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Algorithms, Volume 16, Issue 11 (November 2023) – 36 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): In an era where robotics and automation are pivotal, this work offers a crucial insight into computational geometry (CG)—a mathematical discipline for solving geometric problems with practical algorithms. This study traverses the intricate relationship between CG and robotics, particularly in devising paths for mobile robots amidst obstacles. By dissecting CG’s history and methodologies, the paper sheds light on how CG aids in simplifying complex path-planning conundrums. Highlighting the 2021 CG-SHOP competition’s victorious algorithms, the review underscores the real-world impact of CG in enhancing the autonomy of single and multi-robot systems. This comprehensive analysis maps the current terrain of CG applications in robotics and charts a course for future explorations at this cross-disciplinary juncture. View this paper
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14 pages, 2161 KiB  
Period Cycle Optimization of Integrated Energy Systems with Long-Term Scheduling Consideration
by Daoyu Ye and Shengxiang Deng
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 530; - 18 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1476
The economy and energy saving effects of integrated energy system dispatch plans are influenced by the coupling of different energy devices. In order to consider the impact of changes in equipment load rates on the optimization and scheduling of the system under long-term [...] Read more.
The economy and energy saving effects of integrated energy system dispatch plans are influenced by the coupling of different energy devices. In order to consider the impact of changes in equipment load rates on the optimization and scheduling of the system under long-term operation, a method for energy and component cycle optimization considering energy device capacity and load has been proposed. By improving the initial parameters of the components, energy economic parameters, and operational optimization parameters, the system is subjected to long-term scheduling and multi-cycle operational optimization analysis to evaluate the energy saving and emission reduction potential as well as the economic feasibility of the system. Finally, through numerical analysis, the effectiveness of this optimization approach in achieving energy savings, emission reductions, and cost benefits for the system is validated. Furthermore, compared to existing optimization methods, this approach also assesses the economic feasibility of the system. The case study resulted in a pre-tax IRR of 23.14% and a pre-tax NPV of 66.38 million. It is inferred that the system could generate profits over a 10-year operation period, thereby offering a more rational and cost-effective scheduling scheme for the integrated energy system. Full article
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15 pages, 1147 KiB  
A Narrow-Down Approach Based on Machine Learning for Indoor Localization
by Sahibzada Muhammad Ahmad Umair and Tughrul Arslan
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 529; - 17 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1698
Over the past decade, the demand and research for indoor localization have burgeoned and Wi-Fi fingerprinting approach has been widely considered because it is cheap and accessible. However, most existing methods lack in terms of positioning accuracy and high computational complexity. To cope [...] Read more.
Over the past decade, the demand and research for indoor localization have burgeoned and Wi-Fi fingerprinting approach has been widely considered because it is cheap and accessible. However, most existing methods lack in terms of positioning accuracy and high computational complexity. To cope with these issues, we formulate a two-stage, coarse and accurate positioning narrow-down approach (NDA). Furthermore, a three-step source domain refinement (SDR) scheme that involves outlier removal, stable AP’s weight enhancement, and a data averaging technique by applying the K-means clustering algorithm is also proposed. The collaboration of SDR scheme with the training data selection, area division, and overlapping schemes reduces the computational complexity and improves coarse positioning accuracy. The effect of the proposed SDR scheme on the performance of the support vector machine (SVM) and random forest algorithms is also presented. In the final/accurate positioning phase, a set of lightweight neural networks (DNNs), trained on different sub-areas, predict the user’s location. This approach significantly increases positioning accuracy while reducing the online computational complexity at the same time. The experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms the best solutions presented in the literature. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Intelligence-Based Algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks)
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17 pages, 1369 KiB  
Optimal Integrated Single-Framework Algorithm for the Multi-Level School Bus Network Problem
by Amirreza Nickkar and Young-Jae Lee
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 528; - 16 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1363
In many states in the United States, school bus fleets are assigned to serve students sequentially at three levels—high school, middle school, and elementary school; however, in past studies, each of these stages in the problem was considered separately. This study introduces a [...] Read more.
In many states in the United States, school bus fleets are assigned to serve students sequentially at three levels—high school, middle school, and elementary school; however, in past studies, each of these stages in the problem was considered separately. This study introduces a novel integrated school bus problem that considers the sequential operation of fleets for all three levels in a unified framework. An example of a hypothetical network was developed and tested to demonstrate the developed algorithm. The algorithm successfully handled the integration of school buses’ optimal route generation while meeting all constraints. The results showed that the routings with the integrated single-framework algorithm can reduce the total costs by 4.5% to 12.4% compared to the routings with the separated level algorithm. Also, it showed that the total costs of the integrated routing framework for different morning and afternoon time windows are 8.28% less than the same routings (identically reversed) for the morning and afternoon time windows. Full article
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24 pages, 3816 KiB  
Search on an NK Landscape with Swarm Intelligence: Limitations and Future Research Opportunities
by Ren-Raw Chen, Cameron D. Miller and Puay Khoon Toh
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 527; - 16 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1444
Swarm intelligence has promising applications for firm search and decision-choice problems and is particularly well suited for examining how other firms influence the focal firm’s search. To evaluate search performance, researchers examining firm search through simulation models typically build a performance landscape. The [...] Read more.
