Special Issues

Agronomy publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Insecticide Resistance and Novel Insecticides
edited by and
submission deadline 30 Dec 2024 | 9 articles | Viewed by 23687 | Submission Open
Keywords: insecticide; insect resistance; synthesize
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pest and Disease Management)
Improving Irrigation Management Practices for Agricultural Production
edited by Lili Zhangzhong, Wengang Zheng and
submission deadline 30 Dec 2024 | 9 articles | Viewed by 14400 | Submission Open
Keywords: new irrigation method; agronomy; drought; yield; water-use efficiency; smart irrigation; irrigation scheduling; model predictive control; precision agriculture
(This special issue belongs to the Section Water Use and Irrigation)
High Quality and High Yield Cultivation in Wheat: From Theory to Technology
edited by and
submission deadline 30 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 6242 | Submission Open
Keywords: high yield; good quality; cultivation; wheat
Agrochemistry and Application of Natural Products to Agricultural Research submission deadline 30 Dec 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 3329 | Submission Open
Keywords: plant extracts; essential oils; chemistry of natural compounds; bio-based agricultural products; biological control of plant diseases
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Biosystem and Biological Engineering)
Study on Agronomic Measures and Physiological–Ecological Mechanisms for High-Yielding, High-Quality, and Resource-Efficient Utilization in Wheat Production
edited by Yanjie Wang and Qin Zhou
submission deadline 30 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1020 | Submission Open
Keywords: wheat; agronomic measures; physiological– ecological mechanism; resource-efficient utilization; quality; yield
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Breeding and Genetics)
A Circular Economy: Chemical, Microbiological and Environmental Implications of Mineral and Organic Fertilizers Use in Soils submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 22 articles | Viewed by 40448 | Submission Open
Keywords: circular economy; organic matter; nutrients; plant quality; exogenic organic matter; soil improvers; waste management; ecological risk assessment; microorganisms; enzymatic activity; soil pollution
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Soil Improvement and the Efficient Utilization of Water and Fertilizer in Greenhouse Crops submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 21 articles | Viewed by 35190 | Submission Open
Keywords: irrigation; fertilization; biochar; water and fertilizer use efficiency; soil environment; greenhouse gas; greenhouse crop quality; plant disease; crop growth model
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agroecology Innovation: Achieving System Resilience)
Remote Sensing in Smart Agriculture
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 11 articles | Viewed by 34309 | Submission Open
Keywords: crop; nitrogen; water stress; pest and disease; growth prediction; yield; vertical structure; phenotyping; deep learning; machine learning; hyperspectral; LiDAR; UAV; smart agriculture.
(This special issue belongs to the Section Precision and Digital Agriculture)
Utilizing Genetic Resources for Agronomic Traits Improvement: Series II submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 15 articles | Viewed by 24707 | Submission Open
Keywords: landraces; wild relatives; breeding for resistance to diseases and pests; breeding for quality; breeding for climate change  
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Breeding and Genetics)
Optimal Allocation and Regulation of Agricultural Water Resources and Soils
edited by , , Zhenjie Du and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 11 articles | Viewed by 14207 | Submission Open
Keywords: water resource evaluation; water resource supply and demand analysis; sustainable development and utilization of groundwater; joint regulation of surface water and groundwater; multi-water source allocation; non-conventional water resources utilization; water quality detection and analysis; remediation technology of contaminated farmland soil
(This special issue belongs to the Section Water Use and Irrigation)
Locust and Grasshopper Management: Environmental Impacts and New Perspectives
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 10643 | Submission Open
Keywords: locust control; biopesticide; environmental impact
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pest and Disease Management)
Sustainable Water-Fertilizer Management for Soil Salinization Amendment and Crop Production in Salt-Affected Agroecosystems submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 7 articles | Viewed by 10124 | Submission Open
Keywords: salinization; water; nitrogen; irrigation and drainage; water use efficiency; model; leaching efficiency; soil carbon sequestration; salt-affected soils
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agroecology Innovation: Achieving System Resilience)
Conservation Agricultural Practices for Improving Crop Production and Quality submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 8 articles | Viewed by 9783 | Submission Open
