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Lubricants, Volume 9, Issue 8 (August 2021) – 13 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Inorganic nanotubes (INTs) and fullerene-like nanoparticles (NPs) of WS2/MoS2 penetrate and exfoliate at the contact interface. Tribofilm formation is facilitated, and the tribological properties are greatly improved by exfoliated NPs that shed easily. However, as both are in general diminished by agglomeration in oil, the dispersion may be improved by surface functionalization. Here, WS2 INTs were functionalized with polytetrafluoroethylene (teflon) by a simple and cost-effective bath sonication. The addition of coated nanotubes with teflon to PAO4 oil improved the friction and wear properties of studied contact pairs. The deterioration of the coated nanotubes facilitates penetration to the contact interface. View this paper.
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20 pages, 11412 KiB  
An Evaluation of the Tribological Behavior of Cutting Fluid Additives on Aluminum-Manganese Alloys
by Junhui Ma, Olufisayo A. Gali and Reza A. Riahi
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 84; - 21 Aug 2021
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2968
The introduction of additives enhances the friction and wear reduction properties of cutting fluids (CFs) as well as aids in improving the surface quality of the machined parts. This study examines the tribological behavior of polymer-based and phosphorus-based additives introduced into cutting fluids [...] Read more.
The introduction of additives enhances the friction and wear reduction properties of cutting fluids (CFs) as well as aids in improving the surface quality of the machined parts. This study examines the tribological behavior of polymer-based and phosphorus-based additives introduced into cutting fluids for the machining of Al-Mn alloys. Ball-on-disc tests were used to evaluate the coefficient of friction (COF) and lubrication failure temperature to study the performance of the additives in the cutting fluids. Surface characterization was performed on the sliding tracks induced on the Al-Mn disc surfaces and used to propose the wear and friction reduction mechanisms. The polymer-based additive possessed a higher temperature at which lubrication failure occurred, displayed comparable COF at a lower temperature under certain conditions, and possessed a steadier tribological behavior. However, the phosphorus-based additive was observed to display lower COF and wear damage from 200 °C till failure. The lower COF values for the phosphorus-based additive at 200 °C corresponded with lower surface damage on the Al-Mn surface. The phosphorus-based additive’s performance at 200 °C could be attributed to the forming of a phosphorus-rich boundary layer within the sliding wear track, resulting in less surface damage on the Al-Mn surface and lower material transfer to the counterface steel ball surface. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Metalworking Fluids Technology)
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14 pages, 10679 KiB  
Impact of the LACKS of Fusion Induced by Additive Manufacturing on the Lubrication of a Gear Flank
by Franco Concli and Augusto Della Torre
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 83; - 20 Aug 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2679
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is becoming a more and more widespread technology. Its capability to produce complex geometries opens new design possibilities. Despite the big efforts made by the scientific community for improving the AM processes, this technology still has some limitations, mainly related [...] Read more.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is becoming a more and more widespread technology. Its capability to produce complex geometries opens new design possibilities. Despite the big efforts made by the scientific community for improving the AM processes, this technology still has some limitations, mainly related to the achievable surface quality. It is known that AM technologies promote the formation of LACKS of fusion inside the material. In some cases, the external surfaces are finished with traditional machining. This is the case of AM-produced gears. While the grinding operation aims to reduce the surface roughness, the presence of porosities just below the surface of the wrought component, could lead, after grinding, to the exposure of those porosities leading to a pitted surface. This phenomenon is surely not beneficial in terms of structural resistance, but can help the lubrication promoting the clinging of the lubricant to the surface. The aim of this paper is to study this effect. Micro-Computer-Tomography (μ-CT) analyses were performed on a 17-4 PH Stainless Steel (SS) produced via Selective Laser Melting (SLM). The real geometry of the pores was reproduced virtually and analyzed by means of multiphase CFD analyses in the presence of centrifugal effects. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Laser Technology in Tribology)
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9 pages, 261 KiB  
Technical Note
Fundamentals of Physics-Informed Neural Networks Applied to Solve the Reynolds Boundary Value Problem
by Andreas Almqvist
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 82; - 19 Aug 2021
Cited by 28 | Viewed by 5529
This paper presents a complete derivation and design of a physics-informed neural network (PINN) applicable to solve initial and boundary value problems described by linear ordinary differential equations. The objective with this technical note is not to develop a numerical solution procedure which [...] Read more.
