scholars around the world.

Our mission is to make scientific research accessible to everyone; this year, we interview and hold discussions with open science ambassadors on how to build an equal and inclusive environment for open science. Academic editors help us collaborate with more institutions to advocate for open access ideas.

Read our anniversary blog post: "Sharing 'Collective Human Knowledge': The Benefits of Open Access Publication"

Besides this, our scientific community is a key driver of our success and MDPI’s remarkable growth. Despite the pandemic, we have prepared online conferences and workshops to gather scholars from different communities.

The Basel Sustainable Publishing online forum provides an equal opportunity for stakeholders and researchers from multi-cultural environments to exchange ideas and eliminate barriers to participation.

Conference date: 25 October 2021, online
Conference website:
Main topics: MDPI discusses the current dilemma of open access science from various perspectives such as governments, libraries, and publishers, and related measures on how to change the status quo of discrimination from a global perspective.

We aim to support equality, inclusion, diversity, and accessibility in scholarly communications. We collaborate with universities and key laboratories and have scholarly communications with researchers, teachers, and students on open access workshops.

  • 25 October 2021
    Energies journal and Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
  • 28 October 2021
    Machines journal and State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, Southwest Jiaotong University
  • 29 October 2021
    Processes journal and Beijing Institute of Technology
  • 29 October 2021
    Coatings journal and Wuhan University of Technology

MDPI is committed to providing open access and high-quality publishing services for scholars and promoting rapid dissemination of academic achievements. We hope to promote the practices and policies of open access publishing and diversify the dissemination of academic achievements.

27 September 2021
Welcoming New Editorial Board Members of Viruses

We are excited to welcome the following recognized researchers, who have recently joined the Editorial Board of Viruses (ISSN 1999-4915):

Prof. Dr. Norbert Nowotny

Dr. Maurizia Rossana Brunetto

Prof. Dr. Jônatas Abrahão

Prof. Dr. Regina Hofmann-Lehmann

Dr. Christina Sigurdson

Prof. Dr. Caroline Tapparel


23 September 2021
2020 MDPI Top Reviewer Award—Winners Announced

Rigorous peer-review is the cornerstone of high-quality academic publishing. Over 369,916 scholars served as reviewers for MDPI journals in 2020. We are extremely appreciative of all those who made a contribution to the editorial process in this capacity. At the beginning of every year, journal editorial offices publish a list of all reviewers’ names to express our gratitude. In addition, this year, the MDPI Top Reviewer Award was announced, to recognize the very best reviewers for their expertise and dedication, and their high-quality, and timely review reports. We are pleased to announce the following winners of the 2020 MDPI Top Reviewer Award:

  • Adriana Burlea-Schiopoiu;
  • Alban Kuriqi;
  • Álvaro González-Vila;
  • Alessandro Alaimo;
  • Alexey Beskopylny;
  • Alexander Yu Churyumov;
  • Alberto Fernández-Isabel;
  • Andrea Mastinu;
  • Antonios N. Papadopoulos;
  • Anton Rassõlkin;
  • Antonio Humberto Hamad Minervino;
  • Arkadiusz Matwijczuk;
  • Artur Słomka;
  • Baojie He;
  • Bartłomiej Potaniec;
  • Bojan Đurin;
  • Camilo Arturo Rodriguez Diaz;
  • Carmelo Maria Musarella;
  • Chiachung Chen;
  • Chiman Kwan;
  • Cristian Busu;
  • Danil Pimenov;
  • Dan-Cristian Dabija;
  • Delfín Ortega-Sánchez;
  • Demetrio Antonio Zema;
  • Denis Butusov;
  • Elena Lucchi;
  • Gaurab Dutta;
  • Livia Anastasiu;
  • M. R. Safaei.

For more information about how to become a reviewer of MDPI journals, please see:

22 September 2021
MDPI Joins SDG Publishers Compact

UN's 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. In 2020 the SDG Publishers Compact was launched, aimed to inspire publishers and accelerate progress to achieve the 17 goals by 2030. Members of the programme are committed to support the publication of materials that will promote and inspire actions towards SDGs.

MDPI is an eager advocate of SDGs and has already been supporting the programme by creating Special Issues and publishing a series of books on SDGs prior to joining the Compact in 2021. MDPI's Sustainability Foundation initiated the World Sustainability Awards in 2016. We fully support UN's goals to promote sustainable actions that make the world a better place for all and, as part of its commitment, we will focus our actions on SDG10: Reduced Inequalities whilst promoting all 17 SDGs. For more details, please visit the programme’s website:

Joining this initiative was a unanimous decision. MDPI has in its core values the dissemination of science for all, breaking the wall between research access and under-represented members of the scientific community and the general population. To support this initiative further and continue to support under-represented scientists, MDPI will take a series of actions that will be announced once ready.

The first action MDPI takes is to nominate Dr. Liliane Auwerter as the coordinator of the programme. Dr. Auwerter studied Environmental Process Technology (UTFPR, Brazil), obtained her MSc degree in Water and Environmental Engineering (University of Surrey, UK) and in 2020 completed her PhD in self-healing low-friction materials for water transport (Imperial College London, UK), always focusing on diverse scientific projects that would potentially bring sustainability to industrial processes. As a student in Brazil, she engaged in volunteering activities focused on environmental education and took part in the Millennial Development Goals meetings held at the university.

For more information, please contact:
Dr. Liliane Auwerter
Scientific Officer
[email protected]

3 August 2021
Announcement on Japanese Consumption Tax (JCT)

This serves to announce to our valued authors based in Japan that value-added tax, or consumption tax will now be imposed on article processing fees and other service fees for all papers submitted, or resubmitted (assigned new paper IDs), effective from 15 August 2021. The change is in accordance with the Japanese "Act for Partial Revision of the Income Tax Act and Other Acts" (Act No. 9 of 2015), which includes a revision of consumption taxation on cross-border supplies of services such as digital content distribution.

For additional information from the National Tax Agency please see here ("Cross-border supplies of electronic services").

Contact: Setsuko Nishihara, MDPI Tokyo

30 June 2021
2020 Impact Factors - Released

The 2020 citation metrics have been officially released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR)!

We are pleased to announce that 85 MDPI journals are included, of which:

  • 10 journals received their first impact factor
  • 96% of journals increased their impact factor from 2019
  • 32 journals (38%) ranked among the top 25% of journals, in at least one category
Journal Impact Factor Rank Category
Cancers 6.639 Q1 • Oncology
Cells 6.600 Q2 • Cell Biology
Pharmaceutics 6.321 Q1 • Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Antioxidants 6.313 Q1 • Food Science & Technology 
• Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
• Chemistry, Medicinal
Biomedicines 6.081 Q1 • Medicine, Research & Experimental
• Pharmacology & Pharmacy 
• Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 5.924 Q1 • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Q2 • Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
Pharmaceuticals 5.863 Q1 • Pharmacology & Pharmacy
• Chemistry, Medicinal
Journal of Fungi 5.816 Q1 • Mycology
• Microbiology
Nutrients 5.719 Q1 • Nutrition & Dietetics
Biosensors 5.519 Q1 • Chemistry, Analytical
• Instruments & Instrumentation
Q2 • Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Marine Drugs 5.118 Q1 • Chemistry, Medicinal
• Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Biology 5.079 Q1 • Biology
Nanomaterials 5.076 Q1 • Physics, Applied
Q2 • Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 
• Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Viruses 5.048 Q2 • Virology
Journal of Personalized Medicine 4.945 Q1 • Medicine, General & Internal
• Health Care Sciences & Services
Metabolites 4.932 Q2 • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Biomolecules 4.879 Q2 • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Remote Sensing 4.848 Q1 • Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Q2 • Remote Sensing
• Imaging Science & Photographic Technology 
• Environmental Sciences
Gels * 4.702 Q1 • Polymer Science
Antibiotics 4.639 Q2 • Infectious Diseases
• Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Toxins 4.546 Q1 • Toxicology
• Food Science & Technology
Vaccines 4.422 Q2 • Immunology
• Medicine, Research & Experimental
Molecules 4.412 Q2 • Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
• Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Foods 4.350 Q2 • Food Science & Technology
Polymers 4.329 Q1 • Polymer Science
Journal of Clinical Medicine 4.242 Q1 • Medicine, General & Internal
Toxics 4.146 Q2 • Toxicology
• Environmental Sciences
Catalysts 4.146 Q2 • Chemistry, Physical
Microorganisms 4.128 Q2 • Microbiology
Membranes 4.106 Q1 • Polymer Science
Q2 • Engineering, Chemical
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary 
• Chemistry, Physical
Genes 4.096 Q2 • Genetics & Heredity
Fermentation * 3.975 Q2 • Biotechnology & Applied Microbiology
Journal of Cardiovascular Development and Disease * 3.948 Q2 • Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems
Plants 3.935 Q1 • Plant Sciences
Life 3.817 Q2 • Biology
Diagnostics 3.706 Q2 • Medicine, General & Internal
Current Oncology 3.677 Q3 • Oncology
Materials 3.623 Q1 • Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Q2 • Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
• Chemistry, Physical 
• Physics, Applied 
• Physics, Condensed Matter
Sensors 3.576 Q1 • Instruments & Instrumentation
Q2 • Chemistry, Analytical
• Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Pathogens 3.492 Q2 • Microbiology
Agronomy 3.417 Q1 • Agronomy
• Plant Sciences
Chemosensors 3.398 Q2 • Instruments & Instrumentation
• Chemistry, Analytical
Q3 • Electrochemistry
Land 3.398 Q2 • Environmental Studies
Brain Sciences 3.394 Q3 • Neurosciences
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 3.390 Q1 • Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI)
Q2 • Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SCIE)
• Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
Tomography 3.358 Q2 • Radiology, Nuclear Medicine & Medical Imaging
Fractal and Fractional * 3.313 Q1 • Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications
Sustainability 3.251 Q2 • Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
• Environmental Studies (SSCI)
Q3 • Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SCIE)
• Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SSCI)
Water 3.103 Q2 • Water Resources
• Environmental Sciences
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 3.049 Q3 • Business
Energies 3.004 Q3 • Energy & Fuels
Agriculture 2.925 Q1 • Agronomy
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2.899 Q2 • Geography, Physical
• Computer Science, Information Systems
Q3 • Remote Sensing
Micromachines 2.891 Q2 • Instruments & Instrumentation
• Physics, Applied
Q3 • Chemistry, Analytical
• Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Coatings 2.881 Q2 • Materials Science, Coatings & Films
• Physics, Applied
Q3 • Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Children 2.863 Q2 • Pediatrics
Processes 2.847 Q3 • Engineering, Chemical
Separations 2.777 Q3 • Chemistry, Analytical
Insects 2.769 Q1 • Entomology
Animals 2.752 Q1 • Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science
• Veterinary Sciences
Symmetry 2.713 Q2 • Multidisciplinary Sciences
Atmosphere 2.686 Q3 • Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences
• Environmental Sciences
Applied Sciences 2.679 Q2 • Engineering, Multidisciplinary
• Physics, Applied
Q3 • Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Photonics 2.676 Q2 • Optics
Buildings * 2.648 Q2 • Construction & Building Technology
• Engineering, Civil
Healthcare 2.645 Q2 • Health Policy & Services (SSCI)
Q3 • Health Care Sciences & Services (SCIE)
Minerals 2.644 Q2 • Mining & Mineral Processing
• Mineralogy
• Geochemistry & Geophysics
Forests 2.634 Q1 • Forestry
Crystals 2.589 Q2 • Crystallography
Q3 • Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Entropy 2.524 Q2 • Physics, Multidisciplinary
Diversity 2.465 Q2 • Biodiversity Conservation
Q3 • Ecology
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2.458 Q2 • Oceanography
• Engineering, Marine 
• Engineering, Ocean
Medicina 2.430 Q2 • Medicine, General & Internal
Machines * 2.428 Q2 • Engineering, Mechanical
Q3 • Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Electronics 2.397 Q3 • Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
• Computer Science, Information Systems 
• Physics, Applied
Fishes * 2.385 Q2 • Fisheries
• Marine & Freshwater Biology
Metals 2.351 Q2 • Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
Q3 • Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Horticulturae * 2.331 Q1 • Horticulture
Veterinary Sciences * 2.304 Q1 • Veterinary Sciences
Universe 2.278 Q3 • Physics, Particles & Fields
• Astronomy & Astrophysics
Mathematics 2.258 Q1 • Mathematics
Magnetochemistry 2.193 Q3 • Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
• Chemistry, Physical 
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Current Issues in Molecular Biology 2.081 Q4 • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Actuators 1.994 Q3 • Instruments & Instrumentation
• Engineering, Mechanical
Aerospace * 1.659 Q2 • Engineering, Aerospace

* Journals given their first Impact Factor in 2021

Source: 2020 Journal Impact Factors, Journal Citation Reports ® (Clarivate, 2021)

28 April 2021
Book BuilderCompile a Customized E-Book from Your Favorite MDPI Open Access Content

MDPI Books recently released Book Builder, a new online tool to conveniently arrange, design and produce an eBook from any content published in MDPI journals. Book Builder offers two functions: on the one hand (1) Selections, available to every registered user of MDPI; on the other hand (2) Special Issue Reprints, which can be used exclusively by Guest Editors of Special Issues.


In just a matter of a few clicks, all users are now able to assemble books from MDPI articles and receive instantaneous feedback in the form of a fully produced and compiled book (PDF), which can be downloaded or ordered as print copy. Selections can include any paper published with MDPI, picking and combining content from different journals and special issues.

This way, the user may for example choose to compile an ebook focusing around a particular topic, or assemble articles from a group of others.


We invite you to make yourself familiar with the new tool! The Book Builder can be found here:

Special Issue Reprints

The Book Builder allows Guest Editors of MDPI journals to create a reprint from a successfully completed Special Issue or Topical Collection in book format. If you are a Guest Editor for an MDPI journal, you can use the new tool  to create an PDF document which includes all articles published in the Special Issue as well as a book cover and table of contents.

For Special Issues containing a minimum of 5 articles, the Guest Editor can request its publication on the MDPI Book platform. Published reprints are assigned an ISBN and DOI.

In addition to the PDF copy of the Reprint Book, as a token of our gratitude, MDPI offers every Guest Editor one (1) complimentary print copy (via print-on-demand). All contributors benefit from a discount on orders of any additional print copies, to share with colleagues or libraries or others.


Why choose MDPI Books?

In line with our organization's values, MDPI Books publishes all content in open access, promoting the exchange of ideas and knowledge in a globalized world. MDPI Books encompasses all the benefits of open access—high availability and visibility, as well as wide and rapid dissemination. MDPI Books are distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution License, meaning as an author you retain the copyright for your work. In addition, with MDPI Books you can complement the digital version of your work with a high-quality printed counterpart.

If you are interested in editing a book volume or series, or have a monograph manuscript to be considered for publication, please submit your proposal online and look at our Information for Authors.

Contact: Laura Wagner, MDPI Books Manager (email)

15 April 2021
MDPI Celebrates Company Milestone With 25th Anniversary Page
"We exist to help scientists achieve their own objectives"

In June of this year, MDPI will celebrate the 25th anniversary of its foundation. To mark this significant milestone, we have created a 25th Anniversary page on our website that evokes the development of our company over the past quarter-century.

MDPI has been a pioneer of Open Access publishing ever since the concept was first created.

In a wide-ranging interview, our CEO Delia Mihaila reflects on the company’s 25th anniversary and its contribution to the world of scientific publishing.

Delia considers how MDPI has evolved since starting life in 1996 as a visionary ‘project’ run out of an apartment in Basel, Switzerland, by Dr. Shu-Kun Lin. A chemist who was passionate about the long-term preservation of rare chemical sample, Dr. Lin was determined to help scholars publish their findings as quickly as possible and make their research results available to as wide a readership as possible worldwide. That determination remains unchanged 25 years later.

Today, MDPI is an international organization with over 4,000 employees based on three continents and in ten countries, and ranks among the world's top four academic publishers.

MDPI's mission is to accelerate access to new scientific research, delivering insight faster for researchers worldwide. Read more here about the company's remarkable success story and what the Open Access publishing model can offer the global scientific community.

10 March 2021
Journal Selector: Helping to Find the Right MDPI Journal for Your Article

At MDPI, we strive to make your online publication process seamless and efficient. To achieve this, our team is continuously developing tools and features to make the user experience useful and convenient.

As the number of academic papers continues to grow, so does the need to analyze and work with them on a large scale. This prompted us to design a new feature aimed at helping researchers find journals that are relevant to their publication by matching their abstract topic. In this regard, we designed a similarity model that automatically identifies the most suitable academic journals for your paper.

We are pleased to introduce Journal Selector, a new feature that measures similarity in academic contexts. By simply entering the title and/or abstract into our Journal Selector, the author will see a list of the most related scientific journals published by MDPI. This method helps authors select the correct journals for their papers, highlighting the time of publication and citability.

The methodology is known as representation learning, where words are represented as vectors in hyperspace. Representation helps us differentiate between different concepts within articles, and in turn, helps us identify similarities between them.

We used an advanced machine learning model to better capture the semantic meanings of words. This helps the algorithm make better predictions by leveraging scientific text representation. In turn, this ensures high precision, helping authors decide which journal they should submit their paper to.

The goal is to support authors to publish their work in the most suitable journal for their research, as fast as possible, accelerating their career progress.

Contact: Andrea Perlato, Head of Data Analytics, MDPI (email)

15 December 2020
MDPI adopts C4DISC principles to improve diversity and inclusion in scholarly communications

MDPI is proud to adopt the principles of the Coalition for Diversity & Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC) to support building equity, inclusion, diversity, and accessibility in scholarly communications.

The C4DISC represents organizations and individuals working in scholarly communications and is focused on addressing issues of diversity and inclusion within the publishing industry.

MDPI’s Managing Editors encourage the Editors-in-Chief and Associate Editors to appoint diverse expert Editorial Boards. This is also reflective in our multi-national and inclusive workplace. We are proud to create equal opportunities without regard to gender, ethnicity, geographic location, sexual orientation, age, disability, political beliefs, religion, or socio-economic status. There is no place for discrimination in our workplace and editors of MDPI journals are to uphold these principles in high regard.

