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Aerospace, Volume 4, Issue 4 (December 2017) – 11 articles

Cover Story (view full-size image): The analysis of volute aspect ratios (AR) on the performance of a mixed flow turbine. It was observed that AR had a significant impact on vortex development. The AR = 0.5 design (pictured) resulted in clear vortex development, while the larger aspect ratios removed such structures. Image showing surface streamlines and lambda 2 criterion illustrating vortex development through the AR = 0.5 volute at two points during the exhaust pulse. Left—Minimum mass flow; Right—Maximum mass flow. View this paper
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28332 KiB  
Winglet Geometry Impact on DLR-F4 Aerodynamics and an Analysis of a Hyperbolic Winglet Concept
by Djahid Gueraiche and Sergey Popov
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 60; - 15 Dec 2017
Cited by 18 | Viewed by 20769
In this article, the growth of aerodynamic efficiency and the growth of the wing structural stress is studied for DLR-F4 typical transport aircraft wing-body, after installing classical Whitcomb winglets of different configurations and a delta wingtip fence. A new-concept curved-span winglet was mathematically [...] Read more.
In this article, the growth of aerodynamic efficiency and the growth of the wing structural stress is studied for DLR-F4 typical transport aircraft wing-body, after installing classical Whitcomb winglets of different configurations and a delta wingtip fence. A new-concept curved-span winglet was mathematically developed and approved through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and static structural experiments, revealing the interaction of sub- and transonic air flow dynamics with the wingtip device geometry. The design space of the winglet geometry was explored briefly, and an evaluation of the lift-to-drag ratio increment depending on various winglet input parameters was performed. In particular, the winglet cant angle effect on lift and drag was thoroughly analyzed at various flow regimes and angles of attack, revealing an ambiguity and a conflicting character of results between highly canted winglets and nearly vertical ones. As a result of cant angle impact analysis, a curved winglet concept is suggested and mathematically parametrized, that could provide an innovative solution, alternative to a morphing winglet, but much simpler with a fixed structure. In conclusion, a multidisciplinary winglet efficiency estimation criterion is suggested for comparing the aerodynamic efficiency of different wingtip devices with respect to their structural weight penalty in real flight conditions. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Bio-Inspired Aerospace System)
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5899 KiB  
Investigation of Numerical Dissipation in Classical and Implicit Large Eddy Simulations
by Moutassem El Rafei, László Könözsy and Zeeshan Rana
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 59; - 11 Dec 2017
Cited by 16 | Viewed by 12220
The quantitative measure of dissipative properties of different numerical schemes is crucial to computational methods in the field of aerospace applications. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to examine the resolving power of Monotonic Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) scheme [...] Read more.
The quantitative measure of dissipative properties of different numerical schemes is crucial to computational methods in the field of aerospace applications. Therefore, the objective of the present study is to examine the resolving power of Monotonic Upwind Scheme for Conservation Laws (MUSCL) scheme with three different slope limiters: one second-order and two third-order used within the framework of Implicit Large Eddy Simulations (ILES). The performance of the dynamic Smagorinsky subgrid-scale model used in the classical Large Eddy Simulation (LES) approach is examined. The assessment of these schemes is of significant importance to understand the numerical dissipation that could affect the accuracy of the numerical solution. A modified equation analysis has been employed to the convective term of the fully-compressible Navier–Stokes equations to formulate an analytical expression of truncation error for the second-order upwind scheme. The contribution of second-order partial derivatives in the expression of truncation error showed that the effect of this numerical error could not be neglected compared to the total kinetic energy dissipation rate. Transitions from laminar to turbulent flow are visualized considering the inviscid Taylor–Green Vortex (TGV) test-case. The evolution in time of volumetrically-averaged kinetic energy and kinetic energy dissipation rate have been monitored for all numerical schemes and all grid levels. The dissipation mechanism has been compared to Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data found in the literature at different Reynolds numbers. We found that the resolving power and the symmetry breaking property are enhanced with finer grid resolutions. The production of vorticity has been observed in terms of enstrophy and effective viscosity. The instantaneous kinetic energy spectrum has been computed using a three-dimensional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT). All combinations of numerical methods produce a k 4 spectrum at t * = 4 , and near the dissipation peak, all methods were capable of predicting the k 5 / 3 slope accurately when refining the mesh. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Computational Aerodynamic Modeling of Aerospace Vehicles)
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889 KiB  
An Overview of Cube-Satellite Propulsion Technologies and Trends
by Akshay Reddy Tummala and Atri Dutta
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 58; - 9 Dec 2017
Cited by 136 | Viewed by 28276
CubeSats provide a cost effective means to perform scientific and technological studies in space. Due to their affordability, CubeSat technologies have been diversely studied and developed by educational institutions, companies and space organizations all over the world. The CubeSat technology that is surveyed [...] Read more.