This paper presents a complete derivation and design of a physics-informed neural network (PINN) applicable to solve initial and boundary value problems described by linear ordinary differential equations. The objective with this technical note is not to develop a numerical solution procedure which is more accurate and efficient than standard finite element- or finite difference-based methods, but to give a fully explicit mathematical description of a PINN and to present an application example in the context of hydrodynamic lubrication. It is, however, worth noticing that the PINN developed herein, contrary to FEM and FDM, is a meshless method and that training does not require big data which is typical in machine learning. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Machine Learning in Tribology)
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13 pages, 8696 KiB  
Experimental Study of the Lubrication Mechanism of Micro-Spherical Solid Particles between Flat Surfaces
by Abdullah A. Alazemi
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 81; - 17 Aug 2021
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 2527
In this study, a novel apparatus was designed and constructed to perform micro-sliding friction experiments while simultaneously observing the motion of micro-sized spheres using a visual inspection technique. The apparatus comprises a precision elevation stage that is used to elevate a flat mica [...] Read more.
In this study, a novel apparatus was designed and constructed to perform micro-sliding friction experiments while simultaneously observing the motion of micro-sized spheres using a visual inspection technique. The apparatus comprises a precision elevation stage that is used to elevate a flat mica disk, with the microspheres on top of it, to bring it into contact with a stationary surface and apply low loads on the contact. During micro-sliding experiments, it was found that the velocity of the center of the microsphere was half the velocity of the mica disk; in addition, friction force measurements revealed a very low coefficient of friction (about 0.03), indicating the rolling motion of the microspheres. The main outcome of our study was the verification of the hypothesis that spherical particles can be used to avoid direct contact among flat surfaces and can also introduce rolling motion within the system. The pure rolling motion of the microspheres sandwiched between a stationary and a moving flat surface supports the idea of adding rigid spherical particles to oil lubricants to further reduce friction and wear in the system by performing as micro and nanoscale ball bearings. Full article
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14 pages, 35748 KiB  
Investigation of Tribological Behavior of Lubricating Greases Composed of Different Bio-Based Polymer Thickeners
by Seyedmohammad Vafaei, Dennis Fischer, Max Jopen, Georg Jacobs, Florian König and Ralf Weberskirch
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 80; - 17 Aug 2021
Cited by 16 | Viewed by 5166
One commonly used lubricant in rolling bearings is grease, which consists of base oil, thickener and small amounts of additives. Commercial greases are mostly produced from petrochemical base oil and thickener. Recently, the development of base oils from renewable resources have been significantly [...] Read more.
One commonly used lubricant in rolling bearings is grease, which consists of base oil, thickener and small amounts of additives. Commercial greases are mostly produced from petrochemical base oil and thickener. Recently, the development of base oils from renewable resources have been significantly focused on in the lubricant industry. However, to produce an entirely bio-based grease, the thickener must also be produced from renewable materials. Therefore, this work presents the design and evaluation of three different bio-based polymer thickener systems. Tribological tests are performed to characterize lubrication properties of developed bio-based greases. The effect of thickener type on film thickness and friction behavior of the produced bio-based greases is evaluated on a ball-on-disc tribometer. Moreover, the results are compared to a commercial petrochemical grease chosen as benchmark. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Grease)
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22 pages, 6565 KiB  
Improvements of the MQL Cooling-Lubrication Condition by the Addition of Multilayer Graphene Platelets in Peripheral Grinding of SAE 52100 Steel
by Bruno Souza Abrão, Mayara Fernanda Pereira, Leonardo Rosa Ribeiro da Silva, Álisson Rocha Machado, Rogério Valentim Gelamo, Fábio Martinho Cézar de Freitas, Mozammel Mia and Rosemar Batista da Silva
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 79; - 16 Aug 2021
Cited by 16 | Viewed by 3116
In most grinding processes, the use of cutting fluid is required, and research has been carried out to reduce the amount of fluid used due to costs and environmental impacts. However, such a reduction of fluid can result in thermal damage to the [...] Read more.
