Special Issues

Animals publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Coccidiosis in Poultry: Current Thinking on Eimeria spp., Host–Parasite Relationships, and Potential for Advancements in Control
edited by
submission deadline 25 Sep 2024 | 8 articles | Viewed by 11748 | Submission Open
Keywords: Eimeria of poultry; avian coccidiosis; host-Eimeria relationships; novel methods of coccidiosis control; intestinal health in chickens; commercial broiler production
(This special issue belongs to the Section Poultry)
Advances in Equine Neonatal Care submission deadline 25 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 335 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Advances in Herpetological Medicine and Surgery
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 20 articles | Viewed by 44502 | Submission Open
Keywords: herpetological medicine; zoological medicine; reptiles; amphibians; conservation; pathophysiology; disease etiopathogenesis; emerging and re-emerging diseases; novel diagnostic and therapeutic procedures; anesthesia; surgery; welfare
(This special issue belongs to the Section Herpetology)
Physiological Responses of Fishes to Nutrition Management and Environmental Stresses submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 12 articles | Viewed by 18970 | Submission Open
Keywords: environmental stress; aquaculture; stress resistance; feed composition; feed additives; fish physiology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Aquatic Animals)
Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series: Behavior, Applied Ethology and Welfare of Farmed Animals submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 8 articles | Viewed by 12905 | Submission Open
Keywords: animal welfare; applied ethology; behavior; health; farmed animals; farmers and public perceptions; livestock; sustainable livestock production
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Welfare)
Reproductive Management of Farm Animals submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 9 articles | Viewed by 12883 | Submission Open
Keywords: cattle; buffaloes; sheep; goat; pigs; reproduction; fertility; reproductive management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Reproduction)
Equine Exercise Physiology and Feeding Management: How to Keep Energy Balance submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 6828 | Submission Open
Keywords: equestrian performance; equine sports medicine; training; feeding; nutritional needs
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Livestock Intensification: Focusing on Animal Welfare Improvements submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 5719 | Submission Open
Keywords: livestock intensification; animal welfare; stress; pain; livestock farm design
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Welfare)
Nutritional and Energy Metabolism Strategies in Pigs
edited by Nadeem Akhtar and Shanmugasundaram Karuppusamy
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5281 | Submission Open
Keywords: swine nutrition; energy metabolism in swine; pathogenicity and virulence; swine gut microbiome; natural antimicrobials in swine nutrition; swine health and management; one-health approach in swine; dietary supplements in swine; alternative to antibiotics in the pork industry
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pigs)
Step by Step: Detection, Diagnosis, Control and Treatment of Ruminant Lameness and Foot Diseases
edited by Laura E. Green
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 4551 | Submission Open
Keywords: ruminant lameness; detection and diagnosis; prevention and treatment; housing and environment; automation; diagnostic tools; epidemiology and modelling
(This special issue belongs to the Section Veterinary Clinical Studies)
Enhancing Product Excellence in Poultry: Key Factors Influencing Egg and Meat Quality
edited by and Kornel Kasperek
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 4440 | Submission Open
Keywords: quality of poultry raw materials; poultry farming; poultry welfare; rearing systems; chemical composition of meat and eggs; shelf life of poultry raw materials; modification of bird nutrition; use of niche poultry species
(This special issue belongs to the Section Poultry)
Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Wildlife Disease Ecology
edited by , Laura Grassi, and
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 4401 | Submission Open
Keywords: disease ecology; bacteriology; virology; parasitology; food safety; epidemiology; prevention; control; zoonoses; cross-species transmission; wildlife; wild– domestic animal interface; One Health
(This special issue belongs to the Section Wildlife)
Equine Internal Medicine
edited by and Judit Viu
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 4185 | Submission Open
Keywords: equine internal medicine; foal; gastrointestinal; respiratory; intensive care; cardiovascular; liver; neurology; ophthalmology; dermatology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Novel Epidemiological Tools for Disease Control and Prevention in Food Animals
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 4028 | Submission Open
Keywords: surveillance; machine learning; forecasting models; surveys; sequencing database; big data analysis; environmental sampling; microbiology; parasitology; antimicrobial resistance; emerging infectious diseases; economy
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal System and Management)
Reproductive Management of Ruminants submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3917 | Submission Open
Keywords: ruminants; animal breeding; biology of reproduction; endocrinology; biotechnologies; assisted reproductive technologies; molecular biology; gene expression
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Reproduction)
Factors Affecting Poultry Meat Quality and Flavor: Physico-Chemical Attributes and Sensory Evaluation submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3732 | Submission Open
Keywords: poultry meat quality; housing conditions; welfare; stress; diseases; native breeds; regional products; flavor; sensory analysis; olfactometry; volatile compounds; aroma compounds; fatty acids; lipids; HS-SPME-GC/MS; chemometrics; classification; chemometric discrimination; PCA; LDA
