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Acoustics, Volume 5, Issue 3 (September 2023) – 14 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Percussionists strive to achieve their desired sound by mounting various products on the surface of their drums, commonly through laborious trial-and-error methods. In an effort to establish a benchmark for addressing this challenge, a dataset containing numerous sounds was generated by Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) models. These sounds correspond to different patterns of mass increase on the drum surface, and are investigated to reveal correlations between sound spectra and distribution patterns using dimensionality reduction techniques. Ultimately, a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is employed to infer the damping and tuning strategy corresponding to an input sound, thus demonstrating the effectiveness of data-driven approaches in tackling problems related to inverse acoustics. View this paper
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12 pages, 4569 KiB  
The Acoustic Characteristics of Hellenistic Morgantina Theatre in Modern Use
by Giovanni Amadasi, Antonella Bevilacqua, Gino Iannace and Amelia Trematerra
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 870-881; - 15 Sep 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2355
Thousands of theatres were built during the Hellenistic period in Greece and overseas colonies. The main elements of the Hellenistic theatre are the following: the orchestra, where music and songs were performed to accompany the acting performance, and the koilon, where the audience [...] Read more.
Thousands of theatres were built during the Hellenistic period in Greece and overseas colonies. The main elements of the Hellenistic theatre are the following: the orchestra, where music and songs were performed to accompany the acting performance, and the koilon, where the audience sat. Hellenistic theatres were built without any ceiling, with an open-air configuration. This paper reports the acoustic characteristics of the Greek (Hellenistic) theatre located in Morgantina (Sicily, Italy) based on the technical data gathered in different listening positions selected across the sitting area (koilon). The theatre of Morgantina was built in the third century BC and renovated a few decades ago. Nowadays, it is the center of important social and cultural activities. The outcomes of the beamforming technique employed for the survey have been discussed in comparison with traditional acoustic parameters, such as ISO 3382. The scope of this article is to assess the usability of this theatre intended to be used for different types of artistic performances. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Historical Acoustics)
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25 pages, 698 KiB  
One-Step Discrete Fourier Transform-Based Sinusoid Frequency Estimation under Full-Bandwidth Quasi-Harmonic Interference
by João Miguel Silva, Marco António Oliveira, André Ferraz Saraiva and Aníbal J. S. Ferreira
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 845-869; - 12 Sep 2023
Viewed by 2030
The estimation of the frequency of sinusoids has been the object of intense research for more than 40 years. Its importance in classical fields such as telecommunications, instrumentation, and medicine has been extended to numerous specific signal processing applications involving, for example, speech, [...] Read more.
The estimation of the frequency of sinusoids has been the object of intense research for more than 40 years. Its importance in classical fields such as telecommunications, instrumentation, and medicine has been extended to numerous specific signal processing applications involving, for example, speech, audio, and music processing. In many cases, these applications run in real-time and, thus, require accurate, fast, and low-complexity algorithms. Taking the normalized Cramér–Rao lower bound as a reference, this paper evaluates the relative performance of nine non-iterative discrete Fourier transform-based individual sinusoid frequency estimators when the target sinusoid is affected by full-bandwidth quasi-harmonic interference, in addition to stationary noise. Three levels of the quasi-harmonic interference severity are considered: no harmonic interference, mild harmonic interference, and strong harmonic interference. Moreover, the harmonic interference is amplitude-modulated and frequency-modulated reflecting real-world conditions, e.g., in singing and musical chords. Results are presented for when the Signal-to-Noise Ratio varies between −10 dB and 70 dB, and they reveal that the relative performance of different frequency estimators depends on the SNR and on the selectivity and leakage of the window that is used, but also changes drastically as a function of the severity of the quasi-harmonic interference. In particular, when this interference is strong, the performance curves of the majority of the tested frequency estimators collapse to a few trends around and above 0.4% of the DFT bin width. Full article
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28 pages, 9160 KiB  
Fast Evaluations of Integrals in the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings Formulation in Aeroacoustics via the Fast Multipole Method
by Yadong Zhang and Yijun Liu
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 817-844; - 11 Sep 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2063
A new approach to accelerating the evaluation of monopole and dipole source integrals via the fast multipole method (FMM) in the time domain for general three-dimensional (3-D) aeroacoustic problems is presented in this paper. In this approach, the aeroacoustic field is predicted via [...] Read more.
