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Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Learning from Sparse Data in High-Dimensional Spaces: A Perspective on Uses in the Upstream of Development of Novel Energy Technologies
by Sergei Manzhos and Manabu Ihara
Surface Coatings and Treatments for Controlled Hydrate Formation: A Mini Review
by Tausif Altamash, José M. S. S. Esperança and Mohammad Tariq
An Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity for Plant Pathogens by Green-Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Using Azadirachta indica and Mangifera indica
by Archana Rana, Anjali Kumari, Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Ritu Srivastava, Deeba Kamil, Parth Vashishtha and Shailesh Narain Sharma
Anomalous Diffusion and Surface Effects on the Electric Response of Electrolytic Cells
by Antonio M. Scarfone, Giovanni Barbero, Luiz R. Evangelista and Ervin K. Lenzi
Structure and Reactivity of CoFe2O4(001) Surfaces in Contact with a Thin Water Film
by Tim Kox, Amir Hossein Omranpoor and Stephane Kenmoe
Molecular Activation Mechanism and Structural Dynamics of Orange Carotenoid Protein
by Volha U. Chukhutsina and Jasper J. van Thor
Phase Change Materials with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Heat Propagation in Them
by Alexander V. Eletskii
Solvent Relaxation NMR as a Tool to Study Particle Dispersions in Non-Aqueous Systems
by Zahra Alaei, Beatrice Cattoz, Peter John Dowding and Peter Charles Griffiths
Reactions of Graphene Nano-Flakes in Materials Chemistry and Astrophysics
by Hiroto Tachikawa and Tetsuji Iyama
The Effect of Activation on the Structure of Biochars Prepared from Wood and from Posidonia Oceanica: A Spectroscopic Study
by Silvia Pizzanelli, Susanna Maisano, Calogero Pinzino, Antonella Manariti, Vitaliano Chiodo, Emanuela Pitzalis and Claudia Forte
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Phase Change Materials with Enhanced Thermal Conductivity and Heat Propagation in Them
by Alexander V. Eletskii
An Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity for Plant Pathogens by Green-Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Using Azadirachta indica and Mangifera indica
by Archana Rana, Anjali Kumari, Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Ritu Srivastava, Deeba Kamil, Parth Vashishtha and Shailesh Narain Sharma
Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Learning from Sparse Data in High-Dimensional Spaces: A Perspective on Uses in the Upstream of Development of Novel Energy Technologies
by Sergei Manzhos and Manabu Ihara
Assignment of the Vibrational Spectra of Diiron Nonacarbonyl, Fe2(CO)9
by Stewart F. Parker
Surface Coatings and Treatments for Controlled Hydrate Formation: A Mini Review
by Tausif Altamash, José M. S. S. Esperança and Mohammad Tariq
Identification of Adsorbed Species and Surface Chemical State on Ag(111) in the Presence of Ethylene and Oxygen Studied with Infrared and X-ray Spectroscopies
by Adva Ben Yaacov, Roey Ben David, David C. Grinter, Georg Held and Baran Eren
A Computational Study of Molecular Mechanism of Chloroquine Resistance by Chloroquine Resistance Transporter Protein of Plasmodium falciparum via Molecular Modeling and Molecular Simulations
by Chandan Patel and Dipankar Roy
Theoretical Study on the Thermal Degradation Process of Nylon 6 and Polyhydroxybutyrate
by Yuliia Didovets and Mateusz Z. Brela
The Local Structure of the BiS2 Layer in RE(O,F)BiS2 Determined by In-Plane Polarized X-ray Absorption Measurements
by G. M. Pugliese, L. Tortora, E. Paris, T. Wakita, K. Terashima, A. Puri, M. Nagao, R. Higashinaka, T. D. Matsuda, Y. Aoki, T. Yokoya, T. Mizokawa and N. L. Saini
Carbon-Based Materials for Energy Storage Devices: Types and Characterization Techniques
by Freddy Escobar-Teran, Hubert Perrot and Ozlem Sel
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Carbon-Based Materials for Energy Storage Devices: Types and Characterization Techniques
by Freddy Escobar-Teran, Hubert Perrot and Ozlem Sel
Surface Coatings and Treatments for Controlled Hydrate Formation: A Mini Review
by Tausif Altamash, José M. S. S. Esperança and Mohammad Tariq
Control of Self-Assembly of Amphiphilic Wedge-Shaped Mesogens Using a Combination of Magnetic Field and Temperature Treatment
by Denis V. Anokhin, Ludmila L. Gur’eva, Kseniia N. Grafskaia, Evgeniy S. Pikalov, Ainur F. Abukaev, Viktor P. Tarasov and Dimitri A. Ivanov
Advanced Machine Learning Methods for Learning from Sparse Data in High-Dimensional Spaces: A Perspective on Uses in the Upstream of Development of Novel Energy Technologies
by Sergei Manzhos and Manabu Ihara
An Overview of Common Infrared Techniques for Detecting CO Intermediates on Metal Surfaces for Hydrocarbon Products
by Ahmed M. El-Zohry
Identification of Adsorbed Species and Surface Chemical State on Ag(111) in the Presence of Ethylene and Oxygen Studied with Infrared and X-ray Spectroscopies
by Adva Ben Yaacov, Roey Ben David, David C. Grinter, Georg Held and Baran Eren
Theoretical Study on the Thermal Degradation Process of Nylon 6 and Polyhydroxybutyrate
by Yuliia Didovets and Mateusz Z. Brela
Anomalous Diffusion and Surface Effects on the Electric Response of Electrolytic Cells
by Antonio M. Scarfone, Giovanni Barbero, Luiz R. Evangelista and Ervin K. Lenzi
An Investigation of Antimicrobial Activity for Plant Pathogens by Green-Synthesized Silver Nanoparticles Using Azadirachta indica and Mangifera indica
by Archana Rana, Anjali Kumari, Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Ritu Srivastava, Deeba Kamil, Parth Vashishtha and Shailesh Narain Sharma
Assignment of the Vibrational Spectra of Diiron Nonacarbonyl, Fe2(CO)9
by Stewart F. Parker
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