Editorial Board for section 'Macromolecular Chemistry'
- Analytical Chemistry Section
- Applied Chemistry Section
- Bioactive Lipids Section
- Bioorganic Chemistry Section
- Chemical Biology Section
- Colorants Section
- Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Section
- Cross-Field Chemistry Section
- Electrochemistry Section
- Flavours and Fragrances Section
- Food Chemistry Section
- Green Chemistry Section
- Inorganic Chemistry Section
- Macromolecular Chemistry Section
- Materials Chemistry Section
- Medicinal Chemistry Section
- Microwave Chemistry Section
- Molecular Liquids Section
- Molecular Structure Section
- Nanochemistry Section
- Natural Products Chemistry Section
- Organic Chemistry Section
- Organometallic Chemistry Section
- Photochemistry Section
- Physical Chemistry Section
- Ultrasound Chemistry Section
Please see the section webpage for more information on this section.
Please note that the order in which the Editors appear on this page is alphabetical, and follows the structure of the editorial board presented on the MDPI website under information for editors: editorial board responsibilities.
2. Department of Chemistry, Umeå University, 90 187 Umeå, Sweden
Interests: lignocellulosic materials; pretreatment; enzymatic hydrolysis of cellulose; biorefineries; biochemical conversion of lignocellulose; cellulosic ethanol; biofuels
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2. Institut des Sciences Analytiques, UMR 5280 CNRS UCBL, University of Lyon, Villeurbanne, France
Interests: molecular parasitology; host-parasite interactions; extracellular matrix; structural biochemistry; structural bioinformatics
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Interests: polymer synthesis; polymer processing; polymer composites; conducting polymers; biodegradable polymers; packaging materials; hydrogels; superabsorbent polymers
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Interests: cyclodextrins; complexation; polymers; emerging pollutants; water descontamination; phenolic compounds
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Interests: supramolecular polymers; folding of synthetic polymers; macromolecular chemistry and polymer synthesis; enzyme-mimetic catalysis; green catalysis in water; supramolecular catalysis
Interests: solid state polycondensation; recycling, packaging and food safety; polymers and nanotechnology/biotechnology
Interests: polysaccharide modification; bioactive polymers; biomaterials; hydrogels; interpenetrated networks; micro- and nanoparticles (spheres and capsules); hybrid and functionalized nanoparticles for drug targeting; drug delivery; polymer–drug conjugates
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Interests: integration of breast reconstruction and cancer research; green polymer chemistry; biomimetic processes and biomaterials; living/controlled polymerizations; polymerization mechanisms and kinetics; thermoplastic elastomers and polymer structure/property relationships; probing the polymer-bio interface
Interests: biorefinery; cellulose; lignin; lignocellulosic residues; nanocellulose; biobased; biomaterials; paper; papermaking; packaging; biocomposites; environmental remediation
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Interests: polymer-based composites; nanocomposites; polymer processing; mechanical properties; rheological behavior
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2. Department of Ophthalmology, Morsani College of Medicine, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33612, USA
3. Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA
Interests: macromolecules; biopolymer; biomolecules; polymers; natural polymer; biocompatibility; hydrogel; cryogel; microgel; nanogel; drug delivery; catalyst; energy; hydrogen (H2); antioxidant
Interests: fibre/matrix interfacial modification and assessment; use of plant fibres in biopolymers (biodegradable or from renewable resources) for designing biocomposites with reduced environmental impact; combination of natural fibres (mineral and vegetal) in hybrid composites for designing sustainable composites for semi-structural applications; valorization of agro-industrial wastes as fillers in thermoplastic matrices (micro- and nanoscale); durability of composite materials based on thermoplastic and thermoset matrices
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Interests: specifically interacting polymers; bioinspired polymers; functional gels; bioadhesion
Interests: biomaterials; biopolymers; polymer synthesis; biodegradable polymers; polysaccharides; glycosaminoglycans; hydrogels; hybrid materials; tissue engineering; electrospinning; antibacterial polymers; material–cell interactions; surface modification
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Interests: plant proteins; emulsions; nano-encapsulation; bioaccessibility; nanovehicle
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Interests: drug delivery systems (DDS); biomaterials; multifunctional carriers; micro- and nano-particles; pro-drugs
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Interests: the dissolution, modification and processing of biomass and biopolymers; functional materials derived from biomass; paper-based materials
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Interests: flame-retardant polymer nanocomposites; 2D nanomaterials; bio-based flame retardants; epoxy resins; smoke suppression
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: polymer chemistry; cyclic polymer; controlled drug release; gene delivery; tissue engineering
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Interests: polymers; host–guest chemistry; hydration effects; adsorption phenomena; molecular recognition
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Interests: supramolecular chemistry and functional materials; organic-inorganic hybrid biomaterials; energy conversion and catalysis; porous materials and nonporous crystalline materials; antibacterial materials and cancer theranostics
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