Representatives from C4DISC meet monthly, and have started to implement initiatives to shed light and improve on the lack of diversity in scholarly communications. Some of the initiatives include developing a joint statement of principles; conducting market research; providing training resources, best practices, toolkits, and documentation for our collective memberships; and establishing outreach programs, curricula, events, and publications.

The Coalition is committed to:

  • eliminating barriers to participation, extending equitable opportunities across all stakeholders, and ensuring that our practices and policies promote equitable treatment and do not allow, condone, or result in discrimination;
  • creating and maintaining an environment that respects diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences;
  • promoting diversity in all staff, volunteers, and audiences, including full participation in programs, policy formulation, and decision-making;
  • raising awareness about career opportunities in our industries to groups who are currently underrepresented in the workforce;
  • supporting our members in achieving diversity and inclusion within their organizations.

14 December 2020
Article Layout and Templates Revised for Future Volumes

At MDPI we have slightly revised the layout for articles to be published in the 2021 Volume, starting at the end of December 2020. As of today, the article templates available for download on ‘Instructions for Authors’ pages have been updated.

The most noticeable change can be found on the first page of the article, where a left-hand column has been created to include the following front matter elements: (i) the recommended citation style for the article, (ii) the publishing history, (iii) as well as the Creative Commons Attribution license used (iv) a standard note regarding affiliations. At the same time, the extra spacing on the left means the authors’ affiliations are now more clearly set apart than before. Other front matter key elements such as journal logo, article type, article title, authors, abstract and keywords remain unchanged.

The blank column on the left runs through all pages in an article; as a result, the main text is slightly more condensed, which improve reader friendliness for smaller screens. Small figures/tables are aligned on the left with standard indenture, while large figures/tables are centered and covering the full width of the page. The revised layout was applied in the article pictured below, to serve as an example:

1) Information is displayed in the left information bar.

2) In the main text, there is a blank column on the left.

3) Small tables/figures are aligned on the left, large tables/figures are centered.

11 December 2020
2020 "Highly Cited Researchers" on MDPI Journal's Editorial Boards

We are pleased to acknowledge that many academic editors who have made an impact on MDPI journals as editorial board members, editors-in-chief, or section editors, are recognized as 2020 Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate.

Highly Cited Researchers highlights the top 1% of researchers, by citations, in one or more of the 22 fields used in Clarivate Analytics Essential Science Indicators. We offer our congratulations to 279 academic editors of MDPI journals who were recognized as the most influential scholars in their fields in 2020.

Adams, Dave
Agarwal, Ravi P.
Ahn, Choon Ki
Ahn, Myung-Ju
Albrecht, Randy A.
Andersson, Dan I.
Anker, Stefan D.
Apergis, Nicholas
Ariga, Katsuhiko
Artaxo, Paulo
Balsamo, Gianpaolo
Barba, Francisco J.
Benediktsson, Jon Atli
Benelli, Giovanni
Bhatnagar, Amit
Bialystok, Ellen
Blaabjerg, Frede
Blay, Jean-Yves
Bogers, Marcel
Bolton, Declan J.
Boyer, Cyrille
Brocca, Luca
Bruix, Jordi
Buhalis, Dimitrios
Burdick, Jason A.
Byrd, John C.
Cabeza, Luisa F.
Cabrerizo-Lorite, Francisco Javier
Cai, Jianchao
Calhoun, Vince D.
Cantu, Robert C.
Cerqueira, Miguel
Chang, Jo-Shu
Chau, Kwok-wing
Chemat, Farid
Chen, Jianmin
Chen, Jun
Chen, Min
Chen, Shaowei
Chen, Wei
Chen, Wei-Hsin
Chen, Xiaofeng
Chen, Yangkang
Chen, Zhi-Gang
Chiclana, Francisco
Corella, Dolores
Cortes, Javier
Cortes, Jorge
Cummings, Kenneth Michael
Dai, Shifeng
Decker, Eric A.
DePinho, Ronald A.
Dimopoulos, Meletios-Athanasios
Dincer, Ibrahim
Du, Yihong
Dupont, Didier
Edwards, David
Ellahi, Rahmat
Ellis, Erle C.
ElMasry, Gamal
Esteller, Manel
Estruch, Ramón
Fang, Chuanglin
Fasano, Alessio
Fernandez-Lafuente, Roberto
Ferreira, Isabel
Fortino, Giancarlo
Galluzzi, Lorenzo
Galvano, Fabio
Gandomi, Amir H.
Gandomi, Amir H.
Gao, Bin
Gao, Feng
Gao, Wei
Garbe, Claus
García, Hermenegildo
Geschwind, Daniel H.
Giampieri, Francesca
Giralt, Sergio A.
Glanz, Karen
Goldewijk, Kees Klein
Gössling, Stefan
Govindan, Kannan
Granato, Daniel
Grosso, Giuseppe
Grosso, Giuseppe
Guerrero, Josep M.
Haase, Dagmar
Hagger, Martin S.
Hamblin, Michael R.
Han, Heesup
Jankovic, Joseph
Janotti, Anderson

Jiang, Hai-Long
Kalaji, Hazem M.
Kalantar-Zadeh, Kourosh
Kaner, Richard B.
Karimi, Hamid Reza
Kataoka, Kazunori
Keesstra, Saskia
Kepp, Oliver
Kerminen, Veli-Matti
Keyzers, Robert A.
Khademhosseini, Ali
Khan, Nafees A.
Kim, Ki-Hyun
Klemeš, Jiří Jaromír
Klenk, Hans-Peter
Konopleva, Marina Y.
Krammer, Florian
Krebs, Frederik C.
Kroemer, Guido
Kudo, Masatoshi
Kurths, Juergen
Kurzrock, Razelle
Kuznetsov, Nikolay V.
Kyrpides, Nikos C.
La Vecchia, Carlo
Lai, Yuekun
Lam, James
Lancellotti, Patrizio
Lee, Sangmoon
Leung, Victor C. M.
Li, Jinghong
Li, Yurui
Lindahl, José M. Merigó
Lip, Gregory Y. H.
Loh, Xian Jun
Long, Hualou
Lund, Henrik
Luo, Jingshan
Luque, Rafael
Lyons, Timothy W.
Ma, Jun
Ma, Wen-Xiu
Ma, Yanming
Maeda, Keisuke
Makarova, Kira
Mantovani, Alberto
Martín-Belloso, Olga
Martinoia, Enrico
Marzband, Mousa
Masclaux-Daubresse, Celine
Masson, Patrick
Mateos, María Victoria
Mathiesen, Brian Vad
Matyjaszewski, Krzysztof
McArthur, Grant A.
McCauley, Darren
Medlock, Jolyon M.
Melero, Ignacio
Mezzetti, Bruno
Miroshnichenko, Andrey E.
Moran, Daniel
Mueller, Lukas A.
Mueller-Roeber, Bernd
Naushad, Mu
Nemeroff, Charles B.
Nieto, Juan J.
O'Donnell, Colm
Ogino, Shuji
Olabi, Abdul-Ghani
O'Regan, Donal
Orsini, Nicola
Oswald, Isabelle P.
Ozcan, Aydogan
Pahl-Wostl, Claudia
Pang, Huan
Payne, James E.
Peng, Shushi
Perc, Matjaz
Perez-Alvarez, Jose Angel
Piquero, Alex R.
Ploss, Alexander
Postolache, Mihai
Pradhan, Biswajeet
Prinsep, Michele R.
Qian, Dong
Qu, Xiaogang
Reiter, Russel J.
Riahi, Keywan
Richter, Andreas
Rignot, Eric
Robert, Caroline
Ros, Emilio
Rosell, Rafael

Rosen, Marc A.
Rossolini, Gian Maria
Saad, Fred
Saad, Walid
Sadorsky, Perry
Sakthivel, Rathinasamy
Schwab, Matthias
Scolyer, Richard A.
Serra-Majem, Lluis
Sethi, Gautam
Seto, Karen C.
Settele, Josef
Seymour, John F.
Shi, Peng
Siano, Pierluigi
Sillanpää, Mika
Simal-Gandara, Jesus
Smagghe, Guy
Srivastava, Hari M.
Stadler, Peter F.
Sun, Fengchun
Sunderland, Elsie M.
Suzuki, Nobuhiro
Svenning, Jens-Christian
Tan, Weihong
Teixeira, José António
Thakur, Vijay Kumar
Tong, Shilu
Tornabene, Francesco
Tsao, Rong
Tukker, Arnold
Turskis, Zenonas
Uversky, Vladimir N.
van Wesemael, Bas
Van Zwieten, Lukas
Vangronsveld, Jaco
Varma, Rajender S.
Varshney, Rajeev K.
Vasquez, Juan C.
Velicogna, Isabella
Vieta, Eduard
Wade, Timothy J.
Wagner, Wolfgang
Wamba, Samuel Fosso
Wang, Chunsheng
Wang, Guoxiu
Wang, Joseph
Wang, Qi
Wang, Tao
Wang, Yuan
Wiens, John J.
Wu, Hao Bin
Wu, Hui
Wu, Tom
Wu, Zhongbiao
Xia, Xinhui
Xiao, Wenjiao
Xin, Sen
Xiong, Rui
Xu, Bin
Xu, Zeshui
Yan, Huaicheng
Yang, Bing
Yang, Hongxing
Yang, Jie
Yang, Xiao-Jun
Yin, Shen
Ying, Guang-Guo
Young, Allan H.
Yu, Guihua
Zarco-Tejada, Pablo J.
Zavadskas, EdmundasKazimieras
Zeadally, Sherali
Zhang, Fan
Zhang, Liangpei
Zhang, Qichun
Zhang, Xian-Ming
Zhang, Yue-Jun
Zhao, Guochun
Zhao, Li-Dong
Zhu, Zhe
Zhuang, Xiaodong
Zou, Quan

The full list of 2020 Highly Cited Researchers  can be accessed on

--- Highly Cited Researchers (HCR) is a Clarivate product.

16 September 2020
Viruses Reaches 5000 Article Milestone

(ISSN 1999-4915; CODEN: VIRUBR) is a peer-reviewed open access journal of virology, published monthly online by MDPI. Viruses has passed another milestone by publishing the 5000th article since its inception in 2009.

Viruses is indexed by Science Citation Index Expanded (Impact Factor of 3.816 for 2020 and ranked 12/37 (Q2) in ‘Virology’). The American Society for Virology (ASV), Spanish Society for Virology (SEV), Canadian Society for Virology (CSV), Italian Society for Virology (SIV-ISV), and Australasian Virology Society (AVS), along with numerous other societies (, are affiliated with Viruses, and their members receive a discount on the article processing charge.

Our sincere thanks to the Editor-in-Chief of Viruses, Dr. Eric O. Freed, and all Editorial Board Members, the Guest Editors of Special Issues, and Topic Editors who ensure the continued significance of the journal.

9 July 2020
Open Access Agreement Between Jisc Collections and MDPI

We are delighted to announce the establishment of our Open Access agreement with Jisc Collections, which will allow UK institutions to benefit from access to article processing charge (APC) discounts and streamlined payment workflows.

All institutions participating in the agreement will also gain access to the MDPI online submission system where they can find full article metadata and pricing information for easy identification and additional transparency.

Eligible authors affiliated with the participating institutions are prompted to choose the corresponding Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) when they submit an article via our online submission system.

Jisc logo

About Jisc

Jisc's vision is for the UK to be the most digitally advanced education and research nation in the world. At its heart is the super-fast national research and education network, Janet, with built-in cyber security protection.  Jisc also provides technology solutions for its members (colleges, universities and research centres) and customers (public sector bodies), helps members save time and money by negotiating sector-wide deals and provides advice and practical assistance on digital technology. Jisc is funded by the UK higher and further education and research funding bodies and member institutions.

For more information, contact [email protected].

About MDPI

MDPI is a publisher of fully peer-reviewed, Open Access journals with a focus on thorough and rapid editorial processing. Its aim is to ensure that high-quality research is verified and made available to the research community as quickly as possible. MDPI stands at the forefront of the Open Access movement, having launched its first online journal Molecules in 1996. Today, MDPI is a leader in Open Access publishing with over 250 journals across all research disciplines, and all content published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY).

For any questions about this agreement, please contact the MDPI IOAP team at [email protected].

29 June 2020
Updated Impact Factors Released in the Journal Citation Reports (Clarivate)

The updated citation metrics have been released in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR), published by Clarivate. The recent release of the JCR includes seventy-one MDPI titles. Out of these, 18 titles are newcomers, receiving a first Journal Impact Factor which is based on citation activity in 2019: Actuators, Agriculture, Biology, Biomedicines, Biosensors, Chemosensors, Children, Healthcare, Journal of Fungi, Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM), Land, Life, Magnetochemistry, Membranes, Pharmaceuticals, Photonics, Separations and Toxics.

  • Out of the previously listed journals, a total of 72 percent boast an increased Impact Factor.
  • 25 journals are ranked among the top 25% of journals in at least one of the categories they are ranked for.
  • Articles published in 2019 in MDPI journals account for approximately 17 percent of of articles published in gold Open Access journals covered in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) and Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).

First Impact Factors

Journal Impact Factor Rank Category Details
Actuators 1.957 31/64 (Q2) • Instruments & Instrumentation Link
Agriculture 2.072 25/91 (Q2) • Agronomy Link
Biology 3.796 19/93 (Q1) • Biology Link
Biomedicines  4.717 30/138 (Q1)
36/270 (Q1)
• Medicine, Research & Experimental
• Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Biosensors 3.240 24/86 (Q2) • Chemistry, Analytical Link
Chemosensors 3.108 16/64 (Q1)
27/86 (Q2)
13/27 (Q2)
• Instruments & Instrumentation
• Chemistry, Analytical
• Electrochemistry
Children 2.078 50/128 (Q2) • Pediatrics Link
Healthcare 1.916 62/102 (Q3)
45/87 (Q3)
• Health Care Sciences & Services (SCIE)
• Health Policy & Services (SSCI)
Journal of Fungi 4.621 5/29 (Q1)
31/135 (Q1)
• Mycology
• Microbiology
Journal of Personalized Medicine 4.433 24/165 (Q1)
10/102 (Q1)
• Medicine, General & Internal
• Health Care Sciences & Services
Land 2.429 58/123 (Q2) • Environmental Studies (SSCI) Link
Life 2.991 26/93 (Q2)
109/267 (Q2)
• Biology
• Microbiology
Magnetochemistry 1.947 22/45 (Q2)
109/159 (Q3)
201/314 (Q3)
• Chemistry, Inorganic & Nuclear
• Chemistry, Physical
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Membranes 3.094 53/143 (Q2)
129/314 (Q2)
23/89 (Q2)
• Engineering, Chemical
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
• Polymer Science
Pharmaceuticals 4.286 49/270 (Q1) • Pharmacology & Pharmacy Link
Photonics 2.140 48/97 (Q2) • Optics Link
Separations 1.900 53/86 (Q3) • Chemistry, Analytical Link
Toxics 3.271 32/92 (Q2)
92/265 (Q2)
• Toxicology
• Environmental Sciences

Updated Impact Factors

Journal Impact Factor Rank Category Details
Agronomy 2.603 18/91 (Q1)
65/234 (Q2)
• Agronomy
• Plant Sciences
Animals 2.323 10/63 (Q1)
14/142 (Q1)
• Agriculture, Dairy & Animal Science
• Veterinary Sciences
Antibiotics 3.893 23/93 (Q1)
64/270 (Q1)
• Infectious Diseases
• Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Antioxidants 5.014 10/139 (Q1)
56/297 (Q1)
7/61 (Q1)
• Food Science & Technology
• Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
• Chemistry, Medicinal
Applied Sciences 2.474 161/314 (Q3)
32/91 (Q2)
88/177 (Q2)
62/154 (Q2)
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
• Engineering, Multidisciplinary
• Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
• Physics, Applied
Atmosphere 2.397 48/93 (Q3) • Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences Link
Biomolecules 4.082 98/297 (Q2) • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Link
Brain Sciences 3.332 113/271 (Q2) • Neurosciences Link
Cancers 6.126 37/244 (Q1) • Oncology Link
Catalysts 3.520 65/159 (Q2) • Chemistry, Physical Link
Cells 4.366 70/195 (Q2) • Cell Biology Link
Coatings 2.436 10/21 (Q2) • Materials Science, Coatings & Films Link
Crystals 2.404 10/26 (Q2)
165/314 (Q3)
• Crystallography
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Diagnostics 3.110 39/165 (Q1) • Medicine, General & Internal Link
Diversity 1.402 119/168 (Q3) • Ecology Link
Electronics 2.412 125/266 (Q2) • Engineering, Electrical & Electronic Link
Energies 2.702 63/112 (Q3) • Energy & Fuels Link
Entropy 2.494 33/85 (Q2) • Physics, Multidisciplinary Link
Foods 4.092 27/139 (Q1) • Food Science & Technology Link
Forests 2.221 17/68 (Q1) • Forestry Link
Genes 3.759 53/177 (Q2) • Genetics & Heredity Link
Insects 2.220 18/101 (Q1) • Entomology Link
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2.849 58/193 (Q2)

32/170 (Q1)

105/265 (Q2)
• Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SCIE)
• Public, Environmental & Occupational Health (SSCI)
• Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) 4.556 74/297 (Q1)
48/177 (Q2)
• Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
• Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) 2.239 31/50 (Q3)
18/30 (Q3)
• Geography, Physical
• Remote Sensing
Journal of Clinical Medicine 3.303 36/165 (Q1) • Medicine, General & Internal Link
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 2.033 31/66 (Q2) • Oceanography Link
Marine Drugs 4.073 16/61 (Q2) • Chemistry, Medicinal Link
Materials 3.057 132/314 (Q2) • Materials Science, Multidisciplinary Link
Mathematics 1.747 28/324 (Q1) • Mathematics Link
Medicina 1.205 107/165 (Q3) • Medicine, General & Internal Link
Metabolites 4.097 95/297 (Q2) • Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Link
Metals 2.117 18/79 (Q1)
185/314 (Q3)
• Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
Micromachines 2.523 56/92 (Q3)
23/64 (Q2)
• Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
• Instruments & Instrumentation
Microorganisms 4.152 37/135 (Q2) • Microbiology Link
Minerals 2.380 6/21 (Q2)
11/30 (Q2)
• Mining & Mineral Processing
• Mineralogy
Molecules 3.267 70/177 (Q2)
141/297 (Q2)
• Chemistry, Multidisciplinary
• Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Nanomaterials 4.324 89/314 (Q2)
42/103 (Q2)
• Materials Science, Multidisciplinary
• Nanoscience & Nanotechnology
Nutrients 4.546 17/89 (Q1) • Nutrition & Dietetics Link
Pathogens 3.018 65/135 (Q2) • Microbiology Link
Pharmaceutics 4.421 44/270 (Q1) • Pharmacology & Pharmacy Link
Plants 2.762 58/234 (Q1) • Plant Sciences Link
Polymers 3.426 16/89 (Q1) • Polymer Science Link
Processes 2.753 59/143 (Q2) • Engineering, Chemical Link
Remote Sensing 4.509 9/30 (Q2) • Remote Sensing Link
Sensors 3.275 22/86 (Q2)
77/266 (Q2)
15/64 (Q1)
• Chemistry, Analytical
• Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
• Instruments & Instrumentation
Sustainability 2.576 120/265 (Q2)
26/41 (Q3)

53/123 (Q2)
6/8 (Q3)
• Environmental Sciences (SCIE)
• Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SCIE)
• Environmental Studies (SSCI)
• Green & Sustainable Science & Technology (SSCI)
Symmetry 2.645 29/71 (Q2) • Multidisciplinary Sciences Link
Toxins 3.531 21/92 (Q1)
34/139 (Q1)
• Toxicology
• Food Science & Technology
Universe 1.752 18/29 (Q3)
42/68 (Q3)
• Physics, Particles & Fields
• Astronomy & Astrophysics
Vaccines 4.086 57/158 (Q2)
50/138 (Q2)
• Immunology
• Medicine, Research & Experimental
Viruses 3.816 12/37 (Q2) • Virology Link
Water 2.544 31/94 (Q2) • Water Resources Link

Source: Clarivate 2020, InCites Journal Citation Reports®.