In most grinding processes, the use of cutting fluid is required, and research has been carried out to reduce the amount of fluid used due to costs and environmental impacts. However, such a reduction of fluid can result in thermal damage to the machined component because the amount of cutting fluid may not be sufficient to lubricate and cool the system. One way of improving the cutting fluid properties is to add micro or nanoparticles of solid lubricants. This paper aims to evaluate the performance of multilayer graphene platelets dispersed in cutting fluid and applied through the technique of minimum quantity of lubrication (MQL) during the peripheral surface grinding of SAE 52100 hardened steel. In this sense, the influence of these solid particles with respect to the surface and sub-surface integrity of the machined components was analyzed, performing the roughness and microhardness measurement and analyzing the ground surfaces. The results showed that the cooling–lubrication conditions employing graphene could obtain smaller roughness values and decreases of microhardness in relation to the reference value and components with better surface texture compared to the conventional MQL technique without solid particles. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Application of Solid Lubricants in Metal Processing)
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16 pages, 67327 KiB  
Tungsten Disulfide Inorganic Nanotubes Functionalized by PTFE for Friction Application
by Tzuriel Levin, Yifat Harel, Jean-Paul Lellouche, Alexey Moshkovich, Igor Lapsker, Alex Laikhtman and Lev Rapoport
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 78; - 11 Aug 2021
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 3331
Inorganic nanotubes (INTs) and fullerene-like nanoparticles (NPs) of WS2/MoS2 penetrate and exfoliate at the contact interface and facilitate tribofilm formation. While the tribological properties are greatly improved by exfoliated NPs that shed easily, they may be diminished by agglomeration in [...] Read more.
Inorganic nanotubes (INTs) and fullerene-like nanoparticles (NPs) of WS2/MoS2 penetrate and exfoliate at the contact interface and facilitate tribofilm formation. While the tribological properties are greatly improved by exfoliated NPs that shed easily, they may be diminished by agglomeration in oil. Therefore, surface functionalization is employed to improve dispersion in oil-based suspensions. Here, WS2 INTs were functionalized by polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) in a simple and cost-effective bath sonication method. WS2-INTs with two concentrations of added PTFE were characterized by scanning and transmission electron microscopy, micro-Raman spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. Superior distribution of WS2 was observed before and during friction experiments. Chemical analysis showed a significantly greater amount of PTFE-coated INTs on rubbed surfaces, in accordance with the improved friction and wear properties. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Carbon Nano-materials for Controlling Friction and Wear)
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18 pages, 76988 KiB  
An Approach for the Transfer of Real Surfaces in Finite Element Simulations
by Arn Joerger, Stefan Reichert, Christoph Wittig, Navid Sistanizadeh Aghdam and Albert Albers
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 77; - 5 Aug 2021
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 2650
Virtual simulations are a relevant element in product engineering processes and facilitate engineers to test different concepts during early phases of the development. However, in tribological product engineering, simulations are hardly used because input data such as material behavior are often missing. Besides [...] Read more.