Keywords: conservation agriculture; farming systems; reduced tillage; crop rotation; intercropping; cover crops; crop residue management; water management; soil organic matter management; weed management; yield and crop quality
(This special issue belongs to the Section Innovative Cropping Systems)
Effect of Agricultural Management Practices on Soil Microbial Community Composition, Diversity and Function
edited by Yajun Hu and Xiangbi Chen
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 9 articles | Viewed by 8790 | Submission Open
Keywords: tillage; irrigation; organic agriculture; crop rotation; biochar; CNP cycling; soil fertility; biodiversity; amplicon sequencing; microbial community assembly
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farming Sustainability)
Adaptive Evolution in Weeds: Molecular Basis and Management
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6680 | Submission Open
Keywords: weed; adaptive evolution; seed dormancy; germination behavior; population dynamics; herbicide resistance; stress tolerance; weed management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Weed Science and Weed Management)
Smart Strategies and Technologies for Sustainability and Biodiversity in Herbaceous and Horticultural Crops—2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 8 articles | Viewed by 6431 | Submission Open
Keywords: conservation agriculture; organic agriculture; cover crops; intercropping; integrated/non-chemical weed and pest control; precision and digital agriculture for sustainability
(This special issue belongs to the Section Horticultural and Floricultural Crops)
The Ecology and Services of Beneficial Arthropods in Crop Production Systems
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4937 | Submission Open
Keywords: agroecology; crop production; black soldier fly; decomposition; ecosystem services; natural enemies; natural weed management; biological control; pollinators; integrated pest management; circular agriculture; farmer surveys; predators; parasitoids; semiochemicals
(This special issue belongs to the Section Innovative Cropping Systems)
The Impact of Mulching on Crop Production and Farmland Environment
edited by Jixiao Cui, Wen-Qing He and Yingxing Zhao
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 3802 | Submission Open
Keywords: plastic film mulching; straw mulching; soil surface mulching; organic mulching; microplastic; crop production; farmland environment; soil ecology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farming Sustainability)
Free from Herbicides: Ecological Weed Control submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3056 | Submission Open
Keywords: weed management; agroecology; allelopathy; bioherbicides; cover crops; soil seedbank; species composition; cultural methods
(This special issue belongs to the Section Weed Science and Weed Management)
New Insights into Pathogen, Insect Pest, and Weed Control in Field and Greenhouse Cropping Systems—2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3034 | Submission Open
Keywords: elucidation of electrostatic principles for pest control; electrostatic trapping of air-borne conidia; flying insect pests and plant pollen; electrostatic attraction of phototactic insect pests; development of insect-repelling apparatus; damage analysis for insects and weeds exposed to arc discharge; utilization of organic materials in electrostatic pest control devices; heating sterilization of soil to exterminate pathogens; insects and weed seeds; identification of useful genes conferring pest resistance to crop plants; searching of effective antagonistic microbes suppressing different types of pests in crop plants; lighting techniques to attract insect pests or disturb their behavior for host attacking; selective light exposure techniques to control the development of diseases caused by pathogens on host plants
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pest and Disease Management)
Effects of Agronomical Practices on Crop Quality and Sensory Profile—2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 2647 | Submission Open
Keywords: sustainability; agricultural practices; breeding programs; new cultivars; industrial aptitude; bioactive compounds; sensory quality; consumers; descriptive; sensory drivers
(This special issue belongs to the Section Horticultural and Floricultural Crops)
Planting Production, Identification and Quality Control of Medicinally Agricultural Products
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2585 | Submission Open
Keywords: cultivation; identification; quality control; medicinal plant; agricultural products; good agriculture practice
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Biosystem and Biological Engineering)
Advances in Genetics, Breeding, and Quality Traits in Forage and Turf Grass—2nd Edition
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2534 | Submission Open
Keywords: turf grass; forage grass; functional gene; stress resistance; quality trait
(This special issue belongs to the Section Grassland and Pasture Science)
Remote Sensing Applications in Crop Monitoring and Modelling
edited by Minghan Cheng and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2527 | Submission Open
Keywords: remote sensing; crop monitoring and modeling; multimodal data fusion; crop phenotype; machine learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Precision and Digital Agriculture)
