Journal Description
is an international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on ornithology published quarterly online by MDPI.
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- Rapid Publication: manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision is provided to authors approximately 20.6 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 3.7 days (median values for papers published in this journal in the first half of 2024).
- Journal Rank: JCR - Q1 (Ornithology) / CiteScore - Q2 (Animal Science and Zoology)
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- Birds is a companion journal of Animals.
Impact Factor:
1.5 (2023)
Latest Articles
Considering What Animals “Need to Do” in Enclosure Design: Questions on Bird Flight and Aviaries
Birds 2024, 5(3), 586-603; - 12 Sep 2024
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Zoo enclosure design, and housing and husbandry protocols, will always be a compromise between what a species has evolved to do and what is possible to offer in a human-created environment. For some species, behaviours that are commonly performed in the wild may
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Zoo enclosure design, and housing and husbandry protocols, will always be a compromise between what a species has evolved to do and what is possible to offer in a human-created environment. For some species, behaviours that are commonly performed in the wild may be constrained by husbandry practices that are used for ease or aesthetics or are accepted conventions. As zoos place more emphasis on positive animal welfare states, zoo enclosures should be scrutinised to check that what is provided, in terms of useful space, appropriate replication of habitat features, and maximal potential for natural behaviour performance, is relevant to the species and individuals being housed. For some species, zoos need to grapple with tough questions where the answer may not seem immediately obvious to ensure they are continuously improving standards of care, opportunities for the performance of species-typical behaviours, and advancing the attainment of positive welfare states. Determining the importance of flight, for example, and what this behaviour adds to the quality of life of a zoo-housed bird, is an important question that needs addressing to truly advance aviculture and how we determine bird welfare. This paper provides questions that should be answered and poses measures of what flight means to a bird, to provide evidence for the development and evolution of zoo bird housing. If we can devise some way of asking the animals in our care what they need, we can more firmly support decisions made that surround enclosure design, and housing decisions. Ultimately, this means gathering evidence on whether birds like to fly (e.g., from birds in training or demonstration activities) by applying mixed methods approaches of behavioural analysis, data on wild ecology, qualitative behavioural assessment, and cognitive bias testing to develop a robust suite of tools to address avian welfare considerations. Avian welfare scientists should attempt to define what meaningful flight is (i.e., flight that truly suggests a bird is flying) in order to support guidelines on aviary dimensions, space allowance, and welfare outputs from birds in both flighted and flight-restricted populations, and to determine what is most appropriate for an individual species. Changing the term “best practice” husbandry guidelines to “better practice” husbandry guidelines would instil the importance of regular review and reassessment of housing and management suitability for a species to ensure such care regimes remain appropriate. With an increasingly welfare-savvy public visiting zoos, it is essential that we seek more evidence to support and justify how birds are kept and ultimately use such evidence to enact changes to practices that are shown to infringe on avian welfare.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
The Migration of the Eurasian Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola L.) in the Carpathian Basin at the Turn of the 19–20th Centuries
László Bozó, István Fekete and Attila Bende
Birds 2024, 5(3), 571-585; - 11 Sep 2024
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In the present study, 7344 spring observations of a short-distance migratory species, the Eurasian Woodcock, from the Carpathian Basin between 1894 and 1926 were used to investigate the timing of the species’ migration and how different environmental factors influenced it. We used a
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In the present study, 7344 spring observations of a short-distance migratory species, the Eurasian Woodcock, from the Carpathian Basin between 1894 and 1926 were used to investigate the timing of the species’ migration and how different environmental factors influenced it. We used a generalized additive model (GAM) to explore migratory patterns by using environmental and geographical variables. In years when the weather was colder and snowier, the birds migrated weeks later than in years with milder weather. This may be due to the availability of earthworms, which are the most important food for the species. In areas at lower altitudes, migration occurred earlier than in mountainous areas, which may also be due to the different weather. Furthermore, a two week difference was observed between the south-western and north-eastern parts of the Carpathian Basin. This difference is still present nowadays, but the timing of migration has shifted earlier than in the past, probably due to climate change. It would also be important to compare the historical data with recent data to gain a better understanding of the effects of climate change on the migration of the Eurasian Woodcock.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Habitat Use of the Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) during the Breeding Season in Spain
Sara Maeso, Sara Morollón, Jorge García-Macía, Simon Lee and Vicente Urios
Birds 2024, 5(3), 558-570; - 10 Sep 2024
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Raptors usually show use for a particular habitat to settle during the breeding period. In this study, we aimed to study the habitat use of the breeding populations of Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) in Spain, which represents the southern distribution limit
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Raptors usually show use for a particular habitat to settle during the breeding period. In this study, we aimed to study the habitat use of the breeding populations of Hen Harrier (Circus cyaneus) in Spain, which represents the southern distribution limit of the species. We used GPS/GSM data from 17 individuals during 21 breeding periods. We analysed space and habitat use using 95% kernel density estimators to obtain home ranges during the breeding period. Then, we performed a third-order habitat selection analysis, extracting the percentage of locations on each land use and comparing it with random points generated within each home range. Furthermore, an Agricultural Use Index was created to classify harriers with agricultural or forest use depending on habitat. The results showed that harriers had a general use for agricultural land and, to a lesser extent, habitats with natural vegetation scrubs. Nest location was key to habitat selection, and these uses varied with latitude, with natural vegetation being chosen as the nesting habitat in the north and agricultural fields in the south, probably due to the availability of habitats in different parts of Iberia.