A new approach to accelerating the evaluation of monopole and dipole source integrals via the fast multipole method (FMM) in the time domain for general three-dimensional (3-D) aeroacoustic problems is presented in this paper. In this approach, the aeroacoustic field is predicted via a hybrid method that uses computational fluid dynamics (CFD) for near-field flow field calculations and the Ffowcs Williams–Hawkings (FW-H) acoustic analogy for far-field sound field predictions. The evaluation of the surface integrals of the monopole and dipole source terms appearing in the FW-H formulation is accelerated by a 3-D FMM to reduce computational cost. The proposed method is referred to as Fast FW-H in this work. The performance and efficiency of the proposed methodology are demonstrated using several examples. First, aeroacoustic predictions for the cases of a stationary acoustic monopole, moving acoustic monopole and stationary acoustic dipole in a uniform flow are studied, generally showing good agreement with the analytical solutions. Second, the sound field radiating from a flow passing a finite-length circular cylinder and the propeller of an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) during forward flight are studied, and the computed results obtained via the FW-H and Fast FW-H methods in the time domain with a stationary, permeable surface are compared. The overall computational efficiency of the sound field solutions obtained via the Fast FW-H method is found to be approximately two times faster than the computational efficiency of the original FW-H method, indicating that this proposed approach can be an accurate and efficient computational tool for modelling far-field aeroacoustic problems. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Featured Position and Review Papers in Acoustics Science)
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19 pages, 9965 KiB  
Inferring Drumhead Damping and Tuning from Sound Using Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Models
by Chrisoula Alexandraki, Michael Starakis, Panagiotis Zervas and Rolf Bader
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 798-816; - 23 Aug 2023
Viewed by 2433
Percussionists use a multitude of objects and materials, mounted on their instruments, to achieve a satisfying sound texture. This is a tedious process as there are no guidelines suggesting how to manipulate a percussion instrument to adjust its perceptual characteristics in the desired [...] Read more.
Percussionists use a multitude of objects and materials, mounted on their instruments, to achieve a satisfying sound texture. This is a tedious process as there are no guidelines suggesting how to manipulate a percussion instrument to adjust its perceptual characteristics in the desired direction. To this end, the article presents a methodology for computationally identifying how to damp and tune a drumhead by adjusting its mass distribution, e.g., by applying malleable paste on its surface. A dataset of 11,114 sounds has been synthesized using a FDTD solution of the wave equation representing the vibration of a membrane, which is being transmuted through the application of paste. These sounds are investigated to derive conclusions concerning their spectral characteristics and data reduction techniques are used to investigate the feasibility of computationally inferring damping parameters for a given sound. Furthermore, these sounds are used to train a Convolutional Neural Network to infer mass distribution from sound. Results show that computational approaches can provide valuable information to percussionists striving to adjust their personal sound. Although this study has been performed with synthesized sounds, the research methodology presents some inspiring ideas for future investigations with prerecorded sounds. Full article
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10 pages, 233 KiB  
Extending Soundwalking Practice: Soundsitting as an Inclusive and Complementary Method to Soundwalking
by Neil Spencer Bruce
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 788-797; - 22 Aug 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2146
This paper proposes the ‘soundsit’ as an alternative method to be used independently or in conjunction with current soundwalking methodological practice. The soundsit seeks to address the limits of the soundwalking method in relation to issues of transition, changing context, event [...] Read more.
