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Universe, Volume 6, Issue 7 (July 2020) – 12 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): Tensor network methods are powerful tools to study the properties of statistical and quantum systems. Here we present a new tensor network algorithm for (2+1)-dimensional lattice gauge theory, based on the fusion basis. The fusion basis diagonalizes a hierarchical set of Wilson and ’t Hooft loops. It therefore allows direct access to these observables. As opposed to the previously employed spin network basis, the fusion basis is stable under coarse graining. Furthermore, the algorithm implements predefined disentanglers that remove short-scale entanglement. We apply this new algorithm to lattice gauge theories defined for a quantum deformation of SU(2) and identify the critical couplings for different deformations. The results indicate the absence of a deconfining phase for the undeformed case. View this paper.
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23 pages, 1833 KiB  
The Origin of Matter at the Base of Relativistic Jets in Active Galactic Nuclei
by Gustavo E. Romero and Eduardo Gutiérrez
Universe 2020, 6(7), 99; - 18 Jul 2020
Cited by 14 | Viewed by 4094
The generation of relativistic jets in active sources such as blazars is a complex problem with many aspects, most of them still not fully understood. Relativistic jets are likely produced by the accretion of matter and magnetic fields onto spinning black holes. Ergospheric [...] Read more.
The generation of relativistic jets in active sources such as blazars is a complex problem with many aspects, most of them still not fully understood. Relativistic jets are likely produced by the accretion of matter and magnetic fields onto spinning black holes. Ergospheric dragging effects launch a Poynting-dominated outflow in the polar directions of these systems. Observations with very high resolution of the jet in the nearby radio galaxy M87 and evidence of extremely fast variability in the non-thermal radiation of several other objects indicate that charged particles produce synchrotron emission and gamma rays very close to the base of the jet. How these particles are injected into the magnetically shielded outflow is a mystery. Here we explore the effects of various processes in the hot accretion inflow close to the black hole that might result in the copious production of neutral particles which, through annihilation and decay in the jet’s funnel, might load the outflow with mass and charged particles on scales of a few Schwarzschild radii. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Black Holes and Relativistic Jets)
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16 pages, 312 KiB  
A Plausible Model of Inflation Driven by Strong Gravitational Wave Turbulence
by Sébastien Galtier, Jason Laurie and Sergey V. Nazarenko
Universe 2020, 6(7), 98; - 16 Jul 2020
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 3133
It is widely accepted that the primordial universe experienced a brief period of accelerated expansion called inflation. This scenario provides a plausible solution to the horizon and flatness problems. However, the particle physics mechanism responsible for inflation remains speculative with, in particular, the [...] Read more.
It is widely accepted that the primordial universe experienced a brief period of accelerated expansion called inflation. This scenario provides a plausible solution to the horizon and flatness problems. However, the particle physics mechanism responsible for inflation remains speculative with, in particular, the assumption of a scalar field called inflaton. Furthermore, the comparison with the most recent data raises new questions that encourage the consideration of alternative hypotheses. Here, we propose a completely different scenario based on a mechanism whose origins lie in the nonlinearities of the Einstein field equations. We use the analytical results of weak gravitational wave turbulence to develop a phenomenological theory of strong gravitational wave turbulence where the inverse cascade of wave action plays a key role. In this scenario, the space-time metric excitation triggers an explosive inverse cascade followed by the formation of a condensate in Fourier space whose growth is interpreted as an expansion of the universe. Contrary to the idea that gravitation can only produce a decelerating expansion, our study reveals that strong gravitational wave turbulence could be a source of inflation. The fossil spectrum that emerges from this scenario is shown to be in agreement with the cosmic microwave background radiation measured by the Planck mission. Direct numerical simulations can be used to check our predictions and to investigate the question of non-Gaussianity through the measure of intermittency. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Cosmology)
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48 pages, 1234 KiB  
Tensor Network Renormalization with Fusion Charges—Applications to 3D Lattice Gauge Theory
by William J. Cunningham, Bianca Dittrich and Sebastian Steinhaus
Universe 2020, 6(7), 97; - 12 Jul 2020
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 3093
Tensor network methods are powerful and efficient tools for studying the properties and dynamics of statistical and quantum systems, in particular in one and two dimensions. In recent years, these methods have been applied to lattice gauge theories, yet these theories remain a [...] Read more.
