Open AccessArticle
Traditional Craft Training and Demonstration in Museums
Christodoulos Ringas, Eleana Tasiopoulou, Danae Kaplanidi, Nikolaos Partarakis, Xenophon Zabulis, Emmanouil Zidianakis, Andreas Patakos, Nikolaos Patsiouras, Effie Karuzaki, Michalis Foukarakis, Ilia Adami, Nedjma Cadi, Evangelia Baka, Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, Dimitrios Makrygiannis, Alina Glushkova, Sotirios Manitsaris, Vito Nitti and Lucia Panesse
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 4254
This work regards the representation of handicrafts for craft training and demonstration in the environment of an ethnographic heritage museum. The craft of mastic cultivation is chosen as a use case. This paper presents the process of representation and presentation of this craft,
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This work regards the representation of handicrafts for craft training and demonstration in the environment of an ethnographic heritage museum. The craft of mastic cultivation is chosen as a use case. This paper presents the process of representation and presentation of this craft, following an articulated pipeline approach for data collection, annotation, and semantic representation. The outcomes were used to implement an exhibition that targets the presentation of craft context and craft training, through interactive experiences, mobile applications, and a hands-on training where users reenact the gestures of a mastic cultivator. Preliminary evaluation results show high acceptance for the installation and increased user interest.
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