Evolution of Compounds and Characteristics of Crops during Ripening and after Harvest—2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2504 | Submission Open
Keywords: bioactive compounds; secondary metabolites; food analysis; identification; extraction; ripening; maturation; quality control; valorization
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant-Crop Biology and Biochemistry)
Soil Health and Properties in a Changing Environment submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2242 | Submission Open
Keywords: soil health; properties; environment
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Heavy Metal Tolerance Mechanism of Plants and Improvement in Contaminated Soil—2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2105 | Submission Open
Keywords: heavy metals; tolerance and accumulation; molecular mechanism; physiological mechanism; improvement of contaminated soils
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Phytoalexins, Resistance Inducers, and Sustainable Control Measures in Crop Protection Strategies—2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2041 | Submission Open
Keywords: sustainable crop protection; resistance induction; biological products; natural products; disease management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pest and Disease Management)
Potential Benefits and Risks of Organic Amendments to Soil Health submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1997 | Submission Open
Keywords: soil fertility; waste management; nutrient management; soil chemistry; fertilizers; organic matter; environmental science; contaminants of emerging concern; soil pollutions; tillage and organic management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Water Saving in Irrigated Agriculture: Series II submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 1973 | Submission Open
Keywords: irrigation water demand management; soil water management; irrigation scheduling tools; water harvesting; irrigation system improvement; rice irrigation; precision irrigation; optimization of irrigation water productivity; remote sensing applied to irrigation management; use of non-conventional water for irrigation; conjunctive use of surface and underground water; public– private partnership for irrigation scheme development and management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Water Use and Irrigation)
The Role of Biochar in the Sustainability of the Agroecological Environment—2nd Edition
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1762 | Submission Open
Keywords: biochar; agriculture; ecosystem; sustainability; soil remediation; soil amendment; carbon sink
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Biosystem and Biological Engineering)
Climate-Smart Agriculture for a Changing World
edited by Dener Márcio da Silva Oliveira
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1714 | Submission Open
Keywords: climate change; soil organic matter; agricultural systems; mitigation; adaptation; carbon sequestration; soil quality; greenhouse gases; soil management; climate resilience
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farming Sustainability)
Omics Approaches for Crop Improvement—Volume II submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1401 | Submission Open
Keywords: crop improvement; genomics; transcriptomics; proteomics; metabolomics; metagenomics; metatranscriptomics; nutrigenomics; ionomics; lipidomics; phenomics; environmental omics; bioinformatics; machine learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Breeding and Genetics)
Emerging Research in Plant Photosynthesis Considerations in Agriculture submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1332 | Submission Open
Keywords: genetic regulation of photosynthetic traits; chlorophylls; photosynthesis; photoprotection; photosystem; Calvin cycle; chlorophyll fluorescence; photosynthetic efficiency; carotenoids
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant-Crop Biology and Biochemistry)
Agricultural Water Management in Arid, Semi-arid and Drought Prone Areas—2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1326 | Submission Open
Keywords: water-resource management; water conservation patterns; irrigation methods and tools; evapotranspiration; observation methods and modelling; plant water relations; water productivity; cover crops
(This special issue belongs to the Section Water Use and Irrigation)
Influence of Land Use Patterns on Soil Physical Quality
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1242 | Submission Open
Keywords: land use patterns; soil physical quality; soil health; land use change; soil degradation; conservation practices; soil conservation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farming Sustainability)
Recycling Agro-Food and Urban Wastes According the Circular Economy and Sustainability Paradigms—Volume II submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1193 | Submission Open
Keywords: agro-food waste; waste valorization; circular economy; composting; anaerobic digestion; greenhouse gas emissions; organic fertilizer; renewable energy; alternative fuels; corporate social responsibility (CSR); individuals’ perception
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Biosystem and Biological Engineering)
