Young Investigator Award

The Metals Young Investigator Award was established in 2019 to acknowledge the achievements of young investigators in the field of metallurgy and metallurgical engineering. Nominations will be accepted from June to February of the following year for each edition, with winners notified by the end of March.

The Prize:
– CHF 2000;
– An electronic certificate;

– A free voucher for article processing charge valid for one year.

Number of Winners: one

Metals Young Investigator Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– Must have received their PhD no more than 10 years prior to 31 March 2024;
– Must have produced ground-breaking research and made a significant contribution to the advancement of sustainability and sustainable development;
– Candidates must be nominated by senior scientists.

List of Documents for Application

– Detailed curriculum vitae, including an updated publication list and a list of the researcher’s own research grants;
– Scanned copy of doctorate certificate;
– Signed nomination letters from two established senior scientists.

Past Winners


Peijian Shi
City University of Hong Kong

Award Committee

Prof. Yong Zhang Chairman
Dr. Nanomaterials Editorial Office
St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland


João Pedro Oliveira
Department of Materials Science, NOVA School of Science and dTechnology, NOVA University Lisbon, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal

Award Committee

Prof. Yong Zhang Chairman
Dr. Belén Díaz
University of Vigo
Prof. Filippo Berto
Dr. Manoj Gupta
National University of Singapore


Yonggang Yao
Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Award Committee

Prof. Hugo Lopez Chairman
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Prof. Eric D. van Hullebusch
Institut de physique du globe de Paris
Prof. Dr. Jose Manuel Torralba
Universidad Carlos III Madrid, IMDEA Materials Institute
Prof. Filippo Berto


Enrique Galindo-Nava
Cambridge University
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