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Symmetry, Volume 14, Issue 1 (January 2022) – 181 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Liquid crystal director distributions have been numerically analyzed between asymmetric anchoring surfaces, that is, infinite strong and very weak anchoring surfaces in a hybrid aligned nematic (HAN) cell and a twisted nematic (TN) cell. When the weak anchoring strength is lower than a critical one, HAN and TN orientations turn to a homogeneous orientation. Such quasi-homogeneous orientations return to original HAN and TN orientations under the application of voltage. A unique voltage transmission curve of 0–100–0% appears in the quasi-homogeneous TN cell between crossed polarizers. View this paper
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11 pages, 374 KiB  
Description for N = 126 Isotones 210Po and 212Rn with Particle-Hole Excited Nucleon-Pair Approximation and Realistic Effective Interaction
by Yi-Xing Wang, Yi-Yuan Cheng and Thomas T. S. Kuo
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 181; - 17 Jan 2022
Viewed by 2330
In this paper, we study yrast states of two N=126 isotones 210Po and 212Rn using the nucleon-pair approximation with particle–hole excitations and using a low-momentum interaction Vlowk renormalized from the free CD-Bonn NN potential. An [...] Read more.
In this paper, we study yrast states of two N=126 isotones 210Po and 212Rn using the nucleon-pair approximation with particle–hole excitations and using a low-momentum interaction Vlowk renormalized from the free CD-Bonn NN potential. An overall good agreement with experimental level structures, B(E2)s, and B(E3)s, is achieved. We also calculate the probabilities of neutron particle–hole excitations in these yrast states, with a focus on negative-parity states, which reflect the roles played by the neutron negative-parity configurations of one-particle-one-hole excitations across the N=126 shell gap and the negative-parity configurations of valence proton particles involving the 0i13/2 orbit. The N=126 shell gap is discussed in terms of energies of neutron one-particle-one-hole excitations. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Experiments and Theories of Radioactive Nuclear Beam Physics)
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109 pages, 4632 KiB  
Notes on Confinement on R3 × S1: From Yang–Mills, Super-Yang–Mills, and QCD (adj) to QCD(F)
by Erich Poppitz
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 180; - 17 Jan 2022
Cited by 19 | Viewed by 4219
This is a pedagogical introduction to the physics of confinement on R3×S1, using SU(2) Yang–Mills with massive or massless adjoint fermions as the prime example; we also add fundamental flavours to conclude. The small- [...] Read more.
This is a pedagogical introduction to the physics of confinement on R3×S1, using SU(2) Yang–Mills with massive or massless adjoint fermions as the prime example; we also add fundamental flavours to conclude. The small-S1 limit is remarkable, allowing for controlled semiclassical determination of the nonperturbative physics in these, mostly non-supersymmetric, theories. We begin by reviewing the Polyakov confinement mechanism on R3. Moving on to R3×S1, we show how introducing adjoint fermions stabilizes center symmetry, leading to abelianization and semiclassical calculability. We explain how monopole–instantons and twisted monopole–instantons arise. We describe the role of various novel topological excitations in extending Polyakov’s confinement to the locally four-dimensional case, discuss the nature of the confining string, and the θ-angle dependence. We study the global symmetry realization and, when available, present evidence for the absence of phase transitions as a function of the S1 size. As our aim is not to cover all work on the subject, but to prepare the interested reader for its study, we also include brief descriptions of topics not covered in detail: the necessity for analytic continuation of path integrals, the study of more general theories, and the ’t Hooft anomalies involving higher-form symmetries. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Applications of Symmetry in Lattice Field Theory)
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19 pages, 2255 KiB  
Adaptive Autonomous Robot Navigation by Neutrosophic WASPAS Extensions
by Rokas Semenas and Romualdas Bausys
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 179; - 17 Jan 2022
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1911
In this research, a novel adaptive frontier-assessment-based environment exploration strategy for search and rescue (SAR) robots is presented. Two neutrosophic WASPAS multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method extensions that provide the tools for addressing the inaccurate input data characteristics are applied to measure the utilities [...] Read more.
In this research, a novel adaptive frontier-assessment-based environment exploration strategy for search and rescue (SAR) robots is presented. Two neutrosophic WASPAS multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) method extensions that provide the tools for addressing the inaccurate input data characteristics are applied to measure the utilities of the candidate frontiers. Namely, the WASPAS method built under the interval-valued neutrosophic set environment (WASPAS-IVNS) and the WASPAS method built under the m-generalised q-neutrosophic set environment (WASPAS-mGqNS). The indeterminacy component of the neutrosophic set can be considered as the axis of symmetry, and neutrosophic truth and falsity membership functions are asymmetric. As these three components of the neutrosophic set are independent, one can model the input data characteristics applied in the candidate frontier assessment process, while also taking into consideration uncertain or inaccurate input data obtained by the autonomous robot sensors. The performed experiments indicate that the proposed adaptive environment exploration strategy provides better results when compared to the baseline greedy environment exploration strategies. Full article
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11 pages, 320 KiB  
On the Optimality of the LR Test for Mediation
by Kees Jan Van Garderen and Noud Van Giersbergen
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 178; - 17 Jan 2022
Viewed by 1783
Testing for mediation, or indirect effects, is empirically very important in many disciplines. It has two obvious symmetries that the testing procedure should be invariant to. The ordered absolute t-statistics from two ordinary regressions are maximal invariant under the associated groups of transformations. [...] Read more.
