Topical Advisory Panel for section 'Molecular Neurobiology'
- Molecular Pathology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics Section
- Molecular Biology Section
- Biochemistry Section
- Molecular Plant Sciences Section
- Molecular Oncology Section
- Molecular Neurobiology Section
- Molecular Immunology Section
- Materials Science Section
- Molecular Genetics and Genomics Section
- Molecular Endocrinology and Metabolism Section
- Molecular Pharmacology Section
- Bioactives and Nutraceuticals Section
- Molecular Microbiology Section
- Molecular Biophysics Section
- Molecular Toxicology Section
- Macromolecules Section
- Physical Chemistry and Chemical Physics Section
- Molecular Role of Xenobiotics Section
- Molecular Informatics Section
- Molecular Nanoscience Section
- Molecular Recognition Section
- Physical Chemistry, Theoretical and Computational Chemistry Section
- Bioinorganic Chemistry Section
- Green Chemistry Section
Please see the section webpage for more information on this section.
Interests: age-related macular degeneration; neuro-oculo-cutaneous diseases; phakomatoses
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neurodegeneration; neuroinflammation; mitochondria failure; autism spectrum disorders; synaptic plasticity; signal transduction; oxidative/nitrosative stress; alpha-synuclein
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: biomarkers; neurodegenerative diseases; Alzheimer's disease; multiple sclerosis; vitamin D; neurodegeneration; Parkinson’s disease; laboratory medicine
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Interests: pain mechanisms; glial cells; trigeminal system; neuropathic pain; cytokines
Interests: coronary artery disease; stent; noninvasive monitoring; nonlinear dynamics analysis; approximate entropy; 3D co-culture; glioblastoma; astrocytes; tumor microenvironment; PEGDA; addiction; cancer research; data science in medicine
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Interests: neuropathy; ion channels; voltage gated ion channels; pain; chemotherapy
Interests: pituitary; pituitary tumors; growth hormone; diseases; puberty; molecular mechanisms underlying pituitary pathogenesis hypothalamic obesity; Prader-Willy
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Interests: drug development; chemokines; neutrophils; CXCL8; allosteric modulators; neurotrophins; nerve growth factor; inflammation; corneal diseases
Interests: neurodegeneration; neoangiogenesis; retinal ganglion cells; neurovascular unit; glaucoma; diabetic retinopathy; optic neuropathy; retinitis pigmentosa; pattern electroretinogram
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neurodegenerations; genetics; biomarkers; nanoparticle
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Interests: stroke; extrapiramidal syndromes; sex differences in neurological disorders
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: drug discovery; medicinal chemistry; molecular pharmacology; neurodegenerative diseases
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: xenobiotic-associated cerebrovascular damage; ischemic stroke; diabetic vascular dysfunction; drug development
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2. Center for Studies and Research in Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Interests: NIBS techniques; TMS; skin conductance; heart rate variability; fear conditioning; fear learning; learning; neuropsychology; prefrontal cortex; amygdala; hippocampus; anxiety; depression; working memory; PTSD; skin conductance responses; psychophysiology; error-related negativity; EEG; tDCS; Alzheimer’s disease; PIT; stress-related disorders; Parkinson’s disease; resilience; memory; neurologic patients; cognitive decisions; fMRI; translational and molecular psychiatry
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neurodegeneration; Alzheimer's disease; lewy body dementia; synaptic dysfunction; cognitive impairment; protein aggregation
Interests: peptide therapeutics; molecular modeling; drug design; protein-protein interactions; bioavailability optimization
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Interests: Ion channels; GABA; diabetes; neurophysiology; pancreatic islets physiology; T cells physiology; immunomodulation by neurotransmitters; neuromodulation by metabolic hormones; tonic neuronal inhibition; high-affinity GABA-A receptors
Interests: laboratory medicine; vitamin D; biomarkers; neurodegeneration
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: stroke; vascular dementia; traumatic brain injury
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neurobiology; biochemistry; molecular biology
Interests: cell death; brain tumors; cisplatin; new platinum compounds; microscopy; immunohistochemistry; cell cultures
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Interests: neurometabolic hereditary diseases; Fabry disease; phenylketonuria; stroke in inherited metabolic diseases; neurological complications in inherited metabolic diseases of adulthood
Interests: environmental sensitivity disorders; oxidative stress; genotype/phenotype relationships; neuroinflammation; immune activation; hyperhomocysteinemia-related disorders; hypovitaminosis D-related disorders; pathological role of transglutaminase 2 aberrant expression; neurological disorders
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Interests: zebrafish; neurological disorders; hematopoiesis; brain development; microglia
Interests: gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors; lung carcinoids; neuroendocrine carcinoma; MGMT; target therapy
Interests: heart failure; cardiovascular disease; G protein coupled receptor; Ischemia; neurodegeneration; periodontitis; inflammation; metabolism; pharmacology; gene-therapy
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: Alzheimer's disease; Parkinson's disease; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; aberrant protein oligomers (β amyloid peptide, α-synuclein, TDP-43); structure/toxicity relationship; molecular chaperones; glutathione thioesters; oxidative stress; Ca2+ dyshomeostasis; aminosterols; conformational antibodies
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Interests: epilepsy; TBI; pos-traumatic epilepsy tempora lobe epilepsy
Interests: aging; mtDNA; Synapses; Alzheimer’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; CSF; biomarkers
Interests: systems neuroscience; brain oscillations; hippocampus; memory processing; attention
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals