Best Paper Award

Dear Colleagues,

As the Editor-in-Chief of Future Internet, I am pleased to announce the winner of the Future Internet 2019 Best Paper Award.

The award has been granted to one research article:

Paper Title: A review of Machine Learning and IoT in Smart Transportation
Fotios Zantalis, Grigorios Koulouras, Sotiris Karabetsos, and Dionisis Kandris Volume 11, Issue 4, doi: 10.3390/fi11040094

The corresponding author will receive CHF 500 and a chance to publish a paper free of charge in Future Internet in 2021. On behalf of the Assessment Committee, I would like to congratulate the winner on their accomplishment. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank all the nominated research groups of the above exceptional paper for their contributions to Future Internet and thank the Award Committee for voting for and helping with the award.

Editor-in-Chief Prof. Dr. Dino Giuli,
Future Internet

Future Internet 2019 Best Paper Award

Eligibility and Requirements

– All papers published in Future Internet will be eligible (Both regular and Special Issue submissions).
Past Winners


45 pages, 2797 KiB  
TinyML for Ultra-Low Power AI and Large Scale IoT Deployments: A Systematic Review
by Nikolaos Schizas, Aristeidis Karras, Christos Karras and Spyros Sioutas
Future Internet 2022, 14(12), 363; - 6 Dec 2022

Award Committee

Dr. Claude Chaudet Chairman
University of Geneva
Prof. Ivan Serina
Università degli Studi di Brescia
Prof. Paolo Bellavista
University of Bologna
Prof. Dr. Michael Sheng
Prof. Dr. Matjaz Perc
University of Maribor
Dr. Stelvio Cimato


20 pages, 846 KiB  
Privacy Preserving Machine Learning with Homomorphic Encryption and Federated Learning
by Haokun Fang and Quan Qian
Future Internet 2021, 13(4), 94; - 8 Apr 2021


22 pages, 557 KiB  
An Updated Survey of Efficient Hardware Architectures for Accelerating Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
by Maurizio Capra, Beatrice Bussolino, Alberto Marchisio, Muhammad Shafique, Guido Masera and Maurizio Martina
Future Internet 2020, 12(7), 113; - 7 Jul 2020

Award Committee

Dr. Symeon Papavassiliou Chairman
National Technical University of Athens


23 pages, 458 KiB  
A Review of Machine Learning and IoT in Smart Transportation
by Fotios Zantalis, Grigorios Koulouras, Sotiris Karabetsos and Dionisis Kandris
Future Internet 2019, 11(4), 94; - 10 Apr 2019

Award Committee

Prof. Dino Giuli Chairman
University of Florence


16 pages, 1005 KiB  
Blockchain and Smart Contracts for Insurance: Is the Technology Mature Enough?
by Valentina Gatteschi, Fabrizio Lamberti, Claudio Demartini, Chiara Pranteda and Víctor Santamaría
Future Internet 2018, 10(2), 20; - 20 Feb 2018
18 pages, 2697 KiB  
Review of Latest Advances in 3GPP Standardization: D2D Communication in 5G Systems and Its Energy Consumption Models
by Marko Höyhtyä, Olli Apilo and Mika Lasanen
Future Internet 2018, 10(1), 3; - 3 Jan 2018
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