
11 May 2016, Ghent, Belgium
5th International Symposium on Mycotoxins and Toxigenic Moulds: Challenges and Perspectives

The MYTOX association research platform MYTOX "Mycotoxins and Toxigenic Moulds" was established in 2007 and consists of more than 50 researchers from 12 research laboratories in the Ghent University Association. MYTOX deals with mycotoxin research in a multi-disciplinary way, based on four main units: (1) mycotoxins; (2) toxigenic fungi; (3) mycotoxins and animal health; and (4) mycotoxins and human health. In this way, MYTOX tackles the mycotoxin issue along the production chain from the field to the end consumer, within the ‘One Health’ concept.

The Symposium welcomes participants from industry, government as well as academia. Only through multidisciplinary efforts and concerted actions, can further progress and solutions be expected for the mycotoxin problem.

The joint Special Issue with Toxins aims to bring together active researchers to present their current work in mycotoxins and mycotoxigenic fungi:

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