Virtual simulations are a relevant element in product engineering processes and facilitate engineers to test different concepts during early phases of the development. However, in tribological product engineering, simulations are hardly used because input data such as material behavior are often missing. Besides the material behavior, the surface roughness of the contacting elements is relevant for tribological systems. To expand the capabilities of the virtual engineering of tribological components such as bearings or brakes, the hereby presented approach allows for the depiction of real rough surfaces in finite element simulations. Rough surfaces are scanned by a white-light interferometer (WLI) and further processed by removing the outliers and replacing non-measured samples. Next, a spline generation creates a solid body, which is imported to CAD software and afterwards meshed with triangle and quadrilateral elements in different sizes. The results comprise the evaluation of six differently manufactured (turned, coated, and pressed) real surfaces. The surfaces are compared by the deviations of the roughness values after measuring with the WLI and after meshing them. Furthermore, the elements’ aspect ratios and skewness describe the mesh quality. The results show that the transfer is dependent upon deep cliffs and large Sz values in comparison to the lateral expansion. Full article
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27 pages, 8371 KiB  
A New Computational Tool for the Development of Advanced Exergy Analysis and LCA on Single Effect LiBr–H2O Solar Absorption Refrigeration System
by José Cabrera César, Jean Caratt Ortiz, Guillermo Valencia Ochoa, Rafael Ramírez Restrepo and José R. Nuñez Alvarez
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 76; - 5 Aug 2021
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 3495
A single effect LiBr–H2O absorption refrigeration system coupled with a solar collector and a storage tank was studied to develop an assessment tool using the built-in App Designer in MATLAB®. The model is developed using balances of mass, energy, [...] Read more.
A single effect LiBr–H2O absorption refrigeration system coupled with a solar collector and a storage tank was studied to develop an assessment tool using the built-in App Designer in MATLAB®. The model is developed using balances of mass, energy, and species conservation in the components of the absorption cooling system, taking into account the effect of external streams through temperature and pressure drop. The whole system, coupled with the solar energy harvesting arrangement, is modeled for 24 h of operation with changes on an hourly basis based on ambient temperature, cooling system load demand, and hourly solar irradiation, which is measured and recorded by national weather institutes sources. Test through simulations and validation procedures are carried out with acknowledged scientific articles. These show 2.65% of maximum relative error on the energy analysis with respect to cited authors. The environmental conditions used in the study were evaluated in Barranquilla, Colombia, with datasets of the Institute of Hydrology, Meteorology and Environmental Studies (IDEAM), considering multiannual average hourly basis solar irradiation. This allowed the authors to obtain the behavior of the surface temperature of the water in the tank, COP, and exergy efficiency of the system. The simulations also stated the generator as the biggest source of irreversibility with around 45.53% of total exergy destruction in the inner cycle without considering the solar array, in which case the solar array would present the most exergy destruction. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Tribology and LCA Applied to Thermal Machines)
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20 pages, 2834 KiB  
A Study on the Flow Resistance of Fluids Flowing in the Engine Oil-Cooler Chosen
by Bogdan Derbiszewski, Marek Wozniak, Lukasz Grala, Michal Waleciak, Maksym Hryshchuk, Krzysztof Siczek, Andrzej Obraniak and Przemyslaw Kubiak
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 75; - 29 Jul 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 5917
Oil-coolers are necessary components in high performance diesel engines. The heat removed by the cooler is a component in the total heat rejection via the engine coolant. Oil-cooler absorbs the heat rejected during the piston cooling and engine rubbing friction power loss. During [...] Read more.
Oil-coolers are necessary components in high performance diesel engines. The heat removed by the cooler is a component in the total heat rejection via the engine coolant. Oil-cooler absorbs the heat rejected during the piston cooling and engine rubbing friction power loss. During flows of both coolant and engine oil via the oil-cooler, some flow resistances occur. The aim of the study is to determine values of the flow resistance coefficient for oil going through the cooler at various temperatures. The test stand was developed to determine time needed to empty tanks from liquids flowing through oil-cooler. The flow model was elaborated to study the mentioned flow resistance coefficient with respect to changing liquid temperature. The 20 °C increase in liquid temperature resulted in a flow resistance coefficient decrease of 30% for coolant and of the much more for engine oil. It was found that better results would be achieved with flows forced by means of pumps instead of using gravitational forces on the test stand. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Automotive Tribology II)
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11 pages, 34316 KiB  
Low Friction Powertrains: Current Advances in Lubricants and Coatings
by Peter Lee and Boris Zhmud
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 74; - 27 Jul 2021
Cited by 13 | Viewed by 6464
Improving fuel economy and reducing emissions is nowadays more important than ever. Apart from powertrain electrification, automotive manufacturers have constantly been seeking to improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. Downsizing and boosting have become common practice in the internal combustion engine [...] Read more.
