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Special Issues

Energies publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Renewable Energy Supply Chain submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1660 | Submission Open
Keywords: renewable energy keyword; resilience of supply chains; sustainability of supply chains; simulation modelling; energy transformation; supply chain transformation
(This special issue belongs to the Section C: Energy Economics and Policy)
Biomass-Enabled Hydrogen Production: Gasification, Pyrolysis, and Torrefaction
edited by , and Mohamed Asbik
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1415 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomass; gasification; pyrolysis; SYNGAS; torrefaction
(This special issue belongs to the Section A4: Bio-Energy)
Phase Change Materials and Thermal Energy Storage Systems
edited by Jiangwei Liu
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1129 | Submission Open
Keywords: phase change material; thermal energy storage; phase transition enhancement; heat and mass transfer; energy storage system design; latent heat storage; sensible heat storage; evaluation and optimization
(This special issue belongs to the Section G: Energy and Buildings)
Advanced Technologies in Oil Shale Conversion
edited by Qiang Li
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 563 | Submission Open
Keywords: oil shale; modelling; applications; device design; products analysis; EOR
(This special issue belongs to the Section H: Geo-Energy)
Design and Control Strategies for Wide Input Range DC-DC Converters
edited by and Nicola Campagna
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 468 | Submission Open
Keywords: DC/DC Converters; design and control of DC/DC converters; special application of DC/DC converters
(This special issue belongs to the Section F3: Power Electronics)
Exploring the Potential of Renewable Energy Sources and Systems: Innovations, Challenges, Applications and Future
edited by , Nataliia Sergiienko and
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 378 | Submission Open
Keywords: renewable energy systems; optimization; artificial intelligence; forecasting; smart control systems; smart grids; digital twins
(This special issue belongs to the Section A: Sustainable Energy)
Combustion Characteristics of Advanced Alternative Fuels and Emission Reduction Methodologies submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 361 | Submission Open
Keywords: IC engines; combustion; alternative fuels; fuel additive; engine performance; exhaust emission; emission regulation; emission reduction co-optimization
(This special issue belongs to the Section I2: Energy and Combustion Science)
Cognitive Tools for Sustainable Mobility
edited by
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 299 | Submission Open
Keywords: mobility; sustainable energy; fuels; electricity; hydrogen
(This special issue belongs to the Section E: Electric Vehicles)
Phase Change Technology for Energy and Thermal Management
edited by Wenye Lin
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 282 | Submission Open
Keywords: thermal energy storage; thermal energy transport; phase-change materials; preparation and characterisation; optimization; energy management; thermal management
(This special issue belongs to the Section J: Thermal Management)
Advancements in Methods to Evaluate Energy Potential of Water Currents and in the Design and Analysis of the Performance of Hydrokinetic Turbines submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 219 | Submission Open
Keywords: conversion devices; hydrokinetic energy; microturbines design; control strategies
(This special issue belongs to the Section A3: Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy)
New Advances in Heat Transfer, Energy Conversion and Storage
edited by and Renato Elpidio Plomitallo
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 210 | Submission Open
Keywords: heat transfer; latent heat storage systems; phase-change materials (PCMs); experimental and numerical studies; entropy generation minimization
(This special issue belongs to the Section D: Energy Storage and Application)
Renewable Generation Dominated Power System Operation and Control
edited by Changgang Li
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 198 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section F1: Electrical Power System)
Key Technologies for Intelligent Electric Vehicles
edited by and Ryosuke Ota
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 192 | Submission Open
Keywords: smart road; smart grids; electric power systems; renewable energy sources; system analysis; design; management; machine learning techniques
(This special issue belongs to the Section E: Electric Vehicles)
Advances in Energy Conversion and Storage of Aqueous Ion Batteries submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 178 | Submission Open
Keywords: aqueous lithium-ion battery; post-lithium-ion batteries (Na+; K+; Mg2+; Ca2+; Zn2+ and Al3+); cathode materials; surface coating; defect chemistry; characterization techniques; density functional theory
(This special issue belongs to the Section D2: Electrochem: Batteries, Fuel Cells, Capacitors)
Advances in Microbial Desalination Cells submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 134 | Submission Open
