
15 December 2022
Current Oncology | New Section “Oncology Nursing” Established

The Current Oncology (ISSN: 1718-7729) editorial team is pleased to announce the launch of a new Section, “Oncology Nursing”. The aim of this Section is to publish high-quality manuscripts that will contribute to the work and education of oncology nurses. We are interested in manuscripts of relevance to oncology nursing care across the cancer trajectory (including prevention, diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, survivorship, end of life, and bereavement). All age groups, cancer types, and practice locations are relevant.

Manuscripts can have a focus on research, practice, education, administration, or policy. Topics could include but are not limited to the following:

  • Care of inpatient, outpatient, or community-based populations;
  • Care of individuals in rural and remote locations;
  • Use of virtual approaches to provide oncology nursing care;
  • Care for disadvantaged or marginalized populations;
  • Symptom assessment and control;
  • Patient education;
  • Oncology nursing education;
  • Innovations in oncology nursing care;
  • Nurse-led approaches in oncology care;
  • Fostering self-care management in cancer patients.

Prof. Dr. Margaret Fitch (University of Toronto, Canada) is serving as the Editor-in-Chief for this Section. We are currently recruiting Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors, and Topical Advisory Panel Members for this new Section. If you would like to build a platform to provide the scientific community in your area an opportunity to work on an interconnected set of papers on an innovative topic(s), please do not hesitate to join us.

You are welcome to apply to be a Guest Editor or join the Topical Advisory Panel at the following links:

Please do not hesitate to contact the Editorial Office ([email protected]) for further details and clarification.

We look forward to receiving your proposals or submissions.

Current Oncology Editorial Office

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