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1 July 2022
Current Oncology | Collaboration with the Canadian Leukemia Study Group (CLSG)
In February 2022, Current Oncology (ISSN: 1718-7729) established a new collaboration with the Canadian Leukemia Study Group. As part of this collaboration, all affiliated CLSG members will enjoy a discount on Article Processing Charges (APC) when submitting articles to Current Oncology.
CLSG is a collective of Canadians striving for cutting-edge acute leukemia care. Every Canadian with leukemia deserves access to world-class therapy, including the latest drug advancements, leading-edge research, diagnostic technologies, and trials. That is why CLSG strives to connect Canadians with every resource possible. CLSG’s goal is to improve acute leukemia care in Canada by advancing a world-class standard of care for all Canadians, and by facilitating the ability of those who treat leukemia across the country to deliver optimal quality care equitably.
Current Oncology represents a multidisciplinary medium which invites healthcare workers in the field of cancer therapy to report upon and review progress in the management of this disease. Articles published in the journal typically contain information that is relevant directly to clinical oncology practice and have clear potential for application to the current or future practice of cancer medicine. Current Oncology is covered by leading indexing services, including the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), Scopus, PubMed, MEDLINE, PMC, Embase, and many other databases.
Current Oncology looks forward to a very fruitful collaboration with CLSG.