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Open AccessArticle
Diversity of Culturable Yeasts in the Feces of Mew Gulls Breeding in Natural and Urban Habitats, with Insights into the Antifungal Susceptibility of the Observed Pathogens
Anna Glushakova and Aleksey Kachalkin
Birds 2024, 5(3), 543-557; - 22 Aug 2024
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Migratory birds play an important role in the spread of yeasts in the environment over long distances and in different geographical regions. Human activities, in turn, have a major impact on the biology of wild birds and, consequently, on the microbial communities for
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Migratory birds play an important role in the spread of yeasts in the environment over long distances and in different geographical regions. Human activities, in turn, have a major impact on the biology of wild birds and, consequently, on the microbial communities for which birds act as carriers and disseminators. We sought to assess the “response” of the diversity of culturable yeasts in the feces of Mew Gulls to the type of nesting site (natural/anthropogenic) during the breeding season from April to October 2023. We isolated and molecularly identified 26 yeast species. The species composition in the feces of birds from the natural habitat was more diverse, and the diversity increased from April to October. In contrast, the diversity in the feces of birds from the urban habitat decreased from April to October. Analysis of susceptibility to conventional antibiotics (fluconazole, voriconazole, and amphotericin B) using the CLSI BMD (Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute broth microdilution) method in isolated strains of opportunistic Candida (C. parapsilosis and C. tropicalis) and strains of the emerging pathogen Rhodotorula mucilaginosa showed that the proportion of resistant strains was higher in strains isolated from the feces of birds from the anthropogenic population. Mew Gulls that spent their breeding season near a landfill and flew away for wintering appear to be a source for the spread of pathogenic yeasts with resistance against antifungal agents.
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Open AccessCommunication
Free Flight Training as a Tool for Psittacine Reintroductions
Donald J. Brightsmith, Chris Biro, Humberto F. Mendes and Constance Woodman
Birds 2024, 5(3), 522-542; - 21 Aug 2024
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As habitat loss and other threats accelerate, ecological restoration and reintroduction science are becoming progressively more important. The psittacines are among the most endangered bird groups and are prime candidates for restoration through reintroduction. Unfortunately, post-release survival of captive-raised animals is often quite
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As habitat loss and other threats accelerate, ecological restoration and reintroduction science are becoming progressively more important. The psittacines are among the most endangered bird groups and are prime candidates for restoration through reintroduction. Unfortunately, post-release survival of captive-raised animals is often quite low because, in part, of high predation rates, low site fidelity, poor flight ability, and low flock cohesion. Current best practices in parrot release hold the birds in captivity for a year or more and include distinct methods to address each of these challenges. Here, we conduct a small-scale, proof-of-concept study using free flight methods and human-socialized trained adult birds to hand raise and release a group of six fledgling Blue-and-yellow Macaws in their historical range in southeastern Brazil. All six released birds showed strong flock cohesion and fidelity to the release site, avoided predation, and survived without supplemental feeding for over one year. One bird was captured by local people but was recovered and rereleased and it has reintegrated into the group and is still alive and doing well. The human-socialized trained adult birds modeled both desirable behaviors (flocking, foraging, reacting to predators) and undesirable behaviors and they were returned to captivity before the conclusion of this study. Our study suggests that free flight training has great potential to help captive-raised young attain a broad array of vital skills needed for survival post-release.
