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Special Issues

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health publishes Special Issues to create collections of papers on specific topics, with the aim of building a community of authors and readers to discuss the latest research and develop new ideas and research directions. Special Issues are led by Guest Editors, who are experts on the topic and all Special Issue submissions follow MDPI's standard editorial process. The journal’s Editor-in-Chief and/or designated Editorial Board Member will oversee Guest Editor appointments and Special Issue proposals, checking their content for relevance and ensuring the suitability of the material for the journal. The papers published in a Special Issue will be collected and displayed on a dedicated page of the journal’s website. Further information on MDPI's Special Issue polices and Guest Editor responsibilities can be found here. For any inquiries related to a Special Issue, please contact the Editorial Office.

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Thermology Health Care Applications and Medical Thermography submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5759 | Submission Open
Keywords: public health; medical termography; pain; breast cancer; cardiovascular disease; surgery; artificial intelligence; HealthTech; diabetes
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Recent Advances in Cyber Psychology and Behavior: Mental Health in Current Information Era
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5563 | Submission Open
Keywords: internet; online applications; digital technology; social media; mental health; depression; well-being; COVID-19 pandemic; intervention
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Cancer Prevention Research: Ideas and Opportunities across the Life Course
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5507 | Submission Open
Keywords: primary cancer prevention; cancer prevention for survivors; lifestyle risk factors; environmental risk factors; health outcome metrics in cancer survivors; adolescent and pediatric populations; risk-based cancer screening; analytical methods for complex data collected in cancer prevention research
(This special issue belongs to the Section Infectious Diseases, Chronic Diseases, and Disease Prevention)
Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series: Global Perspective: Disease and Threats submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5368 | Submission Open
Keywords: global health; public health; social determinants of health; communicable disease; non-communicable disease; migrants’ health; health inequities; mixed-methods research; perspective; mental health; sleep; quality of life
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Interval Training: Different Approaches and Designs Applied to Health and Fitness
edited by , Alexandre Lopes Evangelista, , Eduardo Caldas Costa and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 5239 | Submission Open
Keywords: physical exercise; physiological responses; morphological adaptations; functional adaptations; physical fitness
(This special issue belongs to the Section Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life)
Workplace Health and Wellbeing Research and Evaluation
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 5100 | Submission Open
Keywords: diversity; inclusion; health equity; long COVID; critical disability; workplace disability; work and health; occupational health and safety; public health
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Factors Associated with Successful Smoking Cessation
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4589 | Submission Open
Keywords: smoking cessation; tobacco reduction policy; vaping; program; health (in)equity; health system program
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Exploring the Link—Better Sleep Equals Better Health submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4579 | Submission Open
Keywords: sleep; health; chronobiology; social organization; shift work; public health; risk factors; mechanisms; interventions; guidelines
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Optimal Mental Health for Optimal Academic Performance in University Students submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4227 | Submission Open
Keywords: university students; academic performance; mental health status; drug use; alcohol use; ADHD; study drugs; prevention; (school-based) mental health services; (school-based) mental health programs; (school-based) mental health interventions
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Second Edition of the Intersections of Public Health, Sexuality, and Communication submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 4016 | Submission Open
Keywords: sexuality; sexual communication; sexual risk-taking; health education; sexual interventions; condom use; sexually transmitted infections; COVID-19 and sexuality; LGBTQ+; emerging adulthood; family communication; relational communication
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Advances in E-mental Health
edited by and Cristina Mendes-Santos
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 3889 | Submission Open
Keywords: health professionals; digital mental health; e-mental health; information and communications technologies (ICTs); telehealth; telemedicine; digital health; remote services; digital natives; remote and rural populations; asylum seekers; refugees
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Advances in Nursing and Medical Education
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 3 articles | Viewed by 3572 | Submission Open
Keywords: health education; advanced nursing care; quality of nursing care; health outcomes; nursing interventions; nurses’ competences; nursing students’ competences; nursing care management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Bias in Health Care Service Experienced by People with Long COVID or Chronic Illness: Lessons for the Public Health and Medical Community submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2841 | Submission Open
Keywords: long COVID; medical gaslighting; gender bias in health care; health disparity; socioeconomic inequality in health; social determinants of health; minority health; invisible illness (e.g.; chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME); chronic Lyme diease; fibromyalgia; lupus; mental health); post-viral illnesses; vulnerable groups (elderly; children; incarcerated population)
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Virtual Reality for Rehabilitation in Healthcare submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2608 | Submission Open
Keywords: virtual reality; rehabilitation; metaverse for rehabilitation; rehabilitation technology; exergames; active-video gaming; virtual reality exposure therapy; technology in healthcare; augmented reality for rehabilitation; mirror world for rehabilitation; virtual world for rehabilitation
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Focusing on the Cognitive Component of Subjective Well-Being: The Relationship between Life Satisfaction and Psychological Distress submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2509 | Submission Open
Keywords: life satisfaction; psychological distress; depression; anxiety; loneliness; mental health and well-being
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Innovations in Women’s Health Promotion and Healthcare submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 2451 | Submission Open
Keywords: women's health; innovation; lifestyle; childbearing; innovation; health promotion
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Traversing the Nexus: The Impact of Environmental Disruptions on Environmental Equity and Health—Finding Resilience in the Coming Decades
edited by and Lisa Beltz
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2235 | Submission Open
Keywords: environmental health; biogeochemical cycle; environmental equity; disadvantages of difference
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
The Link between Maternal Mental Health and Infant and Toddler Development
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2131 | Submission Open
Keywords: maternal mental health disorders; perinatal; infant; toddler; development; neurodevelopment; maternal psychosis; maternal mood; maternal anxiety
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Physical Therapy and Sports Recovery submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1965 | Submission Open
Keywords: athletes; para-athletes; rehabilitation; sports medicine; return to sport; physical therapy modalities; knee injuries; shoulder injuries; neck injuries; prevention of injuries.
