Special Issues

Agriculture publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Unveiling Host–Pathogen Interactions in Brassicaceae: Insights into Disease Resistance Mechanisms and Molecular Regulation submission deadline 25 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 215 | Submission Open
Keywords: Brassicaceae (Arabidopsis thaliana; Brassica juncea; B. oleracea; B. napus; Raphanus sativus; Sinapis alba; etc.); biotic stress; plant disease; plant pathogens; microscopy of pathogenic interactions; gene expression changes; innate immunity; transcriptome analysis; metabolic activity; disease resistance
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Protection, Diseases, Pests and Weeds)
The Responses of Food Crops to Fertilization and Conservation Tillage
edited by
submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1579 | Submission Open
Keywords: food crop; grain yield and quality; crop physiology and ecology; greenhouse gas emissions; fertilization and tillage management; agroforestry systems; ecological effect
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Arbuscular Mycorrhiza in Cropping Systems submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1126 | Submission Open
Keywords: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi; crop production; quality of crops; stress resistance; plant nutrition; antioxidant capacity; plant metabolism
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Assessing the Impact of Pesticides on the Agricultural Environment submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 645 | Submission Open
Keywords: pesticides; soil science; soil quality; microbial diversity; microbial bioremediation; plant growing; crops protection; risk assessment; agricultural environmental
(This special issue belongs to the Section Ecosystem, Environment and Climate Change in Agriculture)
Crop Response to Water Deficit Stress
edited by Shiwen Wang
submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 338 | Submission Open
Keywords: water deficient stress; drought stress; water use efficiency; drought tolerance; crop water productivity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Water Management)
Advances in the Genetic Improvement of Farm Animals Using Genomic Tools submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 295 | Submission Open
Keywords: genomic selection; genomic prediction; breeding programs; genomic technologies; genetic diseases; genetic diversity; genetic variation; conservation; farm animals
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Strategies for Resource Extraction from Agricultural Products submission deadline 30 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 223 | Submission Open
Keywords: resource extraction; agricultural products; sustainable agriculture; bio-active-based materials; extraction techniques; eco-friendly processing; chemical analysis; analytical techniques; biological activity; sensory evaluation; drying processes
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Product Quality and Safety)
Mastitis in Dairy Cattle: Prevention Strategies and Treatment Methods submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1912 | Submission Open
Keywords: bovine mastitis; animal health; antibiotic resistance; alternative therapies; somatic cell count; udder health; dairy cattle; milk quality; economic losses
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Mechanisms and Control of Nutrients, Beneficial Elements and Metals Uptake in Crops submission deadline 31 Oct 2024 | Viewed by 196 | Submission Open
Keywords: essential nutrients; toxic metals; beneficial elements; root uptake; leaf uptake; nutrient use efficiency; abiotic stress; biotic stress; toxicity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Integrated Pest Management Systems in Agriculture submission deadline 5 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1273 | Submission Open
Keywords: agroecological plant protection; digital tools for crop protection; plant pest control; plant disease control; preventive crop protection
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Protection, Diseases, Pests and Weeds)
The Influence of Environmental Factors on Farming Animals submission deadline 10 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6765 | Submission Open
Keywords: farming animals; environmental factors; natural or anthropogenic factors; animal production; influence on animals
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Remote Sensing-Based Monitoring of Agricultural Irrigation Water Use submission deadline 10 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 394 | Submission Open
Keywords: UAV; farm size; pixel value extraction; water demand; crop coefficients; precision agriculture
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Water Management)
Effects of New Feeds or Additives on Farm Animal Performance and Carcasses Composition
edited by Asta Racevičiūtė-Stupelienė and
submission deadline 10 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 321 | Submission Open
Keywords: new feeds; additives; farm animals; performance; meat quality; nutrition; growth rates; carcass composition; feed efficiency; sustainability
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Nano-Enabled Strategies for Agricultural and Environmental Sustainability
edited by Chun Song
submission deadline 10 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 314 | Submission Open
Keywords: nano-fertilizers; nano-pesticides; nano-fungicides; nano-biosensors; sustainable agriculture; environmental remediation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Ecosystem, Environment and Climate Change in Agriculture)
Dietary Impacts on Ruminal Parameters and Rumen Microbiota
edited by
submission deadline 10 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 228 | Submission Open
Keywords: rumen; microbiota; metabolomic; multi-omics; growth performance; gastrointestinal development
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Agrochemical Ecology submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5481 | Submission Open
Keywords: chemical ecology; agricultural system; chemical communications; animals; crops; microorganisms; insect pests management; chemoreception
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Protection, Diseases, Pests and Weeds)
Practical Application of Crop Straw Reuse in Agriculture
edited by Hanlin Zhang and Haiyun Zhang
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 4813 | Submission Open
Keywords: crop straw; resource utilization; circular agriculture; straw fertilization; ecological benefits; straw fuel conversion; environmental impact
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Systems and Management)
Intelligent Robots for Agriculture: Design, Development and Applications
edited by , Hanwen Kang and Juntao Xiong
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 5 articles | Viewed by 3900 | Submission Open
Keywords: horticulture; field robotics; machine learning; autonomous navigation; robotic manipulation; teleoperation; human– robot interaction; UAV application; mechanical design; precision agriculture; agricultural intelligent system; intelligent design and manufacturing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Technology)
Advanced Image Collection, Processing, and Analysis in Crop and Livestock Management
edited by Weizhen Liang and Jingqiu Chen
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1511 | Submission Open
Keywords: crop monitoring; image analysis; AI; deep learning; remote sensing; digital agriculture; edge computing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Digital Agriculture)
Honey Bee Health and Nutrition
edited by
submission deadline 15 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 125 | Submission Open
Keywords: honeybee pollination; environmental pollution effects on honeybee health; high-quality production of bee products; bee product quality and safety; honeybee gut microbes; honeybee biology
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Recent Applications of Remote Sensing and Machine Learning in Smart Agriculture
edited by Zhenwang Li, Liujun Xiao and
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 5197 | Submission Open
Keywords: remote sensing; UAV; high-throughput phenotyping; artificial intelligence and machine learning; big data analysis; crop nutrition diagnosis; crop monitoring; spatial– temporal analysis; smart agriculture
(This special issue belongs to the Section Digital Agriculture)
Heavy Metals in Farmland Soils: Mechanisms and Remediation Strategies
edited by Tuo Zhang, Nan Zhang and Wei Liu
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 4744 | Submission Open
Keywords: heavy metals; soil contamination; farmland; new techniques; agronomy; food safety; environmental safety; remediation; crops
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Soils)
Gene Editing and Molecular Markers for Crops Genetics and Breeding
edited by Lin Zhang and
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2011 | Submission Open
Keywords: crops; molecular makers; gene editing; functional markers; association mapping; QTL analysis; marker-assisted selection (MAS) breeding; CRISPR/Cas9; base editing
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Genetics, Genomics and Breeding)
Genetic and Environmental Factors Influencing the Growth of Horticultural Crops
edited by and Xiangying Wei
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1380 | Submission Open
Keywords: abiotic and biotic stresses; cultural practices; environmental factors; fruit; herbs; horticultural crops; medicinal plants; plant growth and development; ornamental plants; vegetables
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Genetic Diversity Assessment and Phenotypic Characterization of Crops
edited by and Ankica Kondić-Špika
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1155 | Submission Open
Keywords: genetic diversity; genomic analysis; phenotypic diversity; high-throughput phenotyping; crop improvement; crop adaptation; crop resilience; nutritional quality; big data analysis; bioinformatics
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Genetics, Genomics and Breeding)
Intelligent Agricultural Machinery Design for Smart Farming
edited by Changyou Li
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1011 | Submission Open
Keywords: smart agriculture; drying technology; smart farm machinery; modern agriculture; post harvesting process
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Technology)
Advanced Research on Cattle Breeding: Genetic and Genomic Approaches submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 538 | Submission Open
Keywords: dairy; genetics; genomics; animal breeding; sustainability; European Green Deal
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Humic Substances and Compost in Agriculture: Types, Properties and Application submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 294 | Submission Open
Keywords: chemical; biological and physical soil parameters; soil organic carbon; humic substances; compost; agriculture; soil fertility; soil quality
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Soils)
Agronomic Strategies and Principles for Efficient Utilization of Nitrogen and Phosphorus in Orchards
edited by and Liangquan Wu
submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 140 | Submission Open
Keywords: orchard; yield; fruit quality; nitrogen; phosphorus; nutrient interaction; nutrient use efficiency; nutrient loss; environmental evaluation; nutrient management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Nutrient Transport and Aquaporins in Physiological Processes Mitigating Abiotic Stress of Crops submission deadline 20 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 139 | Submission Open
Keywords: aquaporins; stress tolerance; crop sciences; water fluxes; nutrient transport; biological membranes; water status; drought; salinity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Technological Value and Storage Durability of Food Depending on Modern Production Systems submission deadline 24 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 170 | Submission Open
Keywords: period; environment conditions; storage; plant products; quality; safety; production technology; technological value
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Product Quality and Safety)
The Role of Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria in Crop Improvement submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6575 | Submission Open
Keywords: climate change; biofertilizers; biopesticides; PGPB; abiotic stress; biotic stress; biocontrol
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Foliar Fertilization for Sustainable Crop Production submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 4 articles | Viewed by 6245 | Submission Open
Keywords: silicon; foliar application; biostimulants; beneficial elements; Green Deal; plant diseases; plant pests; drought; crop yield; yield quality
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Agronomic Strategies for Enhancing the Physical, Chemical, Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Cereal Grains submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 4743 | Submission Open
Keywords: cereal; grain yield; agrotechnical factors; chemical composition; features of grain and flour; technological parameters; the biological value of proteins
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Product Quality and Safety)
Farming Factors’ Influence on Animal Productions
edited by
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2590 | Submission Open
Keywords: ruminants; monogastrics; nutrition; housing; genetics; reproduction; food quality and safety; yield increase; sustainability; circular agriculture; welfare; biotechnologies
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Soil–Machine Systems and Related Farming Machinery submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2395 | Submission Open
Keywords: agricultural engineering; agricultural machinery; biosystem engineering; off-road farming; smart farming; soil– machine systems; precision agriculture; soil and crop
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Technology)
The Role of Agriculture in Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
edited by and
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1555 | Submission Open
Keywords: agricultural emission and resource depletion; remote sensing and modeling; risks/consequences/threats of climate extremes; biodiversity and ecosystem services; animal production challenges in climate change; climate smart agriculture; food security and food safety; conservation and restoration agriculture; agro-ecosystems resilience
(This special issue belongs to the Section Ecosystem, Environment and Climate Change in Agriculture)
Current Research and Strategies for Improving Farm Animal Meat Quality submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1520 | Submission Open
Keywords: breeding; feeding systems; nutritional strategies; welfare; transport practices; stress biomarkers; microbiology safety; post-mortem handling and carcass treatments; aging; nutritional composition; sensory profiling
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Preparation and Application of Biochar in Agricultural Systems
edited by Baojun Yi, Lili Huo and Fang Huang
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1372 | Submission Open
Keywords: biochar; carbonization process; pyrolysis mechanism; carbon-based controlled release; high-value application
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Technology)
Productivity and Efficiency of Agricultural and Livestock Systems submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 752 | Submission Open
Keywords: efficiency; productivity; sustainability; innovations; best practices; competitiveness; optimization; sustainable use of resources; sustainable food value chains
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Economics, Policies and Rural Management)
Optimization Techniques for Crop Planning: Current Achievements and Future Directions
edited by , James Montgomery and Andrew Lewis
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 489 | Submission Open
Keywords: crop planning; multi-objective optimization; machine learning/AI; agricultural modeling; climate change
(This special issue belongs to the Section Digital Agriculture)
Research Advances in Perception for Agricultural Robots
edited by Hanwen Kang, and Yaohui Chen
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 243 | Submission Open
Keywords: robotics; machine learning; deep learning; computer vision; perception; navigation; manipulation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Digital Agriculture)
Modern Technologies in Farm Animal Production: Improving Meat Safety and Nutritional Value
edited by
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 225 | Submission Open
Keywords: animal breeding; meat safety; nutritional value of meat; meat quality
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Valorization of Agri-Food Waste Bioresources for Sustainable Livestock Feeding
edited by and
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 203 | Submission Open
Keywords: agri-food waste; agricultural structures; animal production; bioactive compounds; greenhouses; circular economy; environment; livestock feed; sustainability; waste management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Farm Animal Production)
Insecticide Toxicology and Resistance Mechanisms in Agricultural Pests
edited by
submission deadline 25 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 112 | Submission Open
Keywords: insecticide; toxicology; resistance mechanisms; resistance management; ecotoxicology; pest; non-target organisms
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Protection, Diseases, Pests and Weeds)
Saline–Alkali Land Ecology and Soil Management
edited by , Chuanhui Gu and Haiying Lu
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3330 | Submission Open
Keywords: saline– alkali land; soil ecology; soil amendment; soil aggregates; soil amendment; crop advancement
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Soils)
Agronomic Biofortification of Crops: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives
edited by Elcio Ferreira Dos Santos, and
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1847 | Submission Open
Keywords: selenium; zinc; iron; calcium; magnesium; micronutrient; malnutrition; food and nutritional security
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Production)
Novel Breeding Techniques to Improve Disease Resistance in Horticultural Crops
edited by Marina Laura and
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 974 | Submission Open
Keywords: plant disease; biotic stress; disease-resistant cultivars; plant breeding; genome editing; CRISPR-Cas; NBT; RNAi; MAS; R genes and S genes; next-generation sequencing (NGS)
(This special issue belongs to the Section Crop Genetics, Genomics and Breeding)
Soil Amendments Addition Affecting Soil Physical and Chemical Properties
edited by and Vesh Raj Thapa
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 240 | Submission Open
Keywords: soil organic matter; soil carbon; soil bulk density; soil porosity; soil pH; soil EC; cation exchange capacity; soil nutrients; soil health
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Soils)
Best Management Practices for Agricultural Watershed Pollution
edited by Eu Gene Chung and
submission deadline 30 Nov 2024 | Viewed by 235 | Submission Open
Keywords: agricultural watershed management; water quality monitoring; nutrient management; antibiotics and pesticide management; livestock management; non-point pollution source (NPS) control; NPS management policies
(This special issue belongs to the Section Agricultural Water Management)
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