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Quantum Rep., Volume 4, Issue 1 (March 2022) – 9 articles

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8 pages, 593 KiB  
Statistical Quantifiers Resolve a Nuclear Theory Controversy
by Diana Monteoliva, Angelo Plastino and Angel Ricardo Plastino
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 127-134; - 22 Feb 2022
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2746
We deal here with an exactly solvable N-nucleon system that has been used to mimic typical features of quantum many-body systems. There is in the literature some controversy regarding the possible existence of a quantum phase transition in the model. We show [...] Read more.
We deal here with an exactly solvable N-nucleon system that has been used to mimic typical features of quantum many-body systems. There is in the literature some controversy regarding the possible existence of a quantum phase transition in the model. We show here that an appeal to a suitable statistical quantifier called thermal efficiency puts an end to the controversy. Full article
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20 pages, 548 KiB  
Quantum Neurobiology
by Melanie Swan, Renato P. dos Santos and Franke Witte
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 107-126; - 13 Feb 2022
Cited by 8 | Viewed by 18315
Quantum neurobiology is concerned with potential quantum effects operating in the brain and the application of quantum information science to neuroscience problems, the latter of which is the main focus of the current paper. The human brain is fundamentally a multiscalar problem, with [...] Read more.
Quantum neurobiology is concerned with potential quantum effects operating in the brain and the application of quantum information science to neuroscience problems, the latter of which is the main focus of the current paper. The human brain is fundamentally a multiscalar problem, with complex behavior spanning nine orders of magnitude-scale tiers from the atomic and cellular level to brain networks and the central nervous system. In this review, we discuss a new generation of bio-inspired quantum technologies in the emerging field of quantum neurobiology and present a novel physics-inspired theory of neural signaling (AdS/Brain (anti-de Sitter space)). Three tiers of quantum information science-directed neurobiology applications can be identified. First are those that interpret empirical data from neural imaging modalities (EEG, MRI, CT, PET scans), protein folding, and genomics with wavefunctions and quantum machine learning. Second are those that develop neural dynamics as a broad approach to quantum neurobiology, consisting of superpositioned data modeling evaluated with quantum probability, neural field theories, filamentary signaling, and quantum nanoscience. Third is neuroscience physics interpretations of foundational physics findings in the context of neurobiology. The benefit of this work is the possibility of an improved understanding of the resolution of neuropathologies such as Alzheimer’s disease. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Quantum Biology)
1 pages, 172 KiB  
Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Quantum Reports in 2021
by Quantum Reports Editorial Office
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 106; - 10 Feb 2022
Viewed by 2297
Rigorous peer-reviews are the basis of high-quality academic publishing [...] Full article
31 pages, 5521 KiB  
Optimal Tuning of Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks for Multivariate Distribution Loading
by Gabriele Agliardi and Enrico Prati
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 75-105; - 9 Feb 2022
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 4798
Loading data efficiently from classical memories to quantum computers is a key challenge of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Such a problem can be addressed through quantum generative adversarial networks (qGANs), which are noise tolerant and agnostic with respect to data. Tuning a qGAN [...] Read more.
Loading data efficiently from classical memories to quantum computers is a key challenge of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers. Such a problem can be addressed through quantum generative adversarial networks (qGANs), which are noise tolerant and agnostic with respect to data. Tuning a qGAN to balance accuracy and training time is a hard task that becomes paramount when target distributions are multivariate. Thanks to our tuning of the hyper-parameters and of the optimizer, the training of qGAN reduces, on average, the Kolmogorov–Smirnov statistic of 43–64% with respect to the state of the art. The ability to reach optima is non-trivially affected by the starting point of the search algorithm. A gap arises between the optimal and sub-optimal training accuracy. We also point out that the simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) optimizer does not achieve the same accuracy as the Adam optimizer in our conditions, thus calling for new advancements to support the scaling capability of qGANs. Full article
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28 pages, 445 KiB  
Thermodynamics and Inflammation: Insights into Quantum Biology and Ageing
by Alistair Victor William Nunn, Geoffrey William Guy and Jimmy David Bell
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 47-74; - 3 Feb 2022
Cited by 6 | Viewed by 7139
Inflammation as a biological concept has been around a long time and derives from the Latin “to set on fire” and refers to the redness and heat, and usually swelling, which accompanies injury and infection. Chronic inflammation is also associated with ageing and [...] Read more.