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Open AccessArticle
Characteristics of the Habitat and Population Densities of the Mexican Duck (Anas diazi) in the Plateau of Zacatecas, Mexico
Marisa Mercado-Reyes, Héctor Emmanuel Valtierra-Marín, Lucía Delgadillo-Ruiz, Eduardo Valdéz-Romero, María Isabel Chávez-Ruvalcaba, Francisca Chávez-Ruvalcaba, Leticia Adriana Ramírez-Hernández and Patricio Tavizón-García
Birds 2024, 5(3), 509-521; - 16 Aug 2024
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The Mexican duck (Anas diazi) is an endemic species that has been categorized as threatened because of its practice of living in small populations and because of the condition of the wetlands in which it occurs. Therefore, the preference for wetlands
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The Mexican duck (Anas diazi) is an endemic species that has been categorized as threatened because of its practice of living in small populations and because of the condition of the wetlands in which it occurs. Therefore, the preference for wetlands by the species is influenced by the adjacent vegetation composition found in the Mexican Central Plateau in the state of Zacatecas. The inclination of the duck towards the wetlands in relation to the aquatic and adjacent vegetation structure was evaluated in the studied area. Seven wetlands were selected and distinguished by the presence of a population of the species. Vegetation was analyzed in three strata—tree layer, shrub layer and herb layer—and the population of the Mexican duck was calculated through direct counting in each wetland. The results determined a significantly larger number of individuals in artificial wetlands than in lakes. The wetlands’ adjacent vegetation is constituted by graminean and shrub species, with an aquatic vegetation cover. The non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test showed a significant difference between the counts of ducks and the physical structure of wetlands in the examined area. The data obtained indicate that the Mexican Duck occurs mainly in artificial wetlands with mainly graminean vegetation and aquatic plant cover; similar characteristics to those previously described for dabbling ducks.
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Open AccessCommunication
Aspects of Movement Ecology and Habitat Use of Migratory Raptors Using Satellite Telemetry from India to Central Asia
Mohan Ram, Devesh Gadhavi, Aradhana Sahu, Nityanand Srivastava, Tahir Ali Rather, Vidhi Modi, Akshita Patel, Lahar Jhala, Yashpal Zala and Dushyantsinh Jhala
Birds 2024, 5(3), 487-508; - 15 Aug 2024
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Single individuals of the Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga), Indian Spotted Eagle (Clanga hastata), Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax), Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus), and two Pallid Harriers (Circus macrourus) were deployed with satellite
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Single individuals of the Greater Spotted Eagle (Clanga clanga), Indian Spotted Eagle (Clanga hastata), Tawny Eagle (Aquila rapax), Western Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus), and two Pallid Harriers (Circus macrourus) were deployed with satellite transmitters in 2021 to study their home ranges, habitat associations, movement, and migration patterns. Data were collected for a combined number of 2291 days, providing 84,544 locations. Home ranges were calculated as kernel utilization distributions and expressed as 95% KDE and core areas as 50% KDE. Overall, eagles had larger home ranges (mean ± SD) of 942.70 ± 937.83 km2 compared to harriers, 43.84 ± 35.55 km2. Among eagles, the Greater Spotted Eagle had the largest home-range size of 2147.03 km2 calculated in Kazakhstan, while the female Pallid Harrier had the smallest home range of 5.74 km2 in Russia. Daily and monthly distances varied among eagles and harriers. The female Pallid Harrier covered the longest average monthly distance of 8585.43 ± 11,943.39 km, while the shortest monthly distance of 1338.22 ± 716.38 km was traveled by the Indian Spotted Eagle. All tagged birds migrated toward higher latitudes in the Northern hemisphere, except the Indian Spotted Eagle, which migrated to Pakistan. The male Western Marsh Harrier covered the longest migration distance in a shorter span of time, while the female Pallid Harrier took the longest to cover its migration distance. Overall, the daily distance covered during migration varied from 115.09 km traveled by the Indian Spotted Eagle to an overwhelming distance of 2035.85 km covered