
24–26 June 2022, Wiesbaden, Germany
The 6th Theranostics World Congress (TWC)

Dear colleagues, partners, friends,

The 6th Theranostics World Congress (TWC) will take place from 24 to 26 June 2022, with the opportunity to attend both physically and virtually. In 2011, Dr. Richard P. Baum and Dr. Frank Rösch founded the first Theranostics World Congress (TWC) in the field of nuclear medicine covering the topics Gallium-68 and peptide receptor radionuclide therapy—theranostics—on the way to personalized medicine. Since then, the TWC has developed as the most important forum for mutual exchange in the field of nuclear medicine. This conference will offer a 360° view of the exciting new developments in the field of theranostics and radiomolecular precision medicine (RPM).

We look forward to welcoming you in June.

Dr. Richard P. Baum, Dr. Frank Rösch, Dr. Vasko Kramer, and Dr. Horacio Amaral More

Information about the congress can be found on the following website:

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