Inflammation as a biological concept has been around a long time and derives from the Latin “to set on fire” and refers to the redness and heat, and usually swelling, which accompanies injury and infection. Chronic inflammation is also associated with ageing and is described by the term “inflammaging”. Likewise, the biological concept of hormesis, in the guise of what “does not kill you, makes you stronger”, has long been recognized, but in contrast, seems to have anti-inflammatory and age-slowing characteristics. As both phenomena act to restore homeostasis, they may share some common underlying principles. Thermodynamics describes the relationship between heat and energy, but is also intimately related to quantum mechanics. Life can be viewed as a series of self-renewing dissipative structures existing far from equilibrium as vortexes of “negentropy” that ages and dies; but, through reproduction and speciation, new robust structures are created, enabling life to adapt and continue in response to ever changing environments. In short, life can be viewed as a natural consequence of thermodynamics to dissipate energy to restore equilibrium; each component of this system is replaceable. However, at the molecular level, there is perhaps a deeper question: is life dependent on, or has it enhanced, quantum effects in space and time beyond those normally expected at the atomistic scale and temperatures that life operates at? There is some evidence it has. Certainly, the dissipative adaptive mechanism described by thermodynamics is now being extended into the quantum realm. Fascinating though this topic is, does exploring the relationship between quantum mechanics, thermodynamics, and biology give us a greater insight into ageing and, thus, medicine? It could be said that hormesis and inflammation are expressions of thermodynamic and quantum principles that control ageing via natural selection that could operate at all scales of life. Inflammation could be viewed as a mechanism to remove inefficient systems in response to stress to enable rebuilding of more functional dissipative structures, and hormesis as the process describing the ability to adapt; underlying this is the manipulation of fundamental quantum principles. Defining what “quantum biological normality” is has been a long-term problem, but perhaps we do not need to, as it is simply an expression of one end of the normal quantum mechanical spectrum, implying that biology could inform us as to how we can define the quantum world. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Recent Advances in Quantum Biology)
11 pages, 1998 KiB  
Simple Analytical Expression of the Voigt Profile
by Salma Chib and Abdelmajid Belafhal
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 36-46; - 28 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 4952
This work examines several analytical evaluations of the Voigt profile, which is a convolution of the Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles, theoretically and numerically. Mathematical derivations are performed concisely to illustrate some closed forms of the considered profile. A representation in terms of special [...] Read more.
This work examines several analytical evaluations of the Voigt profile, which is a convolution of the Gaussian and Lorentzian profiles, theoretically and numerically. Mathematical derivations are performed concisely to illustrate some closed forms of the considered profile. A representation in terms of special function and a simple and interesting approximation of the Voigt function are well demonstrated, which could have promising applications in several fields of physics, e.g., atmospheric radiative transfer, neutron reactions, molecular spectroscopy, plasma waves, and astrophysical spectroscopy. Full article
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14 pages, 6135 KiB  
Exact Time Evolution of Genuine Multipartite Correlations for N-Qubit Systems in a Common Thermal Reservoir
by Abhinash Kumar Roy, Sourabh Magare, Varun Srivastava and Prasanta K. Panigrahi
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 22-35; - 15 Jan 2022
Cited by 2 | Viewed by 3317
We investigate the dynamical evolution of genuine multipartite correlations for N-qubits in a common reservoir considering a non-dissipative qubits-reservoir model. We derive an exact expression for the time-evolved density matrix by modeling the reservoir as a set of infinite harmonic oscillators with a [...] Read more.
We investigate the dynamical evolution of genuine multipartite correlations for N-qubits in a common reservoir considering a non-dissipative qubits-reservoir model. We derive an exact expression for the time-evolved density matrix by modeling the reservoir as a set of infinite harmonic oscillators with a bilinear form of interaction Hamiltonian. Interestingly, we find that the choice of two-level systems corresponding to an initially correlated multipartite state plays a significant role in potential robustness against environmental decoherence. In particular, the generalized W-class Werner state shows robustness against the decoherence for an equivalent set of qubits, whereas a certain generalized GHZ-class Werner state shows robustness for inequivalent sets of qubits. It is shown that the genuine multipartite concurrence (GMC), a measure of multipartite entanglement of an initially correlated multipartite state, experiences an irreversible decay of correlations in the presence of a thermal reservoir. For the GHZ-class Werner state, the region of mixing parameters for which there exists GMC, shrinks with time and with increase in the temperature of the thermal reservoir. Furthermore, we study the dynamical evolution of the relative entropy of coherence and von-Neumann entropy for the W-class Werner state. Full article
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6 pages, 269 KiB  
Universal Upper Bound for the Entropy of Superconducting Vortices and the Quantum Nernst Effect
by Maria Cristina Diamantini, Carlo A. Trugenberger and Valerii M. Vinokur
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 16-21; - 31 Dec 2021
Cited by 1 | Viewed by 2539
We show that the entropy per quantum vortex per layer in superconductors in external magnetic fields is bounded by the universal value kBln2, which explains puzzling results of recent experiments on the Nernst effect. Full article
15 pages, 3058 KiB  
Polarization in Quasirelativistic Graphene Model with Topologically Non-Trivial Charge Carriers
by Halina Grushevskaya and George Krylov
Quantum Rep. 2022, 4(1), 1-15; - 27 Dec 2021
Cited by 3 | Viewed by 2660
Within the earlier developed high-energy-k·p-Hamiltonian approach to describe graphene-like materials, the simulations of band structure, non-Abelian Zak phases and the complex conductivity of graphene have been performed. The quasi-relativistic graphene model with a number of flavors (gauge [...] Read more.
Within the earlier developed high-energy-k·p-Hamiltonian approach to describe graphene-like materials, the simulations of band structure, non-Abelian Zak phases and the complex conductivity of graphene have been performed. The quasi-relativistic graphene model with a number of flavors (gauge fields) NF=3 in two approximations (with and without a pseudo-Majorana mass term) has been utilized as a ground for the simulations. It has been shown that Zak-phases set for the non-Abelian Majorana-like excitations (modes) in graphene represent the cyclic Z12 and this group is deformed into a smaller one Z8 at sufficiently high momenta due to a deconfinement of the modes. Simulations of complex longitudinal low-frequency conductivity have been performed with a focus on effects of spatial dispersion. A spatial periodic polarization in the graphene models with the pseudo Majorana charge carriers is offered. Full article
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