by the male Western Marsh Harrier. Scrubs, water bodies, croplands, and settlements were important habitat features associated with eagles, while croplands, open scrub, and built-up areas were associated with the female Pallid Harrier. The male Western Marsh Harrier was found to be primarily associated with saltpans and salt-affected areas having emergent vegetation. This study presents new insights into the movement and spatial ecology of long-distance migrant raptors that winter in Western India. We provide preliminary support for the use of the Western Circum–Himalayan Corridor as one of the important corridors of the Central Asian Flyway that warrants much appreciation among the current set of flyway corridors.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Innovative Foraging Behavior of Urban Birds: Use of Insect Food Provided by Cars
Jukka Jokimäki and Anna Ramos-Chernenko
Birds 2024, 5(3), 469-486; - 10 Aug 2024
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Despite high-quality insect food being often restricted in cities, insects are important for the development of birds. Nonetheless, plenty of insects are smashed on cars, and they are available for those species that are able to use them. We used both our own
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Despite high-quality insect food being often restricted in cities, insects are important for the development of birds. Nonetheless, plenty of insects are smashed on cars, and they are available for those species that are able to use them. We used both our own data and community science and Internet sources for surveying global, national, and local data about birds using insects on cars. Our results contained a total of 308 observations of birds collecting insects on car panels, which indicated that 39 species used this food resource since 1928 in 33 countries. Most observations considered the House Sparrow, followed by the White Wagtail and several species of corvids. European urban bird species observed to use insects on cars had a larger residual brain size. There was also some indication that bird species using insects on cars had a larger number of innovations (i.e., production of novel behaviors), greater diet generalism, and longer times living in urbanized areas than birds not observed using insects on cars. Often these species are also resident and able to use food offered in feeding sites. We assume that more bird species will use insects on cars in the future, as urban insect populations continue to decline, and thereby insects on cars will increasingly become more important sources of food for urban birds.
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Open AccessArticle
Small Endemic Birds and Hot Climate: Avian and Environmental Predictors of Avifauna Road Mortality in Santa Cruz Galapagos
Gustavo Jiménez-Uzcátegui, Heydi Roa-López, Daniela Penafiel, Galo Quezada, Andrea Loyola, Byron Delgado, Nicolas Moity, Olivier Devineau and Franklyn Betancourt
Birds 2024, 5(3), 453-468; - 10 Aug 2024
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In the Galapagos Islands, the main road in Santa Cruz is one of the elements involved in bird road mortality along with vehicles and the impacted species. This study reports the number of roadkilled birds found on the road from the Itabaca Channel
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In the Galapagos Islands, the main road in Santa Cruz is one of the elements involved in bird road mortality along with vehicles and the impacted species. This study reports the number of roadkilled birds found on the road from the Itabaca Channel to Puerto Ayora, and the main factors, whether avian or environmental, involved in bird roadkill mortality. We collected individual carcasses in 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2018 with a prevalence of 278, 252, 265, and 294, respectively, across 21 species. The endemic Yellow Warbler Setophaga petechia aureola was the most affected bird. We used a PRIDIT model to rank the top avian and environmental predictors of road mortality. We found that for the sampled years, bird body size (i.e., 8–35 g) and the endemism status (i.e., endemic/native) were the main predictors of roadkill mortality, along with seasonality (i.e., hot season). Weaker predictors related to the bird (i.e., age and sex) and the environment (ecosystem, road slope, vegetation, or precipitation) are also reported as determinants of roadkill mortality. This study on avian mortality aims to inform conservation strategies to reduce the rate of wildlife avian roadkill on Santa Cruz Island and other islands with similar problems.