13 May 2020
COVID-19 Academic Resources Center

Since 1996, MDPI has been committed to supporting the research community by providing the latest research freely available and making relevant and useful research available as quickly as possible. The world is current experiencing a pandemic of COVID-19, and researchers are working extremely hard to understand it and find a cure.

The values MDPI holds strongly are particularly important at the moment, and we will continue to publish relevant, peer-reviewed research as quickly as possible in open access format. This means that it will immediately be available for researchers, health professionals, and the general public to read, distribute, and reuse. We believe that scientific advancements will be crucial to overcoming this pandemic, and will do everything we can to support researchers working looking for solutions.

COVID-19 Academic Resources Center contains a variety of information related to COVID-19 available from MDPI, including journal articles, special issues, and preprints, among others.

For more information, please visit:

9 April 2020
Free Open Platforms to Support Academics During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As a leading Open Access publisher, MDPI is committed to fostering open scientific exchange in all forms across all disciplines. Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, many researchers have to stay at home and many academic conferences have been cancelled or postponed. In light of these changes, MDPI has adopted numerous initiatives that may help accelerate scientific exchange and provide support to the academics during this period.

Scholarly Community—Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia is an online reference created and curated by active scholars. It aims to highlight the latest research results as well as providing benchmark information for researchers and the general public interested in accurate and advanced knowledge on specific topics.

Comprehensive and Free Literature DatabaseScilit

Scilit is a comprehensive, free database for scientists that uses a new method to collate data and index scientific material. Our crawlers extract the latest data from CrossRef and PubMed on a daily basis. This means that newly published articles are immediately added to Scilit.

Display Academic AchievementsSciProfiles

SciProfiles is an innovative social network for researchers and scholars that is developed by MDPI. In line with our broad mission, the purpose of SciProfiles is to accelerate discovery and innovation by facilitating immediate access to research results and providing opportunities for academic networking.

Organize and Participate in Conferences OnlineSciforum

Sciforum is an event planning platform that supports open science by offering the opportunity to host and participate in academic conferences. It provides an environment for scholarly exchange, discussion of topics of current interest, building of networks, and establishing collaborations.

Post Early Versions of Research OutputsPreprints

Preprints is a platform dedicated to making early versions of research outputs permanently available and citable. We post original research articles and comprehensive reviews, and papers can be updated by authors at any time. Content on Preprints is not peer-reviewed, and feedback can be received from readers.


MDPI remains committed to open science and open data and has signed a statement, along with more than thirty scholarly publishers, showing our intention to facilitate sharing of new research findings as early on as possible. The initiative sees publishers collectively removing barriers to new research, in the face of a global healthcare crisis.

25 March 2020
MDPI Comment on the COVID-19 Virus

The world is currently suffering from a global pandemic of the corona virus COVID-19. MDPI expresses its sympathies for all of those affected by the virus and stands in solidarity with medical staff and researchers treating patients and searching for scientific solutions.

MDPI has previously published papers covering corona viruses in addition to new papers on the current outbreak, see all papers here. In particular, Viruses has published a number of Special Issues and papers on the topic (see here, here, and here) as well as a forthcoming Special Issue.

Alongside journal articles, MDPI has been a strong supporter of preprints, which are increasingly being used to rapidly disseminate the latest research, and we run the preprint server Our database of research articles, Scilit, is free to use and covers all publishers including preprint servers. New papers are often in search results within hours of publication and users can set up alerts for new papers.

Our main priority during this period has been the health and safety of staff, and we continue to allow staff to work at home and closely monitor the situation in all locations in which we work. Despite the restrictions, we continue to provide a full publication service and, by close collaboration with our editorial boards and making use our in-house teams, ensure that there are no unnecessary delays in publishing vital research. Fast and open publication has always been at the core of MDPI values and is now more important than ever.

We hope that a solution to the current situation will emerge soon. In the meantime, we will do our best to continue communicating vital research in all fields.

18 March 2020
MDPI Co-Signed Position Statement on Transformative Agreements

The advantages of the open access model of scientific publishing are being increasingly recognized in the scientific community. It allows new scientific evidence to be accessed from the moment of publication for free by anyone around the globe, boosting the impact of new research. In response, many funders, libraries and universities have been adopting new principles to accelerate the transition to open access.

Recently, “transformative agreements” have been negotiated between traditional publishers and various institutions. While increasing the number of open access papers, these agreements lack binding commitments to a full transition to open access, their conditions vary across different regions, and access is still limited for many users.

MDPI is a co-signatory of the recent position statement raising concerns about potential downsides of transformative agreements and how they may delay a full transition to open access. The statement highlights that these models “risk perpetuating current limitations on access, transparency and market competitiveness, while simultaneously facilitating excessive charges on the public purse”.

As a pioneering open access journal publisher, MDPI is the first to promote the importance of science being made available to everyone. Our peer-reviewed journals, covering diverse academic disciplines, are fully accessible to the public free of charge under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). This is why, along with other open access publishers, MDPI is a proud signatory of the position paper and is committed to contributing to the replacement of weak transitional agreements with “agreements with publishers that are already fully committed to open science and who offer full, immediate and transparent Open Access”.

Read the position paper here

16 March 2020
Encyclopedia Outstanding Contributor Awards 2020 - Open for Application

We are pleased to announce that Encyclopedia will be awarding five Outstanding Contributor Awards for researchers in 2020. The nominations and applications will be assessed by an Evaluation Committee consisting of senior scholars from the Encyclopedia Editorial Board.

Prize for Winners

  1. An official certificate;
  2. A cash award of 500 CHF or an MDPI discount voucher of 800 CHF.

Application Deadline

31 December, 2020 (Please send your application email with a list of all entries you contributed to our office before the deadline: [email protected])

Candidate Requirements

  1. Have a Ph.D. degree;
  2. Have more than three qualified entries published in Encyclopedia in 2020.

Evaluation Standards

  1. Number of entries published in Encyclopedia in 2020;
  2. Quality of entries online (including length, figure quality, and novelty);
  3. Impact of entries (including the number of likes, discussion contents, views, and downloads).

If you are a researcher and have not yet contribute entries to Encyclopedia, please do not miss this chance to highlight your research results.

14 February 2020
Meet Us at the Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC 2020) in Washington, DC, USA, 22–26 April 2020

MDPI will be attending the Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC 2020) in Washington, DC, USA, 22–26 April 2020.
TAGC is a unique conference organized by the Genetics Society of America that gives you both topic-driven and community-specific sessions to foster collaboration and inspire fresh thinking.

The following MDPI journals will be represented:

If you are also attending this conference, please feel free to stop by our booth (Booth 723). Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person to answer any questions you may have. For more information about the conference, please visit:

11 October 2019
Introducing SciProfiles, an Academic Social Network

MDPI is pleased to announce the release of SciProfiles, its social network platform for researchers and scholars.

The purpose of SciProfiles is aligned with MDPI’s broad mission to accelerate discovery and innovation by facilitating immediate access to research results and to serve scholars and communities by providing opportunities for academic networking.

SciProfiles also ambitions to serve as a sustainable, transparent and community-driven research evaluation system aligned with the DORA principles ( Through their scientific profiles, academics can highlight their contribution to research communities, and measure their impact on their field, beyond publication numbers and impact factors. SciProfiles is currently a beta version and will enrich to give researchers the possibility to highlight all of their contributions to science and their scientific communities as authors, reviewers, editors, conference organizers, conference panelists, conference keynote speakers, or even as lecturers or student mentors at their University.

The classic components of popular community social networks, including follower/following, classical metrics, endorsements and recommendations (, comments ( are or will be very soon highlighted in SciProfiles as open science contributions.

To help increase the impact and visibility of articles and their authors to an appropriate audience, the platform offers a NewsFeed that includes recommendations of relevant content based on interests, publication history, saved searches or colleagues’ recommendations.

SciProfiles’ avatars are now being integrated on several MDPI platforms, meaning that you will directly access researchers’ profiles from any of the MDPI platforms:

MDPI's journal publishing website:
MDPI's conference hosting and management website:
MDPI's pre-print website :
MDPI's knowledge sharing website :
MDPI's books store:
MDPI's literature database :

SciProfiles aims to serve scientific communities at large. It can be embedded into third-party websites and also welcomes integration of data from third-parties.

Dr. Shu-Kun Lin:
Dr. Franck Vazquez:
Dr. Martyn Rittman:

2 October 2019
Winners of the 2019 MDPI Writing Prize

We are delighted to announce the winners of the 2019 MDPI Writing Prize. Entrants were asked to write on the theme "Judging research: How should research and researchers be evaluated and rewarded?" We received a large number of excellent essays from PhD students and postdocs, and the process of shortlisting and choosing winners was not an easy one. The winners demonstrated excellent writing skills alongside interesting and thought-provoking ideas.

As last year, we will begin the process of collating all entries into a book that will be available in open access format. Alongside promoting good writing skills, we see the prize as a way to promote the voices of early career researchers within broader debates and policy discussions.

Congratulations to all of the participants and especially the winners. The winners are:

1st Prize (500 CHF):
Albin Nilsson (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warsaw, Poland)
[Read here]

2nd Prize (250 CHF):
Qi Zhang (Shandong University, Jinan, China)
[Read here]
Igor Ogashawara (Indiana University, Indianapolis, US)
[Read here]

3rd Prize (100 CHF):
Margaret Sivapragasam (Universiti Teknologi Petronas, Perak, Malaysia)
[Read here]
Arvind Sharma (The University of Queensland, Gatton, Australia)
[Read here]
Jose Flores-Guerrero (University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands)
[Read here]

The MDPI Writing Prize is an annual award supported by MDPI Author Services, which provides services including language editing, reformatting, plagiarism checks, and image editing.

20 September 2019
MDPI Now Gives Scholars the Possibility to Endorse and Recommend Articles

MDPI is pleased to announce the release of a new functionality giving the possibility for researchers and scholars to endorse, and formally recommend articles to their colleagues.

MDPI was an early signatory of the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment ( which calls for improvement in how quality and impact of scholarly research outputs are evaluated, especially in moving beyond journal-based citation metrics (journal Impact Factor, Scopus Citescore, etc.).

MDPI supports the establishment of article-level impact metrics, including citations, views, downloads, and Altmetric scores. These measures serve as an impact indicator for research articles on a case–by-case basis, assessing paper on its own merit. However, these metrics are also subjective and can give a biased picture of the article impact: they do not directly reflect the quality or the intrinsic scientific value of the article.

In our view, community engagement with publications based on community-driven metrics can help to overcome this limitation. We have therefore launched an option for scholars to endorse articles, indicating their own assessment of its content and making a recommendation to their community. This follows our implementation of the open source Hypothesis commenting tool, which has been available for all articles published by MDPI for over a year ( Both endorsement and commenting are available for all previously published and forthcoming MDPI articles.

In addition to potentially serving as a sustainable solution to article assessment, endorsements will help scientific communities to identify the most relevant articles, independently of the journal in which it was published.

The code for the endorsing functionality, which relies on DOIs and ORCIDs, will be made available on GitHub with an open source license.

Dr. Shu-Kun Lin, President and Founder
Dr. Franck Vazquez, Chief Scientific Officer
Dr. Martyn Rittman, Publishing Director

11 September 2019

Create an Entry in Encyclopedia to Get a 100 CHF Voucher in Publishing in MDPI Journals

Encyclopedia is pleased to announce that certain well-prepared entries are eligible for a 100 CHF voucher, which can be used for paper publication in any journals in MDPI. We believe that your contribution would be a great help in keeping up with scientific developments. Do not miss the chance to publish with us. Please clink here to find the detailed guideline.

Encyclopedia is a free online reference created and curated by active scholars. It aims to highlight the latest research results as well as provide a comprehensive record of scientific development. If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact us via [email protected].

6 August 2019
Preprints Reaches 10,000 Posted Articles Milestone

We are pleased to announce that Preprints has passed the milestone of 10,000 posted preprints. We are delighted to have reached this after just over three years of operation. Our congratulations and thanks go to our authors and advisory board who have supported growth of the platform and been crucial to its operation.

You can find further details at

2 August 2019
DeepGreen Partnering with Publishers and Universities in Distributing Open Access Content to Institutional Repositories

Last week, the DeepGreen initiative in Germany started into an advanced test phase with the publishing partners S. Karger AG, SAGE Publishing, MDPI, Frontiers and De Gruyter, as well as 27 universities from all over Germany, from Hamburg University of Applied Sciences to University of Konstanz.

DeepGreen aims at lowering the barriers for open access publishing by automatically delivering metadata and full text publications from participating publishers to authorized repositories at German universities.

In preparation for a later live operation, the advanced test phase serves to gain experience with extensive data deliveries from publishers and also handling different repository software (including OPUS4, DSpace, EPrints, MyCoRe). DeepGreen thereby acts as a sophisticated platform, receiving articles published by authors affiliated with German universities and depositing these articles to respective university repositories, based on the affiliation metadata. For more information about DeepGreen:

Karger AG has been a close cooperation partner of the DeepGreen consortium since 2016. S. Karger has more than 80 subscription-based and around 20 open access journals covering a wide spectrum in health science. DeepGreen will assign S. Karger articles to authorized institutions on the legal basis of German alliance and national licenses.

SAGE Publishing  was founded by Sara Miller McCune in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE publishes more than 1,000 journals and over 600 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. Our growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence. Principal offices are located in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC and Melbourne. SAGE Publishing has been a close cooperation partner of DeepGreen since 2016.

MDPI  is a scientific open access publisher and has been a partner of DeepGreen since 2017. MDPI comprises 205 peer-reviewed journals of various disciplines. All articles are published under a CC-BY license and are freely available without embargo period.

Frontiers  is a scientific open access publisher with 61 journals of over 600 academic disciplines. All articles are peer-reviewed and published freely available under CC-BY license.

De Gruyter  is an academic publisher with more than 700 subscription-based and open access journals of 29 disciplines. Articles provided by De Gruyter will be assigned to institutions with German alliance and national licenses.

There is promising communication with other publishers.

DeepGreen is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the consortium comprises six institutions: the Cooperative Library Network Berlin-Brandenburg, Bavarian State Library, Bavarian Library Network, University Library of the Technische Universität Berlin, University Library of Erlangen-Nuremberg and the Helmholtz Open Science Coordination Office at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences.

If you would like to know in more detail which institutions take part in the advanced test phase of DeepGreen, you can find more information here.

17 July 2019
First Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum

The University of Basel and the MDPI Sustainability Foundation are organizing the First Basel Sustainable Publishing Forum on 9th September 2019.

The aim of this event is to provide background and perspectives on Plan S to Learned Societies, which have to make well-informed decisions to transition their journals to Open Access (OA).

The BSPF will bring together several representatives of Learned societies, Plan S architects as well as representatives from various publishers and publishing platforms. After getting the big picture from cOAlition S, panel discussions will allow to better understand the diverse challenges that Learned societies are facing to transition their journals to OA as well as to identify sustainable, implementable and scalable solutions for successful Open Access transition.

For program details and registration, please follow the link below:

28 June 2019
Meet Us at the 2019 ISV Annual Congress in Ghent, Belgium, 27–29 October 2019

We will be attending the 2019 International Society for Vaccines (ISV) Annual Congress in Ghent, Belgium on 27–29 October 2019. The ISV Annual Congress is the world’s largest non-commercial scientific conference for basic and clinical researchers interested in vaccines and their underlying sciences, with broad coverage of topics related to vaccines and immunotherapies ranging from basic research through to manufacturing and clinical trials for humans, and veterinary vaccines encompassing infectious diseases and cancer. The conference provides a platform to exchange ideas through lively discussions led by session chairs and through vibrant interactive poster sessions among the attendees. Representatives of the following MDPI open access journals will attend:





If you are also attending this conference, please feel free to stop by our booth (booth #6). Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person to answer any questions you may have. For more information about the conference, please visit

20 June 2019
Viruses Receiving 2018 Updated Impact Factor of 3.811

We are pleased to inform that Viruses received an updated Journal Impact Factor of 3.811 in the June 2018 release of the Journal Citation Reports®. The journal's 5-Year Impact Factor is 3.916. Viruses now ranks 11/36 (Q2) in the 'Virology' category.

Evolution of Impact Factor, Citations and Publications for Viruses:

Source: data according to Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product; and Scopus journal metrics.

21 May 2019
The Swedish Society for Virology (SSV) is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Viruses

In April 2019, the Swedish Society for Virology (SSV) became affiliated to Viruses. As part of this collaboration, all members of SSV enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Viruses.

