Crystallography and Physical Chemistry of Minerals & Nanominerals
A section of Minerals (ISSN 2075-163X).
Section Information
Topics in the Crystallography and Physical Chemistry of Minerals & Nanominerals Section include (but are not limited to): new minerals, methods (e.g., XRD, PDF, neutron scattering/diffraction, electron diffraction, and atomic resolution imaging techniques) for solving structures and microstructures of minerals and nanominerals, behaviors of impurity and trace metals in minerals, phase transformations and mineral defects, modulated structures and aperiodic structures, minerals under dynamic and extreme environments (including super planet environment), size-dependent and shape-dependent physical properties and chemical reactivity of nanominerals and nanoparticles, semiconductor and piezoelectric minerals in geological systems, catalytic roles of minerals and nanoparticles in the Earth’s environment, mineral nucleation and crystallization processes, surface adsorption and mineral–fluid interactions, mineral–microbe interactions, evolution of minerals, and minerals in carbon cycles.
- Mineral
- Mineralogy
- Crystallography
- Nanomineral
- Nanoparticle
- Crystal structure
- Mineral deformation
- Microstructure
- Mineral defect
- Phase transformation
- Modulated structure
- X-ray diffraction
- Pair distribution function
- Neutron scattering
- Electron diffraction
- Mineral–water interaction
- Mineral–microbe interaction
- Adsorption
- Mineral evolution
- Super planet
Editorial Board
Topical Advisory Panel
Special Issues
Following special issues within this section are currently open for submissions:
- Mechanical Properties of Earth Mantle Minerals under High Pressure and High Temperature (Deadline: 31 January 2025)
- Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) Applied to Determination of Rare Earth Elements and Critical Minerals (Deadline: 31 January 2025)
- Spectral Behavior of Mineral Pigments, Volume II (Deadline: 15 February 2025)
- Crystal Structures and Phase Transitions of Minerals at Extreme Conditions, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 15 February 2025)
- Research on Ikaite—Natural Occurrences and Synthetic Mineral Precipitation (Deadline: 20 February 2025)
- High-Pressure and High-Temperature Mineral Physics (Deadline: 25 March 2025)
- Advances in Experimental Geochemistry of Silicate Melts, Fluids, and Minerals (Deadline: 28 March 2025)
- Phase Transitions and Physical Properties of Minerals under Extreme Conditions of Pressure and Temperature (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Thin Sections: The Past Serving The Future (Deadline: 31 March 2025)
- Innovations in Adsorption Processes and Adsorbent Materials for Mineral Recovery and Environmental Remediation (Deadline: 25 April 2025)
- Understanding Geological Processes through Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy Analysis (Deadline: 30 April 2025)
- Isomorphism, Chemical Variability, and Solid Solutions of Minerals and Related Compounds, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 30 May 2025)
- Graphite Minerals and Graphene, 2nd Edition (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Advances in Electron Probe Microanalysis and Microscopy (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Physicochemical Properties and Purification of Quartz Minerals (Deadline: 30 June 2025)
- Mineralogical and Geochemical Insights into Cultural Heritage Materials (Deadline: 15 October 2025)
- Gems Under the Microscope: New Insights into Mineral Structures and Properties (Deadline: 30 October 2025)
Topical Collection
Following topical collection within this section is currently open for submissions: