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Nanomaterials, Volume 11, Issue 2 (February 2021) – 303 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Vanadium dioxide (VO2) undergoes a first-order metal-insulator phase transition (MIT) from a low-temperature monoclinic insulating phase to a high-temperature rutile metallic phase. The phase transition of VO2 is accompanied by huge changes in conductance and optical transmittance. Driven by the rapid development of material fabrication technology, various VO2 nanostructures, e.g., thin films and low-dimensional structures (LDSs) of nanowires (NWs), nanodots (NDs), nanoparticles (NPs), nanorods (NRs), nanosheets (NSs), etc. have been successfully fabricated. The excellent MIT performances and rapid development in VO2 preparation and performance modulation technologies have greatly promoted the application of VO2 in electric and optical devices, sensors, actuators, etc. View this paper.
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14 pages, 3217 KiB  
The Effect of Selenium Nanoparticles on the Osteogenic Differentiation of MC3T3-E1 Cells
by Sang-Cheol Lee, Na-Hyun Lee, Kapil D. Patel, Tae-Su Jang, Jonathan Campbell Knowles, Hae-Won Kim, Hae-Hyoung Lee and Jung-Hwan Lee
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 557; - 23 Feb 2021
Cited by 31 | Viewed by 4880
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulate various functions of cells, including cell death, viability, and differentiation, and nanoparticles influence ROS depending on their size and shape. Selenium is known to regulate various physiological functions, such as cell differentiations and anti-inflammatory functions, and plays an [...] Read more.
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) regulate various functions of cells, including cell death, viability, and differentiation, and nanoparticles influence ROS depending on their size and shape. Selenium is known to regulate various physiological functions, such as cell differentiations and anti-inflammatory functions, and plays an important role in the regulation of ROS as an antioxidant. This study aims to investigate the effect of selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) on the differentiation of osteogenic MC3T3-E1 cells. After fabrication of SeNPs with a size of 25.3 ± 2.6 nm, and confirmation of its oxidase-like activity, SeNPs were added to MC3T3-E1 cells with or without H2O2: 5~20 μg/mL SeNPs recovered cells damaged by 200 μM H2O2 via the intracellular ROS downregulating role of SeNPs, revealed by the ROS staining assay. The increase in osteogenic maturation with SeNPs was gradually investigated by expression of osteogenic genes at 3 and 7 days, Alkaline phosphatase activity staining at 14 days, and Alizarin red S staining at 28 days. Therefore, the role of SeNPs in regulating ROS and their therapeutic effects on the differentiation of MC3T3-E1 cells were determined, leading to possible applications for bone treatment. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology for Regenerative Medicine)
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10 pages, 2886 KiB  
Improvement of Magnetic Particle Hyperthermia: Healthy Tissues Sparing by Reduction in Eddy Currents
by Alexandros Balousis, Nikolaos Maniotis and Theodoros Samaras
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 556; - 23 Feb 2021
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 2695
Attenuation of the unwanted heating of normal tissues due to eddy currents presents a major challenge in magnetic particle hyperthermia for cancer treatment. Eddy currents are a direct consequence of the applied alternating magnetic field, which is used to excite the nanoparticles in [...] Read more.
Attenuation of the unwanted heating of normal tissues due to eddy currents presents a major challenge in magnetic particle hyperthermia for cancer treatment. Eddy currents are a direct consequence of the applied alternating magnetic field, which is used to excite the nanoparticles in the tumor and have been shown to limit treatment efficacy in clinical trials. To overcome these challenges, this paper presents simple, clinically applicable, numerical approaches which reduce the temperature increase due to eddy currents in normal tissue and simultaneously retain magnetic nanoparticles heating efficiency within the tumor. More specifically, two protocols are examined which involve moving the heating source, an electromagnetic coil, relative to a tumor-bearing phantom tissue during the exposure. In the first protocol, the linear motion of the coil on one side with respect to the hypothesized tumor location inside the phantom is simulated. The estimated maximum temperature increase in the healthy tissue and tumor is reduced by 12% and 9%, respectively, compared to a non-moving coil, which is the control protocol. The second technique involves a symmetrical variation of the first one, where the coil is moving left and right of the phantom in a bidirectional fashion. This protocol is considered as the optimum one, since the estimated maximum temperature rise of the healthy tissue and tumor is reduced by 25% and 1%, respectively, compared to the control protocol. Thus, the advantages of a linearly moving coil are assessed through tissue sparing, rendering this technique suitable for magnetic particle hyperthermia treatment. Full article
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16 pages, 35010 KiB  
Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy and Synergy Effects in Epoxy/MWCNT/Ni@C Composites
by Darya Meisak, Jan Macutkevic, Algirdas Selskis, Polina Kuzhir and Juras Banys
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 555; - 23 Feb 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 2626
The dielectric/electric properties of the Ni@C (carbon-coated Ni)/epoxy composites and Ni@C/MWCNTs (multi-walled carbon nanotubes)/epoxy composites loaded with fixed MWCNTs amount just below the percolation threshold (0.09 vol.%) and Ni@C at different concentrations up to 1 vol.% were investigated in broad frequency (20 Hz–40 [...] Read more.
The dielectric/electric properties of the Ni@C (carbon-coated Ni)/epoxy composites and Ni@C/MWCNTs (multi-walled carbon nanotubes)/epoxy composites loaded with fixed MWCNTs amount just below the percolation threshold (0.09 vol.%) and Ni@C at different concentrations up to 1 vol.% were investigated in broad frequency (20 Hz–40 GHz) and temperature (30 K–500 K) regions. In composites with the only Ni@C nanoparticles, the electrical percolation threshold was determined between 10 and 15 vol.%. Above the percolation threshold the dielectric permittivity (ε’) and the electrical conductivity (σ) of the composites loaded with Ni@C only are high enough, i.e., ε’ = 105 and σ = 0.6 S/m at 100 Hz for composites with 30 vol.% Ni@C, to be used for electromagnetic shielding applications. The annealing to 500 K was proved to be an effective and simple tool to decrease the percolation threshold in epoxy/Ni@C composites. For hybrid composites series an optimal concentration of Ni@C (0.2 vol.%) was determined, leading to the conductivity absolute values several orders of magnitude higher than that of a composite filled with MWCNTs only. The synergy effects of using both fillers have been discussed. Below room temperature the electrical transport is mainly governed by epoxy resin compression in all composites, while the electron tunnelling was observed only in hybrid composites below 200 K. At higher temperatures (above 400 K), in addition to the nanoparticles redistribution effects, the electrical conductivity of epoxy resin makes a significant contribution to the total composite conductivity. The dielectric relaxation spectroscopy allows estimating the nanoparticles distributions in polymer matrix and could be used as the non-destructive and fast alternate to microscopy techniques for general polymer composite fabrication control. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Carbon-Based Nanocoatings)
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14 pages, 8927 KiB  
Spin-Orbit Coupling Effects in Au 4f Core-Level Electronic Structures in Supported Low-Dimensional Gold Nanoparticles
by Smruti R. Sahoo and Shyue-Chu Ke
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 554; - 23 Feb 2021
Cited by 29 | Viewed by 4508
Despite their many advantages, issues remain unresolved over the variability in catalytic activities in supported gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based catalysts, which requires precise characterization to unravel the presence of any fine features. Herein, upon analyzing the Au 4f core-level spin-orbit components in many as-synthesized [...] Read more.