Swarm intelligence has promising applications for firm search and decision-choice problems and is particularly well suited for examining how other firms influence the focal firm’s search. To evaluate search performance, researchers examining firm search through simulation models typically build a performance landscape. The NK model is the leading tool used for this purpose in the management science literature. We assess the usefulness of the NK landscape for simulated swarm search. We find that the strength of the swarm model for examining firm search and decision-choice problems—the ability to model the influence of other firms on the focal firm—is limited to the NK landscape. Researchers will need alternative ways to create a performance landscape in order to use our full swarm model in simulations. We also identify multiple opportunities—endogenous landscapes, agent-specific landscapes, incomplete information, and costly movements—that future researchers can include in landscape development to gain the maximum insights from swarm-based firm search simulations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Feature Papers in Algorithms for Multidisciplinary Applications)
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11 pages, 356 KiB  
A General Model for Side Information in Neural Networks
by Tameem Adel and Mark Levene
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 526; - 15 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1612
We investigate the utility of side information in the context of machine learning and, in particular, in supervised neural networks. Side information can be viewed as expert knowledge, additional to the input, that may come from a knowledge base. Unlike other approaches, our [...] Read more.
We investigate the utility of side information in the context of machine learning and, in particular, in supervised neural networks. Side information can be viewed as expert knowledge, additional to the input, that may come from a knowledge base. Unlike other approaches, our formalism can be used by a machine learning algorithm not only during training but also during testing. Moreover, the proposed approach is flexible as it caters for different formats of side information, and we do not constrain the side information to be fed into the input layer of the network. A formalism is presented based on the difference between the neural network loss without and with side information, stating that it is useful when adding side information reduces the loss during the test phase. As a proof of concept we provide experimental results for two datasets, the MNIST dataset of handwritten digits and the House Price prediction dataset. For the experiments we used feedforward neural networks containing two hidden layers, as well as a softmax output layer. For both datasets, side information is shown to be useful in that it improves the classification accuracy significantly. Full article
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17 pages, 4914 KiB  
White Blood Cell Classification: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT) under Medical Microscope
by Mohamad Abou Ali, Fadi Dornaika and Ignacio Arganda-Carreras
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 525; - 15 Nov 2023
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 3241
Deep learning (DL) has made significant advances in computer vision with the advent of vision transformers (ViTs). Unlike convolutional neural networks (CNNs), ViTs use self-attention to extract both local and global features from image data, and then apply residual connections to feed these [...] Read more.
Deep learning (DL) has made significant advances in computer vision with the advent of vision transformers (ViTs). Unlike convolutional neural networks (CNNs), ViTs use self-attention to extract both local and global features from image data, and then apply residual connections to feed these features directly into a fully networked multilayer perceptron head. In hospitals, hematologists prepare peripheral blood smears (PBSs) and read them under a medical microscope to detect abnormalities in blood counts such as leukemia. However, this task is time-consuming and prone to human error. This study investigated the transfer learning process of the Google ViT and ImageNet CNNs to automate the reading of PBSs. The study used two online PBS datasets, PBC and BCCD, and transferred them into balanced datasets to investigate the influence of data amount and noise immunity on both neural networks. The PBC results showed that the Google ViT is an excellent DL neural solution for data scarcity. The BCCD results showed that the Google ViT is superior to ImageNet CNNs in dealing with unclean, noisy image data because it is able to extract both global and local features and use residual connections, despite the additional time and computational overhead. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue AI Algorithms in Medical Imaging)
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17 pages, 8845 KiB  
Utilizing Mixture Regression Models for Clustering Time-Series Energy Consumption of a Plastic Injection Molding Process
by Massimo Pacella, Matteo Mangini and Gabriele Papadia
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 524; - 15 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1741
Considering the issue of energy consumption reduction in industrial plants, we investigated a clustering method for mining the time-series data related to energy consumption. The industrial case study considered in our work is one of the most energy-intensive processes in the plastics industry: [...] Read more.
Considering the issue of energy consumption reduction in industrial plants, we investigated a clustering method for mining the time-series data related to energy consumption. The industrial case study considered in our work is one of the most energy-intensive processes in the plastics industry: the plastic injection molding process. Concerning the industrial setting, the energy consumption of the injection molding machine was monitored across multiple injection molding cycles. The collected data were then analyzed to establish patterns and trends in the energy consumption of the injection molding process. To this end, we considered mixtures of regression models given their flexibility in modeling heterogeneous time series and clustering time series in an unsupervised machine learning framework. Given the assumption of autocorrelated data and exogenous variables in the mixture model, we implemented an algorithm for model fitting that combined autocorrelated observations with spline and polynomial regressions. Our results demonstrate an accurate grouping of energy-consumption profiles, where each cluster is related to a specific production schedule. The clustering method also provides a unique profile of energy consumption for each cluster, depending on the production schedule and regression approach (i.e., spline and polynomial). According to these profiles, information related to the shape of energy consumption was identified, providing insights into reducing the electrical demand of the plant. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms in Data Classification)
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15 pages, 936 KiB  
An Intelligent Injury Rehabilitation Guidance System for Recreational Runners Using Data Mining Algorithms
by Theodoros Tzelepis, George Matlis, Nikos Dimokas, Petros Karvelis, Paraskevi Malliou and Anastasia Beneka
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 523; - 15 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1379
In recent years the number of people who exercise every day has increased dramatically. More precisely, due to COVID period many people have become recreational runners. Recreational running is a regular way to keep active and healthy at any age. Additionally, running is [...] Read more.