CubeSats provide a cost effective means to perform scientific and technological studies in space. Due to their affordability, CubeSat technologies have been diversely studied and developed by educational institutions, companies and space organizations all over the world. The CubeSat technology that is surveyed in this paper is the propulsion system. A propulsion system is the primary mobility device of a spacecraft and helps with orbit modifications and attitude control. This paper provides an overview of micro-propulsion technologies that have been developed or are currently being developed for CubeSats. Some of the micro-propulsion technologies listed have also flown as secondary propulsion systems on larger spacecraft. Operating principles and key design considerations for each class of propulsion system are outlined. Finally, the performance factors of micro-propulsion systems have been summarized in terms of: first, a comparison of thrust and specific impulse for all propulsion systems; second, a comparison of power and specific impulse, as also thrust-to-power ratio and specific impulse for electric propulsion systems. Full article
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6553 KiB  
Comparative Study of Aircraft Boarding Strategies Using Cellular Discrete Event Simulation
by Shafagh Jafer and Wei Mi
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 57; - 28 Nov 2017
Cited by 28 | Viewed by 8760
Time is crucial in the airlines industry. Among all factors contributing to an aircraft turnaround time; passenger boarding delays is the most challenging one. Airlines do not have control over the behavior of passengers; thus, focusing their effort on reducing passenger boarding time [...] Read more.
Time is crucial in the airlines industry. Among all factors contributing to an aircraft turnaround time; passenger boarding delays is the most challenging one. Airlines do not have control over the behavior of passengers; thus, focusing their effort on reducing passenger boarding time through implementing efficient boarding strategies. In this work, we attempt to use cellular Discrete-Event System Specification (Cell-DEVS) modeling and simulation to provide a comprehensive evaluation of aircraft boarding strategies. We have developed a simulation benchmark consisting of eight boarding strategies including Back-to-Front; Window Middle Aisle; Random; Zone Rotate; Reverse Pyramid; Optimal; Optimal Practical; and Efficient. Our simulation models are scalable and adaptive; providing a powerful analysis apparatus for investigating any existing or yet to be discovered boarding strategy. We explain the details of our models and present the results both visually and numerically to evaluate the eight implemented boarding strategies. We also compare our results with other studies that have used different modeling techniques; reporting nearly identical performance results. The simulations revealed that Window Middle Aisle provides the least boarding delay; with a small fraction of time difference compared to the optimal strategy. The results of this work could highly benefit the commercial airlines industry by optimizing and reducing passenger boarding delays. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Air Transportation—Operations and Management)
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11367 KiB  
The Impact of Volute Aspect Ratio on the Performance of a Mixed Flow Turbine
by Samuel P. Lee, Simon M. Barrans, Martyn L. Jupp and Ambrose K. Nickson
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 56; - 23 Nov 2017
Cited by 17 | Viewed by 8991
Current trends in the automotive industry towards engine downsizing mean turbocharging now plays a vital role in engine performance. A turbocharger increases charge air density using a turbine to extract waste energy from the exhaust gas to drive a compressor. Most turbocharger applications [...] Read more.
Current trends in the automotive industry towards engine downsizing mean turbocharging now plays a vital role in engine performance. A turbocharger increases charge air density using a turbine to extract waste energy from the exhaust gas to drive a compressor. Most turbocharger applications employ a radial inflow turbine. However, mixed flow turbines can offer non-zero blade angles, reducing leading edge (LE) separation at low velocity ratios. The current paper investigates the performance of a mixed flow turbine with three different volute aspect ratio (AR) designs (AR = 0.5, 1 and 2). With constant A/r (ratio of volute area to centroid radius), the AR = 0.5 volute design produced a 4.3% increase in cycle averaged mass flow parameter (MFP) compared to the AR = 2 design. For the purpose of performance comparison, it was necessary to manipulate the volute A/r’s to ensure constant MFP for aerodynamic similarity. With the volute A/r’s manipulated to ensure constant MFP for aerodynamic similarity, the maximum variation of cycle averaged normalized efficiency measured between the designs was 1.47%. Purely in the rotor region, the variation in normalized cycle averaged efficiency was 1%. The smallest tested volute aspect ratio showed a significant increase in volute loss while the ARs of 1 and 2 showed similar levels of loss. The smallest AR volute showed significant secondary flow development in the volute. The resulting variation in LE incidence was found to vary as a result. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Aerospace)
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7456 KiB  
High Fidelity Multi-Objective Design Optimization of a Downscaled Cusped Field Thruster
by Thomas Fahey, Angus Muffatti and Hideaki Ogawa
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 55; - 18 Nov 2017
Cited by 12 | Viewed by 7084
The Cusped Field Thruster (CFT) concept has demonstrated significantly improved performance over the Hall Effect Thruster and the Gridded Ion Thruster; however, little is understood about the complexities of the interactions and interdependencies of the geometrical, magnetic and ion beam properties of the [...] Read more.