This paper proposes the ‘soundsit’ as an alternative method to be used independently or in conjunction with current soundwalking methodological practice. The soundsit seeks to address the limits of the soundwalking method in relation to issues of transition, changing context, event occurrence, temporality, and inclusivity. Soundwalking and soundsitting are both methods of experiencing soundscape: soundwalking involves exploring and listening to the sounds of the environment while moving through it, while soundsitting involves sitting still in a particular place and listening to the sounds that exist in situ. The soundsit provides the participant or researcher with a fixed perspective and place to observe and experience sounds, within a defined soundscape context, enabling them to gain a longer-term experiential understanding of a space. Analogous with acoustic measurements, soundsitting is comparable to capturing average energy equivalent sound level LAeq measurements in allowing the perception of and activities within a soundscape to settle into a steady state. Beyond obtaining a longer-term impression of a chosen sound environment, soundsitting allows for a participant to disengage with the visual, which allows for deeper engagement and focus when listening to a soundscape; in addition, soundsitting removes the safety implications and distractions of walking practice and, as such, is a more inclusive form of activity, allowing those who are unable to walk to engage in the practice. The static nature of the listening experience allows for a different type of immersion through engaged active listening, something which is not possible on a soundwalk, allowing for deeper qualitative analysis and insight into the soundscape of a specific space or location. The primary findings show with test group of n = 6 that both methods are effective soundscape study tools, and further work with diverse groups is required. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Vibration and Noise)
29 pages, 4588 KiB  
FEM Modeling of Electro-Acoustic Nonlinearities in Surface Acoustic Wave Devices: A Methodological Review
by Andreas P. Mayer, Elena A. Mayer, Markus Mayer, Werner Ruile, Vikrant Chauhan, Thomas Forster and Karl C. Wagner
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 759-787; - 7 Aug 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2340
In the framework of electro-elasticity theory and the finite element method (FEM), a model is set up for the computation of quantities in surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices accounting for nonlinear effects. These include second-order and third-order intermodulations, second and third harmonic generation [...] Read more.
In the framework of electro-elasticity theory and the finite element method (FEM), a model is set up for the computation of quantities in surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices accounting for nonlinear effects. These include second-order and third-order intermodulations, second and third harmonic generation and the influence of electro-acoustic nonlinearity on the frequency characteristics of SAW resonators. The model is based on perturbation theory, and requires input material constants, e.g., the elastic moduli up to fourth order for all materials involved. The model is two-dimensional, corresponding to an infinite aperture, but all three Cartesian components of the displacement and electrical fields are accounted for. The first version of the model pertains to an infinite periodic arrangement of electrodes. It is subsequently generalized to systems with a finite number of electrodes. For the latter version, a recursive algorithm is presented which is related to the cascading scheme of Plessky and Koskela and strongly reduces computation time and memory requirements. The model is applied to TC-SAW systems with copper electrodes buried in an oxide film on a LiNbO3 substrate. Results of computations are presented for the electrical current due to third-order intermodulations and the displacement field associated with the second harmonic and second-order intermodulations, generated by monochromatic input tones. The scope of this review is limited to methodological aspects with the goal to enable calculations of nonlinear quantities in SAW devices on inexpensive and easily accessible computing platforms. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Featured Position and Review Papers in Acoustics Science)
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13 pages, 3420 KiB  
A Stable IIR Filter Design Approach for High-Order Active Noise Control Applications
by Yongjie Zhuang and Yangfan Liu
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 746-758; - 25 Jul 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2793
In commercial non-adaptive active noise control (ANC) applications, an IIR filter structure is often used to reduce real-time computations. On the contrary, an FIR filter structure is usually preferred in the filter design phase because the FIR filter design formulation can be convex [...] Read more.