In recent years the number of people who exercise every day has increased dramatically. More precisely, due to COVID period many people have become recreational runners. Recreational running is a regular way to keep active and healthy at any age. Additionally, running is a popular physical exercise that offers numerous health advantages. However, recreational runners report a high incidence of musculoskeletal injuries due to running. The healthcare industry has been compelled to use information technology due to the quick rate of growth and developments in electronic systems, the internet, and telecommunications. Our proposed intelligent system uses data mining algorithms for the rehabilitation guidance of recreational runners with musculoskeletal discomfort. The system classifies recreational runners based on a questionnaire that has been built according to the severity, irritability, nature, stage, and stability model and advise them on the appropriate treatment plan/exercises to follow. Through rigorous testing across various case studies, our method has yielded highly promising results, underscoring its potential to significantly contribute to the well-being and rehabilitation of recreational runners facing musculoskeletal challenges. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms in Data Classification)
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22 pages, 2044 KiB  
Relational Fisher Analysis: Dimensionality Reduction in Relational Data with Global Convergence
by Li-Na Wang, Guoqiang Zhong, Yaxin Shi and Mohamed Cheriet
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 522; - 15 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1643
Most of the dimensionality reduction algorithms assume that data are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). In real-world applications, however, sometimes there exist relationships between data. Some relational learning methods have been proposed, but those with discriminative relationship analysis are lacking yet, as important [...] Read more.
Most of the dimensionality reduction algorithms assume that data are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.). In real-world applications, however, sometimes there exist relationships between data. Some relational learning methods have been proposed, but those with discriminative relationship analysis are lacking yet, as important supervisory information is usually ignored. In this paper, we propose a novel and general framework, called relational Fisher analysis (RFA), which successfully integrates relational information into the dimensionality reduction model. For nonlinear data representation learning, we adopt the kernel trick to RFA and propose the kernelized RFA (KRFA). In addition, the convergence of the RFA optimization algorithm is proved theoretically. By leveraging suitable strategies to construct the relational matrix, we conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the superiority of our RFA and KRFA methods over related approaches. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition)
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14 pages, 4300 KiB  
Automatic Multiorgan Segmentation in Pelvic Region with Convolutional Neural Networks on 0.35 T MR-Linac Images
by Emmanouil Koutoulakis, Louis Marage, Emmanouil Markodimitrakis, Leone Aubignac, Catherine Jenny, Igor Bessieres and Alain Lalande
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 521; - 15 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1727
MR-Linac is a recent device combining a linear accelerator with an MRI scanner. The improved soft tissue contrast of MR images is used for optimum delineation of tumors or organs at risk (OARs) and precise treatment delivery. Automatic segmentation of OARs can contribute [...] Read more.
MR-Linac is a recent device combining a linear accelerator with an MRI scanner. The improved soft tissue contrast of MR images is used for optimum delineation of tumors or organs at risk (OARs) and precise treatment delivery. Automatic segmentation of OARs can contribute to alleviating the time-consuming process for radiation oncologists and improving the accuracy of radiation delivery by providing faster, more consistent, and more accurate delineation of target structures and organs at risk. It can also help reduce inter-observer variability and improve the consistency of contouring while reducing the time required for treatment planning. In this work, state-of-the-art deep learning techniques were evaluated based on 2D and 2.5D training strategies to develop a comprehensive tool for the accurate segmentation of pelvic OARs dedicated to 0.35 T MR-Linac. In total, 103 cases with 0.35 T MR images of the pelvic region were investigated. Experts considered and contoured the bladder, rectum, and femoral heads as OARs and the prostate as the target volume. For the training of the neural network, 85 patients were randomly selected, and 18 were used for testing. Multiple U-Net-based architectures were considered, and the best model was compared using both 2D and 2.5D training strategies. The evaluation of the models was performed based on two metrics: the Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) and the Hausdorff distance (HD). In the 2D training strategy, Residual Attention U-Net (ResAttU-Net) had the highest scores among the other deep neural networks. Due to the additional contextual information, the configured 2.5D ResAttU-Net performed better. The overall DSC were 0.88 ± 0.09 and 0.86 ± 0.10, and the overall HD was 1.78 ± 3.02 mm and 5.90 ± 7.58 mm for 2.5D and 2D ResAttU-Net, respectively. The 2.5D ResAttU-Net provides accurate segmentation of OARs without affecting the computational cost. The developed end-to-end pipeline will be merged with the treatment planning system for in-time automatic segmentation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging)
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16 pages, 3320 KiB  
Improved Object Detection Method Utilizing YOLOv7-Tiny for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photographic Imagery
by Linhua Zhang, Ning Xiong, Xinghao Pan, Xiaodong Yue, Peng Wu and Caiping Guo
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 520; - 14 Nov 2023
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 4644
In unmanned aerial vehicle photographs, object detection algorithms encounter challenges in enhancing both speed and accuracy for objects of different sizes, primarily due to complex backgrounds and small objects. This study introduces the PDWT-YOLO algorithm, based on the YOLOv7-tiny model, to improve the [...] Read more.