Tensor network methods are powerful and efficient tools for studying the properties and dynamics of statistical and quantum systems, in particular in one and two dimensions. In recent years, these methods have been applied to lattice gauge theories, yet these theories remain a challenge in ( 2 + 1 ) dimensions. In this article, we present a new (decorated) tensor network algorithm, in which the tensors encode the lattice gauge amplitude expressed in the fusion basis. This has several advantages—firstly, the fusion basis does diagonalize operators measuring the magnetic fluxes and electric charges associated to a hierarchical set of regions. The algorithm allows therefore a direct access to these observables. Secondly the fusion basis is, as opposed to the previously employed spin network basis, stable under coarse-graining. Thirdly, due to the hierarchical structure of the fusion basis, the algorithm does implement predefined disentanglers. We apply this new algorithm to lattice gauge theories defined for the quantum group SU ( 2 ) k and identify a weak and a strong coupling phase for various levels k . As we increase the level k , the critical coupling g c decreases linearly, suggesting the absence of a deconfining phase for the continuous group SU ( 2 ) . Moreover, we illustrate the scaling behaviour of the Wilson loops in the two phases. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity)
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19 pages, 909 KiB  
Genuine Dilatons in Gauge Theories
by R. J. Crewther
Universe 2020, 6(7), 96; - 10 Jul 2020
Cited by 33 | Viewed by 2702
A genuine dilaton σ allows scales to exist even in the limit of exact conformal invariance. In gauge theories, these may occur at an infrared fixed point (IRFP) α IR through dimensional transmutation. These large scales at α IR can be separated from [...] Read more.
A genuine dilaton σ allows scales to exist even in the limit of exact conformal invariance. In gauge theories, these may occur at an infrared fixed point (IRFP) α IR through dimensional transmutation. These large scales at α IR can be separated from small scales produced by θ μ μ , the trace of the energy-momentum tensor. For quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the conformal limit can be combined with chiral S U ( 3 ) × S U ( 3 ) symmetry to produce chiral-scale perturbation theory χ PT σ , with f 0 ( 500 ) as the dilaton. The technicolor (TC) analogue of this is crawling TC: at low energies, the gauge coupling α goes directly to (but does not walk past) α IR , and the massless dilaton at α IR corresponds to a light Higgs boson at α α IR . It is suggested that the W ± and Z 0 bosons set the scale of the Higgs boson mass. Unlike crawling TC, in walking TC, θ μ μ produces all scales, large and small, so it is hard to argue that its “dilatonic” candidate for the Higgs boson is not heavy. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Spontaneous Breaking of Conformal Symmetry)
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20 pages, 361 KiB  
Spontaneous Color Polarization as A Modus Originis of the Dynamic Aether
by Alexander Balakin and Gleb Kiselev
Universe 2020, 6(7), 95; - 10 Jul 2020
Cited by 4 | Viewed by 2093
We suggest the phenomenological model of emergence of the dynamic aether as a result of decay of the SU(N) symmetric field configuration containing the multiplet of vector fields. The scenario of the transition to the dynamic aether, which is characterized by one unit [...] Read more.
We suggest the phenomenological model of emergence of the dynamic aether as a result of decay of the SU(N) symmetric field configuration containing the multiplet of vector fields. The scenario of the transition to the dynamic aether, which is characterized by one unit timelike vector field that is associated with the aether velocity, is based on the idea of spontaneous color polarization analogous to the spontaneous electric polarization in ferroelectric materials. The mechanism of spontaneous color polarization is described in the framework of anisotropic cosmological model of the Bianchi-I type; it involves consideration of the idea of critical behavior of the eigenvalues of the tensor of color polarization in the course of the Universe accelerated expansion. The interim stage of transition from the color aether to the canonic dynamic aether takes the finite period of time, the duration of which is predetermined by the phenomenologically introduced critical value of the expansion scalar. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Cosmology)
6 pages, 365 KiB  
Excess of Soft Dielectrons and Photons
by I. M. Dremin
Universe 2020, 6(7), 94; - 10 Jul 2020
Cited by 7 | Viewed by 2189
Spectra of unbound electron–positron pairs (dielectrons, in brief) and photons from decays of parapositronia produced in ultraperipheral collisions of electrically charged objects are calculated. Their shapes at energies of the NICA collider are demonstrated. Soft dielectrons and photons are abundantly produced. The relevance [...] Read more.