(This special issue belongs to the Section Poultry)
Bacteria Disease Research in Livestock and Poultry: Epidemiology, Pathogenicity, Drug Resistance and Control
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3333 | Submission Open
Keywords: livestock and poultry; pathogens; pathogenesis; antimicrobial resistance; vaccines; antivirulence therapies and drugs; pathogen detection methods
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal System and Management)
Antimicrobial Use in the Swine Production Chain and Implications for Environmental Impacts and Human Health: Current Status, Challenges, and Future Prospects submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 3150 | Submission Open
Keywords: animal welfare; antibiotic resistance; antimicrobials; biocides; biofilm; disinfection; food safety; One Health; risk assessment; swine production chain
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pigs)
Advances in Equine Sports Medicine, Therapy and Rehabilitation submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3121 | Submission Open
Keywords: sports medicine; sporting horses; equine sports training; nutrition in sporting horses; equine sports demands; biomechanics; sports injuries in horses; physiotherapy and rehabilitation in sporting horses; regenerative therapies in sporting horses
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Research on the Factors Affecting the Performance of Sport Horses—Second Edition submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 3056 | Submission Open
Keywords: exercise physiology; animal welfare; equine sport medicine; equine sport performance; exercise test; loss of performance; lameness; rehabilitation; training; musculoskeletal ultrasound; clinical analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Aquatic Animal Medicine and Pathology submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2894 | Submission Open
Keywords: disease; host-pathogen interactions; pathogen characterization; treatments
(This special issue belongs to the Section Aquatic Animals)
Genetics and Genomics of Zoonotic Infectious Diseases
edited by Leonardo Caserta
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2162 | Submission Open
Keywords: emerging and re-emerging diseases; zoonoses; viruses; bacteria; fungi; parasites; prevention; diagnostics; genetics of microorganisms; genomic surveillance
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Genetics and Genomics)
Fish Parasitology: Ecology, Risk Assessment and Environmental Implications
edited by Gustavo Viozzi and Ricardo M. Takemoto
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1916 | Submission Open
Keywords: parasites; fishes; pathology; co-invasions; aquatic ecology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Aquatic Animals)
Minimally Invasive Surgery in Equines submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1907 | Submission Open
Keywords: equine; surgery; minimally invasive surgery; laparoscopy; arthroscopy
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Sustainable Management of Ruminants: Feed Utilization, Nitrogen Dynamics, Physiology, and Metabolism
edited by Omar Al-Marashdeh and
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1583 | Submission Open
Keywords: sustainable farming; feed utilisation; ruminant management; nitrogen metabolism and excretion; greenhouse gas emissions
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Nutrition)
Advances in Mitigating Enteric Methane Emissions from Ruminant Livestock
edited by Abdulai Guinguina and Saheed A Salami
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1358 | Submission Open
Keywords: ruminant production; dairy cows; beef cattle; sheep; goat; enteric methane; rumen fermentation; climate change; life cycle analysis; sustainable livestock
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal System and Management)
Animal–Computer Interaction: New Horizons in Animal Welfare
edited by and
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1305 | Submission Open
Keywords: animal– computer interaction; interaction design; animal-centered research; animal-centered design; animal-centered computing; animal-centered technology; animal welfare; animal behavior; animal cognition; animal management; animal welfare approaches; animal ethics
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Welfare)
Comparative Genomics and Genetic Diversity in Local Cattle
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1142 | Submission Open
Keywords: comparative genomics; cattle; genomic; local breeds; genome; genetic diversity
Pathogenesis, Diagnostic Modalities, Biomechanical Markers and Multimodal Therapeutic Strategies of Equine Orthopedic Diseases submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 857 | Submission Open
Keywords: lameness; gait analysis; orthopedic disease; equine rehabilitation; posture and function; equine therapy; multimodal approach; diagnostic imaging
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Effect and Pharmacokinetics Analysis of Anesthesia in Animal Surgery
edited by Erinda Lika, Giovanna Lucrezia Costa and Claudia Dina Interlandi
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 290 | Submission Open
Keywords: pharmacokinetics; anesthesia; sedation; surgery; monitoring; recovery; animals
(This special issue belongs to the Section Veterinary Clinical Studies)
Progress on the Effects of Endocrine Regulation on Reproduction in Small Ruminants
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 279 | Submission Open
Keywords: small ruminants; reproductive activity; parturition: gestation; seasonality fertility; hormones; photoperiod
(This special issue belongs to the Section Small Ruminants)
Protein and Amino Acid Digestion, Metabolism, and Utilization in Ruminants
edited by Vinícius Gouvêa and
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 231 | Submission Open
Keywords: amino acid; ammonia; beef cattle; by-products; dairy cattle; feedlot; methionine; milk; nitrogen; protein; rumen fermentation; urea
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Nutrition)
Advances in Understanding the Pharmacodynamics and Pharmacokinetics of Animal Pharmaceuticals: A Focus on Effectiveness and Safety