In unmanned aerial vehicle photographs, object detection algorithms encounter challenges in enhancing both speed and accuracy for objects of different sizes, primarily due to complex backgrounds and small objects. This study introduces the PDWT-YOLO algorithm, based on the YOLOv7-tiny model, to improve the effectiveness of object detection across all sizes. The proposed method enhances the detection of small objects by incorporating a dedicated small-object detection layer, while reducing the conflict between classification and regression tasks through the replacement of the YOLOv7-tiny model’s detection head (IDetect) with a decoupled head. Moreover, network convergence is accelerated, and regression accuracy is improved by replacing the Complete Intersection over Union (CIoU) loss function with a Wise Intersection over Union (WIoU) focusing mechanism in the loss function. To assess the proposed model’s effectiveness, it was trained and tested on the VisDrone-2019 dataset comprising images captured by various drones across diverse scenarios, weather conditions, and lighting conditions. The experiments show that [email protected]:0.95 and [email protected] increased by 5% and 6.7%, respectively, with acceptable running speed compared with the original YOLOv7-tiny model. Furthermore, this method shows improvement over other datasets, confirming that PDWT-YOLO is effective for multiscale object detection. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Evolutionary Algorithms and Machine Learning)
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6 pages, 216 KiB  
Two Kadane Algorithms for the Maximum Sum Subarray Problem
by Joseph B. Kadane
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 519; - 14 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1862
The maximum sum subarray problem is to find a contiguous subarray with the largest sum. The history of algorithms to address this problem is recounted, culminating in what is known as Kadane’s algorithm. However, that algorithm is not the algorithm Kadane intended. Nonetheless, [...] Read more.
The maximum sum subarray problem is to find a contiguous subarray with the largest sum. The history of algorithms to address this problem is recounted, culminating in what is known as Kadane’s algorithm. However, that algorithm is not the algorithm Kadane intended. Nonetheless, the algorithm known as Kadane’s has found many uses, some of which are recounted here. The algorithm Kadane intended is reported here, and compared to the algorithm attributed to Kadane. They are both linear in time, employ just a few words of memory, and use a dynamic programming structure. The results proved here show that these two algorithms differ only in the case of an input consisting of only negative numbers. In that case, the algorithm Kadane intended is more informative than the algorithm attributed to him. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Combinatorial Optimization, Graph, and Network Algorithms)
18 pages, 2282 KiB  
Performance and Applicability of Post-Quantum Digital Signature Algorithms in Resource-Constrained Environments
by Marin Vidaković and Kruno Miličević
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 518; - 13 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3105
The continuous development of quantum computing necessitates the development of quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. In response to this demand, the National Institute of Standards and Technology selected standardized algorithms including Crystals-Dilithium, Falcon, and Sphincs+ for digital signatures. This paper provides a comparative evaluation of [...] Read more.
The continuous development of quantum computing necessitates the development of quantum-resistant cryptographic algorithms. In response to this demand, the National Institute of Standards and Technology selected standardized algorithms including Crystals-Dilithium, Falcon, and Sphincs+ for digital signatures. This paper provides a comparative evaluation of these algorithms across key metrics. The results indicate varying strengths and weaknesses for each algorithm, underscoring the importance of context-specific deployments. Our findings indicate that Dilithium offers advantages in low-power scenarios, Falcon excels in signature verification speed, and Sphincs+ provides robust security at the cost of computational efficiency. These results underscore the importance of context-specific deployments in specific and resource-constrained technological applications, like IoT, smart cards, blockchain, and vehicle-to-vehicle communication. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Surveys in Algorithm Analysis and Complexity Theory, Part II)
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20 pages, 5506 KiB  
Comparison of Machine Learning Classifiers for the Detection of Breast Cancer in an Electrical Impedance Tomography Setup
by Jöran Rixen, Nico Blass, Simon Lyra and Steffen Leonhardt
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 517; - 13 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1844
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death among women. Early prediction is crucial as it severely increases the survival rate. Although classical X-ray mammography is an established technique for screening, many eligible women do not consider this due to concerns about [...] Read more.
Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related death among women. Early prediction is crucial as it severely increases the survival rate. Although classical X-ray mammography is an established technique for screening, many eligible women do not consider this due to concerns about pain from breast compression. Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) is a technique that aims to visualize the conductivity distribution within the human body. As cancer has a greater conductivity than surrounding fatty tissue, it provides a contrast for image reconstruction. However, the interpretation of EIT images is still hard, due to the low spatial resolution. In this paper, we investigated three different classification models for the detection of breast cancer. This is important as EIT is a highly non-linear inverse problem and tends to produce reconstruction artifacts, which can be misinterpreted as, e.g., tumors. To aid in the interpretation of breast cancer EIT images, we compare three different classification models for breast cancer. We found that random forests and support vector machines performed best for this task. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging)
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26 pages, 24948 KiB  
Research on a Classification Method for Strip Steel Surface Defects Based on Knowledge Distillation and a Self-Adaptive Residual Shrinkage Network
by Xinbo Huang, Zhiwei Song, Chao Ji, Ye Zhang and Luya Yang
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 516; - 10 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1464
Different types of surface defects will occur during the production of strip steel. To ensure production quality, it is essential to classify these defects. Our research indicates that two main problems exist in the existing strip steel surface defect classification methods: (1) they [...] Read more.
Different types of surface defects will occur during the production of strip steel. To ensure production quality, it is essential to classify these defects. Our research indicates that two main problems exist in the existing strip steel surface defect classification methods: (1) they cannot solve the problem of unbalanced data using few-shot in reality, (2) they cannot meet the requirement of online real-time classification. To solve the aforementioned problems, a relational knowledge distillation self-adaptive residual shrinkage network (RKD-SARSN) is presented in this work. First, the data enhancement strategy of Cycle GAN defective sample migration is designed. Second, the self-adaptive residual shrinkage network (SARSN) is intended as the backbone network for feature extraction. An adaptive loss function based on accuracy and geometric mean (Gmean) is proposed to solve the problem of unbalanced samples. Finally, a relational knowledge distillation model (RKD) is proposed, and the functions of GUI operation interface encapsulation are designed by combining image processing technology. SARSN is used as a teacher model, its generalization performance is transferred to the lightweight network ResNet34, and it is conveniently deployed as a student model. The results show that the proposed method can improve the deployment efficiency of the model and ensure the real-time performance of the classification algorithms. It is superior to other mainstream algorithms for fine-grained images with unbalanced data classification. Full article
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18 pages, 1378 KiB  
Using Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommendations
by Dharahas Tallapally, John Wang, Katerina Potika and Magdalini Eirinaki
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 515; - 10 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2819
Recommender systems have revolutionized the way users discover and engage with content. Moving beyond the collaborative filtering approach, most modern recommender systems leverage additional sources of information, such as context and social network data. Such data can be modeled using graphs, and the [...] Read more.
