Outstanding Reviewer Award

Dear Colleagues,

The Editorial Board and the Editorial Team of Hydrology wish to gratefully acknowledge all those who have kindly given their time to review papers submitted to Hydrology, and are delighted to announce the winner of the 2019 Hydrology Outstanding Reviewer Award. The criteria used for the selection of the winning reviewers included the number of reviewed papers as well as the quality and speed of the reviews.

Congratulations to Dr. Henrique Momm, Associate Professor at the Department of Geosciences, Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), USA, who has been selected as the recipient of the Outstanding Reviewer Award in recognition of his significant contributions over the past year.

He will receive 500 CHF and a certificate of appreciation, as well as the chance to publish a paper in Hydrology free of charge in 2020.

Hydrology 2019 Outstanding Reviewer Award
Past Winners


Henrique Momm
Middle Tennessee State University
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