
23 January 2025
Acknowledgment to the Reviewers of Viruses in 2024

The editorial team at Viruses extends our heartfelt thanks to the dedicated reviewers whose expertise and commitment have been key to the journal's success in 2024. Last year, Viruses received 8087 review reports from 3938 reviewers representing 80 countries and regions worldwide.

To recognize the invaluable time, effort, and attention to detail that each reviewer dedicates, Viruses expresses its sincere gratitude through an annual acknowledgment of reviewers.

We are honored to recognize the reviewers who allowed us to publish their names each year. The names of these reviewers are listed below in alphabetical order by first name:

Aaron E. Lin Griff Parks Nicholas Polakowski
Abdo Said Grissell Tirado Nicolas Torres
Abdul Kader Jailani Amirudeen Guido Poli Nicole Vidal
Abel Gutiérrez-Ortega Guilherme Campos Nidia Arechiga-Ceballos
Abimbola Kolawole Gulce Sari Nigel Cook
Abraham Kandathil Gule Cinar Nighat Perveen
Adam Achs Gunaraj Dhungana Nikolai Nikitin
Adam Hage Gunnel Halldén Nikolai Ravin
Adam Hume Gustavo Rodrigues Makert dos Santos Nikolaos Machairas
Adam Whisnant Guy Lemay Nikolaos Siafakas
Adquate Mhlanga Győző László Kaján Niluka Goonawardane
Adriaan Erasmus Basson Hagen Frickmann Nina Mendez-Dominguez
Adrian C. Paskey Haidong Wang Ning Kong
Adriana A. Giri Haitham Abo-Al-Ela Nirajkumar R. Makadiya
Adriana Aguilar-Lemarroy Haitham Eldoumani Nobuhiru Suzuki
Adriano Carrasco Han Siong Toh Nompumelelo Mkhwanazi
Adrien Breiman Hana Dobrovolny Nongthombam Boby
Adrish Sen Hanna Harant Nora M. Chapman
Agnieszka Bojarska-Junak Hao Wu Nuno Verdasca
Agostino Ognibene Hayley D. Yaglom Nuria Torner
Ahmad Rushdi Shakri Heinzpeter Schwermer Oana Almasan
Ahmed Abdelkhalek Helen G. Sambatakou Olga Ivanova
Ahmed Ali Hélène Sanfaçon Olga Masalova
Ailam Lim Heliana Dundarova Olga S. Zueva
Akihito Tsubota Heng-Chang Chen Olga Tarasova
Ákos Boros Herman J. Woerdenbag Olga V. Morozova
Alain Le Faou Hezhao Ji Oliver Schildgen
Alan Barrett Hideki Kondo Oliver Vasilj
Alberto Cassetta Hideto Yamada Olivier Escaffre
Alberto Kousuke De La Herrán-Arita Himanshi Tanwar Ombretta Turriziani
Alberto Rizzo Hin Hark Gan Omer Baris Ince
Alden Strother Estep Hiroaki Okamoto Osman Aktaş
Alejandro A. Schäffer Hiroaki Shirafuji Otávio Augusto Chaves
Alejandro Vallejo Hirotaka Sato Ovidiu Pop
Aleksandr N. Ignatov Hong-Su Park Pablo Thomas
Aleksandra Kalitnik Hosoon Choi Pabulo Henrique Rampelotto
Aleksei A. Stepanenko Hui-Lin Wu Pamuk Bilsel
Alessandra Gallinaro Huixin Yang Panagiota Anyfanti
Alessandro Perrella Humberto Debat Panagiotis G. Halvatsiotis
Alessia Perna Hye Ryoung Kim Panagiotis Tassis
Alexander Karasev Hyun-Woo Park Paolo Groff
Alexander Shikov Ian Fish Paolo Scrimin
Alexander V. Filatov Ifeanyi Jude Ezeonwumelu Parikshit Bagchi
Alexander V. Ivanov Igor Oscorbin Parinaz Aliahmad
Alexander Yitbarek Iman Tavassoly Patricia A. Boley
Alexander Zakhartchouk Ines Bleriot Patrick Gérardin
Alexandra Malbon Inna Tulaeva Patrick Kuery
Alexandra Rak Irina Isakova-Sivak Paul Hyman
Alexey Andreychev Isabel Ascensión Pérez-Hernández Paul Nathan Goldwater
Alexey Sarapultsev Isain Zapata Paul Riska
Alfredo Caturano Islam Nour Paulo Michel Roehe
Alice Monzani Ivan Brukner Pavel Ryšánek
Alice V. Alessenko Ivan Mikhailovich Pchelin Pawel Zmora
Alina Deshpande Ivan Nombela Pedro Luis Ramos-González
Aline Maria da Silva Ivan Sabol Peirong Jiao
Alison Luce-Fedrow Ivana Lazarevic Peli Foka
Alla Mironenko Ivana Šimić Penghua Wang
Aminu S. Jahun Ivanildo Sousa Per Moestrup Jensen
Amritlal Mandal Ivone Martins Peter Elsworth
Ana Vasić J. Stephen Lodmell Peter Pushko
Anand Ram Soorneedi Jae Kyu Ryu Peter V. Evseev
Anastasia S. Babkina Jaggi Ujjaldeep Petr Komínek
Andi Krumbholz Jairo Lizarazo Petr M. Rubtsov
André Schreiber James M. Harris Petr Zeman
Andrea V. Peralta Jamil Saad Petros Rafailidis
Andreas Jekle Janos Minarovits Petya Koycheva Hristova
Andrés Carrazco-Montalvo Jaquelin Dudley Philippe Gallay
Andreu Comas-Garcia Jarosław Walory Piotr Cybulski
Andrew Freedman Jason Brice Weinberg Piotr Rzymski
Andrew Henderson Jay R. Radke Piyush Baindara
Andrew Jin Jean Bettoni Poonam Mathur
Andrew L. Eamens Jean-Christophe Paillart Pradeep D. Uchil
Andrew Pekosz Jeanne Fair Prakash Jadhav
Andrey Gorshkov Jean-Pierre Kabue Premkumar Lakshmanane
Ángel L. Álvarez Jelena Prpić Primrose Freestone
Angela Bisio Jenna E. Coalson Professor Sinclair
Angela M. Bosco-Lauth Jennifer Altomonte Pucheng Chen