Testing for mediation, or indirect effects, is empirically very important in many disciplines. It has two obvious symmetries that the testing procedure should be invariant to. The ordered absolute t-statistics from two ordinary regressions are maximal invariant under the associated groups of transformations. Sobel’s (1982) Wald-type and the LR test statistic are both functions of this maximal invariant and satisfy two logical coherence requirements: (1) size coherence: rejection at level α implies rejection at all higher significance levels; and (2) information coherence: more (less) evidence against the null implies continued (non) rejection of the null. The LR test statistic is simply the smallest of the two absolute t-statistics, and we show that the LR test is the Uniformly Most Powerful (information and size) Coherent Invariant (UMPCI) test. In short: the LR test for mediation is simple and best. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Mathematics)
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17 pages, 375 KiB  
Symmetry, Confinement, and the Higgs Phase
by Jeff Greensite and Kazue Matsuyama
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 177; - 17 Jan 2022
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 2133
We show that the Higgs and confinement phases of a gauge Higgs theory, with the Higgs field in the fundamental representation of the gauge group, are distinguished both by a broken or unbroken realization of the global center subgroup of the gauge group, [...] Read more.
We show that the Higgs and confinement phases of a gauge Higgs theory, with the Higgs field in the fundamental representation of the gauge group, are distinguished both by a broken or unbroken realization of the global center subgroup of the gauge group, and by the type of confinement in each phase. This is color confinement in the Higgs phase, and a stronger property, which we call “separation-of-charge” confinement, in the confining phase. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue New Applications of Symmetry in Lattice Field Theory)
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8 pages, 448 KiB  
On Mikheyev–Smirnov–Wolfenstein Resonance Widths
by Mihail Chizhov
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 176; - 17 Jan 2022
Viewed by 1329
The aim of the present paper is the evaluation of the resonance half-widths of the first maximum for the probability of the total neutrino conversion in a medium. We consider the simplest case of two-neutrino mixing in matter with a constant refraction length. [...] Read more.
The aim of the present paper is the evaluation of the resonance half-widths of the first maximum for the probability of the total neutrino conversion in a medium. We consider the simplest case of two-neutrino mixing in matter with a constant refraction length. The results can be applied, for example, to studies of neutrino oscillations in the Earth’s mantle and elsewhere. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Neutrino Physics)
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17 pages, 2064 KiB  
Analysis of Urban Visual Memes Based on Dictionary Learning: An Example with Urban Image Data
by Ming Zhang, Xin Gu, Jun Xiao, Pu Zou, Zuoqin Shi, Silu He, Haifeng Li and Sumin Li
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 175; - 17 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2785
The coexistence of different cultures is a distinctive feature of human society, and globalization makes the construction of cities gradually tend to be the same, so how to find the unique memes of urban culture in a multicultural environment is very important for [...] Read more.
The coexistence of different cultures is a distinctive feature of human society, and globalization makes the construction of cities gradually tend to be the same, so how to find the unique memes of urban culture in a multicultural environment is very important for the development of a city. Most of the previous analyses of urban style have been based on simple classification tasks to obtain the visual elements of cities, lacking in considering the most essential visual elements of cities as a whole. Therefore, based on the image data of ten representative cities around the world, we extract the visual memes via the dictionary learning method, quantify the symmetric similarities and differences between cities by using the memetic similarity, and interpret the reasons for the similarities and differences between cities by using the memetic similarity and sparse representation. The experimental results show that the visual memes have certain limitations among different cities, i.e., the elements composing the urban style are very similar, and the linear combinations of visual memes vary widely as the reason for the differences in the urban style among cities. Full article
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15 pages, 6261 KiB  
Image Encryption Based on Arnod Transform and Fractional Chaotic
by Chao Chen, Hongying Zhang and Bin Wu
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 174; - 17 Jan 2022
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 1946
An image encryption and decryption algorithm based on Arnod transform and fractional chaos is proposed in this work for solving the problem that the encrypted image is easily cracked and the content of the decrypted image is distorted. To begin with, the Arnold [...] Read more.
An image encryption and decryption algorithm based on Arnod transform and fractional chaos is proposed in this work for solving the problem that the encrypted image is easily cracked and the content of the decrypted image is distorted. To begin with, the Arnold transform is used to encrypt, so that the spatial confidence of the original image has been comprehensively disturbed. Secondly, the XOR involving the fractional order chaotic sequence is used to encrypt. The key sequence is dynamically generated to ensure the randomness and difference of key generation. When decryption is required, the first decryption is performed using the key and XOR. Then, the second decryption is carried out by using the inverse Arnold transform, and finally the decrypted image is obtained. Experimental results show that the improved algorithm has achieved a better performance in encryption and decryption. Full article
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23 pages, 32906 KiB  
A Modification of the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm with Hybrid Methods for Multi-Objective Optimization Problems
by Jianfu Luo, Jinsheng Zhou, Xi Jiang and Haodong Lv
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 173; - 16 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2091
This paper proposes a modification of the imperialist competitive algorithm to solve multi-objective optimization problems with hybrid methods (MOHMICA) based on a modification of the imperialist competitive algorithm with hybrid methods (HMICA). The rationale for this is that there is an obvious disadvantage [...] Read more.
