Special Issues

Lubricants publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Advances in Ceramic-Based Lubricants
edited by Junjie Song and Yuan Fang
submission deadline 16 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1691
Keywords: ceramic coating; ceramic matrix composites; liquid lubrication; solid lubrication; lubrication method; tribological properties; lubrication mechanism; friction wear mechanisms
Synthesis, Characterization and Tribological Investigation of Bio-Based Lubricants submission deadline 24 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 6104 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomass valorization; bio-based lubricants; friction; tribology; wear
Emission and Transport of Wear Particles
edited by , Yezhe Lyu, and
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 4510 | Submission Open
Keywords: wear mechanism; wear debris; airborne wear particles; wear particle transport; wear particle characterisation
Lubrication Characteristics of Journal and Thrust Bearings
edited by and Dongju Chen
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1906 | Submission Open
Keywords: journal bearing; thrust bearing; lubrication characteristics; dynamic; vibration; sealing; fluid– solid coupling; thermal; stability; viscosity– temperature effect; micro-textured; bearing capacity; imbalance factors; manufacturing errors; rotational accuracy; friction; wear; shape optimization; maintenance prediction; feedback control; energy cost reduction; simulation and testing methods
Tribological Properties of Thin Films and Materials
edited by Bin Zhang
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1056 | Submission Open
Keywords: superlubricity; polymer; DLC film; CVD& PECVD& HIPPMS
Modeling and Characterization of Wear
edited by and Norbert Bader
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 969 | Submission Open
Keywords: surface degradation; wear modelling; wear analysis; abrasion; adhesive wear; sliding wear; fatigue; tribo-corrosion; fretting; molecular dynamics
Tribology of Skin
edited by Si Chen and Wei Tang
submission deadline 30 Sep 2024 | Viewed by 196 | Submission Open
Keywords: skin friction; tactile perception; mechanical properties; cosmetic lubricants; adhesion; finger grasp; artificial skin
Boundary and Thin Film Lubrication
edited by Hongzhi Yue, Amod Kashyap and Yayun Liu
submission deadline 20 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 330 | Submission Open
Keywords: boundary lubrication; thin film lubrication; nanotribology; friction modifiers; surface interactions; surface engineering; biotribology; wear mechanisms; tribochemistry; surface characterization
Advances in Dry and Lubricated Electrical Contacts
edited by , and Yiming Han
submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1766 | Submission Open
Keywords: electrical contact modelling; static/sliding electric contacts; applied voltage on lubricated contacts; electrical discharge to mechanical elements; electrical surface damage; electrical arc; tribotronics; advanced lubricants for electrical contacts; capacitance/resistance calculation; condition monitoring
Tribological Characteristics of Bearing System, 2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 10 articles | Viewed by 11280 | Submission Open
Keywords: bearing; tribology; wear; fatigue characteristics; dynamic characteristics; fault diagnosis
Acoustic Emission Techniques in Wear Monitoring II
edited by
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 8217 | Submission Open
Keywords: acoustic emission; tribology; adhesive wear; abrasive wear; fatigue wear; tool wear; sliding friction; rolling friction; bearings; coatings; lubricants; condition monitoring; machine learning
Selected Papers from the 8th Conference on Lubrication, Maintenance and Tribotechnology (LUBMAT)
edited by Ian Sherrington and
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 6 articles | Viewed by 8215 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribology; lubrication; wear; contact mechanics; maintenance
Recent Advances in Green Lubricants submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2373 | Submission Open
Keywords: green lubricants; rheological behavior; physical properties; temperature and oxidation stability; tribology performance
Biomechanics and Tribology submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2176 | Submission Open
Keywords: biotribology; tribology; wear; friction; lubrication; biomechanics; musculoskeletal analysis; implants; artificial joints; natural joints
Rolling Contact Fatigue and White Etching Cracks of Bearings, 2nd Edition submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1902 | Submission Open
Keywords: rolling bearings; rolling contact fatigue (RCF) and tribology; new findings in classical (subsurface) RCF; mixed friction and surface RCF; RCF modified by additional loadings; material response; white etching cracks (WECs) in component/bearing tests and real applications; failure analysis of field returns and rig test bearings; preparation methods; WEC root cause hypotheses and life models; influence of lubricants/additives on RCF and WEC; tailored lubricants; protective coatings; and surface reinforcement; preventive design rules; condition monitoring and predictive maintenance; artificial intelligence systems