Despite their many advantages, issues remain unresolved over the variability in catalytic activities in supported gold nanoparticle (AuNP)-based catalysts, which requires precise characterization to unravel the presence of any fine features. Herein, upon analyzing the Au 4f core-level spin-orbit components in many as-synthesized AuNP-based catalysts, we observed that like deviations in the Au 4f7/2 binding energy positions, both the Au 4f7/2-to-Au 4f5/2 peak intensity and linewidth ratios varied largely from the standard statistical bulk reference values. These deviations were observed in all the as-synthesized supported AuNPs irrespective of different synthesis conditions, variations in size, shape or morphology of the gold nanoparticles, and different support materials. On the other hand, the spin-orbit-splitting values remained almost unchanged and did not show any appreciable deviations from the atomic or bulk standard gold values. These deviations could originate due to alterations in the electronic band structures in the supported AuNPs and might be present in other NP-based catalyst systems as well, which could be the subject of future research interest. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Energy and Catalysis)
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22 pages, 5875 KiB  
Nanoporous Silicon as a Green, High-Tech Educational Tool
by Jeffery L. Coffer and Leigh T. Canham
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 553; - 23 Feb 2021
Cited by 15 | Viewed by 4275
Pedagogical tools are needed that link multidisciplinary nanoscience and technology (NST) to multiple state-of-the-art applications, including those requiring new fabrication routes relying on green synthesis. These can both educate and motivate the next generation of entrepreneurial NST scientists to create innovative products whilst [...] Read more.
Pedagogical tools are needed that link multidisciplinary nanoscience and technology (NST) to multiple state-of-the-art applications, including those requiring new fabrication routes relying on green synthesis. These can both educate and motivate the next generation of entrepreneurial NST scientists to create innovative products whilst protecting the environment and resources. Nanoporous silicon shows promise as such a tool as it can be fabricated from plants and waste materials, but also embodies many key educational concepts and key industrial uses identified for NST. Specific mechanical, thermal, and optical properties become highly tunable through nanoporosity. We also describe exceptional properties for nanostructured silicon like medical biodegradability and efficient light emission that open up new functionality for this semiconductor. Examples of prior lecture courses and potential laboratory projects are provided, based on the author’s experiences in academic chemistry and physics departments in the USA and UK, together with industrial R&D in the medical, food, and consumer-care sectors. Nanoporous silicon-based lessons that engage students in the basics of entrepreneurship can also readily be identified, including idea generation, intellectual property, and clinical translation of nanomaterial products. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Green Synthesis of Nanomaterials and Its Applications)
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33 pages, 14158 KiB  
VOCs Sensing by Metal Oxides, Conductive Polymers, and Carbon-Based Materials
by Milena Tomić, Milena Šetka, Lukaš Vojkůvka and Stella Vallejos
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 552; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 80 | Viewed by 7554
This review summarizes the recent research efforts and developments in nanomaterials for sensing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The discussion focuses on key materials such as metal oxides (e.g., ZnO, SnO2, TiO2 WO3), conductive polymers (e.g., polypyrrole, polythiophene, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)), [...] Read more.
This review summarizes the recent research efforts and developments in nanomaterials for sensing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The discussion focuses on key materials such as metal oxides (e.g., ZnO, SnO2, TiO2 WO3), conductive polymers (e.g., polypyrrole, polythiophene, poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)), and carbon-based materials (e.g., graphene, graphene oxide, carbon nanotubes), and their mutual combination due to their representativeness in VOCs sensing. Moreover, it delves into the main characteristics and tuning of these materials to achieve enhanced functionality (sensitivity, selectivity, speed of response, and stability). The usual synthesis methods and their advantages towards their integration with microsystems for practical applications are also remarked on. The literature survey shows the most successful systems include structured morphologies, particularly hierarchical structures at the nanometric scale, with intentionally introduced tunable “decorative impurities” or well-defined interfaces forming bilayer structures. These groups of modified or functionalized structures, in which metal oxides are still the main protagonists either as host or guest elements, have proved improvements in VOCs sensing. The work also identifies the need to explore new hybrid material combinations, as well as the convenience of incorporating other transducing principles further than resistive that allow the exploitation of mixed output concepts (e.g., electric, optic, mechanic). Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Nanomaterials for Gas Sensors Applications)
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8 pages, 1368 KiB  
Accelerated Synthesis of Graphene Oxide from Graphene
by Mariana C. F. Costa, Valeria S. Marangoni, Pei Rou Ng, Hang T. L. Nguyen, Alexandra Carvalho and A. H. Castro Neto
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 551; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 70 | Viewed by 12107
Graphene oxide (GO) is an oxygenated functionalized form of graphene that has received considerable attention because of its unique physical and chemical properties that are suitable for a large number of industrial applications. Herein, GO is rapidly obtained directly from the oxidation of [...] Read more.
Graphene oxide (GO) is an oxygenated functionalized form of graphene that has received considerable attention because of its unique physical and chemical properties that are suitable for a large number of industrial applications. Herein, GO is rapidly obtained directly from the oxidation of graphene using an environmentally friendly modified Hummers method. As the starting material consists of graphene flakes, intercalant agents are not needed and the oxidation reaction is enhanced, leading to orders of magnitude reduction in the reaction time compared to the conventional methods of graphite oxidation. With a superior surface area, the graphene flakes are quickly and more homogeneously oxidized since the flakes are exposed at the same extension to the chemical agents, excluding the necessity of sonication to separate the stacked layers of graphite. This strategy shows an alternative approach to quickly producing GO with different degrees of oxidation that can be potentially used in distinct areas ranging from biomedical to energy storage applications. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Synthesis, Functionalization and Applications of Nanocarbons)
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14 pages, 2366 KiB  
Dielectric Spectroscopy of PP/MWCNT Nanocomposites: Relationship with Crystalline Structure and Injection Molding Condition
by Marco Monti, Marta Zaccone, Alberto Frache, Luigi Torre and Ilaria Armentano
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 550; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 2546
In this paper, we study the correlation between the dielectric behavior of polypropylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (PP/MWCNT) nanocomposites and the morphology with regard to the crystalline structure, nanofiller dispersion and injection molding conditions. As a result, in the range of the percolation threshold the [...] Read more.
