Special Issues

Brain Sciences publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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What Impact Does Lack of Sleep Have on Mental Health?
edited by , Seithikurippu R. Pandi-Perumal and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 192 | Submission Open
Keywords: ADHD; Alzheimer's; anxiety; autism; bipolar disorder; CBT-I; chronotherapy; circadian rhythm; cognitive function; depression; eating disorders; emotional regulation; epilepsy; executive function; insomnia; jet lag; memory consolidation; mental health; multiple sclerosis; neurobiological mechanisms; neurodevelopmental disorders; neuropsychiatric disorders; OCD; Parkinson's disease; personality disorders; PTSD; schizophrenia; self-harm; shift work; sleep deprivation; sleep disturbances; sleep quality; social cognition; substance use disorders; suicidal ideation; wearable technology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Psychiatric Diseases)
Fetal Foundations of Cognition: Tracing Neurodevelopmental Pathways from an Integrated Perspective
edited by Pasquale Anthony Della Rosa and Cristina Baldoli
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 162 | Submission Open
Keywords: fetal neurodevelopment; neuroimaging techniques; cognitive outcomes; integrated perspectives; methodological innovations
(This special issue belongs to the Section Developmental Neuroscience)
rTMS in the Treatment of Mild Cognitive Impairment: Effects on Cognitive Function
edited by
submission deadline 10 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 86 | Submission Open
Keywords: rTMS; MCI; memory loss; plasticity; cognition; biochemistry
(This special issue belongs to the Section Systems Neuroscience)
Artificial Intelligence in Sleep Medicine
edited by Ambra Stefani and Wolfgang Ganglberger
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1093 | Submission Open
Keywords: sleep; artificial intelligence; machine-learning; brain health; sleep scoring; sleep disorders; digital health; wearables; digital biomarkers
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurotechnology and Neuroimaging)
Clinical Management of Cognitive Disorders in Neurodegenerative Patients
edited by
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 874 | Submission Open
Keywords: neurodegenerative disorders; cognitive impairment; cognitive rehabilitation; dementia; multiple sclerosis; Parkinson’ s disease; Huntington corea; TMS
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurorehabilitation)
Neural Engineering in the Human Brain
edited by
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 162 | Submission Open
Keywords: neurological disorders; brain tumors; emotion recognition; medical imaging; signal processing; personalized treatments; healthcare robot simulations
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neural Engineering, Neuroergonomics and Neurorobotics)
Multimodal Imaging in Brain Development
edited by Antonio Napolitano
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 154 | Submission Open
Keywords: brain development (BD); brain plasticity; neuroimaging technique; brain connectivity and activity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurotechnology and Neuroimaging)
Application of Surgery in Epilepsy
edited by Benjamin C. Kennedy and Samuel Tomlinson
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 66 | Submission Open
Keywords: epilepsy surgery; neuromodulation; drug-resistant epilepsy; sEEG; DBS; RNS; LITT
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy)
Current Basic and Clinical Approaches in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Diagnostics and Therapeutics
edited by and Gloria A. Benítez-King
submission deadline 18 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 215 | Submission Open
Keywords: neurodegenerative diseases; advances; diagnosis; treatment; basic clinical approach; treatment protocols
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurodegenerative Diseases)
Initial Assessment and Management of Acute Stroke
edited by Jennifer D. Sokolowski
submission deadline 20 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 545 | Submission Open
Keywords: stroke; assessment; treatment; critical care; neuroimaging
(This special issue belongs to the Section Systems Neuroscience)
From Visual Perception to Consciousness
edited by
submission deadline 24 Jan 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2887 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Systems Neuroscience)
Assessment of Pain: From Mechanisms to Treatment
edited by
submission deadline 25 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1452 | Submission Open
Keywords: pain; pain medicine; neuroregulation; stimulation; neuromodulation; headache; migraine; mechanism
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience of Pain)
Inflammation and Mental Health
edited by Lawrence Maayan
submission deadline 25 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 594 | Submission Open