In commercial non-adaptive active noise control (ANC) applications, an IIR filter structure is often used to reduce real-time computations. On the contrary, an FIR filter structure is usually preferred in the filter design phase because the FIR filter design formulation can be convex and is simple to solve. To combine the benefits of both FIR and IIR filter structures, one common approach in ANC applications is to use an IIR filter structure to fit a pre-designed FIR filter. However, to ensure stability, most of the common IIR filter fitting approaches involve the computation and relocation of poles which can be difficult for high-order cases. In this current work, a stable IIR filter design approach that does not need the computation and relocation of poles is improved to be applicable in ANC applications. The results demonstrate that the proposed method can achieve better fitting accuracy and steady-state noise control performance in high-order non-adaptive applications when the pre-designed noise control FIR filter is fitted. Besides fitting the noise control filter, the proposed method can also be used to fit the secondary path and acoustic feedback path to reduce the required real-time computations if adaptive controllers are applied. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Active Control of Sound and Vibration)
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0 pages, 11370 KiB  
Investigating the Detection Capability of Acoustic Emission Monitoring to Identify Imperfections Produced by the Metal Active Gas (MAG) Welding Process
by James Marcus Griffin, Steven Jones, Bama Perumal and Carl Perrin
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 714-745; - 20 Jul 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2453
Welding inspection is a critical process that can be severely time-consuming, resulting in productivity delays, especially when destructive or invasive processes are required. This paper defines the novel approach to investigate the physical correlation between common imperfections found in arc welding and the [...] Read more.
Welding inspection is a critical process that can be severely time-consuming, resulting in productivity delays, especially when destructive or invasive processes are required. This paper defines the novel approach to investigate the physical correlation between common imperfections found in arc welding and the propensity to determine these through the identification of signatures using acoustic emission sensors. Through a set of experiments engineered to induce prominent imperfections (cracks and other anomalies) using a popular welding process and the use of AE technology (both airborne and contact), it provides confirmation that the verification of physical anomalies can indeed be identified through variations in obtained noise frequency signatures. This in situ information provides signals during and after solidification to inform operators of the deposit/HAZ integrity to support the advanced warning of unwanted anomalies and of whether the weld/fabrication process should be halted to undertake rework before completing the fabrication. Experimentation was carried out based on an acceptable set of parameters where extracted data from the sensors were recorded, analysed, and compared with the resultant microstructure. This may allow signal phenomena to be captured and catalogued for future use in referencing against known anomalies. Full article
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21 pages, 6268 KiB  
On Training Targets and Activation Functions for Deep Representation Learning in Text-Dependent Speaker Verification
by Achintya Kumar Sarkar and Zheng-Hua Tan
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 693-713; - 17 Jul 2023
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2093
Deep representation learning has gained significant momentum in advancing text-dependent speaker verification (TD-SV) systems. When designing deep neural networks (DNN) for extracting bottleneck (BN) features, the key considerations include training targets, activation functions, and loss functions. In this paper, we systematically study the [...] Read more.
Deep representation learning has gained significant momentum in advancing text-dependent speaker verification (TD-SV) systems. When designing deep neural networks (DNN) for extracting bottleneck (BN) features, the key considerations include training targets, activation functions, and loss functions. In this paper, we systematically study the impact of these choices on the performance of TD-SV. For training targets, we consider speaker identity, time-contrastive learning (TCL), and auto-regressive prediction coding, with the first being supervised and the last two being self-supervised. Furthermore, we study a range of loss functions when speaker identity is used as the training target. With regard to activation functions, we study the widely used sigmoid function, rectified linear unit (ReLU), and Gaussian error linear unit (GELU). We experimentally show that GELU is able to reduce the error rates of TD-SV significantly compared to sigmoid, irrespective of the training target. Among the three training targets, TCL performs the best. Among the various loss functions, cross-entropy, joint-softmax, and focal loss functions outperform the others. Finally, the score-level fusion of different systems is also able to reduce the error rates. To evaluate the representation learning methods, experiments are conducted on the RedDots 2016 challenge database consisting of short utterances for TD-SV systems based on classic Gaussian mixture model-universal background model (GMM-UBM) and i-vector methods. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Featured Position and Review Papers in Acoustics Science)
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17 pages, 2854 KiB  
Comparison of Semi-Empirical Impedance Models for Locally-Reacting Acoustic Liners in a Wide Range of Sound Pressure Levels
by Vadim Palchikovskiy, Aleksandr Kuznetsov, Igor Khramtsov and Oleg Kustov
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 676-692; - 14 Jul 2023
Viewed by 1819
A comparison is considered of the experimentally obtained impedance of locally reacting acoustic liner samples with the impedance calculated using semi-empirical Goodrich, Sobolev and Eversman models. The semi-empirical impedance models are outlined. In the experiment, the impedance is synchronously measured on a normal [...] Read more.