This paper proposes a modification of the imperialist competitive algorithm to solve multi-objective optimization problems with hybrid methods (MOHMICA) based on a modification of the imperialist competitive algorithm with hybrid methods (HMICA). The rationale for this is that there is an obvious disadvantage of HMICA in that it can only solve single-objective optimization problems but cannot solve multi-objective optimization problems. In order to adapt to the characteristics of multi-objective optimization problems, this paper improves the establishment of the initial empires and colony allocation mechanism and empire competition in HMICA, and introduces an external archiving strategy. A total of 12 benchmark functions are calculated, including 10 bi-objective and 2 tri-objective benchmarks. Four metrics are used to verify the quality of MOHMICA. Then, a new comprehensive evaluation method is proposed, called “radar map method”, which could comprehensively evaluate the convergence and distribution performance of multi-objective optimization algorithm. It can be seen from the four coordinate axes of the radar maps that this is a symmetrical evaluation method. For this evaluation method, the larger the radar map area is, the better the calculation result of the algorithm. Using this new evaluation method, the algorithm proposed in this paper is compared with seven other high-quality algorithms. The radar map area of MOHMICA is at least 14.06% larger than that of other algorithms. Therefore, it is proven that MOHMICA has advantages as a whole. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Meta-Heuristics for Manufacturing Systems Optimization)
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23 pages, 1552 KiB  
Hybrid Analysis of the Decision-Making Factors for Software Upgrade Based on the Integration of AHP and DEMATEL
by Dosung Kim and Mi Kim
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 172; - 16 Jan 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2307
Software is a very important part to implement advanced information systems, such as AI and IoT based on the latest hardware equipment of the fourth Industrial Revolution. In particular, decision making for software upgrade is one of the essential processes that can solve [...] Read more.
Software is a very important part to implement advanced information systems, such as AI and IoT based on the latest hardware equipment of the fourth Industrial Revolution. In particular, decision making for software upgrade is one of the essential processes that can solve problems for upgrading the information systems. However, most of the decision-making studies for this purpose have been conducted only from the perspective of the IT professional and management position. Moreover, software upgrade can be influenced by various layers of decision makers, so further research is needed. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research on what factors are required and affect the decision making of software upgrade at various layers of organization. For this purpose, decision factors of software upgrade are identified by literature review in this study. Additionally, the priority, degree of influence and relationship between the factors are analyzed by using the AHP and DEMATEL techniques at the organizational level of users, managers and IT professionals. The results show that the priority, weight value, causal relationship of decision factors of users, managers and IT professionals who constitute the organizational level were very different. The managers first considered the benefits, such as ROI, for organization as a leader. The users tended to consider their work efficiency and changes due to the software upgrade first. Finally, the IT professionals considered ROI, budget and compatibility for the aspect of the managers and users. Therefore, the related information of each organizational level can be presented more clearly for the systematic and symmetrical decision making of software upgrade based on the results of this study. Full article
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17 pages, 3127 KiB  
Symmetry Control of Comfortable Vehicle Suspension Based on H
by Jiguang Hou, Xianteng Cao and Changshu Zhan
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 171; - 16 Jan 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2690
Suspension is an important part of intelligent and safe transportation; it is the balance point between the comfort and handling stability of a vehicle under intelligent traffic conditions. In this study, a control method of left-right symmetry of air suspension based on H [...] Read more.
Suspension is an important part of intelligent and safe transportation; it is the balance point between the comfort and handling stability of a vehicle under intelligent traffic conditions. In this study, a control method of left-right symmetry of air suspension based on H theory was proposed, which was verified under intelligent traffic conditions. First, the control stability caused by the active suspension control system running on uneven roads needs to be ensured. To address this issue, a 1/4 vehicle active suspension model was established, and the vertical acceleration of the vehicle body was applied as the main index of ride comfort. H performance constraint output indicators of the controller contained the tire dynamic load, suspension dynamic stroke, and actuator control force limit. Based on the Lyapunov stability theory, an output feedback control law with H-guaranteed performance was proposed to constrain multiple targets. This way, the control problem was transformed into a solution to the Riccati equation. The simulation results showed that when dealing with general road disturbances, the proposed control strategy can reduce the vehicle body acceleration by about 20% and meet the requirements of an ultimate suspension dynamic deflection of 0.08 m and a dynamic tire load of 1500 N. Using this symmetrical control method can significantly improve the ride comfort and driving stability of a vehicle under intelligent traffic conditions. Full article
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19 pages, 6391 KiB  
On the Analytical Solution of the Kuwabara-Type Particle-in-Cell Model for the Non-Axisymmetric Spheroidal Stokes Flow via the Papkovich–Neuber Representation
by Panayiotis Vafeas, Eleftherios Protopapas and Maria Hadjinicolaou
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 170; - 15 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2020
Modern engineering technology often involves the physical application of heat and mass transfer. These processes are associated with the creeping motion of a relatively homogeneous swarm of small particles, where the spheroidal geometry represents the shape of the embedded particles within such aggregates. [...] Read more.
Modern engineering technology often involves the physical application of heat and mass transfer. These processes are associated with the creeping motion of a relatively homogeneous swarm of small particles, where the spheroidal geometry represents the shape of the embedded particles within such aggregates. Here, the steady Stokes flow of an incompressible, viscous fluid through an assemblage of particles, at low Reynolds numbers, is studied by employing a particle-in-cell model. The mathematical formulation adopts the Kuwabara-type assumption, according to which each spheroidal particle is stationary and it is surrounded by a confocal spheroid that creates a fluid envelope, in which the Newtonian fluid moves with a constant velocity of arbitrary orientation. The boundary value problem in the fluid envelope is solved by imposing non-slip conditions on the surface of the spheroid, which is also considered as non-penetrable, while zero vorticity is assumed on the fictitious spheroidal boundary along with a uniform approaching velocity. The three-dimensional flow fields are calculated analytically for the first time, in the spheroidal geometry, by virtue of the Papkovich–Neuber representation. Through this, the velocity and the total pressure fields are provided in terms of a vector and the scalar spheroidal harmonic potentials, which enables the thorough study of the relevant physical characteristics of the flow fields. The newly obtained analytical expressions generalize to any direction with the existing results holding for the asymmetrical case, which were obtained with the aid of a stream function. These can be employed for the calculation of quantities of physical or engineering interest. Numerical implementation reveals the flow behavior within the fluid envelope for different geometrical cell characteristics and for the arbitrarily-assumed velocity field, thus reflecting the different flow/porous media situations. Sample calculations show the excellent agreement of the obtained results with those available for special geometrical cases. All of these findings demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed method and the powerfulness of the obtained analytical expansions. Full article
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22 pages, 5815 KiB  
The CMS Magnetic Field Measuring and Monitoring Systems
by Vyacheslav Klyukhin, Austin Ball, Felix Bergsma, Henk Boterenbrood, Benoit Curé, Domenico Dattola, Andrea Gaddi, Hubert Gerwig, Alain Hervé, Richard Loveless, Gary Teafoe, Daniel Wenman, Wolfram Zeuner and Jerry Zimmerman
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 169; - 15 Jan 2022
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2938
This review article describes the performance of the magnetic field measuring and monitoring systems for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. To cross-check the magnetic flux distribution obtained with the CMS magnet model, four systems for measuring the magnetic flux density in the [...] Read more.