Angela Stufano Jennifer Barr Qiang Fu
Angelica Quercia Jens von Einem Qibin Geng
Angeliki Mavroidi Jeong Yoon Lee Qin Xiang Ng
Anita De Rossi Jeremy V. Camp Qingli Niu
Anna Egorova Jesse H. Arbuckle Rachel Schambow
Anna Kloc Jesús Gerardo Galaz-Montoya  Rachele Cagliani
Anna Koslova Jesús Hernández Rachy Abraham
Anna M. Timofeeva Jia Rong Jheng Raghunadharao Digumarti
Anna Majewska Jiajing Xiao Raluca Dumache
Anna Rosa Garbuglia Jian Wu Ramón A. González
Anna Sawczyn-Domańska Jianfei Lu Ramon Armengol
Anna Sergeevna Dolgova Jiangong Liang Ran Chai
Anna Sergeevna Speranskaya Jianxun Song Ranjan Ramasamy
Anna Shtro Jie He Ranjeet Kumar
Anna Szczerba-Turek Jie Zhu Raquel Lama López
Anna Szczotka-Bochniarz Jieshi Yu Ravendra P. Chauhan
Annalaura Brai Jiewen Guan Rayford Payne
Anthony Fehr Jihui Lin Raymond Nims
Anthony J. Sadler Jillian Myers Rebecca L. Tallmadge
Antoinette Van Der Kuyl  Jin Dai Rebekah Gullberg
Antoinette Van Schalkwyk Jing Zhang rendi Jiang
Antonella Caputo Jinhu Xu Renee Wan Yi Chan
Antonette Bennett Jinlin Li Renu Khasa
Antonio Mori Jinyan Zhang Reza Rastmanesh
Antonio Russo Jisu Li Ricardo Bassini-Silva
Antonio Tempone Joan L. Kenney Ricardo Parreira
AravindhBabu Ramasamy Parthiban Joanna Maj-Paluch Riccardo Moretti
Arkadiusz Dors João Paulo Pereira de Almeida Richard J. Noel
Armando Caseiro Joaquim Esteves Da Silva  Richard Roller
Arpan Acharya Joe Mymryk Richard Salvato
Artem Metlin John Coia Richard Smith
Assia Angelova John Johnson Ritthideach Yorsaeng
Assunta Bertaccini John Routsias Rivka Ofir
Aswathy Shailaja John T. Patton Rob Hoeben
Atsushi Kato Jon Sin Robbie B. Mailliard
Ayumi Matsuyama Jonathan Karp Robert J. C. McLean
Azizur Rahman Jonathan Rayner Robert J. Ossiboff
Baca Chan Joonho Moon Robert L. Harrison
Bahaa Jawad Jorge Mateo Robert Owen
Bapi Pahar Jorge Quarleri Roberta Battistini
Barbara Colitti Jorge Reinheimer Roberta Bona
Barbara Klupp Jorge Vieira Roberto Bastías
Barbara Mulloy José A. Carrión Roberto Castiglione
Barbara Ridolfi José C. J. M. D. S. Menezes Rodney Philip Jones
Basanta Kumar Das Jose Francisco Sanchez-Herrero Rodrigo Rodrigues
Basem Battah José Luiz Mazzei Rongguang Lu
Basu Dev Pandey Jose M. Casasnovas Ronit Sarid
Beata Olejnicka Jose Maria Marimon Rosamaria Pennisi
Beatriz Medeiros-Fonseca Jose Pereira Moura Neto Rosario Sabariegos
Benediktus Yohan Arman Juan Antonio Diaz-Pendon Rosemarie C. Rosell
Benjamin Cull Juan De La Torre Rosimar Neris Martins Feitosa
Benjamin Krishna Juan Fidel Osuna-Ramos Roxana Iacob
Benoit Barbeau Juan Fontana Ruben Rosales
Bin Li Juan Ignacio Degiuseppe Ruby Lin
Binghao Zhao Juan Luis Muñoz Bellido Rudolf Tauber
Biswas Avik Juanita Van Heerden Ruipeng Lei
Bluma Brenner Juhee Ahn Rutul Dalal
Bo Wang Julian Little Ruy D. Chacón
Bohuang Liang Julie Ann Sheldon Ryan C. Maves
Branko Velebit Julie Fox Sabitree Shahi
Brenda G. Hogue Julie Thomas Sabri Hacıoğlu
Brett D. Keiper Jun Ling Sagar Goyal
Brian C. Schaefer Jun Shen Salvatore Martini
Brian Ladman Jun Zhang Samar Sheat
Brian Willett Jun-Gyu Park Sameer Tiwari
Bruno Sargueil Junping Hong Saminathan Mani
Bryan Troxell Juta Kroiča Samir Mansour Moraes Casseb
Byron Wladimir Oviedo Bayas Kai Xu Sandra M. Cordo
Caijun Sun Kang Ning Sandrama Nadan
Camelia Vidiţa Gurban Kang Zhou Santiago Garcia-Vallve
Candida Manuela Ferreira Abreu Karam M. Obeid Santosh Dhakal
Carla Mavian Karel Kostev Sara Baroni
Carla Miranda Karen Kyuregyan Sara Morón-López
Carlo Brogna Karim Abdelsalam Sara Savić
Carlos Loncoman Karim Majzoub Sarah Wootton
Carlos São-José Karl Robinson Sarfaraz K. Niazi
Carmina Gallardo Frontaura Karolina Akinosoglou Saumil Doshi
Carol Nash Karolina Anna Wodz Sebastian Gomez Talquenca
Caroline Knox Katarina Hazuchova Sebastien Nisole
Carrie Innes Katarzyna Mazur-Melewska Selina Pasquero
Chanakha K. Navaratnarajah Katherine Brown Selma Gago Zachert
Chandru Subramani Katsuro Hagiwara Selwyn Arlington Headley
Changjun Guo Katsuya Kitamura Senthamizharasi Manivasagam
Changlong Liu Kaushi S. T. Kanankege Seon-Hui Hong
Changyou Li Kay Choong See Sergei Grishin
Chantal Agbemabiese Kayode Oshinubi Sergei Raev
Charlotte H. Edinboro Kazuchika Nishitsuji Sergey Morozov
Chenglong Xiong Keigi Fujiwara Sergey Rumyantsev
Chenglong Yu Keita Kai Sergey Tkachev
Cheng-Yao Yang Kelly S. Harrison Sergi Lopez-Serrano
Chen-Hua Liu Kenneth Nugent Seth Pincus
Chenzhou Hao Kenta Teruya Shaheen Nourinejhad Zarghani
Chiara Bertagnin Kerusha Govender Shan Goh
Chiara Suffritti Kevin Alan Lobb Shawn Babiuk