(This special issue belongs to the Section Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life)
Challenges and Advances in Nursing Practice in Latin America
edited by , Elaine Maria Leite Rangel, Márcia Teles de Oliveira Gouveia and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 2 articles | Viewed by 1767 | Submission Open
Keywords: nursing; health system; nursing work environments; nursing practice; nursing education; vulnerabilities; global nursing; sustainable development
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
2nd Edition: Diagnosis, Treatment and Rehabilitation in Health Services for Patients with Intellectual Disability and Mental Health Problems
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1762 | Submission Open
Keywords: intellectual disability; psychiatric disorders; comorbidity; diagnostic guidelines; treatment recommendations; health services
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
How Physical Activity Affects the Immune System
edited by , Juliana Pereira Borges, Silvia Amaral Gonçalves Da Silva, Joanna Reis Santos Oliveira, Andréia Carolinne De Souza Brito and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1446 | Submission Open
Keywords: immune system; physical activity; infections; vaccination; chronic noncommunicable diseases; arduous exercise
(This special issue belongs to the Section Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life)
Systemic Conditions, Oral Health and Quality of Life of Pregnant Women submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1440 | Submission Open
Keywords: pregnant women; oral health; quality of life; obesity; maternal; gestational weight gain
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Health Emergencies and Disasters Preparedness submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1435 | Submission Open
Keywords: health emergencies; preparedness; disasters; response; pandemics; infectious disease outbreaks; natural hazards; surveillance; health assessment studies; early detection; risk perception
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Disease Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, and Quality of Life in Patients with Chronic Diseases
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1313 | Submission Open
Keywords: disease knowledge; self efficacy; quality of life; chronic disease; well being
(This special issue belongs to the Section Infectious Diseases, Chronic Diseases, and Disease Prevention)
Trends in Sustainable and Healthy Cities
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 1275 | Submission Open
Keywords: sustainable urban development; green infrastructure; renewable energy; efficient waste management; social equity; urban health and well-being; climate resilience; smart cities; community engagement; green building practices
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Health)
Addressing Social Determinants of Health to Improve Latino Health Outcomes
edited by Jennifer Salinas
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 802 | Submission Open
Keywords: social determinants of health; Latinos; Hispanics; Latin America; United States; health; mental health; evidence-based interventions; epidemiological
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
The Interaction among Environmental, Climatic, and Socioeconomic Aspects and Their Effects on Society submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 712 | Submission Open
Keywords: air pollution; climate extremes events; droughts; environmental degradation; meteorology; spatial statistics; sprawl urban; thermal comfort; urban climate
(This special issue belongs to the Section Environmental Sciences)
Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes as a Global Challenge
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 602 | Submission Open
Keywords: obesity/overweight; type 2 diabetes/prediabetes; epidemiology; prevention; pathophysiological mechanisms; risk factors; cardiometabolic disorders; complications; living with obesity/diabetes; training/education/perception; treatment strategies
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Health Literacy, Promotion and Prevention Improve Workers’ Health
edited by and
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 447 | Submission Open
Keywords: occupational health; physical health; mental health; depression; work stress; wellbeing; wellness; burnout; health promotion; health literacy; self-management
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Domestic Violence and Associated Mental Health Harms submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 382 | Submission Open
Keywords: mental health problems; domestic violence; victims; perpetrators; risk assessment; risk management; recidivism; quality of life; prevention
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Advances in Sports Medicine: Exercise and Training for Injury Prevention
edited by
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 379 | Submission Open
Keywords: exercise and training; strength and conditioning; sports injury prevention; rehabilitation; health promotion; sports performance
(This special issue belongs to the Section Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life)
Work Environment Effects on Health and Safety of Employees submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | 1 articles | Viewed by 352 | Submission Open
Keywords: occupational health; prevention; health promotion; one health; total worker health; occupational disease; injury; stress; burnout; inequality; disability management
Anemia and Patients Blood Management Patient in Critical Care
edited by , and Manuel Quintana Díaz
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 325 | Submission Open
3rd Edition: Social Determinants of Health
edited by , and Marino A. Bruce
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 323 | Submission Open
Keywords: social determinants; health disparities; race; gender; and social inequalities; health equity; discrimination; urban and rural environment’ community factors
