Article Processing Charges (APC) as of July 2020

Please refer to the Article Processing Charges (APC) Information for more information and explanation on the APCs.

Price Changes Effective 1 July 2020

The below journals will have the following new APCs for manuscripts submitted after 30 June 2020. Journals not mentioned here will keep the same APCs as in the first half of 2020.

Journal Name Basic APC (CHF) *
Agriculture 1400 CHF
Antibiotics 1600 CHF
Antioxidants 1600 CHF
Biology 1500 CHF
Biomedicines 1400 CHF
Biosensors 1400 CHF
Brain Sciences 1600 CHF
Cancers 2200 CHF
Chemosensors 1400 CHF
Electronics 1500 CHF
Geosciences 1200 CHF
Healthcare 1400 CHF
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) 2300 CHF
Journal of Clinical Medicine (JCM) 2200 CHF
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE) 1400 CHF
Journal of Fungi 1400 CHF
Journal of Personalized Medicine (JPM) 1400 CHF
Land 1400 CHF
Magnetochemistry 1400 CHF
Membranes 1400 CHF
Pathogens 1500 CHF
Pharmaceuticals 1400 CHF
Photonics 1400 CHF
Processes 1500 CHF
Remote Sensing 2200 CHF
Separations 1400 CHF
Toxics 1400 CHF
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