Travel Award

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the winners of the Current Oncology 2022 Travel Award after careful evaluation by the Evaluation Committee.

Dr. Sneha Sethi, a Post-Doctoral Fellow from Adelaide Dental School, University of Adelaide

Dr. Xiyin Wang, a Ph.D. student from the Indiana University School of Medicine are the winners of the awards.

Each of the winners will receive 500 Swiss Francs to support them in attending an international conference in the field of clinical oncology practice.

With so many high-quality applicants, the evaluation process and final decision were challenging. We would like to thank all the applicants for submitting their diverse and fascinating range of research topics and encourage all to participate in the next Current Oncology Travel Awards. On behalf of the assessment committee, we would also like to congratulate the winners on their accomplishments.

Kind regards,
Current Oncology Editorial Office

Current Oncology 2022 Travel Award
Past Winners


Darren Haywood
University of Technology Sydney (UTS)
Melissa Bolier
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Award Committee

Prof. Shahid Ahmed Chairman
Saskatoon Cancer Center, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, University of Saskatchewan
Prof. Dr. Matthias May
Department of Urology. St. Elisabeth Hospital Straubing. Germany
Prof. Masayoshi Yamaguchi
University of Hawaii Cancer Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Dr. Jörg Kleeff


Antonio D'Alessio
Imperial College London
Eleonora Lai
Medical Oncology Unit, University Hospital and University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy

Award Committee

Dr. Sharlene Gill Chairman
BC Cancer
Prof. Gavin C Stuart
University Of British Columbia
Prof. Margaret I Fitch
Bloomerg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto
Dr. David Allan


Xiyin Wang
Mayo Clinic
Sneha Sethi
Postdoctoral fellow, Adelaide Dental School

Award Committee

Dr. Sharlene Gill Chairman
BC Cancer
Dr. Jörg Kleeff
Prof. Dr. Seigo Nakamura
Showa University School of Medicine
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