Chia-Yu Chang Kevin Daniel Pavelko Shilpa Sonti
Chien-Yu Cheng Kin Kui Lai Sho Iketani
Christian Jassoy Kiran Avula Shubhada Krishna Chothe
Christian Lehmann Kishore Vaddadi Shukho Kim
Christiane Weissenbacher-Lang Kiyoshi Ohtani Shunbin Ning
Christophe Guillon Klaus H. Hoffmann Shu-Qun Liu
Christopher Hellen  Kosuke Soda Silvia Blahak
Christos Papaneophytou Ksenia Tuchynskaya Silvia Palma
Cica Urbino Kun Xiong Silvia Pavone
Cillian F. De Gascun Kun Zhang Simone Carradori
Ciro Gargiulo Isacco Kunihiko Umekita Simopekka Vänskä
Ciro Leonardo Pierri Laima Balčiauskienė Singh Kumar Avishek
Claire Sharp Lasse Lindahl Sisko Tauriainen
Claudia Fernandez-Alarcon Laura Hughes Siyuan Ding
Claudia Filomatori Lauro Velazquez-Salinas Sobur Ali
Claudiu Marinel Ionele Lee Nguyen Songhua Shan
Cleo Anastassopoulou Leontina Banica Sonia Navas-Martin
Colleen Jonsson Liang Xue Sonia Zúñiga
Cornel Fraefel Lidija Popović Dragonjić Spyridon Kintzios
Cristian Diego Gutierrez Reyes Lijuan Yuan Sreekumar Othumpangat
Cristiano Salata Linda J. Saif Srinivasa Reddy Bonam
Crystal Wyza Burke Linfu Liang Stefan Hertwig
Dai-Lun Shin Lionel Frangeul Stefan Pöhlmann
Daniel C. Nelson Lola Llobat Stefan Rothenburg
Daniel C. Williams Long Sun Stefan Weger
Daniel Malouli Lora Simeonova Stefania Marsico
Daniel Marc Loredana Sabina Cornelia Manolescu Stefano Bo
Daniel Noyola Lorenzo Domenis Stephen Sharpe
Daniel Scott Lorenzo Leoncini Steven Baker
Danijela Miljanovic Lorenzo Malatino Steven Pascal
Danillo Lucas Alves Esposito Louis-Marie Bloyet Steven Zeichner
Dapeng Wang Lubomira Nikolaeva-Glomb Stuart Lichtenberg
Daria Danilenko Lucia Stanciakova Subha Das
Daria Mezhenskaya Luis Adrián De Jesús González Subramanian Muthamil
Daria V. Vasina Luís Cardoso Sudipta Biswas
Dariel Cabrera Mederos Luis Del Valle Sujit Mohanty
Dario Lirussi Luis Eduardo Servín-Garcidueñas Sumit Jangra
David A. Schwartz Luis Larrea Susan Michelle Williams
David Davido Luis Sánchez Vargas Susana Valente
David E. Martin Łukasz Świątek Sveinung Wergeland Sorbye
David Gilmore Łukasz Szeleszczuk Svjetlana Raus
David J. Garfinkel Lyubov Salnikova Swapnil Ganesh Sanmukh
David Murdoch Maciej Przybyłek Szu-Hao Kung
David Nascimento Silva Teixeira Madalina Preda Taejoong Kim
David Pasdeloup Madubuike Anyanwu Taís Fukuta Cruz
De Gaulle I. Chigbu  Magdalena Plotka Takaaki Koma
Deana Louise Cllifford Mahamud Ur Rashid Takahiro Sanada
Debashis Dutta Mahmoud Kamal Singer Takashi Onodera
Debjit Khan Malgorzata Lobocka Takuya Tada
Deemah Dabbagh Małgorzata Polz-Dacewicz Talia Swartz
Deepak Subedi Manish Kumar Talita Resende
Denis Jacob Machado Manoj K. Sekhwal Tanel Punga
Denis Kolbasov Manu Anantpadma Tangchun Zheng
Dequan Yang Manuel Sánchez-Díaz Tania Colasanti
Dhruv Nitinkumar Desai Marc Vasse Tao Wang
Dia C. Beachboard Marcelo A. C. Fernandes Tareq Hossan
Diana Angelica Aguilar Ayala Marcelo R. S. Briones Taro Urase
Dianjun Cao Marcelo Soares Taro Uyeda
Diego Alvarez Marcia Osburne Tatiana Arefieva
Dilip K. Nag Marcio Martinello Sanches Tatiana V. Rakitina
Dimitrios G. Basoulis Marco Bo Tatjana Vilibic-Cavlek
Dimitris Tsakogiannis Marco Ciotti Terence Scott
Dirceu Guilherme de Souza Ramos Marco Grodzki Thai Quynh Anh Nguyen
Dmitry Kireev Marco V. José Thang Truong
Dmitry Kostyushev Marco Zeppieri Thibault Mesplède
Domenico Galante Marcus Scotti Thomas Strecker
Dominic Paquin Proulx Margaret Hosie Tiago Souza Salles
Domonkos Sváb Margaret Scull Tim Lawrence Sit
Donatas Sneideris María Angeles Ayllón Tim Mahony
Dongbo Jiang Maria Angelica Guimarães Tim Walker
Dorota Kmiec Maria Elsa Gambuzza Timothy Michael Hanley
Dragomira Majhen Maria Eugenia Gonzalez Ting-Yu Cheng
Duygu Sari-Ak Maria Gaudino Tiziana Di Febo
Edurne Garcia-Vidal María José Dus Santos Tom Gallagher
Edward B. Stephens Maria Jose Garcia-Iglesias Tommaso Felicetti
Efstathios S. Giotis Maria Kantzanou Toong Seng Tan
Eileen Roulis Maria Morello Tore Buchanan
Ekaterina Evtushenko Maria Nevot Toru Takimoto
Ekaterina F. Kolesanova Maria Paola Bertuccio Toyoko Nakagomi
Ekaterina Sheshukova Maria Pia Ferraz Trieu Nguyen
Elena Cojocaru Maria Santoro Tuba Çiğdem Oğuzoğlu
Elena Criscuolo Maria Teresa Giraudo Tu-Hsuan Chang
Eleni Patsoula Marianne R. Perera Ulises Hernández
Elio Franco De Palo Mariantonietta Di Stefano Uma Maheswari Deshetty
Elisabetta Affabris Marina Bobkova Uri Mbonye
Eliseo Albert Marina Jerebtsova Ursula Panzner
Elizabeth De Gaspari Marina Lobato Martins Vaclav Honig
Elizabeth Fowler Marinda Mortlock Valentin Nicolae Varlas