The Cusped Field Thruster (CFT) concept has demonstrated significantly improved performance over the Hall Effect Thruster and the Gridded Ion Thruster; however, little is understood about the complexities of the interactions and interdependencies of the geometrical, magnetic and ion beam properties of the thruster. This study applies an advanced design methodology combining a modified power distribution calculation and evolutionary algorithms assisted by surrogate modeling to a multi-objective design optimization for the performance optimization and characterization of the CFT. Optimization is performed for maximization of performance defined by five design parameters (i.e., anode voltage, anode current, mass flow rate, and magnet radii), simultaneously aiming to maximize three objectives; that is, thrust, efficiency and specific impulse. Statistical methods based on global sensitivity analysis are employed to assess the optimization results in conjunction with surrogate models to identify key design factors with respect to the three design objectives and additional performance measures. The research indicates that the anode current and the Outer Magnet Radius have the greatest effect on the performance parameters. An optimal value for the anode current is determined, and a trend towards maximizing anode potential and mass flow rate is observed. Full article
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3885 KiB  
An Efficient Application of the MOEA/D Algorithm for Designing Noise Abatement Departure Trajectories
by Vinh Ho-Huu, Sander Hartjes, Hendrikus G. Visser and Richard Curran
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 54; - 1 Nov 2017
Cited by 24 | Viewed by 7915
In an effort to allow to increase the number of aircraft and airport operations while mitigating their negative impacts (e.g., noise and pollutant emission) on near-airport communities, the optimal design of new departure routes with less noise and fuel consumption becomes more important. [...] Read more.
In an effort to allow to increase the number of aircraft and airport operations while mitigating their negative impacts (e.g., noise and pollutant emission) on near-airport communities, the optimal design of new departure routes with less noise and fuel consumption becomes more important. In this paper, a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition (MOEA/D), which recently emerged as a potential method for solving multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs), is developed for this kind of problem. First, to minimize aircraft noise for departure routes while taking into account the interests of various stakeholders, bi-objective optimization problems involving noise and fuel consumption are formulated where both the ground track and vertical profile of a departure route are optimized simultaneously. Second, in order to make the design space of vertical profiles feasible during the optimization process, a trajectory parameterization technique recently proposed is employed. Furthermore, some modifications to MOEA/D that are aimed at significantly reducing the computational cost are also introduced. Two different examples of departure routes at Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands are shown to demonstrate the applicability and reliability of the proposed method. The simulation results reveal that the proposed method is an effective and efficient approach for solving this kind of problem. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Air Transportation—Operations and Management)
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10198 KiB  
Experimental Investigation of the Wake and the Wingtip Vortices of a UAV Model
by Pericles Panagiotou, George Ioannidis, Ioannis Tzivinikos and Kyros Yakinthos
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 53; - 1 Nov 2017
Cited by 20 | Viewed by 12163
An experimental investigation of the wake of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) model using flow visualization techniques and a 3D Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) system is presented in this work. Emphasis is given on the flow field at the wingtip and the investigation [...] Read more.