Keywords: microbial desalination cell (MDC); design; optimization; desalination rate; wastewater treatment; power output
(This special issue belongs to the Section D2: Electrochem: Batteries, Fuel Cells, Capacitors)
Modeling, Diagnosis and Protection for Li-Ion Battery Energy Storage System—2nd Edition
edited by , , , and Dongsheng Ren
submission deadline 2 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2271 | Submission Open
Keywords: lithium-ion battery; modeling; digital twin; virtual battery; thermal management; state estimation and prognostics; faults diagnosis; safety protection; BMS
(This special issue belongs to the Section D: Energy Storage and Application)
Trends and Perspectives in Biomass and Bioenergy with Energy Efficient Technologies—2nd Edition submission deadline 2 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 495 | Submission Open
Keywords: climate change energy policy; renewable energy; biomass as a solid fuel; energy-efficient technologies for processing wood and other lignocellulosic materials; economic and technological aspects of obtaining and using energy biomass; climate regulations in the processing of wood and wood-based materials; legal; economic and technological aspects of the use of bioenergy; sustainable development of wood production and use of renewable energy
(This special issue belongs to the Section A4: Bio-Energy)
Novel Energy Management Approaches in Microgrid Systems submission deadline 3 Oct 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6872 | Submission Open
Keywords: distributed generation (DG) control; energy management system interoperability; storage system control; electric vehicles to grid (V2G) and grid to electric vehicle (G2V) schemes; network operations in cases of increased DGs; microgrid management systems
(This special issue belongs to the Section A1: Smart Grids and Microgrids)
Grid-Forming Technologies for Renewable Energy Integration submission deadline 3 Oct 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 5852 | Submission Open
Keywords: grid-forming; power electronics; power converter control; frequency control; grid support; power system stability; renewable energy
(This special issue belongs to the Section A1: Smart Grids and Microgrids)
Energy Consumption and Environmental Quality in Buildings
edited by and Qunli Zhang
submission deadline 3 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2920 | Submission Open
Keywords: energy consumption; environmental quality; building energy efficiency; carbon emissions; renewable energy deployment; digitalization; sustainable buildings; energy management; indoor environmental quality
(This special issue belongs to the Section G: Energy and Buildings)
Optimal Control of Wind and Wave Energy Converters submission deadline 3 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2656 | Submission Open
Keywords: operation at maximum power point (MPP); electric generators; wave energy converters; transmission and distribution grid; smart grid; wind measurement techniques; onshore and offshore wind turbines; operational monitoring; error diagnosis of wind turbine parts
(This special issue belongs to the Section A3: Wind, Wave and Tidal Energy)
Advances in Gas Transportation by Pipeline and LNG
edited by and Hao Wang
submission deadline 3 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1829 | Submission Open
Keywords: pipeline; LNG; new energy storage and transportation; low carbon
(This special issue belongs to the Section H: Geo-Energy)
Sustainable Technologies for Energy System Design, Analysis and Optimization
edited by Shuangcheng Sun and Guangjun Wang
submission deadline 3 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 125 | Submission Open
Keywords: thermal system design; energy system optimization; renewable energy utilization; inverse heat transfer analysis; automation technology; parameter identification; energy storage technology; intelligent manufacture technology; refrigeration systems; cold chain; thermal management for electronic devices
(This special issue belongs to the Section J: Thermal Management)
Advanced Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer in Porous Media 2023—2nd Edition submission deadline 6 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 344 | Submission Open
Keywords: modelling; characterisation; heat and mass transfer; multiphase flow; biological materials; saturated porous media; unsaturated porous media
(This special issue belongs to the Section J1: Heat and Mass Transfer)
Challenges and Opportunities of Oil and Gas Engineering in a Low-Carbon and Intelligent Future
edited by Lei Hou, and
submission deadline 8 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 161 | Submission Open
Keywords: low-carbon; energy transition; artificial intelligence; data science; sustainability; oil and gas engineering; CCUS
(This special issue belongs to the Section B3: Carbon Emission and Utilization)
Intelligent Analysis and Control of Modern Power Systems
edited by , and Xinran Zhang
submission deadline 9 Oct 2024 | 8 articles | Viewed by 11375 | Submission Open
Keywords: data analytics; computational intelligence; machine learning; power system dynamics; power system analysis and control; smart grid; situational awareness; decision making
(This special issue belongs to the Section F1: Electrical Power System)
