Topical Advisory Panel
- Behavioral Neuroscience Section
- Neurodegenerative Diseases Section
- Neuropsychology Section
- Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy Section
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Section
- Neurotechnology and Neuroimaging Section
- Cognitive, Social and Affective Neuroscience Section
- Sensory and Motor Neuroscience Section
- Neurorehabilitation Section
- Neuropsychiatry Section
- Neurolinguistics Section
- Developmental Neuroscience Section
- Systems Neuroscience Section
- Neuropharmacology and Neuropathology Section
- Neural Engineering, Neuroergonomics and Neurorobotics Section
- Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics Section
- Environmental Neuroscience Section
- Neuro-oncology Section
- Cognitive Neuroscience Section
Interests: neurosurgery; epilepsy surgery; spinal cord tumor; syringomyelia; chiari malformation; mild traumatic brin injury
Interests: attention; cognition; virtual/augmented/mixed reality; human factors; neuroimaging
Interests: intellectual disability; genetic syndromes; neurobehavioral profile; RASopathies
Interests: suicide prevention and intervention; mental health treatment engagement and adherence; mood disorders and suicide attempt; protective factors against suicide attempt; race, ethnicity and culture in mental health research
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neurosurgery; neurooncology; neuroanatomy; skull-base surgery
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: bilingualism; language disorders; narrative abilities; executive functions; autism
Interests: binocular vision; depth perception; binocular rivalry; perception of visual space; attention and consciousness relationships; visual awareness
Interests: auditory cognitive neuroscience; attention; short-term memory; aging; hearing loss; EEG
Interests: neuroscience; behavioural neuroscience; neuroinflammation; neurodegeneration; glial cells; cognition; learning
Interests: cancer apoptosis; ceramide; glioma; biomarker discovery; theranostics
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
2. Division of Rehabilitation Medicine, Danderyd University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden
Interests: brain injury rehabilitation; neuropsychology; cognitive training; mild cognitive impairment after disease or trauma
Interests: multisensory processing; child development; attention and cognition; rehabilitation
Interests: disease modeling; nurodevelopmental disorders; iPSCs; brain organoids; neuronal differentiation; neuronal function; gene editing
Interests: Schwann cells; glia; neuron-glia interaction; neurobiology; cell culture; molecular neuroscience; cellular neuroscience; regeneration
Interests: dopamine; cortex; basal ganglia; plasticity; Parkinson disease; bahavioral flexibility; Impulse control disorders
Interests: brain injury; pediatric;general pain; amputee; spinal cord; multiple sclerosis
Interests: neurodegenerative diseases; psychiatric diseases; neuroscience of pain; drug delivery system to the brain
Interests: anticipatory postural adjustments; distraction; attention; gait; visual control of movement
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: dyslexia; neurodevelopmetal disorders; attention; perception; neuropsychological rehabilitation
Interests: stress; anxiety; social stress; HPA axis; cortisol
Interests: episodic memory; working memory; neuropsychology; physical activity; event-related potential; neurofeedback; aging; stroke; traumatic brain injury
Interests: environmental neuroscience; environmental psychology; human performance; fNIRS; neuroergonomy
Interests: eeg; brain connectivity; biomarkers selection; kinematics; neurorehabilitation; neurodevelopmental disorders; aging; motor functions
Interests: beta amyloid; autism; depression; social dysfunctions; psychosis; redox dysregulation; PUFA
Interests: Alzheimer's disease; age-related memory deficits; sleep; amyloid-β oligomers; phosphatase STEP; anesthesia; EEG; animal behavioral tasks; cellular and molecular biology
Interests: sensorimotor integration; neurophysiology; movement disorders; acute exercise; transcranial magnetic stimulation; electroencephalography
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: child and adolescent health; neuroscience; neuroimaging
Interests: peripheral neuropathy; autonomic nervous system; amyloidosis; chemotherapy-induced neuropathies; immune-mediated neuropathies; multiple system atrophy; neurological complications of hematological disorders
Interests: eye movements; oculomotor control; cognition; infancy; face processing; developmental disorders
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: attention; automatic and controlled processes; ADHD; cognitive processes; general psychology; new techonologies; Rett Syndrome