Keywords: inflammation; HPA axis; CRP; interleukin; FKBP; HLA/MHC; cytokines; neuroinflammation; psychiatric illness; obesity; substance use disorder
(This special issue belongs to the Section Psychiatric Diseases)
The Role of Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Neurological Disorders
edited by , and Diana Barrera-Oviedo
submission deadline 25 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 115 | Submission Open
Keywords: oxidative stress; inflammation; neurological diseases; antioxidant therapies; anti-inflammatory therapies; cellular death
(This special issue belongs to the Section Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience)
Cognitive Impairment in Neuropsychiatry
edited by
submission deadline 30 Jan 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4805 | Submission Open
Keywords: cognition impairment; multiple sclerosis; Parkinson’ s disease; dementia; depression; stress and cognition; neuropsychiatric conditions
(This special issue belongs to the Section Psychiatric Diseases)
Neural Stem Cell Therapies: Cutting-Edge Developments
edited by Mark H. Tuszynski and Paul Lu
submission deadline 30 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 19 | Submission Open
Keywords: neural stem cell; embryonic stem cell; induced pluripotent stem cell; spinal cord injury; traumatic brain injury; stroke; multiple sclerosis; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; epilepsy; pain
(This special issue belongs to the Section Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience)
Pushing the Boundaries of Neuroradiology: Cutting-Edge Advanced Applications and Innovations submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5212 | Submission Open
Keywords: neuroradiology; advanced imaging techniques; innovation in neuroimaging; artificial intelligence in neuroradiology; neurological disorders diagnosis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurotechnology and Neuroimaging)
Recent Advances and Future Directions for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy
edited by Ikuko Aiba, Günter U. Höglinger and Adam Boxer
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2062 | Submission Open
Keywords: MRI; PET; biomarker; Tau; RT-QuiC; treatment; disease-modifying therapy; immunotherapy; rehabilitation; care
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuromuscular and Movement Disorders)
Advances in Neuroinflammation and Pain Medicine
edited by and Tayllon dos Anjos-Garcia
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1208 | Submission Open
Keywords: pain medicine; neuroinflammation; immune system; nociception; pain treatment; analgesia
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience of Pain)
Advances in Assessment and Training of Perceptual-Motor Performance
edited by Gary Wilkerson
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1201 | Submission Open
Keywords: perception; cognition; motor control; concussion; injury risk
(This special issue belongs to the Section Sensory and Motor Neuroscience)
Outcome Measures and Assessment Tools Related to Neurological and Psychological Disorders submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 732 | Submission Open
Keywords: outcome measures of neurological and psychological disorders; rehabilitation; assessment; reliability; validity; occupational therapy; physiotherapy; speech language therapy; disability
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurotechnology and Neuroimaging)
Neural Correlates of Art and Multisensory Perception submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 701 | Submission Open
Keywords: neuroaesthetics; empirical aesthetics; visual perception; auditory perception; multisensory perception; art perception; music perception
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral Neuroscience)
The Role of Emotions in Physical Exercise: Correlations with Neurophysiological Measures submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 361 | Submission Open
Keywords: brain; exercise performance; exercise adherence; psychology; psychophysiology
Neuromodulation for Pain Management: Evidence of Safety and Efficacy
edited by and Rafael Tomás Andújar-Barroso
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 215 | Submission Open
Keywords: chronic pain; clinical neurostimulation; invasive neuromodulation; neurostimulation-induced plasticity; non-invasive neuromodulation; pain management; transcranial electric stimulation; transcranial magnetic stimulation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience of Pain)
Self-Cognition: A Neural Perspective
edited by
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 101 | Submission Open
Keywords: self; brain; neuroscience; theory of mind; consciousness
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuropsychology)
Immunology and Immunotherapy of Multiple Sclerosis and Other Neuroimmunological Diseases
edited by Seema Kalra
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 91 | Submission Open
Keywords: T cells; central nervous system; multiple sclerosis; neurodegeneration; neuroimmunology; autoimmune disease; neuro-sarcoidosis; neuro-Behcet; neuro-lupus