Recommender systems have revolutionized the way users discover and engage with content. Moving beyond the collaborative filtering approach, most modern recommender systems leverage additional sources of information, such as context and social network data. Such data can be modeled using graphs, and the recent advances in Graph Neural Networks have led to the prominence of a new family of graph-based recommender system algorithms. In this work, we propose the RelationalNet algorithm, which not only models user–item, and user–user relationships but also item–item relationships with graphs and uses them as input to the recommendation process. The rationale for utilizing item–item interactions is to enrich the item embeddings by leveraging the similarities between items. By using Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), RelationalNet incorporates social influence and similar item influence into the recommendation process and captures more accurate user interests, especially when traditional methods fall short due to data sparsity. Such models improve the accuracy and effectiveness of recommendation systems by leveraging social connections and item interactions. Results demonstrate that RelationalNet outperforms current state-of-the-art social recommendation algorithms. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Trends in Algorithms for Intelligent Recommendation Systems)
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28 pages, 1233 KiB  
Trustworthy Digital Representations of Analog Information—An Application-Guided Analysis of a Fundamental Theoretical Problem in Digital Twinning
by Holger Boche, Yannik N. Böck, Ullrich J. Mönich and Frank H. P. Fitzek
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 514; - 9 Nov 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1474
This article compares two methods of algorithmically processing bandlimited time-continuous signals in light of the general problem of finding “suitable” representations of analog information on digital hardware. Albeit abstract, we argue that this problem is fundamental in digital twinning, a signal-processing paradigm the [...] Read more.
This article compares two methods of algorithmically processing bandlimited time-continuous signals in light of the general problem of finding “suitable” representations of analog information on digital hardware. Albeit abstract, we argue that this problem is fundamental in digital twinning, a signal-processing paradigm the upcoming 6G communication-technology standard relies on heavily. Using computable analysis, we formalize a general framework of machine-readable descriptions for representing analytic objects on Turing machines. Subsequently, we apply this framework to sampling and interpolation theory, providing a thoroughly formalized method for digitally processing the information carried by bandlimited analog signals. We investigate discrete-time descriptions, which form the implicit quasi-standard in digital signal processing, and establish continuous-time descriptions that take the signal’s continuous-time behavior into account. Motivated by an exemplary application of digital twinning, we analyze a textbook model of digital communication systems accordingly. We show that technologically fundamental properties, such as a signal’s (Banach-space) norm, can be computed from continuous-time, but not from discrete-time descriptions of the signal. Given the high trustworthiness requirements within 6G, e.g., employed software must satisfy assessment criteria in a provable manner, we conclude that the problem of “trustworthy” digital representations of analog information is indeed essential to near-future information technology. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Modeling and Practice for Trustworthy and Secure Systems)
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25 pages, 1338 KiB  
A System to Support Readers in Automatically Acquiring Complete Summarized Information on an Event from Different Sources
by Pietro Dell’Oglio, Alessandro Bondielli and Francesco Marcelloni
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 513; - 8 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1600
Today, most newspapers utilize social media to disseminate news. On the one hand, this results in an overload of related articles for social media users. On the other hand, since social media tends to form echo chambers around their users, different opinions and [...] Read more.
Today, most newspapers utilize social media to disseminate news. On the one hand, this results in an overload of related articles for social media users. On the other hand, since social media tends to form echo chambers around their users, different opinions and information may be hidden. Enabling users to access different information (possibly outside of their echo chambers, without the burden of reading entire articles, often containing redundant information) may be a step forward in allowing them to form their own opinions. To address this challenge, we propose a system that integrates Transformer neural models and text summarization models along with decision rules. Given a reference article already read by the user, our system first collects articles related to the same topic from a configurable number of different sources. Then, it identifies and summarizes the information that differs from the reference article and outputs the summary to the user. The core of the system is the sentence classification algorithm, which classifies sentences in the collected articles into three classes based on similarity with the reference article: sentences classified as dissimilar are summarized by using a pre-trained abstractive summarization model. We evaluated the proposed system in two steps. First, we assessed its effectiveness in identifying content differences between the reference article and the related articles by using human judgments obtained through crowdsourcing as ground truth. We obtained an average F1 score of 0.772 against average F1 scores of 0.797 and 0.676 achieved by two state-of-the-art approaches based, respectively, on model tuning and prompt tuning, which require an appropriate tuning phase and, therefore, greater computational effort. Second, we asked a sample of people to evaluate how well the summary generated by the system represents the information that is not present in the article read by the user. The results are extremely encouraging. Finally, we present a use case. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Machine Learning in Social Network Analytics)
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3 pages, 193 KiB  
Special Issue on Algorithms in Decision Support Systems Vol.2
by Edward Rolando Núñez-Valdez
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 512; - 8 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1171
Currently, decision support systems (DSSs) are essential tools that provide information and support for decision making on possible problems that, due to their level of complexity, cannot be easily solved by humans [...] Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms in Decision Support Systems Vol. 2)
19 pages, 8484 KiB  
A Recommendation System Supporting the Implementation of Sustainable Risk Management Measures in Airport Operations
by Silvia Carpitella, Bruno Brentan, Antonella Certa and Joaquín Izquierdo
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 511; - 7 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2175
This paper introduces a recommendation system aimed at enhancing the sustainable process of risk management within airport operations, with a special focus on Occupational Stress Risks (OSRs). The recommendation system is implemented via a flexible Python code that offers seamless integration into various [...] Read more.