Engin Berber Mario Henrique Magalhaes Barros Valentina Noemi Madia
Enrique Domínguez-Álvarez Mario Mietzsch Valeria Pietropaolo
Eric Lansdon Mariola Dutkiewicz Valerio Leoni
Eric Lau Mariza Gonçalves Morgado Vanessa V. Sarathy
Eric Piver Mark Kelbert Vasileios Papatsiros
Eric Toth Marko Pajić Vasileios Periklis Papadopoulos
Erica Diani Markus Hoffmann Vasileios Sevastianos
Erika Faber Markus Kainulainen Vassiliy Tsytsarev
Erwin van den Born Marlene Dreux Velmurugan Balaraman
Esaú Bojórquez-Velázquez Martina Bergant Marusic Venkatesh Sivanandam
Espen Rimstad Mary Ellen Mackesy-Amiti Vera A. Alferova
Etori Aguiar Moreira Mary‐Anne Trabaud Vera V. Morozova
Eugene B. Postnikov Masaaki Miyazawa Veronica Soloveva
Eugene V. Ryabov Masahiro Niikura Veronique Delesalle
Eun-Jin Kim Masahiro Yasuda Victor Alekseev
Eva Varallyay Masanori Nakagawa Victor Matheu
Evandro Watanabe Masayuki Nagasawa Victoria Alfonso
Evelina Šimkutė Matias Castells Vinay Shivanna
Fabiana Superti Matthew D. J. Dicks Violetta Katarzyna Macioszek
Fabio Fiorino Matthew J. Murray Virginie Doceul
Fabio Pasin Matthew Knox Vito Carlo Alberto Caponio
Fabio Romerio Matthias Schweizer Vitor Won-Held Rabelo
Fabio Scarpa Mauricio Comas-Garcia Viviane de Cássia Oliveira
Fabrício S. Campos Md Nazmul Islam Vladimir Babenko
Fabrizio Mammano Mehmet Kara Vladimir Kenis
Fanfan Zhang  Mehmet Yavuz Vladimir Korshun
Fanos Tadesse Woldemariyam Meihui Wu Vladimir V. Zarubaev
Fanzhi Kong Meiling Yu Vladimir Yeremeev
Fatma Eldemery Melissa Jones Wagner Quintilio
Federica Fogacci Mengyun Hu Waleed Seif Eldin Mohamed
Federico Marchesi Meredith Frazier Wang Xu
Fei Ke Michael A. Mandell Waqar Ahmed
Felipe Bonfim Freitas Michael Amoa-Bosompem Waqas Wakil
Fenglin Li Michael Bukrinsky Wei-Fan Hsu
Fernando Clavijo-Coppens Michael Daniele Weiwei Han
Fernando Neto Tavares Michael Eisenhut Wen Deng
Fernando Ponz Michael Eller Wenchao Sun
Ferruccio Bonino Michael McVoy Wenliang Li
Filipe Abreu Michael Paulussen Wenqiang Wei
Filippo Luciani Michael Schwarz Wenxin Wu
Filomena Fonseca Michael Scott Piepenbrink Werner Dammermann
Flor H. Pujol Michael Taliansky William Switzer
Flora De Conto Michaela Gack Wim P. Burmeister
Florencia Cancela Michela Milani Won Kyong Cho
Florentina Daraban Bocaneti Michele Della Bartola Woo H. Kim
Floris C. Breman Michele Tonelli Xian Zhi Li
Fouad Elmayet Michiel Harmsen Xiangjie Sun
Francesco Broccolo Mie Kobayashi-Ishsihara Xiao Wang
Francesco Faggioli Migle Baceviciene Xiaoan Wu
Francesco Mira Miguel Angel Reyes-Lopez Xiaohui Ju
Francisco Epelde Miguel Ángel Rodríguez-Milla Xiaoyu Zhao
Francisco José Barbas Rodrigues Miguel Matos Xin Chen
François Ferron Mikael Skurnik Xinming Tang
Francois Maclot Mikhail Klenov Xinran Liu
François Meurens Mikhail Kolev Xiu Li Feng
Frank Jenkins Mikhail Kostik Xudong Fan
Franz Josef Conraths Milka Mileva Xue Zhi Zhao
Fun-In Wang Min Yue Xuehong Wu
Gabriela Chávez Calvillo Toomer Mirjana Jerkic Yana Khlusevich
Gabriela Goujgoulova Mirko Aldè Yang Zhan
Gabriele Messina Miroslav Glasa Yang Zhang
Gabriella Verucchi Mohamed Faisal Yanhua Li
Galina Karganova Mohamed Mahdi Yao He
Gaston Bonenfant Mohammad Sultan Khuroo Yao Wang
Geoffrey Holm Mohammed El Houadfi Yelena Valentinovna Likhoshway
George Belov Mohammed Quazi Yi Cheng Wu
George Michail Mohit Chawla Yichen Cheng
Georgelin Nguema Ondo Moises Leon Juarez Yih-Horng Shiao
Georgios Manessis Monica Birkhead Ying Hong Li
Gerard Goh Monica Borghi Yinzhong Shen
Gergana Zahmanova Monika Olech Yiu Wing Jason Kam
Gerhard Steger Motoshi Tajima Yong Zhang
Gert Venter Mubarak S. Elsaeed Karsany Yongle Yang
Gervais Habarugira Muhammad Shuaib Yongxing Ai
Gianmarco Ferrara Murali Muniraju Yoon-Seok Chung
Gilma Sánchez Myosotys Rodriguez Yoshiaki Yura
Ginger Geiger Nadeem Ullah Yoshihiro Sakoda
Giorgio Mangino Nadezhda A. Berezina Yoshinao Kubo
Giovanna Traina Naiying Mao Ypp Kim
Giovanni Franzo Nakita Câmara Yuancheng Zhou
Giovanni Nigro Nancy Endersby-Harshman Yuta Kanai
Giuliano Tocci Narcisa Muresu Yutang Li
Giulio Nannetti Natalia Cheshenko Zaid Taha
Giulio Severi Natalia Golender Zeinab Aboezz
Giuseppe Bertoni Natalia Lomakina Zhaoxi Sun
Giuseppe Di Martino Natalia Ruetalo Zhen Li
Gloria Arriagada Neal A. DeLuca Zhenlu Zhang
Goran Baranović Negrut Nicoleta Zhichao Tang
Gordana Kovacevic Neil Almond Zhicheng Jin
Graham Belsham Neli Milenova Vilhelmova-Ilieva Zsolt Toth
Graham Burgess Nelly Mak Zygmunt Warzecha
Gregg Dean Neven Papić
Gregory Chinchar Nicholas Geraghty