The Swedish Society for Virology (SSV) was founded in 2008 to provide a forum for all interested in virology, including clinical, pre-clinical, environmental, veterinary, plant and/or microbial (phage) virology. The aim of the society is to promote the exchange of information and stimulate discussion and collaboration among scientists active in all aspects of virology. The society presents current information regarding upcoming events and meetings, grants, positions, and education opportunities.

SSV is a professional organization whose functions are highly relevant to the scope of Viruses. We look forward to collaborating with SSV and publishing state-of-the-art research from its members in this field.

2 May 2019
The Brazilian Society for Virology (BSV) is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Viruses

In March 2019, the Brazilian Society for Virology (BSV) became affiliated to Viruses. As part of this collaboration, all members of BSV enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Viruses.

The Brazilian Society for Virology (BSV) was established in 1986 to support the development of basic and applied virology in South America. The society promotes the exchange of information and stimulates the collaboration among virologists.

BSV is a professional organization whose functions are highly relevant to the scope of Viruses. We look forward to collaborating with BSV and publishing state-of-the-art research from its members in this field.

2 April 2019
The German Society for Virology (GfV) is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Viruses

In March 2019, the German Society for Virology (GfV) became affiliated to Viruses. As part of this collaboration, all members of EMS enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Viruses.

The German Society for Virology (Gesellschaft für Virologie, GfV) promotes the development of Virology as a research area in the life sciences, medicine and veterinary medicine. Founded in 1990, the society is the largest virological society in Europe with about 1’100 members, mainly from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but also further countries.

GfV is a professional organization whose functions are highly relevant to the scope of Viruses. We look forward to collaborating with GfV and publishing state-of-the-art research from its members in this field.

20 March 2019
Fostering Open Access Publishing Worldwide: New IOAP Participants in February and March 2019

We are pleased to welcome more universities from Poland, Italy, Germany, Brazil and other parts of the world to MDPI's Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP). A warm welcome to the institutions listed below, who have joined the Program in February and March this year.

James Madison University (JMU), Harrisonburg USA
Loughborough University UK
Lublin University of Technology Poland
Marquette University, Milwaukee USA
Massey University, Palmerston North New Zealand
Medical College of Wisconsin USA
Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń Poland
Poznań University of Life Sciences Poland
Robert Koch-Institut, Berlin Germany
Rothamsted Research, Harpenden UK
Santa Clara University (SCU)  USA
Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau Germany
University of Aveiro Portugal
University of Brasília Brazil
University of Duisburg-Essen Germany
University of Greifswald Germany
University of Molise Italy
University of Naples Parthenope Italy
University of São Paulo (USP) - São Carlos Institute of Physics Brazil
University of Szczecin Poland
University of Warmia and Mazury, Olsztyn Poland
University West, Trollhättan Sweden
UTP University of Science and Technology, Bydgoszcz Poland
VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland Finland

Authors affiliated with these institutions can now enjoy a discount on the APC for papers accepted for publication in any MDPI journal. If you would like to learn more about our program, please visit: or email us at [email protected].

5 March 2019
MDPI Joins Jisc’s Publications Router Service

We are delighted to announce our participation in Jisc’s Publication Router project, as of March 2019.

Publications Router is a Jisc service that automatically sends notifications about research articles to institutions' systems such as their repositories or CRISs, since May 2015. Through this agreement, MDPI will provide Jisc with daily feeds and information regarding published articles, which will be gathered by their system and delivered to institutions also registered to this service. Nearly all of our articles are published within 15 days of acceptance, so institutions will receive them quite promptly.

The feed will include the full text of the published version of record, with no embargo, so the articles can be exposed immediately for public view. They are accompanied by rich metadata, including confirmation of the immediate CC BY licence, minimising the need for any manual intervention or checking.

For more information about Publications Router, you may contact Jisc’s central helpdesk at [email protected]. For any queries about MDPI’s institutional agreements and collaborations, you may get in touch with MDPI’s Institutional Engagement team at [email protected], which would be very happy to hear from further UK institutions.

1 February 2019
2018 MDPI Top Reviewer AwardWinners Announced

Rigorous peer-review is the cornerstone of high quality academic publishing. Over 97,000 scholars served as reviewers for MDPI journals in 2018. We are extremely appreciative of all those who made a contribution to the editorial process in this capacity. At the beginning of every year, journal editorial offices publish a list all reviewers’ names to express our gratitude. In addition, this year the “MDPI Top Reviewer Awards” are announced, to recognize the very best reviewers for their expertise, dedication, high quality, and timely review reports. We are pleased to announce the following winners of the 2018 MDPI Top Reviewer Awards:

  • Ali Behnood
  • Andrea Pezzuolo
  • Angela Gorgoglione
  • Anna D'Auria
  • Antonio D'Andrea
  • Azhar Abbas
  • Bogdan Zagajewski
  • Chunhui Chen
  • Dominika Głąbska
  • Dominika Guzek
  • Dragan Pamucar
  • Francisco J. G. Silva
  • Frank Li
  • Gianluca Serafini
  • Gyorgy Szekely
  • Haozhi Pan
  • Helvi Heinonen-Tanski
  • José Manuel Gómez-Soberón
  • Kathy Lewis
  • Klara Kosova
  • Luis N. López De Lacalle
  • M. Z. Naser
  • Malwina Tytła
  • Masoume Amirkhani
  • Matteo Ghidelli
  • Moretti Laura
  • Petra Schneider
  • Roberto Cerchione
  • Spyros Papaefthymiou
  • Ştefan Cristian Gherghina

24 January 2019
JAMS Journals: A Low-Cost Publishing Platform

Since 2010, MDPI has run its own online submission system. More recently, we have made the software, with accompanying publishing services, available to other publishers as JAMS (Journal and Article Management System). We are now delighted to announce the launch of JAMS Journals, a standardized platform for operating open access journals at low cost.

JAMS Journals provides a comprehensive service, including a shared submission website, journal websites hosted at a URL provided by the publisher, and a full production service. There is a small setup fee and the cost for each published paper is just a few hundred Swiss francs.

The platform demonstrates that running an open access journal can be straightforward and affordable. The JAMS Journals platform is suitable for

  • small publishers or groups of scholars looking to launch their own journal;
  • existing publishers or societies seeking to explore open access options;
  • publishers looking to convert an existing subscription journal to open access.

JAMS journals launches with two journals from Canadian-based publisher Etcetera Publications:

Dr AJ Al-Rajab (President of Etcetera Publications) comments:

“In the past few months, we were working on our project to launch new open access scientific journals in the field of agricultural and environmental sciences. We decided to go with JAMS for this venture because of the high quality of their services, reasonable prices, professionalism and easy communication. Our portfolio is expected to grow rapidly during 2019 to include more titles covering different areas in agriculture and environment. MDPI earned already our complete satisfaction and we are looking for a long term cooperation.”

Alongside the new platform, we continue to provide flexible, tailored journal management solutions for existing publishers. For any questions or to request a quotation, contact Dr. Constanze Schelhorn ([email protected]).

24 January 2019
Popularity of Preprints Continues to Grow

2018 was a great year for preprints, with increasing numbers of authors looking to make their papers available online before peer review. Along with other preprint servers, our platform  saw an increase in the uptake from authors, and more than double the number of announced papers compared to 2017. In fact, we recently passed two important milestones: 8000 preprints online and 30,000 authors. 

We believe that the whole research community has the opportunity to benefit from work being available online as early as possible. We thank and congratulate our authors for supporting us to make this goal a reality.

In 2019, we will be looking carefully at how to provide better value for authors, maintain efficiency while growing in size, and make sure we remain well-connected with the research community. 

If you want to participate, you can consider screening preprints or joining our advisory board. And, of course, posting your own work.

9 January 2019
Open Access Agreement between the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ), the Austrian Science Fund (FWF), and MDPI

We are delighted to announce the establishment of our national Open Access agreement with the Austrian Academic Library Consortium (KEMÖ) and the Austrian Science Fund (FWF). Through this national agreement, the Austrian institutions listed below as well as FWF will cover the Article Processing Charges (APC) of manuscripts published by eligible corresponding or funded authors in MDPI journals as long as central funds are available.

All participating institutions have gained access to the MDPI online submission system where they can find full article metadata and pricing information as well as Funder and Grant ID details for easy identification and additional transparency. At the same time eligible authors are benefited from an APC discount which comes at no cost for the institutions.

Eligible corresponding authors affiliated with the participating institutions are prompted to choose the corresponding Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) when they submit an article via our online submission system. The program will be selected automatically if authors submit their papers using their institutional email address. To claim their discount, FWF funded authors should choose the particular funder and add their Grant ID upon online submission of their manuscript. The institutions will then crosscheck the information and confirm the APC funding.

Eligible authors that have their APC covered by their institution or funder are advised to include the following sentence in their acknowledgments: "Open Access Funding by the [name of the institution/funder]".

The full text of the agreement is openly available online at:

For any questions about the agreement, please contact the KEMÖ Consortium at [email protected], FWF at [email protected], or the MDPI IOAP team at [email protected].

The Austrian institutions participating in this agreement are:

  • Austrian Science Fund (FWF)
  • University for Continuing Education Krems
  • University of Applied Sciences BFI Vienna
  • University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
  • University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien
  • Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences
  • International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
  • Institute of Science and Technology Austria
  • MCI Management Center Innsbruck
  • University of Graz
  • University of Linz
  • University of Salzburg
  • Graz University of Technology
  • TU Wien
  • University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
  • University of Vienna

This is our first collective agreement with a national library consortium, while the individual institutions around the world participating in our IOAP are now more than 500 - see details here: We would be mostly interested in discussing about possible collaborations with other consortia, funders, and institutions in our mutual efforts to accelerate Open Access.

2 January 2019
Encyclopedia—the Scholarly Community Encyclopedia

We are pleased to announce the new platform Encyclopedia, which is an online reference created and curated by active scholars. It aims to highlight the latest research results as well as providing benchmark information for researchers and the general public interested in accurate and advanced knowledge on specific topics.

We encourage authors of review articles to quote and adapt the content of their published papers to create Encyclopedia entries. You can create completely new entries on topics in which you have knowledge and expertise. There is no limit on the topics or research fields. All of science and the humanities are included. Each entry will be published directly after submission.

We also have prepared a DOI application function in Encyclopedia. Once a DOI application is approved, the entry website will announce the DOI number and a pdf version with DOI information will be automatically created.

We look forward to your contributions and hope you will make use of this service. Find more about the service at:

30 October 2018
Institutional Open Access Agreement between Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and MDPI

We are delighted to announce that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) is now a participant of our Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP). Authors funded by the BMGF can enjoy discounts on the APC, while the funder covers the costs of eligible articles centrally. BMGF also has access to the MDPI online submission system where they can find full article metadata and pricing information as well as Grant ID details for easy identification and additional transparency.

We hope that funded authors find the programme beneficial and we are happy to offer our IOAP to other funders that need a streamlined workflow of compliance checking and APC coverage. 

To claim their discount, BMGF funded authors should choose the particular funder and add their Grant ID upon online submission of their manuscript.

For any questions about the BMGF agreement, please contact the funder at [email protected] or the MDPI IOAP team at [email protected].

2 October 2018
MDPI Welcomes Plan S

Recently, it was announced that a group of European funders supported 10 principles that will help to expand open access, known as Plan S. MDPI warmly welcomes this move as a step towards achieving more open and accessible communication of research across all disciplines. Some aspects remain to be clarified, however the details given so far match the aims and values that MDPI has held over the past two decades.

We believe that open access publishers should be active participants in discussions around Plan S, particularly regarding potential new business models and practical aspects of implementation. MDPI supports APCs as a transparent unit of payment for article publishing, however we are committed to exploring other measures and recently signed the Jussieu Call. Sustainability is a key value for MDPI, and future funding models should have at their heart the sustainability of knowledge and research dissemination. Plan S provides an opportunity for funders and publishers to directly discuss funding of open access journals in ways that are beneficial to all parties involved.

30 August 2018
MDPI establishes Open Access agreement with Qatar National Library

We are happy to announce the establishment of an Open Access (OA) agreement with Qatar National Library (QNL). QNL is committed to supporting and helping Qatar authors publish OA at no cost. Through this national agreement, QNL will cover the Article Processing Charges (APC) of manuscripts published by Qatar-based corresponding authors in MDPI journals.

Eligible corresponding authors affiliated with Qatar research centers and universities are prompted to choose QNL as part of our Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP) when they submit an article via our online submission system. The program will be selected automatically if authors submit their papers using their institutional email and/or a computer registered with the institution’s IP range. QNL will then crosscheck the information and confirm the APC funding.

Qatar authors that have their APC covered by QNL are advised to include the following sentence in their acknowledgments: "The publication of this article was funded by Qatar National Library".

For more information, please visit Open Access at QNL or email the QNL Open Access team at [email protected].

8 August 2018
Australasian Virology Society (AVS) is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Viruses

In June 2018, Australasian Virology Society (AVS) chose Viruses as its preferred journal and became an affiliated society member of the journal. As part of this collaboration, all members of AVS enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Viruses.

The Australasian Virology Society aims to promote, encourage, support and advocate for the discipline of virology in the Australasian region. The society was incorporated in 2011 after 10 years operating as the Australian Virology Group (AVG), founded in 2001. AVG began as a regular biennial meeting whose aim was to provide a national forum and opportunity for those with interests in human, animal, plant, or prokaryotic virology to meet and discuss wide-ranging issues from basic molecular virology to ecology, disease, diagnosis, and control. This meeting is now a regular feature of the Australasian virology calendar.

4 July 2018
Dr. Eric Freed, Viruses Editor-in-Chief, Awarded the KT Jeang Retrovirology Prize 2018

Congratulations to Dr. Eric Freed, the Editor-in-Chief of Viruses, for being awarded the KT Jeang Retrovirology Prize 2018.

Dr. Eric Freed, whose research interests focus on the assembly, release and maturation of HIV-1 and other retroviruses, is Director of the HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, National Cancer Institute, NIH. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of Viruses since its inception in 2009.

Read Dr. Freed's career and research accomplishments at

Established in 2005 by the journal Retrovirology, the KT Jeang Retrovirology Prize is awarded to a mid-career scholar who has made outstanding contributions to the field of retrovirology.

The Viruses editorial team sends their congratulations to Dr. Eric Freed for receiving this honor!

26 June 2018
2017 Impact Factor Released for Viruses:  3.761

We are pleased to inform that Viruses received an updated Journal Impact Factor of 3.761 in the June 2018 release of the Journal Citation Reports®. The journal's 5-Year Impact Factor is 3.737. Viruses now ranks 11/35 (Q2) in the 'Virology' category.

Overview of Citation Metrics:

  • Journal Impact Factor, 2 yrs (2017): 3.761
  • 5-Year Impact Factor (2017): 3.737
  • CiteScore, 3 yrs (Scopus): 3.88
  • SJR Scimago Journal Rank 2017 (SJR): 1.805
  • Source Normalized Impact 2017 (SNIP): 1.130

Evolution of Impact Factor, Citations and Publications for Viruses:

Source: data according to Journal Citation Reports®, 2018 release, a Clarivate Analytics product; and Scopus journal metrics.

1 June 2018
Viruses 2017 CiteScore™ Announced - 3.88

We are pleased to report Viruses received a CiteScore of 3.88 for 2017. The metric reflects citation activity in 2017 in Scopus for papers published in the period 2014‒2016.

For the full details in the current CiteScore release, please see the journal's Source profile. To check the full list of MDPI journals receiving CiteScores, please see here.

31 May 2018
2017 CiteScore™ Metrics Released

The 2017 CiteScore™ data is available now, based on citation data in the Scopus® database. The current CiteScore reflects citation activity in 2017 for articles published in 2014‒2016. Please note that the list below includes journals assigned a CiteScore in this year’s release. For a full list of journals indexed in Scopus, please see our journal list.

Thirteen of our journals received a CiteScore which is in the top 10% of the distribution in at least one of the categories (marked with * in the table below), while a further 32 journals exhibit scores that are in the first quartile of the respective categories.

To access the full data for MDPI journals, please see here. More data can also be found in SJR Scimago Journal & Country Rank.

Unlike CiteScores and the widely used Journal Impact Factors, the Source Normalized Impact per Paper (SNIP) metrics are normalized in order to correct for differences in citation practices between scientific fields. Therefore, the SNIP allows direct comparison between journals specialized in different fields.

According to 2017 data, MDPI publishes six journals with an average citation impact, or SNIP, in excess of 1.500. These journals are Biomolecules, Cancers, Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM), Marine Drugs, Remote Sensing and Sensors (see the last column in the table below).