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Open AccessArticle
Reproductive Success of Tree Swallows at Abandoned Mine Drainage Treatment Ponds
James S. Kellam, Julianna E. Lott, Anna R. Doelling and Isabella Ladisic
Birds 2024, 5(3), 440-452; - 10 Aug 2024
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Abandoned mine drainage treatment ponds could have contrasting effects on the reproductive success of birds living in the vicinity. The ponds and associated vegetation may, like any other body of freshwater, provide beneficial habitats for the insects that the birds use to feed
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Abandoned mine drainage treatment ponds could have contrasting effects on the reproductive success of birds living in the vicinity. The ponds and associated vegetation may, like any other body of freshwater, provide beneficial habitats for the insects that the birds use to feed their young; or instead, the ponds may act as an ecological trap, attracting the birds to a habitat that is poor in quality and negatively impacting their productivity. We monitored nests of an aerial insectivore, the Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor), to determine whether the distance between the ponds and the nests affected various reproductive parameters including clutch size, hatch rate, number of nestlings, nestling size and mass, number of fledglings, fledging rate, and fledge date. Data were collected over two breeding seasons (2022 and 2023) from a swallow population in southwestern Pennsylvania, USA. We found that the nests closest to the treatment ponds had significantly more nestlings and fledglings, earlier fledge dates, and a better fledging rate when compared to nests that were more distant from the ponds. However, all these parameters were well below previously published values, which suggests that the mine drainage ponds provide good nesting habitats relative to what is available in the region but that they do not represent high-quality habitats for this species overall.
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Open AccessArticle
Molecular Prevalence and Haematological Assessments of Avian Malaria in Wild Raptors of Thailand
Sirawit Subaneg, Ratiwan Sitdhibutr, Pornchai Pornpanom, Preeda Lertwatcharasarakul, Raveewan Ploypan, Aksarapak Kiewpong, Benya Chatkaewchai, Nithima To-adithep and Chaiyan Kasorndorkbua
Birds 2024, 5(3), 428-439; - 9 Aug 2024
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Raptors (Accipitriformes, Falconiformes and Strigiformes) are important for ecological niches as bioindicators and an apex predator; however, their global populations have continuously decreased due to human activities, habitat loss and contagious diseases. Avian malaria that may cause the negative impact on raptors’ health
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Raptors (Accipitriformes, Falconiformes and Strigiformes) are important for ecological niches as bioindicators and an apex predator; however, their global populations have continuously decreased due to human activities, habitat loss and contagious diseases. Avian malaria that may cause the negative impact on raptors’ health may also contribute to the declining of raptor populations. This study reported malaria’s molecular prevalence and genetic diversity in wild-caught and rehabilitated raptors in the Kasetsart University Raptor Rehabilitation Unit. In total, 109 raptors from 18 provinces of Thailand were classified into two groups, which included 78 diurnal raptors (DIRs) in Accipitriformes and 31 nocturnal raptors (NORs) in Strigiformes. Each ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA) blood sample (0.5–1 mL) was tested through haematological analyses and polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based detection to assess parasites’ health impacts. Amplicons of PCR positive samples were analysed for a nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic relationships. The overall prevalence of avian malaria was low at 3.67% (4/109) (95% CI: 1.44–9.06%), with a prevalence of 3.86% (3/78) (95% CI: 1.32–10.70%) in DIRs and 3.23% (1/31) (95% CI: 1.32–10.70%) in NORs. Most of the infected samples were from southern Thailand. This suggested that the raptors in humid habitats are more vulnerable to the malarial infection, which was likely associated with vector and parasite abundance. Clinical appearances and haematological examinations demonstrated that raptors could tolerate the infection and only became asymptomatic and subclinically infected. This study is the first report of the infection of avian malaria in Cinerous Vulture, Himalayan Vulture and Barred Eagle Owl in Thailand, providing baseline information in preparedness for the disease diagnostic and further study of avian malaria in some endangered raptor species.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Temporal Characterization of the Viral Load of Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease Virus in Rosy-Faced Lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis)
Derek Kong Lam, Emily Shui Kei Poon and Simon Yung Wa Sin
Birds 2024, 5(3), 417-427; - 5 Aug 2024
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Psittacine beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) is a widespread and highly pathogenic virus in parrots. The disease typically presents with feather and beak abnormalities, along with possible immune system suppression. No cure or commercialized vaccine is currently available. Our understanding of the
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Psittacine beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) is a widespread and highly pathogenic virus in parrots. The disease typically presents with feather and beak abnormalities, along with possible immune system suppression. No cure or commercialized vaccine is currently available. Our understanding of the Psittacine beak and feather disease often comes from infected individuals with visible symptoms. Limited knowledge exists regarding the pathology and role of asymptomatic individuals in disease transmission. Asymptomatic individuals could shed the virus in their crop secretion, feces, or feathers. In this study, we investigated the temporal change in the viral load in feather and fecal samples from 17 asymptomatic Rosy-faced Lovebirds (Agapornis roseicollis) using qPCR. Our results showed that most of the individuals had very low viral load, while three individuals with high viral load at the beginning of the experiment were observed to exhibit a decreasing trend in viral load in both fecal and feather samples. Surprisingly, the viral load in an individual can drop from a high level to an undetectable level within three months. This suggests that BFDV infection might not be lethal or highly pathogenic for some individuals. We also showed that the viral load in feathers was higher than in feces.