This review article describes the performance of the magnetic field measuring and monitoring systems for the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector. To cross-check the magnetic flux distribution obtained with the CMS magnet model, four systems for measuring the magnetic flux density in the detector volume were used. The magnetic induction inside the 6 m diameter superconducting solenoid was measured and is currently monitored by four nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) probes installed using special tubes at a radius of 2.9148 m outside the barrel hadron calorimeter at ±0.006 m from the coil median XY-plane. Two more NRM probes were installed at the faces of the tracking system at Z-coordinates of −2.835 and +2.831 m and a radius of 0.651 m from the solenoid axis. The field inside the superconducting solenoid was precisely measured in 2006 in a cylindrical volume of 3.448 m in diameter and 7 m in length using ten three-dimensional (3D) B-sensors based on the Hall effect (Hall probes). These B-sensors were installed on each of the two propeller arms of an automated field-mapping machine. In addition to these measurement systems, a system for monitoring the magnetic field during the CMS detector operation has been developed. Inside the solenoid in the horizontal plane, four 3D B-sensors were installed at the faces of the tracking detector at distances X = ±0.959 m and Z-coordinates of −2.899 and +2.895 m. Twelve 3D B-sensors were installed on the surfaces of the flux-return yoke nose disks. Seventy 3D B-sensors were installed in the air gaps of the CMS magnet yoke in 11 XY-planes of the azimuthal sector at 270°. A specially developed flux loop technique was used for the most complex measurements of the magnetic flux density inside the steel blocks of the CMS magnet yoke. The flux loops are installed in 22 sections of the flux-return yoke blocks in grooves of 30 mm wide and 12–13 mm deep and consist of 7–10 turns of 45 wire flat ribbon cable. The areas enclosed by these coils varied from 0.3 to 1.59 m2 in the blocks of the barrel wheels and from 0.5 to 1.12 m2 in the blocks of the yoke endcap disks. The development of these systems and the results of the magnetic flux density measurements across the CMS magnet are presented and discussed in this review article. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Physics)
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21 pages, 20276 KiB  
Microgrid Operations Planning Based on Improving the Flying Sparrow Search Algorithm
by Trong-The Nguyen, Truong-Giang Ngo, Thi-Kien Dao and Thi-Thanh-Tan Nguyen
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 168; - 15 Jan 2022
Cited by 49 | Viewed by 2963
Microgrid operations planning is crucial for emerging energy microgrids to enhance the share of clean energy power generation and ensure a safe symmetry power grid among distributed natural power sources and stable functioning of the entire power system. This paper suggests a new [...] Read more.
Microgrid operations planning is crucial for emerging energy microgrids to enhance the share of clean energy power generation and ensure a safe symmetry power grid among distributed natural power sources and stable functioning of the entire power system. This paper suggests a new improved version (namely, ESSA) of the sparrow search algorithm (SSA) based on an elite reverse learning strategy and firefly algorithm (FA) mutation strategy for the power microgrid optimal operations planning. Scheduling cycles of the microgrid with a distributed power source’s optimal output and total operation cost is modeled based on variables, e.g., environmental costs, electricity interaction, investment depreciation, and maintenance system, to establish grid multi-objective economic optimization. Compared with other literature methods, such as Genetic algorithm (GA), Particle swarm optimization (PSO), Firefly algorithm (FA), Bat algorithm (BA), Grey wolf optimization (GWO), and SSA show that the proposed plan offers higher performance and feasibility in solving microgrid operations planning issues. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Applied Metaheuristic Computing)
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17 pages, 3210 KiB  
Research on Influence Factors of Bearing Capacity of Concrete-Filled Steel Tubular Arch for Traffic Tunnel
by Lei Li and Ke Lei
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 167; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 1961
When a traffic tunnel passes through special strata such as soft rock with high geo-stress, expansive rock, and fault fracture zones, the traditional supporting structure is often destroyed due to complicated loads, which threatens the construction and operation safety of tunnel engineering. Concrete-filled [...] Read more.