A comparison is considered of the experimentally obtained impedance of locally reacting acoustic liner samples with the impedance calculated using semi-empirical Goodrich, Sobolev and Eversman models. The semi-empirical impedance models are outlined. In the experiment, the impedance is synchronously measured on a normal incidence impedance tube by the transfer function method and Dean’s method. A modification of the conventional normal incidence impedance tube is proposed to obtain these measurements. To automate the measurements, a program code is developed that controls sound generation and the recording of signals. The code includes an optimization procedure for selecting the voltage on an acoustic driver, providing the required sound pressure level on the face of the sample at different frequencies. The geometry of acoustic liner samples and specifics of synchronous impedance measurements by the aforementioned methods are considered. Experiments are performed at sound pressure levels from 100 to 150 dB in the frequency range of 500–3500 Hz. A comparative analysis of semi-empirical models with the experimental results at different sound pressure levels is carried out. Full article
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23 pages, 13789 KiB  
Exploratory Acoustic Investigation of Customizable 3D-Printed Hybrid Acoustic Materials (HAMs) through Interlaboratory Impedance Tube Measurements
by Vaia Tsiokou, Louena Shtrepi, Elena Badino, Arianna Astolfi and Anna Karatza
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 653-675; - 13 Jul 2023
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3207
Acoustic materials are widely used for improving interior acoustics based on their sound absorptive or sound diffusive properties. However, common acoustic materials only offer limited options for customizable geometrical features, performance, and aesthetics. This paper focuses on the sound absorption performance of highly [...] Read more.
Acoustic materials are widely used for improving interior acoustics based on their sound absorptive or sound diffusive properties. However, common acoustic materials only offer limited options for customizable geometrical features, performance, and aesthetics. This paper focuses on the sound absorption performance of highly customizable 3D-printed Hybrid Acoustic Materials (HAMs) by means of parametric stepped thickness, which is used for sound absorption and diffusion. HAMs were parametrically designed and produced using computational design, 3D-printing technology, and feedstock material with adjustable porosity, allowing for the advanced control of acoustic performance through geometry-related sound absorbing/diffusing strategies. The proposed design methodology paves the way to a customizable large-scale cumulative acoustic performance by varying the parametric stepped thickness. The present study explores the challenges posed by the testing of the sound absorption performance of HAMs in an impedance tube. The representativeness of the test samples (i.e., cylindrical sections) with respect to the original (i.e., rectangular) panel samples is contextually limited by the respective impedance tube’s geometrical features (i.e., cylindrical cross-section) and dimensional requirements (i.e., diameter size). To this aim, an interlaboratory comparison was carried out by testing the normal incidence sound absorption of ten samples in two independent laboratories with two different impedance tubes. The results obtained demonstrate a good level of agreement, with HAMs performing better at lower frequencies than expected and behaving like Helmholtz absorbers, as well as demonstrating a frequency shift pattern related to superficial geometric features. Full article
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22 pages, 422 KiB  
Animal Calling Behaviours and What This Can Tell Us about the Effects of Changing Soundscapes
by Rianna Burnham
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 631-652; - 4 Jul 2023
Viewed by 3402
The behavioural, physiological, and energetic repercussions for wildlife that result from changes in their soundscapes are increasingly being realized. To understand the effects of changing acoustic landscapes, we first must establish the importance of the acoustic sense for species to transfer information between [...] Read more.