Power Quality in Modern Distribution Systems: Latest Advances and Prospects submission deadline 9 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1566 | Submission Open
Keywords: power quality; micro grid; energy communities; RES; electric mobility; energy efficiency; distortion; harmonics; supra-harmonics; data-driven approaches; forecasting; transients; reliability; unbalances; standards; DC distribution
(This special issue belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)
Decarbonization in Industrial Combustion Processes submission deadline 9 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 364 | Submission Open
Keywords: ammonia; biofuels; biomass; carbon capture and sequestration; combustion; fuels; green energy; greenhouse gas emissions; hydrogen; sustainability
(This special issue belongs to the Section B3: Carbon Emission and Utilization)
Challenges and Promises on the Gas Hydrate Development and Production as a New Energy Resource
edited by and Shicai Sun
submission deadline 9 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 299 | Submission Open
Keywords: natural gas hydrate; gas extraction; reservoir stimulation; safety evaluation
(This special issue belongs to the Section H: Geo-Energy)
Development of Efficient Internal Combustion Engines and Vehicle Powertrains: 2nd Edition
edited by and Per Tunestål
submission deadline 9 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 123 | Submission Open
Keywords: internal combustion engines (ICE); combustion engine system control; energy management; waste heat recovery; hybrid electric powertrains; alternative hybrid vehicles
(This special issue belongs to the Section B3: Carbon Emission and Utilization)
Climate Changes and the Impacts on Power and Energy Systems submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 10 articles | Viewed by 14591 | Submission Open
Keywords: gulf-stream; global warming; climate change; winter temperatures; extreme weather events; electrical power; energy systems; budling energy efficiency; machine learning; renewable energy resources
(This special issue belongs to the Section B: Energy and Environment)
Optimal Energy Recovery through Anaerobic Processes and Environmental Protection submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5498 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomethane; anaerobic process; mathematical modelling; process control; carbon footprint; optimisation
(This special issue belongs to the Section B: Energy and Environment)
Studies of Energy Economics and Environmental Policies in China
edited by Jinyang Cai and Linke Hou
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5086 | Submission Open
Keywords: energy consumption and green technology innovation; evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental policies; the impact of energy use on the environment and climate; environmental policy and energy equity financial instruments supporting energy transformation; a new economic growth model towards carbon neutrality; energy security and energy efficiency; digital development & carbon emission& environment protection; climate change and inequality
(This special issue belongs to the Section C: Energy Economics and Policy)
New Challenges in Economic Development and Energy Policy
edited by and Alfonso Carfora
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 3727 | Submission Open
Keywords: economic development; energy transition; sustainable growth; renewable generation
(This special issue belongs to the Section C: Energy Economics and Policy)
Control and Optimization of Electrical Power and Energy Systems to Integrate More Renewable and Sustainable Energy Resources
edited by Khurram Hashmi, Muhammad Numan, Arshad Nawaz and Alireza Zakariazadeh
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2208 | Submission Open
Keywords: electrical power systems; integrated energy systems; optimization and planning; operation and control; system management; energy modelling; energy systems; energy storage
(This special issue belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)
Microgrids and Sustainable Energy Integration 2023 submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2029 | Submission Open
Keywords: sustainable energy integration; microgrids; renewable energy sources; energy storage; green hydrogen; energy harvesting; interfacing converter topologies; virtual synchronous generation; power quality; modulation and control strategies; resilience and energy management; grid decentralization; distributed power generation; microgrid protection; optimization for microgrid
(This special issue belongs to the Section A1: Smart Grids and Microgrids)
Geological Characteristics, Evaluation Methods and Exploration Prospects of Tight Oil and Gas Resources: 2nd Edition
edited by Weiming Wang, Jijun Li, , and Lei Zhang
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 1449 | Submission Open
Keywords: geological evaluation of tight oil; geological evaluation of tight gas; tight reservoir evaluation; tight hydrocarbon accumulation mechanism; tight oil and gas prediction; tight reservoir evaluation technology
(This special issue belongs to the Section H: Geo-Energy)
Advances in Energy Market and Distributed Generation
edited by
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 1366 | Submission Open