When a traffic tunnel passes through special strata such as soft rock with high geo-stress, expansive rock, and fault fracture zones, the traditional supporting structure is often destroyed due to complicated loads, which threatens the construction and operation safety of tunnel engineering. Concrete-filled steel tubular (CFST) structure gives full play to the respective advantages of steel and concrete and has better bearing capacity and economic benefits than traditional support structure, which has achieved good results in some underground engineering applications. In order to promote the application of CFST in the construction of traffic tunnels with complex geological conditions and improve the bearing capacity of the initial supporting structure of tunnels, the influencing factors of the bearing capacity of CFST arch were studied by numerical simulation. The main achievements are as follows: (1) The load-displacement curves of CFST members under different material parameters are basically consistent. CFST members have significant restrictions on displacement in the elastic stage and have high ultimate bearing capacity. Although the bearing capacity decreases obviously after reaching the peak, it shows good extension performance. (2) The height of the steel tube section, the thickness of the steel tube wall and the grade of the core concrete have an approximately linear positive correlation with the bearing capacity of CFST arch, but the influence of these three factors on the bearing capacity of CFST arch decreases in turn, and when the grade of core concrete increases above C50, it has no significant effect on the bearing capacity of members. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Computer)
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19 pages, 12486 KiB  
Friction Characteristics Analysis of Symmetric Aluminum Alloy Parts in Warm Forming Process
by Jiansheng Xia, Jun Zhao and Shasha Dou
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 166; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 2361
There are many typical symmetric large plastic deformation problems in aluminum alloy stamping. Warm stamping technology can improve the formability of materials and obtain parts with high-dimensional accuracy. Friction behavior in the stamping process is significant for the forming quality. An accurate friction [...] Read more.
There are many typical symmetric large plastic deformation problems in aluminum alloy stamping. Warm stamping technology can improve the formability of materials and obtain parts with high-dimensional accuracy. Friction behavior in the stamping process is significant for the forming quality. An accurate friction coefficient is helpful in improving the prediction accuracy of forming defects. It is hard to obtain a unified and precise friction model through simple experiments due to the complicated contact conditions. To explore the effect of friction behavior on the forming quality, warm friction experiments of the AA6061 aluminum alloy and P20 steel with different process parameters were carried out using a high-temperature friction tester CFT-I (Equipment Type), including temperatures, the interface load, and sliding speeds. The variation curves of the friction coefficient with various parameters were obtained and analyzed. The results show that the friction coefficient increases with temperature and decreases with the sliding speed and load. Then, the influences of process parameters on the surface morphology of the samples after friction were observed by an optical microscope; adhesive wear occurred when the temperature increased, and the surface scratch increased and deepened with the increase in the load. Finally, the friction coefficient models of the speed and load were established by analyzing the data with Original software. Compared with the experimental and the finite element analysis results of the symmetrical part, the errors of the velocity friction model in thickness and springback angle are less than 4% and 5%, respectively. The mistakes of the load friction model are less than 6% and 7%, respectively. The accuracy of the two friction models is higher than that of the constant friction coefficient. Therefore, those coefficient models can effectively improve the simulation accuracy of finite element software. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Engineering and Materials)
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12 pages, 805 KiB  
Global Well-Posedness and Analyticity of the Primitive Equations of Geophysics in Variable Exponent Fourier–Besov Spaces
by Muhammad Zainul Abidin, Naeem Ullah and Omer Abdalrhman Omer
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 165; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2002
We consider the Cauchy problem of the three-dimensional primitive equations of geophysics. By using the Littlewood–Paley decomposition theory and Fourier localization technique, we prove the global well-posedness for the Cauchy problem with the Prandtl number P=1 in variable exponent Fourier–Besov spaces [...] Read more.
We consider the Cauchy problem of the three-dimensional primitive equations of geophysics. By using the Littlewood–Paley decomposition theory and Fourier localization technique, we prove the global well-posedness for the Cauchy problem with the Prandtl number P=1 in variable exponent Fourier–Besov spaces for small initial data in these spaces. In addition, we prove the Gevrey class regularity of the solution. For the primitive equations of geophysics, our results can be considered as a symmetry in variable exponent Fourier–Besov spaces. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Symmetry in Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Optimization Theory II)
12 pages, 2087 KiB  
Efficiency Optimization Strategy of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor for Electric Vehicles Based on Energy Balance
by Wenhui Pei, Qi Zhang and Yongjing Li
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 164; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 3712
This paper presents an efficiency optimization controller for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) of an electric vehicle. A new loss model is obtained based on the permanent magnet synchronous motor’s energy balance equation utilizing the theory of the port-controlled Hamiltonian system. Since [...] Read more.
This paper presents an efficiency optimization controller for a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) of an electric vehicle. A new loss model is obtained based on the permanent magnet synchronous motor’s energy balance equation utilizing the theory of the port-controlled Hamiltonian system. Since the energy balance equation is just the power loss of the PMSM, which provides great convenience for us to use the energy method for efficiency optimization. Then, a new loss minimization algorithm (LMA) is designed based on the new loss model by adjusting the ratio of the excitation current in the d–q axis. Moreover, the proposed algorithm is achieved by the principle of the energy shape method of the Hamiltonian system. Simulations are finally presented to verify effectiveness. The main results of these simulations indicate that the dynamic performance of the drive is maintained and the efficiency increase is up to about 7% compared with the id=0 control algorithm, and about 4.5% compared with the conventional LMA at a steady operation of a PMSM. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Symmetry in Power Battery Management Systems)
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28 pages, 593 KiB  
A Critical Review of Works Pertinent to the Einstein-Bohr Debate and Bell’s Theorem
by Karl Hess
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 163; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 2283
This review is related to the Einstein-Bohr debate and to Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen’s (EPR) and Bohm’s (EPRB) Gedanken-experiments as well as their realization in actual experiments. I examine a significant number of papers, from my minority point of view and conclude that the well-known theorems [...] Read more.