In this paper, we study the correlation between the dielectric behavior of polypropylene/multi-walled carbon nanotube (PP/MWCNT) nanocomposites and the morphology with regard to the crystalline structure, nanofiller dispersion and injection molding conditions. As a result, in the range of the percolation threshold the dielectric behavior shifts to a more frequency-independent behavior, as the mold temperature increases. Moreover, the position further from the gate appears as the most conductive. This effect has been associated to a modification of the morphology of the MWCNT clusters induced by both the flow of the molten polymer during the processing phase and the variation of the crystalline structure, which is increasingly constituted by γ-phase as the mold temperature increases. The obtained results allow one to understand the effect of tuning the processing condition in the frequency-dependent electrical behavior of PP/MWCNT injection-molded nanocomposites, which can be successfully exploited for an advanced process/product design. Full article
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10 pages, 4985 KiB  
One-Pot Synthesis of SiO2@Ag Mesoporous Nanoparticle Coating for Inhibition of Escherichia coli Bacteria on Various Surfaces
by Sukhbayar Gankhuyag, Dong Sik Bae, Kyoung Lee and Seunghyun Lee
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 549; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 24 | Viewed by 3785
Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) as antibacterial agents are of considerable interest owing to their simplicity, high surface area to volume ratio, and efficient oligodynamic properties. Hence, we investigated the synthesis of silica-supported Ag NPs (SiO2@Ag) as an effective antibacterial agent by [...] Read more.
Silver nanoparticles (Ag NPs) as antibacterial agents are of considerable interest owing to their simplicity, high surface area to volume ratio, and efficient oligodynamic properties. Hence, we investigated the synthesis of silica-supported Ag NPs (SiO2@Ag) as an effective antibacterial agent by using a wet-impregnation method. The formation of SiO2@Ag with Ag NP (5–15 nm diameter) on the silica particle (100–130 nm diameter) was confirmed with transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The study on antibacterial activity was performed in a liquid culture to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) against Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) bacteria. Both bacteria are chosen to understand difference in the effect of Ag NPs against Gram-negative (E. coli) and Gram-positive (B. subtilis) bacteria. SiO2@Ag mesoporous nanoparticles had excellent antibacterial activity against E. coli bacteria and fully restricted the bacterial growth when the material concentration was increased up to 1.00 mg/mL. In addition, the obtained material had good adhesion to both steel and polyethylene substrates and exhibited a high inhibition effect against E. coli bacteria. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Antibacterial Nanomaterials Coating: Fabrication and Applications)
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13 pages, 2581 KiB  
Enhancing the Stability of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 by Coating with LiNbO3 Solid-State Electrolyte: Novel Chemically Activated Coating Process versus Sol-Gel Method
by Valeriu Mereacre, Pirmin Stüble, Ahmad Ghamlouche and Joachim R. Binder
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 548; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 16 | Viewed by 3972
LiNbO3-coated LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel was fabricated by two methods: using hydrogen-peroxide as activating agent and sol-gel method. The structure of the obtained cathode materials was investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron [...] Read more.
LiNbO3-coated LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 spinel was fabricated by two methods: using hydrogen-peroxide as activating agent and sol-gel method. The structure of the obtained cathode materials was investigated using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and the electrochemical properties of the prepared cathodes were probed by charge-discharge studies. The morphology of the coating material on the surface and the degree of coverage of the coated particles were investigated by SEM, which showed that the surface of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 particles is uniformly encapsulated by lithium innovate coating. The influence of the LiNbO3 coating layer on the spinel’s properties was explored, including its effect on the crystal structure and electrochemical performance. XRD studies of the obtained coated active materials revealed very small expansion or contraction of the unit cell. From the capacity retention tests a significant improvement of the electrochemical properties resulted when a novel chemically activated coating process was used. Poorer results, however, were obtained using the sol-gel method. The results also revealed that the coated materials by the new method exhibit enhanced reversibility and stability compared to the pristine and reference ones. It was shown that the morphology of the coating material and possible improvement of communication between the substrates play an important role. Full article
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16 pages, 5288 KiB  
Graphene and Reproduction: A Love-Hate Relationship
by Marina Ramal-Sanchez, Antonella Fontana, Luca Valbonetti, Alessandra Ordinelli, Nicola Bernabò and Barbara Barboni
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 547; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3877
Since its discovery, graphene and its multiple derivatives have been extensively used in many fields and with different applications, even in biomedicine. Numerous efforts have been made to elucidate the potential toxicity derived from their use, giving rise to an adequate number of [...] Read more.
Since its discovery, graphene and its multiple derivatives have been extensively used in many fields and with different applications, even in biomedicine. Numerous efforts have been made to elucidate the potential toxicity derived from their use, giving rise to an adequate number of publications with varied results. On this basis, the study of the reproductive function constitutes a good tool to evaluate not only the toxic effects derived from the use of these materials directly on the individual, but also the potential toxicity passed on to the offspring. By providing a detailed scientometric analysis, the present review provides an updated overview gathering all the research studies focused on the use of graphene and graphene-based materials in the reproductive field, highlighting the consequences and effects reported to date from experiments performed in vivo and in vitro and in different animal species (from Archea to mammals). Special attention is given to the oxidized form of graphene, graphene oxide, which has been recently investigated for its ability to increase the in vitro fertilization outcomes. Thus, the potential use of graphene oxide against infertility is hypothesized here, probably by engineering the spermatozoa and thus manipulating them in a safer and more efficient way. Full article
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21 pages, 2178 KiB  
Nanomaterials for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections
by Maimoona Qindeel, Mahmood Barani, Abbas Rahdar, Rabia Arshad and Magali Cucchiarini
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 546; - 22 Feb 2021
Cited by 42 | Viewed by 12738
The diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) remain challenging due to the lack of convenient assessment techniques and to the resistance to conventional antimicrobial therapy, showing the need for novel approaches to address such problems. In this regard, nanotechnology has a [...] Read more.