Spectra of unbound electron–positron pairs (dielectrons, in brief) and photons from decays of parapositronia produced in ultraperipheral collisions of electrically charged objects are calculated. Their shapes at energies of the NICA collider are demonstrated. Soft dielectrons and photons are abundantly produced. The relevance of these processes to the astrophysical problem of cooling electron–positron pairs and the intense emission of 511 keV photons from the Galactic center is discussed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Universe: 5th Anniversary)
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9 pages, 789 KiB  
Two-Dimensional Correlation Function of Binary Black Hole Coalescences
by Marco Cavaglià and Ashini Modi
Universe 2020, 6(7), 93; - 7 Jul 2020
Cited by 11 | Viewed by 2923
We compute the two-dimensional correlation functions of the binary black hole coalescence detections in LIGO-Virgo’s first and second observation runs. The sky distribution of binary black hole coalescence events is tested for correlations at different angular scales by comparing the observed correlation function [...] Read more.
We compute the two-dimensional correlation functions of the binary black hole coalescence detections in LIGO-Virgo’s first and second observation runs. The sky distribution of binary black hole coalescence events is tested for correlations at different angular scales by comparing the observed correlation function to two reference functions that are obtained from mock datasets of localization error regions uniformly distributed in the sky. No excess correlation at any angular scale is found. The power-law slope of the correlation function is estimated to be γ = 2.24 ± 0.33 at the three- σ confidence level, a value consistent with the measured distribution of galaxies. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Compact Objects)
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30 pages, 2252 KiB  
Gravitational Fluctuations as an Alternative to Inflation III. Numerical Results
by Herbert W. Hamber, Lu Heng Sunny Yu and Hasitha E. Pituwala Kankanamge
Universe 2020, 6(7), 92; - 4 Jul 2020
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 3447
Power spectra play an important role in the theory of inflation, and their ability to reproduce current observational data to high accuracy is often considered a triumph of inflation, largely because of a lack of credible alternatives. In previous work we introduced an [...] Read more.
Power spectra play an important role in the theory of inflation, and their ability to reproduce current observational data to high accuracy is often considered a triumph of inflation, largely because of a lack of credible alternatives. In previous work we introduced an alternative picture for the cosmological power spectra based on the nonperturbative features of the quantum version of Einstein’s gravity, instead of currently popular inflation models based on scalar fields. The key ingredients in this new picture are the appearance of a nontrivial gravitational vacuum condensate (directly related to the observed cosmological constant), and a calculable renormalization group running of Newton’s G on cosmological scales. More importantly, one notes the absence of any fundamental scalar fields in this approach. Results obtained previously were largely based on a semi-analytical treatment, and thus, while generally transparent in their implementation, often suffered from the limitations of various approximations and simplifying assumptions. In this work, we extend and refine our previous calculations by laying out an updated and extended analysis, which now utilizes a set of suitably modified state-of-the-art numerical programs (ISiTGR, MGCAMB and MGCLASS) developed for observational cosmology. As a result, we are able to remove some of the approximations employed in our previous studies, leading to a number of novel and detailed physical predictions. These should help in potentially distinguishing the vacuum condensate picture of quantum gravity from that of other models such as scalar field inflation. Here, besides the matter power spectrum P m ( k ) , we work out, in detail, predictions for what are referred to as the TT, TE, EE, BB angular spectra, as well as their closely related lensing spectra. However, the current limited precision of observational data today (especially on large angular scales) does not allow us yet to clearly prove or disprove either set of ideas. Nevertheless, by exploring in more details the relationship between gravity and cosmological matter and radiation both analytically and numerically, together with an expected future influx of increasingly accurate observational data, one can hope that the new quantum gravitational picture can be subjected to further stringent tests in the near future. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Universe: 5th Anniversary)
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18 pages, 561 KiB  
Correlation Functions of Quantum Artin System
by Hrachya Babujian, Rubik Poghossian and George Savvidy
Universe 2020, 6(7), 91; - 30 Jun 2020
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2439
It was conjectured by Maldacena, Shenker and Stanford that the classical chaos can be diagnosed in thermal quantum systems by using an out-of-time-order correlation function. The Artin dynamical system defined on the fundamental region of the modular group SL(2,Z) represents a well defined [...] Read more.