The behavioural, physiological, and energetic repercussions for wildlife that result from changes in their soundscapes are increasingly being realized. To understand the effects of changing acoustic landscapes, we first must establish the importance of the acoustic sense for species to transfer information between the environment, con- and heterospecifics, and a receiver, and the functional role of calling in behaviours such as foraging, navigation, mate attraction, and weaning. This review begins with a discussion of the use of calling and the acquisition of the vocal repertoire, before providing examples from multiple taxa on the functional applications of signals and communication. The acoustic sensory mode adds to, if not being inherent in, many critical life history stages over a range of species. The potential effects on an animal resulting from a change in its perceived soundscape and disturbance on its acoustics use is outlined. This can then be used to consider the implications of an altered acoustic niche or active space in the success and survival of an individual or species. Furthermore, we discuss briefly metrics that could be used to understand the implications of these changes, or could be used to guide mitigation action to lessen the impact. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Effects on Wildlife from Changing Soundscapes)
12 pages, 3469 KiB  
Non-Special Loudspeakers as Speech Test Sources in Natural Acoustics Speech Intelligibility Investigations
by Luis Gomez-Agustina, Haydar Aygun and Liji Suseela Thankom Mohan
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 619-630; - 29 Jun 2023
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2068
Objective speech intelligibility estimations undertaken in natural acoustics speech communications (NAS) scenarios require the utilization of a speech source that approximates the acoustic characteristics of a human talker. Only a limited number of special speech sources that conform to the specifications in the [...] Read more.
Objective speech intelligibility estimations undertaken in natural acoustics speech communications (NAS) scenarios require the utilization of a speech source that approximates the acoustic characteristics of a human talker. Only a limited number of special speech sources that conform to the specifications in the relevant guidelines are available in the market; however, they can be deemed expensive by professional practitioners and other users. Non-special and affordable loudspeakers are often used in NAS investigations in place of standardized special speech sources without the knowledge of their suitability and results validity. This study aims to examine the suitability of a range of representative common and affordable non-special loudspeakers as a potential alternative to standardized speech sources in NAS indicative or pilot investigations. Frequency response and Speech Transmission Index Public Address (STIPA) experimental results obtained from a reference standardized speech source were compared against results from various non-special loudspeakers measured utilizing diverse and real-world representative combinations of NAS acoustic conditions under controlled laboratory conditions. STIPA mean absolute errors for the alternative speech sources were generally lower than the STIPA method uncertainty and one Just Noticeable Difference (0.03 STI). The findings of this study will inform practitioners of the suitability of affordable loudspeakers when standardized special test loudspeakers are not available. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Building Materials and Acoustics)
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18 pages, 4773 KiB  
An Acoustoelectric Approach to Neuron Function
by Jörg P. Kotthaus
Acoustics 2023, 5(3), 601-618; - 22 Jun 2023
Viewed by 2421
An acoustoelectric approach to neuron function is proposed that combines aspects of the widely accepted electrical-circuit-based Hodgkin–Huxley model for the generation and propagation of action potentials via electric polarization with mechanical models based on propagation via capillary waves. Explaining measured velocities of action [...] Read more.
An acoustoelectric approach to neuron function is proposed that combines aspects of the widely accepted electrical-circuit-based Hodgkin–Huxley model for the generation and propagation of action potentials via electric polarization with mechanical models based on propagation via capillary waves. Explaining measured velocities of action potentials quantitatively, it also predicts the electrical tunability of highly anisotropic polarization packages that surf on the dynamic mechanical force field deforming the neuron membrane. It relies substantially on the local motion of dipoles formed by excess charges close to the inside surface of the neuron membrane, which in turn are anisotropically screened by water molecules in their hydration shell, thus modulating the strong electric field at the interface. As demonstrated on acoustic resonators of suspended nanowires fabricated out of amorphous dipolar silicon nitride, high electric fields combined with predominantly axial-strain modulation can cause transverse acoustoelectric polarization waves that propagate soliton-like with extremely low loss. In neurons, the modulation of electric polarization is confined in the nanometer-thin skin of a high electric field inside the neuron membrane and propagates phase-coherent along the axon as a lowest-order one-dimensional breathing mode, similar to transverse polarization pulses studied in nanowire resonators. Some experiments for the further manifestation of the model as well as topological protection of such breathing-mode polarization waves are discussed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Resonators in Acoustics (2nd Edition))
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