The diagnosis and treatment of urinary tract infections (UTIs) remain challenging due to the lack of convenient assessment techniques and to the resistance to conventional antimicrobial therapy, showing the need for novel approaches to address such problems. In this regard, nanotechnology has a strong potential for both the diagnosis and therapy of UTIs via controlled delivery of antimicrobials upon stable, effective and sustained drug release. On one side, nanoscience allowed the production of various nanomaterial-based evaluation tools as precise, effective, and rapid procedures for the identification of UTIs. On the other side, nanotechnology brought tremendous breakthroughs for the treatment of UTIs based on the use of metallic nanoparticles (NPs) for instance, owing to the antimicrobial properties of metals, or of surface-tailored nanocarriers, allowing to overcome multidrug-resistance and prevent biofilm formation via targeted drug delivery to desired sites of action and preventing the development of cytotoxic processes in healthy cells. The goal of the current study is therefore to present the newest developments for the diagnosis and treatment of UTIs based on nanotechnology procedures in relation to the currently available techniques. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bionanotechnology)
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11 pages, 2967 KiB  
Bio-Separated and Gate-Free 2D MoS2 Biosensor Array for Ultrasensitive Detection of BRCA1
by Yi Zhang, Wei Jiang, Dezhi Feng, Chenguang Wang, Yi Xu, Yufeng Shan, Jianlu Wang, Ziwei Yin, Huiyong Deng, Xianqiang Mi and Ning Dai
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 545; - 21 Feb 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3568
2D molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based thin film transistors are widely used in biosensing, and many efforts have been made to improve the detection limit and linear range. However, in addition to the complexity of device technology and biological modification, the compatibility of [...] Read more.
2D molybdenum disulfide (MoS2)-based thin film transistors are widely used in biosensing, and many efforts have been made to improve the detection limit and linear range. However, in addition to the complexity of device technology and biological modification, the compatibility of the physical device with biological solutions and device reusability have rarely been considered. Herein, we designed and synthesized an array of MoS2 by employing a simple-patterned chemical vapor deposition growth method and meanwhile exploited a one-step biomodification in a sensing pad based on DNA tetrahedron probes to form a bio-separated sensing part. This solves the signal interference, solution erosion, and instability of semiconductor-based biosensors after contacting biological solutions, and also allows physical devices to be reused. Furthermore, the gate-free detection structure that we first proposed for DNA (BRCA1) detection demonstrates ultrasensitive detection over a broad range of 1 fM to 1 μM with a good linear response of R2 = 0.98. Our findings provide a practical solution for high-performance, low-cost, biocompatible, reusable, and bio-separated biosensor platforms. Full article
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13 pages, 4954 KiB  
Study of Flebogrif®—A New Tool for Mechanical Sclerotherapy—Effectiveness Assessment Based on Animal Model
by Zbigniew Rybak, Maciej Janeczek, Maciej Dobrzynski, Marta Wujczyk, Albert Czerski, Piotr Kuropka, Agnieszka Noszczyk-Nowak, Maria Szymonowicz, Aleksandra Sender-Janeczek, Katarzyna Wiglusz and Rafal J. Wiglusz
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 544; - 21 Feb 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3742
Sclerotherapy is the chemical occlusion of vessels using an intravenous injection of a liquid or foamed sclerosing agent that is used in the therapy of blood and lymphatic vessels malformations in the young, and for spider veins, smaller varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hydroceles [...] Read more.
Sclerotherapy is the chemical occlusion of vessels using an intravenous injection of a liquid or foamed sclerosing agent that is used in the therapy of blood and lymphatic vessels malformations in the young, and for spider veins, smaller varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hydroceles in adults. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of mechanosclerotherapy of venous veins with a new device—Flebogrif®—based on an animal model. The experiment was performed on nine Polish Merino sheep weighing 40–50 kilograms. The animals were anesthetized intravenously. The material was divided into three groups: two experimental (1 and 2) and control (3) group. The first experimental group was treated with the use of Flebogrif® and a sclerosant simultaneously, while only Flebogrif® was used in the second experimental group. Flebogrif® was applied into the lateral saphenous vein of both pelvic limbs. The vessel wall thickness was estimated at four points of the histological image in mm (V1, V2, V3, V4). For one month, the animals were euthanized, and the occlusion rate of the treated veins and changes in the vein wall were determined. Histological slides were analyzed under a light microscope and histometry of the vein wall was performed. The Shapiro–Wilk test and the quantity of the investigated parameter groups allowed for using a non-parametric method at four points to compare thickness measurements (the Mann–Whitney test), with p < 0.05. The Mann–Whitney test indicated statistically significant differences between both experimental groups. The results obtained from morphometrical and histological analysis showed better results in the first experimental group than those of the second experimental group. Finally, statistical analysis revealed significant differences between the both the experimental group and control group in morphological analysis. The achieved results allowed us to conclude that the simultaneous use of Flebogrif® and a sclerosant yielded better results of vein lumen reduction than the use of Flebogrif® alone. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advanced Materials for Bio-Related Applications)
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8 pages, 996 KiB  
A Proposition for the Estimation of the Maximum Tensile Strength of Variously Charged Nanocellulosic Film Materials Provided by Vacuum Filtration
by Tom Lindström
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 543; - 20 Feb 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2458
This short investigation deals with a review of the tensile strength properties of six different types of nanocellulose films (carboxymethylated, carboxymethylcellulose-grafted, enzymatically pretreated, phosphorylated, sulfoethylated, and alkoxylated nanocellulose films) manufactured using identical protocols and the determination of the apparent nanocellulose yield of the [...] Read more.
This short investigation deals with a review of the tensile strength properties of six different types of nanocellulose films (carboxymethylated, carboxymethylcellulose-grafted, enzymatically pretreated, phosphorylated, sulfoethylated, and alkoxylated nanocellulose films) manufactured using identical protocols and the determination of the apparent nanocellulose yield of the same nanocelluloses and their tensile strength properties at different extents of delamination (microfluidization). The purpose was to test a previously suggested procedure to estimate the maximum tensile strength on these different procedures. A second goal was to investigate the impact of the nanocellulose yield on the tensile strength properties. The investigations were limited to the nanocellulose research activities at RISE in Stockholm, because these investigations were made with identical experimental laboratory protocols. The importance of such protocols is also stressed. This review shows that the suggested procedure to estimate the maximum tensile strength is a viable proposition, albeit not scientifically proven. Secondly, there is a relationship between the nanocellulose yield and tensile strength properties, although there may not be a linear relationship between the two measures. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Cellulose Based Nanomaterials and Their Applications)
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17 pages, 3139 KiB  
Towards the Development of Antioxidant Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications: Controlling the Properties by Tuning Synthesis Conditions
by Noemi Gallucci, Giuseppe Vitiello, Rocco Di Girolamo, Paola Imbimbo, Daria Maria Monti, Oreste Tarallo, Alessandro Vergara, Irene Russo Krauss and Luigi Paduano
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 542; - 20 Feb 2021
Cited by 31 | Viewed by 6463
In this work CeO2 nanoparticles (CeO2-NPs) were synthesized through the thermal decomposition of Ce(NO3)3·6H2O, using as capping agents either octylamine or oleylamine, to evaluate the effect of alkyl chain length, an issue at 150 [...] Read more.