Keywords: distributed energy resources; demand management; distribution energy market; distribution network; smart grid
(This special issue belongs to the Section C: Energy Economics and Policy)
Power Quality and Hosting Capacity in the Microgrids
edited by
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1328 | Submission Open
Keywords: integration of DERs; energy storage; harmonic distortion; frequency deviation; voltage unbalance; microgrid control and protection
(This special issue belongs to the Section A1: Smart Grids and Microgrids)
Smart Optimization and Renewable Integrated Energy System submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1168 | Submission Open
Keywords: distributed renewable energies; energy storage systems; energy management system; smart grids; microgrids; nanogrids; off-grid electrical systems; frequency control and stabilization; resilience in modern electrical systems; energy control and optimization systems
(This special issue belongs to the Section B: Energy and Environment)
New Insights into Design, Control and Application of Modular Multilevel Converters
edited by
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1151 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section F: Electrical Engineering)
Recent Advances in Biomass Energy Torrefaction, Pyrolysis and Gasification Technologies
edited by
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 723 | Submission Open
Keywords: pyrolysis; pyrolysis oil; dry torrefaction; wet torrefaction; steam torrefaction; biofuels; biochar; gasification; synthesis of gas; byproducts
(This special issue belongs to the Section A4: Bio-Energy)
Electric Waves to Future Mobility
edited by Heeyun Lee and
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 546 | Submission Open
Keywords: electric vehicle; infrastructure and power grid; energy sources and storage; EV market and policy                                                                                                      
(This special issue belongs to the Section E: Electric Vehicles)
Challenges, Trends and Achievements in Electric Vehicle Research and Development in the Era of Vehicle Electrification submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 254 | Submission Open
Keywords: electrified vehicles (electric and hybrid); testing the dynamics of electric and hybrid vehicles; control systems of traction motors; electric energy storage systems; dynamics of electric and electrified vehicles; energy storage in electric vehicles; electric vehicles’ mechanical design influencing energy saving; multi-motor drives; multiple-gear transmissions for electric vehicles; recycling of electrified and electric vehicles
(This special issue belongs to the Section E: Electric Vehicles)
Recent Advances and New Challenges in Solar–Wind Hybrid Energy Systems
edited by
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 204 | Submission Open
Keywords: solar– wind hybrid systems; renewable energy integration; energy storage; grid integration; optimization; modeling and simulation; energy management; case studies; smart grid; microgrid; hybrid energy generation; energy transition
(This special issue belongs to the Section A: Sustainable Energy)
The Sustainability of Biomass Energy Conversion
edited by Jagannadh Satyavolu
submission deadline 10 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 124 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomass energy conversion; biocoal conversion; waste-to-energy technologies  ; biogas; biohydrogen  ; biofuels
(This special issue belongs to the Section A4: Bio-Energy)
Oil and Gas Reservoirs: Phase Behavior, Seepage Mechanism, Productivity Prediction, and Novel Modelling Methods
edited by and
submission deadline 11 Oct 2024 | 11 articles | Viewed by 8076 | Submission Open
Keywords: phase behavior; multiphase seepage mechanism; tight oil/gas; shale oil/gas; gas condensate reservoirs; fractured oil/gas reservoirs; coalbed methane; production prediction; stimulation measures; data science
(This special issue belongs to the Section H: Geo-Energy)
Biomass and Bio-Energy—2nd Edition submission deadline 12 Oct 2024 | 7 articles | Viewed by 7528 | Submission Open
Keywords: residual biomass; agricultural residues; energy crops; biowaste; bioenergy potential; biofuels; biomass pretreatment technologies; biomass and biowaste valorization; conversion technologies; energy recovery; biorefinery; circular bioeconomy; biomass policies
(This special issue belongs to the Section A4: Bio-Energy)
Research on Advanced Energy Materials for Meeting Global Energy Challenges
edited by Krzysztof Jastrzębski and
submission deadline 12 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2135 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section D1: Advanced Energy Materials)
Advanced Control, Optimization, Stability and Reliability of Microgrids and Power Systems
edited by
submission deadline 15 Oct 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2914 | Submission Open
Keywords: microgrids; power systems; control of microgrids; optimization in microgrids; stability of microgrids; reliability of microgrids and power systems; integrating renewable energy sources
(This special issue belongs to the Section A1: Smart Grids and Microgrids)
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