Improving fuel economy and reducing emissions is nowadays more important than ever. Apart from powertrain electrification, automotive manufacturers have constantly been seeking to improve the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. Downsizing and boosting have become common practice in the internal combustion engine (ICE) design. Increased power density and torque output of modern boosted engines, in combination with the introduction of automatic stop-start systems and ultralow viscosity lubricants tends to stress the engine beyond the limits foreseen in the classical design. This leads to wear problems. Each engine component comes with a unique landscape of competing manufacturing technologies, among which advanced surface finishing and coating methods play an important role. This presentation provides an overview of different industrial trends related thereto. The role of lubricant on the engine tribology is studied for different engine designs. The importance of in-design “pairing” of low-viscosity motor oils with the engine characteristics is highlighted filling the gap in the understanding of complex interactions between the crankcase lubricant and engine mechanics. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Tribology in Mobility)
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25 pages, 1848 KiB  
Water-Based Lubricants: Development, Properties, and Performances
by Md Hafizur Rahman, Haley Warneke, Haley Webbert, Joaquin Rodriguez, Ethan Austin, Keli Tokunaga, Dipen Kumar Rajak and Pradeep L. Menezes
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 73; - 23 Jul 2021
Cited by 96 | Viewed by 28590
Water-based lubricants (WBLs) have been at the forefront of recent research, due to the abundant availability of water at a low cost. However, in metallic tribo-systems, WBLs often exhibit poor performance compared to petroleum-based lubricants. Research and development indicate that nano-additives improve the [...] Read more.
Water-based lubricants (WBLs) have been at the forefront of recent research, due to the abundant availability of water at a low cost. However, in metallic tribo-systems, WBLs often exhibit poor performance compared to petroleum-based lubricants. Research and development indicate that nano-additives improve the lubrication performance of water. Some of these additives could be categorized as solid nanoparticles, ionic liquids, and bio-based oils. These additives improve the tribological properties and help to reduce friction, wear, and corrosion. This review explored different water-based lubricant additives and summarized their properties and performances. Viscosity, density, wettability, and solubility are discussed to determine the viability of using water-based nano-lubricants compared to petroleum-based lubricants for reducing friction and wear in machining. Water-based liquid lubricants also have environmental benefits over petroleum-based lubricants. Further research is needed to understand and optimize water-based lubrication for tribological systems completely. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Advances in Water-Based Nanolubricants)
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15 pages, 9774 KiB  
Cold Welding in Hold Down Points of Space Mechanisms Due to Fretting When Omitting Grease
by Andreas Merstallinger, Roland Holzbauer and Nathan Bamsey
Lubricants 2021, 9(8), 72; - 21 Jul 2021
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 5468
Cold welding refers to an effect related to space (vacuum). The heavy vibrations during a launch subject interfaces (hold down points) to oscillating motions which may lead to formation of a kind of “friction weld”. If so, these mechanisms may get stuck, and [...] Read more.
Cold welding refers to an effect related to space (vacuum). The heavy vibrations during a launch subject interfaces (hold down points) to oscillating motions which may lead to formation of a kind of “friction weld”. If so, these mechanisms may get stuck, and deployment will be hindered. This may endanger the functionality of the mission (instruments) or even the whole spacecraft (if solar panels do not open). Several studies have been done to characterize material combinations (including coatings) for their ability to cold welding in space. Meanwhile, also during launch grease free contacts are demanded. If grease hat to be omitted, the risk of cold welding under fretting was found to increase (when testing in high vacuum). To rate this risk under launch conditions, the test method was recently extended for testing under launch conditions. The new tests procedure consists of fretting applied in the sequence in air, low vacuum and high vacuum. The paper shall present first results gained with this new method of testing in launch conditions and compare them to previous studies done in vacuum. Following the need of space industry on mechanisms for launch and in-orbit life, a first set of combinations of materials and coatings were selected for this new test sequence where fretting is now applied in a sequence of air, low vacuum and high vacuum. Under this sequence, the measured levels of adhesion and it’s evolvement was found to differ strongly from tests done formerly. The paper outlines these first results and compares them to existing data. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Tribology of Space Mechanisms)
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