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Special Issues

Applied Sciences publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Novel Sources of Plant Biostimulants for Sustainable Agriculture
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2025 | Viewed by 3 | Submission Open
Keywords: plant biostimulants; mechanisms of action; agri-food byproducts; sustainable agriculture; plant cultivation; horticulture; plant biochemistry; metabolomics; plant performance; abiotic stress
(This special issue belongs to the Section Chemical and Molecular Sciences)
Machine Automation: System Design, Analysis and Control
edited by
submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | 7 articles | Viewed by 12301 | Submission Open
Keywords: modern mechanical design methods; digital design and advanced manufacturing technology; electromechanical system modeling; simulation and control methods; reliability analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Mechanical Engineering)
Design and Sensitivity Analysis for Biosensors: Latest Advances and Prospects submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2607 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering)
Smart City and Informatization, 2nd Edition submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1087 | Submission Open
Keywords: smart cities; social sensing; crowd sensing; digitalization; smart governance; smart services; smart products
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Industrial IoT: From Theory to Applications
edited by Sarder Fakhrul Abedin and Nishat I Mowla
submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 420 | Submission Open
Keywords: digital twin; self-organizing networks (SONs); cloud– edge continuum; predictive maintenance and network analysis; zero-touch network management; explainable and trustworthy AI/ML in the IIoT; intelligent 5G/6G network slicing and resource management; O-RAN for IIoT
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Unsaturated Soils: Testing and Modelling, 2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 96 | Submission Open
Keywords: fundamental theory and constitutive modelling; multiphysics and coupled phenomena modelling; hydromechanical properties and behaviour; advances in multiscale experimental evidence and techniques (laboratory and in situ); development and application of numerical modelling tools for engineering analysis and design; quantification of climatic effects and soil– vegetation– atmosphere models; shrinking-swelling soils; unsaturated soil mechanics for hazardous and nuclear waste repositories; waste geomaterial behaviour and applications in geoengineering; innovative ground improvement techniques; including biomediated and bioinspired processes; natural and human-made slope stability; energy geotechnics; multiscale subsurface water and contaminant transport modelling and monitoring; natural attenuation and remediation of contaminated sites
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
New Insights into Astronomy and Astrophysics
edited by Chenhui Niu
submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 62 | Submission Open
Keywords: astronomical instument; astronomical technology; astrometry; telescopes; digital backends; analog signal system; numerical simulation; RFI; pulsar astronomy; galaxy astronomy; HI 21cm
(This special issue belongs to the Section Aerospace Science and Engineering)
Artificial Intelligence in Electrical Engineering: Emerging Research and Perspectives
edited by and Pengcheng Zhao
submission deadline 10 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 24 | Submission Open
Keywords: electrical engineering; renewable energy; signal processing; telecommunications; control systems; networked systems; electromagnetics; bioengineering; emerging technologies; advanced materials; experimental validation; theoretical contributions; artificial intelligence (AI); applied engineering solutions; engineering applications
(This special issue belongs to the Section Energy Science and Technology)
Current Research and Future Trends in Power Electronics Applications submission deadline 15 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 14 | Submission Open
Keywords: AC/DC; DC/AC; and DC/DC converters; multilevel converters; modular multilevel converters; DAB converters; SiC; GaN semiconductors; monolithic bidirectional devices; wireless power transfer; HVDC converters; fast and ultra-fast recharging station; power converter control
(This special issue belongs to the Section Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Automation and Digitization in Industry: Advances and Applications submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 9 articles | Viewed by 16286 | Submission Open
Keywords: automation; digitization; industry; advances and applications; digital transformation; Internet of Things; artificial intelligence; machine learning; interoperability; multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Industrial Technologies)
Novel Applications of Machine Learning and Bayesian Optimization
edited by Glenn Hawe and Aidan Meade
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 8 articles | Viewed by 11406 | Submission Open
Keywords: machine learning; deep learning; Bayesian optimization; applied sciences; healthcare; materials science; environmental science; predictive modelling; data-driven design; anomaly detection; classification; regression
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Vehicle-to-Grid Systems: The Trends and Smart Grid Interaction Technologies submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 7825 | Submission Open
Keywords: electric vehicle; energy management system; smart grids; vehicle to grid; energy storage; battery degradation; energy arbitrage; ev charging infreastructure; smart charge; load balancing; load leveling; grid stability; aggregator control; vehicle-to-grid demonstrator; cyber security
(This special issue belongs to the Section Energy Science and Technology)
Environmental Monitoring and Analysis for Hydrology
edited by , and Qi He
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 6610 | Submission Open
Keywords: environmental monitoring for hydrology; emerging technologies for hydrological data analysis; hydrology and ecological environment monitoring and management; hydrological environment forcasting and simulation; data quality control; optical and laser technologies for extreme environmental monitoring and analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
Advances in Edge Computing for Internet of Things submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5093 | Submission Open
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); Quality of Service (QoS); edge computing; machine learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Recent Advances in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Technology
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 5 articles | Viewed by 4282 | Submission Open
Keywords: additive manufacturing; hybrid additive manufacturing; 3D printing; 4D printing; multi-material printing; post-processing methods; non-destructive characterization; in-process monitoring; advanced materials
(This special issue belongs to the Section Additive Manufacturing Technologies)
Recent Advances in and Applications of Medical Image Processing and Analysis
edited by Romuere Silva, Antonio Oseas De Carvalho FIlho and Flávio Henrique Duarte de Araújo
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 3818 | Submission Open
Keywords: medical imaging; image processing; machine learning; clinical applications; innovations
(This special issue belongs to the Section Biomedical Engineering)
Multimedia Systems Studies
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3512 | Submission Open
Keywords: data systems management; multimedia streaming; interchange; and transmission; multimedia security; privacy; and right management; multimedia search and recommendations; multimedia retrieval and classification; multimedia home entertainment; social media computing; multimedia application; multimedia communications networks; network design and configuration for multimedia applications
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Advances in Intelligent Bridge: Maintenance and Monitoring
edited by Jia Wang
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 3420 | Submission Open
Keywords: new sensor technology; AI algorithm for bridge health monitoring; automated inspection techniques; advanced materials for bridge repair and reinforcement
(This special issue belongs to the Section Civil Engineering)
Diagnosis of Medical Imaging
edited by , , and George Apostolopoulos
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3193 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Biomedical Engineering)
Advances in Biosignal Processing and Biomedical Data Analysis, 2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2940 | Submission Open
Keywords: biosignal processing; biomedical data analysis; deep learning; wearable system
(This special issue belongs to the Section Biomedical Engineering)
Optical Imaging and Sensing: From Design to Its Practical Use
edited by Junwei Min
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 2497 | Submission Open
Keywords: optical sensing; 3D imaging; super-resolution; computational imaging; optical neural networks; detectors and instrumentation; image processing and analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Optics and Lasers)
Cyber Security and Software Engineering
edited by Young Lee, Jeong Yang and
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2245 | Submission Open
Keywords: cybersecurity; secure software development; mobile application security; cloud security; security vulnerabilities; privacy and data security; artificial intelligence and machine learning in cyber security; IoT security; algorithm for data encryption; data protection; network security; internet safety; encryption; authentication; cyber threats; intrusion detection; security architecture
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Bioactive Dental Materials: A Paradigm Shift in Dentistry?
edited by Cornelis Hans Pameijer
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1783 | Submission Open
Keywords: bioactivity; restorative dentistry; remineralization; periodontics; endodontics; bone formation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Dentistry and Oral Sciences)
Wind Comfort and Action on Structures
edited by Maciej Dutkiewicz
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1722 | Submission Open
Keywords: wind engineering; wind architectural design and urban planning; extreme winds; climate change; numerical and wind tunnel simulations; wind scales; wind comfort; wind-resistant design of structures; energy from wind; wind turbines development
(This special issue belongs to the Section Civil Engineering)
Earthquake Engineering: Geological Impacts and Disaster Assessment
edited by Abbas Abbaszadeh Shahri
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1506 | Submission Open
Keywords: earthquake engineering; geological impacts; disaster assessment; prediction model; computational approaches
(This special issue belongs to the Section Civil Engineering)
Advances in Biological and Biomedical Optoelectronics submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1400 | Submission Open
Keywords: infrared spectroscopy; mid-infrared spectroscopy; near-infrared spectroscopy; Raman spectroscopy; vibrational spectroscopy; biological applications; biomedical applications; metabolomic; antibiotic resistance; high-throughput screening; therapeutic drugs screening; biotechnology; enzymatic biotechnology; machine learning
(This special issue belongs to the Section Optics and Lasers)
Research on Friction and Lubrication: Surfaces, Bearings and Gears submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1352 | Submission Open
Keywords: friction; lubrication; friction-induced noise; surface texture; coating; tribological behaviors; wear
(This special issue belongs to the Section Mechanical Engineering)
Innovative Approaches for Metal Remediation in Soils and Water submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1055 | Submission Open
Keywords: green solvents; sustainable methods; recyclable components; bio-remediation; phytoremediation; mycoremediation; microbial remediation; adsorbent biomaterials
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
Applications of Phase Change Materials in Heat Transport Systems
edited by Haitao Hu
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1022 | Submission Open
Keywords: phase change materials; heat transport; heating; cooling; energy system
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Thermal Engineering)
Challenges and Perspectives in Dental Sleep Medicine
edited by Serena Incerti Parenti
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 856 | Submission Open
Keywords: dental sleep medicine; obstructive sleep apnea; mandibular advancement device; orthopedic and functional orthodontic treatment; sleep bruxism and sleep-related disorders
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Dentistry and Oral Sciences)
Digital Image Processing: Novel Technologies and Applications
edited by Ivan Lorencin and Nikola Tanković
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 693 | Submission Open
Keywords: digital image processing; deep learning; image segmentation; collaborative image processing; augmented reality; virtual reality
(This special issue belongs to the Section Computing and Artificial Intelligence)
Intelligent Control and Optimization in Energy System
edited by and Hyunseok Kim
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 356 | Submission Open
Keywords: energy AI; data science; smart systems; interdisciplinary study
(This special issue belongs to the Section Energy Science and Technology)
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Rehabilitation: Technologies and Applications
edited by Tomasz Kocejko
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 206 | Submission Open
Keywords: artificial intelligence; machine learning; deep learning; computer vision; image processing  ; image analysis; signal processing; signal analysis; computer-aided diagnosis; human-computer interface and interaction; human-machine interface and interaction; personalized robotics; translational medicine; intelligent systems
(This special issue belongs to the Section Biomedical Engineering)
Soil Analysis in Different Ecosystems
edited by Flynn Trevan and
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 180 | Submission Open
Keywords: soil dynamics; ecosystem services; carbon sequestration; soil chemistry; geospatial analysis
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Science and Technology)
Materials for Bone and Dental Hard Tissue Substitutes—2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 173 | Submission Open
Keywords: hydroxiapatite; alloplastic materials; xenografts; nanomaterials-based bone regeneration; 3D-printed scaffolds; dental implants; titanium alloys; endodontic materials; dental CAD/CAM materials
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Dentistry and Oral Sciences)
High-Speed Electronics: Developments and Applications
edited by Diego Real and
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 141 | Submission Open
Keywords: high-speed electronics  ; telecommunications  ; aerospace  ; medical imaging  ; automotive technology  ; industrial automation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Solving Environmental and Cultural Heritage Issues through Analytical Tools
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 116 | Submission Open
Keywords: analytical chemistry; analytical techniques; analytical methodologies; environment; cultural heritage
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
Intelligent Micro-/Nanorobotics Systems
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 109 | Submission Open
Keywords: embedded intelligence for micro-/nanorobots; actuation and sensing technologies in microscale; MEMS/NEMS design; micro/nano mechanics; smart materials in micro-/nanorobotic; micromanipulation; microfabrication
(This special issue belongs to the Section Robotics and Automation)
Big Data Analytics in Biology and Medicine
edited by Marjan Mansourvar, and Mikael Lenz Strube
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 87 | Submission Open
Keywords: big data analytics; machine learning in medicine; genomics; artificial intelligence in biology; predictive modeling
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering)
Robotics and Innovative Applications for Healthcare submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 58 | Submission Open
Keywords: robotics; rehabilitation; assistive technology; artificial intelligence; smart healthcare; personalized medicine
(This special issue belongs to the Section Robotics and Automation)
Nanoscale Electronic Devices: Modeling and Applications submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 52 | Submission Open
Keywords: electron devices; nanomaterials; graphene; field effect transistors; nanoscale electronics; modeling; finite element method; circuit simulation; high-frequency electronics; advanced sensing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Nanotechnology and Applied Nanosciences)
Recent Research and Applications of Vibration Isolation and Control
edited by Baiyang Shi, and Wei Dai
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 51 | Submission Open
Keywords: nonlinear dynamics; vibration control; vibration isolation; tuned mass damper; uncertainty; optimization; power flow; energy transfer
(This special issue belongs to the Section Mechanical Engineering)
Contemporary Tunnel Engineering
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 51 | Submission Open
Keywords: tunnel engineering service safety; tunnel instability; lining cracking; tunnel leakage; rock degradation; seepage-dissolution
(This special issue belongs to the Section Civil Engineering)
Neuromuscular Control and Biomechanical Assessment in Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation
edited by and Roberto Tedeschi
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 43 | Submission Open
Keywords: injury assessment; prevention treatment; recovery neurological aspects; neuromuscular control
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering)
Advances in Microbial Biotechnology
edited by , Ovidiu Vrancianu and
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 37 | Submission Open
Keywords: microbial biotechnology; biosynthesis; value-added chemicals; enzymes; antimicrobials; biodegradation; bioremediation; bioleaching; biotechnological potential; bioprospecting
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Microbiology)
Advances in Pulp and Paper Technologies 2nd Edition
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 33 | Submission Open
Keywords: pulp and paper characterization; paper quality; paper strength; process efficiency; production costs; cellulose composites; biocomposites; cellulose nanofibril; novel plate for manufacturing thermomechanical pulp (TMP); TMP refiner plates; electron beam irradiation; colored broke; ISO brightness; reuse; color change
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Industrial Technologies)
Advances and Application of Construction Materials submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 32 | Submission Open
Keywords: structural design; structural healt monitoring; timber; composites; bonding; mechanical performance; new applications
(This special issue belongs to the Section Civil Engineering)
Advances in Bone Metabolism, Remodeling and Regeneration
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 20 | Submission Open
Keywords: bone metabolism; bone regeneration; bone development; bone disorders; animal research; human studies
(This special issue belongs to the Section Applied Biosciences and Bioengineering)
Advances in Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)-Based Reconfigurable Systems
edited by Valery Salauyou
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 19 | Submission Open
(This special issue belongs to the Section Electrical, Electronics and Communications Engineering)
Novel GPS/GNSS Technologies for Earth Surface Observations
edited by
submission deadline 20 Apr 2025 | Viewed by 18 | Submission Open
Keywords: advanced GPS/GNSS sensor technologies; innovative advanced GPS/GNSS instrumentation; advanced data processing and algorithms; geodetic and geophysical applications; environmental monitoring and management; urban and infrastructure monitoring; algorithm development; data fusion and analysis; integration of GPS/GNSS with other remote sensing technologies; robustness and resilience performance; future directions and emerging technologies
(This special issue belongs to the Section Earth Sciences)
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