Experimental Modelling of Tribosystems
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 201 | Submission Open
Keywords: experimental methods; tribological testing; friction; wear; tribometry; extreme operating conditions
Tribological Properties of Porous Polyimide Retainer Materials
edited by Pengzhe Zhu
submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 193 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribology; porous; friction; wear; lubrication; porous material; wear rate; bearing
Advances in Tribochemistry
edited by José Manuel Liñeira del Río and
submission deadline 1 Nov 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 4313 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribochemistry; lubricants; lubricant additives; surface characterization; friction; wear
Advances in Tool Wear Monitoring 2024 submission deadline 1 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 307 | Submission Open
Keywords: tool wear monitoring; tool wear mechanisms; real-time monitoring; wear rate analysis; sensor technology; machine learning; data analytics; predictive models; prognostics; Internet of Things (IoT); industry 4.0; in situ monitoring; wear estimation; tool life prediction; fault detection; diagnostic techniques; smart manufacturing
Coatings and Lubrication in Extreme Environments
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 8589 | Submission Open
Keywords: coatings; lubricants; surface and interface; tribology; friction and seizure; extreme operational environments
Wear Mechanism Identification and State Prediction of Tribo-Parts
edited by Shuo Wang and Ying Du
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 4321 | Submission Open
Keywords: wear monitoring; wear mechanism identification; wear state prediction; tribological performance; friction and wear; engineering application
Tribological Study in Rolling Bearing
edited by He Liang
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 6 articles | Viewed by 10299 | Submission Open
Keywords: rolling bearings; EHL; film forming; lubricants; fluid mechanics; extreme working conditions and special environments
Lubricant Additives and Ash: Do We Know Enough? submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 3710 | Submission Open
Keywords: wear; lubricant; ash; anti-wear additive; detergents; over-based additives; ionic liquid lubricants; low-ash; ashless; catalyst poisoning
Advances in Molecular Rheology and Tribology
edited by
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2743 | Submission Open
Keywords: rheology; tribology; lubricant viscosity; normal stress difference; molecular simulations; mineral lubricants; ionic lubricants; water-based lubricants; green lubricants; lubricant additives; lubricant surface tension; hydration lubrication; biolubricants; surface engineering; boundary lubrication; elastohydrodynamic lubrication; hydrodynamic lubrication
Tribological and Mechanical Characteristics of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites and Their Applications
edited by
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2088 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribological characteristics; mechanical characteristics; aluminum; metal matrix composites; application
Thermophysical and Tribological Characterization of Additivated Lubricants with Nanoparticles
edited by and Khodor Nasser
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2075 | Submission Open
Keywords: nanoparticles; additives; lubricant; viscosity; density; friction; wear
Advances in Mixed Lubrication
edited by and Qin Dong
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1462 | Submission Open
Keywords: mixed lubrication; friction; wear; fluid mechanics; contact mechanics; multiphysics modeling; surface texturing; surface roughness; low-friction design; tribological properties
Lubrication of Biomimetic Surfaces
edited by Xiaolei Wang
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 195 | Submission Open
Keywords: biomimetic; surface texture; friction; wear; lubrication; adhesion
Tribology of Diamond-Like Carbon Films: Recent Progress and Future Trends
edited by Jongkuk Kim, and Jae-Il Kim
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 175 | Submission Open
Keywords: diamond-like carbon (DLC); coating system; tribo-corrosion; elementally modified DLC; structurally controlled DLC; functional durable coating; future application
New Conceptions in Bearing Lubrication and Temperature Monitoring
edited by , and Pan Zhang
submission deadline 1 Dec 2024 | 6 articles | Viewed by 5067 | Submission Open
Keywords: bearing lubrication; bearing thermal analysis; dynamic modelling; lubricant flow simulation
Recent Advances in Automotive Powertrain Lubrication submission deadline 15 Dec 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 8827 | Submission Open
Keywords: automotive lubricants; engine oil; transmission oil; renewable lubricants; nano additives; oil degradation; oil condition monitoring; oil analysis
Friction and Wear of Alloys
edited by , , Ping Zhang and Kai An
submission deadline 15 Dec 2024 | 7 articles | Viewed by 8746 | Submission Open
Keywords: friction and wear properties; wear mechanism; alloys; surface treatment technologies; lubrication conditions
Marine Tribology
edited by , and