(This special issue belongs to the Section Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience)
Social Cognition and Behavior Among Children and Adolescents
edited by Stefano Livi and Mara Marini
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 80 | Submission Open
Keywords: motivation; expectations; goals; self-concept; social and relational development; emotions and learning; social behaviour and judgment; stereotypes and prejudice; bullying and antisocial behaviour; prosocial behaviour; social networks; group dynamics; inclusion and marginalization within groups
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience)
Neural–Immune Interactions: Understanding the Bidirectional Relationship between the Brain and Immune Cells
edited by , Alberto Salazar-Juárez and María Dolores Ponce-Regalado
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 77 | Submission Open
Keywords: neuroimmunology; neuroimmunoendocrinology; psychiatric disorders; psycho-oncology; infectious diseases; sickness behavior; neurotransmitters; cytokines; hormones
(This special issue belongs to the Section Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience)
Alpha-Synuclein in Neurodegenerative Disorders: From Pathogenesis to Potential Therapies
edited by and Yraima Cordeiro
submission deadline 1 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 90 | Submission Open
Keywords: alpha-synuclein; neurodegenerative disorders; synucleinopathies; aggregation; biomarkers; therapeutic strategies
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurodegenerative Diseases)
Prediction and Prevention of Psychotic Disorders
edited by Francesco Monaco and Annarita Vignapiano
submission deadline 1 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 77 | Submission Open
Keywords: psychotic disorders; early identification; prevention; biomarkers; genetics; psychosocial interventions
(This special issue belongs to the Section Psychiatric Diseases)
Research Progress on the Pathogenesis, Diagnosis and Treatment of Parkinson Disease
edited by Giulia Carli and Prabesh Kanel
submission deadline 1 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 30 | Submission Open
Keywords: Parkinson’ s disease; Lewy bodies diseases; disease progression; clinical heterogeneity; preclinical and prodromal stages; treatments; comorbidities
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurodegenerative Diseases)
The Latest Exploration of Cerebrovascular Diseases: From Preclinical Research to Treatment submission deadline 3 Feb 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 1747 | Submission Open
Keywords: intracranial aneurysm; arterio-venous malformation (AVM); dural arterio-venous fistula (AVF); ischaemic stroke; chronic steno-occlusive disease
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy)
Biological, Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors Affecting Cognitive Function in Older Adults submission deadline 10 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 88 | Submission Open
Keywords: cognitive decline; older adults; late adulthood; neurodegenerative disease; neurological disorders; risk factors; protective factors; psychological; social; biological
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cognitive Social and Affective Neuroscience)
Recent Advances in Hearing Impairment
edited by
submission deadline 14 Feb 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 4504 | Submission Open
Keywords: ototoxicity; autoimmune disease; cochlear synaptopathy; hair cell loss; spiral ganglion damage; translational research; audiology; animal models; biomarkers for hearing loss
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuro-otology and Neuro-ophthalmology)
Translational Neuroanatomy: Recent Updates and Future Perspectives submission deadline 15 Feb 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1466 | Submission Open
Keywords: neuroanatomy; clinical neuroscience; central or peripheral nervous system
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy)
The Intersection of Perceptual Learning and Motion/Form Perception submission deadline 15 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 776 | Submission Open
Keywords: visual perceptual learning; form processing; motion processing; form-motion interactions; learning transfer; learning specificity; non-invasive brain stimulation techniques
(This special issue belongs to the Section Sensory and Motor Neuroscience)
Early Developmental Origins of Adult Neurodegenerative Syndromes submission deadline 15 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 32 | Submission Open
Keywords: DOHaD; senescence; maladaptive plasticity; embodiment; metabolic syndrome; mitochondria; gestation; ontogeny; developmental phenotype diversity; developmental programing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Developmental Neuroscience)
Perspectives of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Aging Neuroscience submission deadline 20 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 397 | Submission Open