This review is related to the Einstein-Bohr debate and to Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen’s (EPR) and Bohm’s (EPRB) Gedanken-experiments as well as their realization in actual experiments. I examine a significant number of papers, from my minority point of view and conclude that the well-known theorems of Bell and Clauser, Horne, Shimony and Holt (CHSH) deal with mathematical abstractions that have only a tenuous relation to quantum theory and the actual EPRB experiments. It is also shown that, therefore, Bell-CHSH cannot be used to assess the nature of quantum entanglement, nor can physical features of entanglement be used to prove Bell-CHSH. Their proofs are, among other factors, based on a statistical sampling argument that is invalid for general physical entities and processes and only applicable for finite “populations”; not for elements of physical reality that are linked, for example, to a time-like continuum. Bell-CHSH have, furthermore, neglected the subtleties of the theorem of Vorob’ev that includes their theorems as special cases. Vorob’ev found that certain combinatorial-topological cyclicities of classical random variables form a necessary and sufficient condition for the constraints that are now known as Bell-CHSH inequalities. These constraints, however, must not be linked to the observables of quantum theory nor to the actual EPRB experiments for a variety of reasons, including the existence of continuum-related variables and appropriate considerations of symmetry. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Mathematical Modelling of Physical Systems 2021)
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23 pages, 49558 KiB  
Experimental and Numerical Peeling Investigation on Aged Multi-Layer Anti-Shatter Safety Films (ASFs) for Structural Glass Retrofit
by Silvana Mattei, Luca Cozzarini and Chiara Bedon
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 162; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 2191
Anti-shatter safety films (ASFs) are often used for structural glass applications. The goal is to improve the response of monolithic elements and prevent fragments from shattering. Thus, the main reason behind their use is the possibility to upgrade safety levels against the brittle [...] Read more.
Anti-shatter safety films (ASFs) are often used for structural glass applications. The goal is to improve the response of monolithic elements and prevent fragments from shattering. Thus, the main reason behind their use is the possibility to upgrade safety levels against the brittle failure of glass and minimize the number of possible injuries. However, the impact response of glass elements bonded with Polyethylene terephthalate (PET)-films and pressure sensitive adhesives (PSAs) still represents a research topic of open discussion. Major challenges derive from material characterization and asymmetrical variability under design loads and ageing. In particular, the measurement of interface mechanical characteristics for the adhesive layer in contact with glass is a primary parameter for the ASF choice optimization. For this reason, the present paper presents an experimental campaign aimed at calibrating some basic mechanical parameters that provide the characterization of constitutive models, such as tensile properties (yielding stress and Young modulus) for PET-film and adhesive properties for PSA (energy fracture and peel force). In doing so, both tensile tests for PET-films and peeling specimens are taken into account for a commercially available ASF, given that the peeling test protocol is one of most common methods for the definition of adhesion properties. Moreover, an extensive calibration of the Finite Element (FE) model is performed in order to conduct a parametric numerical analysis of ASF bonded glass solutions. Furthermore, a Kinloch approach typically used to determine the fracture energy of a given tape by considering a variable peel angle, is also adopted to compare the outcomes of calibration analyses and FE investigations on the tested specimens. Finally, a study of the effect of multiple aspects is also presented. The results of the experimental program and the following considerations confirm the rate dependence and ageing dependence in peel tests. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Computer)
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15 pages, 2494 KiB  
An Efficient Hyperparameter Control Method for a Network Intrusion Detection System Based on Proximal Policy Optimization
by Hyojoon Han, Hyukho Kim and Yangwoo Kim
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 161; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 33 | Viewed by 3422
The complexity of network intrusion detection systems (IDSs) is increasing due to the continuous increases in network traffic, various attacks and the ever-changing network environment. In addition, network traffic is asymmetric with few attack data, but the attack data are so complex that [...] Read more.
The complexity of network intrusion detection systems (IDSs) is increasing due to the continuous increases in network traffic, various attacks and the ever-changing network environment. In addition, network traffic is asymmetric with few attack data, but the attack data are so complex that it is difficult to detect one. Many studies on improving intrusion detection performance using feature engineering have been conducted. These studies work well in the dataset environment; however, it is challenging to cope with a changing network environment. This paper proposes an intrusion detection hyperparameter control system (IDHCS) that controls and trains a deep neural network (DNN) feature extractor and k-means clustering module as a reinforcement learning model based on proximal policy optimization (PPO). An IDHCS controls the DNN feature extractor to extract the most valuable features in the network environment, and identifies intrusion through k-means clustering. Through iterative learning using the PPO-based reinforcement learning model, the system is optimized to improve performance automatically according to the network environment, where the IDHCS is used. Experiments were conducted to evaluate the system performance using the CICIDS2017 and UNSW-NB15 datasets. In CICIDS2017, an F1-score of 0.96552 was achieved and UNSW-NB15 achieved an F1-score of 0.94268. An experiment was conducted by merging the two datasets to build a more extensive and complex test environment. By merging datasets, the attack types in the experiment became more diverse and their patterns became more complex. An F1-score of 0.93567 was achieved in the merged dataset, indicating 97% to 99% performance compared with CICIDS2017 and UNSW-NB15. The results reveal that the proposed IDHCS improved the performance of the IDS by automating learning new types of attacks by managing intrusion detection features regardless of the network environment changes through continuous learning. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Computer)
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13 pages, 1863 KiB  
Short-Term Energy Forecasting Using Machine-Learning-Based Ensemble Voting Regression
by Pyae-Pyae Phyo, Yung-Cheol Byun and Namje Park
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 160; - 14 Jan 2022
Cited by 46 | Viewed by 4977
Meeting the required amount of energy between supply and demand is indispensable for energy manufacturers. Accordingly, electric industries have paid attention to short-term energy forecasting to assist their management system. This paper firstly compares multiple machine learning (ML) regressors during the training process. [...] Read more.