21 January 2025
MDPI’s Newly Launched Journals in December 2024

Nine new journals covering multiple subjects launched their inaugural issues in December 2024. We are excited to be able to share with you the newest research rooted in the value of open access.

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all of the Editorial Board Members, and each journal will ensure its high-quality output by using excellent editorial and rigorous peer-review processes, to ensure that the articles achieve high impact and visibility.

Please feel free to browse and discover more about the new journals below.

Journal Founding Editor-in-Chief Journal Topics (Selected)

Prof. Dr. Zhaoyang Dong
City University of Hong Kong, China
Editorial | View inaugural issue

energy storage technologies; energy storage system management; energy storage applications; strategies in renewable energy generation grid integration; distributed storage systems; economics and markets for energy storage
View journal scope | Submit an article

Prof. Dr. Yang-Hui He
1. London Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Royal Institution, UK
2. University of Oxford, UK
Editorial | View inaugural issue
Euclidean geometry; differential geometry; algebraic geometry; complex geometry; discrete geometry; computational geometry; geometric group theory;  convex geometry
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Dr. Michel Planat
Université de Franche-Comté, France
Editorial | View inaugural issue
differential topology; algebraic topology; manifold topology; homology theory; low-dimensional topology; fuzzy sets
View journal scope | Submit an article

Prof. Dr. Rashid Al Abri
1. Sultan Qaboos University, Oman
2. Oman Medical Association, Oman
Editorial | View inaugural issue
clinical practices as well as research and innovation in medical education, risk management in healthcare, and patient safety
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Prof. Dr. Ecevit Bilgili*
New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA
*Prof. Dr. Ecevit Bilgili passed away before the completion of the inaugural issue. His dedication and vision for JPBI will always be remembered and serve as a guiding inspiration.
Editorial | View inaugural issue
early drug discovery and development; product characterization and pre-clinical testing; drug delivery systems and drug design; active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production
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Dr. Weiyong Liu
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Editorial | View inaugural issue
theories, methodologies, technologies, and applications in the fields of laboratory medicine and clinical chemistry
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Prof. Dr. Manuel Pedro Rodríguez Bolívar
University of Granada, Spain
Editorial | View inaugural issue
scientometrics; informetrics; bibliometrics; altmetrics; webometrics; research evaluation
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Prof. Dr. Fei Fan
Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
Editorial | View inaugural issue
regional growth theory and methods; regional system modeling and optimization; regional development policy; regional spatial evolution; environmental policy and instrument choice
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Dr. Kevin Cianfaglione
Université Catholique de Lille, France
Editorial | View inaugural issue
wild species and their habitats; wild environments and biodiversity; natural environment management; wild land preservation
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We wish to thank everyone who has supported the development of open access publishing. You are welcome to send an application here, or contact the New Journal Committee ([email protected]) if you would like to create more new journals.

2 January 2025
Meet Us at the 2025 XXV International Poxvirus, Asfarvirus, and Iridovirus Conference, 18–23 May 2024, San Antonio, Texas, USA

We look forward to meeting you at the 2025 XXV International Poxvirus, Asfarvirus, and Iridovirus Conference, which will be held from 18 to 23 May 2025.

Poxvirus, Asfarvirus, and Iridovirus families possess large double-stranded DNA genomes and replicate in the cytoplasm. Some members of these families cause serious diseases in humans and economically important animals, including zoonoses. The 2025 XXV International Poxvirus, Asfarvirus, and Iridovirus Conference will bring together researchers to discuss the latest advancements and breakthroughs in Poxviruses, Asfarviruses, and Iridoviruses. The topics covered in this context include virus entry, genome replication and gene expression, trafficking, genomics/transcriptomics/proteomics, morphogenesis and assembly, exit, virus–host interactions, immunity, immune evasion, pathogenesis, vaccines, antivirals, diagnostics, virus vectors, oncolytic virotherapy, and emerging and re-emerging viruses.

We invite you to participate in this congress. More information can be found at the following link:

24 December 2024
Viruses | Notable Papers in the Field of Influenza Virus

“Zoonotic Animal Influenza Virus and Potential Mixing Vessel Hosts”
by Elsayed M. Abdelwhab and Thomas C. Mettenleiter
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 980;
Available online:

“The Molecular Epidemiology of Clade H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in Southern Africa, 2021–2022”
by Celia Abolnik, Thandeka Phiri, Belinda Peyrot, Renee de Beer, Albert Snyman, David Roberts, Katrin Ludynia, Frances Jordaan, Michele Maartens, Zehaad Ismail et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(6), 1383;
Available online:

“The Molecular Epidemiology of Clade H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza in Southern Africa, 2021–2022”
by Celia Abolnik, Thandeka Phiri, Belinda Peyrot, Renee de Beer, Albert Snyman, David Roberts, Katrin Ludynia, Frances Jordaan, Michele Maartens, Zehaad Ismail et al.
Viruses 2023, 15(6), 1383;
Available online:

“Disappearance and Re-Emergence of Influenza during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Association with Infection Control Measures”
by Hikaru Takeuchi and Ryuta Kawashima
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 223;
Available online:

“Spreading of the High-Pathogenicity Avian Influenza (H5N1) Virus of Clade into Uruguay”
by Ana Marandino, Gonzalo Tomás, Yanina Panzera, Carmen Leizagoyen, Ramiro Pérez, Lucía Bassetti, Raúl Negro, Sirley Rodríguez and Ruben Pérez
Viruses 2023, 15(9), 1906;
Available online:

“Different Infectivity and Transmissibility of H5N8 and H5N1 High Pathogenicity Avian Influenza Viruses Isolated from Chickens in Japan in the 2021/2022 Season”
by Yoshihiro Takadate, Ryota Tsunekuni, Asuka Kumagai, Junki Mine, Yuto Kikutani, Saki Sakuma, Kohtaro Miyazawa and Yuko Uchida
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 265;
Available online:

“Avian Influenza Virus Tropism in Humans”
by Umarqayum AbuBakar, Lina Amrani, Farah Ayuni Kamarulzaman, Saiful Anuar Karsani, Pouya Hassandarvish and Jasmine Elanie Khairat
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 833;
Available online:

“Multi-Influenza HA Subtype Protection of Ferrets Vaccinated with an N1 COBRA-Based Neuraminidase”
by Amanda L. Skarlupka, Xiaojian Zhang, Uriel Blas-Machado, Spencer F. Sumner and Ted M. Ross
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 184;
Available online:

“Determining the Protective Efficacy of Toll-Like Receptor Ligands to Minimize H9N2 Avian Influenza Virus Transmission in Chickens”
by Sugandha Raj, Mohammadali Alizadeh, Bahram Shoojadoost, Douglas Hodgins, Éva Nagy, Samira Mubareka, Khalil Karimi, Shahriar Behboudi and Shayan Sharif
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 238;
Available online:

