
Journal Browser

Journal Browser

Sensors and Robotics

A section of Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220).

Section Information

Sensors and Robotics Section publishes original peer-reviewed papers in the field of advanced sensors and robot systems. Both theoretical and experimental papers and comprehensive review are considered. This section addresses all aspects of robot sensors for control, autonomous functionalities, robot perception, and human–robot interaction, etc. The Section aims to create a transdisciplinary discussion platform for scientists, engineers, and practitioners to share their latest theoretical and technological results and to discuss several issues for present and forthcoming research directions.

Robots must face a series of hard challenges related, amongst others, to a robust environmental perception, reasoning in presence of uncertainty in sensor data etc., all translated in autonomous functionalities. One of the most crucial research fronts for robots’ development is to design efficient and reliable sensors in face of various uncertainties and disturbances from the physical world.

Editorial Board

Topical Advisory Panel

Special Issues

Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:

Topical Collections

Following topical collections within this section are currently open for submissions:

Papers Published

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