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 212 | Submission Open
Keywords: veterinary pharmacodynamics; animal pharmaceuticals; pharmacokinetics; veterinary medicine; drug metabolism; pharmacokinetic modeling; veterinary drug research
(This special issue belongs to the Section Veterinary Clinical Studies)
Primatology and the Achievement of the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals-2nd Edition submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 184 | Submission Open
Keywords: primate conservation projects; long-term studies; field station; cooperation project; UN 2030 sustainable development goals; sustainable development; socioeconomic impact; social and ethical responsibility; inclusive development
(This special issue belongs to the Section Ecology and Conservation)
Functional Feed for Pets
edited by and Kimberly A. May
submission deadline 1 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5609 | Submission Open
Keywords: functional ingredients; health; healthy lifespan; dogs; cats
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Nutrition)
Laboratory Animals: Improving Husbandry Techniques and Pain Management
edited by Jan A.M. Langermans
submission deadline 1 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 4211 | Submission Open
Keywords: husbandry; housing; analgesia; anesthesia; animal training; animal handling; welfare; enrichment
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Welfare)
Advances in Animal Chromosomal Instability
edited by , Miluše Vozdova and
submission deadline 1 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 215 | Submission Open
Keywords: chromosome instability; chromosome break; ploidy; sister chromatid exchange; micronuclei; chromatin integrity; telomere; cancer; karyotype
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Genetics and Genomics)
Advances in Companion Animal Pain Assessment submission deadline 5 Oct 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 8394 | Submission Open
Keywords: pain assessment; pain scales; acute pain; chronic pain; animal welfare; nociception
(This special issue belongs to the Section Companion Animals)
Diagnostic Imaging of Equines submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 5300 | Submission Open
Keywords: ultrasound; radiology; MRI; equids; diagnostic imaging
(This special issue belongs to the Section Equids)
Exploration of Sustainable Feed Resources and Pig Dietary Strategies
edited by and Ruihua Huang
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 4599 | Submission Open
Keywords: feedstuff evaluation; nutrient availability; low-protein diet; feed additives; pre-processing; nitrogen excretion
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Nutrition)
Eco-Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases in Wild Ungulates submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2911 | Submission Open
Keywords: wild ungulates; wildlife; public health; infectious diseases; zoonoses; pathogens; epidemiology; One Health
(This special issue belongs to the Section Wildlife)
Second Edition of Aquatic Animal Disease and Immunity
edited by and
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1750 | Submission Open
Keywords: aquatic animals; microbial pathogens; immunity; infectious diseases; host– pathogen interactions; immune responses; immune cells; vaccine; antipathogen defenses
(This special issue belongs to the Section Aquatic Animals)
Viral Diseases in Aquaculture
edited by Hung N. Mai
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1707 | Submission Open
Keywords: molecular virology; viral evolution; pathogenesis; epidemiology; virus bioinformatics; viral immunology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Aquatic Animals)
Integrating Ethics and Ethology in Laboratory Animal Welfare Research submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1362 | Submission Open
Keywords: 3Rs; animal experimentation; animal welfare; captive studies; ethics of research; ethology; quality of research
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Welfare)
Beef Cattle Production and Management submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | 15 articles | Viewed by 22988 | Submission Open
Keywords: beef cattle; efficiency; environment; global; practices; production; management; sustainability
(This special issue belongs to the Section Cattle)
Lactation Physiology and Milk Quality of Small Ruminants submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | 6 articles | Viewed by 7782 | Submission Open
Keywords: dairy; small ruminants; udder health; milk technological properties; predictive models; coagulation efficiency; sustainability
(This special issue belongs to the Section Small Ruminants)
Adapting Novel Nutritional Practices to Enhance Product Quality and Environmental Sustainability in Ruminant Livestock Sector
edited by
submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 5204 | Submission Open
Keywords: animal nutrition; bioactive compounds; high-quality animal products; environmental burdens; green-house gas emissions
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Nutrition)
New Nutrition Strategies: Prenatal and Postnatal Growth in Livestock Animals
edited by Héctor O. Orozco-Gregorio and
submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2818 | Submission Open
Keywords: growth; nutrition; livestock; pregnancy; diet; performance; metabolism; technology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Nutrition)
On-Farm Factors Affecting Organoleptic Properties and Sensory Evaluation of Meat
edited by
submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1927 | Submission Open
Keywords: sensory quality; acceptability; preference studies; hedonic assessment; consumer; reformulated foods; healthy meat products
(This special issue belongs to the Section Animal Products)
Effects of Feed Ingredients on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Animals—Second Edition submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 205 | Submission Open
Keywords: animal nutrition; feed ingredients; feed additives; feed quality; growth performance; carcass traits; meat quality
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