Research Progress in Biochar and Microbial Remediation for Heavy Metal Agricultural Soil submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1157 | Submission Open
Keywords: biochar production; soil carbon sequestration; metal bioavailability in biochar-treated soils; bioremediation efficacy; heavy metal bioremediation mechanisms; phytoremediation; soil bioremediation; microorganism– biochar interactions; nano-biochar; risks of biochar use
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Precision Viticulture for Vineyard Management
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1112 | Submission Open
Keywords: spatial variability; remote and proximal sensing; yield mapping; vineyard survey; terroir; vineyard management; sustainable production
(This special issue belongs to the Section Horticultural and Floricultural Crops)
Adapting Edible and Medicinal Plants to Abiotic Stress in a Changing Climate
edited by Chao Wu
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1037 | Submission Open
Keywords: edible and medicinal plants; global climate change; abiotic stress; tolerance mechanisms; functional cereals; chemical constituents; nutritional quality; pharmacologically active compounds; nutritional composition; health benefits
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Breeding and Genetics)
New Insights into Fungal Pathogenicity, Pathogen–Host Interactions, and Host Immunity
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 787 | Submission Open
Keywords: pathogen– host interactions; pathogenicity; host immunity; plant resistance
(This special issue belongs to the Section Pest and Disease Management)
Response Mechanism of Plants to Water in Efficient Water-Saving Irrigation Technologies
edited by , and Xiaojun Song
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 643 | Submission Open
Keywords: agricultural irrigation; water use efficiency; water stress; water regulation strategies; plant plasticity; plant growth; sustainable agriculture
(This special issue belongs to the Section Water Use and Irrigation)
The Role of Livestock Manure in Sustainable Agricultural Land Management (Soil Health) in the Context of Climate Change submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 596 | Submission Open
Keywords: livestock manure; soil; soil health; physical; chemical; and biological properties of soils; carbon sequestration; agricultural land; agronomy; food security; climate change; yield stability
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Crop Improvement and Cultivation in Saline-Alkali Soils
edited by Lihua Huang and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 543 | Submission Open
Keywords: crop varieties; saline-alkali; crop physiology; soil improvement; fertilization
(This special issue belongs to the Section Soil and Plant Nutrition)
Effects of Conservation Tillage Strategies on Soil Carbon Changes
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 248 | Submission Open
Keywords: soil conservation; soil tillage; soil organic carbon; soil carbon pool; soil erosion; agricultural soils; tillage
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farming Sustainability)
Germplasm Evaluation and Breeding of Cereals under a Changing Environment
edited by and Miroslav Bukan
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 246 | Submission Open
Keywords: cereals; grain yield; end-use quality; nutritional quality; biotic stresses; abiotic stresses; germplasm evaluation; high-throughput phenotyping; molecular markers; QTL mapping; GWAS molecular breeding
Digital Agriculture Strategies to Guide Orchard Management for Premium Quality Fruits submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 230 | Submission Open
Keywords: digital agriculture; orchard management; premium quality fruits; precision farming; sensor technology; data analytics; crop monitoring; Internet of Things (IoT); smart farming; fruit quality assessment; sustainable agriculture; yield optimization; real-time monitoring
(This special issue belongs to the Section Precision and Digital Agriculture)
Effects of Tillage Practices on Crop Productivity and CO2 Emissions
edited by , and Aušra Sinkevičienė
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 213 | Submission Open
Keywords: tillage systems; agroecosystem sustainability; CO2 emissions; crop productivity; climate change
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farming Sustainability)
Insights into Resistance Genes and Molecular Regulatory Mechanisms in Brassica Crops
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 202 | Submission Open
Keywords: Brassica crops; disease resistance; molecular regulation; resistance genes; plant– pathogen interactions; downy mildew; fusarium wilt; root defense; root diseases; viral resistance; pathogen recognition; plant immunity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Horticultural and Floricultural Crops)
Phytochemical Compounds with Health Beneficial Activity in Crop Extracts
edited by Ping Chen and Kunmei Chen
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 171 | Submission Open
Keywords: antioxidant; crops; flavonoids; anthocyanins; metabolic pathways; key genes
(This special issue belongs to the Section Plant-Crop Biology and Biochemistry)
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