
19–22 July 2011, Lüneburg, Germany
5th International Light Metal Technology Conference

Dear Colleagues,

The LMT conference has become a biennial event hosted in a different country selected by the six members of the global light metals alliance, an alliance of the world‘s top light metal research centres. You are cordially invited to attend the 5th International Light Metal Technology Conference which will be held in Lüneburg, Germany from 19 July–22 July, 2011.

The research and scientific focus of the conference concentrates on aluminium, magnesium and titanium alloys as well as titanium aluminides. It provides an opportunity for researchers and industry to learn of new developments in light metals technology and to facilitate collaboration between domestic and international specialists in the field. It is a great opportunity for those involved in the light metals industry in Germany to learn about the latest developments in light metals research conducted worldwide.

The LMT conference cuts across conventional S&T boundaries by concentrating on light metals technology rather than general aspects of metallurgy. The conference focus is on leading edge technologies that are being developed by researchers in cooperation with industry partners. To this end, the conference will feature invited presentations from high profile industry representatives and international researchers in the field. We expect approximately 250 delegates at the conference, which will be accompanied by the publication of all invited papers in the form of professional, hard-cover peer-reviewed conference proceedings.

LMT2011 will attract leaders and decision makers from industry, government, universities and public research organisations committed to advancing the application of light metals in everyday life. Representatives from the primary metal, automotive, aerospace, defense, biomedical and research sectors are only a few of those who will attend the conference to discuss and present on the latest developments in the field. More than 16 countries usually send delegates to the conference, which will have a mix of ~ 40% domestic and 60% international delegates.

Welcome to Germany in 2011!

Karl Ulrich Kainer

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