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Editorial Board for section 'Materials Science and Engineering'

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Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.


Section Board Member
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Republic of Korea
Interests: Thin Film Solar Cell, Cu2ZnSnS4, Cu(In,Ga)S2, Hydrothermal Synthesis, Water Splitting, Nano-Particle

Section Board Member
Department of Architecture & Architectural Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul 03722, Republic of Korea
Interests: building energy; building environment and materials; eco-friendly materials
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Section Board Member
1. Dental Research Institute, Pusan National University Dental Hospital, Yangsan 50612, Republic of Korea
2. School of Dentistry, Pusan National University, Busan 46241, Republic of Korea
Interests: orthognathics; implantology; cleft lip and palate; reconstruction of head and neck
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Section Board Member
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Korea Maritime and Ocean University (KMOU), 727 Taejong-ro, Busan, Korea
Interests: mechanical engineering; composite materials
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Section Board Member
Joining and Welding Research Institute, Osaka University, 11–1 Mihogaoka, Ibaraki City, Osaka 567-0047, Japan
Interests: additive manufacturing; laser lithography; electromagnetic devices, bioceramic implant; energy harvesting
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Section Board Member
Department of Sustainable Materials and Manufacturing, Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG), University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL, UK
Interests: sustainability; sustainable materials; sustainable manufacturing; polymers; composites

Section Board Member
The Laboratory of Metals and Alloys Under Extreme Impacts, Ufa University of Science and Technology, 450076 Ufa, Russia
Interests: DFT; environmental stability; 2D materials; heterostructures
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Section Board Member
Division of synchrotron radiation research and the MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden
Interests: x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy; scanning tunnelling microscopy, structural; chemical properties of materials, catalysis

Section Board Member
Institute for Frontier Materials, Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, VIC 3216, Australia
Interests: nanostructured membranes; porous materials; membrane characterization
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Section Board Member
Center for Safety Measurement, Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34114, Republic of Korea
Interests: fiber optic distributed sensors; structural health monitoring; impact damage detection of composites using fiber optic BOCDA sensors; physical sensing with metal-coated fibers; FBG sensors for multiplexed sensing; Fabry–Perot sensors for medical applications
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Section Board Member
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550, USA
Interests: actinides and nuclear fuels; electronic structure; metals and alloys
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Section Board Member
1. Dipartimento Scienze della Vita e Sanità Pubblica, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 00168 Rome, Italy
2. Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, 00168 Rome, Italy
Interests: bone biology; osteogenic mechanisms; bone regenerative strategies; orthopedics; craniofacial surgery
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Section Board Member
School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Ulsan, 93 Daehak-ro, Nam-Ulsan 44610, Korea
Interests: fundamentals of ferroelectric materials; lead-free piezoelectric materials; piezoelectric sensors and actuators

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Section Board Member
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chonnam National University, Gwangju 61186, Korea
Interests: electroceramics; impedance spectroscopy for energy; electronic applications
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Section Board Member
Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena, 53100 Siena SI, Italy
Interests: biomaterials; hydrogels; nanocarriers; biosensors; thermal and rheological characterization; regenerative medicine
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Section Board Member
Department of Polymer Science & Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310027, China
Interests: photon-to-electron conversion; organic semiconductor; n-doping; organic solar cell; perovskite solar cell

Section Board Member
Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems, School of Chemical Engineering, Aalto University, FI-02150 Espoo, Finland
Interests: biomimetics; protein engineering; cellulose; self-assembly; biomaterials

Section Board Member
Institute of Nanostructured Materials, Palermo Research Division, CNR - ISMN, Via Ugo La Malfa 153, 90146 Palermo, Italy
Interests: supported noble metals; nanostructured and mesoporous materials; inorganic perovskites for application in NO SCR from exhaust gases (stationary and mobile sources); VOCs oxidation; dry/steam hydrocarbons reaction; CO2 methanation
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Section Board Member
Centro de Investigação em Modelação e Optimização de Sistemas Multifuncionais (CIMOSM), Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL), Av. Conselheiro Emídio Navarro 1, 1959-007 Lisboa, Portugal
Interests: composite materials; advanced composites; numerical modeling; structural optimization; reverse engineering
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Section Board Member
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Istituto Processi Chimico-Fisici, (CNR–IPCF), 98158 Messina, Italy
Interests: structure and interactuion in nano-colloids (polymers and block copolymers; dendrimers; lipids; proteins); self-assembly in nanostructured (and hybrid) materials; interaction of nanoparticles with model bio-membranes and biomaterials
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Section Board Member
Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering, University of Bologna, 40126 Bologna, Italy
Interests: polymer design; polymer synthesis and characterization; polymer modification; copolymerization; solid state properties; thermal properties and crystallization kinetics; mechanical characterization; bio-based monomers; bio-based polymers; nano-polymer; nanocomposites; gas barrier behaviour; polymer compostability; biopolymers for engineering tissue; polymeric for controlled drug delivery; biodegradation
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Section Board Member
Department of Materials and Engineering, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China
Interests: growth, characterization and applications of new electronic materials and material structures, which involve using and developing molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth techniques for synthesis of the materials

Section Board Member
Engineering Department, University of Napoli Parthenope, Via Ammiraglio Ferdinando Acton, 80133 Napoli, Italy
Interests: computational mechanics of structures and of materials and specifically unilateral problems; computational analysis of masonry structures; computational mechanics of composite materials; finite element method; computational micromechanics; nonlinear and non-local theories
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Section Board Member
Department of Applied Physics, University of Vigo, 36310 Vigo, Spain
Interests: nanofluids; heat transfer fluids; lubricants; thermophysical properties; rheology
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Section Board Member
School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai 200240, China
Interests: first-principles electronic structure computation; magnetic materials; topological insulators; 2D materials

Section Board Member
1. Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy, University of Siena, Via Aldo Moro 3, 53100 Siena, Italy
2. National Interuniversity Consortium (INSTM), Florence, Italy
3. Center for Colloids and Surface Science (CSGI), Florence, Italy
Interests: biomaterials; hydrogels; nanocarriers; biosensors; surface characterization; regenerative medicine; hyaluronic acid
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Section Board Member
Department of Material Chemistry, Kyoto Institute of Technology, Kyoto 606-8585, Japan
Interests: bioactive materials; materials characterization; biomaterials
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Section Board Member
Department of Computer Science, University of Verona, Via S. Francesco, 22, 37129 Verona, Italy
Interests: structure and vibrational dynamics of ionic materials, crystals and glasses, as well as of ceramic materials; structural and optical properties of transition metal and rare earth doped oxide crystals; electronic and vibrational properties of metal and semiconductor nano-clusters in transparent dielectric matrices; vibrational spectroscopy analysis of functional composite materials, based on Si and C, in form of thin films and bulk; quantum confinement effects in nanostructured systems, in particular in zero-dimensional, one-dimensional and two-dimensional structures

Section Board Member
Dipartimento di Scienza dei Materiali, Università degli Studi Milano-Bicocca, 20125 Milano, Italy
Interests: radiation effects in insulators and dosimetric materials; physics applied to the cultural heritage; development and application of techniques for luminescence and radiocarbon dating
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Section Board Member
Department of Materials and Chemistry, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Osaka 563-8577, Japan
Interests: glass; ceramics; glass-ceramics; optical materials; luminescence; structure of amorphous materials
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