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24 June 2020
Nutrients Free Webinar: Diet and CKD: Old and New Concepts—8 June 2020

MDPI has provided several Free Open Platforms that may help to accelerate scientific exchange and provide support to academics during this particularly tough period. Thanks to our brilliant technical support, we are pleased to report that the first Nutrients webinar on Diet and CKD: Old and New Concepts is coming soon.

Date: Wednesday 8 June 2020 | 03:00 pm (CEST) | 09:00am (EDT) | 09:00pm (CST)

Duration: Maximum 2 hours

Webinar ID: 886 7523 9724

Register for Free Here:


Presentation: His main fields of clinical and research interest are kidney transplantation, clinical nephrology, CKD-MBD, acid-base and electrolyte disturbances.

Prof. Dr. Piergiorgio Messa

Guest Editor of “Renal Nutrition and Metabolism


Presentation: CKD progression, kidney failure, hypertension, dialysis, and CV risk in uremic patients.

Prof. Dr. Francesca Mallamaci

Presentation: His main research interests include the pathological mechanisms involved in extraosseous calcifications, and the phosphate and vitamin D metabolism in chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorder (CKD-MBD), and he has served as principal investigator in several clinical multicentre trials in the CKD-MBD field.

Prof. Dr. Markus Ketteler

Presentation: His main research interests include various aspects of inflammation, wasting, and metabolism in chronic kidney disease patients.

Prof. Dr. Peter Stenvinkel

For any questions about the webinar, please send an email to [email protected].

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