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Most Cited & Viewed Papers

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Utilizing the Metaverse for Learner-Centered Constructivist Education in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Analysis of Elementary School Students
by Woong Suh and Seongjin Ahn
Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Assessment, Certification, and Promotion of 21st Century Skills for the Future of Work and Education
by Branden Thornhill-Miller, Anaëlle Camarda, Maxence Mercier, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Tiffany Morisseau, Samira Bourgeois-Bougrine, Florent Vinchon, Stephanie El Hayek, Myriam Augereau-Landais, Florence Mourey, Cyrille Feybesse, Daniel Sundquist and Todd Lubart
Traits of Complex Thinking: A Bibliometric Review of a Disruptive Construct in Education
by Jose Jaime Baena-Rojas, María Soledad Ramírez-Montoya, Diego Mauricio Mazo-Cuervo and Edgar Omar López-Caudana
Creativity and Artificial Intelligence—A Student Perspective
by Rebecca Marrone, Victoria Taddeo and Gillian Hill
The Creativity Diamond—A Framework to Aid Creativity
by Peter Childs, Ji Han, Liuqing Chen, Pingfei Jiang, Pan Wang, Dongmyung Park, Yuan Yin, Elena Dieckmann and Ignacio Vilanova
Students Can (Mostly) Recognize Effective Learning, So Why Do They Not Do It?
by Stephany Duany Rea, Lisi Wang, Katherine Muenks and Veronica X. Yan
Metacognition, Mind Wandering, and Cognitive Flexibility: Understanding Creativity
by David D. Preiss
Academic Achievement: Influences of University Students’ Self-Management and Perceived Self-Efficacy
by Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh and Hani Abdel Hafeez Abdel Azeem
Less-Intelligent and Unaware? Accuracy and Dunning–Kruger Effects for Self-Estimates of Different Aspects of Intelligence
by Gabriela Hofer, Valentina Mraulak, Sandra Grinschgl and Aljoscha C. Neubauer
Adversity Quotient Promotes Teachers’ Professional Competence More Strongly Than Emotional Intelligence: Evidence from Indonesia
by Widodo Widodo, Irvandi Gustari and Chandrawaty Chandrawaty
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Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Assessment, Certification, and Promotion of 21st Century Skills for the Future of Work and Education
by Branden Thornhill-Miller, Anaëlle Camarda, Maxence Mercier, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Tiffany Morisseau, Samira Bourgeois-Bougrine, Florent Vinchon, Stephanie El Hayek, Myriam Augereau-Landais, Florence Mourey, Cyrille Feybesse, Daniel Sundquist and Todd Lubart
Creativity and Artificial Intelligence—A Student Perspective
by Rebecca Marrone, Victoria Taddeo and Gillian Hill
Reconciling Hard Skills and Soft Skills in a Common Framework: The Generic Skills Component Approach
by Jeremy Lamri and Todd Lubart
The Development of Intuitive and Analytic Thinking in Autism: The Case of Cognitive Reflection
by Kinga Morsanyi and Jayne Hamilton
Academic Achievement: Influences of University Students’ Self-Management and Perceived Self-Efficacy
by Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh and Hani Abdel Hafeez Abdel Azeem
The Creativity Diamond—A Framework to Aid Creativity
by Peter Childs, Ji Han, Liuqing Chen, Pingfei Jiang, Pan Wang, Dongmyung Park, Yuan Yin, Elena Dieckmann and Ignacio Vilanova
Utilizing the Metaverse for Learner-Centered Constructivist Education in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Analysis of Elementary School Students
by Woong Suh and Seongjin Ahn
Contrasting Profiles of Low-Performing Mathematics Students in Public and Private Schools in the Philippines: Insights from Machine Learning
by Allan B. I. Bernardo, Macario O. Cordel II, Minie Rose C. Lapinid, Jude Michael M. Teves, Sashmir A. Yap and Unisse C. Chua
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership: Meta-Analysis and Explanatory Model of Female Leadership Advantage
by Ning Hsu, Daniel A. Newman and Katie L. Badura
Predicting Everyday Critical Thinking: A Review of Critical Thinking Assessments
by Heather A. Butler
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Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Assessment, Certification, and Promotion of 21st Century Skills for the Future of Work and Education
by Branden Thornhill-Miller, Anaëlle Camarda, Maxence Mercier, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Tiffany Morisseau, Samira Bourgeois-Bougrine, Florent Vinchon, Stephanie El Hayek, Myriam Augereau-Landais, Florence Mourey, Cyrille Feybesse, Daniel Sundquist and Todd Lubart
Evaluation of the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test-Fourth Edition as a Measurement Instrument
by A. Alexander Beaujean and Jason R. Parkin
Creativity and Artificial Intelligence—A Student Perspective
by Rebecca Marrone, Victoria Taddeo and Gillian Hill
Academic Achievement: Influences of University Students’ Self-Management and Perceived Self-Efficacy
by Mohammed Hasan Ali Al-Abyadh and Hani Abdel Hafeez Abdel Azeem
Utilizing the Metaverse for Learner-Centered Constructivist Education in the Post-Pandemic Era: An Analysis of Elementary School Students
by Woong Suh and Seongjin Ahn
Contrasting Profiles of Low-Performing Mathematics Students in Public and Private Schools in the Philippines: Insights from Machine Learning
by Allan B. I. Bernardo, Macario O. Cordel II, Minie Rose C. Lapinid, Jude Michael M. Teves, Sashmir A. Yap and Unisse C. Chua
Psychometric Properties of the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale in a Colombian Manager Sample
by Julio César Acosta-Prado, Rodrigo Arturo Zárate-Torres and Arnold Alejandro Tafur-Mendoza
The Creativity Diamond—A Framework to Aid Creativity
by Peter Childs, Ji Han, Liuqing Chen, Pingfei Jiang, Pan Wang, Dongmyung Park, Yuan Yin, Elena Dieckmann and Ignacio Vilanova
Reconciling Hard Skills and Soft Skills in a Common Framework: The Generic Skills Component Approach
by Jeremy Lamri and Todd Lubart
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership: Meta-Analysis and Explanatory Model of Female Leadership Advantage
by Ning Hsu, Daniel A. Newman and Katie L. Badura

Most Cited & Viewed Special Issues

Published: Last 36 months
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Creativity, Intelligence, and Collaboration in 21st Century Education: An Interdisciplinary Challenge
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 15
Metareasoning: Theoretical and Methodological Developments
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 13
Learning and Instruction
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 14
Understanding Creativity and Stimulating Creativity
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 18
Assessment of Human Intelligence—State of the Art in the 2020s
Ability-Related Emotional Intelligence: Knowns, Unknowns, and Future Directions
Guest Editor | Number of Papers: 12
Emotional Intelligence and Creativity
Guest Editors and | Number of Papers: 10
Spatial Intelligence and Learning
Guest Editors Susan C. Levine, Nora S. Newcombe and | Number of Papers: 14
Grounding Cognition in Perceptual Experience
Guest Editors , and | Number of Papers: 14
Advances in Metacognition, Learning, and Reactivity
Guest Editors and Liang Luo | Number of Papers: 16
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