submission deadline 15 Dec 2024 | 6 articles | Viewed by 8426 | Submission Open
Keywords: marine equipment; marine vessels; lubrication mechanism; water-lubricated bearing; intelligent lubricating management
Wear-Resistant Coatings and Film Materials
edited by Xuan Yin and Jianxun Xu
submission deadline 15 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3576 | Submission Open
Keywords: nanolubrication; two-dimensional materials; functional polymer; quantum dot materials
Tribology of Nanocomposites 2024
edited by
submission deadline 15 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2143 | Submission Open
Keywords: advancement in nanocomposites for improved tribological behaviour; techniques for tribological measurements; machine learning for the diagnostics of friction; wear; and lubrication
Recent Advances in High Temperature Tribology submission deadline 20 Dec 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 11062 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribology; high temperature lubricant; wear; solid lubricant; simulation and modeling; metal forming; high temperature alloys and ceramics
Tackling Emissions from the Internal Combustion Engine: Advances in Piston/Bore Tribology submission deadline 20 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3927 | Submission Open
Keywords: internal combustion engine; piston/bore tribology; emissions; piston ring pack; cylinder bore honing; thermal spray coatings; low friction coatings; APS; PTWA; TWAS
Tribology for Lightweighting submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 8 articles | Viewed by 21887 | Submission Open
Keywords: Lightweight; Automotive contacts; Vehicle efficiency; E-mobility; Advanced high strength steels; Aluminium; Tribology in manufacturing processes  ; Novel lubricants; Surface integrity; Sustainability; Green tribology
Mechanical Tribology and Surface Technology
edited by Zhenpeng He
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 7 articles | Viewed by 8101 | Submission Open
Keywords: lubrication and sealing technology; tribology research; surface technology; roughness modeling; surface texture
Friction and Wear on the Atomic Scale
edited by Yang Wang and Wen Wang
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6643 | Submission Open
Keywords: nanotribology; nanoscale wear; superlubricity; tribochemistry; interfacial bonding; surface adhesion; tribofilm; AFM/TEM; molecular dynamics; first principles
Friction and Wear of Ceramics
edited by Yanchun Zhou, Yongsheng Zhang and Hengzhong Fan
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3002 | Submission Open
Keywords: ceramics; ultra-high temperature ceramics; composites; friction; tribology; lubrication
Tribological Research on Transmission Systems
edited by Qingbing Dong, and Bo Zhao
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2675 | Submission Open
Keywords: mechanical transmission; tribology; lubrication; friction; wear; fatigue; fracture; competing failure; life prediction; fault diagnosis
Tribological Properties of Biolubricants
edited by Xin Cui, and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2227 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribological properties; biolubricant; nano-enhancer; preparation; fatty acid; viscosity; surface tension; extreme conditions; sustainable manufacturing
Tribology of Electric Vehicles
edited by Peter M. Lee and Carlos Sanchez
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2056 | Submission Open
Keywords: tribology; electric vehicles; EV fluids; rheology
Aerospace Tribology
edited by Jimin Xu and Yulei Yang
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1748 | Submission Open
Keywords: aerospace; bearings; seals; blade tenon joints; high temperature; cryogenic; extreme situations; coatings; surface texturing; tribometers
Tribology in Vehicles submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1592 | Submission Open
Keywords: friction and wear; lubrication; tire-road contacts; wheel-rail systems; braking systems; novel frictional surfaces; bio-inspired design; braking emission; frictional noise and vibration
Friction and Wear Properties of Composite Coatings in Air and Water
edited by Qianzhi Wang and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 609 | Submission Open
Keywords: lubrication; anti-friction; wear-resistant; composite coatings; tribochemistry; water-based lubricants
Synthetic Greases and Oils
edited by Renguo Lu and Koji Takiwatari
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 186 | Submission Open
Keywords: synthetic lubricant; grease; oil; high performance; fluid structure interaction; friction and wear; lubrication; rheology; tribochemistry; adsorption; surface anylysis
Frictional Behavior and Wear Performance of Cast Irons, 2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 163 | Submission Open
Keywords: cast iron; wear; friction; tribology; heat treatment; coatings; surface treatment; lubrication; microstructure
Progress and Challenges in Lubrication: Green Tribology submission deadline 23 Jan 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6028 | Submission Open
Keywords: green tribology; nanoparticles in lubricants; biodegradability; monitoring of lubricants; waste cooking oil; biotribology
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