In this work CeO2 nanoparticles (CeO2-NPs) were synthesized through the thermal decomposition of Ce(NO3)3·6H2O, using as capping agents either octylamine or oleylamine, to evaluate the effect of alkyl chain length, an issue at 150 °C, in the case of octylamine and at 150 and 250 °C, in the case of oleylamine, to evaluate the effect of the temperature on NPs properties. All the nanoparticles were extensively characterized by a multidisciplinary approach, such as wide-angle X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, dynamic light scattering, UV-Vis, fluorescence, Raman and FTIR spectroscopies. The analysis of the experimental data shows that the capping agent nature and the synthesis temperature affect nanoparticle properties including size, morphology, aggregation and Ce3+/Ce4+ ratio. Such issues have not been discussed yet, at the best of our knowledge, in the literature. Notably, CeO2-NPs synthesized in the presence of oleylamine at 250 °C showed no tendency to aggregation and we made them water-soluble through a further coating with sodium oleate. The obtained nanoparticles show a less tendency to clustering forming stable aggregates (ranging between 14 and 22 nm) of few NPs. These were tested for biocompatibility and ROS inhibiting activity, demonstrating a remarkable antioxidant activity, against oxidative stress. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Amphiphilic Systems in Biomedical Applications)
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13 pages, 8043 KiB  
Nanocrystalline TiO2/Carbon/Sulfur Composite Cathodes for Lithium–Sulfur Battery
by Markéta Zukalová, Monika Vinarčíková, Milan Bouša and Ladislav Kavan
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 541; - 20 Feb 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 2912
This paper evaluates the influence of the morphology, surface area, and surface modification of carbonaceous additives on the performance of the corresponding cathode in a lithium–sulfur battery. The structure of sulfur composite cathodes with mesoporous carbon, activated carbon, and electrochemical carbon is studied [...] Read more.
This paper evaluates the influence of the morphology, surface area, and surface modification of carbonaceous additives on the performance of the corresponding cathode in a lithium–sulfur battery. The structure of sulfur composite cathodes with mesoporous carbon, activated carbon, and electrochemical carbon is studied by X-ray diffraction, nitrogen adsorption measurements, and Raman spectroscopy. The sulfur cathode containing electrochemical carbon with the specific surface area of 1606.6 m2 g−1 exhibits the best electrochemical performance and provides a charge capacity of almost 650 mAh g−1 in cyclic voltammetry at a 0.1 mV s−1 scan rate and up to 1300 mAh g−1 in galvanostatic chronopotentiometry at a 0.1 C rate. This excellent electrochemical behavior is ascribed to the high dispersity of electrochemical carbon, enabling a perfect encapsulation of sulfur. The surface modification of carbonaceous additives by TiO2 has a positive effect on the electrochemical performance of sulfur composites with mesoporous and activated carbons, but it causes a loss of dispersity and a consequent decrease of the charge capacity of the sulfur composite with electrochemical carbon. The composite of sulfur with TiO2-modified activated carbon exhibited the charge capacity of 393 mAh g−1 in cyclic voltammetry and up to 493 mAh g−1 in galvanostatic chronopotentiometry. The presence of an additional Sigracell carbon felt interlayer further improves the electrochemical performance of cells with activated carbon, electrochemical carbon, and nanocrystalline TiO2-modified activated carbon. This positive effect is most pronounced in the case of activated carbon modified by nanocrystalline TiO2. However, it is not boosted by additional coverage by TiO2 or SnO2, which is probably due to the blocking of pores. Full article
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15 pages, 2959 KiB  
Magnetic Mesoporous Carbon/β-Cyclodextrin–Chitosan Nanocomposite for Extraction and Preconcentration of Multi-Class Emerging Contaminant Residues in Environmental Samples
by Geaneth Pertunia Mashile, Anele Mpupa and Philiswa Nosizo Nomngongo
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 540; - 20 Feb 2021
Cited by 23 | Viewed by 2807
This study reports the development of magnetic solid-phase extraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of ten trace amounts of emerging contaminants (fluoroquinolone antibiotics, parabens, anticonvulsants and β-blockers) in water systems. Magnetic mesoporous carbon/β-cyclodextrin–chitosan (MMPC/Cyc-Chit) was used as an adsorbent in [...] Read more.
This study reports the development of magnetic solid-phase extraction combined with high-performance liquid chromatography for the determination of ten trace amounts of emerging contaminants (fluoroquinolone antibiotics, parabens, anticonvulsants and β-blockers) in water systems. Magnetic mesoporous carbon/β-cyclodextrin–chitosan (MMPC/Cyc-Chit) was used as an adsorbent in dispersive magnetic solid-phase extraction (DMSPE). The magnetic solid-phase extraction method was optimized using central composite design. Under the optimum conditions, the limits of detection (LODs) ranged from 0.1 to 0.7 ng L−1, 0.5 to 1.1 ng L−1 and 0.2 to 0.8 ng L−1 for anticonvulsants and β-blockers, fluoroquinolone and parabens, respectively. Relatively good dynamic linear ranges were obtained for all the investigated analytes. The repeatability (n = 7) and reproducibility (n = 5) were less than 5%, while the enrichment factors ranged between 90 and 150. The feasibility of the method in real samples was assessed by analysis of river water, tap water and wastewater samples. The recoveries for the investigated analytes in the real samples ranged from 93.5 to 98.8%, with %RSDs under 4%. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Development of Nanomaterials for Applications in Trace Analysis)
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23 pages, 4624 KiB  
Scavenger Receptor A1 Mediates the Uptake of Carboxylated and Pristine Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Coated with Bovine Serum Albumin
by Mai T. Huynh, Carole Mikoryak, Paul Pantano and Rockford Draper
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 539; - 20 Feb 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3298
Previously, we noted that carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (cMWNTs) coated with Pluronic® F-108 (PF108) bound to and were accumulated by macrophages, but that pristine multi-walled carbon nanotubes (pMWNTs) coated with PF108 were not (Wang et al., Nanotoxicology2018, 12, 677). [...] Read more.