Keywords: aging neuroscience; artificial intelligence; brain aging; big data acquisition; chatbots; deep learning; generative AI; robotic assistance; virtual coaches for active aging
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics)
Research on the Neural Mechanisms of Migraine and Post-traumatic Headache
edited by Xiao Michelle Androulakis, Marta Vila-Pueyo, Nasim Maleki and
submission deadline 20 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 33 | Submission Open
Keywords: migraine; mechanism; post-traumatic headache; mild traumatic brain injury
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuroscience of Pain)
The Impact of Self and Reward on Cognitive Processes
edited by Ada Kritikos
submission deadline 20 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 32 | Submission Open
Keywords: self-prioritisation; memory self-reference effects; source and recognition memory; decision making; value modulated attentional capture; reward bias; ownership; self-evaluation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cognitive Neuroscience)
The Impact of Various Types of Stressors on the Functioning of Human Body Systems
edited by Marcin Dornowski
submission deadline 22 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 399 | Submission Open
Keywords: EEG; neurofeedback; stress; stress reaction; physical efficiency; mental efficiency
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuropsychology)
Cytokines and Chemokines as Regulators of Brain Function under Physiological and Pathophysiological Conditions
edited by
submission deadline 23 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 135 | Submission Open
Keywords: cytokines; chemokines; neurodegeneration; neurological and psychiatric disorders; addiction; regulation of ion channel function; synaptic plasticity; brain cell communication; neuronal activity; learning and memory
(This special issue belongs to the Section Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience)
Decoding Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: From Pathophysiology and Diagnosis on the Road to Innovative Treatment
edited by Giorgia Querin
submission deadline 23 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 68 | Submission Open
Keywords: ALS/FTD; genetics; presymptomatic carriers; biomarkers; digital biomarkers; neuroimaging; omics; clinical trials; innovative treatments; metabolism; neurophysiology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuromuscular and Movement Disorders)
Biomarkers Identification for Neurological Diseases and Neurorehabilitation submission deadline 24 Feb 2025 | 6 articles | Viewed by 12213 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomarkers; neurological diseases; psychiatry; Parkinson’ s disease; Alzheimer’ s disease; neurorehabilitation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurorehabilitation)
Neuroarchitecture: Humans in the Built Environment
edited by Yasha Jacob Grobman, and Avishag Shemesh
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 395 | Submission Open
Keywords: neuroarchitecture; cognitive neuroscience; environment; nervous system; cognitive function
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Neuroscience)
Frontotemporal Dementia: Behavioural and Neuroimaging Studies submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 269 | Submission Open
Keywords: frontotemporal dementia; neuroimaging; behaviour
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurodegenerative Diseases)
Recent Advances in Neurorehabilitation: Emerging Techniques and Technologies submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 190 | Submission Open
Keywords: neurorehabilitation; neuroimaging; robotic rehabilitation; virtual reality therapy; neuroprosthetics; brain– computer interfaces; pharmacological interventions; functional recovery; neuroplasticity; cognitive rehabilitation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neurorehabilitation)
Modulating Brain Network Dynamics through Training: Impacts on Perception, Cognition, and Action in Health and Disorder
edited by
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 164 | Submission Open
Keywords: perception; cognition; motor actions; behavioral training; music; video game playing; neuroimaging; computational models; physical exercise
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral Neuroscience)
Advanced Approaches to the Diagnosis and Treatment of Central Nervous System Tumors
edited by , Olga Esteban-Sinovas and Rosario Sarabia-Herrero
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 142 | Submission Open
Keywords: brain tumors; gliomas; metastases; radiomics; deep learning; machine learning; neuroimaging
(This special issue belongs to the Section Neuro-oncology)
Focus on Mental Health and Mental Illness in Adolescents
edited by
submission deadline 28 Feb 2025 | Viewed by 141 | Submission Open
Keywords: mental health; mental illness; adolescents; coping with stress; psychotherapy; medical treatment; well-being
(This special issue belongs to the Section Psychiatric Diseases)
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