
25 February 2022
Cells 2021 Best Paper Awards for Anniversary Special Issues—Winners Announced

As the Editors-in-Chief of Cells (ISSN: 2073-4409), we are pleased to announce the winners of the “Cells 2021 Best Paper Awards for Anniversary Special Issues”.

One first prize: CHF 1000 and a waiver to publish in Cells after peer review

Two second prizes: CHF 800 and CHF 1000 voucher to publish in Cells after peer review

Three third prizes: CHF 500 and CHF 600 voucher to publish in Cells after peer review

Outstanding contribution prizes: CHF 600 voucher to publish in Cells after peer review

On behalf of the assessment committee, we would like to congratulate the winners on their accomplishments. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the nominated research groups of the aforementioned exceptional papers and for their contributions to the Cells 10th Anniversary Special Issue, and the Award Committee for voting and helping with these awards. 

Dr. Alexander E. Kalyuzhny and Prof. Dr. Cord Brakebusch
Cells Editors-in-Chief

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