Previously, we noted that carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes (cMWNTs) coated with Pluronic® F-108 (PF108) bound to and were accumulated by macrophages, but that pristine multi-walled carbon nanotubes (pMWNTs) coated with PF108 were not (Wang et al., Nanotoxicology2018, 12, 677). Subsequent studies with Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells that overexpressed scavenger receptor A1 (SR-A1) and with macrophages derived from mice knocked out for SR-A1 provided evidence that SR-A1 was a receptor of PF108-cMWNTs (Wang et al., Nanomaterials (Basel) 2020, 10, 2417). Herein, we replaced the PF108 coat with bovine serum albumin (BSA) to investigate how a BSA corona affected the interaction of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs) with cells. Both BSA-coated cMWNTs and pMWNTs bound to and were accumulated by RAW 264.7 macrophages, although the cells bound two times more BSA-coated cMWNT than pMWNTs. RAW 264.7 cells that were deleted for SR-A1 using CRISPR-Cas9 technology had markedly reduced binding and accumulation of both BSA-coated cMWNTs and pMWNTs, suggesting that SR-A1 was responsible for the uptake of both MWNT types. Moreover, CHO cells that ectopically expressed SR-A1 accumulated both MWNT types, whereas wild-type CHO cells did not. One model to explain these results is that SR-A1 can interact with two structural features of BSA-coated cMWNTs, one inherent to the oxidized nanotubes (such as COOH and other oxidized groups) and the other provided by the BSA corona; whereas SR-A1 only interacts with the BSA corona of BSA-pMWNTs. Full article
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48 pages, 4456 KiB  
Modern Nanocomposites and Hybrids as Electrode Materials Used in Energy Carriers
by Beata Kurc, Marita Pigłowska, Łukasz Rymaniak and Paweł Fuć
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 538; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 31 | Viewed by 5359
Over the past decades, the application of new hybrid materials in energy storage systems has seen significant development. The efforts have been made to improve electrochemical performance, cyclic stability, and cell life. To achieve this, attempts have been made to modify existing electrode [...] Read more.
Over the past decades, the application of new hybrid materials in energy storage systems has seen significant development. The efforts have been made to improve electrochemical performance, cyclic stability, and cell life. To achieve this, attempts have been made to modify existing electrode materials. This was achieved by using nano-scale materials. A reduction of size enabled an obtainment of changes of conductivity, efficient energy storage and/or conversion (better kinetics), emergence of superparamagnetism, and the enhancement of optical properties, resulting in better electrochemical performance. The design of hybrid heterostructures enabled taking full advantage of each component, synergistic effect, and interaction between components, resulting in better cycle stability and conductivity. Nowadays, nanocomposite has ended up one of the foremost prevalent materials with potential applications in batteries, flexible cells, fuel cells, photovoltaic cells, and photocatalysis. The main goal of this review is to highlight a new progress of different hybrid materials, nanocomposites (also polymeric) used in lithium-ion (LIBs) and sodium-ion (NIBs) cells, solar cells, supercapacitors, and fuel cells and their electrochemical performance. Full article
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17 pages, 7581 KiB  
Preparation and Characterization of Electrospun Fluoro-Containing Poly(imide-benzoxazole) Nano-Fibrous Membranes with Low Dielectric Constants and High Thermal Stability
by Meng-Ge Huangfu, Deng-Xiong Shen, Xin-Xin Zhi, Yan Zhang, Yan-Jiang Jia, Yuan-Cheng An, Xin-Ying Wei and Jin-Gang Liu
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 537; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 3562
The rapid development of advanced high-frequency mobile communication techniques has advanced urgent requirements for polymer materials with high-temperature resistance and good dielectric properties, including low dielectric constants (low-Dk) and low dielectric dissipation factors (low-Df). The relatively poor [...] Read more.
The rapid development of advanced high-frequency mobile communication techniques has advanced urgent requirements for polymer materials with high-temperature resistance and good dielectric properties, including low dielectric constants (low-Dk) and low dielectric dissipation factors (low-Df). The relatively poor dielectric properties of common polymer candidates, such as standard polyimides (PIs) greatly limited their application in high-frequency areas. In the current work, benzoxazole units were successfully incorporated into the molecular structures of the fluoro-containing PIs to afford the poly(imide-benzoxazole) (PIBO) nano-fibrous membranes (NFMs) via electrospinning fabrication. First, the PI NFMs were prepared by the electrospinning procedure from organo-soluble PI resins derived from 2,2′-bis(3,4-dicarboxy-phenyl)hexafluoropropane dianhydride (6FDA) and aromatic diamines containing ortho-hydroxy-substituted benzamide units, including 2,2-bis[3-(4-aminobenzamide)-4-hydroxylphenyl]hexafluoropropane (p6FAHP) and 2,2-bis[3-(3-aminobenzamide)-4-hydroxyphenyl]hexafluoropropane (m6FAHP). Then, the PI NFMs were thermally dehydrated at 350 °C in nitrogen to afford the PIBO NFMs. The average fiber diameters (dav) for the PIBO NFMs were 1225 nm for PIBO-1 derived from PI-1 (6FDA-p6FAHP) precursor and 816 nm for PIBO-2 derived from PI-2 (6FDA-m6FAHP). The derived PIBO NFMs showed good thermal stability with the glass transition temperatures (Tgs) over 310 °C and the 5% weight loss temperatures (T5%) higher than 500 °C in nitrogen. The PIBO NFMs showed low dielectric features with the Dk value of 1.64 for PIBO-1 and 1.82 for PIBO-2 at the frequency of 1 MHz, respectively. The Df values were in the range of 0.010~0.018 for the PIBO NFMs. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Electrochemical Fabrication of Nanoporous Materials)
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22 pages, 3030 KiB  
A Review on LDH-Smart Functionalization of Anodic Films of Mg Alloys
by Mosab Kaseem, Karna Ramachandraiah, Shakhawat Hossain and Burak Dikici
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 536; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 37 | Viewed by 4534
This review presents an overview of the recent developments in the synthesis of layered double hydroxide (LDH) on the anodized films of Mg alloys prepared by either conventional anodizing or plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) and the applications of the formed composite ceramics as [...] Read more.
This review presents an overview of the recent developments in the synthesis of layered double hydroxide (LDH) on the anodized films of Mg alloys prepared by either conventional anodizing or plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) and the applications of the formed composite ceramics as smart chloride traps in corrosive environments. In this work, the main fabrication approaches including co-precipitation, in situ hydrothermal, and an anion exchange reaction are outlined. The unique structure of LDH nanocontainers enables them to intercalate several corrosion inhibitors and release them when required under the action of corrosion-relevant triggers. The influences of different variables, such as type of cations, the concentration of salts, pH, and temperature, immersion time during the formation of LDH/anodic film composites, on the electrochemical response are also highlighted. The correlation between the dissolution rate of PEO coating and the growth rate of the LDH film was discussed. The challenges and future development strategies of LDH/anodic films are also highlighted in terms of industrial applications of these materials. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Nanocomposite Materials)
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10 pages, 3734 KiB  
Nonlinear Optical Response of Gold Nanobipyramids for a Doubly Q-Switched Ho-Doped Laser at a Wavelength of 2.1 µm
by Cheng Zhang, Dongzhou Wang, Shengjun Huang, Jimin Yang, Jie Liu and Jing Fang
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 535; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 10 | Viewed by 2397
Gold nanobipyramids (Au-NBPs) were successfully fabricated using the seed-mediated growth method. The saturable absorption performance of the Au-NBPs at a 2-μm band wavelength was characterized. Using excellent-quality, mature Ho:YLF crystals, a doubly Q-switched (DQS) laser joining an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) with an Au-NBP [...] Read more.
Gold nanobipyramids (Au-NBPs) were successfully fabricated using the seed-mediated growth method. The saturable absorption performance of the Au-NBPs at a 2-μm band wavelength was characterized. Using excellent-quality, mature Ho:YLF crystals, a doubly Q-switched (DQS) laser joining an acousto-optic modulator (AOM) with an Au-NBP saturable absorber (SA) was achieved. When the modulation rate of the AOM was 1 kHz, the shortest pulse width (54 ns) was attained, corresponding to the highest peak power (3.87 kW). This was compared with a singly Q-switched laser joining an AOM with an Au-NBP SA, whereby the maximum pulse width compression ratio was 15.2 and the highest peak power enhancement factor was 541.3. Our study has shown that Au-NBPs are a potential saturable absorption nanomaterial, and the DQS laser has the benefit of compressing the pulse width and increasing the peak power at a wavelength of 2.1 μm. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Nanophotonics Materials and Devices)
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22 pages, 9845 KiB  
Tunable Electronic Properties of Lateral Monolayer Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Superlattice Nanoribbons
by Jinhua Wang and Gyaneshwar P. Srivastava
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 534; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2661
The structural stability and structural and electronic properties of lateral monolayer transition metal chalcogenide superlattice zigzag and armchair nanoribbons have been studied by employing a first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The main focus is to study the effects of varying [...] Read more.
The structural stability and structural and electronic properties of lateral monolayer transition metal chalcogenide superlattice zigzag and armchair nanoribbons have been studied by employing a first-principles method based on the density functional theory. The main focus is to study the effects of varying the width and periodicity of nanoribbon, varying cationic and anionic elements of superlattice parent compounds, biaxial strain, and nanoribbon edge passivation with different elements. The band gap opens up when the (MoS2)3/(WS2)3 and (MoS2)3/(MoTe2)3 armchair nanoribbons are passivated by H, S and O atoms. The H and O co-passivated (MoS2)3/(WS2)3 armchair nanoribbon exhibits higher energy band gap. The band gap with the edge S vacancy connecting to the W atom is much smaller than the S vacancy connecting to the Mo atom. Small band gaps are obtained for both edge and inside Mo vacancies. There is a clear difference in the band gap states between inside and edge Mo vacancies for symmetric nanoribbon structure, while there is only a slight difference for asymmetric structure. The electronic orbitals of atoms around Mo vacancy play an important role in determining the valence band maximum, conduction band minimum, and impurity level in the band gap. Full article
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18 pages, 4351 KiB  
Reusable Fe3O4/SBA15 Nanocomposite as an Efficient Photo-Fenton Catalyst for the Removal of Sulfamethoxazole and Orange II
by Jorge González-Rodríguez, Lucía Fernández, Zulema Vargas-Osorio, Carlos Vázquez-Vázquez, Yolanda Piñeiro, José Rivas, Gumersindo Feijoo and Maria Teresa Moreira
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 533; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 3646
Today, the presence of recalcitrant pollutants in wastewater, such as pharmaceuticals or other organic compounds, is one of the main obstacles to the widespread implementation of water reuse. In this context, the development of innovative processes for their removal becomes necessary to guarantee [...] Read more.
Today, the presence of recalcitrant pollutants in wastewater, such as pharmaceuticals or other organic compounds, is one of the main obstacles to the widespread implementation of water reuse. In this context, the development of innovative processes for their removal becomes necessary to guarantee effluent quality. This work presents the potentiality of magnetic nanoparticles immobilized on SBA-15 mesoporous silica as Fenton and photo-Fenton catalysts under visible light irradiation. The influence of the characteristics of the compounds and nanoparticles on the removal yield was investigated. Once the key aspects of the reaction mechanism were analyzed, to evaluate the feasibility of this process, an azo dye (Orange II) and an antibiotic (sulfamethoxazole) were selected as main target compounds. The concentration of Orange II decreased below the detection limit after two hours of reaction, with mineralization values of 60%. In addition, repeated sequential experiments revealed the recoverability and stability of the nanoparticles in a small-scale reactor. The benchmarking of the obtained results showed a significant improvement of the process using visible light in terms of kinetic performance, comparing the results to the Fenton process conducted at dark. Reusability, yield and easy separation of the catalyst are its main advantages for the industrial application of this process. Full article
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13 pages, 24496 KiB  
Synthetic Ligand-Coated Starch Magnetic Microbeads for Selective Extraction of Food Additive Silicon Dioxide from Commercial Processed Food
by Jun-Hee Lee, Sang-Mook You, Ke Luo, Ji-Su Ko, Ah-Hyun Jo and Young-Rok Kim
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 532; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 4501
The amorphous form of silicon dioxide has long been regarded as a safe food additive (E551) that is widely used in commercially processed food as an anticaking agent. However, starting with titanium dioxide, there have been growing safety concerns regarding to the use [...] Read more.
The amorphous form of silicon dioxide has long been regarded as a safe food additive (E551) that is widely used in commercially processed food as an anticaking agent. However, starting with titanium dioxide, there have been growing safety concerns regarding to the use of nanoscale silicon dioxide particles in food as food additives. The size, morphology, and chemical properties of inorganic food materials are important parameters to determine its potential toxicity. Therefore, an effective means of extracting an intact form of SiO2 from food without altering the physicochemical property of SiO2 particles is of great need to accurately monitor its characteristics. Here, we report on an effective magnetic separation method to extract food additive SiO2 from food by utilizing a diatom-originated peptide with a specific affinity to SiO2 particles. The affinity-based magnetic separation was found to be specific to SiO2 particles over other types of inorganic food additives such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide. The size and morphology of SiO2 were shown to not be affected by the extraction processes. This method was successfully applied to extract and characterize the food additive SiO2 from six different types of commercial food. Full article
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12 pages, 4368 KiB  
Synthesis of Highly Conductive Electrospun Recycled Polyethylene Terephthalate Nanofibers Using the Electroless Deposition Method
by Nadir Hussain, Mujahid Mehdi, Muhammad Yousif, Aizaz Ali, Sana Ullah, Sajid Hussain Siyal, Tanweer Hussain and Ick Soo Kim
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 531; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 23 | Viewed by 3701
Plastic bottles are generally recycled by remolding them into numerous products. In this study, waste from plastic bottles was used to fabricate recycled polyethylene terephthalate (r-PET) nanofibers via the electrospinning technique, and high-performance conductive polyethylene terephthalate nanofibers (r-PET nanofibers) were prepared followed by [...] Read more.
