Topical Advisory Panel
- Pediatric Neurology & Neurodevelopmental Disorders Section
- Pediatric Surgery Section
- Global Pediatric Health Section
- Pediatric Neonatology Section
- Pediatric Cardiology Section
- Pediatric Nephrology & Urology Section
- Pediatric Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Section
- Pediatric Dentistry & Oral Medicine Section
- Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine Section
- Pediatric Mental Health Section
- Pediatric Anesthesiology, Pain Medicine and Palliative Care Section

Interests: postural stability; balance; gait analysis; physiotherapy; musculoskeletal rehabilitation; neurorehabilitation; stroke
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: pediatric surgery; pediatric urology; neurogenic bladder; spina bifida; urodynamics
Interests: genetic, biochemical and clinical risk factors for cerebrovascular diseases in children; arterial ischemic stroke; post-stroke consequences; epilepsy; headache; cerebral palsy; modern drug forms (liposomes, nanoparticles)
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: physical fitness; physical activity; sedentary behaviours; sleep; interventions; reliability; validity; health benefits; body composition
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: ultrasound; lumbar spine; pregnancy; obstetric anesthesia; obstetric analgesia; pain management; sedation; anesthesia
Interests: parenteral and enteral nutrition; gastric motility; early nCPAP; early and late outcomes of very preterm neonates
Interests: pediatric surgery; meta-analysis; acute appendicitis; neonatal surgery; surgical pathology; diagnostic studies; gastrointestinal pathology; biomarkers
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: obstructive sleep apnea; insomnia; asthma; cystic fibrosis; bronchoscopy
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: masticatory function; chewing patterns; hippocampus; malocclusions; temporo-mandibular joint pathology; juvenile idiopathic arthritis; scoliosis
Interests: dentistry; orthodontics; cleft palate; malformation; education; nutrition; chief dental officers; public dental health
Interests: trauma; mental health; PTSD; children; treatment
Interests: pain; anxiety; stress; pediatric dentistry
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: orthodontics; cleft palate; cephalometry; malocclusion; craniofacial growth; craniofacial morphology; dental abnormalities
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: C. difficile; microbiome; fecal microbiota transplantation; diarrheal diseases; inflammatory bowel disease
Interests: neonatal neurology; neonatal hemodynamics; neonatal cardiology; neonatal point of care ultrasound
Interests: obesity; autism spectrum disorders; diabetes; family based treatment
Interests: refugee health; asylum medicine; global health; malnutrition
Interests: neonatology; newborn resuscitation; near infrared spectroscopy; cerebral oxygenation; neonatal transition
Interests: pediatric cardiology; electrophysiology; leadership; sudden death
Interests: neonatal care; prematurity; stress regulation; parenting
Interests: pediatric pain; pediatric anesthesia; acupuncture; acute pain; chronic pain
2. Division of Endocrinology, Aretaieion Hospital, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, 157 72 Athens, Greece
Interests: vitamin D; type 1 diabetes prevention; aromatase inhibitors; hypogonadism
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: pediatric nephrology; CAKUT; nephrotic syndrome; dialysis; transplantation; acute kidney injury
Interests: pediatric oncologic surgery; rare solid tumors; neuroblastoma; gonadal tumors; adrenocortical tumors; tumor registries; general pediatric surgery
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: chronic pain; pediatric pain; anxiety; psychological pain management; Internet-delivered treatment
Interests: neurorehabilitation; physiotherapy; neurodevelopmental disease; whole-body vibration
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: neonatology; pediatric cardiology; prematurity; nutrition; simulation
Interests: pediatric surgical oncology; pediatric surgery; pediatric vascular access; central venous catheter; PICC; neuroblastoma; Wilms tumor; pediatric germ cell tumor; pediatric sarcoma; pediatric palliative care; pediatric oncology
Special Issues, Collections and Topics in MDPI journals
Interests: pediatric surgery; intestinal absorption; metaanalyses; short gut syndrome; minimal-invasive surgery
Interests: pediatric pain; pediatric psychology; psycho-oncology; symptom perception; AYA; threat; placebo effects