Network Models for Cognitive Development and Intelligence
:1. Introduction
2. The Factor Model Dominance
3. Alternative Explanations for the Positive Manifold of Cognitive Abilities
3.1. The Sampling Model
3.2. Network Models
3.3. g, Sampling, and/or Mutualism
4. Network Psychometrics
Complex Behavior in Networks
5. Discussion
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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1 | Though factor analysis on sum scores of subtests is most common, it is not a necessity. An alternative is item factor analysis [59], for instance. The positive manifold and “statistical” g can be investigated with both continuous and dichotomous scores. We focus here on the Ising model since it is very simple and the formal relation with a psychometric model has been established. |
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Van Der Maas, H.L.J.; Kan, K.-J.; Marsman, M.; Stevenson, C.E. Network Models for Cognitive Development and Intelligence. J. Intell. 2017, 5, 16.
Van Der Maas HLJ, Kan K-J, Marsman M, Stevenson CE. Network Models for Cognitive Development and Intelligence. Journal of Intelligence. 2017; 5(2):16.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVan Der Maas, Han L. J., Kees-Jan Kan, Maarten Marsman, and Claire E. Stevenson. 2017. "Network Models for Cognitive Development and Intelligence" Journal of Intelligence 5, no. 2: 16.
APA StyleVan Der Maas, H. L. J., Kan, K.-J., Marsman, M., & Stevenson, C. E. (2017). Network Models for Cognitive Development and Intelligence. Journal of Intelligence, 5(2), 16.