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23–27 November 2020, Online
1st International Electronic Conference on Actuator Technology: Materials, Devices and Applications

You are cordially invited to participate in the 1st International Electronic Conference on Actuator Technology: Materials, Devices and Applications (IeCAT), sponsored by the MDPI open access journal Actuators. The meeting is an opportunity for researchers in the field of actuator science and technology to present their research and exchange ideas with colleagues. This is an electronic conference, removing the need to travel and eliminating participation expenses.

The conference will be organized around the following general topics, although it may be open to other sessions or subject areas related to the aims and scope of the journal Actuators.

This will be a virtual conference held at www.sciforum.net, a platform developed and sponsored by MDPI to organize and provide technical support for electronic conferences.

The format of the conference is as follows: After abstract acceptance, the authors will submit a pre-recorded video presentation or a series of narrated slides that will be accessible online, open for discussion, comments, and questions, during the entire conference and will remain available after the e-conference. Authors are requested to submit a full description of their work in a conference paper that will be peer-reviewed and, upon acceptance, published in Proceedings. Paper submission is not a requirement for active conference participation.

The participation is free of charge—both for authors and attendees. Accepted papers will be gathered in the proceedings of the conference and available online on the MDPI website. Selected extended versions of the papers will be published in a Special Issue of the journal Actuators with a discount of 20% on the article processing charge (ISSN 2076-0825; Actuators).

The best conference paper and presentation will receive an award of 500 CHF, as well as an offer to publish an extended paper, free of charge, in the Special Issue of the journal Actuators.

We look forward to engaging in exciting discussions and hearing new ideas and perspectives from experts in the field. All participants are welcome to join the online conference.


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