“Experimental Pathogenicity of H9N2 Avian Influenza Viruses Harboring a Tri-Basic Hemagglutinin Cleavage Site in Sonali and Broiler Chickens”
by Jahan Ara Begum, Ismail Hossain, Mohammed Nooruzzaman, Jacqueline King, Emdadul Haque Chowdhury, Timm C. Harder and Rokshana Parvin
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 461;
Available online:

“Association between Temperature and Influenza Activity across Different Regions of China during 2010–2017”
by Dina Wang, Hao Lei, Dayan Wang, Yuelong Shu and Shenglan Xiao
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 594;
Available online:

24 December 2024
Viruses | Issue Cover Articles in 2024

“EcoHIV-Infected Mice Show No Signs of Platelet Activation”
by Hammodah R. Alfar, Dominic Ngima Nthenge-Ngumbau, Kathryn E. Saatman and Sidney W. Whiteheart
Viruses 2024, 16(1), 55;
Available online:

“Prior Influenza Infection Mitigates SARS-CoV-2 Disease in Syrian Hamsters”
by Caterina Di Pietro, Ann M. Haberman, Brett D. Lindenbach, Peter C. Smith, Emanuela M. Bruscia, Heather G. Allore, Brent Vander Wyk, Antariksh Tyagi and Caroline J. Zeiss
Viruses 2024, 16(2), 246;
Available online:

“Discovery of a Novel Antiviral Effect of the Restriction Factor SPOC1 against Human Cytomegalovirus”
by Anna K. Kuderna, Anna Reichel, Julia Tillmanns, Maja Class, Myriam Scherer and Thomas Stamminger
Viruses 2024, 16(3), 363;
Available online:

“Host Barriers Limit Viral Spread in a Spillover Host: A Study of Deformed Wing Virus in the Bumblebee Bombus terrestris”
by Tabea Streicher, Pina Brinker, Simon Tragust and Robert J. Paxton
Viruses 2024, 16(4), 607;
Available online:

“EcoHIV Infection of Primary Murine Brain Cell Cultures to Model HIV Replication and Neuropathogenesis”
by Boe-Hyun Kim, Wei Chao, Eran Hadas, Alejandra Borjabad, Mary Jane Potash and David J. Volsky
Viruses 2024, 16(5), 693;
Available online:

“The Dual-Pseudotyped Lentiviral Vector with VSV-G and Sendai Virus HN Enhances Infection Efficiency through the Synergistic Effect of the Envelope Proteins”
by Bat-Erdene Jargalsaikhan, Masanaga Muto, Youngeun Been, Shoma Matsumoto, Eiichi Okamura, Tadanobu Takahashi, Yutaka Narimichi, Yuuki Kurebayashi, Hideyuki Takeuchi, Takashi Shinohara et al.
Viruses 2024, 16(6), 827;
Available online:

“Evolution of RNA Viruses: Reasons for the Existence of Separate Plus, Minus, and Double-Strand Replication Strategies”
by Hyunjin Park and Paul G. Higgs
Viruses 2024, 16(7), 1081;
Available online:

“Human Stimulator of Interferon Genes Promotes Rhinovirus C Replication in Mouse Cells In Vitro and In Vivo”
by Monty E. Goldstein, Maxinne A. Ignacio, Jeffrey M. Loube, Matthew R. Whorton and Margaret A. Scull
Viruses 2024, 16(8), 1282;
Available online:

“Translation of Overlapping Open Reading Frames Promoted by Type 2 IRESs in Avian Calicivirus Genomes”
by Yani Arhab, Tatyana V. Pestova and Christopher U. T. Hellen
Viruses 2024, 16(9), 1413;
Available online:

“Expanding Insights: Harnessing Expansion Microscopy for Super-Resolution Analysis of HIV-1–Cell Interactions”
by Annett Petrich, Gyu Min Hwang, Laetitia La Rocca, Mariam Hassan, Maria Anders-Össwein, Vera Sonntag-Buck, Anke-Mareil Heuser, Vibor Laketa, Barbara Müller, Hans-Georg Kräusslich et al.
Viruses 2024, 16(10), 1610;
Available online:

“Single-Cell Virology: On-Chip, Quantitative Characterization of the Dynamics of Virus Spread from One Single Cell to Another”
by Wu Liu, Claus O. Wilke, Jamie J. Arnold, Mohamad S. Sotoudegan and Craig E. Cameron
Viruses 2024, 16(11), 1659;
Available online:

“A Mutation in the Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) UL29 Gene is Associated with Anti-Herpesvirus Drugs’ Susceptibility”
by Souichi Yamada, Shizuko Harada, Hikaru Fujii, Hitomi Kinoshita, Phu Hoang Anh Nguyen, Miho Shibamura, Tomoki Yoshikawa, Madoka Kawahara, Hideki Ebihara, Masayuki Saijo et al.
Viruses 2024, 16(12), 1813;
Available online:

20 December 2024
Viruses | Issue Cover Articles in 2023

1. “Topoisomerase II as a Novel Antiviral Target against Panarenaviral Diseases”
by Tosin Oladipo Afowowe, Yasuteru Sakurai, Shuzo Urata, Vahid Rajabali Zadeh and Jiro Yasuda
Viruses 2023, 15(1), 105;
Available online:

2. “Differential Cellular Sensing of Fusion from within and Fusion from without during Virus Infection”
by David N. Hare, Tetyana Murdza, Susan Collins, Katharina Schulz, Subhendu Mukherjee, Roberto de Antueno, Luke Janssen, Roy Duncan and Karen L. Mossman
Viruses 2023, 15(2), 301;
Available online:

3. “SIV Infection Regulates Compartmentalization of Circulating Blood Plasma miRNAs within Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) and Extracellular Condensates (ECs) and Decreases EV-Associated miRNA-128”
by Steven Kopcho, Marina McDew-White, Wasifa Naushad, Mahesh Mohan and Chioma M. Okeoma
Viruses 2023, 15(3), 622;
Available online:

4. “Antiviral Activity of Acetylsalicylic Acid against Bunyamwera Virus in Cell Culture”
by Sara Yolanda Fernández-Sánchez, José P. Cerón-Carrasco, Cristina Risco and Isabel Fernández de Castro
Viruses 2023, 15(4), 948;
Available online:

5. “Immune Prophylaxis Targeting the Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) G Protein”
by Harrison C. Bergeron, Jackelyn Murray, Aakash Arora, Ana M. Nuñez Castrejon, Rebecca M. DuBois, Larry J. Anderson, Lawrence M. Kauvar and Ralph A. Tripp
Viruses 2023, 15(5), 1067;
Available online:

6. “Novel Mode of nanoLuciferase Packaging in SARS-CoV-2 Virions and VLPs Provides Versatile Reporters for Virus Production”
by Rebekah C. Gullberg and Judith Frydman
Viruses 2023, 15(6), 1335;
Available online:

7. “Structure and Function of Hoc—A Novel Environment Sensing Device Encoded by T4 and Other Bacteriophages”
by Andrei Fokine, Mohammad Zahidul Islam, Qianglin Fang, Zhenguo Chen, Lei Sun and Venigalla B. Rao
Viruses 2023, 15(7), 1517;
Available online:

8. “A Reverse-Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Technique to Detect Tomato Mottle Mosaic Virus, an Emerging Tobamovirus”
by Kan Kimura, Akio Miyazaki, Takumi Suzuki, Toya Yamamoto, Yugo Kitazawa, Kensaku Maejima, Shigetou Namba and Yasuyuki Yamaji
Viruses 2023, 15(8), 1688;
Available online:

9. “The Human Cytomegalovirus Latency-Associated Gene Product Latency Unique Natural Antigen Regulates Latent Gene Expression”
by Emma Poole, Jonathan Lau, Ian Groves, Kate Roche, Eain Murphy, Maria Carlan da Silva, Matthew Reeves and John Sinclair
Viruses 2023, 15(9), 1875;
Available online:

10. “Effect of Interferon Gamma on Ebola Virus Infection of Primary Kupffer Cells and a Kupffer Cell Line”
by José A. Aguilar-Briseño, Jonah M. Elliff, Justin J. Patten, Lindsay R. Wilson, Robert A. Davey, Adam L. Bailey and Wendy J. Maury
Viruses 2023, 15(10), 2077;
Available online:

11. “ZBP1 Drives IAV-Induced NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation and Lytic Cell Death, PANoptosis, Independent of the Necroptosis Executioner MLKL”
by R. K. Subbarao Malireddi, Bhesh Raj Sharma, Ratnakar R. Bynigeri, Yaqiu Wang, Jianlin Lu and Thirumala-Devi Kanneganti
Viruses 2023, 15(11), 2141;
Available online:

12. “Tetherin Restricts SARS-CoV-2 despite the Presence of Multiple Viral Antagonists”
by Elena Hagelauer, Rishikesh Lotke, Dorota Kmiec, Dan Hu, Mirjam Hohner, Sophie Stopper, Rayhane Nchioua, Frank Kirchhoff, Daniel Sauter and Michael Schindler
Viruses 2023, 15(12), 2364;
Available online:

17 December 2024
Over 100 German Universities Partner with MDPI in New National Agreement

More than 100 German universities and research institutions have entered into a national agreement with MDPI. The publication agreement negotiated by ZB MED comes into effect on 1 January 2025 and is valid until the end of 2026. Joining the consortium is still possible until the beginning of 2025. We are delighted by the high level of interest this agreement has already garnered, reflecting the strong demand for accessible and cost-effective open access publishing solutions among German research institutions.

This new cooperation aims to make scientific gold open access publishing more affordable and less administratively burdensome for researchers in Germany. The agreement includes substantial discounts on article processing charges (APCs) for corresponding authors from participating institutions. It offers flexible payment options, including centralized invoicing or individual payment of fees by researchers or their institutions. Additionally, the agreement features a flat-fee model that enables institutions to precisely plan expenses and optimize their library budgets.

"MDPI can look back on over a decade of successful partnerships with German research institutions," says Peter Roth, MDPI Head of Publishing. "The new agreement marks another milestone in the long-standing co-operation between MDPI and the German scientific community. It emphasizes our commitment to developing up-to-date and inventive solutions for the diverse needs of scientific institutions to promote open research for the benefit of researchers."

Petra Labriga, Head of Strategic License Management at ZB MED, highlighted the agreement's significance: "As one of the world's leading Gold OA publishers, MDPI plays a central role in the German publishing landscape. We are particularly pleased that we were able to achieve considerable potential cost savings for scientific institutions and their authors at a national level through our negotiations."

The partnership reflects a common goal of advancing the idea of open access and supporting researchers in making their scientific excellence internationally visible.

"We would like to thank the ZB MED consortium team for their excellent collaboration," added Adrian Stefan Zamfir, MDPI Institutional Partnership Manager for the DACH region. "We are delighted that this agreement will give even more researchers in Germany access to our tried-and-tested and reliable publication platform."

Franziska Fischer (right), Commercial Director at ZB MED, an Peter Roth (left), Head of Publishing at MDPI, celebrate the signing of the new national open access agreement between MDPI and the ZB MED Consortium.

Peter Roth (center) joined ZB MED's Lea Carolina Schindler, Petra Labriga, Franziska Fischer, and Jonathan Lehmann in Cologne, Germany, on 13 December 2024 to sign the agreement.

More Information

  • Conditions and participation opportunities (German): Link
  • Frequently asked questions (German): Link


About ZB MED

ZB MED - Information Centre for Life Sciences is an infrastructure and research centre for life science information and data. Its aim is to support and strengthen research for people and the environment: from medicine to biodiversity and environmental protection.

The work of ZB MED is orientated towards the strategic guidelines:

  • Research + Networking: We conduct research together with the regionally, nationally, European and globally networked research community.
  • Data science: We enable data analyses and generate new knowledge through research.
  • Access to information: We provide sustainable access to information, literature and data as a central information infrastructure.
  • Open + FAIR: We promote open and reproducible science in line with open science and FAIR principles.
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About MDPI

Headquartered in Basel, Switzerland, MDPI is one of the world's leading open access publishers with a current portfolio of more than 440 journals in all scientific disciplines. MDPI‘s goal is to advance open science worldwide through greater transparency, efficiency and collaboration. To date, more than 3.7 million researchers have published their results in MDPI journals. The editorial process is overseen by a large network of dedicated reviewers and editors and supported by more than 6500 MDPI employees. MDPI currently works with over 800 academic institutions and 180 scientific societies worldwide, which benefit from a wide range of MDPI services and products.

17 December 2024
Article Layout and Template Revised for Future Volumes

We are pleased to announce a series of updates to our template, aimed at improving the readability and overall aesthetics of our publications. These changes have been meticulously designed to enhance the user experience and ensure consistency across all our publications. The updated template will be available for download from the Instructions for Authors page.