Meeting the required amount of energy between supply and demand is indispensable for energy manufacturers. Accordingly, electric industries have paid attention to short-term energy forecasting to assist their management system. This paper firstly compares multiple machine learning (ML) regressors during the training process. Five best ML algorithms, such as extra trees regressor (ETR), random forest regressor (RFR), light gradient boosting machine (LGBM), gradient boosting regressor (GBR), and K neighbors regressor (KNN) are trained to build our proposed voting regressor (VR) model. Final predictions are performed using the proposed ensemble VR and compared with five selected ML benchmark models. Statistical autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) is also compared with the proposed model to reveal results. For the experiments, usage energy and weather data are gathered from four regions of Jeju Island. Error measurements, including mean absolute percentage error (MAPE), mean absolute error (MAE), and mean squared error (MSE) are computed to evaluate the forecasting performance. Our proposed model outperforms six baseline models in terms of the result comparison, giving a minimum MAPE of 0.845% on the whole test set. This improved performance shows that our approach is promising for symmetrical forecasting using time series energy data in the power system sector. Full article
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15 pages, 432 KiB  
Modified One-Sided EWMA Charts without- and with Variable Sampling Intervals for Monitoring a Normal Process
by Xuelong Hu, Suying Zhang, Guan Sun, Jianlan Zhong and Shu Wu
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 159; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 1881
Much research has been conducted on two-sided Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts, while less work has been devoted to the one-sided EWMA charts. Traditional one-sided EWMA charts involve resetting the EWMA statistic to the target whenever it falls below or above [...] Read more.
Much research has been conducted on two-sided Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA) control charts, while less work has been devoted to the one-sided EWMA charts. Traditional one-sided EWMA charts involve resetting the EWMA statistic to the target whenever it falls below or above the target, or truncating the observations above or below the target and further applying the EWMA statistic to the truncated samples. In order to further improve the performance of traditional one-sided EWMA mean (X¯) charts, this paper studies the performance of the Modified One-sided EWMA (MOEWMA) X¯ charts to monitor a normally distributed process. The Monte-Carlo simulation method is used to obtain the zero- and steady-state Run Length (RL) properties of the proposed control charts. Through extensive simulations and comparisons with other charts, it is shown that the proposed MOEWMA X¯ charts compare favorably with some existing competing charts. Moreover, by attaching the variable sampling intervals (VSI) feature to the MOEWMA X¯ charts, it is shown that the VSI MOEWMA charts outperform the corresponding charts without the VSI feature. Finally, a real data example from manufacturing process shows the implementation of the proposed one-sided charts. Full article
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19 pages, 1261 KiB  
High-Dimensional Conditional Covariance Matrices Estimation Using a Factor-GARCH Model
by Xiaoling Li, Xingfa Zhang and Yuan Li
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 158; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2442
Estimation of a conditional covariance matrix is an interesting and important research topic in statistics and econometrics. However, modelling ultra-high dimensional dynamic (conditional) covariance structures is known to suffer from the curse of dimensionality or the problem of singularity. To partially solve this [...] Read more.
Estimation of a conditional covariance matrix is an interesting and important research topic in statistics and econometrics. However, modelling ultra-high dimensional dynamic (conditional) covariance structures is known to suffer from the curse of dimensionality or the problem of singularity. To partially solve this problem, this paper establishes a model by combining the ideas of a factor model and a symmetric GARCH model to describe the dynamics of a high-dimensional conditional covariance matrix. Quasi maximum likelihood estimation (QMLE) and least square estimation (LSE) methods are used to estimate the parameters in the model, and the plug-in method is introduced to obtain the estimation of conditional covariance matrix. Asymptotic properties are established for the proposed method, and simulation studies are given to demonstrate its performance. A financial application is presented to support the methodology. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Mathematics)
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18 pages, 5763 KiB  
Velocity-Free State Feedback Fault-Tolerant Control for Satellite with Actuator and Sensor Faults
by Mingjun Liu, Aihua Zhang and Bing Xiao
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 157; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2126
A velocity-free state feedback fault-tolerant control approach is proposed for the rigid satellite attitude stabilization problem subject to velocity-free measurements and actuator and sensor faults. First, multiplicative faults and additive faults are considered in the actuator and the sensor. The faults and system [...] Read more.
A velocity-free state feedback fault-tolerant control approach is proposed for the rigid satellite attitude stabilization problem subject to velocity-free measurements and actuator and sensor faults. First, multiplicative faults and additive faults are considered in the actuator and the sensor. The faults and system states are extended into a new augmented vector. Then, an improved sliding mode observer based on the augmented vector is presented to estimate unknown system states and actuator and sensor faults simultaneously. Next, a velocity-free state feedback attitude controller is designed based on the information from the observer. The controller compensates for the effects of actuator and sensor faults and asymptotically stabilizes the attitude. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Progress in Robot Control Systems: Theory and Applications)
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16 pages, 430 KiB  
Capturing a Change in the Covariance Structure of a Multivariate Process
by Andriette Bekker, Johannes T. Ferreira, Schalk W. Human and Karien Adamski
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 156; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 1804
This research is inspired from monitoring the process covariance structure of q attributes where samples are independent, having been collected from a multivariate normal distribution with known mean vector and unknown covariance matrix. The focus is on two matrix random variables, constructed from [...] Read more.