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Open AccessArticle
Winter Bird Diversity and Community Structure in Relation to Shrub Cover and Invasive Exotic Natal Grass in Two Livestock Ranches in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico
Mieke Titulaer, Cielo Marisol Aragón Gurrola, Alicia Melgoza Castillo, Angela A. Camargo-Sanabria and Nathalie S. Hernández-Quiroz
Birds 2024, 5(3), 404-416; - 31 Jul 2024
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Grasslands are one of the most threatened terrestrial biomes leading to a loss of grassland biodiversity, including birds. Here, we studied the wintering grassland bird diversity and community structure in two private livestock ranches in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico. We explored how bird
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Grasslands are one of the most threatened terrestrial biomes leading to a loss of grassland biodiversity, including birds. Here, we studied the wintering grassland bird diversity and community structure in two private livestock ranches in the Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico. We explored how bird communities are related to vegetation structure, including shrub cover and invasive exotic natal grass (Melinis repens), two drivers of grassland bird habitat degradation. We used Hill’s numbers to estimate taxonomic species richness and diversity and related these metrics to vegetation covariables using linear models. We employed nonmetric dimensional scaling (NMDS) to explore the importance of vegetation covariates in structuring bird communities. We found that bird species diversity was significantly and negatively related to bare ground cover at a plot level. At the ranch level, shrub cover, grass height and natal grass were important in structuring avian communities, negatively affecting the presence and abundance of grassland specialist bird species. Our results indicated that shrub encroachment and invasive exotic natal grass cover may alter grassland bird communities and should, therefore, be considered in grassland bird conservation management.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
The Effects of Disturbance Intensity on Tropical Forest Bird Communities and Vegetation Structure after Two Decades of Recovery
Alex Glass and Nico Arcilla
Birds 2024, 5(3), 388-403; - 25 Jul 2024
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As tropical forests are frequently impacted by human disturbance, forests in various stages of disturbance recovery are increasingly important for maintaining biodiversity. However, much remains unclear regarding the impacts of prior disturbance intensity on wildlife in regenerating forests. Here, we used mist net
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As tropical forests are frequently impacted by human disturbance, forests in various stages of disturbance recovery are increasingly important for maintaining biodiversity. However, much remains unclear regarding the impacts of prior disturbance intensity on wildlife in regenerating forests. Here, we used mist net capture data to compare bird communities in three tropical forest habitats representing various disturbance intensities: undisturbed primary forest, selectively logged forest (low disturbance), and secondary forest regenerating on abandoned agricultural fields (high disturbance). We found that after a 19-year recovery period, low-disturbance sites contained similar bird communities to undisturbed sites. High-disturbance sites, however, had lower species richness and distinct bird communities, with fewer insectivores and more nectarivores than other sites. Structural equation models revealed that the impacts of disturbance intensity on bird communities were partially explained by changes in vegetation structure: ant-following insectivore abundance declined with disturbance intensity as ground cover vegetation increased, and nectarivore abundance increased with disturbance intensity as tree density decreased. Our results suggest that selectively logged forests can regain pre-disturbance bird diversity and vegetation structure within two decades, provided that they are protected from further disturbance and located near source species pools. Increasing tree density and decreasing ground-level vegetation in secondary forests may improve these areas as habitats for forest-interior birds.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
DNA Prevalence of Eukaryotic Parasites with Zoonotic Potential in Urban-Associated Birds
Xabier Cabodevilla, Juan E. Malo, Daniel Aguirre de Carcer, Julia Zurdo, Rubén Chaboy-Cansado, Alberto Rastrojo and Juan Traba
Birds 2024, 5(3), 375-387; - 24 Jul 2024
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Synanthropic birds might play an important role as reservoirs of many zoonotic endoparasites; however, little information is available on many parasites and their prevalence. Here, we use an approach based on targeted metagenomic detection through the use of DNA metabarcoding of faecal samples