CiteScore Data for MDPI Journals

Journal Rank (Quartile)
Category Link CiteScore 2017

SNIP 2017
Aerospace 43/116 (Q2) • Aerospace Engineering Link 1.23 - -  1.152
Agriculture 69/309 (Q1)

91/398 (Q1)
78/255 (Q2)
• Agronomy and Crop Science
• Plant Science
• Food Science
Link 1.93 - -  1.133
Agronomy 46/309 (Q1) • Agronomy and Crop Science Link 2.38 - -  1.115
Algorithms 22/46 (Q2)
61/125 (Q2)

60/107 (Q3)

64/114 (Q3)
• Numerical Analysis
• Computational Mathematics
• Computational Theory and Mathematics
• Theoretical Computer Science
Link 1.03 1.15 1.07  0.749
Animals 12/154 (Q1) *
48/367 (Q1)
• General Veterinary
• Animal Science and Zoology
Link 2.02 1.46 1.66  1.099
Antibiotics 6/68 (Q1) *

62/263 (Q1)
55/230 (Q1)
31/108 (Q2)
47/134 (Q2)
139/398 (Q2)
• General Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics
• Infectious Diseases
• Pharmacology (medical)
• Microbiology (medical)
• Microbiology
• Biochemistry
Link 2.85 1.65 -  0.975
Antibodies 43/143 (Q2)
61/164 (Q2)
85/189 (Q2)
• Drug Discovery
• Immunology and Allergy
• Immunology
Link 2.85 - -  0.844
Antioxidants 23/119 (Q1)
35/169 (Q2)
100/398 (Q2)
119/367 (Q2)
102/264 (Q2)
• Clinical Biochemistry
• Physiology
• Biochemistry
• Molecular Biology
• Cell Biology
Link 3.42 - -  1.361
Applied Sciences 48/270 (Q1)
15/66 (Q1)

31/116 (Q2)
18/53 (Q2)

151/434 (Q2)

186/535 (Q2)
• General Engineering
• Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes
• Instrumentation
• Process Chemistry and Technology
• General Materials Science
• Computer Science Applications
Link 1.90 - -  0.801
Biology 12/177 (Q1)*

32/186 (Q1)

10/40 (Q1)
• General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
• General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
• General Immunology and Microbiology
Link 3.48 3.02 2.78  0.961
Biomolecules 31/398 (Q1) *
41/367 (Q1)
• Biochemistry
• Molecular Biology
Link 5.72 1.67 3.08  1.542
Biosensors 20/119 (Q1) • Clinical Biochemistry Link 3.59 2.83 2.37  1.122
Brain Sciences 47/111 (Q2) • General Neuroscience Link 2.56 - -  0.695
Cancers 26/323 (Q1) *
23/191 (Q1)
• Oncology
• Cancer Research
Link 5.82 5.02 4.07  1.567
Catalysts 32/151 (Q1)

21/46 (Q2)
• Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
• Catalysis
Link 3.23 3.44 3.45  0.954
Crystals 76/272 (Q2)

140/434 (Q2)

127/398 (Q2)

26/64 (Q2)
• General Chemical Engineering
• General Materials Science
• Condensed Matter Physics
• Inorganic Chemistry
Link 1.97 1.89 1.47  0.745
Diagnostics 49/119 (Q2) • Clinical Biochemistry Link 2.43 - -  0.788
Diversity 30/124 (Q1)

14/52 (Q2)

83/306 (Q2)
11/29 (Q2)
• Nature and Landscape Conservation
• Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
• Ecology
• Ecological Modelling
Link 2.15 2.03 1.96  1.300
Electronics 109/644 (Q1)

26/148 (Q1)

42/224 (Q1)

50/259 (Q1)

23/96 (Q1)
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Hardware and
• Control and Systems Engineering
• Computer Networks and Communications
• Signal Processing
Link 2.97 - -  1.227
Energies 6/73 (Q1) *
31/192 (Q1)

103/644 (Q1)

4/16 (Q1)
47/140 (Q2)
• Control and Optimization
• Energy Engineering and Power Technology
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Energy (miscellaneous)
• Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Link 3.11 2.50 2.87  1.340
Entropy 35/202 (Q1) • General Physics and Astronomy Link 2.41 1.87 1.99  1.189
Forests 17/129 (Q1) • Forestry Link 2.31 2.06 1.76  0.990
Future Internet 132/259 (Q3) • Computer Networks and Communications Link 1.25 - - -
Games 132/187 (Q3)
78/110 (Q3)

305/418 (Q3)
• Statistics and Probability
• Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
• Applied Mathematics
Link 0.61 0.87 0.57  1.038
Genes 21/91 (Q1)
74/311 (Q1)
• Genetics (clinical)
• Genetics
Link 3.49 3.62 3.18  0.374
Geosciences 32/182 (Q1)

• General Earth and Planetary Sciences Link 1.97 1.67 1.29  0.856
Information 143/251 (Q3) • Information Systems Link 1.16 0.78 0.94  1.146
Insects 27/135 (Q1) • Insect Science Link 1.85 1.81 1.38  0.719
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 80/478 (Q1)

34/106 (Q2)
• Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
• Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
Link 2.41 2.38 2.42  0.931
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) 7/69 (Q1) *
61/535 (Q1)

20/163 (Q1)
9/64 (Q1)
26/151 (Q1)

89/367 (Q2)
17/46 (Q2)
• Spectroscopy
• Computer Science Applications
• Organic Chemistry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
• Molecular Biology
• Catalysis
Link 3.86 3.73 3.37  0.998
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (IJGI) 79/605 (Q1)

22/82 (Q2)

13/36 (Q2)
• Geography, Planning and Development
• Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
• Computers in Earth Sciences
Link 2.10 1.62 1.52  1.062
Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) 10/841 (Q1) * • General Medicine Link 7.07 - -  1.535
Journal of Functional Biomaterials (JFB) 43/199 (Q1)
23/77 (Q2)
• Biomedical Engineering
• Biomaterials
Link 3.47 - -  1.344
Journal of Low Po-
wer Electronics and Applications (JLPEA)
301/644 (Q2) • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Link 1.12 0.98 0.83  0.367
Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM) 54/189 (Q2) • Medicine (miscellaneous) Link 2.61 - -  0.944
Land 50/124 (Q2)

129/306 (Q2)
36/65 (Q3)
• Nature and Landscape Conservation
• Ecology
• Global and Planetary Change
Link 1.44 - -  0.658
Life 4/94 (Q1) *
70/561 (Q1)

40/186 (Q1)

20/80 (Q2)
• Palaeontology
• Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
• General Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology
• Space and Planetary Science
Link 3.16 2.95 1.68  0.935
Marine Drugs 17/146 (Q1) • Drug Discovery Link 4.58 3.83 3.66  1.537
Materials 83/434 (Q1) • General Materials Science Link 3.02 3.26 3.11  1.285
Membranes 5/18 (Q2)

15/53 (Q2)

4/10 (Q2)
• Chemical Engineering (miscellaneous)
• Process Chemistry and Technology
• Filtration and Separation
Link 2.69 2.19 2.95  0.880
Metabolites 47/209 (Q1)

103/398 (Q2)
127/367 (Q2)
• Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism
• Biochemistry
• Molecular Biology
Link 3.35 - -  0.925
Metals 155/434 (Q2) • General Materials Science Link 1.87 - -  0.955
Micromachines 105/554 (Q1)
154/644 (Q1)

64/224 (Q2)
• Mechanical Engineering
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Control and Systems Engineering
Link 2.31 1.83 1.78  0.987
Minerals 33/175 (Q1)

45/208 (Q1)
• Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
• Geology
Link 2.21 2.13 1.77  1.149
Molecules 4/25 (Q1)

25/172 (Q1)
18/104 (Q1)
31/163 (Q1)
30/151 (Q1)

31/146 (Q1)
55/160 (Q2)
• Chemistry (miscellaneous)
• Pharmaceutical Science
• Analytical Chemistry
• Organic Chemistry
• Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
• Drug Discovery
• Molecular Medicine
Link 3.27 3.09 2.65  1.146
Nutrients 11/255 (Q1) *
9/112 (Q1) *
• Food Science
• Nutrition and Dietetics
Link 4.35 4.29 4.07  1.403
Pathogens 38/263 (Q1)
20/108 (Q1)
9/40 (Q1)

40/164 (Q1)
110/367 (Q2)
• Infectious Diseases
• Microbiology (medical)
• General Immunology and Microbiology
• Immunology and Allergy
• Molecular Biology
Link 3.52 - -  1.166
Pharmaceuticals 14/172 (Q1) *
33/160 (Q1)
• Pharmaceutical Science
• Molecular Medicine
Link 4.12 4.90 3.64  1.370
Pharmaceutics 21/172 (Q1) • Pharmaceutical Science Link 3.68 3.83 2.68  1.092
Photonics 30/116 (Q1)
80/270 (Q2)

53/160 (Q2)
• Instrumentation
• Radiology Nuclear Medicine and Imaging
• Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
Link 1.96 - -  0.817
Plants 73/561 (Q1)

48/389 (Q1)
44/306 (Q1)
• Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
• Plant Science
• Ecology
Link 3.13 - -  0.969
Polymers 17/142 (Q1)
63/359 (Q1)
• Polymers and Plastics
• General Chemistry
Link 3.30 3.74 3.37  1.213
Religions 26/389 (Q1) * • Religious Studies Link 0.56 - -  0.676
Remote Sensing 13/182 (Q1) * • General Earth and Planetary Sciences Link 4.03 3.56 3.76  1.559
Resources 19/142 (Q1)

39/261 (Q1)
• Nature and Landscape Conservation
• Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Link 2.69 - -  1.387
Scientia Pharmaceutica 92/172 (Q3) • Pharmaceutical Science Link 0.86 - -  0.513
Sensors 9/116 (Q1) *
25/160 (Q1)

100/644 (Q1)

19/104 (Q1)
113/398 (Q2)
• Instrumentation
• Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Analytical Chemistry
• Biochemistry
Link 3.23 2.78 2.21  1.550
Social Sciences 81/213 (Q2) • General Social Sciences Link 0.60 - -  0.445
Sustainability 61/605 (Q1) *

55/261 (Q1)

60/140 (Q2)
• Geography, Planning and Development
• Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
• Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment
Link 2.37 1.96 1.78  1.030
Symmetry 44/327 (Q1)
17/45 (Q2)

16/40 (Q2)

14/25 (Q2)
• General Mathematics
• Computer Science (miscellaneous)
• Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)
• Chemistry (miscellaneous)
Link 1.32 1.12 0.95  0.802
Toxins 18/106 (Q1)

21/111 (Q1)
• Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
• Toxicology
Link 3.32 3.34 3.76  1.136
Vaccines 5/230 (Q1) *
13/263 (Q1) *
18/302 (Q1) *
11/146 (Q1) *
32/189 (Q1)
• Pharmacology (medical)
• Infectious Diseases
• Pharmacology
• Drug Discovery
• Immunology
Link 4.88 1.23 3.76  1.255
Viruses 29/263 (Q1)
16/68 (Q1)
• Virology
• Infectious Diseases
Link 3.88 3.60 3.74  1.130
Water 66/605 (Q1)

37/191 (Q1)

43/199 (Q1)
193/398 (Q2)
• Geography, Planning and Development
• Water Science and Technology
• Aquatic Science
• Biochemistry
Link 2.29 2.05 1.96  1.007

18 May 2018
Italian Society for Virology is Now an Affiliated Society Member of Viruses

In March 2018, the Italian Society for Virology (SIV-ISV) chose Viruses as its preferred journal and became an affiliated society member of the journal.

As part of this collaboration, all affiliated Italian Society for Virology members enjoy a discount on the article processing charges (APC) when submitting articles to Viruses. SIV-ISV brings together researchers and experts from the different areas of virology, in order to promote their role and progress in all fields of research and application, involving all areas of virology with equal dignity.

3 May 2018
Join us at ASM Microbe 2018, Atlanta, GA, USA, 8–10 June 2018

MDPI will be attending ASM Microbe 2018 International Conference during the three day event held from 8–10 June.

ASM Microbe showcases the best microbial sciences in the world and provides a one-of-a-kind forum to explore the complete spectrum of microbiology, from basic science to translation and application. Representatives of the following open access journals will attend:

Journal of Clinical Medicine
Veterinary Sciences
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 
Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease

If you are also attending this conference, please stop by our Booth: #731. Our delegates look forward to meeting you in person, to answer any questions you may have regarding open access publication and our journals. For more information about the conference, please visit:

Date: 8–10 June 2018
Location: Georgia World Congress Center, 285 Andrew Young International Blvd NW, Atlanta, GA 30313, USA

30 April 2018
Winners of the First MDPI Writing Prize

We are pleased to announce the results of the first MDPI Writing Prize. We received a large number of entries from across the globe on the theme of “The Global Benefits of Open Research”. It was a pleasure to read so many original, well-researched and well-presented ideas, and the final choice was not an easy one. We are pleased to announce that the winners are as follows:

1st prize (500 CHF, Swiss knife and certificate)

Edmond Sanganyado, Shantou University, China

2nd prizes (250 CHF, Swiss knife and certificate)

Kamala T. Rajahgopal, Asia e University, Malaysia
Yin Zhixuan, Qingdao University of Technology, China

3rd prizes (100 CHF, Swiss knife and certificate)

Alexandra Ticea, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Romania
Ankur Sarker, University of Virginia, USA
Daniel Attoye, United Arab Emirates University, UAE

Congratulations to all of them! The winning entries can be downloaded by clicking on the names above. A compilation of all entries will soon be available as an open access book.

The writing prize is sponsored by the MDPI English editing service.

23 March 2018
Check for Updates: A New Function in the Article PDF Version

At MDPI, we always want to keep you up to date. Even for already published articles, some corrections or minor changes may occur. To prevent you from missing any updates, from now on you will be able to access the latest version of any manuscript by clicking on the “check for updates” logo that you can find in the PDF file, even if you have saved the file on your computer.

13 March 2018
MDPI Becoming a Member of UKSG

We are proud to announce that MDPI is now a member of UKSG, the UK´s largest scholarly communications community. Through UKSG, different stakeholders share their knowledge and experience in order to improve the knowledge and information environment for researchers. UKSG´s members include universities, publishers, content providers, intermediaries, and other similar organisations. Members participate in discussions and events on issues around scholarly communications.

The UKSG Annual Conference and Exhibition is a flagship initiative from the UKSG and one of the most stimulating events in the scholarly communications calendar. It is held annually and attracts a large number of delegates. More information is available at

MDPI is delighted to be a part of this active community and we look forward to making our own contribution. We will continue to support organisations and initiatives that boost collaboration and vision within scholarly communication.

More information about UKSG can be found at The full membership list is available at:

1 February 2018
MDPI Signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA)

The DORA initiative addresses the need for advanced approaches in the evaluation and measurement of the quality of scientific research outputs. It is a worldwide initiative covering all scholarly disciplines. MDPI proudly joins a list of more than 400 organizations around the world which support DORA’s recommendations for improving the way the quality of research results is evaluated.

More info can be found at

22 January 2018
Meet Us at the Experimental Biology 2018 (2125 April 2018) in San Diego, CA, USA

MDPI will be attending the Experimental Biology 2018 annual meeting in San Diego, CA, USA from 21 to 25 April 2018, representing the following open access journals:

Behavioral Sciences
Brain Sciences

Dentistry Journal


International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS)
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)
Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM)
Journal of Developmental Biology (JDB)
Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology (JFMK)
Methods and Protocols
Non-Coding RNA


Veterinary Sciences

Experimental Biology is the annual meeting of five societies comprised of more than 14,000 scientists and 25 guest societies.

The areas of primary focus include anatomy; biochemistry and molecular biology; investigative pathology; nutrition; pharmacology; physiology. Attendees represent scientists from academic institutions, government agencies, non-profit organizations and industry.

Conference details:
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego CA
21­–25 April 2018

Do you want to learn more about MDPI open access journals? Don’t miss this opportunity to discuss them with our editors and MDPI delegates. If you are at Experimental Biology 2018, just come visit our booth for a moment to have a chat. We have some gifts for you to take home and will answer any questions that you have about the open access journal (booth # 1034).

For more information, please visit:

27 December 2017
Viruses Travel Awards 2018 - Winners

Dear Colleagues,

As Editor-in-Chief of Viruses, I am pleased to announce the winners of the Viruses Travel Awards for 2018:

Travel Awards were granted to Dr. Gabrielle Vieyres, post-doctoral researcher at the Institute of Experimental Virology, TWINCORE- Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research GmbH, Hannover, Germany (laboratory of Dr. Thomas Pietschmann), and to Nandan Gokhale, PhD student at the Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC USA (laboratory of Dr. Stacy Horner). Dr Vieyres’s research focuses on the interplay between HCV replication and the host lipid metabolism. Mr Gokhale’s research deals with how the RNA modification N6-methyladenosine (m6A) regulates RNA virus infection, both at the viral and host level.

Each travel award provides 800 Swiss Francs to attend any virology conference in 2018.

Congratulations to the winners of this very competitive travel award.

Dr. Eric O. Freed
Editor-in-Chief of Viruses
Director, HIV Dynamics and Replication Program, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, USA

Viruses (ISSN 1999-4915) Impact Factor 3.465 (2016 Journal Citation Reports®), The competition for 2019 Viruses Young Investigator Prize and the Travel Awards will be opened in early June. Please check for more information as this date approaches.

Please join the Viruses 2018 - Breakthroughs in Viral Replication conference, Barcelona, Spain, 7–9 February 2018.

19 December 2017
Announcing the MDPI English Writing Prize


The competition is still open until end of March! Please check out the banner for more details:

15 December 2017
UCL Press Adopts the MDPI Editorial Platform JAMS

We are delighted to announce that UCL Press has adopted MDPI's Journal Article & Management System, JAMS, including production services. JAMS is a modular, integrated editorial platform for academic publishers. It offers flexibility, ease-of-use, and is a fully integrated solution for the end-to-end management of scholarly journals. JAMS is based on the software used to publish MDPI’s portfolio of journals. 

Ian Caswell, UCL Press Journals Manager, says he is "excited to see UCL Press and MDPI partner together to implement the JAMS submission system for all UCL Press journals. The system offered a flexible, efficient and straightforward solution for our processes from author submission to ready for publication. I am grateful for the valuable experience and support MDPI have offered and look forward to developing our programme with an effective submission system in place.” Dr Martyn Rittman, MDPI’s Publishing Services Manager, adds, “We are proud to support one of the UK’s premier university presses in their publishing operation. This is an excellent way for us at MDPI to share our experience and knowledge, and benefit the research community beyond our own journals.”

JAMS combines services that are kept separate for many publishers. The entire editorial process, production and invoicing (e.g. for open access article processing charges) are fully integrated into a single platform. This allows for efficient, fast manuscript processing. For further information about JAMS, see

23 November 2017
New Participants in the Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP)

We are pleased to welcome new participants to MDPI's Institutional Open Access Program (IOAP), designed to help institutions manage the transition to the Open Access publishing model. Researchers affiliated with participating universites benefit from a 10% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC) for any paper published in an MDPI journal, while the participating library or university incurs no basic fee for participating in the program.

The IOAP set of free services, provided by MDPI to institutions that sign up, include:
  • No fee for participants and no obligation to prolong after the initial 12 months. The participants may withdraw from the programme at any time, and we will also keep it free for the library for as long as they continue in the programme.
  • Authors affiliated with the university will receive a 10% discount on the APC.
  • The institution is granted free access to the MDPI submission system and can receive free alerts of new submissions to our journals.
  • By default, authors from the institution will continue to be invoiced directly unless the institution opts for central billing.
  • Auto-archiving of papers into the institutions´ repository as long as it supports SWORD 1.3.