This paper introduces a recommendation system aimed at enhancing the sustainable process of risk management within airport operations, with a special focus on Occupational Stress Risks (OSRs). The recommendation system is implemented via a flexible Python code that offers seamless integration into various operational contexts. It leverages Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) to conduct comprehensive risk assessments, subsequently generating prioritized recommendations for predefined risk management measures aimed at preventing and/or reducing the most critical OSRs. The system’s reliability has been validated by iterating the procedure with diverse input data (i.e., matrices of varying sizes) and measures. This confirms the system’s effectiveness across a broad spectrum of engineering scenarios. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mathematical Modelling in Engineering and Human Behaviour)
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21 pages, 1254 KiB  
Detecting and Processing Unsuspected Sensitive Variables for Robust Machine Learning
by Laurent Risser, Agustin Martin Picard, Lucas Hervier and Jean-Michel Loubes
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 510; - 7 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1682
The problem of algorithmic bias in machine learning has recently gained a lot of attention due to its potentially strong impact on our societies. In much the same manner, algorithmic biases can alter industrial and safety-critical machine learning applications, where high-dimensional inputs are [...] Read more.
The problem of algorithmic bias in machine learning has recently gained a lot of attention due to its potentially strong impact on our societies. In much the same manner, algorithmic biases can alter industrial and safety-critical machine learning applications, where high-dimensional inputs are used. This issue has, however, been mostly left out of the spotlight in the machine learning literature. Contrary to societal applications, where a set of potentially sensitive variables, such as gender or race, can be defined by common sense or by regulations to draw attention to potential risks, the sensitive variables are often unsuspected in industrial and safety-critical applications. In addition, these unsuspected sensitive variables may be indirectly represented as a latent feature of the input data. For instance, the predictions of an image classifier may be altered by reconstruction artefacts in a small subset of the training images. This raises serious and well-founded concerns about the commercial deployment of AI-based solutions, especially in a context where new regulations address bias issues in AI. The purpose of our paper is, then, to first give a large overview of recent advances in robust machine learning. Then, we propose a new procedure to detect and to treat such unknown biases. As far as we know, no equivalent procedure has been proposed in the literature so far. The procedure is also generic enough to be used in a wide variety of industrial contexts. Its relevance is demonstrated on a set of satellite images used to train a classifier. In this illustration, our technique detects that a subset of the training images has reconstruction faults, leading to systematic prediction errors that would have been unsuspected using conventional cross-validation techniques. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Modeling and Practice for Trustworthy and Secure Systems)
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19 pages, 4191 KiB  
Parkinson’s Disease Classification Framework Using Vocal Dynamics in Connected Speech
by Sai Bharadwaj Appakaya, Ruchira Pratihar and Ravi Sankar
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 509; - 4 Nov 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1718
Parkinson’s disease (PD) classification through speech has been an advancing field of research because of its ease of acquisition and processing. The minimal infrastructure requirements of the system have also made it suitable for telemonitoring applications. Researchers have studied the effects of PD [...] Read more.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) classification through speech has been an advancing field of research because of its ease of acquisition and processing. The minimal infrastructure requirements of the system have also made it suitable for telemonitoring applications. Researchers have studied the effects of PD on speech from various perspectives using different speech tasks. Typical speech deficits due to PD include voice monotony (e.g., monopitch), breathy or rough quality, and articulatory errors. In connected speech, these symptoms are more emphatic, which is also the basis for speech assessment in popular rating scales used for PD, like the Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and Hoehn and Yahr (HY). The current study introduces an innovative framework that integrates pitch-synchronous segmentation and an optimized set of features to investigate and analyze continuous speech from both PD patients and healthy controls (HC). Comparison of the proposed framework against existing methods has shown its superiority in classification performance and mitigation of overfitting in machine learning models. A set of optimal classifiers with unbiased decision-making was identified after comparing several machine learning models. The outcomes yielded by the classifiers demonstrate that the framework effectively learns the intrinsic characteristics of PD from connected speech, which can potentially offer valuable assistance in clinical diagnosis. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Machine Learning for Pattern Recognition)
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17 pages, 458 KiB  
Predicting the Gap in the Day-Ahead and Real-Time Market Prices Leveraging Exogenous Weather Data
by Nika Nizharadze, Arash Farokhi Soofi and Saeed Manshadi
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 508; - 4 Nov 2023
Viewed by 1592
Predicting the price gap between the day-ahead Market (DAM) and the real-time Market (RTM) plays a vital role in the convergence bidding mechanism of Independent System Operators (ISOs) in wholesale electricity markets. This paper presents a model to predict the values of the [...] Read more.