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Synanthropic birds might play an important role as reservoirs of many zoonotic endoparasites; however, little information is available on many parasites and their prevalence. Here, we use an approach based on targeted metagenomic detection through the use of DNA metabarcoding of faecal samples to screen for circulating parasites in alien parakeets (Myiopsitta monachus and Psittacula krameri) and urban landfill-feeding storks (Ciconia ciconia) and gulls (Larus fuscus). We focus especially on potentially zoonotic parasites, with the aim of better understanding the zoonotic risk that these birds’ faeces may pose. We detected a total of 23 genera of eukaryotic parasites: six fungi, three protists, five nematodes, two cestodes and seven trematodes. Among them, six stood out for their relevance to human health: Cryptococcus spp., Aspergillus spp. and Candida spp. (fungi); Cryptosporidium spp. (a protist); and Ascaris spp. and Halicephalobus spp. (nematodes). In parakeets, we detected Cryptococcus spp. and Ascaris spp., the latter being detected in 10–20% of the samples. In the White Stork and the Lesser Black-backed Gull, we found a high prevalence of Aspergillus spp. (in 15% and 50% of the samples, respectively) and Candida spp. (in 63% and 82% of the samples, respectively), and the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. in 10% of the samples. We detected Halicephalobus spp. in one gull sample (2%). Our results show that synanthropic birds may act as vectors and reservoirs of zoonotic parasites and their faeces could pose a risk to human health associated with the zoonotic parasites present in them. This should be taken into account when developing management plans for urban populations of these bird species.
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Exploring Mountain Hikers’ Wildlife Value Orientations and Disturbance of Birds of Prey: A Case Study from Norway
Yosra Zouhar, Øystein Aas and Hilde Nikoline Hambro Dybsand
Birds 2024, 5(3), 363-374; - 23 Jul 2024
Wildlife value orientations (WVOs) are useful for gaining knowledge about how humans’ relationship to nature, wildlife, and management differs between groups in society. Our study investigated the level of acceptance for the implementation of measures to avoid the disturbance of golden eagles among
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Wildlife value orientations (WVOs) are useful for gaining knowledge about how humans’ relationship to nature, wildlife, and management differs between groups in society. Our study investigated the level of acceptance for the implementation of measures to avoid the disturbance of golden eagles among hikers with different WVOs. Our results indicated differences between WVO typologies regarding how they assessed the consequences of outdoor recreation on nature and wildlife, as well as measures to manage human traffic. These findings contributed to confirming our hypotheses that peoples’ WVOs have an impact on how people assess wildlife and the natural environment, and that WVOs affect the acceptance of management measures. This study concluded that identifying and studying visitors’ WVOs contributes to understanding the underlying dimensions that influence peoples’ attitudes and behavior. WVOs has not been studied in a Norwegian context previously, and this study contributes new knowledge that is useful for managing human–wildlife relations in more sustainable ways.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Birds and People)
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Open AccessArticle
Artificial Light at Night Increases Growth and Impairs Reproductive Success in Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) in a Duration Dose-Dependent Manner
Malek Itay and Abraham Haim
Birds 2024, 5(3), 352-362; - 12 Jul 2024
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Short-wavelength artificial light at night is increasingly being associated with health and ecological risks. The negative impact of this relatively new source of pollution has been studied intensively in wild birds but to a much lesser extent in captive conspecifics. Using an avian
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Short-wavelength artificial light at night is increasingly being associated with health and ecological risks. The negative impact of this relatively new source of pollution has been studied intensively in wild birds but to a much lesser extent in captive conspecifics. Using an avian model, our objective was to evaluate the effects of short-wavelength (200 lux at 460 nm) lighting on the body mass and reproductive success of Budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) under captive conditions. Birds were maintained under a naturally increasing photoperiod from March to June, with one daily artificial light at night exposure of increasing duration (0, 30, 60, and 90 min) in the middle of the dark period. During the experiments, birds were monitored monthly for body mass, number of eggs laid, hatching success, and melatonin sulfate levels in droppings. Artificial light at night increased body mass and decreased melatonin sulfate levels as well as the number of eggs and hatching success in a duration dose-dependent manner. Our findings provide further evidence of the potential adverse impact of artificial light at night on captive birds and advocate the need for effective controlling measures for light pollution.
