Biosensor Materials

A section of Biosensors (ISSN 2079-6374).

Section Information

The Biosensor Materials Section mainly focuses on various biosensing applications based on advanced materials. Manuscripts on novel materials and their biosensing applications are especially welcome.

Biosensors and devices are often fabricated from a large variety of materials to simplify assay and ensure the requirements of reproducibility, biocompatibility, low cost, and suitability for mass production. Novel materials are thus needed to improve the mechanical and chemical stability of the sensor for practical applications in various conditions and to improve the immobilization scheme to ensure sensor stability and the spatial control of biomolecules. The most important materials for chemical and biochemical sensors include organic polymers, sol–gel systems, and semiconductors, among other conducting composites.

Potential topics:

  • FET Biosensors
  • Plasmonic Biosensors
  • Graphene-based Biosensors
  • Carbon NanoTube-based Biosensors
  • MXenes-based Biosensors
  • Semiconductor-based Biosensors
  • 2D/Low Dimension Materials for Biosensors
  • Metallic Nanomaterials for Biosensors
  • Nanoporous Materials-based Biosensors
  • Natural polymer-based Biosensors
  • Conducting Polymer-based Biosensors
  • Metal-Organic Framework-based Biosensors
  • Liquid Crystal-based Biosensors
  • Flexible Bioelectronics
  • Flexible Photonics-based Biosensors
  • Paper-based Biosensors
  • Magnetic particles-based Biosensors;
  • Micro/nanofluidic Biosensors
  • Biological and Synthetic Materials for Biosensing

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