Plastic bottles are generally recycled by remolding them into numerous products. In this study, waste from plastic bottles was used to fabricate recycled polyethylene terephthalate (r-PET) nanofibers via the electrospinning technique, and high-performance conductive polyethylene terephthalate nanofibers (r-PET nanofibers) were prepared followed by copper deposition using the electroless deposition (ELD) method. Firstly, the electrospun r-PET nanofibers were chemically modified with silane molecules and polymerized with 2-(methacryloyloxy) ethyl trimethylammonium chloride (METAC) solution. Finally, the copper deposition was achieved on the surface of chemically modified r-PET nanofibers by simple chemical/ion attraction. The water contact angle of r-PET nanofibers, chemically modified r-PET nanofibers, and copper deposited nanofibers were 140°, 80°, and 138°, respectively. The r-PET nanofibers retained their fibrous morphology after copper deposition, and EDX results confirmed the presence of copper on the surface of r-PET nanofibers. XPS was performed to analyze chemical changes before and after copper deposition on r-PET nanofibers. The successful deposition of copper one r-PET nanofibers showed an excellent electrical resistance of 0.1 ohms/cm and good mechanical strength according to ASTM D-638. Full article
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23 pages, 1701 KiB  
Nano-Based Biomaterials as Drug Delivery Systems Against Osteoporosis: A Systematic Review of Preclinical and Clinical Evidence
by Francesca Salamanna, Alessandro Gambardella, Deyanira Contartese, Andrea Visani and Milena Fini
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 530; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 41 | Viewed by 5209
Osteoporosis (OP) is one of the most significant causes of morbidity, particularly in post-menopausal women and older men. Despite its remarkable occurrence, the search for an effective treatment is still an open challenge. Here, we systematically reviewed the preclinical and clinical progress in [...] Read more.
Osteoporosis (OP) is one of the most significant causes of morbidity, particularly in post-menopausal women and older men. Despite its remarkable occurrence, the search for an effective treatment is still an open challenge. Here, we systematically reviewed the preclinical and clinical progress in the development of nano-based materials as drug delivery systems against OP, considering the effects on bone healing and regeneration, the more promising composition and manufacturing methods, and the more hopeful drugs and delivery methods. The results showed that almost all the innovative nano-based delivery systems developed in the last ten years have been assessed by preclinical investigations and are still in the preliminary/early research stages. Our search strategy retrieved only one non-randomized controlled trial (RCT) on oligosaccharide nanomedicine of alginate sodium used for degenerative lumbar diseases in OP patients. Further investigations are mandatory for assessing the clinical translation and commercial purposes of these materials. To date, the main limits for the clinical translation of nano-based materials as drug delivery systems against OP are probably due to the low reproducibility of the manufacturing processes, whose specificity and complexity relies on an adequate chemical, structural, and biomechanical characterization, as the necessary prerequisite before assessing the efficacy of a given treatment or process. Finally, an unsatisfactory drug-loading capacity, an uncontrollable release kinetic, and a low delivery efficiency also limit the clinical application. Full article
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10 pages, 25924 KiB  
Hydrothermal Synthesis of Various Shape-Controlled Europium Hydroxides
by Hongjuan Zheng, Kongjun Zhu, Ayumu Onda and Kazumichi Yanagisawa
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 529; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 3283
Eu(OH)3 with various shape-controlled morphologies and size, such as plate, rod, tube, prism and nanoparticles was successfully synthesized through simple hydrothermal reactions. The products were characterized by XRD (X-Ray Powder Diffraction), FE-SEM (Field Emission- Scanning Electron Microscopy) and TG (Thermogravimetry). The influence [...] Read more.
Eu(OH)3 with various shape-controlled morphologies and size, such as plate, rod, tube, prism and nanoparticles was successfully synthesized through simple hydrothermal reactions. The products were characterized by XRD (X-Ray Powder Diffraction), FE-SEM (Field Emission- Scanning Electron Microscopy) and TG (Thermogravimetry). The influence of the initial pH value of the starting solution and reaction temperature on the crystalline phase and morphology of the hydrothermal products was investigated. A possible formation process to control morphologies and size of europium products by changing the hydrothermal temperature and initial pH value of the starting solution was proposed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Hydrothermal Synthesis of Nanoparticles)
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9 pages, 2451 KiB  
Development of Gold Nanoparticle Micropatterns for the Electrical Detection of Proteins
by Geonwoo Lim, Kibeom Kim, Yuri Park and Myoung-Hwan Park
Nanomaterials 2021, 11(2), 528; - 19 Feb 2021
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 3044
Protein analysis can be used to efficiently detect the early stages of various diseases. However, conventional protein detection platforms require expensive or complex equipment, which has been a major obstacle to their widespread application. In addition, uncertain signals from non-specific adhesion interfere with [...] Read more.
Protein analysis can be used to efficiently detect the early stages of various diseases. However, conventional protein detection platforms require expensive or complex equipment, which has been a major obstacle to their widespread application. In addition, uncertain signals from non-specific adhesion interfere with the precise interpretation of the results. To overcome these problems, the development of a technique that can detect the proteins in a simple method is needed. In this study, a platform composed of gold nanoparticles (GNPs) was fabricated through a simple imprinting method for protein detection. The corrugated surface naturally formed by the nanoparticle assemblies simultaneously increases the efficiency of adhesion and binding with analytes and reduces undesired interactions. After forming the GNP micropatterns, post-functionalization with both cationic and neutral ligands was performed on the surface to manipulate their electrostatic interaction with proteins. Upon protein binding, the change in the electrical values of the micropatterns was recorded by using a resistance meter. The resistance of the positively charged micropatterns was found to increase due to the electrostatic interaction with proteins, while no significant change in resistance was observed for the neutral micropatterns after immersion in a protein solution. Additionally, the selective adsorption of fluorescent proteins onto the micropatterns was captured using confocal microscopy. These simply imprinted GNP micropatterns are sensitive platforms that can detect various analytes by measuring the electrical resistance with portable equipment. Full article
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