More details about the programme and a list of our current participant institutions can be found at:

Institutions which are interested to participate may do so online at:

The following North American universities have signed up to the IOAP program recently:

Connecticut College, USA
Emory University, USA
Florida International University, USA
Johns Hopkins University, USA
Mississippi State University, USA
Northeastern University, USA
Rice University, USA
University of Ontario Institute of Technology, Canada
University of Rhode Island, USA
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, USA
University of Toronto, Canada
University of Windsor, Canada
University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA
Wellesley College, USA
West Virginia University, USA

Many prestigious institutions from Europe and Asia have joined as well:

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation, Malaysia
Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Newcastle University, UK
Northumbria University, UK
Southwest University, China
Technical University of Crete, Greece
University Malaya, Malaysia
University of Antwerp, Belgium
University of Cyprus, Cyprus
University of Manchester, UK
University of Reading, UK
University of Sussex, UK
University of Warwick, UK
West Pomeranian University of Technology Szczecin, Poland

We offer a warm welcome to the new participants!

10 November 2017
Available Journal Awards at MDPI

In order to reward the academic community, especially young researchers, and enhance communication among scientists, MDPI journals regularly offer various awards to researchers in specific fields, for example, Young Investigator Awards, Travel Awards, Best Paper Awards, and Best Poster Awards, etc. The awardees range from PhD students to junior scientists.

Currently, the following 44 awards given by MDPI journals are accepting applications. Please click on the award title below to check whether you are eligible for it and start the application process.




Intended Awardee

Biology & Life Sciences


Travel Award 2018

PhD students or postdoctoral researchers


Travel Awards 2018

Postdoctoral researchers or PhD students


Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


2019 Travel award

Postdocs or PhD students

International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS)

Outstanding Contribution Awards 2018

Ground-breaking contribution in the fields of Molecular Biology, and Molecular Pathology

Journal of Fungi (JoF)

Travel Awards 2018

PhD graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows


Travel Award 2018

PhD students or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Award 2018

PhD students


Travel Award 2018

PhD students


Travel Award 2018

Postdoctoral fellows


Best Oral Presentation Award 2018

Viruses 2018 participants


Best Poster Award 2018

Viruses 2018 participants


2018 Young Investigator Award

Young investigators

Chemistry & Materials Science



Travel Award 2018

Graduate Student or Postdoctoral Trainee / Research Associate


Travel Award 2018

PhD students


Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Young Investigator Award 2018

Young investigators


2018 Travel award

Postdocs or PhD students


Travel Award 2018



Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Awards 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Outstanding Reviewer Awards 2017

Sensors' reviewers in 2017


Young Investigator Award 2018

Young investigators


Travel Award 2018

PhD students

Computer Science & Mathematics

Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (MTI)

Travel Awards 2018

Postdoctoral researchers or PhD students

ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information(IJGI)

2018 Travel Award


Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks (JSAN)

Travel Award 2018

Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students

Journal of Imaging

Travel Award 2018

Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students



Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows

Remote Sensing

Best Paper Awards 2019



Travel Award 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Awards 2018

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Award 2018

Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students


Travel Award 2018

Postdoctoral researchers and PhD students

Environmental & Earth Sciences


Travel Awards 2018

Postdoctoral fellows

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH)

Best Paper Award 2018

Authors who submit from 1 Nov 2017 to 31 Oct 2018


Travel Award 2018

Postdocs or PhD students


Travel Award 2018

Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students

Physical Sciences & Astronomy


Travel Award 2018

Ph.D. students, postdoctoral fellows, or lecturers in cosmology or galaxies physics

Applied Science

Travel Award 2018


Medicine & Pharmacology; Public Health & Healthcare

Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM)

2018 Travel Award

PhD or postdoctoral fellows


Travel Award 2018


7 November 2017
MDPI has signed the Jussieu Call for Open Science and Bibliodiversity

The Jussieu Call aims to develop and implement alternative models to meet the aims of open science while promoting bibliodiversity. In particular it wishes to promote new business models for funding open access publication. It was drafted on the Jussieu campus in Paris by a group of French researchers and scientific publishing professionals.

MDPI supports scholarly communities and initiatives that innovate and further promote Open Access publishing. There is a need to explore different frameworks to fund open access in ways that ensure that excessive funds are not diverted from research towards publishing. Many fair funding models already exist, and they can be further developed and extended. These include institutional support, library contributions or subsidies, premium services, participatory funding, etc. For this reason, MDPI has signed up to the Jussieu call and welcomes its aims.

More information can be found at (archived here)


30 October 2017
Viruses Reaches 2'000 Articles Milestone

Viruses, MDPI's open access virology journal, has published more than 2'000 papers since its inception in 2009. Viruses received an Impact Factor of 3.465 in 2017, which corresponds to rank 11 out of 33 in the JCR category 'Virology'.

Viruses Logo

Viruses' current CiteScore in Scopus is 3.60. The CiteScore is a ratio between the number of citations in 2016 to papers published 20132015 in the numerator and the number of papers published 20132015 in the denominator, drawn from Scopus data. This year to date full-text article pages were accessed 50'000 times directly from PubMed.

Our sincere thanks go to the Editor-in-Chief of Viruses, Dr. Eric O. Freed, and the team of distinguished Associate Editors, who ensure the continued significance of the journal.

6 October 2017
Dr. Franck Vazquez, MDPI CEO, Interviewed by Scholarly Kitchen

The Society for Scholarly Publishing’s popular blog about topics in academic publishing, Scholarly Kitchen, recently interviewed MDPI’s CEO, Dr. Franck Vazquez. He shared some thoughts and information on the past and future of MDPI and open access publishing in general:

“In the long run, we aim to anchor MDPI in research communities. We recently developed and launched the preprint platform Preprints, revamped our free-to-use conference hosting platform Sciforum, and are working on other projects, such as Scilit, our bibliographic database.”

Read the full interview here.

19 September 2017
A Warm Welcome to the New IOAP Participants

We are delighted to have welcomed 24 new participants to our Institutional Open Access Programme (IOAP) since the beginning of September this year. These are University libraries and Research Institutions located around the world; from the USA and Canada to the UK, and from Norway and Spain to Greece. Well respected Universities, such as the University of Denver, the University of Colorado Boulder, and the University of Arizona in the US, have signed up, while their researchers can now benefit from a 10% discount on the Article Processing Charges (APC) for any papers they publish in MDPI journals, at no cost for the library or the University.

We are more than happy to see the Open Access movement growing stronger and wider every day and we appreciate the vital role which librarians, repository managers, and other scholarly communications professionals play in the field. Our communication with and service to this community is, therefore, one of our principal priorities. The IOAP is our way to support academic and scientific Institutions as well as their scholars in managing, administrating, and publishing research in an Open Access world.

The IOAP set of free services, provided by MDPI to institutions that sign up, include:

  • No fee for participants and no obligation to prolong after the initial 12 months. The participants may withdraw from the programme at any time, and we will also keep it free for the library for as long as they continue in the programme.
  • Authors affiliated with the university will receive a discount on the article processing charge (APC).
  • The institution is granted free access to the MDPI submission system and can receive free alerts of new submissions to our journals.
  • By default, authors from the institution will continue to be invoiced directly unless the institution opts for central billing.
  • Auto-archiving of papers into the institutions´ repository as long as it supports SWORD 1.3.

More details about the programme and a list of our current participant institutions can be found at:

Institutions which are interested to participate may do so online at:

 The full list of the Institutions that signed up in September is as follows:

  1. University of Denver, USA
  2. University of Colorado Boulder, USA
  3. University of Arizona, USA
  4. Institute of Metrology of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
  5. Middlebury College, USA
  6. Touro College, USA
  7. University of New Orleans, USA
  8. University of Leicester, UK
  9. Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, USA
  10. University of Strathclyde, UK
  11. Cranfield University, UK
  12. Hope College, USA
  13. Oregon State University, USA
  14. Drew University, USA
  15. Swansea University, UK
  16. University of South Florida, USA
  17. University of Georgia, USA
  18. Arizona State University, USA
  19. University of Southern Mississippi, USA
  20. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Canada
  21. Grinnell College, USA
  22. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
  23. University of Patras, Greece
  24. Public University of Navarre, Spain

4 September 2017
Barcelona 2017–2018 | Upcoming Conferences Organized by MDPI

We are glad to announce that, on Friday 8 September 2017, the 1st Molecules Medicinal Chemistry Symposium will be taking place in Barcelona at the School of Pharmacy and Food Sciences of the University of Barcelona, Spain.

Our open-access journal Molecules is the sponsor of this one-day monographic symposium that will address the topic of Emerging Drug Discovery Approaches against Infectious Diseases. In this sense, our intention is to provide a forum for discussion from novel biological targets and resistance mechanisms to the design and synthesis of new structural classes or the implementation of innovative therapeutic approaches against bacterial, protozoan, viral, and fungal infections. The event will gather together over 70 experts in the field of medicinal chemistry from more than 15 countries and 3 continents, mostly from academia but also from pharmaceutical industry and product development partnerships, therefore offering a very interesting platform for international networking in this field.

For more information please access the following ling:

Following this event, Barcelona will also be hosting two more MDPI Conferences this year:

  • The 5th International Symposium on Sensor Science will be held on 2729 September 2017 at the AXA Convention Centre in Barcelona, Spain.
    This event, sponsored by our journal Sensors, will address the recent developments made in the field of sensor technology. To properly do so, the event will be split into 5 different sessions, each one of them focussing on the following different aspects of the field: chemosensors, bio-inspired and bio-based strategies for sensing and fluidics, biosensors, sensors for structures, and sensors for applications.
    The registration to attend the event is open until 7 September 2017.
    For more information please access the following link:
  • The First International Conference on Symmetry will be held on 16–18 October 2017 at the Parc Cientific de Barcelona (PCB), Barcelona, Spain.
    This conference, sponsored by our journal Symmetry, is an excellent opportunity to attend an event where cutting-edge ideas and knowledge on symmetry will be presented and shared. During the three days of the conference, a variety of subjects ranging from fields such as physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science and biology will be brought together under the fundamental scientific phenomenon that is symmetry.
    The registration to attend the event is open until 25 September 2017.
    For more information please access the following link:

We are also pleased to announce that the following events will also be held in Barcelona in 2018:

  • Viruses 2018 – Breakthroughs in Viral replication
    The event will take place at the Faculty of Biology of the University of Barcelona, on 7–9 February 2018.
    Early bird: 24 November 2017
    Abstract submission: 31 October 3017
    Registration: 22 January 2018
    For more information please access:
  • Polymers: Design, Function and Application
    The event will take place at the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona on 22–23 March 2018
    Early bird: 15 December 2017
    Abstract Submission: 22 November 2017
    Registration: 2 March 2018
    For more information please access:
  • Entropy 2018: From Physics to Information Sciences and Geometry
    The event will take place at the Faculty of Geology of the University of Barcelona on 14–16 May 2018.
    Early Bird: 14 February 2018
    Abstract Submission: 16 January 2018
    Registration: 25 April 2018
    For more information please access:

23 June 2017

Congratulations for Publishing the 100,000th Peer-Reviewed Article

Congratulations to the authors Javier Monroy and Javier Gonzalez-Jimenez from Universidad de Malaga, Spain, Victor Hernandez-Bennets, Han Fan and Achim Lilienthal from Örebro University, Sweden for publishing the 100,000th peer-reviewed article.

The article is published in the Chemical Sensors section of Sensors.

GADEN: A 3D Gas Dispersion Simulator for Mobile Robot Olfaction in Realistic Environments

Evermore pressing environmental concerns have led global actors and decision-makers to search for stricter emission monitoring approaches. As part of novel monitoring systems, robots with gas and environmental sensors are a promising solution. However, validation of such robotic inspectors is expensive, time consuming, and plagued by repeatability issues. In this article, we present GADEN (the short form for Gas Dispersion Simulator for Mobile Robot Olfaction in Realistic Environments), which combines gas dispersion and robotics simulation in a common framework. Developed under the widely used Robot Operating System (ROS), GADEN enables validation of sensing strategies with gas dispersion being simulated using computational fluid dynamics and filament dispersion theory. GADEN allows simulating complex, realistic, 3D environments for reproducible testing of robotic gas sensing algorithms. Through qualitative and quantitative evaluations, we show that GADEN is a versatile and user-friendly evaluation tool and emphasize its enormous potential for the mobile robot olfaction community.


Read the full article here:

14 June 2017
2016 Impact Factor released for Viruses – 3.465

We are pleased to inform that the updated Impact Factor of Viruses has been released. According to the Journal Citation Reports®, published by Clarivate Analytics in June 2017, the new Impact Factor of Viruses is 3.465, and the 5-Year Impact Factor is 3.640. Compared to the previous year the Impact Factor increased by 14 percent (see figures below).

Viruses now ranks 11/33 (Q2) in the ‘Virology’ category and ranks third among open access journals in virology.

Evolution of Impact Factor, Citations and Publications for Viruses:

6 June 2017
CiteScore™ Metrics Released for Scopus Journals

The CiteScore, the new citation metric for journals covered in the Scopus® database, was released on 1 June 2017, reflecting the citation activity in 2016 for articles published during the three previous years. Please note that the list below does not contain all MDPI journals covered in Scopus. For the CiteScore to serve as a reliable metric at least three volumes of articles need to be indexed in Scopus; journals which have not met this criterion have been omitted here.

Ten MDPI journals received a CiteScore which is in the Top 10% of scores in at least one of the categories, while a further 21 journals exhibit scores that are in the first quartile of the respective categories.

CiteScore Data for MDPI Journals

Journal Rank Category Link CiteScore 2016

Algorithms 44/112 (Q2)
49/111 (Q2)
19/42 (Q2)

52/113 (Q2)
• Numerical Analysis
• Computational Mathematics
• Computational Theory and Mathematics
• Theoretical Computer Science
Link 1.15 1.07 1.06
Animals 69/343 (Q1)
21/146 (Q1)
• Animal Science and Zoology
• General Veterinary
Link 1.46 1.66 0.74
Biology 13/92 (Q1)

34/81 (Q1)

10/75 (Q1)

• General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
• General Biochemistry, Gene-
tics and Molecular Biology
• General Immunology and Microbiology
Link 3.02 2.78 1.74
Biomolecules 234/382 (Q3)
260/353 (Q3)
• Biochemistry
• Molecular Biology
Link 1.67 3.08 1.00
Biosensors 36/118 (Q2)
209/2156 (Q1)
• Clinical Biochemistry
• General Medicine
Link 2.83 2.37 2.04
Cancers 29/196 (Q1)
27/321 (Q1)
• Cancer Research
• Oncology
Link 5.02 4.07 2.31
Catalysts 18/44 (Q2)
27/144 (Q1)
• Catalysis
• Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Link 3.44 3.45 2.17
Crystals 70/270 (Q2)

25/64 (Q2)
118/398 (Q2)
131/424 (Q2)
• General Chemical Engineering
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Condensed Matter Physics
• General Materials Science
Link 1.89 1.47 1.03
Diversity 10/41 (Q1)

9/25 (Q2)
76/291 (Q2)
24/109 (Q1)
• Agricultural and Biological Sciences (miscellaneous)
• Ecological Modelling
• Ecology
• Nature and Landscape Conservation
Link 2.03 1.96 1.82
Energies - - Link 2.50 2.87 2.66
Entropy 51/198 (Q2) • General Physics and Astronomy Link 1.87 1.99 1.69
Forests 17/127 (Q1) • Forestry Link 2.06 1.76 1.84
Games 204/398 (Q3)
83/181 (Q2)
48/105 (Q2)
• Applied Mathematics
• Statistics and Probability
• Statistics, Probability and Uncertainty
Link 0.87 0.57 0.64
Genes 62/300 (Q1)
18/90 (Q1)
• Genetics
• Genetics (clinical)
Link 3.62 3.18 1.33
Geosciences 36/169 (Q1)

• General Earth and Planetary Sciences Link 1.67 1.29 1.13
Information 156/237 (Q3) • Information Systems Link 0.78 0.94 0.74
Insects 28/131 (Q1) • Insect Science Link 1.81 1.38 1.23
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 67/446 (Q1)

31/102 (Q2)
• Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health
• Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
Link 2.38 2.42 2.47
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) 23/157 (Q1)
8/64 (Q1)
90/353 (Q1)
22/144 (Q1)

16/44 (Q1)
8/62 (Q1)
• Organic Chemistry
• Inorganic Chemistry
• Molecular Biology
• Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
• Catalysis
• Spectroscopy
Link 3.73 3.37 3.06
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 12/29 (Q2)
28/79 (Q2)

96/587 (Q1)
• Computers in Earth Sciences
• Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous)
• Geography, Planning and Development
Link 1.62 1.52 -
Journal of Low Power Electronic Applications (JLPEA) 301/645 (Q2) • Electrical and Electronic Engineering Link 0.98 0.83 0.83
Life 65/525 (Q1)

36/186 (Q1)

5/92 (Q1)
20/80 (Q2)
• Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics
• General Biochemistry, Gene-
tics and Molecular Biology
• Palaeontology
• Space and Planetary Science
Link 2.95 1.68 1.20
Marine Drugs 18/145 (Q1) • Drug Discovery Link 3.83 3.66 3.59
Materials 63/424 (Q1) • General Materials Science Link 3.26 3.11 2.69
Membranes 103/424 (Q1) • Materials Science Link 2.19 2.95 2.42
Micromachines 173/645 (Q2)

69/211 (Q2)

113/526 (Q1)
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
• Control and Systems Engineering
• Mechanical Engineering
Link 1.83 1.78 2.10
Minerals 45/206 (Q1)
29/167 (Q1)
• Geology
• Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
Link 2.13 1.77 -
Molecules 32/157 (Q1) • Organic Chemistry Link 3.09 2.65 2.62
Nutrients 12/247 (Q1) • Food Science Link 4.29 4.07 3.78
Pharmaceuticals 8/168 (Q1)
21/158 (Q1)
• Pharmaceutical Science
• Molecular Medicine
Link 4.90 3.64 1.92
Pharmaceutics 19/168 (Q1) • Pharmaceutical Science Link 3.83 2.68 2.46
Polymers 13/138 (Q1)
44/354 (Q1)
• Polymers and Plastics
• General Chemistry
Link 3.74 3.37 4.10
Remote Sensing 13/169 (Q1) • General Earth and Planetary Sciences Link 3.56 3.76 3.23
Sensors 25/96 (Q2)
25/159 (Q1)

124/382 (Q2)
103/645 (Q1)
• Analytical Chemistry
• Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics
• Biochemistry
• Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Link 2.78 2.21 2.40
Sustainability 49/129 (Q2)

68/587 (Q1)

56/236 (Q1)
• Renewable Energy, Sustai-nability and the Environment
• Geography, Planning and Development
• Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law
Link 1.96 1.78 1.52
Symmetry 17/42 (Q2)
49/111 (Q2)
• Numerical Analysis
• Computational Mathematics
Link 1.12 0.95 1.02
Toxins 16/102 (Q1)

16/108 (Q1)
• Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis
• Toxicology
Link 3.34 3.76 2.85
Vaccines 146/184 (Q4)
151/250 (Q3)
93/145 (Q3)
186/299 (Q3)
130/232 (Q3)
• Immunology
• Infectious Diseases
• Drug Discovery
• Pharmacology
• Pharmacology (medical)
Link 1.23 3.76 2.85
Viruses 15/68 (Q1)
34/250 (Q1)
• Virology
• Infectious Diseases
Link 3.60 3.74 3.80
Water 33/184 (Q1)

48/195 (Q1)
62/587 (Q1)

198/382 (Q3)
• Water Science and Technology
• Aquatic Science
• Geography, Planning and Development
• Biochemistry
Link 2.05 1.96 1.45

17 May 2017
Three New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the Goethe University of Frankfurt, the Technical University of Hamburg (TU Hamburg-Harburg), as well as the Humboldt University of Berlin, in Germany, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these instititions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.



