10th Anniversary

The year 2025 marks the 10th anniversary of Tomography, a peer-reviewed open access journal on imaging technologies. With an Impact Factor of 2.2 and a CiteScore of 2.7, the journal is covered in Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, and other databases. The journal has published more than 800 papers from more than 3500 authors. More than 1000 reviewers have reviewed the journal at least once. We equally value the contributions made by our editors, authors, and reviewers.

In honor of the journal’s 10th anniversary, we are reflecting on our past accomplishments and embarking on an exciting new chapter. We invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone for our journal and to explore the content we have prepared for you below.

10th Anniversary

Journal History

The inaugural issue was released by Grapho, LLC. Tomography was published as a quarterly journal.

Tomography was indexed in Scopus.

Tomography received its first Impact Factor of 1.308.

Tomography was published by MDPI from Volume 7, Issue 1 (2021).

Tomography was indexed in DOAJ, starting with Volume 7 (Issue 1).

Print ISSN 2379-1381 was suspended.

Prof. Dr. Emilio Quaia was appointed as the Editor-in-Chief of Tomography.


Dr. Pascal N. Tyrrell was appointed as Section Editor-in-Chief of Tomography.

Tomography adopted a monthly publication schedule.

Tomography received a new IF of 2.2 (2023) and a new CiteScore of 2.7 (2023).

The year 2025 marked the 10th anniversary of Tomography.

Key Figures

Author Distribution
Cite Score
Impact Factor
Page Views
Total Citations
Total Downloads


The year 2025 marks the 10th anniversary of Tomography, a peer-reviewed open access journal on imaging technologies. Starting from scratch, Tomography has emerged as a dynamic force in the field of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine, and Imaging and accepted into Scopus, SCIE (Web of Science), PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, and other databases. This year, we have launched the anniversary Special Issue with the assistance of Dr. Pascal N. Tyrrell. The success is inseparable from the contribution of our outstanding editors, reviewers, and authors. To celebrate the anniversary, we are honored to invite some of them to share their experience for publishing with Tomography. Read more about their stories below.

"Tomography has been an exceptional partner in my research journey. The journal’s streamlined submission and review process, coupled with timely feedback from expert reviewers, has significantly accelerated the dissemination

[...] Read more.

Top 10 Cited Papers

SOUP-GAN: Super-Resolution MRI Using Generative Adversarial Networks
by Kuan Zhang, Haoji Hu, Kenneth Philbrick, Gian Marco Conte, Joseph D. Sobek, Pouria Rouzrokh and Bradley J. Erickson
Pros and Cons of Dual-Energy CT Systems: “One Does Not Fit All”
by Ana P. Borges, Célia Antunes and Luís Curvo-Semedo
An Efficient Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network Based Multi-Class Brain MRI Classification for SaMD
by Syed Ali Yazdan, Rashid Ahmad, Naeem Iqbal, Atif Rizwan, Anam Nawaz Khan and Do-Hyeun Kim
View All...

Anniversary Special Issues

Celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Tomography
edited by
submission deadline 31 Mar 2026 | Viewed by 66 | Submission Open
Keywords: cross-sectional imaging; microscopy; photoacoustic imaging; bioluminescence imaging; cryo-EM; optical CT; imaging hardware/software; contrast agents; AI in imaging; tomography advancements


Recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief for Tomography

is an international, peer-reviewed open access journal on imaging technologies. It publishes original peer-reviewed articles spanning all aspects of (bio)medical imaging in healthcare and biological science including microscopy, ranging from basic research to clinical science, clinical applications, and innovations in imaging data science, as well as artificial intelligence.

To develop different research areas and continue to attract high-quality papers, Tomography is recruiting Section Editors-in-Chief for the following Sections:

The Section Editor-in-Chief is a leader in their particular field, and is responsible for the scientific quality of a particular journal section.

The responsibilities of the Section Editor-in-Chief include the following:

  • Defining the aims and scope of the Section;
  • Advising on the strategic development of the Section;
  • Maintaining oversight of the editorial process for individual manuscripts in their Section (mainly by making the final decision regarding whether or not a paper can be published after peer review and revisions);
  • Inviting distinguished scientists to join the Editorial Board;
  • Nominating/inviting contributors;
  • Suggesting topics for Special Issues;
  • Providing support and guidance to Editorial Board Members and Editorial Staff where required;
  • Promoting Tomography and increasing its visibility at academic conferences;
  • Understanding, leading, and upholding MDPI’s peer review and ethics guidelines.

As a Section Editor-in-Chief, you will have the unique opportunity to network and communicate with scholars in the imaging technology community, building long-term relationships and establishing your influence within your discipline. Appointed members will also receive an Editor Certificate confirming their appointment to this role. In addition, you will have the opportunity to publish two papers per year, free of charge, in any of our journals. The term for this position is two years, and this can be renewed.

If you are a researcher in a related field and are passionate about participating in the publication of cutting-edge research, please do not hesitate to get in touch. To apply for this position, please contact the Tomography Editorial Office ([email protected]) with the two files below attached:

  • A full academic CV;
  • A short cover letter that details your interest and enthusiasm for the position.

If you would like to recommend potential candidates or request further information, please feel free to contact the Tomography Editorial Office. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Tomography Editorial Office

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