Editorial Board
Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.
Interests: climate variability; climate change; predictability; monsoons; regional modeling; extreme fire-weather
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Interests: water–energy nexus; hydroinformations; stormwater management; flood modeling and management; system dynamics
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Interests: environmental geochemistry; origin and evolution of fluids in geothermal areas; isotopic geochemistry; water–rock interaction
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Interests: energy economics; climate change; environmental sustainability; environmental economics; health economics and renewable energy
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Interests: terrestrial and aquatic ecology; environmental monitoring; environmental remediation; complex interactions; evolution and systematics
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Interests: natural hazards; urban planning; geomorphology; modeling
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Interests: water resources management; hydrological modelling; artificial intelligence; sustainable development; time series
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Interests: ground deformation; geodynamics; volcanology; geophysics
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Interests: heavy metals pollutants; biosorption/adsorption; environmental bioremediation; low-cost biosorbents/adsorbents; wastewater treatment; waste recycling
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Interests: hydrology; climatology; climate change; natural hazards; land use change; forest ecology
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Interests: gully erosion; stochastic approach to landslide susceptibility modelling; GIS; machine learning to model soil erosion
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Interests: Seismic hazard; Seismic source kinematic; Seismic source inversion; Inverse problems; Induced seismicity; Coulomb stress transfer
Interests: remote sensing; urban environments; physical models; time series; data assimilation; classification; regression, fusion; pasture systems; agriculture
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Interests: forest health; forest entomology; oak insects; climate change; insect diversity; gall wasps; ecosytem services
Interests: water quality; water-rock interaction; soil pollution; heavy metals
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Interests: climate risk assessment; urban environment; health geography; disaster and emergency management; human–environment interaction
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Interests: applications of remote sensing in atmosphere; marine environment; vegetation and arid lands
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Interests: snow hydrology; spatio-temporal variability; hydrological modeling
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Interests: water quality; water remediation; irrigation management; nutrient and pesticide dynamics; nutrient and pesticide remediation; container crops; horticulture
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2. Coimbra Agriculture School, Polytechnic of Coimbra, Bencanta, 3045-601 Coimbra, Portugal
Interests: wildfires; sustainable land management; conservation of natural resources
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Editorial Board Member
Interests: applied climatology; mediterranean crops; climate change; crop modelling; data science
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Interests: forest fires; land-use/land-cover mapping; pre-fire planning and post-fire assessment; remote sensing; GIS; forest management
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2. PSBA Laboratory, Department of Geography, Adjunct at Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta 55281, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Interests: geomorphology; mass movements (landslides and debris flows) hazards and disaster risk and sediment processes simulations
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Interests: optical/thermal remote sensing in: (i) forecasting and monitoring of natural hazards/disasters, such as forest fire, drought, and flooding; (ii) comprehending the dynamics of natural resources, such as forestry, agriculture, and water; (iii) modelling issues related to boreal environment
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Interests: soil erosion; Percolation theory; Transport in Porous Media; water erosion; climate; (eco)hydrology; geomorphology; physics; materials science
Interests: multi-sensor optical and microwave remote sensing; natural hazards; climate changes; hydrogeological risk; water quality assessment
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Interests: archaeology; computer science; geography; modelling; data processing; integration and interpretation of big earth observation for natural/anthropogenic risk estimation; SAR imagery processing and analysis; spatial statics; monitoring and mitigation
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Interests: radiative transfer; aerosols; lidar; image fusion; clouds; precipitations; interaction aerosol-clouds
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Interests: soil; Soil Information Systems; ecosystem services; soil carbon
Interests: advances oxidation processes (AOPs); biotecnologies; control of emerging contaminants; enviromental odour; environmental technologies for the sustainable development of smart cities; water energy nexus
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