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Sweat It Out: The Health Benefits of Physical Activity and Exercise
edited by Emilio Villa-González, , Manuel Ávila García and José Manuel Segura-Díaz
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 247 | Submission Open
Keywords: cardiometabolic health; physical fitness; bone strength; psychological health; psychological well-being; BMI; physical activity; evidence-based programs
(This special issue belongs to the Section Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life)
Breast Health and Cancer Awareness: Addressing Breast Cancer Disparities from Etiology to Survivorship
edited by Tisha Felder
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 215 | Submission Open
Keywords: breast health; breast cancer; prevention; risk factors; diagnosis and treatment; survivorship; screening tests; genetic testing; health disparities; social drivers of health; life course
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Medical Geology Overview submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 181 | Submission Open
Keywords: medical geology; geochemistry; public health; environmental science; toxic elements; epidemiology; toxicology
Reduction of Stress, Anxiety and Depression among University Teachers and Students
edited by Jos Aparecido Da Silva
submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 177 | Submission Open
Keywords: depression; anxiety; stress; perception of control; fear; economic crisis; psychotherapy
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Reproductive Health Care for Women submission deadline 31 Dec 2024 | Viewed by 136 | Submission Open
Keywords: contraception; HPV vaccine; HPV; contraceptives; women’ s health services; prevention health services; health education; reproductive health
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
Nursing Care and Clinical Management in the Post-pandemic Era
edited by , and
submission deadline 1 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 358 | Submission Open
Keywords: vascular access; non Invasive ventilation; nursing workload; follow-up; ECMO; ultrasound-guided ICU diary; prone position; pressure injury; early mobilization in ICU
The Relationship of Regular Physical Activity and the Environment with Overall Physical and Mental Health
edited by Melissa Bopp
submission deadline 3 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 259 | Submission Open
Keywords: physical activity; physical health; mental health; environment; social ecological model; health inequities
(This special issue belongs to the Section Exercise and Health-Related Quality of Life)
Health Intervention for Young Children with or at Risk for Disabilities
edited by Michelle Heys
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 2840 | Submission Open
Keywords: children and young people; disability; health systems; intervention development; implementation science; equity
(This special issue belongs to the Section Health Care Sciences)
The Job Content Questionnaire 2.0: A Tool for Measurement of the Psychosocial Work Environment and Sustainable Work Globally
edited by
submission deadline 15 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 1266 | Submission Open
Keywords: psychosocial work environment; sustainable work; job content questionnaire; demand/control model; demand control/association model; conducive behavior/economy
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
E-cigarettes and Vaping Products: Health Effects and Toxicological Impacts
edited by
submission deadline 21 Jan 2025 | 1 articles | Viewed by 5506 | Submission Open
Keywords: electronic nicotine delivery systems; electronic cigarettes; vaping; electronic hookahs; second-hand aerosol; cardiovascular toxicity; pulmonary toxicity; toxicological impacts
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Lifestyle Aspects of Students in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Armed Conflict and Economic Crisis and Other Social Events submission deadline 30 Jan 2025 | Viewed by 522 | Submission Open
Keywords: students; health; nutrition; stimulants; stress; quality of life; pandemic; armed conflict; economic crisis; lifestyle; risk factors; lifestyle diseases
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
Health Psychology and Behaviors during COVID-19 submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 3 articles | Viewed by 33089 | Submission Open
Keywords: COVID-19; lockdown; psychological consequences; risk perception; mental health; preventive behaviors; vaccination; health behaviors; healthy lifestyle; long COVID
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Mental Health Assessments, Chronic Disease and Health Psychology submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 7 articles | Viewed by 16648 | Submission Open
Keywords: health psychology; cognitive behavioral therapy; psychological intervention; mental health assessments; chronic disease
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
Inequities and Interventions in Children's Health and Wellbeing
edited by Hui Huang and
submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 7 articles | Viewed by 15008 | Submission Open
Keywords: inequalities among children; disadvantaged or vulnerable children; children’ s health; children’ s wellbeing; social-emotional wellbeing; children’ s welfare; policies; interventions; programs and services; child maltreatment; exposure to violence; protective care; youth justice; children’ s health insurance
(This special issue belongs to the Section Global Health)
The Management of Nutrition and Obesity submission deadline 31 Jan 2025 | 4 articles | Viewed by 13717 | Submission Open
Keywords: obesity prevention; policies; systems; and environment; obesity management; public health programs; food environment; social safety net programs for health; food justice
(This special issue belongs to the Section Behavioral and Mental Health)
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