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15 September 2023
Games | Highly Cited Papers in 2022
As Games (ISSN: 2073-4336) is a journal of open access format, you have free and unlimited access to the full text of all articles published in our journal. We welcome you to read our highly cited papers of 2022 shown below.
1. “The Distributed Kolkata Paise Restaurant Game”
by Kalliopi Kastampolidou, Christos Papalitsas and Theodore Andronikos
Games 2022, 13(3), 33; https://10.3390/g13030033
Available online:
2. “Misperception and Cognition in Markets”
by Benjamin Young
Games 2022, 13(6), 71; https://10.3390/g13060071
Available online:
3. “Conflicts with Momentum”
by JamesW. Boudreau, Timothy Mathews, Shane D. Sanders and Aniruddha Bagchi
Games 2022, 13(1), 12; https://10.3390/g13010012
Available online:
4. “An Experimental Study of Strategic Voting and Accuracy of Verdicts with Sequential and Simultaneous Voting”
by Lisa R. Anderson, Charles A. Holt, Katri K. Sieberg and Beth A. Freeborn
Games 2022, 13(2), 26; https://10.3390/g13020026
Available online:
5. “A Model of Trust”
by Gabriele Bellucci
Games 2022, 13(3), 39; https://10.3390/g13030039
Available online:
6. “Communication-Enhancing Vagueness”
by Daniel H. Wood
Games 2022, 13(4), 49; https://10.3390/g13040049
Available online:
7. “The Intermediate Value Theorem and Decision-Making in Psychology and Economics: An Expositional Consolidation”
by Aniruddha Ghosh, Mohammed Ali Khan and Metin Uyanik
Games 2022, 13(4), 51; https://10.3390/g13040051
Available online:
8. “A Qualitative Game of Interest Rate Adjustments with a Nuisance Agent”
by Jacek B. Krawczyk and Vladimir P. Petkov
Games 2022, 13(5), 58; https://10.3390/g13050058
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9. “Optimal Policymaking under Yardstick Vote: An Experimental Study”
by Albert Argilaga and Jijian Fan
Games 2022, 13(3), 42; https://10.3390/g13030042
Available online:
10. “How Strong Are Soccer Teams? The “Host Paradox” and Other Counterintuitive Properties of FIFA’s Former Ranking System”
by Marek M. Kaminski
Games 2022, 13(2), 22; https://10.3390/g13020022
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