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Open AccessReview
A Worldwide Review of Snowy Owl Feeding Ecology: The Importance of Lemmings and Voles in a Changing Climate
Denver W. Holt, Matthew D. Larson, Mathew T. Seidensticker and Stephen P. Hiro
Birds 2024, 5(3), 341-351; - 8 Jul 2024
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We compared Snowy Owl feeding ecology from 15 breeding season studies throughout Nearctic and Palearctic circumpolar regions. We used raw data and information theory to assess the owls’ feeding niche. Combined studies yielded 59,923 prey items, of which 59,585 were used for calculations.
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We compared Snowy Owl feeding ecology from 15 breeding season studies throughout Nearctic and Palearctic circumpolar regions. We used raw data and information theory to assess the owls’ feeding niche. Combined studies yielded 59,923 prey items, of which 59,585 were used for calculations. Overall, mean food niche breadth (FNB) was narrow: H′ = 1.95; R = 1.60, D = 0.526. In 10 of 15 studies, lemmings were > 71.8% of the owls’ diet. In four studies, Lemmus was > 90% of the diet, and in three studies Dicrostonyx was >90% of the diet. In three other studies, Lemmus represented 71.8%, 73.8%, and 84.0% of the diet. In one study, Lemmus and Dicrostonyx were about equal: 49.1% and 47.5%. In the four remaining studies, Microtus and Clethrionomys voles were important. In contrast, of 5888 winter prey items from seven North American studies, the mean FNB (H′ = 4.61) was twice that of 15 breeding season scores, FNB (H’ = 1.95). The Snowy Owl is primarily an obligate lemming predator for breeding. Changes to population ecology and distribution of lemmings due to climate change will have direct affects and effects on the Snowy Owls’ reproductive output. The conservation of Snowy Owls is the conservation of lemmings.
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Open AccessEssay
Birds and People: A Symbiotic Relationship in Practice
Richard William Butler
Birds 2024, 5(2), 328-340; - 19 Jun 2024
Cited by 1
This Special Issue of Birds is focused on a number of ways in which people and birds interact with nature, and the example discussed here incorporates four of the seven relationships noted. These are: how birds and birding connect people with nature, the
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This Special Issue of Birds is focused on a number of ways in which people and birds interact with nature, and the example discussed here incorporates four of the seven relationships noted. These are: how birds and birding connect people with nature, the role of communities in the study and conservation of birds, the involvement of people with professional ornithologists, and citizens’ perception and knowledge of birds. The island of Fair Isle provides the location for the examination of these relationships, illustrating the positive interaction between the two human populations of the island and the two avian populations. It is based on fieldwork and literature studies conducted at intervals over a sixty-year period and a review of written and photographic evidence dating back to the beginning of the twentieth century. The purpose of the paper therefore, is to discuss how the relationships between the human and avian populations of the island have changed over time to a more positive and mutually dependent relationship, which is somewhat unique and can be described as symbiotic.
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(This article belongs to the Special Issue Birds and People)
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Open AccessFeature PaperArticle
Factors Affecting the Winter Distribution of Birds in Forests at the Eastern Edge of Europe
Arthur Askeyev, Oleg Askeyev, Igor Askeyev and Tim Sparks
Birds 2024, 5(2), 308-327; - 14 Jun 2024
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We show for the first time the results of a study into the spatial distribution of birds in forests at the eastern edge of Europe (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) and changes from early to late winter. A transect method was used to census
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We show for the first time the results of a study into the spatial distribution of birds in forests at the eastern edge of Europe (Republic of Tatarstan, Russia) and changes from early to late winter. A transect method was used to census randomly selected plots spread over a large geographical area in the winters 2018/9–2022/3. We used regression and ordination methods to assess the influence of key environmental factors on species richness, total density of birds, biological diversity, and the probabilities of occurrence of individual species. The most abundant bird species in early winter was the Willow Tit, and in the late winter was the Common Redpoll. Compared with the end of the 20th century, the number of wintering bird species has increased in the study area, likely due to climate warming. Species richness, total density, and the Shannon Index of diversity were higher in early winter than in late winter. Species richness and the Shannon Index were also higher at low elevations and in the west of the study region. Our research shows strong ecological-geographical differences in the preferences of individual bird species in the studied forests. However, almost without exception, birds had a higher probability of occurrence at lower elevation and toward the west.
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