This research is inspired from monitoring the process covariance structure of q attributes where samples are independent, having been collected from a multivariate normal distribution with known mean vector and unknown covariance matrix. The focus is on two matrix random variables, constructed from different Wishart ratios, that describe the process for the two consecutive time periods before and immediately after the change in the covariance structure took place. The product moments of these constructed random variables are highlighted and set the scene for a proposed measure to enable the practitioner to calculate the run-length probability to detect a shift immediately after a change in the covariance matrix occurs. Our results open a new approach and provides insight for detecting the change in the parameter structure as soon as possible once the underlying process, described by a multivariate normal process, encounters a permanent/sustained upward or downward shift. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Symmetry in Multivariate Analysis)
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13 pages, 771 KiB  
Practical Criteria for H-Tensors and Their Application
by Min Li, Haifeng Sang, Panpan Liu and Guorui Huang
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 155; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 1577
Identifying the positive definiteness of even-order real symmetric tensors is an important component in tensor analysis. H-tensors have been utilized in identifying the positive definiteness of this kind of tensor. Some new practical criteria for identifying H-tensors are given in the [...] Read more.
Identifying the positive definiteness of even-order real symmetric tensors is an important component in tensor analysis. H-tensors have been utilized in identifying the positive definiteness of this kind of tensor. Some new practical criteria for identifying H-tensors are given in the literature. As an application, several sufficient conditions of the positive definiteness for an even-order real symmetric tensor were obtained. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Full article
(This article belongs to the Topic Applied Metaheuristic Computing)
20 pages, 1358 KiB  
Smooth Group L1/2 Regularization for Pruning Convolutional Neural Networks
by Yuan Bao, Zhaobin Liu, Zhongxuan Luo and Sibo Yang
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 154; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2078
In this paper, a novel smooth group L1/2 (SGL1/2) regularization method is proposed for pruning hidden nodes of the fully connected layer in convolution neural networks. Usually, the selection of nodes and weights [...] Read more.
In this paper, a novel smooth group L1/2 (SGL1/2) regularization method is proposed for pruning hidden nodes of the fully connected layer in convolution neural networks. Usually, the selection of nodes and weights is based on experience, and the convolution filter is symmetric in the convolution neural network. The main contribution of SGL1/2 is to try to approximate the weights to 0 at the group level. Therefore, we will be able to prune the hidden node if the corresponding weights are all close to 0. Furthermore, the feasibility analysis of this new method is carried out under some reasonable assumptions due to the smooth function. The numerical results demonstrate the superiority of the SGL1/2 method with respect to sparsity, without damaging the classification performance. Full article
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17 pages, 6345 KiB  
Operation Zone Analysis of the Voltage Source Converter Based on the Influence of Different Grid Strengths
by Wenning Wang, Kejun Li, Kaiqi Sun and Jianjian Wang
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 153; - 13 Jan 2022
Viewed by 1769
With the increasing penetration of renewable energy into the power system, the voltage source converter (VSC) for integrating renewable energy has become the most common device in the electric network. However, the operating stability of the VSC is strongly dependent on its operating [...] Read more.
With the increasing penetration of renewable energy into the power system, the voltage source converter (VSC) for integrating renewable energy has become the most common device in the electric network. However, the operating stability of the VSC is strongly dependent on its operating control strategy, which is also highly related to the strength of the AC system. Choosing the control strategy of VSC for different strengths of AC systems becomes an essential issue for maintaining the symmetry between high proportion of renewable energy integration and stable operation of AC system. In order to obtain the operation zones of the control strategies of the VSC under different strengths of AC system, in this paper, the two common VSC control strategies, vector current control (VCC) and power synchronization control (PSC), are compared. Firstly, the principle of VCC and PSC are introduced. Then, based on the short circuit ratio (SCR) and the power limit calculation under steady-state conditions of the VSC, the operation zones of the vector current control and power synchronization control are proposed. Finally, a medium voltage modular multilevel converter (MMC) system was built in PSCAD/EMTDC and the proposed operation zones of the VCC and PSC were tested by changing the SCR of the modified IEEE 33 bus system and analyzed via the critical short circuit ratio (CSCR) analysis, the small-signal stability analysis, and transient stability analysis. The results indicate that, as the SCR decreases, the VSC based on VCC is gradually worked into unstable conditions, while the stability of VSC based on PSC gradually increases. The analysis results provide a criterion for the converter operation strategy change that could significantly improve the operating stability of the VSC in the power system and realize the symmetry of the stability of the converter and the change of the strength of the AC system. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Engineering and Materials)
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8 pages, 729 KiB  
Deep Vision Servo Hand-Eye Coordination Planning Study for Sorting Robots
by Tao Ning, Changcheng Wang, Yumeng Han, Yuchen Jin, Yan Gao, Jizhen Liu, Chunhua Hu, Yangyang Zhou and PinPin Li
Symmetry 2022, 14(1), 152; - 13 Jan 2022
Cited by 5 | Viewed by 2540 | Correction
Within the context of large-scale symmetry, a study on deep vision servo multi-vision tracking coordination planning for sorting robots was conducted according to the problems of low recognition sorting accuracy and efficiency in existing sorting robots. In this paper, a kinematic model of [...] Read more.
Within the context of large-scale symmetry, a study on deep vision servo multi-vision tracking coordination planning for sorting robots was conducted according to the problems of low recognition sorting accuracy and efficiency in existing sorting robots. In this paper, a kinematic model of a mobile picking manipulator was built. Then, the kinematics design of the orwX, Y, Z three-dimensional space manipulator was carried out, and a method of deriving and calculating the base position coordinates through the target point coordinates, the current moving chassis center coordinates and the determined manipulator grasping attitude conditions was proposed, which realizes the adjustment of the position and attitude of the moving chassis as small as possible. The multi-vision tracking coordinated sorting accounts 79.8% of the whole cycle. The design of a picking robot proposed in this paper can greatly improve the coordination symmetry of logistic package target recognition, detection and picking. Full article
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