Predicting the price gap between the day-ahead Market (DAM) and the real-time Market (RTM) plays a vital role in the convergence bidding mechanism of Independent System Operators (ISOs) in wholesale electricity markets. This paper presents a model to predict the values of the price gap between the DAM and RTM using statistical machine learning algorithms and deep neural networks. In this paper, we seek to answer these questions: What will be the impact of predicting the DAM and RTM price gap directly on the prediction performance of learning methods? How can exogenous weather data affect the price gap prediction? In this paper, several exogenous features are collected, and the impacts of these features are examined to capture the best relations between the features and the target variable. An ensemble learning algorithm, namely the Random Forest (RF), is used to select the most important features. A Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network is used to capture long-term dependencies in predicting direct gap values between the markets stated. Moreover, the advantages of directly predicting the gap price rather than subtracting the price predictions of the DAM and RTM are shown. The presented results are based on the California Independent System Operator (CAISO)’s electricity market data for two years. The results show that direct gap prediction using exogenous weather features decreases the error of learning methods by 46%. Therefore, the presented method mitigates the prediction error of the price gap between the DAM and RTM. Thus, the convergence bidders can increase their profit, and the ISOs can tune their mechanism accordingly. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms for Smart Cities)
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20 pages, 2469 KiB  
Deep Dive into Fake News Detection: Feature-Centric Classification with Ensemble and Deep Learning Methods
by Fawaz Khaled Alarfaj and Jawad Abbas Khan
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 507; - 3 Nov 2023
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2717
The online spread of fake news on various platforms has emerged as a significant concern, posing threats to public opinion, political stability, and the dissemination of reliable information. Researchers have turned to advanced technologies, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques, [...] Read more.
The online spread of fake news on various platforms has emerged as a significant concern, posing threats to public opinion, political stability, and the dissemination of reliable information. Researchers have turned to advanced technologies, including machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) techniques, to detect and classify fake news to address this issue. This research study explores fake news classification using diverse ML and DL approaches. We utilized a well-known “Fake News” dataset sourced from Kaggle, encompassing a labelled news collection. We implemented diverse ML models, including multinomial naïve bayes (MNB), gaussian naïve bayes (GNB), Bernoulli naïve Bayes (BNB), logistic regression (LR), and passive aggressive classifier (PAC). Additionally, we explored DL models, such as long short-term memory (LSTM), convolutional neural networks (CNN), and CNN-LSTM. We compared the performance of these models based on key evaluation metrics, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and the F1 score. Additionally, we conducted cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning to ensure optimal performance. The results provide valuable insights into the strengths and weaknesses of each model in classifying fake news. We observed that DL models, particularly LSTM and CNN-LSTM, showed better performance compared to traditional ML models. These models achieved higher accuracy and demonstrated robustness in classification tasks. These findings emphasize the potential of DL models to tackle the spread of fake news effectively and highlight the importance of utilizing advanced techniques to address this challenging problem. Full article
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19 pages, 2227 KiB  
Dynamic Demand-Responsive Feeder Bus Network Design for a Short Headway Trunk Line
by Amirreza Nickkar and Young-Jae Lee
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 506; - 31 Oct 2023
Viewed by 1638
Recent advancements in technology have increased the potential for demand-responsive feeder transit services to enhance mobility in areas with limited public transit access. For long rail headways, feeder bus network algorithms are straightforward, as the maximum feeder service cycle time is determined by [...] Read more.
Recent advancements in technology have increased the potential for demand-responsive feeder transit services to enhance mobility in areas with limited public transit access. For long rail headways, feeder bus network algorithms are straightforward, as the maximum feeder service cycle time is determined by rail headway, and bus–train matching is unnecessary. However, for short rail headways, the algorithm must address both passenger–feeder-bus and feeder-bus–train matching. This study presents a simulated annealing (SA) algorithm for flexible feeder bus routing, accommodating short headway trunk lines and multiple bus relocations for various stations and trains. A 5 min headway rail trunk line example was utilized to test the algorithm. The algorithm effectively managed bus relocations when optimal routes were infeasible at specific stations. Additionally, the algorithm minimized total costs, accounting for vehicle operating expenses and passenger in-vehicle travel time costs, while considering multiple vehicle relocations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optimization for Vehicle Routing Problems)
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27 pages, 2365 KiB  
Finding Bottlenecks in Message Passing Interface Programs by Scalable Critical Path Analysis
by Vladimir Korkhov, Ivan Gankevich, Anton Gavrikov, Maria Mingazova, Ivan Petriakov, Dmitrii Tereshchenko, Artem Shatalin and Vitaly Slobodskoy
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 505; - 31 Oct 2023
Viewed by 1557
Bottlenecks and imbalance in parallel programs can significantly affect performance of parallel execution. Finding these bottlenecks is a key issue in performance analysis of MPI programs especially on a large scale. One of the ways to discover bottlenecks is to analyze the critical [...] Read more.
Bottlenecks and imbalance in parallel programs can significantly affect performance of parallel execution. Finding these bottlenecks is a key issue in performance analysis of MPI programs especially on a large scale. One of the ways to discover bottlenecks is to analyze the critical path of the parallel program: the longest execution path in the program activity graph. There are a number of methods of finding the critical path; however, most of them suffer a performance drop when scaled. In this paper, we analyze several methods of critical path finding based on classical Dijkstra and Delta-stepping algorithms along with the proposed algorithm based on topological sorting. Corresponding algorithms for each approach are presented including additional enhancements for increasing performance. The implementation of the algorithms and resulting performance for several benchmark applications (NAS Parallel Benchmarks, CP2K, OpenFOAM, LAMMPS, and MiniFE) are analyzed and discussed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Parallel and Distributed Computing: Algorithms and Applications)
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26 pages, 678 KiB  
Decision-Maker’s Preference-Driven Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization
by Adekunle Rotimi Adekoya and Mardé Helbig
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 504; - 30 Oct 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1298
Dynamic multi-objective optimization problems (DMOPs) are optimization problems where elements of the problems, such as the objective functions and/or constraints, change with time. These problems are characterized by two or more objective functions, where at least two objective functions are in conflict with [...] Read more.
Dynamic multi-objective optimization problems (DMOPs) are optimization problems where elements of the problems, such as the objective functions and/or constraints, change with time. These problems are characterized by two or more objective functions, where at least two objective functions are in conflict with one another. When solving real-world problems, the incorporation of human decision-makers (DMs)’ preferences or expert knowledge into the optimization process and thereby restricting the search to a specific region of the Pareto-optimal Front (POF) may result in more preferred or suitable solutions. This study proposes approaches that enable DMs to influence the search process with their preferences by reformulating the optimization problems as constrained problems. The subsequent constrained problems are solved using various constraint handling approaches, such as the penalization of infeasible solutions and the restriction of the search to the feasible region of the search space. The proposed constraint handling approaches are compared by incorporating the approaches into a differential evolution (DE) algorithm and measuring the algorithm’s performance using both standard performance measures for dynamic multi-objective optimization (DMOO), as well as newly proposed measures for constrained DMOPs. The new measures indicate how well an algorithm was able to find solutions in the objective space that best reflect the DM’s preferences and the Pareto-optimality goal of dynamic multi-objective optimization algorithms (DMOAs). The results indicate that the constraint handling approaches are effective in finding Pareto-optimal solutions that satisfy the preference constraints of a DM. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Optimization Algorithms for Decision Support Systems)
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15 pages, 5285 KiB  
Machine Learning-Based Approach for Predicting Diabetes Employing Socio-Demographic Characteristics
by Md. Ashikur Rahman, Lway Faisal Abdulrazak, Md. Mamun Ali, Imran Mahmud, Kawsar Ahmed and Francis M. Bui
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 503; - 29 Oct 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2613
Diabetes is one of the fatal diseases that play a vital role in the growth of other diseases in the human body. From a clinical perspective, the most significant approach to mitigating the effects of diabetes is early-stage control and management, with the [...] Read more.
Diabetes is one of the fatal diseases that play a vital role in the growth of other diseases in the human body. From a clinical perspective, the most significant approach to mitigating the effects of diabetes is early-stage control and management, with the aim of a potential cure. However, lack of awareness and expensive clinical tests are the primary reasons why clinical diagnosis and preventive measures are neglected in lower-income countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and India. From this perspective, this study aims to build an automated machine learning (ML) model, which will predict diabetes at an early stage using socio-demographic characteristics rather than clinical attributes, due to the fact that clinical features are not always accessible to all people from lower-income countries. To find the best fit of the supervised ML classifier of the model, we applied six classification algorithms and found that RF outperformed with an accuracy of 99.36%. In addition, the most significant risk factors were found based on the SHAP value by all the applied classifiers. This study reveals that polyuria, polydipsia, and delayed healing are the most significant risk factors for developing diabetes. The findings indicate that the proposed model is highly capable of predicting diabetes in the early stages. Full article
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26 pages, 5220 KiB  
Automating Stimulation Frequency Selection for SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces
by Alexey Kozin, Anton Gerasimov, Maxim Bakaev, Anton Pashkov and Olga Razumnikova
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 502; - 29 Oct 2023
Viewed by 1605
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) based on steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) are inexpensive and do not require user training. However, the highly personalized reaction to visual stimulation is an obstacle to the wider application of this technique, as it can be ineffective, tiring, or [...] Read more.
Brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) based on steady-state visually evoked potentials (SSVEPs) are inexpensive and do not require user training. However, the highly personalized reaction to visual stimulation is an obstacle to the wider application of this technique, as it can be ineffective, tiring, or even harmful at certain frequencies. In our experimental study, we proposed a new approach to the selection of optimal frequencies of photostimulation. By using a custom photostimulation device, we covered a frequency range from 5 to 25 Hz with 1 Hz increments, recording the subjects’ brainwave activity (EEG) and analyzing the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) changes at the corresponding frequencies. The proposed set of SNR-based coefficients and the discomfort index, determined by the ratio of theta and beta rhythms in the EEG signal, enables the automation of obtaining the recommended stimulation frequencies for use in SSVEP-based BCIs. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Artificial Intelligence for Medical Imaging)
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17 pages, 25202 KiB  
Denoising Diffusion Models on Model-Based Latent Space
by Carmelo Scribano, Danilo Pezzi, Giorgia Franchini and Marco Prato
Algorithms 2023, 16(11), 501; - 28 Oct 2023
Viewed by 2204
With the recent advancements in the field of diffusion generative models, it has been shown that defining the generative process in the latent space of a powerful pretrained autoencoder can offer substantial advantages. This approach, by abstracting away imperceptible image details and introducing [...] Read more.
With the recent advancements in the field of diffusion generative models, it has been shown that defining the generative process in the latent space of a powerful pretrained autoencoder can offer substantial advantages. This approach, by abstracting away imperceptible image details and introducing substantial spatial compression, renders the learning of the generative process more manageable while significantly reducing computational and memory demands. In this work, we propose to replace autoencoder coding with a model-based coding scheme based on traditional lossy image compression techniques; this choice not only further diminishes computational expenses but also allows us to probe the boundaries of latent-space image generation. Our objectives culminate in the proposal of a valuable approximation for training continuous diffusion models within a discrete space, accompanied by enhancements to the generative model for categorical values. Beyond the good results obtained for the problem at hand, we believe that the proposed work holds promise for enhancing the adaptability of generative diffusion models across diverse data types beyond the realm of imagery. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Algorithms for Image Processing and Machine Vision)
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