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Additive Manufacturing: An Opportunity for the Fabrication of Near-Net-Shape NiTi Implants
by Mir Saman Safavi, Aydin Bordbar-Khiabani, Jafar Khalil-Allafi, Masoud Mozafari and Livia Visai
A Review of the Recent Developments and Challenges in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
by Abid Shah, Rezo Aliyev, Henning Zeidler and Stefan Krinke
Tribological Behavior of Additively Manufactured Metal Components
by Raj Shah, Nikhil Pai, Andreas Rosenkranz, Khosro Shirvani and Max Marian
Study of SLA Printing Parameters Affecting the Dimensional Accuracy of the Pattern and Casting in Rapid Investment Casting
by Nazym Badanova, Asma Perveen and Didier Talamona
A Review on Wire-Fed Directed Energy Deposition Based Metal Additive Manufacturing
by Tuğrul Özel, Hamed Shokri and Raphaël Loizeau
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Ti-6Al-4V Additively Manufactured by Electron Beam Melting with 3D Part Nesting and Powder Reuse Influences
by Priti Wanjara, David Backman, Fatih Sikan, Javad Gholipour, Robert Amos, Prakash Patnaik and Mathieu Brochu
Optimization of Wire-EDM Process Parameters for Al-Mg-0.6Si-0.35Fe/15%RHA/5%Cu Hybrid Metal Matrix Composite Using TOPSIS: Processing and Characterizations
by Jatinder Kumar, Shubham Sharma, Jujhar Singh, Sunpreet Singh and Gurminder Singh
A Review of Automotive Spare-Part Reconstruction Based on Additive Manufacturing
by Enrico Dalpadulo, Andrea Petruccioli, Francesco Gherardini and Francesco Leali
Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys: Challenges and Strategies
by Som Dixit and Shunyu Liu
Effect of the Laser Processing Parameters on the Selective Laser Melting of TiC–Fe-Based Cermets
by Himanshu S. Maurya, Lauri Kollo, Marek Tarraste, Kristjan Juhani, Fjodor Sergejev and Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth
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A Review of the Recent Developments and Challenges in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
by Abid Shah, Rezo Aliyev, Henning Zeidler and Stefan Krinke
Laser Scribing of Photovoltaic Solar Thin Films: A Review
by Farzad Jamaatisomarin, Ruqi Chen, Sajed Hosseini-Zavareh and Shuting Lei
A Review on Wire-Fed Directed Energy Deposition Based Metal Additive Manufacturing
by Tuğrul Özel, Hamed Shokri and Raphaël Loizeau
Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys: Challenges and Strategies
by Som Dixit and Shunyu Liu
Determination of the Shear Angle in the Orthogonal Cutting Process
by Michael Storchak, Thomas Stehle and Hans-Christian Möhring
A Review of Automotive Spare-Part Reconstruction Based on Additive Manufacturing
by Enrico Dalpadulo, Andrea Petruccioli, Francesco Gherardini and Francesco Leali
Critical Barriers to Industry 4.0 Adoption in Manufacturing Organizations and Their Mitigation Strategies
by Ahmed Sayem, Pronob Kumar Biswas, Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan, Luca Romoli and Michela Dalle Mura
Assembly Line Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) Prediction from Human Estimation to Supervised Machine Learning
by Péter Dobra and János Jósvai
Ultrafast Laser Additive Manufacturing: A Review
by Jacob Saunders, Mohammad Elbestawi and Qiyin Fang
Tool Wear Monitoring with Artificial Intelligence Methods: A Review
by Roberto Munaro, Aldo Attanasio and Antonio Del Prete
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A Review of Automotive Spare-Part Reconstruction Based on Additive Manufacturing
by Enrico Dalpadulo, Andrea Petruccioli, Francesco Gherardini and Francesco Leali
Insight into the Expected Impact of Sustainable Development in the Context of Industry 4.0: A Documentary Analysis Approach Based on Multiple Case Studies across the World
by Wilian Jesús Pech-Rodríguez, Eddie Nahúm Armendáriz-Mireles, Gladis Guadalupe Suárez-Velázquez, Carlos Adrián Calles-Arriaga and Enrique Rocha-Rangel
Laser-Based Additive Manufacturing of Magnesium Alloys for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications: From Chemistry to Clinic
by Mohammad Ghasemian Fard, Fariborz Sharifianjazi, Sanam Sadat Kazemi, Hosein Rostamani and Masoud Soroush Bathaei
Thermal Contact Resistance between Mold Steel and Additively Manufactured Insert for Designing Conformal Channels: An Experimental Study
by Andrews Souza, Paulina Capela, Vítor Lopes, Filipe Prior, Hélder Puga, Delfim Soares and José Teixeira
A Review of the Recent Developments and Challenges in Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) Process
by Abid Shah, Rezo Aliyev, Henning Zeidler and Stefan Krinke
Process-Integrated Lubrication in Sheet Metal Forming
by Roland Lachmayer, Bernd-Arno Behrens, Tobias Ehlers, Philipp Müller, Philipp Althaus, Marcus Oel, Ehsan Farahmand, Paul Christoph Gembarski, Hendrik Wester and Sven Hübner
Laser Additive Manufacturing of High-Strength Aluminum Alloys: Challenges and Strategies
by Som Dixit and Shunyu Liu
Benchmarking of 316L Stainless Steel Manufactured by a Hybrid Additive/Subtractive Technology
by Sheida Sarafan, Priti Wanjara, Javad Gholipour, Fabrice Bernier, Mahmoud Osman, Fatih Sikan, Josh Soost, Robert Amos, Prakash Patnaik and Mathieu Brochu
Critical Barriers to Industry 4.0 Adoption in Manufacturing Organizations and Their Mitigation Strategies
by Ahmed Sayem, Pronob Kumar Biswas, Mohammad Muhshin Aziz Khan, Luca Romoli and Michela Dalle Mura
Direct Digital Manufacturing of a Customized Face Mask
by Leonardos Bilalis, Vassilios Canellidis, Theodore Papatheodorou and John Giannatsis
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