4 May 2017
MDPI Supports the Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC)

As an open access publisher, we are keen to support openness and transparency in the research process. Citation data is very important for assessing the value of individual papers and the contribution of researchers. As such, we support the recently launched Initiative for Open Citations (I4OC). The initiative recognizes that citations should be freely available and machine-readable. By doing so, authors gain the maximum benefit from having their work cited.

MDPI now uploads citation data with metadata uploaded to Crossref when registering digital object identifiers (DOIs) for published papers. We are delighted to take this step to support a truly open research environment.

2 May 2017
Publons Peer Review Academy Goes Live

Getting high quality review reports is critical for any journal’s editorial process. At MDPI we have put in place several measures to motivate reviewers and reward them for their work. We are proud of the quality of reviewer reports we receive and grateful for the hours put in by active researchers from across the globe.

Reviewers of MDPI’s largest journals can get recognition via Publons, a website dedicated to rewarding peer reviewers. They have now taken this one step further and launched the Publons Reviewer Academy to help train reviewers to provide useful feedback. Through the academy, researchers can be trained and tutored in various aspects of how to provide structured feedback that will be of genuine help to editors and authors. We support this initiative and recommend it to potential MDPI reviewers, especially early career researchers. See the Publons announcement for further information.

More information on reviewing for MDPI, including how to volunteer as a reviewer, can be found here.

24 April 2017
Two New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the following universities have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas, USA and the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia. Primary authors from these instititions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

 Trinity    UNSW


30 March 2017
Credit for Preprints Comments via Publons is a platform run by MDPI that allows authors to make early versions of manuscripts available before peer review has been completed.

One of the major benefits of putting a preprint online is to get feedback before journal submission. Until now, however, the feedback has been on a voluntary basis. Preprints is delighted to be the first preprint server to collaborate with Publons to acknowledge substantial comments as reviews and give commentators the opportunity to receive credit for their efforts. 

When you add a comment to any article, there is a check box to click for it to appear on Publons. If you have already linked your account it will be passed on automatically. If you don't already have a Publons account, you will be contacted soon afterwards with instructions on how to create one.

We appreciate the enthusiasm and cooperation of Publons in this project and expect it to be of great benefit to authors and commenters alike.

20 March 2017
MDPI 2016 Annual Report Released

We are pleased to announce that our annual report for the year 2016 has now been published. 

It contains information regarding company and journal performance, conferences and other publishing services that we provided throughout 2016. 

To read the report in full or download a copy, please click here.

15 March 2017
Our 100,000th Article Could be Yours!

After the 20th anniversary of MDPI in 2016, we will reach another milestone this year and will publish the 100,000th peer-reviewed article in one of our 170+ open access journals.


We would like you to be part of this great achievement and so are offering to publish the 100,000th accepted paper free of charge.

To be in with a chance, select a journal in one of our 10 scientific subject areas and submit your paper.

Access the live tracker on published articles here.




3 March 2017
1000 Preprints Online

We are delighted that Preprints now has 1000 papers online since its launch on 3 May 2016.

For more information, see the editorial here.


9 February 2017
Minister and State Secretaries Visit MDPI Office at STP, Belgrade, Serbia

Earlier this week the Science Technology Park in Belgrade, Serbia was visited by Swiss Secretary of State Dr. Mauro Dell’Ambrogio, as well as Serbian Minister of Public Administration and Local Self-Government Ana Brnabic, State Secretary Dr. Vladimir Popovic and Mayor of Belgrade Mr. Siniša Mali.

During the visit to the STP they had a short presentation from MDPI’s CEO Dr. Franck Vazquez and IT Manager Mr. Miloš Čučulović, and further discussed important issues such as Open Access and Open education. Dr. Dell'Ambrogio said he was impressed with the potential for development and ideas for business.

For more information please see: and


7 February 2017
The 6th World Sustainability Forum: Final Press Release

Basel, 29 January 2017

The 6th World Sustainability Forum #WSF2017SA: African universities critical to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals

Jeffrey and Sonia Sachs win first World Sustainability Award.

Universities need to take the lead in solving the greatest challenges the world faces today, particularly in Africa. They need to do this not only through education – teaching the next generation to think critically and creatively to find sustainable solutions – but also through research that cuts across a range of disciplines. To ensure these solutions are implemented, they need to partner with the private sector and with government.

This was the key message from the 6th World Sustainability Forum (WSF2017), which took place in Cape Town on 27 and 28 January 2017. Sponsored by MDPI and the journal Sustainability under the patronage of the Universities of the Western Cape (UWC), Cape Town (UCT), University of Basel and the National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa, the conference was attended by key national and international speakers, including world-leading economist Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs, senior United Nations (UN) advisor and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University.

The WSF is an annual sustainability conference which addresses research in a range of areas related to sustainable development and sustainability globally. This was the first WSF to take place on the African continent. Discussions at the 2017 conference were driven by the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the UN in September 2015.

Achieving the SDGs “is the moonshot for our generation,” said Sachs. “Like the moonshot [moon landing] of the 1960s, these are tough, bold and achievable objectives.”

This is a nasty, tough world we live in, and our world agrees on very little. So when 193 governments agree on something, that is important. And when they agree on something as important as sustainable development, that is really something for us to grab hold of – that is a lifeline.”

There was agreement at the WSF that the SDGs are particularly important for Africa, and that African universities in particular have a role to play in achieving them.

Said Professor Tyrone Pretorius, vice-chancellor of UWC: “The quest for sustainable development can only be met through education. Universities today are the oil that fuels the knowledge economy.”

As part of the drive to develop academic capacity to provide the knowledge needed to meet the SDGs, WSF2017 was preceded by the 1st Postgraduate Forum on Sustainability. “A series of workshops for postgraduate education linked to WSF are important, in order to equip postgraduates with the skills necessary to promote sustainability,” said Professor Thandi Mgwebi, director for research at UWC. A second postgraduate forum will take place alongside the WSF2018 in Beijing.

This capacity development is particularly critical to Africa. Said Sachs: “African universities need to do research to find solutions to Africa’s development challenges, because no other university will.”

The UN set a target of achieving the SDGs by 2030: “I regard this as the breakthrough period to end extreme poverty on the continent,” said Sachs, “and for Africa to become one of the most dynamic centres of the world economy.”

It is a critical time for South African universities, said Professor Mamokgethi Phakeng, deputy vice-chancellor for research and internationalisation at UCT: “Higher education is at a crossroads, and there is much polarisation. We need to think carefully about how this sustainable development agenda is owned by all so that it is inclusionary.”

There was also strong emphasis on public–private partnerships – for universities, business and government to work together to achieve the goals.

Said Professor Francis Petersen, deputy vice-chancellor at UCT and vice-chancellor designate at the University of the Free State: “Business sustainability has become critical, because there is increasing demand and complexity of demand on business from the natural, social and economic environment. Sustainability cannot be a standalone issue, divorced from business as usual. Sustainability needs to be embedded into business.”

Environmental crises and climate change was also high on the WSF agenda. In his keynote address, Sachs noted the irreversibility of the climate- and environmental-related challenges.

If we don’t get our act together, we lose the chance of safety,” he said.

Said Professor Mark New, pro vice-chancellor and director of the African Climate and Development Initiative at UCT: “We have a fundamental challenge in responding to climate change, and we must go further than just putting a plaster on a wound. We need to address the deep structural issues, to move from our current model of development into climate-compatible development.”

This requires researchers to find the evidence for the correct development pathways to take, and then support the ability of policymakers at all levels to enable the shift to climate-compatible development planning.”

Said Dr. Aldo Stroebel, executive director of international relations and cooperation at the NRF, in closing: “We have seen over the past two days an urgency towards the next step of thinking, that critical type of framework that we all must engage with, not only from an academic perspective, but further up into the policy environment and into rural-based environments where one can clearly see the links and effectiveness of the work.”

World Sustainability Awards

The first World Sustainability Award and the first Emerging Sustainability Leader Awards were presented by Prof. Thandi Mgwebi, Director of Research at UWC, and Dr. Franck Vazquez, CEO of MDPI, during the ceremony on 27 January 2017 as part of the gala dinner of the 6th World Sustainability Forum in South Africa.after day one of proceedings of the 2017 World Sustainability Forum South Africa.

Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs and Dr. Sonia Ehrlich Sachs are the joint recipients of the first World Sustainability Award. Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned economist and senior United Nations (UN) advisor and director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University. Sonia Sachs is a paediatrician and public health specialist, and director of the Health Centre at the Centre for Sustainable Development, also at Columbia University.

The joint recipients of the first Emerging Sustainability Leader Award are Dr. Esther Ngumbi and Dr. Xiaosong Hu. Esther Ngumbi is a postdoctoral researcher at Auburn University in Alabama USA and serves as a 2015 Clinton Global University Mentor for agriculture. Xiaosong Hu is a professor at the Chongqing University in China and specialises in automotive control systems and mechanical engineering.

The World Sustainability Award and the Emerging Sustainability Leader Awards are funded to encourage new initiatives and developments in sustainability with the ultimate aim of fostering the transition to sustainable practices and societies.

The World Sustainability Award is funded by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation, and included a monetary prize of USD 100,000 to Jeffrey and Sonia Sachs. The Emerging Sustainability Leader Award is funded by the journal Sustainability, awarded to researchers under 40, and included a monetary prize of USD10,000.

Issued jointly by: UCT Global Strategy and Visibility, Research Office, UWC Communications & Media and MDPI AG

Conference photos are free available at: Photo credit: Matthias Burkhalter

Carla Bernardo
Tel: (021) 650 1277
Cell: 071 407 6105
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Cape Town

Luthando Tyhalibongo
Tel: (021) 959 2625
Cell: 082 472 69 61
079 880 4655
E-mail: [email protected]
University of the Western Cape

Matthias Burkhalter
Conferences Manager
St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel,
Tel. +41 61 683 77 34
Email: [email protected]


31 January 2017
Three New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, the University of Manitoba, Canada and the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


Tex      HIT    



27 January 2017
6th World Sustainability Forum under way in South Africa

The 6th World Sustainability Forum is currently being held at the Cape Sun Hotel until 28 January 2017. 

The Forum will showcase the work of internationally renowned researchers and include more than 150 presentations. During the conference dinner, the World Sustainability Award, associated with a US$ 100,000 prize, will be announced, as well as the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, associated with a US$ 10,000 prize. The prizes are sponsored by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation and Sustainability, an academic open access journal by MDPI.

Here are some pictures from the forum so far:

To see the full WSF2017 program and schedule, please see here:

19 January 2017
Cape Town to Host the 6th World Sustainability Forum


Cape Town will host the 6th World Sustainability Forum at the Cape Sun Hotel on 27 and 28 January 2017. This prominent event, held for the first time in Africa, will include many illustrious South African and international experts, such as Her Excellency Graça Machel (Sustainable Development Advocate for the United Nations, Mozambique), Joyene Isaacs (HoD Agriculture Western Cape Government), Jeffrey Sachs (Columbia University, USA), Max Bergman (SRaM, University of Basel), Mark New (Pro Vice-Chancellor, University of Cape Town), Frans Swanepoel (FutureAfrica, University of Pretoria) and Francis Petersen (Vice-Chancellor-designate, University of the Free State). The Forum will provide a stage for national and international debates on sustainability in South Africa, the African continent, and about international perspectives on sustainability. It brings together researchers and representatives from government and the business sector to discuss a wide-ranging set of issues associated with sustainability, including food security, water and energy scarcity, mining, poverty reduction, climate change, and urbanisation.

The next few decades will be marked by profound changes in the relationships between global economics, national societies, and the environment. We have entered what some call the Anthropocene, an age in which human activity dominates the climate and the environment. These changes will have numerous consequences on societies around the globe. South Africa and Africa will play a central role, for better or worse, in creating opportunities and risks during these changing times as Africa is profoundly influencing and being influenced by global developments.

The adoption of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015 was accompanied by what insiders considered an optimism they have not experienced in relation to UN resolutions before. The relative efficiency in the drafting, the lack of trenches between East and West, or between North and South, and the unanimity of support of the 193 countries speak volumes. In stark contrast, sustainability seems to go against a changing economic and political tide, where waves of nationalism and protectionism from some of the most powerful countries risk the wellbeing of the rest of the world. The 6th World Sustainability Forum will enable fruitful exchanges, which sensitise South African and international communities to the global urgency and specifics of sustainability.

The Forum will showcase the work of internationally renowned researchers and include more than 150 presentations. During the conference dinner, the World Sustainability Award, associated with a US$ 100 000 prize, will be announced, as well as the Emerging Sustainability Leader Award, associated with a US$ 10 000 prize. The prizes are sponsored by the MDPI Sustainability Foundation and Sustainability, an academic open access journal by MDPI. The World Sustainability Forum is preceded by the Postgraduate Forum on Sustainability, which will introduce more than 100 young scholars from South Africa and the African continent to sustainability research. Both events are organized and sponsored by the University of Cape Town, the University of the Western Cape, the University of Basel, MDPI, and by the National Research Foundation of South Africa.


Scientific Matters: Prof Manfred Max Bergman, Social Research and Methodology Group (SRaM), University of Basel, Switzerland; Email:  [email protected]

Press Accreditation and General Enquiries: Mr Matthias Burkhalter, MDPI AG, Basel, Switzerland; Email: [email protected]; Tel. +41 61 683 77 34 

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6 January 2017
MDPI Supports the OA2020 Initiative

MDPI is now a proud supporter of the OA2020 Initiative.

Open Access 2020 is an international initiative that aims to induce the swift, smooth and scholarly-oriented transformation of today’s scholarly journals from subscription to open access publishing.

MDPI is participating in the upcoming Berlin13 conference in March 2017, where we are contributing to the initiative by aiding in the design of the roadmap which will make OA the default publishing model.

For more information please see here.


5 January 2017
Three New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the University of Texas at Arlington, USA, the Harbin Institute of Technology, China and TU Darmstadt, Germany, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

Tex      HIT    Darmstadt  

22 December 2016
Happy Festive Season!

Season's greetings from everyone at MDPI!

22 December 2016
Two New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany and the University of California, Berkeley, USA, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these instititions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.



19 December 2016
MDPI and Wellcome Trust Compliance

The Wellcome Trust has, for a number of years, required that the results of its funded projects are published in open access format. Recently it announced criteria that publishers must fulfil for publication fees to be paid by the Trust. MDPI is pleased to have been added to the list of compliant publishers.

Only publishers who have confirmed their compliance by 16 December 2016 will be eligible to receive payment of APCs by the Wellcome Trust as of 1 April 2017. For more information on the criteria and a full list of publishers that meet them, see here.

13 December 2016
Meet MDPI at the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting

MDPI is currently attending the 2016 AGU Fall Meeting (12–16 December, 2016)

If you are also attending the conference, please feel free to stop by our booth (Booth #1147) and meet the representative editors.

Conference details:

2016 AGU Fall Meeting
12–16 December 2016
Moscone Center
747 Howard St
San Francisco, CA 94103, USA


8 December 2016
Three New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that Purdue University, USA, the Universitat Politécnica de Valencia, Spain and the Queensland University of Technology, Australia, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these instititions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

UNM            UPM             ShanghaiJT  

16 November 2016
World Sustainability Award - Final Extension

The deadline for the World Sustainability Award has been extended for one last time! You now have one more month to nominate an individual researcher, group or project! The final deadline for nominations will be December 15, 2016. 

For full details, please visit here.

11 November 2016
Three New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the University of Minnesota, USA, the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain and Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these instititions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

UNM            UPM             ShanghaiJT  

4 November 2016
MDPI Joins the United Nations Global Compact

MDPI has become a member of the United Nations Global Compact to support corporate sustainability and have committed ourselves to the ten principles associated with the Compact.

Sustainability has always been at the core of MDPI’s values, starting with the collection and preservation of rare chemical samples that started in 1996 and led to the first journal, Molecules. Sustainability has become one of our flagship journals and we have supported and organized several conferences and events based on Sustainability, including the upcoming 6th World Sustainability Forum. As a global enterprise, we see it as our duty to promote responsible practices that will ensure a bright future for our planet. Given this, the choice to join the Global Compact was an easy one and we will do our utmost to fully implement it.


3 November 2016
MDPI Now a Member of SPARC Europe

We are delighted to announce that MDPI has become a member of SPARC Europe, an organization that works for open scholarship in Europe, including support of open access publication.

As one of the few publishers to join SPARC Europe to date, MDPI looks forward to making a contribution that puts open scholarship on a positive and sustainable path. We fully support the goals of open scholarship that allow the largest number of people possible to benefit from work of researchers in all disciplines. We hope that our membership will enable us to work with other stakeholders to find the best possible solution.

