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Electronic Sensors

A section of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220).

Section Information

Electronic Sensors Section publishes the original research related to electronic sensors, circuits and signals. This Section addresses to the electronic component that is part in a device used to measure a physical quantity such as temperature, humidity, pressure, light, distance, acceleration, loudness or other physical quantities and convert it into an electrical signal. Submitted papers should focus on the design of innovative electrical and electronic circuitry configurations for the development of sensor systems, including interfaces, chip, SoC implementation, etc. Novel approaches for smart sensors and advances in electronic transduction mechanisms, enabling enhancements in selectivity, sensitivity, signal-to-noise ratio, dynamic range, miniaturization, as well as the detection of novel measurands fall within the scope of this Section. Furthermore, the applications of electronic sensors to a range of relevant challenges are highly important.


  • Electronic Sensors, Devices and Systems
    • Current/voltage/impedance sensors, magnetic sensors, acoustic sensors, image sensors, photodetectors, radars and radiometers, etc
    • Microelectronic sensors, mechatronics, microelectromechanical, MEMS, piezoelectric, piezoresistive, triboelectric, optoelectronic, thermoelectric, CMOS sensors, etc
    • Radio frequency sensors, microchip, antennas, radio receiver and transmitter, PCB, etc
  • Sensor Electronics
    • Sensor electronic interfaces, front-end electronics
    • Analog/Digital/Mixed/RF/ integrated circuit design, readout circuit, rectifier circuit, VLSI circuit
    • Microwave and mm-wave circuits for sensors
    • SoC-based sensor electronics: FPGA, MCU etc
    • Electronics for data acquisition and signal processing in relation to sensors and their operation
    • Models for sensor circuit simulation
    • Sensor characterization circuits and methods hardware implementation and performance analysis
  • Sensors Signal Processing
    • Analog signal processing: electronic circuits, radio, telephone, radar, and television systems
    • Digital signal processing: digital circuits, ASICs, FPGA, DSP chip
    • Audio, image, video signal processing, compression and analysis
    • Wireless communications: statistical channel modeling, waveform generations, filtering, optimal receiver design, modulation and demodulation techniques
    • Array processing: sensors; antennas, radar, sonar, acoustic, anti-jamming and wireless communications, seismic exploration
    • Signal quality improvement: noise reduction, image enhancement, and echo cancellation
    • Computer vision: pattern recognition, digital geometry and signal processing
  • Potential Applications
    • Electrical power & energy system, self-powered sensors, low power devices, power amplifiers, energy harvesting, thermoelectric generator, etc
    • Semiconductor devices
    • Advanced electromechanical systems and control applications
    • Electronic packaging
    • Flexible/stretchable/printed electronics and sensors
    • Multi-sensors fusion
    • Biomedical and surgery
    • Artificial senses, including electronic tongue, electronic nose
    • Emergencies and alerts
    • Verification and recognition
    • Automotive sensors
    • Structural health monitoring
    • Instrumentation and measurement

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