The following updates will be applied to articles published in the 2025 volumes, starting on 24 December 2024:

  • Main text: The line spacing has been increased to improve the readability of publications;
  • Header and footer: The link to the journal website will be removed, as a hyperlink has been integrated into the journal logo. Additionally, the DOI link will be moved from the left-hand side to the right-hand side, and both the header and footer will be slightly raised to achieve a better balance;
  • Left information bar: The information provided here has been rearranged for better organization; the CC-BY logo will be removed;
  • Font size: The font size used for the abstract, keywords, and first-level headings will be increased.

Furthermore, MDPI journals will continue to use article numbers. This approach enables us to maintain a rapid and efficient production process by being able to define pagination as soon as a paper is accepted.

We hope that the new version of the template will provide users with a better experience and make the process more convenient.

Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or suggestions.

16 December 2024
Viruses | Issue Cover Articles in 2022

1. “SARS-CoV-2 T Cell Responses Elicited by COVID-19 Vaccines or Infection Are Expected to Remain Robust against Omicron”
by Syed Faraz Ahmed, Ahmed Abdul Quadeer and Matthew R. McKay
Viruses 2022, 14(1), 79;
Available online:

2. “Structural Assembly of Qβ Virion and Its Diverse Forms of Virus-like Particles”
by Jeng-Yih Chang, Karl V. Gorzelnik, Jirapat Thongchol and Junjie Zhang
Viruses 2022, 14(2), 225;
Available online:

3. “Mapping of Antibody Epitopes on the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Nucleoprotein”
by Boniface Pongombo Lombe, Takeshi Saito, Hiroko Miyamoto, Akina Mori-Kajihara, Masahiro Kajihara, Masayuki Saijo, Justin Masumu, Takanari Hattori, Manabu Igarashi and Ayato Takada
Viruses 2022, 14(3), 544;
Available online:

4. “Structural Insight into KsBcl-2 Mediated Apoptosis Inhibition by Kaposi Sarcoma Associated Herpes Virus”
by Chathura D. Suraweera, Mark G. Hinds and Marc Kvansakul
Viruses 2022, 14(4), 738;
Available online:

5. “SARS-CoV-2 Causes Lung Inflammation through Metabolic Reprogramming and RAGE”
by Charles N. S. Allen, Maryline Santerre, Sterling P. Arjona, Lea J. Ghaleb, Muna Herzi, Megan D. Llewellyn, Natalia Shcherbik and Bassel E. Sawaya
Viruses 2022, 14(5), 983;
Available online:

6. “Evidence of RedOX Imbalance during Zika Virus Infection Promoting the Formation of Disulfide-Bond-Dependent Oligomers of the Envelope Protein”
by Grégorie Lebeau, Jonathan Turpin, Etienne Frumence, Daed El Safadi, Wissal Harrabi, Philippe Desprès, Pascale Krejbich-Trotot and Wildriss Viranaïcken
Viruses 2022, 14(6), 1131;
Available online:

7. “Phosphomimetic S207D Lysyl–tRNA Synthetase Binds HIV-1 5′UTR in an Open Conformation and Increases RNA Dynamics”
by William A. Cantara, Chathuri Pathirage, Joshua Hatterschide, Erik D. Olson and Karin Musier-Forsyth
Viruses 2022, 14(7), 1556;
Available online:

8. “TRIM7 Restricts Coxsackievirus and Norovirus Infection by Detecting the C-Terminal Glutamine Generated by 3C Protease Processing”
by Jakub Luptak, Donna L. Mallery, Aminu S. Jahun, Anna Albecka, Dean Clift, Osaid Ather, Greg Slodkowicz, Ian Goodfellow and Leo C. James
Viruses 2022, 14(8), 1610;
Available online:

9. “Evaluation of Virulence in Cynomolgus Macaques Using a Virus Preparation Enriched for the Extracellular Form of Monkeypox Virus”
by Eric M. Mucker, Josh D. Shamblin, Arthur J. Goff, Todd M. Bell, Christopher Reed, Nancy A. Twenhafel, Jennifer Chapman, Marc Mattix, Derron Alves, Robert F. Garry and Lisa E. Hensley
Viruses 2022, 14(9), 1993;
Available online:

10. “Biophysical Modeling of SARS-CoV-2 Assembly: Genome Condensation and Budding”
by Siyu Li and Roya Zandi
Viruses 2022, 14(10), 2089;
Available online:

11. “Integrated Omics Reveal Time-Resolved Insights into T4 Phage Infection of E. coli on Proteome and Transcriptome Levels”
by Maik Wolfram-Schauerte, Nadiia Pozhydaieva, Madita Viering, Timo Glatter and Katharina Höfer
Viruses 2022, 14(11), 2502;
Available online:

12. “Novel 3′ Proximal Replication Elements in Umbravirus Genomes”
by Philip Z. Johnson, Hannah M. Reuning, Sayanta Bera, Feng Gao, Zhiyou Du and Anne E. Simon
Viruses 2022, 14(12), 2615;
Available online:

12 December 2024
Viruses | Global Virus Network (GVN) Hosts Successful Series of Webinars

We are thrilled to announce a successful series of webinars organized by a Viruses-affiliated society—the Global Virus Network (GVN). The Global Virus Network is an essential and critical defense against viral disease. It is a coalition comprised of leading virologists around the world working to advance knowledge about how viruses cause us to be ill and to develop drugs and vaccines to lower the likelihood and severity of illness, as well as to prevent death.

On 26 November 2024, the GVN collaborated with Dr. Tony Schountz to present a webinar titled “Jamaican Fruit Bats as an Experimental Model for Virology and Immunology”. Dr. Tony Schountz, Ph.D., is a professor at the Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology, College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, at Colorado State University, USA. He is an accomplished virologist and immunologist with expertise in the study of virus–host interactions in reservoir species.

Following the mentioned collaboration, on 10 December 2024, the GVN welcomed Dr. Esteban Domingo for a fascinating exploration of SARS-CoV-2 genomes. The webinar, titled “Quasispecies and error catastrophe: the “be or not to be” of SARS-CoV-2 genomes”, delved into the complexity and variability of SARS-CoV-2 genomes, providing valuable knowledge and insights to the attendees. Keep an eye on their webpage for their next webinars!

Viruses (ISSN: 1999-4915) would like to congratulate the Global Virus Network for the success of their webinars and their great impact on as well as contribution to science. Viruses also cooperates with other societies, such as the American Society for Virology (ASV), the Spanish Society for Virology (SEV), the Canadian Society for Virology (CSV), the Italian Society for Virology (SIV-ISV), the Australasian Virology Society (AVS), and others affiliated with Viruses. For details, please visit

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