2 November 2016
World Sustainability Award Deadline Extension

The deadline for the World Sustainability Award has been extended! You now have until November 15, 2016 to nominate an individual researcher, group or project!

For full details, please visit here.


26 October 2016
Four New Institutional Memberships Established

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the Wuppertal Institut, Germany, the University of Girona, Spain and Central South University and Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these instititions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.



24 October 2016
International Open Access Week 2016

Meet us during International Open Access Week 2016! We will be presenting at various locations in Europe and China. 

To get involved and for full details see the complete list of events organised by MDPI here.


18 October 2016
Institutional Membership established with Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain and Aalto University, Finland

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain and Aalto University, Finland, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these universities will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

Pompeu   Aalto

12 October 2016
Institutional Membership Established with Iowa State University and the University of North Texas, USA

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the Iowa State University and the University of North Texas, USA, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these universities will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

Iowa  UNT

7 October 2016
MDPI at Open Access Days in Munich, 10-11 October 2016

Meet MDPI during the Open Access Days held from 10-11 October 2016 at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany. 

The two-day event will feature experts from the open access sector, scientists from all disciplines, publishing representatives and supporters of scientific research and communication from libraries as well as research institutes and funding institutions. Join us!

For more information about the event and to see the program, visit the event webpage.


7 October 2016
Institutional Membership Established with the University of Sevilla and the University of Alicante, Spain

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the University of Sevilla and the University of Alicante, Spain have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these universities will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

Sevilla  Alicante

29 September 2016
Institutional Membership Established with the University of Delaware

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the University of Delaware, USA, has joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from this university will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


19 September 2016
Peer Review Week 2016

As an open access publisher indebted to the work of our peer reviewers, we are proud to support Peer Review Week 2016. As part of the week's activities and to celebrate this year's theme "Recognition for Review", MDPI will host two webinars that anyone can join.

These webinars will explore the role and value of reviewers and the recognition they receive from a publishers perspective, with examples from MDPI's experience in publishing nearly 80,000 peer reviewed papers, along with evidence from reviewer surveys. It will also touch upon potential changes in how review is carried out and tips for early career researchers who want to be involved in the review process.

Details and links to join can be found below:

Wednesday September 21, 08:00 (CEST)

Friday September 23, 16:00 (CEST)

For more information about all the activites taking place, please visit the Peer Review Week website.


6 September 2016
Institutional Membership established with Kansas State University and Northwestern University, USA

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that Kansas State University and Northwestern Universty, USE, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these universities will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

KState  NWest

5 September 2016
Institutional Membership Established with University College Cork

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that University College Cork, Ireland, has joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from this university will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


22 August 2016
MDPI New Office Location

We are pleased to announce that MDPI has now moved to a new permanent address:

St. Alban Anlage 66
CH-4052 Basel
Postfach, CH-4020 Basel

Telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged.

10 August 2016
Institutional Membership established with the University of Texas at Austin, USA, the Wroclaw University of Science and Technology, Poland and the University of Granada and the Compultense University of Madrid, Spain

We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have joined MDPI's institutional membership program in August 2016:

Authors affiliated with these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


18 July 2016
Institutional Membership established with Louisiana State University and Florida State University, USA, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, University of Rostock, Germany, AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland and Southeast University, China

We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have joined MDPI's institutional membership program in July 2016:

Authors affiliated with these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


12 July 2016
MDPI Moving to New Office Location in Basel (Switzerland) in August 2016

As of 20 August 2016, MDPI's new address in Basel will be:

St. Alban-Anlage 66
CH-4052 Basel

Telephone and fax numbers remain unchanged.

St. Alban-Anlage 66 was built from 1947 to 1948 and initially the home of the "Bühler AG", a book printing business. 


For more information about this building, see:

21 June 2016
"Behind the Scenes of Academic Publishing—A Publisher's Perspective" - MDPI's Lecture at the University of Basel

From the 15-16 September, 2016, MDPI will run a course on Academic Publishing at the University of Basel.

In this two day workshop, MDPI will look in detail at the role performed by academic journal publishers and how they interact with academics. Ethical dimensions, what happens when problems occur and how the publisher coordinates all aspects of the submission process will also be covered. 

For more detailed information about the program, trainers and registration please visit the course webpage.



14 June 2016
2015 Impact Factors Released

We are pleased to report the 2015 Journal Impact Factors in the latest Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition, published by Thomson Reuters in June 2016. Twenty out of 25 journals have seen an increase in their Impact Factor and two journals (Crystals and IJGI) received a first Impact Factor. Coatings was recently added to SCIE and will receive its first Impact Factor in next year’s JCR.

Updated Impact Factors for Journals in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)

Journal 2015 Impact Factor Details Category Rank
Applied Sciences 1.726 Link 83/163 (Q3) in ‘Chemistry, Multidisciplinary’;
129/271 (Q2) in ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’;
64/145 (Q2) in ‘Physics, Applied’
Atmosphere 1.221 Link 66/84 (Q4) in ‘Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences’
Catalysts 2.964 Link 53/144 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Physical’
Energies 2.077 Link 43/88 (Q2) in ‘Energy & Fuels’
Entropy 1.743 Link 25/79 (Q2) in ‘Physics, Multidisciplinary’
Forests 1.583 Link 19/66 (Q2) in ‘Forestry’
Genes 3.242 Link 60/165 (Q2) in ‘Genetics & Heredity’
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2.035 Link 101/225 (Q2) in ‘Environmental Sciences’
International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS) 3.257 Link 110/289 (Q2) in ‘Biochemistry & Molecular Biology’;
51/163 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Multidisciplinary’
Marine Drugs 3.345 Link 13/59 (Q1) in ‘Chemistry, Medicinal’
Materials 2.728 Link 63/271 (Q1) in ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’
Metals 1.574 Link 18/73 (Q1) in ‘Metallurgy & Metallurgical Engineering’;
145/271 (Q3) in ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’
Micromachines 1.295 Link 30/56 (Q3) in ‘Instruments & Instrumentation’
63/83 (Q4) in ‘Nanoscience & Nanotechnology’
Minerals 1.468 Link 9/21 (Q2) in ‘Mining & Mineral Processing;
14/29 (Q2) in ‘Mineralogy’
Molecules 2.465 Link 24/59 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Organic’
Nanomaterials 2.690 Link 64/271 (Q1) in ‘Materials Science, Multidisciplinary’;
36/83 (Q2) in ‘Nanoscience & Nanotechnology’
Nutrients 3.759 Link 16/78 (Q1) in ‘Nutrition & Dietetics’
Polymers 2.944 Link 20/85 (Q1) in ‘Polymer Science’
Remote Sensing 3.036 Link 5/28 (Q1) in ‘Remote Sensing’
Sensors 2.033 Link 36/75 (Q2) in ‘Chemistry, Analytical’;
16/27 (Q3) in ‘Electrochemistry’;
12/56 (Q1) in ‘Instruments & Instrumentation’
Sustainability 1.343 Link 146/225 (Q3) in ‘Environmental Sciences’;
22/29 (Q4) in ‘Green & Sustainable Science & Technology’
Symmetry 0.841 Link 31/63 (Q2) in ‘Multidisciplinary Sciences’
Toxins 3.571 Link 16/89 (Q1) in ‘Toxicology’
Viruses 3.042 Link 14/33 (Q2) in ‘Virology’
Water 1.687 Link 33/85 (Q2) in ‘Water Resources’

Journals with First Impact Factors

Journal 2015 Impact Factor Details Category Rank
Crystals 2.075 Link 13/26 (Q2) in ‘Crystallography’
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 0.651 Link 45/49 (Q4) in ‘Geography, Physical’;
26/28 (Q4) in ‘Remote Sensing’.


14 June 2016
2015 Impact Factor released for Viruses – 3.042


Viruses has received a new Impact Factor of 3.042 for 2015 in the latest release of the Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition, published by Thomson Reuters in June 2016. The five-year Impact Factor is 3.437.

Viruses now ranks 14/33 (Q2) in the ‘Virology’ category and thus ranks third highest of all Open Access journals in virology.



Evolution of Impact Factor, Citations and Publications for Viruses:

26 May 2016
Institutional Membership established with University of Bremen, Germany, Koç University, Turkey, IIASA, Austria and Jilin University and Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, China

We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have joined MDPI's institutional membership program in May 2016:

Authors affiliated with these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


23 May 2016
Institutional Membership Established with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden and the South China University of Technology, Beijing University of Technology and Southern Medical University, China

We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have joined MDPI's institutional membership program in April and May 2016:

Authors affiliated with these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


26 April 2016
New Section on - Latest Books

You may have noticed a new section that is now visible on our home page. This section is called "Latest Books" and showcases recent publications from MDPI Books, our book publishing service.

Books Section

By clicking on the hyperlink "More Books" you will be taken to the MDPI Books Home Page. There you will find more information about the service, as well as the "Recent Publications" list. 

Clicking on any of the book images in this list will take you to detailed information about that book (shown below). Here you can also download a PDF version of the book, or order a hardcover printed copy.

For further information about the MDPI Books service, please visit the webpage or contact [email protected].

 Individual Book Page


31 March 2016
Axioms, Behavioral Sciences, Photonics, Separations and Toxics added to the Emerging Sources Citation Index in Web of Science

We are pleased to announce that the journals Axioms, Behavioral Sciences, Photonics, Separations and Toxics were recently accepted for inclusion in the newly launched Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) in Web of Science.

ESCI serves to highlight promising journals which are still under consideration for the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) or the Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI).


The Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index
(SSCI), and Web of Science™ (WoS) are Thomson Reuters products.

Thomson Reuters Logo




30 March 2016
Institutional Membership established with the University of Winchester, UK, Silesian University of Technology, Poland and Beijing Jiaotong University and Zhejiang University, China

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that the University of Winchester, UK, the Silesian University of Technology, Poland and Beijing Jiaotong University and Zhejiang University, China, have joined our Institutional Membership program. Primary authors from these universities will benefit from a 10% discount on article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

Winchester Silesian Beijing Jiaotong Zhejiang

24 March 2016
New Editorial Office in Barcelona, Spain

We are excited to announce the opening of our new editorial office in Barcelona, Spain. The launch team is led by a Senior Editor and comprises further staff holding doctoral degrees with several years of research experience. The new editorial team will help us to get closer to European research communities and progress Sciforum, the platform to support the scientific community via conference hosting and other functions. They will also help spread the word about Open Access and meet academics at scientific events.

We are in the process of hiring more doctoral and masters graduates to join the editorial team and welcome applications via [email protected]. For contact details about the office, see our contact page.

22 February 2016
Membership Established with the Max Planck Society

We are pleased to announce that the Max Planck Digital Library (MPDL) has signed an agreement with MDPI to support authors associated with the Max Planck Society (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft). As of 22 February 2016, corresponding authors will receive full funding from the MPDL for articles published in MDPI journals, with a 10% discount applied to the Article Processing Charges. Additional details can be found at our institutional membership page.

Founded in 1948, The Max Planck Society is one of Germany’s leading research organizations, and is currently made up of 83 institutes conducting basic research in natural sciences, life sciences, social sciences and humanities. 18 Nobel laureates have emerged from its ranks of scientists and the society has more than 15,000 publications in scientific journals each year.


5 February 2016
Institutional Membership Extension: Wageningen University, CSIC, University of Zürich, ETH Zürich, University of Tübingen and Osnabrück University

We are pleased to announce that Wageningen University, the Netherlands, the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain, the University of Zürich and ETH Zürich, Switzerland, and the University of Tübingen and Osnabrück University, Germany, have not only renewed their institutional memberships with MDPI after two years of successful cooperation, but have also increased the reduction of the article processing charges (APCs) for affiliated authors to 25%.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

WageningenCISCZurich ETHZurichTuebingen Osnabrück 

5 February 2016
Institutional Membership established with Brock University, Canada and the University of Pisa, Italy

Inst Member

We are pleased to announce that Brock University, Cananda, and the University of Pisa, Italy, have joined MDPI's institutional membership program: Primary authors from these universities will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges as of 01 February 2016. 

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

Brock Pisa

27 January 2016
Viruses 2016: At the Forefront of Virus-Host Interaction

More than 170 leading virologists from around the world are currently meeting for the Viruses2016: At the Forefront of Virus-Host Interaction conference.

This conference takes place at the Biocenter of the University of Basel and is organized by MDPI. Detailed program information is available here.

25 January 2016
MDPI Sponsors diss:kurs with the University of Basel


MDPI is pleased to announce its newly established sponsorship of diss:kurs, an event coordinated by the University of Basel to support their doctorate program. For more information about the event and how to register, please visit the diss:kurs webpage.


12 January 2016
Viruses Travel Award Winners 2016

We are pleased to announce that the Viruses Travel Awards 2016 were granted to Dr Janna Bigalke, post-doctoral researcher at Tufts University School of Medicine, USA, and to Charles Daniel Murin, PhD student at the Scripps Research Institute, the Kellogg School of Science and Technology, USA.

We thank you for your participation and we look forward to receiving your application for the Travel Awards 2017.

For more information about the journal please visit the Viruses homepage.

7 January 2016
New Institutional Memberships Established with Tsinghua University, the Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology, Ruhr University Bochum and the University of Ulm

We are pleased to announce that the following institutions have joined MDPI's institutional membership program as of 1 January 2016:

  • Tsinghua University, China
  • Chinese Society of Micro-Nano Technology (CSMNT)
  • Ruhr University Bochum, Germany
  • University of Ulm, Germany

Authors affiliated with these institutions will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.



5 January 2016
Safety, Fermentation, C-Journal of Carbon Research, Magnetochemistry, Batteries and Horticulturae Released Their First Issue in December 2015

We are pleased to announce that MDPI's open access journals Safety, Journal of Imaging, Fermentation, C-Journal of Carbon Research, Magnetochemistry, Batteries and Horticulturae released their first issue at the end of December 2015.


23 December 2015
Happy Festive Season!

Season's greetings from everyone at MDPI!


17 December 2015
Institutional Membership Extension: University of Bern, Switzerland

We are pleased to announce that the University of Bern, Switzerland has not only renewed their institutional membership with MDPI after two years of successful cooperation, but also increased the reduction of the article processing charges (APCs) for affiliated authors to 25%.


17 December 2015
Institutional Membership with the University of Ulm and Helmholtz Zentrum Munich

We are pleased to announce that University of Ulm, Germany and Helmholtz Zentrum Munich, Germany has joined MDPI's institutional membership program:

Primary authors from the University of Ulm and Helmholtz Zentrum Munich will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges as of 1 January 2016. Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.


style="width:150px;height:228px;"         style="width:304px;height:228px;"

9 December 2015
Membership Established with the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

We are pleased to announce that Virginia Tech has joined MDPI's institutional membership program. Authors from Virginia Tech will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges as of 1 December 2015. Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

1 December 2015
Membership Established with the Technical University of Denmark and the University of North Florida

We are pleased to announce that the following universities have joined MDPI's institutional membership program:

  • Technical University of Denmark (as of 1 November 2015)
  • University of North Florida, USA (as of 15 November 2015)

Primary authors from the Technical University of Denmark and the University of North Florida will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

2 October 2015
Membership Established with the University of Freiburg and the University of Regensburg

We are pleased to announce that the following universities have joined MDPI's institutional membership program:

University of Freiburg, Germany
University of Regensburg, Germany

Primary authors from the University of Freiburg and the University of Regensburg will benefit from a 10% discount on the article processing charges as of 1 October 2015 and 1 November 2015.

Additional details can be found on our institutional membership page.

19 June 2015
Updated Impact Factor for Viruses – 3.353


We are pleased to report the 2014 Impact Factor for Viruses. According to the 2015 release of the Journal Citation Reports® Science Edition (published by Thomson Reuters in June 2015), the updated Impact Factor for Viruses is 3.353. The 5-Year Impact Factor is 3.419. Viruses now ranks 12/33 (Q2) in the category ‘Virology’.

Evolution of the Viruses Impact Factor:

Evolution of citations to Viruses:

26 January 2015
Viruses Awards 2015 - Winners

Dear Colleagues,

As Editor-in-Chief of Viruses, I am pleased to announce the winners of the Young Investigator in Virology Award and the two Travel Awards:

The 2015 Young Investigator in Virology Award for excellence in virology research goes to Dr. Jesse D. Bloom. After receiving his Ph.D. with Frances Arnold, he carried out postdoctoral work with David Baltimore, both at Caltech. Since 2011 he has been an Assistant Member in the Division of Basic Sciences at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. Dr. Bloom’s research combines experimental and computational approaches to study influenza virus. A major strength of his research is to seamlessly integrate molecular virology, next-generation sequencing, and computational biology to ask critical questions about influenza virus evolution. Dr. Bloom will also have the opportunity to present his work at the Viruses 2016 - At the Forefront of Virus–Host Interactions conference, Basel, 26–28 January 2016.

The runner-up is Dr. Alexander Ploss, Princeton University. Dr. Ploss performed his Ph.D. research at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York in the lab of Eric Palmer and did postdoctoral research with Charles Rice at Rockefeller University. In 2013, he became an Assistant Professor at Princeton University. Dr. Ploss’s research is focused on addressing fundamental questions about hepatitis C virus replication using humanized mouse model systems.

Travel Awards were granted to Dr. Kirsty Renfree Short, post-doctoral researcher at Erasmus Medical Center, and to Dr. Redmond Smyth from the Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire, Strasbourg, France.

I would like to congratulate them all for this remarkable achievement!

Eric O. Freed

Editor–in–Chief Viruses (ISSN 1999-4915) Impact Factor 3.279 (2013 Journal Citation Reports®),

Please join the Viruses 2016 - At the Forefront of Virus–Host Interactions conference, Basel, 26–28 January 2016.

21 January 2014
Special Issue "Pneumoviruses and Metapneumoviruses" - Now Available in Book Format

The Viruses special issue "Pneumoviruses and Metapneumoviruses", guest edited by Helene F. Rosenberg and Joseph B. Domachowske is now available in book format. The book contains all 17 papers available on the special issue website.

To order your copy, please contact the editorial staff at [email protected]. One copy, hardcover, 328 pages, 170x240mm premium format, full color is CHF36 + shipping from Switzerland (Economy: CHF30/Europe; CHF38/International or Priority: CHF38/Europe; CHF50/ International).

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