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An Overview of State-of-the-Art D-Band Radar System Components
by Pascal Stadler, Hakan Papurcu, Tobias Welling, Simón Tejero Alfageme and Nils Pohl
Silicon Radiation Detector Technologies: From Planar to 3D
by Gian-Franco Dalla Betta and Jixing Ye
Approximate Content-Addressable Memories: A Review
by Esteban Garzón, Leonid Yavits, Adam Teman and Marco Lanuzza
The Integrated Circuit Industry at a Crossroads: Threats and Opportunities
by Salvatore Pennisi
A Quantitative Review of Automated Neural Search and On-Device Learning for Tiny Devices
by Danilo Pietro Pau, Prem Kumar Ambrose and Fabrizio Maria Aymone
An Adaptive Downsampling FPGA-Based TDC Implementation for Time Measurement Improvement
by Evangelos Dikopoulos, Michael Birbas and Alexios Birbas
Signal Amplification by Means of a Dickson Charge Pump: Analysis and Experimental Validation
by Andrea Ballo, Alfio Dario Grasso and Gaetano Palumbo
Integrated Sensor Electronic Front-Ends with Self-X Capabilities
by Senan Alraho, Qummar Zaman, Hamam Abd and Andreas König
Multiphase Interpolating Digital Power Amplifiers for TX Beamforming
by Zhidong Bai, Wen Yuan, Ali Azam and Jeffrey S. Walling
Equivalence Checking of System-Level and SPICE-Level Models of Linear Circuits
by Kemal Çağlar Coşkun, Muhammad Hassan and Rolf Drechsler
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