It was conjectured by Maldacena, Shenker and Stanford that the classical chaos can be diagnosed in thermal quantum systems by using an out-of-time-order correlation function. The Artin dynamical system defined on the fundamental region of the modular group SL(2,Z) represents a well defined example of a highly chaotic dynamical system in its classical regime. We investigated the influence of the classical chaotic behaviour on the quantum–mechanical properties of the Artin system calculating the corresponding out-of-time-order thermal quantum–mechanical correlation functions. We demonstrated that the two- and four-point correlation functions of the Liouiville-like operators decay exponentially with temperature dependent exponents and that the square of the commutator of the Liouiville-like operators separated in time grows exponentially. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Field Theory)
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15 pages, 417 KiB  
Langer Modification, Quantization Condition and Barrier Penetration in Quantum Mechanics
by Bao-Fei Li, Tao Zhu and Anzhong Wang
Universe 2020, 6(7), 90; - 30 Jun 2020
Cited by 9 | Viewed by 3063
The WKB approximation plays an essential role in the development of quantum mechanics and various important results have been obtained from it. In this paper, we introduce another method, the so-called uniform asymptotic approximations, which is an analytical approximation method to calculate the [...] Read more.
The WKB approximation plays an essential role in the development of quantum mechanics and various important results have been obtained from it. In this paper, we introduce another method, the so-called uniform asymptotic approximations, which is an analytical approximation method to calculate the wave functions of the Schrödinger-like equations, and it is applicable to various problems, including cases with poles (singularities) and multiple turning points. A distinguished feature of the method is that in each order of the approximations the upper bounds of the errors are given explicitly. By properly choosing the freedom introduced in the method, the errors can be minimized, which significantly improves the accuracy of the calculations. A byproduct of the method is to provide a very clear explanation of the Langer modification encountered in the studies of the hydrogen atom and harmonic oscillator. To further test our method, we calculate (analytically) the wave functions for several exactly solvable potentials of the Schrödinger equation, and then obtain the transmission coefficients of particles over potential barriers, as well as the quantization conditions for bound states. We find that such obtained results agree with the exact ones extremely well. Possible applications of the method to other fields are also discussed. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Foundations of Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Gravity)
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11 pages, 268 KiB  
Gravitational Waves in Axion Dark Matter
by Chong-Sun Chu, Jiro Soda and Daiske Yoshida
Universe 2020, 6(7), 89; - 29 Jun 2020
Cited by 17 | Viewed by 2731
Axion dark matter is interesting as it allows a natural coupling to the gravitational Chern–Simons term. In the presence of an axion background, the gravitational Chern–Simons term produces parity violating effects in the gravitational sector, in particular on the propagation of gravitational waves. [...] Read more.
Axion dark matter is interesting as it allows a natural coupling to the gravitational Chern–Simons term. In the presence of an axion background, the gravitational Chern–Simons term produces parity violating effects in the gravitational sector, in particular on the propagation of gravitational waves. Previously, it has been shown that the coherent oscillation of the axion field leads to a parametric amplification of gravitational waves with a specific frequency. In this paper, we focus on the parity violating effects of the Chern–Simons coupling and show the occurrence of gravitational birefringence. We also find deviation from the speed of light of the velocity of the gravitational waves. We give constraints on the axion-Chern–Simons coupling constant and the abundance of axion dark matter from the observation of GW170817 and GRB170817A. Full article
(This article belongs to the Section Gravitation)
7 pages, 256 KiB  
Parton Distribution Functions and Tensorgluons
by Roland Kirschner and George Savvidy
Universe 2020, 6(7), 88; - 29 Jun 2020
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2341
We derive the regularised evolution equations for the parton distribution functions that include tensorgluons. Full article
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