An experimental investigation of the wake of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) model using flow visualization techniques and a 3D Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA) system is presented in this work. Emphasis is given on the flow field at the wingtip and the investigation of the tip vortices. A comparison of the velocity field is made with and without winglet devices installed at the wingtips. The experiments are carried out in a closed-circuit subsonic wind tunnel. The flow visualization techniques include smoke-wire and smoke-probe experiments to identify the flow phenomena, whereas for accurately measuring the velocity field point measurements are conducted using the LDA system. Apart from the measured velocities, vorticity and circulation quantities are also calculated and compared for the two cases. The results help to provide a more detailed view of the flow field around the UAV and indicate the winglets’ significant contribution to the deconstruction of wing-tip vortex structures. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Unmanned Aerial Systems)
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9566 KiB  
Design, Development and Testing of Shape Shifting Wing Model
by Dean Ninian and Sam M. Dakka
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 52; - 1 Nov 2017
Cited by 21 | Viewed by 12304
The design and development of morphing (shape shifting) aircraft wings—an innovative technology that has the potential to increase the aerodynamic efficiency and reduce noise signatures of aircrafts—was carried out. This research was focused on reducing lift-induced drag at the flaps of the aerofoil [...] Read more.
The design and development of morphing (shape shifting) aircraft wings—an innovative technology that has the potential to increase the aerodynamic efficiency and reduce noise signatures of aircrafts—was carried out. This research was focused on reducing lift-induced drag at the flaps of the aerofoil and to improve the design to achieve the optimum aerodynamic efficiency. Simulation revealed a 10.8% coefficient of lift increase for the initial morphing wing and 15.4% for the optimized morphing wing as compared to conventional wing design. At angles of attack of 0, 5, 10 and 15 degrees, the optimized wing has an increase in lift-to-drag ratio of 18.3%, 10.5%, 10.6% and 4% respectively when compared with the conventional wing. Simulations also showed that there is a significant improvement on pressure distribution over the lower surface of the morphing wing aerofoil. The increase in flow smoothness and reduction in vortex size reduced pressure drag along the trailing edge of the wing as a result an increase in pressure on the lower surface was experienced. A morphing wing reduced the size of the vortices and therefore the noise levels measured were reduced by up to 50%. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Adaptive/Smart Structures and Multifunctional Materials in Aerospace)
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7996 KiB  
Air Traffic Security: Aircraft Classification Using ADS-B Message’s Phase-Pattern
by Mauro Leonardi, Luca Di Gregorio and Davide Di Fausto
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 51; - 30 Oct 2017
Cited by 56 | Viewed by 10291
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is a surveillance system used in Air Traffic Control. With this system, the aircraft transmits their own information (identity, position, velocity, etc.) to any equipped listener for surveillance scope. The ADS-B is based on a very simple protocol and [...] Read more.
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) is a surveillance system used in Air Traffic Control. With this system, the aircraft transmits their own information (identity, position, velocity, etc.) to any equipped listener for surveillance scope. The ADS-B is based on a very simple protocol and does not provide any kind of authentication and encryption, making it vulnerable to many types of cyber-attacks. In the paper, the use of the airplane/transmitter carrier phase is proposed as a feature to perform a classification of the aircraft and, therefore, distinguish legitimate messages from fake ones. The feature extraction process is described and a classification method is selected. Finally, a complete intruder detection algorithm is proposed and evaluated with real data. Full article
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Feature Papers in Aerospace)
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522 KiB  
Optimization of Air Traffic Control Training at the Federal Aviation Administration Academy
by Jessica A. Updegrove and Shafagh Jafer
Aerospace 2017, 4(4), 50; - 28 Oct 2017
Cited by 26 | Viewed by 10948
This paper investigates current and future uses of simulation in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy’s Air Traffic Control (ATC) training program to identify potential improvement areas in the areas of simulation technologies and course content. Once identified, recommendations for changes to the [...] Read more.
This paper investigates current and future uses of simulation in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Academy’s Air Traffic Control (ATC) training program to identify potential improvement areas in the areas of simulation technologies and course content. Once identified, recommendations for changes to the current training program are made. A literature review of the current training techniques used at the FAA Academy and training centers was conducted. In addition, interviews were held and surveys were distributed to collect data regarding a variety of ATC training interest areas, such as virtual reality, current maintenance schedules, and simulator features. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis was conducted to determine the potential improvement areas with the highest feasibility for implementation and the highest potential to reduce training costs and/or time. The primary findings of this research revealed three feasible improvement areas to the current training process and simulation technologies: (1) reducing the dependence on instructors during simulation training, (2) utilizing web-based training methods, and (3) updating current simulator systems to include new features, such as recording and playback features. These changes were recommended to be implemented first, with voice recognition and virtual reality improvement areas being recommended as priority focus areas for future studies and/or implementation. Full article
(This article belongs to the Collection Air Transportation—Operations and Management)
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